Planning Applications Week Ending 30 April 2021 - Hull City ...

Page created by Debra Kim
Planning Applications
                                                 Week Ending 30 April 2021
Starred applications below will be determined by Planning Committee.
To view planning applications on the website please use the number prefixed with “12/”, “13/” or “14/”.
Would Councillors please notify the Development Management Section in writing by 21 May 2021 if they require any of the other applications to be
determined by Committee (and to indicate at this stage whether a site visit is required). Requests for committee decisions received after that date will
be decided by the Planning Committee Chairman, Deputy Chairman or Planning Working Group in consultation with the City Planning Manager.
Prior approval applications for telecommunications installations - Due to the national regulations concerning the
approval/refusal of these types of application the above deadlines differ from those of normal planning applications.
Councillors are therefore advised to notify the Development Management Section in writing as soon as possible if they wish
the application to be determined by the Planning Committee. Every effort will be made, where timescales allow, to comply with
these requests to ensure that the application is considered by the usual committee.
Members of the public should make comments in writing (by letter or e-mail) before 21 May 2021. Any comments will be available for the public to
Please contact the Development Management Section or the individual officer specified below to discuss any application or to find out its progress.
CONTACT DETAILS:            tel: (01482) 612345
                            address: Planning Services, Guildhall, Alfred Gelder Street, Hull, HU1 2AA.

   Ref Number       Location                 Proposal                   Ward             Committee

 Officer Contact

 21/00102/FULL      Land To Rear Of 35-36    Erection of two            Central
      Q13           Louis Street             dwellings (pair of semi-
  Laura Gibson      Kingston Upon Hull       detached - one storeys
     612903         HU3 1LZ                  and one three storeys in   (Wyke Area
                                             height) including works    Team)
                                             to sycamore tree (T1)
                                             covered by TPO no. 135

                                                               04/05/21 – Page 1 of 10
Ref Number       Location               Proposal                      Ward            Committee

Officer Contact
21/00171/FULL     228 Victoria Avenue    Installation of               Avenue
      Q21         Princes Avenue         replacement front door
 Laura Gibson     Kingston Upon Hull     and surround
    612903        HU5 3DZ                                              (Wyke Area

21/00212/FULL     203 Priory Road        Installation of dropped       Derringham
     Q21          Kingston Upon Hull     kerb for vehicular
  Ben Foster      HU5 5RY                access
    612483                                                             (West Area

21/00225/FULL     89-93 Sharp Street     Change of use from 3          Beverley And
     Q20          Kingston Upon Hull     single dwellings to 6 self    Newland
 Laura Gibson     HU5 2AE                contained flats
    612903                               Erection of two storey
                                         and single storey             (North Area
                                         extensions to rear            Team)
                                         Installation of roof lights
                                         to rear

21/00278/FULL     42 Ridgestone Avenue   Erection of a two storey      Longhill And
     Q21          Kingston Upon Hull     lounge/bedroom/bathroo        Bilton Grange
 Chris Peach      HU11 4AH               m extension to the side
    612734                               of the property (4m
                                         (max) wide x 7.6m long        (East Area
                                         x 6.9m (ridge) high)          Team)

                                                             04/05/21 – Page 2 of 10
Ref Number       Location                 Proposal                    Ward              Committee

Officer Contact
21/00375/FULL     53-55 Beverley Road      Change of use of offices    Central
      Q20         Kingston Upon Hull       to 9 flats
 Laura Gibson     HU3 1XL                  External alterations to
    612903                                 rear including              (Wyke Area
                                           installation of new and     Team)
                                           replacement windows,
                                           doors, dormer window
                                           and rooflights and
                                           construction of new
                                           hipped roof to replace
                                           existing flat roof.

21/00376/LBC      53-55 Beverley Road      Listed Building Consent     Central
     Q23          Kingston Upon Hull       for change of use of
Laura Gibson      HU3 1XL                  property to 9 flats with
   612903                                  associated internal         (Wyke Area
                                           alterations. External       Team)
                                           alterations to rear
                                           including installation of
                                           new and replacement
                                           windows, doors, dormer
                                           window and rooflights
                                           and construction of new
                                           hipped roof to replace
                                           existing flat roof.

21/00409/FULL     BonMarche                Change of use from          St Andrews And
     Q20          57 - 58 Whitefriargate   retail/shop to              Dockland
 Chris Peach      Kingston Upon Hull       cocktail/wine bar
    612734        HU1 2HU
                                                                       (Riverside Area

                                                              04/05/21 – Page 3 of 10
Ref Number       Location               Proposal                     Ward              Committee

Officer Contact
21/00442/FULL     William Hill           Change of Use from           Holderness
      Q20         204 Chamberlain Road   Betting Office to Cafe
 Laura Gibson     Kingston Upon Hull     Alterations to Elevations
    612903        HU8 8HN                by inserting new             (Park Area
                                         windows and blocking         Team)
                                         others up.

21/00502/FULL     72 Plane Street        Change of use from           Newington And
     Q18          Kingston Upon Hull     residential house to two     Gipsyville
 Laura Gibson     HU3 6BX                self contained flats and
    612903                               erection of single storey
                                         rear extension (max          (Riverside Area
                                         5.4m long x 3.8m wide x      Team)
                                         max 3m high)

21/00512/LAW      11 Albany Street       Application for              Central
     Q26          Kingston Upon Hull     Certificate of Lawful Use
  Ben Foster      HU3 1PJ                for an existing use as a
   612483                                6 bedroom house in           (Wyke Area
                                         multiple occupation (C4      Team)
                                         Class Use)

21/00513/FULL     Clipso Hair Design     1) Alterations to existing   Holderness
     Q13          74 Chamberlain Road    building to provide a
 Chris Peach      Kingston Upon Hull     mixed use 3 storey
    612734        HU8 8HP                building providing hair      (Park Area
                                         studio on ground floor       Team)
                                         with accommodation on
                                         floors 1 and 2
                                         2) Erection of detached
                                         ridged roofed 2 storey
                                         garage/office/study to
                                         (revised designs
                                         following refusal)

                                                             04/05/21 – Page 4 of 10
Ref Number       Location               Proposal                    Ward           Committee

Officer Contact
21/00545/FULL     2 Swallow Grange       Erection of single storey   Sutton
      Q21         Kingston Upon Hull     front extension
James Matchett    HU8 9UJ
    612309                                                           (East Area

21/00573/FULL     Amazing Grace Chapel   Erection of 2m high         Central
     Q18          71-73 Beverley Road    steel mesh fence and
 Laura Gibson     Kingston Upon Hull     gates to front
    612903        HU3 1XL                                            (Wyke Area

21/00575/FULL     22 Oaktree Drive       Change of use from          Sutton
     Q20          Kingston Upon Hull     amenity land to side and
 Chris Peach      HU8 9TS                rear of back garden to
    612734                               form part of enclosed       (East Area
                                         private garden, including   Team)
                                         erection of fencing.

21/00583/FULL     62 Riversdale Road     Erection of single storey   Beverley And
     Q21          Kingston Upon Hull     rear extension (max         Newland
  Ben Foster      HU6 7HA                3.73m long x 8.71m
    612483                               wide x max 3.16m high)
                                                                     (North Area

21/00587/FULL     17 Middlemarsh Close   Erection of single storey   Holderness
     Q21          Kingston Upon Hull     flat roofed rear dayroom
 Chris Peach      HU7 0EN                extension (4m long x
    612734                               7.8m wide x 3.3m (max)      (Park Area
                                         high)                       Team)
                                         Following partial
                                         demolition of existing
                                         rear extension

                                                            04/05/21 – Page 5 of 10
Ref Number       Location               Proposal                     Ward         Committee

Officer Contact
21/00588/FULL     2 Spinney Walk         1. Construction of           Boothferry
      Q21         Kingston Upon Hull     dormer extension to
 Laura Gibson     HU4 6XG                front
    612903                               2. Erection of single        (West Area
                                         storey extension to side     Team)
                                         (6.55m long x 1.5m wide
                                         x max 3.8m high)
                                         3. Erection of single and
                                         two storey extensions to
                                         rear (max 4.52m long x
                                         max 3.7m wide x max
                                         5.2m high)

21/00596/FULL     216 Bricknell Avenue   Erection of single storey    Bricknell
     Q21          Kingston Upon Hull     side extension (max
  Ben Foster      HU5 4QG                8.36m long x max 3m
    612483                               wide x max 4.01m high;       (Wyke Area
                                         height to eaves 2.93m)       Team)

 21/00600/TC      127 Newland Park       Fell 1 x Prunus tree in      Bricknell
      19          Kingston Upon Hull     rear garden
  Ben Foster      HU5 2DT                (Works to trees in a
   612483                                Conservation Area)           (Wyke Area

 21/00601/TC      162 Marlborough        Fell 1 x Ash tree in front   Avenue
      19          Avenue                 garden, Fell 2 x
  Ben Foster      Princes Avenue         Buddlieas, 1 x Elder tree
   612483         Kingston Upon Hull     and 1 x Elder tree to        (Wyke Area
                  HU5 3JX                side of dwelling             Team)
                                         (Works to trees in a
                                         Conservation Area)

                                                            04/05/21 – Page 6 of 10
Ref Number       Location               Proposal                     Ward              Committee

Officer Contact
 21/00603/S73     3 Bridge Close         Application to vary          Drypool
                  Kingston Upon Hull     approved plans
 Chris Peach      HU9 1UG                (condition 1) (for
   612734                                alternative roof design)     (Riverside Area
                                         of approval no.              Team)

21/00609/LAW      30 Suffolk Street      Use of property as a         Beverley And
     Q26          Kingston Upon Hull     Small House in Multiple      Newland
 John Wright      HU5 1PJ                Occupation (Use Class
   612340                                C4) (Application for
                                         Lawful Development           (North Area
                                         Certificate)                 Team)

21/00610/FULL     436 Hessle Road        Installation of new          St Andrews And
     Q18          Kingston Upon Hull     shopfront                    Dockland
Graham Varley     HU3 3SE                (Resubmission)
                                                                      (Riverside Area

21/00611/FULL     84 Strathmore Avenue   Proposed side and rear       Beverley And
     Q21          Kingston Upon Hull     extension                    Newland
 John Wright      HU6 7HN                Proposed dormer to hip
    612340                               roof
                                                                      (North Area

21/00614/FULL     8-18 Madeley Street    Erection of single storey    St Andrews And
     Q15          Kingston Upon Hull     rear extension to            Dockland
 John Wright      HU3 2AH                existing workshop (in
    612340                               site on Strickland Street)
                                                                      (Riverside Area

                                                               04/05/21 – Page 7 of 10
Ref Number       Location                 Proposal                    Ward             Committee

Officer Contact
21/00618/TPO      39 Philip Larkin Close   Works to trees subject      University
                  Kingston Upon Hull       to TPO 10
 John Wright      HU6 7FB
   612340                                                              (North Area

21/00621/TEL      Marfleet Lane /          Application for the prior   Marfleet
     Q29          Portobello Street        approval for the siting
 Chris Peach      Junction                 and appearance of 18m
   612734         Kingston Upon Hull       high monopole mast          (Park Area
                  HU9 3NA                  with wraparound cabinet     Team)
                                           at base and associated
                                           ancillary works.

21/00624/FULL     18 Newland Park          Demolition of garage,       Bricknell
                  Kingston Upon Hull       and erection of two
  Ben Foster      HU5 2DW                  storey side extension,
   612483                                  single storey rear          (Wyke Area
                                           extension and dormer        Team)

21/00625/RES      Aldi Foodstores Ltd      Application to vary         West Carr
     Q16          1 West Carr Lane         condition No. 5 of
 Chris Peach      Sutton Road              approval No.
   612734         Kingston Upon Hull       20/01294/S73                (Foredyke Area
                  HU7 0AF                  To extend Monday to         Team)
                                           Saturday delivery hours
                                           to allow these to take
                                           place between 0600 to
                                           2300 (additional one
                                           hour in the morning);
                                           And extend Sunday
                                           delivery hours to allow
                                           these to take place
                                           between 0800 and 2000
                                           (additional one hour in
                                           the morning and two
                                           hours in the evening).

                                                             04/05/21 – Page 8 of 10
Ref Number       Location             Proposal                    Ward              Committee

Officer Contact
21/00629/COU      OBriens Nurseries    Change of use from          University
                  Nursery Lane         horticultural nursery to
 John Wright      Kingston Upon Hull   property maintenance
   612340         HU6 8RF              storage yard, repairs       (North Area
                                       and fencing, gates and      Team)

21/00632/COU      1 Silvester Square   Change of use from          St Andrews And
     Q20          Silvester Street     vacant office building to   Dockland
 Chris Peach      Kingston Upon Hull   12 self contained single
    612734        HU1 3HA              bedroom apartments
                                       including internal          (Riverside Area
                                       remodelling                 Team)

21/00633/LBC      1 Silvester Square   Listed Building Consent     St Andrews And
     Q23          Silvester Street     for internal alterations    Dockland
 Chris Peach      Kingston Upon Hull   connected to proposed
   612734         HU1 3HA              change of use from
                                       vacant office building to   (Riverside Area
                                       12 self contained           Team)
                                       apartments involving
                                       removal/installation of
                                       internal doors and walls

                                                          04/05/21 – Page 9 of 10
                                                            Business and Planning Act 2020
                                                       STREET TRADING CONSENT APPLICATIONS
                                    Paragraph 2(1) Schedule 4, Local Government (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 1982

                                              COMMENTS TO within 7 days

Ref Number         Type                     Ward           Location               Applicant              Days and Times

Macauley Roberts   Street Trading           Marfleet      Somerden Road          Anne Richardson
                                                                                             Selling Cold food/hot food
615322                                                                           T/A Brunch Box
                                                                                             Mon to Fri
                                                                                             7am – 2pm

Jon Hayton         Pavement Café           St Andrews      53 Whitefriargate      Mr Lee Gleeson         Mon – Sat 9 am -6pm
612341             Licence                 & Docklands                            T/A LW Plants          Sun 10am – 4pm
                                                                                                         6 tables/18 chairs


Jon Hayton         Pavement Café           St Andrews     4-5 Humber Dock Street Junico Ltd              Mon – Sun 10.00 - 22.30
612341                   Licence           & Docklands                          T/A The Brazilian        14 tables/ 28 tables


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