March/April 2021 - Hardin County

Page created by Helen Ramirez
March/April 2021 - Hardin County

                                              Coopera ve Extension Service
                                              Hardin County
                                              111 Opportunity Way
                                              Elizabethtown, KY 42701
                                              (270) 765‐4121
                                              Fax: (270) 769‐0426

           March/April 2021

Dear 4‐H Families,
       If you par cipated in 4‐H during the
2019‐20 program year, we would like to
celebrate you and invite you to our Drive‐
In Awards Night on Friday, March 26 at
7:00 p.m. at the Hardin County Extension
Office! This will be an outdoor drive‐in
event and registra on for all those who
plan to a end will need to sign up by
March 19th by calling the Extension
Office. The 4‐H Council will provide pizza
and bo led water to each family who
registers! In order to be recognized, a
completed awards record sheet will need
to be turned in by Feb 26. Please contact
your club leader or the Extension Office
for more info!
March/April 2021 - Hardin County

      Did you know that the #1 fear of most adults is public speaking? If only they had
par cipated in their 4‐H Speech and Demonstra on Contest! Now is the me to begin
working on a speech or demonstra on to present
      To receive a copy of the complete Rules and Regula ons, visit the Hardin County
Extension Office website at h ps://‐h‐events‐and‐ac vi es or
email Marla at marla.s .
March/April 2021 - Hardin County

Contact Marla S llwell at (270) 765‐4121
or email Marla.S llwell by
March 3rd to register.
March/April 2021 - Hardin County

                                              2021 4‐H TEEN CONFERENCE
                                                     (INVITATION ONLY):
                                                    June 7‐10, 2021
The 2021 campaign will begin in March and
we ask that you help to spread the word and   4‐H CLOVERBUD FAMILY CAMP
encourage Hardin County farm license plate               (AGES 5‐8):
holders to commit the $10 voluntary                June 18‐20, 2021
dona on. All proceeds are equally divided
among 4‐H, FFA and KY Proud.                     HARDIN COUNTY FAIR
                                                   July 5‐10, 2021

                                               2021 4‐H SUMMER CAMP:
                                                   July 26‐30, 2021
March/April 2021 - Hardin County

                         (*will know if received a er interviews March)

       We are so proud of these youth and are wishing Makayla, Mallory and Patricia the best of
luck as they interview for Gold on March 6th! The 4‐H Achievement Awards Program is intended to
recognize 4‐H par cipants who have outstanding accomplishments and to provide an incen ve for
youth to increase their knowledge, skills and abili es. Please talk to your club leader, Marla or
Stephanie about how you can apply for your 4‐H Achievement Award next year.
       Jenna Pike – Clover Level 1                John Paul Varble – Bronze
       Hannah Mooney – Clover Level 2             Kayleigh Thomas – Silver
       AdyMae Williams – Clover Level 2           Savannah Roby – Silver
       Brianna Crouch – Clover Level 2            Anna Turlington – Silver
       Clayton Thomas – Clover Level 2            Makayla Post – Gold*
       Abigail Wilson – Bronze                    Mallory Garcia – Gold*
       Bethany Pike – Bronze                      Patricia Keys – Gold*
       Natalie Reed – Bronze

                   State Teen Leadership Boards
Did you know that Kentucky 4‐H offers several opportuni es for teens to serve on a variety of state
level leadership boards? Leadership board applica ons are now being accepted for the 2021‐2020
program year for the following:
   Science, Engineering and Technology Board
   Shoo ng Sports Ambassador Board                             Applica ons available from
   Fashion Leadership Board                                    Marla due back by April 1st
   Performing Arts Troupe                                      Call 270‐765‐4121 for more
   Natural Resources Academy
   Healthy Living Leadership Board

              Senior Scholarship Opportunities
       Did you know that if you are a 4‐H member in good standing, the Hardin County 4‐H Council
and the Kentucky 4‐H Founda on offer scholarships for gradua ng seniors? Please check out the
applica ons and deadlines at the links below:
                         Hardin County 4‐H Council Scholarship:
          h ps://‐h_council_scholarship_applica ontypeable.pdf

                         Kentucky 4‐H Founda on Scholarships:
                    h ps://kentucky4hfounda
March/April 2021 - Hardin County

                                 4‐H ADVISORY COUNCIL
       The next 4‐H Advisory Council mee ng will be held Tuesday, March 2. We invite all
leaders, volunteers and parents who want to be more involved on the council.. At this mee ng,
our Banquet Commi ee will be dividing up responsibili es for our Drive‐In Awards Night. *This
mee ng will be held virtually via Zoom so it is important that you let Marla know if you are
interested so the Zoom link can be sent prior.

       Even though 2021 has already begun, we are s ll experiencing restric ons and limita ons
due to COVID‐19. Our 4‐H clubs have suffered the most with the restric ons of not being able
to meet in person like we always have. The clubs listed below are s ll offering some type of
par cipa on, see below for specific details.
       Also, please keep in mind that these plans are subject to change at any me based on the
data we receive from our local health officials as well as the direc on we are given by the
University of KY. Many of these ac vi es will be moved to a virtual format but some cannot be
held virtually. At any point, please contact the Extension Office for more informa on or
clarifica on.

Feathers and Fluff Poultry & Rabbit Club                    Target Masters
Livestock Club                                             Teen Club
Paws Dog Club                                              Trailblazers Horse Club

                                  LIVESTOCK CLUB
        The 4‐H Livestock Club inves gates animal health and nutri on, natural livestock care,
 prac ces livestock judging and evalua on and par cipates in numerous showing ac vi es per
 year. The 4‐H Livestock Club introduces youth to the full scope of livestock educa onal
 opportuni es, providing them ways to expand their current skills through livestock related
 learning, technology, leadership, community service, mentoring and compe on.
        Livestock club meets on the 2nd Tuesday of each month at 6:30 p.m. Since this mee ng
 may be held virtually, please contact the Extension Office for more informa on.
March/April 2021 - Hardin County
PAWS DOG CLUB                                                 7

       The Hardin Co 4‐H Dog Club is a great way to introduce youth to the full scope of dog care of
training. In addi on to monthly club mee ngs, youth meet weekly trainings with their dog. Club
mee ngs are 2nd Tuesdays at 6:30 p.m. while trainings are on Wednesdays. Since this mee ng
may be held virtually please contact the Extension Office (270) 765‐4121 for more informa on.

                             TRAILBLAZERS HORSE CLUB
        The 4‐H Trailblazers Horse Club provides youth interested in equine with opportuni es to
 expand their current knowledge and skill set through learning, teaching, leadership, community
 service, mentoring and compe on as well as the fun and rewards of horse projects.
        Club meets on the 2nd Monday of each month at 6:30 p.m. Since this mee ng may be
 held virtually, please contact the Extension Office for more informa on.

       Once again, 2020 made it nearly impossible for our Shoo ng Sports Club to meet but we are back
with a plan and we invite you to join us in 2021!
 Save the Date! Club mee ngs will be held on 2nd Thursdays. The first club mee ng of the year
   will be held Thursday, April 8 at 6:00 p.m. Since this mee ng may be held virtually please contact the
   Extension Office (270) 765‐4121 for more informa on
 NEW this year – members must complete 6 hours of educa on in order to par cipate.
       For more informa on, contact club coordinator – Leann Davidson,

                                          TEEN CLUB
       4‐H Teen Club provides youth in grades 8‐12 with opportuni es to expand their leadership
and communica on skills, to grow and become be er ci zens within their community by planning
and implemen ng service projects. Currently, our Teen Club is mee ng virtually on the 1st Monday
of each month at 6:00 p.m. Please contact the Extension Office for more informa on.
March/April 2021 - Hardin County
FEATHERS AND FLUFF CLUB                                                                    8

                               CLUBS ON HOLD AT THIS TIME
       The following 4‐H programs are s ll on hold due to the strict COVID‐19 guidelines we are under
           currently. Please know thatwe are trying our best to figure out ways to s ll offer these pro‐
                      grams and will announce as soon as we are able!



   Marla S llwell,
   County Extension Agent
   for 4‐H Youth Development

         The Coopera ve Extension Service prohibits discrimina on in its programs and employment on the basis of race,
color, age, sex, religion, disability, or na onal origin.
         To file a complaint of discrimina on, contact Tim West, UK College of Agriculture, 859‐257‐3879; Dr. Sonja Feist‐Price
or Terry Allen, UK Office of Ins tu onal Equity and Equal Opportunity, 859‐257‐8927; or the USDA, Director Office of Civil
Rights, Room 326‐W Whi en Bldg., 14th & Independence Ave. SW, Washington, DC 20250‐9410 (866) 632‐9992.
March/April 2021 - Hardin County
March/April 2021 - Hardin County
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