Planning Applications within Edinburgh - Edinburgh Council

Page created by Edgar Barker
Planning Applications within Edinburgh
Date: 22 February 2021
The Weekly Planning Bulletin is organised by ward. Under each ward you will find the following

    •    Section 1– Recently registered planning applications;
    •    Section 2 – Proposal of Application Notices received;
    •    Section 3 – Proposals for tree work in conservation areas;
    •    Section 4 – Proposals for tree works where there is a Tree Preservation Order;
    •    Section 5 – Prior Notification of Telecommunications.
    •    Section 6 – Certificate of Lawfulness Existing.
    •    Section 7 – Certificate of Lawfulness Proposed.

If there are no applications or notices in a ward, the space underneath will be blank.

Section 8 at the end of the document contains consultations from other planning authorities.

Planning decisions are on a separate document.

Wards – click on the links below

Ward B01 - Almond
Ward B02 – Pentland Hills
Ward B03 – Drum Brae/Gyle
Ward B04 – Forth
Ward B05 – Inverleith
Ward B06 – Corstorphine/Murrayfield
Ward B07 – Sighthill/Gorgie
Ward B08 – Colinton/Fairmilehead
Ward B09 – Fountainbridge/Craiglockhart
Ward B10 – Morningside
Ward B11 – City Centre
Ward B12 – Leith Walk
Ward B13 – Leith
Ward B14 – Craigentinny/Duddingston
Ward B15 – Southside/Newington
Ward B16 – Liberton/Gilmerton
Ward B17 – Portobello/Craigmillar

Due to the current lockdown restrictions in Scotland which became
effective on Tuesday, 5th January 2021, the physical posting of site
notices will cease from immediate effect however this will remain
under review and will recommence once the current restrictions have
been lifted.
The Council, as planning authority, hereby gives notice under paragraph 9(2) of Schedule 6, Part 3 of
the Coronavirus (Scotland) Act 2020 that it has decided not to physically publish weekly lists of planning
and related applications and make these available for inspection at our principal office and public
libraries on the basis that doing so

(a)may give rise to a significant risk of the transmission of coronavirus, or

(b)is likely to be ineffective or inappropriate due to action taken in order to control the incidence or
transmission of coronavirus.

In accordance with paragraph 9 (3) of Schedule 6, Part 3 to the Coronavirus (Scotland) Act 2020, copies
of the aforementioned documents can be viewed on the Council’s Planning and Building Standards On-
line Services using the link below

Please note that this notice does not affect resumption of neighbour notification and publication of
notices in the Edinburgh Gazette and Edinburgh Evening News during the current COVID-19 pandemic.

Where can I see the documents?

You can view the plans, forms and other documents at Planning and Building Standards Online
During this time we are unable to provide a duty planner service.

What Can I Comment on?

Under statutory legislation, you should only make comments to the City of Edinburgh Council on those
applications appearing in Section 1 – recently registered planning applications.
Planning is about the development and use of land and buildings so any comments made on
applications should be relevant to this. These are called ‘material considerations’. If you submit
comments which are non material they will not be taken into account. This can be difficult to understand
so we have given you some examples below. It should be noted that the legislation governing the
control of advertisements does not include any provision for a period for representations to be submitted.
Therefore, the Planning service may determine an application for advertisement consent prior to the
date set out in this list


       Material                                                         Non-Material
      Contrary to Local Plan/Structure Plan                           Devaluation of property
      Appearance (design, materials, scale, etc.)                     Loss of private view
      Residential amenity e.g. noise, overshadowing                   Business issues relating to the applicant
      Traffic, parking or access problems                             Possible fire hazard

Comments on Section 2 proposals should be made directly to the applicant and comments on section 6
applications should be made direct to that planning authority. There is no provision for the public to
make comments on tree work and prior notifications and these details are for information only. This also
applies to certificates of lawfulness where decisions are taken on the facts of the case in relation to
planning law and public comments cannot be taken into account.

How Can I Comment?

We would appreciate it if your comments could be made online at Planning and Building Standards
Online Services. This means we can contact you quickly by email with any amendments and the final

At this time no comments can be received by paper due to no staff being available within the office.

Your comments must be received within 21 days of the date of registration, neighbour notification or
advertisement in the press, whichever is later. These periods are extended for public holidays. The

Comments Due by Date appears in the bulletin although we cannot always guarantee it will include
additional days for public holidays. Please contact the case officer if you need advice on this.

Anonymous comments will not be taken into account and we need your name and address as your
representation will become part of the application record, which is a public document. The comments
you make may be made publicly available to view on the Council website. Any comments that are
racist will not be accepted and may be sent to the police for further investigation. Further advice on
commenting on planning applications can be found on the Council website.

What Happens to my Comments?

You will receive an acknowledgement of your representation. You will also be informed of the decision.

Most applications are processed by delegated decision whereby planning officers decide applications
under a publicly accountable process. If, however, there are more than six representations and these
take an opposing view from the recommendation, then the application will be decided by your elected
councillors on the Development Management Sub-Committee.

Any Questions?

Contact the Planning Help Desk at

Ward No. B01 – Almond
1. Planning Applications

                  Residential                Scott Hobbs Planning    Cruden Homes          Local       Registered    Sonia Macdonald
                  development                Ltd.                    (East) Ltd.,          Delegated   on:           sonia.macdonald
                  comprising 16x flats       FAO Paul Scott          Cruden House          Decision    12/02/2021
                  with associated car and    24A Stafford Street     South Gyle                                      k
                  cycle parking,             Edinburgh               Business Park                     Comments
                  infrastructure and         EH3 7BD                 36 South Gyle                     Due by        Community
                  landscaping.                                       Crescent                          09.03.2021    Council:
                  at                                                 Edinburgh                                       Queensferry &
                  Former Agilent                                     EH12 9EB                                        District
                  Scotstoun Avenue                                                                                   Housing - Local
                  South Queensferry


                  Single storey rear         Alisdair Wight.         Mr Wilson,            Delegated   Registered    Luke Vogan
                  extension and a single     22 Stoneyflatts         4 Stoneyflatts Park   Decision    on:           luke.vogan@edinb
                  storey side extension.     Crescent                South Queensferry                 12/02/2021
                  at                         South Queensferry       EH30 9YL
                  4 Stoneyflatts Park        EH30 9XX                                                  Comments      Community
                  South Queensferry                                                                    Due by        Council:
                  EH30 9YL                                                                             09.03.2021    Queensferry &

                  Erection of 2.4m high      JC&P Property &         Kent Foods Ltd.,      Delegated   Registered    Murray Couston
                  V-mesh security            Construction            FAO: Ian Manson       Decision    on:           murray.couston@
                  fencing and gates to       Consultants.            Albex House                       09/02/2021
                  enclose and secure         FAO: Gordon Ross        Westpoint Business
                  site of industrial unit.   216 St. Vincent         Park                              Comments      Community
                  at                         Street                  1 Marchfield Drive                Due by        Council: Ratho
                  4 Huly Hill Road           Glasgow                 Paisley                           09.03.2021
                  Newbridge                  G2 5SG                  PA3 2RB                                         Other
                  EH28 8PH                                                                                           Developments -

 Queensferry      Proposed replacement       Joanna Laidlaw.         Mr Thomas,            Delegated   Registered    Luke Vogan
 Conservation     windows.                   Flat 5 3 New Mart       6 Station Road        Decision    on:           luke.vogan@edinb
 Area             at                         Place                   South Queensferry                 11/02/2021
                  6 Station Road             Edinburgh               EH30 9HY
                  South Queensferry          EH14 1RW                                                  Site Notice   Community
                  EH30 9HY                                                                             posted on:    Council:
                                                                                                       26/02/2021    Queensferry &
                  21/00670/FUL                                                                                       District
                                                                                                       on:           Householder
                                                                                                       26/02/2021    Developments

                                                                                                       Due by

                  Two storey extension       Chris McWilliams.       Mr Neil Anderson.,    Delegated   Registered    Conor MacGreevy
                  to semi-detached           14 Millcraig Road       14 Kirklands Park     Decision    on:           conor.macgreevy
                  dwelling.                  Winchburgh              Grove                             16/02/2021
                  at                         EH52 6WF                Kirkliston                                      k
                  14 Kirklands Park                                  EH29 9EU                          Comments
                  Grove                                                                                Due by        Community
                  Kirkliston                                                                           15.03.2021    Council: Kirkliston
                  EH29 9EU
                  21/00762/FUL                                                                                       Developments

2. Proposal of Application Notice

3. Trees in Conservation Area

 Cramond          1 small Maple tree and     Fergus Morrison        Mrs Jo Reid.,          Delegated   Registered   Ellen McCalman
 Conservation     1 small willow tree.       (Tree Surgeon).        3 Templar's            Decision    on:          ellen.mccalman@
 Area             Removing the Maple         Fao. Fergus            Cramond                            17/02/2021
                  and Willow tree and        Morrison.              Edinburgh
                  severing ivy at the        4 Barton Park          EH4 6BY                                         Community
                  base of Sycamore           Avenue                                                                 Council: Cramond
                  trees.                     Edinburgh
                  at                         EH4 6ES                                                                TCO and TPO
                  3 Templar's Cramond        fergusmorrison_trees                                                   submissions
                  EH4 6BY


4. Tree Preservation Orders

5. Prior Notification - Telecommunications

6. Certificate of Lawfulness Existing

                  Alter the front window                            Mr Alan Duff.,         Delegated   Registered   Anna Grant
                  to form French doors to                           38 Moubray Grove       Decision    on:          anna.grant@edinb
                  the garden.                                       South Queensferry                  11/02/2021
                  at                                                EH30 9PB
                  38 Moubray Grove                                                                                  Community
                  South Queensferry                                                                                 Council:
                  EH30 9PB                                                                                          Queensferry &
                                                                                                                    CLE and CLP

7. Certificate of Lawfulness Proposed

                  Erection of photovoltaic   Walsingham             Barchester             Delegated   Registered   Murray Couston
                  panels onto the main       Planning.              Healthcare Limited.,   Decision    on:          murray.couston@
                  roof of the care home.     FAO: Bruce Risk        Brandon House                      16/02/2021
                  at                         Brandon House          King Street
                  Queens Manor Care          King Street            Knutsford                                       Community
                  Home                       Knutsford              WA16 6DX                                        Council: Drumbrae
                  565 Queensferry Road       WA16 6DX
                  Edinburgh                  bruce.risk@walsingpl                                                   CLE and CLP
                  EH4 8DU                                                                         submissions


                  Conversion of garage       M Hislop               Ms Burrell,            Delegated   Registered   Anna Grant
                  (attached to dwelling      Architectural          32 Strathalmond        Decision    on:          anna.grant@edinb
                  house) to form             Services Limited.      Park                               15/02/2021
                  dressing room.             FAO: Marc Hislop       Edinburgh
                  at                         6 Fauldhouse Road      EH4 8AH                                         Community
                  32 Strathalmond Park       Longridge                                                              Council: Cramond
                  Edinburgh                  Bathgate
                  EH4 8AH                    EH47 8AQ                                                               CLE and CLP

Ward No. B02 – Pentland Hills
1. Planning Applications

                  Replacement dwelling       Geddes Consulting.    Robert Robertson &   Local       Registered   Robert McIntosh
                  house.                     FAO Calum Glen        Son.,                Delegated   on:          robert.mcintosh@
                  at                         The Quadrant          FAO Alistair         Decision    22/02/2021
                  4 Clifton Road             17 Bernard Street     Robertson
                  Newbridge                  Edinburgh             West Edge Farm                   Comments     Community
                  EH28 8LQ                   EH6 6PW               328 Lasswade Road                Due by       Council: Ratho
                                                                   Edinburgh                        15.03.2021
                  21/00674/FUL                                     EH17 8SD                                      Housing - Local

2. Proposal of Application Notice

3. Trees in Conservation Area

4. Tree Preservation Orders

5. Prior Notification - Telecommunications

6. Certificate of Lawfulness Existing

7. Certificate of Lawfulness Proposed
Ward No.B03 – Drum Brae/Gyle
1. Planning Applications

                  Erect new conservatory     Bryant & Cairns.      Mr & Mrs Leask,      Delegated   Registered   Conor MacGreevy
                  to rear of existing        Fao. Thomas           11 Clermiston        Decision    on:          conor.macgreevy
                  dwelling.                  Osborne.              Crescent                         16/02/2021
                  at                         2/3 Borthwick View    Edinburgh                                     k
                  11 Clermiston Crescent     Pentland Industrial   EH4 7DY                          Comments
                  Edinburgh                  Estate                                                 Due by       Community
                  EH4 7DY                    Loanhead                                               15.03.2021   Council: Drumbrae
                                             EH20 9QH
                  21/00764/FUL                                                                                   Householder

2. Proposal of Application Notice

3. Trees in Conservation Area

4. Tree Preservation Orders

5. Prior Notification - Telecommunications

6. Certificate of Lawfulness Existing

7. Certificate of Lawfulness Proposed
Ward No.B04 – Forth
1. Planning Applications

                  Proposed extension to      2H Architects Ltd.    Mr Michelbacher,     Delegated   Registered   Luke Vogan
                  rear of property with      FAO: Ian Harris       9 Boswall Grove      Decision    on:          luke.vogan@edinb
                  installation of velux      25 Dudley Crescent    Edinburgh                        09/02/2021
                  rooflights and velux       Edinburgh             EH5 2EJ
                  sun tunnel.                EH64QJ                                                 Comments     Community
                  at                                                                                Due by       Council: Granton +
                  9 Boswall Grove                                                                   09.03.2021   District
                  EH5 2EJ                                                                                        Householder

Listed           Public realm works and      ADP Architecture Ltd.   City Of Edinburgh       Delegated    Registered      Daniel Lodge
 Category: B      resurfacing of              FAO: Siobhan Davitt     Council.,               Decision     on:             daniel.lodge@edin
                  pavement adjoining          101 George Street       FAO: Kyle                            17/02/2021
                  Waterfront Avenue.          Edinburgh               Drummond
                  at                          EH2 3ES                 4 East Market Street                 Comments        Community
                  10 Waterfront                                       Edinburgh                            Due by          Council: Granton +
                  Broadway                                            EH8 8BG                              15.03.2021      District
                  EH5 1SA                                                                                                  Other
                                                                                                                           Developments -
                  21/00713/FUL                                                                                             Local

2. Proposal of Application Notice

 Listed           Residential                 Anderson Bell &         CCG Scotland Ltd.,      Additional   Registered      Jamie Carver
 Category: B      development of              Christie Architects.    FAO: Suzanne            Consultati   on:             jamie.carver@edin
                  (approximately) 79          FAO: Emma               Lawns                   on           16/02/2021
                  units. The development      Connolly                Cambuslang              Required
                  will also include limited   382 Great Western       Investment Park                      Earliest date   Community
                  parking spaces, access      Road                    Clydesmill Industrial                for planning    Council: West
                  road and pavements,         Glasgow                 Estate                  Being        application     Pilton/West
                  internal courtyard, an      G4 9HT                  1 Cambuslang            assessed.    11.05.2021      Granton
                  air source heat pump        emmaconnolly@and        Road,
                  station and drainage   Glasgow                                              PAN submissions
                  infrastructure.                                     G32 8NB
                  Land At Waterfront
                  EH5 1SG


3. Trees in Conservation Area

 Victoria Park    Rowan tree in front                                 Ms Rachel Latimer.,     Delegated    Registered      Ellen McCalman
 Conservation     garden which is                                     13 Dudley Avenue        Decision     on:             ellen.mccalman@
 Area             touching boundary wall                              Edinburgh                            15/02/2021
                  - remove Rowan tree                                 EH6 4PL
                  and replace with                                                                                         Community
                  smaller tree.                                                                                            Council: Trinity
                  13 Dudley Avenue                                                                                         TCO and TPO
                  Edinburgh                                                                                                submissions
                  EH6 4PL


4. Tree Preservation Orders

                  Silver Birch - 30%          Steven Purdie.          Ms Perry,               Delegated    Registered      Steven Milne
                  height reduction.           Flat 2 3 Pinegrove      1 Wardie Dell           Decision     on:             steven.milne@edi
                  at                          Gardens                 Edinburgh                            18/02/2021
                  1 Wardie Dell               Edinburgh               EH5 1AE
                  Edinburgh                   EH4 8DA                                                                      Community
                  EH5 1AE                     specialbranchscotlan                                                         Council: Granton +
                                                                                                                           TCO and TPO

5. Prior Notification - Telecommunications

6. Certificate of Lawfulness Existing

7. Certificate of Lawfulness Proposed

Ward No. B05 – Inverleith
1. Planning Applications

 Listed          Internal alterations to   Bergmark Architects.    Mr & Mrs Edwards,    Delegated   Registered    Stuart Talbot
 Category: B     existing upper colony     FAO: Jens Bergmark      3 Glenogle Terrace   Decision    on:           stuart.talbot@edin
                 house, forming open       3 Walker Street         Edinburgh                        09/02/2021
 Stockbridge     plan kitchen and living   Edinburgh               EH3 5HS
 Conservation    area on top (second)      EH3 7JY                                                  Site Notice   Community
 Area            floor, bedrooms and                                                                posted on:    Council:
                 bathroom on the lower                                                              19/02/2021    Stockbridge/Inverl
                 (first) floor.                                                                                   eith
                 at                                                                                 Advertised
                 3 Glenogle Terrace                                                                 on:           Listed building and
                 Edinburgh                                                                          19/02/2021    Con Area
                 EH3 5HS                                                                                          Consents
                 21/00637/LBC                                                                       Due by

 Listed          Erection of canopy to     Streetspace Ltd.        The Edinburgh        Local       Registered    Lewis McWilliam
 Category: B     create outdoor fitness    FAO Samuel              Academy.,            Delegated   on:           lewis.mcwilliam@e
                 space                     Coughlan                FAO Mr Gary White    Decision    12/02/2021
 New Town        at                        Streetspace             42 Henderson Row
 Conservation    42 Henderson Row          Unit P                  Edinburgh                        Site Notice   Community
 Area            Edinburgh                 Lympne Industrial       EH3 5BL                          posted on:    Council: New
                 EH3 5BL                   Estate                                                   26/02/2021    Town/Broughton
                 21/00697/FUL              CT21 4LR                                                 Advertised    Other
                                                                                                    on:           Developments -
                                                                                                    26/02/2021    Local

                                                                                                    Due by

 Listed          Erection of canopy to     Streetspace Ltd.        The Edinburgh        Delegated   Registered    Lewis McWilliam
 Category: B     create outdoor fitness    FAO Samuel              Academy.,            Decision    on:           lewis.mcwilliam@e
                 space                     Coughlan                FAO Mr Gary White                12/02/2021
 New Town        at                        Streetspace             The Edinburgh
 Conservation    42 Henderson Row          Unit P                  Academy                          Site Notice   Community
 Area            Edinburgh                 Lympne Industrial       42 Henderson Road                posted on:    Council: New
                 EH3 5BL                   Estate                  Edinburgh                        26/02/2021    Town/Broughton
                                           Hythe                   EH3 5BL
                 21/00698/LBC              CT21 4LR                                                 Advertised    Listed building and
                                                                                                    on:           Con Area
                                                                                                    26/02/2021    Consents

                                                                                                    Due by

World           Refurbishment of           Camerons Strachan       Mrs Ann Wood.,     Delegated   Registered    Stephen Dickson
Heritage Site   existing sash and case     Yuill Architects.       1F                 Decision    on:           stephen.dickson@
                windows.                   1 Wilderhaugh           5 Buckingham                   12/02/2021
Listed          at                         Galashiels              Terrace
Category: B     1F                         TD1 1QJ                 Edinburgh                      Site Notice   Community
                5 Buckingham Terrace                               EH4 3AB                        posted on:    Council: West End
New Town        Edinburgh                                                                         19/02/2021
Conservation    EH4 3AB                                                                                         Listed building and
Area                                                                                              Advertised    Con Area
                21/00699/LBC                                                                      on:           Consents

                                                                                                  Due by

                Internal alterations to    Hoko Design.            Mr Green,          Delegated   Registered    Luke Vogan
                existing flat. Re-         FAO: Danny              1F2 24 Learmonth   Decision    on:           luke.vogan@edinb
                submission of previous     Campbell                Gardens                        15/02/2021
                planning application       Tayhouse                Edinburgh
                20/03218/FUL.              300 Bath Street         EH4 1HA                        Comments      Community
                at                         Glasgow                                                Due by        Council:
                1F2 24 Learmonth           G2 4JR                                                 09.03.2021    Stockbridge/Inverl
                Gardens                                                                                         eith
                EH4 1HA                                                                                         Householder

                Proposed rear raised       Pineload Designs.       Mr T Buick.,       Delegated   Registered    Conor MacGreevy
                timber decking, rear       77 Jamieson             14 Hillpark Way    Decision    on:           conor.macgreevy
                window converted to        Gardens                 Edinburgh                      15/02/2021
                french doors and           Tillicoultry            EH4 7BJ                                      k
                internal alterations.      FK13 6EP                                               Comments
                at                                                                                Due by        Community
                14 Hillpark Way                                                                   10.03.2021    Council:
                Edinburgh                                                                                       Craigleith/Blackhal
                EH4 7BJ                                                                                         l

                21/00726/FUL                                                                                    Householder

Listed          Replace existing           David Blaikie           Mrs Ramsay,        Delegated   Registered    Daniel Lodge
Category: A     unsafe external stair to   Architect.              19 Dean Terrace    Decision    on:           daniel.lodge@edin
                rear garden with new       10 Deanhaugh Street     Edinburgh                      15/02/2021
New Town        cast iron staircase.       Edinburgh               EH4 1NL
Conservation    Remove existing timber     EH4 1LY                                                Site Notice   Community
Area            newel post and replace                                                            posted on:    Council:
                with cast iron newel                                                              26/02/2021    Stockbridge/Inverl
                post on new bull nose                                                                           eith
                stone step. Replace                                                               Advertised
                existing vestibule                                                                on:           Listed building and
                doors.                                                                            26/02/2021    Con Area
                at                                                                                              Consents
                19 Dean Terrace                                                                   Comments
                Edinburgh                                                                         Due by
                EH4 1NL                                                                           19.03.2021


Extension to house         ZONE Architects.     Mr & Mrs Godden,     Delegated   Registered   Conor MacGreevy
                  including removal of       FAO: David           Boraston House       Decision    on:          conor.macgreevy
                  existing conservatory,     Jamieson             22 Ravelston Dykes               16/02/2021
                  conversion of garages      211 Granton Road     Road                                          k
                  and removal of             Edinburgh            Edinburgh                        Comments
                  mansard roof.              EH5 1HD              EH4 3PB                          Due by       Community
                  at                                                                               15.03.2021   Council:
                  22 Ravelston Dykes                                                                            Craigleith/Blackhal
                  Road                                                                                          l
                  EH4 3PB                                                                                       Householder

                  Demolition of existing                          Mr & Mrs Calum &     Delegated   Registered   Tom Hutchinson
                  kitchen. Propose new                            Deborah Bruce.,      Decision    on:          tom.hutchinson1@
                  enlarged kitchen and                            2 Muirdale Terrace               17/02/2021
                  dining extension.                               Edinburgh
                  at                                              EH4 3QW                          Comments     Community
                  2 Muirdale Terrace                                                               Due by       Council:
                  Edinburgh                                                                        15.03.2021   Craigleith/Blackhal
                  EH4 3QW                                                                                       l

                  21/00784/FUL                                                                                  Householder

2. Proposal of Application Notice

3. Trees in Conservation Area

4. Tree Preservation Orders

5. Prior Notification - Telecommunications

6. Certificate of Lawfulness Existing

7. Certificate of Lawfulness Proposed
Ward No. B06 – Corstorphine/Murrayfield
1. Planning Applications

                  Construct new single       Stuart Robinson.     Mr Young,            Delegated   Registered   Luke Vogan
                  storey extension to the    15 Greenbank Drive   37 South Gyle Road   Decision    on:          luke.vogan@edinb
                  rear of the property.      Edinburgh            Edinburgh                        10/02/2021
                  Finish to match existing   EH10 5RE             EH12 7RH
                  property. Extension to                                                           Comments     Community
                  have mono pitch roof                                                             Due by       Council:
                  with tiles to match                                                              09.03.2021   Corstorphine
                  at                                                                                            Householder
                  37 South Gyle Road                                                                            Developments
                  EH12 7RH


Corstorphine   Single storey extension     Greenfields Design       Mr Jackson,          Delegated   Registered    Luke Vogan
Conservation   and internal alterations.   Ltd.                     7 Dovecot Road       Decision    on:           luke.vogan@edinb
Area           at                          FAO: John Blair          Edinburgh                        10/02/2021
               7 Dovecot Road              2B Bank Street           EH12 7LF
               Edinburgh                   Alloa                                                     Site Notice   Community
               EH12 7LF                    FK10 1HP                                                  posted on:    Council:
                                                                                                     26/02/2021    Corstorphine
                                                                                                     Advertised    Householder
                                                                                                     on:           Developments

                                                                                                     Due by

               Proposed side dormer        Lorna Morgan             Ms Philpsz,          Delegated   Registered    Conor MacGreevy
               to form shower room.        Architect.               3 Blinkbonny Grove   Decision    on:           conor.macgreevy
               at                          4 Bellevue Street        Edinburgh                        11/02/2021
               3 Blinkbonny Grove          Edinburgh                EH4 3HH                                        k
               Edinburgh                   EH7 4BY                                                   Comments
               EH4 3HH                                                                               Due by        Community
                                                                                                     09.03.2021    Council:
               21/00671/FUL                                                                                        Craigleith/Blackhal


               Form second dormer          Planning Design &        Mr Greig,            Delegated   Registered    Luke Vogan
               adjacent to existing        Graphics Ltd.            286 Carrick Knowe    Decision    on:           luke.vogan@edinb
               dormer within length of     FAO: Paul Graham         Avenue                           11/02/2021
               roof to rear of property.   4 Longstone View         Edinburgh
               at                          Edinburgh                EH12 7DH                         Comments      Community
               286 Carrick Knowe           EH14 2AN                                                  Due by        Council:
               Avenue                                                                                09.03.2021    Corstorphine
               EH12 7DH                                                                                            Householder

               Amend existing              David Sinclair.          Ms Redmond,          Delegated   Registered    Luke Vogan
               planning consent to         40 Corstorphine Hill     13 Corstorphine      Decision    on:           luke.vogan@edinb
               extend proposed en-         Gardens                  Bank Avenue                      15/02/2021
               suite Ref:                  Edinburgh                Edinburgh
               19/00439/FUL.               EH12 6LA                 EH12 8SB                         Comments      Community
               at                                                                                    Due by        Council:
               13 Corstorphine Bank                                                                  11.03.2021    Corstorphine
               Edinburgh                                                                                           Householder
               EH12 8SB                                                                                            Developments


Build single storey                               Mr Henry,           Delegated   Registered   Tom Hutchinson
                  extension to rear of                              5 Pearce Avenue     Decision    on:          tom.hutchinson1@
                  house which extends                               Edinburgh                       17/02/2021
                  4m from the rear wall                             EH12 8SW
                  and runs the full length                                                          Comments     Community
                  of the house wrapping                                                             Due by       Council:
                  round the rear of the                                                             15.03.2021   Corstorphine
                  garage at the side with
                  a flat roof, and raise                                                                         Householder
                  the height of the ridge                                                                        Developments
                  by 700mm to allow for
                  an attic conversion to
                  form two bedrooms in
                  an enlarged roof
                  5 Pearce Avenue
                  EH12 8SW


2. Proposal of Application Notice

3. Trees in Conservation Area

 Coltbridge And   1 Conifer and various      Fergus Morrison        Mrs Jill Walker.,   Delegated   Registered   Ellen McCalman
 Wester Coates    shrubs - 1 Conifer tree    (Tree Surgeon).        2 Succoth Place     Decision    on:          ellen.mccalman@
 Conservation     to be reduce by a 1/3      Fao. Fergus            Edinburgh                       17/02/2021
 Area             and the various shrubs     Morrison.              EH12 6BL
                  getting pruned.            4 Barton Park                                                       Community
                  at                         Avenue                                                              Council:
                  2 Succoth Place            Edinburgh                                                           Murrayfield
                  Edinburgh                  EH4 6ES
                  EH12 6BL                   fergusmorrison_trees                                                TCO and TPO

4. Tree Preservation Orders

5. Prior Notification - Telecommunications

6. Certificate of Lawfulness Existing

7. Certificate of Lawfulness Proposed

                  Replacement of all                            Mr Lohman,          Delegated   Registered   Anna Grant
                  wood / PVC brown                              5 Stair Park        Decision    on:          anna.grant@edinb
                  windows and doors like                        Edinburgh                       12/02/2021
                  for like openings with                        EH12 6HL
                  PVC anthracite                                                                             Community
                  windows. Replace                                                                           Council:
                  criss-cross affect                                                                         Murrayfield
                  windows without criss-
                  cross affect. Replace /                                                                    CLE and CLP
                  cover brown barge                                                                          submissions
                  boards and facias and
                  facias. Replace faded
                  brown rhones and
                  down pipes with new
                  black rhones and down
                  5 Stair Park
                  EH12 6HL


                  Proposed rear             MDA Studio.         Mr & Mrs Lindsay,   Delegated   Registered   Luke Vogan
                  extension.                FAO: David Moore    45 Wester Broom     Decision    on:          luke.vogan@edinb
                  at                        30 Braid Road       Terrace                         16/02/2021
                  45 Wester Broom           Edinburgh           Edinburgh
                  Terrace                   EH10 6AD            EH12 7QT                                     Community
                  Edinburgh                 admin@mda-                                                       Council:
                  EH12 7QT                                                             Corstorphine

                  21/00767/CLP                                                                               CLE and CLP

Extend rear extension                             Mr Mark Kutereba.,   Delegated   Registered   Luke Vogan
                 sideways replacing                                8 Blinkbonny         Decision    on:          luke.vogan@edinb
                 conservatory, to form                             Gardens                          17/02/2021
                 new dining kitchen,                               Edinburgh
                 cladding whole                                    EH4 3HG                                       Community
                 extension with larch,                                                                           Council:
                 extending flat roof and                                                                         Craigleith/Blackhal
                 adding flat roof light.                                                                         l
                 Partition old kitchen to
                 form utility room and                                                                           CLE and CLP
                 study. Convert loft                                                                             submissions
                 space to bedroom with
                 en-suite shower room
                 and wardrobe,
                 accessed by stairs
                 from hall via a landing,
                 velux windows.
                 Demolish porch
                 restoring original
                 entrance door,
                 stonework and render.
                 Demolish chimney and
                 partition bedroom to
                 create en-suite shower
                 8 Blinkbonny Gardens
                 EH4 3HG

Ward No. B07 – Sighthill/Gorgie
1. Planning Applications

                 Upgrade and extend         Perspective Building   Scottish             Delegated   Registered   Adam Gloser
                 the existing security      Consultancy.           Government.,         Decision    on:          adam.gloser@edin
                 fence within the           FAO: Ryan Jones        Saughton House                   15/02/2021
                 boundary.                  5th Floor Moncrieff    10 Broomhouse
                 at                         House                  Drive                            Comments     Community
                 Saughton House             69 West Nile Street    Edinburgh                        Due by       Council:
                 12 - 16 Broomhouse         Glasgow                EH11 3XD                         09.03.2021   Sighthill/Broomhou
                 Drive                      G1 2LT                                                               se/Parkhead
                 EH11 3XG                                                                                        Other
                                                                                                                 Developments -
                 21/00551/FUL                                                                                    Local

                 Proposed formation of      Gordon Harrison.       Krispy Kreme UK      Delegated   Registered   Murray Couston
                 4 truck parking bays       Darkwood               Ltd.,                Decision    on:          murray.couston@
                 and erection of fencing    Clachan Farm Road      FAO: Ian Callaghan               08/02/2021
                 to form compactor          Rosneath               Unit 4 Albany Park
                 area.                      G84 0QR                Camberley                        Comments     Community
                 at                                                Surrey                           Due by       Council:
                 16 Lochside Avenue                                GU16 7PQ                         09.03.2021   Sighthill/Broomhou
                 Edinburgh                                                                                       se/Parkhead
                 EH12 9DJ
                 21/00599/FUL                                                                                    Developments -

Advertisement of the        Projekt Architects      ALDI.,                Delegated   Registered   Lynsey Townsend
                  following types: Fascia     Ltd.                    FAO: Philip           Decision    on:          lynsey.townsend@
                  sign, box sign.             FAO: Neil McManus       Johnston                          11/02/2021
                  at                          Media Exchange          ALDI Regional
                  Unit 6 30 Cultins Road      2 Coquet Street         Office And                        Comments     Community
                  Edinburgh                   Newcastle Upon          Distribution Centre               Due by       Council:
                  EH11 4DG                    Tyne                    Pottishaw Road                    04.03.2021   Sighthill/Broomhou
                                              NE1 2QB                 Bathgate                                       se/Parkhead
                  21/00672/ADV                                        EH48 2FB

                  Change of use from          Bennett                 Sava Estates.,        Local       Registered   Robert McIntosh
                  bank to restaurant;         Developments And        12 Bankhead           Delegated   on:          robert.mcintosh@
                  erection of flue.           Consulting.             Avenue                Decision    12/02/2021
                  at                          FAO Don Bennett         Edinburgh
                  12 Bankhead Avenue          10 Park Court           EH11 4HD                          Advertised   Community
                  Edinburgh                   Glasgow                                                   on:          Council:
                  EH11 4HD                    G46 7PB                                                   26/02/2021   Sighthill/Broomhou
                  21/00694/FUL                                                                          Comments
                                                                                                        Due by       Other
                                                                                                        19.03.2021   Developments -

                  Partial change of use       Graham + Sibbald.       Blue Whale Spa.,      Delegated   Registered   Jennifer
                  to change unit from         FAO: Murray Rankin      11 Glaisdale Drive    Decision    on:          Zochowska
                  business unit to            233 St Vincent Street   Nottingham                        15/02/2021   jennifer.zochowsk
                  warehouse with              Glasgow                 NG8 4GU                              
                  ancillary showroom.         G2 5QY                                                    Comments     uk
                  at                                                                                    Due by
                  53 Bankhead                                                                           12.03.2021   Community
                  Crossway South                                                                                     Council:
                  Edinburgh                                                                                          Sighthill/Broomhou
                  EH11 4EP                                                                                           se/Parkhead

                  21/00712/FUL                                                                                       Other
                                                                                                                     Developments -

                  Erection of a proposed                              Mr McCallum,          Delegated   Registered   Tom Hutchinson
                  side and rear extension                             108 Sighthill Drive   Decision    on:          tom.hutchinson1@
                  with internal alterations                           Edinburgh                         15/02/2021
                  to existing dwelling.                               EH11 4QA
                  at                                                                                    Comments     Community
                  108 Sighthill Drive                                                                   Due by       Council:
                  Edinburgh                                                                             12.03.2021   Sighthill/Broomhou
                  EH11 4QA                                                                                           se/Parkhead

                  21/00717/FUL                                                                                       Householder

2. Proposal of Application Notice

3. Trees in Conservation Area

4. Tree Preservation Orders

5. Prior Notification - Telecommunications

6. Certificate of Lawfulness Existing

7. Certificate of Lawfulness Proposed

                  To install a condenser     PMP Ltd.                Flowercard Media.,    Delegated   Registered   Stuart Talbot
                  unit to the front          FAO: Robert Lovett      FAO: Stephen          Decision    on:          stuart.talbot@edin
                  elevation.                 115 George Street       Gorman                            08/02/2021
                  at                         Edinburgh               40 Charlotte Square
                  Unit 4 Catalyst Trade      EH2 4JN                 Edinburgh                                      Community
                  Park                       robertlovett@pmpplc.    EH2 4HQ                                        Council:
                  2B Bankhead Drive                                                                  Sighthill/Broomhou
                  Edinburgh                                                                                         se/Parkhead
                  EH11 4EJ
                                                                                                                    CLE and CLP
                  21/00446/CLP                                                                                      submissions
Ward No. B08 – Colinton/Fairmilehead
1. Planning Applications

                  Extension to domestic      Gordon Thomson.         Mr & Mrs Ross,        Delegated   Registered   Tom Hutchinson
                  garage.                    4 Furniss Avenue        36 Buckstone          Decision    on:          tom.hutchinson1@
                  at                         Rosyth                  Avenue                            08/02/2021
                  36 Buckstone Avenue        KY11 2ST                Edinburgh
                  Edinburgh                                          EH10 6QN                          Comments     Community
                  EH10 6QN                                                                             Due by       Council:
                                                                                                       09.03.2021   Fairmilehead

                  Rear and side              LSM Architecture.       Mr Smith & Mrs        Delegated   Registered   Weronika
                  extensions, attic          FAO: Scott McAllister   Martyna,              Decision    on:          Myslowiecka
                  conversion and roof        35 Guthrie Street       54 Swanston                       08/02/2021   weronika.myslowie
                  extension.                 Edinburgh               Gardens                                        cka@edinburgh.go
                  at                         EH1 1JG                 Edinburgh                         Comments
                  54 Swanston Gardens                                EH10 7DE                          Due by
                  Edinburgh                                                                            09.03.2021   Community
                  EH10 7DE                                                                                          Council:

                  Existing conservatory      Taylor Architecture     Mrs McNicol,          Delegated   Registered   Weronika
                  to be removed and a        Practice Ltd.           17 Laverockdale       Decision    on:          Myslowiecka
                  new garden extension       FAO: Aitor Vega         Park                              09/02/2021   weronika.myslowie
                  proposed. To enlarge       Admiral House           Edinburgh                                      cka@edinburgh.go
                  ground floor window to     Second Floor            EH13 0QE                          Comments
                  garden. Addition to        29-30 Maritime Street                                     Due by
                  street elevation adding    Edinburgh                                                 09.03.2021   Community
                  a new brick and a          EH6 6SE                                                                Council: Colinton
                  glazed bay window and
                  canopy to main                                                                                    Householder
                  entrance. New ground                                                                              Developments
                  floor internal layout to
                  convert the existing
                  garage to new living
                  room and store. New
                  upper level internal
                  layout to convert
                  existing living room to
                  bedroom and en-suite.
                  17 Laverockdale Park
                  EH13 0QE


Proposed two storey         G.S.M Architecture.   Mr Reinink,            Delegated   Registered   Luke Vogan
                  side extension to           FAO: Greig            7 Swanston View        Decision    on:          luke.vogan@edinb
                  house and extended          McCauley              Edinburgh                          11/02/2021
                  front porch. Bay            Flat 12 36 Malbet     EH10 7DG
                  window altered and          Park                                                     Comments     Community
                  rear window replaced        Edinburgh                                                Due by       Council:
                  with bi-fold sliding door   EH16 6SY                                                 09.03.2021   Fairmilehead
                  system. External
                  outshot upgraded and                                                                              Householder
                  lined with larch                                                                                  Developments
                  cladding. Windows
                  replaced to match
                  7 Swanston View
                  EH10 7DG


                  New single storey           Andrew Black          Lowland Reserve        Delegated   Registered   Murray Couston
                  building.                   Design.               Forces And Cadets      Decision    on:          murray.couston@
                  at                          The Mews              Association.,                      11/02/2021
                  Territorial Army Centre     27 Tay Street Lane    FAO: Audrey
                  301 Colinton Road           Dundee                Greenwood                          Comments     Community
                  Edinburgh                   DD1 4EF               60 Avenuepark                      Due by       Council: Colinton
                  EH13 0LA                                          Street                             10.03.2021
                                                                    Glasgow                                         Other
                  21/00688/FUL                                      G20 8LW                                         Developments -

                  Single storey front         ADD.                  Mrs Elaine Ogilvie.,   Delegated   Registered   Weronika
                  extension.                  FAO: Andrew Ross      22 Swanston            Decision    on:          Myslowiecka
                  at                          2 Allermuir Road      Gardens                            12/02/2021   weronika.myslowie
                  22 Swanston Gardens         Edinburgh             Edinburgh                                       cka@edinburgh.go
                  Edinburgh                   EH13 0HE              EH10 7DL                           Comments
                  EH10 7DL                                                                             Due by
                                                                                                       11.03.2021   Community
                  21/00692/FUL                                                                                      Council:


                  Construct a single          Graeme Erskine        Ms Gialpas,            Delegated   Registered   Tom Hutchinson
                  storey pitched roof         Associates.           86 Buckstone Loan      Decision    on:          tom.hutchinson1@
                  extension to the front of   53 Oxgangs Terrace    Edinburgh                          17/02/2021
                  the property forming a      Edinburgh             EH10 6UG
                  new entrance and            EH13 9BZ                                                 Comments     Community
                  incorporating a WC.                                                                  Due by       Council:
                  at                                                                                   15.03.2021   Fairmilehead
                  86 Buckstone Loan
                  Edinburgh                                                                                         Householder
                  EH10 6UG                                                                                          Developments


2. Proposal of Application Notice

3. Trees in Conservation Area

 Listed           Large Beech tree: Old      Steven Purdie.         Mr Owen Pape.,        Delegated   Registered    Ellen McCalman
 Category: C      and decaying tree with     Fao Steven Purdie.     7 Barnshot Road       Decision    on:           ellen.mccalman@
                  dead wood - health and     Flat 2 3 Pinegrove     Edinburgh                         17/02/2021
 Colinton         safety issue. Full         Gardens                EH13 0DH
 Conservation     removal requested.         Edinburgh                                                              Community
 Area             at                         EH4 8DA                                                                Council: Colinton
                  7 Barnshot Road            specialbranchscotlan
                  Edinburgh                                                                    TCO and TPO
                  EH13 0DH                                                                                          submissions


4. Tree Preservation Orders

                  A single Rowan -                                  Mr Harding,           Delegated   Registered    Steven Milne
                  removal.                                          99 Woodfield          Decision    on:           steven.milne@edi
                  at                                                Avenue                            17/02/2021
                  99 Woodfield Avenue                               Edinburgh
                  Edinburgh                                         EH13 0QR                                        Community
                  EH13 0QR                                                                                          Council: Colinton

                  21/00753/TPO                                                                                      TCO and TPO

5. Prior Notification - Telecommunications

6. Certificate of Lawfulness Existing

7. Certificate of Lawfulness Proposed
Ward No.B09 – Fountainbridge/Craiglockhart
1. Planning Applications

 Listed           Minor alterations to       Roxburgh McEwan        Ms Elspeth Carson,    Delegated   Registered    Jack Gillon
 Category: C      kitchen, dining and        Architects.            42 Forbes Road        Decision    on:           jack.gillon@edinbu
                  sitting rooms.             FAO: Elizabeth         Edinburgh                         12/02/2021
                  at                         Roxburgh               EH10 4ED
                  9 Lockharton Gardens       42 Forbes Road                                           Site Notice   Community
                  Edinburgh                  Edinburgh                                                posted on:    Council:
                  EH14 1AU                   EH10 4ED                                                 26/02/2021    Craiglockhart

                  21/00703/LBC                                                                        Advertised    Listed building and
                                                                                                      on:           Con Area
                                                                                                      26/02/2021    Consents

                                                                                                      Due by

 Listed           Minor alterations to       Roxburgh McEwan        Ms Elspeth Carson.,   Delegated   Registered    Jack Gillon
 Category: C      kitchen, dining and        Architects.            42 Forbes Road        Decision    on:           jack.gillon@edinbu
                  sitting rooms.             FAO: Elizabeth         Edinburgh                         12/02/2021
                  at                         Roxburgh               EH10 4ED
                  9 Lockharton Gardens       42 Forbes Road                                           Comments      Community
                  Edinburgh                  Edinburgh                                                Due by        Council:
                  EH14 1AU                   EH10 4ED                                                 11.03.2021    Craiglockhart

                  21/00704/FUL                                                                                      Householder

2. Proposal of Application Notice

3. Trees in Conservation Area

4. Tree Preservation Orders

5. Prior Notification - Telecommunications

6. Certificate of Lawfulness Existing

7. Certificate of Lawfulness Proposed
Ward No. B10 – Morningside
1. Planning Applications

 Morningside      Formation of new           ABC Architecture.        Mr Cruickshank,      Delegated   Registered    Weronika
 Conservation     external door and          FAO: Steven White        41 Cluny Drive       Decision    on:           Myslowiecka
 Area             erection of external       18A Rothesay Place       Edinburgh                        09/02/2021    weronika.myslowie
                  stair and balustrade to    Edinburgh                EH10 6DU                                       cka@edinburgh.go
                  garden along with all      EH3 7SQ                                                   Site Notice
                  associated works.                                                                    posted on:
                  at                                                                                   19/02/2021    Community
                  41 Cluny Drive                                                                                     Council:
                  Edinburgh                                                                            Advertised    Morningside
                  EH10 6DU                                                                             on:
                                                                                                       19/02/2021    Householder
                  21/00634/FUL                                                                                       Developments
                                                                                                       Due by

 Plewlands        Extend at rear of house    Rachel Mayhew            Mr Blair,            Delegated   Registered    Weronika
 Conservation     to form new kitchen        Architect.               3 Plewlands Avenue   Decision    on:           Myslowiecka
 Area             with harled walls and      19 Plewlands Avenue      Edinburgh                        09/02/2021    weronika.myslowie
                  zinc roof. Convert         Edinburgh                EH10 5JY                                       cka@edinburgh.go
                  existing outshot into      EH10 5JY                                                  Site Notice
                  utility room.                                                                        posted on:
                  at                                                                                   19/02/2021    Community
                  3 Plewlands Avenue                                                                                 Council:
                  Edinburgh                                                                            Advertised    Morningside
                  EH10 5JY                                                                             on:
                                                                                                       19/02/2021    Householder
                  21/00639/FUL                                                                                       Developments
                                                                                                       Due by

                  Attic with cabrio          John Webster             Mr Burt,             Local       Registered    Tom Hutchinson
                  balcony velux windows      Architecture.            113 Greenbank        Delegated   on:           tom.hutchinson1@
                  and basement               20 The Flour Mill        Crescent             Decision    16/02/2021
                  conversion to existing     Exchange Court           Edinburgh
                  detached dwelling          Dundee                   EH10 5TA                         Comments      Community
                  house.                     DD1 3DE                                                   Due by        Council:
                  at                                                                                   11.03.2021    Morningside
                  113 Greenbank
                  Crescent                                                                                           Householder
                  Edinburgh                                                                                          Developments
                  EH10 5TA


Plewlands        To demolish the                                    Mrs Vivienne         Delegated   Registered    Weronika
 Conservation     existing garage and                                Norman.,             Decision    on:           Myslowiecka
 Area             adjoining vestibule to                             7 Angle Park                     12/02/2021    weronika.myslowie
                  the side of the property                           Terrace                                        cka@edinburgh.go
                  and replace with a                                 Edinburgh                        Site Notice
                  single storey extension.                           EH11 2JX                         posted on:
                  (Resubmission relating                                                              26/02/2021    Community
                  to 20/04826/FUL).                                                                                 Council:
                  at                                                                                  Advertised    Morningside
                  33 Plewlands Avenue                                                                 on:
                  Edinburgh                                                                           26/02/2021    Householder
                  EH10 5JY                                                                                          Developments
                  21/00696/FUL                                                                        Due by

 Merchiston       Proposed                    Mozolowski &           Mr & Mrs Nisbet,     Delegated   Registered    Lewis McWilliam
 And Greenhill    conservatory.               Murray.                5 Abbotsford Park    Decision    on:           lewis.mcwilliam@e
 Conservation     at                          FAO: Harry McIntosh    Edinburgh                        15/02/2021
 Area             5 Abbotsford Park           2-8 Clashburn Way      EH10 5DX
                  Edinburgh                   Kinross                                                 Site Notice   Community
                  EH10 5DX                    KY13 8GA                                                posted on:    Council:
                                                                                                      26/02/2021    Merchiston
                                                                                                      Advertised    Householder
                                                                                                      on:           Developments

                                                                                                      Due by

 Merchiston       Proposed garage,            MDA Studio.            Dr K Connolly & Dr   Local       Registered    Tom Hutchinson
 And Greenhill    utility entrance, sliding   Fao. David Moore       R Jamieson.,         Delegated   on:           tom.hutchinson1@
 Conservation     doors to rear and new       30 Braid Road          3 Ettrick Road       Decision    16/02/2021
 Area             boundary fence.             Edinburgh              Edinburgh
                  at                          EH10 6AD               EH10 5BJ                         Site Notice   Community
                  3 Ettrick Road                                                                      posted on:    Council:
                  Edinburgh                                                                           26/02/2021    Merchiston
                  EH10 5BJ
                                                                                                      Advertised    Householder
                  21/00757/FUL                                                                        on:           Developments

                                                                                                      Due by

2. Proposal of Application Notice

3. Trees in Conservation Area

 Merchiston       Cherry tree - crown thin    Fergus Morrison        Mrs Shona Scott.,    Delegated   Registered    Ellen McCalman
 And Greenhill    (15%) and crown lift.       (Tree Surgeon).        63 Merchiston        Decision    on:           ellen.mccalman@
 Conservation     at                          Fao. Fergus            Crescent                         17/02/2021
 Area             3F1 63 Merchiston           Morrison.              Edinburgh
                  Crescent                    4 Barton Park          EH10 5AQ                                       Community
                  Edinburgh                   Avenue                                                                Council:
                  EH10 5AQ                    Edinburgh                                                             Merchiston
                                              EH4 6ES
                  21/00788/TCO                fergusmorrison_trees                                                  TCO and TPO

Merchiston       Cherry tree - reduction    Capital Tree             Capital Tree         Delegated   Registered    Ellen McCalman
 And Greenhill    to previous pruning        Services.                Services Ltd.,       Decision    on:           ellen.mccalman@
 Conservation     points. White Beam -       FAO: John Morton         FAO: John Morton                 17/02/2021
 Area             pruning back to            31 Auld Coal Bank        31 Auld Coal Bank
                  previous points.           Bonnyrigg                Bonnyrigg                                      Community
                  at                         EH19 3JN                 EH19 3JN                                       Council:
                  21A Merchiston Park        info@capitaltreeservi                                                   Merchiston
                  EH10 4PW                                                                                           TCO and TPO

 Listed           Neighbour's trees (at      Frontier Forestry Ltd.   Mr Nisbett,          Delegated   Registered    Ellen McCalman
 Category: B      No. 18) overhanging        FAO: Andrew              16 Hermitage Drive   Decision    on:           ellen.mccalman@
                  applicant's rear garden    Jenkins                  Edinburgh                        18/02/2021
 Morningside      - 3 Beech and 2 Limes.     Office Suite 1,          EH10 6BZ
 Conservation     Crown lift to 5m over      Eastfield Business                                                      Community
 Area             applicant's garden.        Centre                                                                  Council:
                  Neighbour's trees (at      4C Eastfield Farm                                                       Morningside
                  No. 18) overhanging        Road
                  applicant's front garden   Penicuik                                                                TCO and TPO
                  - 2 Norway Maple and       EH26 8EZ                                                                submissions
                  1 Sycamore. Crown lift     andrew@frontierfores
                  to 5m over applicant's
                  garden. Laurel by rear
                  garden gate - reduce
                  down to fence height.
                  16 Hermitage Drive
                  EH10 6BZ


4. Tree Preservation Orders

5. Prior Notification - Telecommunications

6. Certificate of Lawfulness Existing

7. Certificate of Lawfulness Proposed
Ward No. B11 – City Centre
1. Planning Applications

 Listed           Alterations to roof in     Allan Murray             Gilmore Teague.,     Delegated   Registered    Lynne McMenemy
 Category: C      connection with the        Architects Ltd.          52 - 54 Dundas       Decision    on:           lynne.mcmenemy
                  conversion into student    9 Harrison Gardens       Street                           10/02/2021
 Marchmont,       residences.                Edinburgh                Edinburgh                                      k
 Meadows And      at                         EH11 1SJ                 EH3 6QZ                          Site Notice
 Bruntsfield      St Josephs Nursing                                                                   posted on:    Community
 Conservation     Home                                                                                 26/02/2021    Council: Tollcross
 Area             41 - 45 Gilmore Place
                  Edinburgh                                                                            Advertised    Listed building and
                  EH3 9NG                                                                              on:           Con Area
                                                                                                       26/02/2021    Consents
                                                                                                       Due by

World           Alter and extend flat.    Drawing Office.      Ms Hunter,            Delegated   Registered    Weronika
Heritage Site   at                        FAO Richard Foggo    5 Braehead Grove      Decision    on:           Myslowiecka
                18B Dublin Street Lane    Flat 1, 8 Barnie     Edinburgh                         10/02/2021    weronika.myslowie
New Town        South                     Terrace              EH4 6BJ                                         cka@edinburgh.go
Conservation    Edinburgh                 Edinburgh                                              Site Notice
Area            EH1 3PX                   EH15 1BU                                               posted on:
                                                                                                 26/02/2021    Community
                21/00659/FUL                                                                                   Council: New
                                                                                                 Advertised    Town/Broughton
                                                                                                 26/02/2021    Householder
                                                                                                 Due by

World           Removal of existing       Suzanne McIntosh     Mr Mr Lewis           Delegated   Registered    Lewis McWilliam
Heritage Site   dormers and               Planning Limited.    Anderson.,            Decision    on:           lewis.mcwilliam@e
                associated alterations    FAO: Suzanne         60 North Castle                   12/02/2021
Listed          to the roof.              McIntosh             Street
Category: A     at                        45C Bath Street      edinburgh                         Site Notice   Community
                4F                        Portobello           Scotland                          posted on:    Council: New
New Town        60 North Castle Street    Edinburgh            EH2 3LU                           19/02/2021    Town/Broughton
Conservation    Edinburgh                 EH15 1HB
Area            EH2 3LU                                                                          Advertised    Listed building and
                                                                                                 on:           Con Area
                21/00700/LBC                                                                     19/02/2021    Consents

                                                                                                 Due by

World           Rear kitchen extension.   Kalm Architecture    Ms Leech,             Delegated   Registered    Daniel Lodge
Heritage Site   at                        LLP.                 20B London Street     Decision    on:           daniel.lodge@edin
                20B London Street         FAO: Kevin Adams     Edinburgh                         15/02/2021
Listed          Edinburgh                 Ferrygate Steading   EH3 6NA
Category: A     EH3 6NA                   Ferrygate Farm                                         Site Notice   Community
                                          Dirleton                                               posted on:    Council: New
New Town        21/00709/LBC              North Berwick                                          26/02/2021    Town/Broughton
Conservation                              EH39 5DJ
Area                                                                                             Advertised    Listed building and
                                                                                                 on:           Con Area
                                                                                                 26/02/2021    Consents

                                                                                                 Due by

World           Advertisement of the                           Sofi's Gelato Ltd.,   Delegated   Registered    Lynsey Townsend
Heritage Site   following types: Fascia                        FAO: Gennaro          Decision    on:           lynsey.townsend@
                sign, box sign.                                Cortellessa                       15/02/2021
Old Town        at                                             3A Jordan Lane
Conservation    16 Grassmarket                                 Edinburgh                         Comments      Community
Area            Edinburgh                                      EH10 4RB                          Due by        Council: Old Town
                EH1 2JU                                                                          08.03.2021

World           Alter and extend            Kalm Architecture      Ms Leech,           Delegated   Registered    Daniel Lodge
Heritage Site   existing rear kitchen       LLP.                   20B London Street   Decision    on:           daniel.lodge@edin
                extension.                  FAO: Kevin Adams       Edinburgh                       15/02/2021
Listed          at                          Ferrygate Steading     EH3 6NA
Category: A     20B London Street           Ferrygate Farm                                         Site Notice   Community
                Edinburgh                   Dirleton                                               posted on:    Council: New
New Town        EH3 6NA                     North Berwick                                          26/02/2021    Town/Broughton
Conservation                                EH39 5DJ
Area            21/00714/FUL                                                                       Advertised    Householder
                                                                                                   on:           Developments

                                                                                                   Due by

World           The proposal seeks to       James Hutchison        Ms Torres,          Delegated   Registered    Luke Vogan
Heritage Site   reinstate a garden at       Garden Design.         11 Manor Place      Decision    on:           luke.vogan@edinb
                the back of 11 Manor        Settie                 Edinburgh                       15/02/2021
Listed          Place. The proposed         Kippen                 EH3 7DL
Category: A     garden is in formal         Stirling                                               Site Notice   Community
                style and uses              FK8 3HN                                                posted on:    Council: West End
New Town        materials similar to                                                               26/02/2021
Conservation    those which are                                                                                  Householder
Area            already in place in the                                                            Advertised    Developments
                area. The currently                                                                on:
                sloping site is adjusted                                                           26/02/2021
                to set up the garden on
                three levels: the                                                                  Comments
                existing lower ground                                                              Due by
                floor level, the main                                                              19.03.2021
                garden level, and the
                car parking level. New
                lawns, planting, a patio,
                a pergola, and paths
                are added. Boundary
                walls will be reinstated,
                and an electric sliding
                gate added.
                BF 11 Manor Place
                EH3 7DL


World           Change of use                                      Spaces -            Delegated   Registered    Murray Couston
Heritage Site   application from class 3                           Hawkins/Brown.,     Decision    on:           murray.couston@
                food and drink to class                            FAO: Harriet                    15/02/2021
Old Town        4 business.                                        Redman
Conservation    at                                                 92 Fountainbridge               Site Notice   Community
Area            GF 13 King's Stables                               Edinburgh                       posted on:    Council: Tollcross
                Road                                               EH3 9QA                         26/02/2021
                Edinburgh                                                                                        Business and
                EH1 2JY                                                                            Advertised    Industry - Local
                21/00719/FUL                                                                       26/02/2021

                                                                                                   Due by

World           Erection of a              Montagu Evans LLP.     The Ambassador    Delegated   Registered    Declan Semple
Heritage Site   replacement scene          FAO: Rachel Mushet     Theatre Group.,   Decision    on:           declan.semple@e
                dock structure.            4th Floor, Exchange                                  18/02/2021
Listed          at                         Tower
Category: A     Playhouse Theatre          19 Canning Street                                    Site Notice   Community
                18 - 20 Greenside          Edinburgh                                            posted on:    Council: New
New Town        Place                      EH3 8EG                                              26/02/2021    Town/Broughton
Conservation    Edinburgh
Area            EH1 3AA                                                                         Advertised    Other
                                                                                                on:           Developments -
                21/00721/FUL                                                                    26/02/2021    Local

                                                                                                Due by

World           This application seeks     Montagu Evans LLP.     The Ambassador    Delegated   Registered    Declan Semple
Heritage Site   Listed Building consent    FAO: Rachel Mushet     Theatre Group.,   Decision    on:           declan.semple@e
                to erect a replacement     4th Floor, Exchange                                  15/02/2021
Listed          scene dock at the          Tower
Category: A     Playhouse Theatre.         19 Canning Street                                    Site Notice   Community
                The proposed scene         Edinburgh                                            posted on:    Council: New
New Town        dock will be located in    EH3 8EG                                              26/02/2021    Town/Broughton
Conservation    the same position as its
Area            predecessor, adjacent                                                           Advertised    Listed building and
                to the North East wall                                                          on:           Con Area
                of the Playhouse                                                                26/02/2021    Consents
                at                                                                              Comments
                Playhouse Theatre                                                               Due by
                18 - 20 Greenside                                                               19.03.2021
                EH1 3AA


World           To carry out internal      Bergmark Architects.   Mr And Mrs B      Delegated   Registered    Adam Gloser
Heritage Site   alterations and alter      FAO: Jens Bergmark     Eadie.,           Decision    on:           adam.gloser@edin
                one rear window.           3 Walker Street        52 Manor Place                15/02/2021
Listed          at                         Edinburgh              Edinburgh
Category: B     Flat 3 52 Manor Place      EH3 7JY                EH3 7EH                       Site Notice   Community
                Edinburgh                                                                       posted on:    Council: West End
New Town        EH3 7EH                                                                         26/02/2021
Conservation                                                                                                  Listed building and
Area            21/00724/LBC                                                                    Advertised    Con Area
                                                                                                on:           Consents

                                                                                                Due by

World            Amend position of                                Mr Allison,           Delegated   Registered    Diana Garrett
 Heritage Site    kitchen and form                                 Flat 7 9 Great King   Decision    on:           diana.garrett@edi
                  bedroom.                                         Street                            15/02/2021
 Listed           at                                               Edinburgh
 Category: A      Flat 7 9 Great King                              EH3 6QW                           Site Notice   Community
                  Street                                                                             posted on:    Council: New
 New Town         Edinburgh                                                                          26/02/2021    Town/Broughton
 Conservation     EH3 6QW
 Area                                                                                                Advertised    Listed building and
                  21/00736/LBC                                                                       on:           Con Area
                                                                                                     26/02/2021    Consents

                                                                                                     Due by

 World            Internal alterations to     Gray Macpherson      Mr Jamie              Delegated   Registered    Jack Gillon
 Heritage Site    form new kitchen,           Architects LLP.      MacDonald.,           Decision    on:           jack.gillon@edinbu
                  revise layout of existing   Tigh-na-geat House   2F 19 Great Stuart                16/02/2021
 Listed           bathroom and form           1 Damhead Farm       Street
 Category: A      new shower rooms.           Edinburgh            Edinburgh                         Site Notice   Community
                  at                          EH10 7DZ             EH3 7TP                           posted on:    Council: New
 New Town         2F 19 Great Stuart                                                                 26/02/2021    Town/Broughton
 Conservation     Street
 Area             Edinburgh                                                                          Advertised    Listed building and
                  EH3 7TP                                                                            on:           Con Area
                                                                                                     26/02/2021    Consents
                                                                                                     Due by

2. Proposal of Application Notice

3. Trees in Conservation Area

4. Tree Preservation Orders

5. Prior Notification - Telecommunications

6. Certificate of Lawfulness Existing

7. Certificate of Lawfulness Proposed
Ward No. B12 – Leith Walk
1. Planning Applications

 Pilrig           Upgrade an existing         Mary Leggett.        Mr Gardner,           Delegated   Registered    Conor MacGreevy
 Conservation     roof light and add          7 Queen Margaret     3F2 13 Balfour        Decision    on:           conor.macgreevy
 Area             additional roof lights.     University Way       Street                            15/02/2021
                  at                          Old Craighall        Edinburgh                                       k
                  3F2 13 Balfour Street       Musselburgh          EH6 5DG                           Site Notice
                  Edinburgh                   EH21 8SL                                               posted on:    Community
                  EH6 5DG                                                                            26/02/2021    Council: Leith
                  21/00720/FUL                                                                       Advertised
                                                                                                     on:           Householder
                                                                                                     26/02/2021    Developments

                                                                                                     Due by

Leith            Extend into the attic             Mr Adam Leel.,       Local       Registered    Tom Hutchinson
 Conservation     space, add 1 new                  3F4 42 Buchanan      Delegated   on:           tom.hutchinson1@
 Area             cabrio balcony velux              Street               Decision    15/02/2021
                  window on the front               Edinburgh
                  elevation and 1 new               EH6 8RF                          Site Notice   Community
                  roof light to pitched roof                                         posted on:    Council: Leith
                  on the rear elevation.                                             26/02/2021    Central
                  3F4 42 Buchanan                                                    Advertised    Householder
                  Street                                                             on:           Developments
                  Edinburgh                                                          26/02/2021
                  EH6 8RF
                  21/00729/FUL                                                       Due by

2. Proposal of Application Notice

3. Trees in Conservation Area

                  1 x Ash - fell.                   Mr Morrison.,        Delegated   Registered    Ellen McCalman
                  at                                9 Haynes Mead        Decision    on:           ellen.mccalman@
                  6 West Montgomery                 Berkhamsted                      16/02/2021
                  Place                             Herts
                  Edinburgh                         HP4 1BU                                        Community
                                                                                                   Council: Leith
                  21/00686/TCO                                                                     Central

                                                                                                   TCO and TPO

4. Tree Preservation Orders

5. Prior Notification - Telecommunications

6. Certificate of Lawfulness Existing

7. Certificate of Lawfulness Proposed
Ward No. B13 – Leith
1. Planning Applications

 Leith            Informative notice                Mr Anderson,         Delegated   Registered    Murray Couston
 Conservation     board will stand on a             Flat 6 11 Rennie's   Decision    on:           murray.couston@
 Area             solid metal frame.                Isle                             17/02/2021
                  at                                Edinburgh
                  Notice Board 13                   EH6 6QA                          Comments      Community
                  Metres North West Of                                               Due by        Council: Leith
                  Swing Bridge At                                                    10.03.2021    Harbour And
                  Rennie's Isle                                                                    Newhaven

Listed           Internal alterations,      Morgan McDonnell        Ophelia Investments   Delegated   Registered    Stephen Dickson
 Category: A      new windows to match       Architecture.           Ltd.,                 Decision    on:           stephen.dickson@
                  existing and alterations   FAO: Erin Durno-        Windsor House                     09/02/2021
 Leith            to existing service        Seymour                 2nd Floor
 Conservation     openings.                  5 Advocates Close       Lower Pollet                      Site Notice   Community
 Area             at                         Edinburgh               St Peter Port                     posted on:    Council: Leith
                  92 Commercial Street       EH1 1ND                 Guernsey                          19/02/2021    Harbour And
                  Edinburgh                                          GY1 1WF                                         Newhaven
                  EH6 6LX                                                                              Advertised
                                                                                                       on:           Listed building and
                  21/00630/LBC                                                                         19/02/2021    Con Area
                                                                                                       Due by

 Listed           Change of use for unit     Morgan McDonnell        Ophelia Investments   Delegated   Registered    Stephen Dickson
 Category: A      92 Commercial Street       Architecture.           Ltd.,                 Decision    on:           stephen.dickson@
                  from existing restaurant   FAO: Erin Durno-        Windsor House                     09/02/2021
 Leith            to split use of office     Seymour                 2nd Floor
 Conservation     and separate               5 Advocates Close       Lower Pollet                      Site Notice   Community
 Area             commercial kitchen         Edinburgh               St Peter Port                     posted on:    Council: Leith
                  serving unit 82            EH1 1ND                 Guernsey                          19/02/2021    Harbour And
                  Commercial Street                                  GY1 1WF                                         Newhaven
                  (cafe / takeaway).                                                                   Advertised
                  at                                                                                   on:           Other
                  92 Commercial Street                                                                 19/02/2021    Developments -
                  Edinburgh                                                                                          Local
                  EH6 6LX                                                                              Comments
                                                                                                       Due by
                  21/00633/FUL                                                                         12.03.2021

                  Conversion of attic.       Wood Associates.        Mr Ferguson,          Delegated   Registered    Conor MacGreevy
                  at                         FAO: Harry Wood         48 Hermitage Park     Decision    on:           conor.macgreevy
                  48 Hermitage Park          11 St Fillans Terrace   Grove                             10/02/2021
                  Grove                      Edinburgh               Edinburgh                                       k
                  Edinburgh                  EH10 5NH                EH6 8DU                           Comments
                  EH6 8DU                                                                              Due by        Community
                                                                                                       09.03.2021    Council: Leith
                  21/00650/FUL                                                                                       Links


 Listed           Alterations to listed      ISA Architecture &      Glenprop2.,           Delegated   Registered    Nancy Jamieson
 Category: B      facade to facilitate       Design.                 12 Stanhope Street    Decision    on:           nancy.jamieson@
                  flatted development.       FAO: Anthony            Edinburgh                         11/02/2021
 Leith            at                         Hemmings                EH12 5HH
 Conservation     204 Great Junction         4 Blenheim Place                                          Site Notice   Community
 Area             Street                     Edinburgh                                                 posted on:    Council: Leith
                  Edinburgh                  EH7 5JH                                                   26/02/2021    Harbour And
                  EH6 5LW                                                                                            Newhaven
                  21/00676/LBC                                                                         on:           Listed building and
                                                                                                       26/02/2021    Con Area
                                                                                                       Due by

2. Proposal of Application Notice

3. Trees in Conservation Area

4. Tree Preservation Orders

5. Prior Notification - Telecommunications

6. Certificate of Lawfulness Existing

7. Certificate of Lawfulness Proposed
Ward No. B14 – Craigentinny/Duddingston
1. Planning Applications

                  Ground floor extension     MDC Architecture.       Mrs Mackenzie,      Delegated   Registered   Weronika
                  to provide additional      FAO: John               13 Leeburn View     Decision    on:          Myslowiecka
                  bedrooms and an en-        MacKenzie               Peebles                         10/02/2021   weronika.myslowie
                  suite.                     13 Leeburn View         EH45 9LS                                     cka@edinburgh.go
                  at                         Cardrona                                                Comments
                  PF2 3 Findlay Avenue       Peebles                                                 Due by
                  Edinburgh                  EH45 9LS                                                09.03.2021   Community
                  EH7 6HB                                                                                         Council:
                  21/00646/FUL                                                                                    owbank


2. Proposal of Application Notice

3. Trees in Conservation Area

 Duddingston      Yew - reduce to approx     Capital Tree            Capital Tree        Delegated   Registered   Ellen McCalman
 Conservation     8ft.                       Services.               Services Ltd.,      Decision    on:          ellen.mccalman@
 Area             at                         FAO: John Morton        FAO: John Morton                18/02/2021
                  15 Old Church Lane         31 Auld Coal Bank       31 Auld Coal Bank
                  Edinburgh                  Bonnyrigg               Bonnyrigg                                    Community
                  EH15 3PX                   EH19 3JN                EH19 3JN                                     Council:
                                             info@capitaltreeservi                                                Northfield/Willowbr
                  21/00800/TCO                                                                   ae

                                                                                                                  TCO and TPO

4. Tree Preservation Orders

5. Prior Notification - Telecommunications

6. Certificate of Lawfulness Existing

7. Certificate of Lawfulness Proposed

Ward No. B15 – Southside/Newington
1. Planning Applications

                 Removal of existing        Mono Consultants.       CTIL.,               Delegated   Registered    Jennifer
                 20m high mast and          FAO: Gillian Marshall   Cornerstone And      Decision    on:           Zochowska
                 ancillary equipment        Culzean House           Vodafone Limited                 15/02/2021    jennifer.zochowsk
                 (overall height 23m)       36 Renfield Street      Hive 2,                              
                 and install a              Glasgow                 1530 Arlington                   Comments      uk
                 replacement 25m high       G2 1LU                  Business Park,                   Due by
                 mast with 12 antennas                              Theale,                          10.03.2021    Community
                 (overall height 25m), 2                            Berkshire,                                     Council:
                 No. dish and ancillary                             RG7 4SA                                        Grange/Prestonfiel
                 equipment including 3                                                                             d
                 additional cabinets.
                 at                                                                                                Telecommunicatio
                 Proposed Telecoms                                                                                 ns
                 Apparatus 263 Metres
                 Southeast Of
                 1 Observatory Road


 Grange          To erect a small                                   Mr Capewell,         Delegated   Registered    Weronika
 Conservation    wooden summerhouse                                 73 Grange Loan       Decision    on:           Myslowiecka
 Area            within the rear garden.                            Edinburgh                        15/02/2021    weronika.myslowie
                 at                                                 EH9 2EG                                        cka@edinburgh.go
                 73 Grange Loan                                                                      Site Notice
                 Edinburgh                                                                           posted on:
                 EH9 2EG                                                                             26/02/2021    Community
                 21/00572/FUL                                                                        Advertised    Grange/Prestonfiel
                                                                                                     on:           d
                                                                                                     Comments      Developments
                                                                                                     Due by

 Grange          Erection of new timber                             Miss Bennett,        Delegated   Registered    Tom Hutchinson
 Conservation    boundary fence.                                    30 St Alban's Road   Decision    on:           tom.hutchinson1@
 Area            at                                                 Edinburgh                        09/02/2021
                 30 St Alban's Road                                 EH9 2LU
                 Edinburgh                                                                           Site Notice   Community
                 EH9 2LU                                                                             posted on:    Council:
                                                                                                     19/02/2021    Grange/Prestonfiel
                 21/00625/FUL                                                                                      d
                                                                                                     on:           Householder
                                                                                                     19/02/2021    Developments

                                                                                                     Due by

                 Proposed two storey        Scott Allan.            Mrs Watson,          Delegated   Registered    Tom Hutchinson
                 gable extension or         36 Wallace Avenue       11 Rankin Road       Decision    on:           tom.hutchinson1@
                 single storey gable with   Wallyford               Edinburgh                        09/02/2021
                 part garage                East Lothian            EH9 3AW
                 conversion.                EH21 8BZ                                                 Comments      Community
                 at                                                                                  Due by        Council:
                 11 Rankin Road                                                                      09.03.2021    Grange/Prestonfiel
                 Edinburgh                                                                                         d
                 EH9 3AW
                 21/00636/FUL                                                                                      Developments

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