Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome and Fertility - BINASSS

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                                                               Volume 64, Number 1, 65–75
                                                               Copyright © 2020 Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc. All rights reserved.

                           Polycystic Ovarian
                           and Fertility
                           JESSICA A. LENTSCHER, MD,*† BREONNA SLOCUM, MD,‡
                           and SAIOA TORREALDAY, MD*
                           *Walter Reed National Military Medical Center; †Program of
                           Reproductive Endocrinology and Infertility, Eunice Kennedy Shriver
                           National Institute of Child Health and Human Development,
                           National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, Maryland;
                           and ‡Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Georgetown
                           University, Washington, District of Columbia

Abstract: Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) is a                   covered in detail in a previous chapter. PCOS
common endocrinopathy that has been associated with               is characterized by chronic anovulation, clin-
impaired fertility. This chapter reviews the underlying
pathophysiology of PCOS and the associated fertility              ical or biochemical hyperandrogenism, and
barriers of the condition. Psychologic concerns, hypo-            polycystic ovaries. PCOS is associated with
thalamic-pituitary, ovarian, and mitochondria dysfunc-            several clinical manifestations including obe-
tion, obesity, and the role of vitamin D in PCOS are              sity, impaired glucose tolerance, metabolic
considered with respect to fertility. Lastly, pregnancy           syndrome, type 2 diabetes mellitus (DM),
risk factors associated with PCOS are also reviewed.
Key words: polycystic ovary syndrome, infertility, anov-          dyslipidemia, and cardiovascular disease2; the
ulation, hyperandrogenism, vitamin D, pregnancy                   severity and presentation of these symptoms
                                                                  may vary widely among the population and
                                                                  within an individual over time. The etiology
                                                                  of PCOS is unknown and unfortunately,
                                                                  there is no cure. Current management is
Introduction                                                      dependent on the treatment of symptoms
Polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS) is the                         and mitigation of risk factors for associated
most common female endocrine disorder                             conditions.
with a reported prevalence ranging from 4%                            Infertility or subfertility is a frequent
to 18% among women of reproductive age.1,2                        concern among individuals diagnosed with
Several diagnostic criteria have been estab-                      PCOS with a reported prevalence varying
lished for the diagnosis of PCOS which are                        widely. Infertility is defined as the failure to
Correspondence: Saioa Torrealday, MD, 8901 Rock-
                                                                  achieve a clinical pregnancy after 12 months
ville Pike, Bethesda, MD. E-mail: saioa.torrealday.               or more of regular sexual intercourse in
mil@mail.mil                                                      women 35 years of age and below or after
The authors declare that they have nothing to disclose.           6 months or more in women above 35 years

CLINICAL OBSTETRICS AND GYNECOLOGY                         /     VOLUME 64          /    NUMBER 1        /    MARCH 2021

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66     Lentscher et al

of age.3 While infertility affects nearly 12%           The uncertainty surrounding fertility can
of couples worldwide, the American Society          be particularly distressing for individuals with
of Reproductive Medicine (ASRM) esti-               ties to communities with strong values and
mates the rate of infertility to be between         ideals of fertility. While such data is limited, a
70% and 80% among individuals with                  study conducted in Vienna, Austria found
PCOS.4 Thus, ASRM recommends that an                that Muslim immigrant women diagnosed
infertility evaluation in women with PCOS           with PCOS who presented to a University
begin after 6 months of attempting to               Clinic reported a much stronger desire for
conceive without success.4 According to the         childrearing and more distress related to an
Centers for Disease Control (CDC), PCOS             infertility diagnosis compared with European
is the most common cause of infertility             women with PCOS.9 Thus, it is important to
owing primarily to the hallmark symptom of          keep in mind that women with PCOS dealing
anovulation,5 however, several other fea-           with infertility from various sociocultural
tures of PCOS are also thought to contribute        backgrounds may have different psychosocial
to the inability to conceive, namely obesity        pressures and needs.
and insulin resistance. This chapter will               A prospective cohort study from 2016
provide an overview of the causes of infer-         evaluated the QOL in 2 groups, 1 group con-
tility and will address fertility concerns          sisted of females with PCOS and their
among women with PCOS.                              partners, while the other group was com-
                                                    prised of women with unexplained infertility
PSYCHOSOCIAL ASPECT OF                              and their partners. Using a validated assess-
FERTILITY CONCERNS                                  ment, the fertility-specific QOL survey,
Infertility has profound implications for an        women in each cohort were evaluated at
individual and their communities. Individuals       baseline before initiation of fertility treatment.
most commonly report distress, depression,          Women with PCOS had lower fertility-
anxiety, sexual dysfunction, lower self-            specific QOL scores (72.3 ± 14.8) than those
esteem, and social discord following an             with unexplained infertility (77.1 ± 12.8;
infertility diagnosis. This holds true for indi-    P < 0.001); this trend held true for each
viduals diagnosed with PCOS. The uncer-             domain (social, mind/body, emotional) eval-
tainty surrounding fertility is worrisome to        uated in the study with the only exception
adolescents and women diagnosed with                being in the relational domain.10 The authors
PCOS. In one study, girls with PCOS were            suggest the differences in scores seen between
found to be 3.4 times more likely to be             the 2 cohorts were largely explained by
worried about their ability to become preg-         variation in body mass index (BMI), hirsut-
nant than the control group, and this concern       ism, household income, and age.10 Further-
about future fertility was associated with          more, the women in both groups had lower
significant reductions in quality of life           scores than their male partners. This study
(QOL).6 Another study also demonstrated             underscores that women with PCOS, partic-
that the potential for infertility has a negative   ularly those with higher BMI, hirsutism, and
impact on the QOL among adolescent girls            of lower socioeconomic class, may need
diagnosed with PCOS.7 Holton et al8 re-             closer observation and when appropriate,
ported that these concerns arise out of             offered mental health support given the
perception on the part of the individual with       increased emotional and physical distress of
PCOS that it will be difficult for them to          the condition.10
conceive, and thus there is a desire for
preconception counseling and evidence-based         HYPOTHALAMIC-PITUITARY
educational materials so that patients can          DYSREGULATION
make informed decisions surrounding their           In PCOS women, there is a unique inter-
reproductive and sexual health.                     play between the hormones involved in the

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PCOS and Fertility         67

hypothalamic-pituitary axis that culminates       OVARIAN DYSFUNCTION
in chronic anovulation and consequently           The morphologic characteristics of PCOS
infertility. Unlike in normal cycling women       consist of 2 main features: an increasing
who undergo hormonal variations through-          number of antral follicles, and increase size
out the menstrual cycle in response to differ-    and density of the ovarian stroma. While a
ent hormonal cues, women with PCOS have           subset of women with these ovarian features
a relatively constant release of gonadotropins.   are ovulatory, for many follicular growth
The invariable luteinizing hormone (LH)           ceases once it reaches 5 to 8 mm in diameter.
pulse frequency in PCOS women mimics              This failure to form a dominant follicle leads
the frequencies classically seen in the late      to anovulation and subsequent infertility. The
follicular phase of normal ovulatory women;       dense ovarian stroma is primarily composed
a pattern that favors LH over follicle-stim-      of theca cells. The theca cells convert choles-
ulating hormone release.11 In PCOS women,         terol to androgens through a succession
LH secreted by the anterior pituitary in          of intermediary steps, with the primary
response to gonadotropin-releasing hormone        output being androstenedione followed by
(GnRH) is characterized by increased pulse        progesterone, 17alpha-hydroxyprogesterone,
frequency, and to a lesser degree also an         and dehydroepiandrosterone.15 The andro-
increase in pulse amplitude.12 In addition, the   gen overproduction by the theca cells in
LH receptors in PCOS women have a                 PCOS ovaries, as well as the hyperresponse
heightened response to GnRH when com-             to LH provocation by these cells is one of the
pared with non-PCOS women.13 The abnor-           key reasons for the hyperandrogenic ovarian
mal secretory dynamics described above are        milieu in PCOS patients.
evident by the elevated serum LH levels and          While androgens serve an important
high LH/follicle-stimulating hormone ratio        physiological function in follicle develop-
classically seen in PCOS women.                   ment, hyperandrogenism has been shown
   It is postulated that hyperandrogenism,        in numerous animal studies to have an
which is a cornerstone of PCOS, may also          aberrant effect on follicular development
increase GnRH pulse activity, leading to          leading to negative effects on ovarian func-
both greater LH receptor sensitivity and          tion. One study by Bertoldo et al16 found
elevated LH secretion.13 In an effort to see      that isolated preantral and antral follicles
if the androgens impacted LH secretion,           from PCOS mice resulted in slower growth
Eagleson et al14 treated women with PCOS          compared with controls, and antral and
and a control group with progesterone either      preovulatory PCOS follicles exhibited re-
alone or with estrogen (combination oral          duced follicle health compared with controls.
contraception). Upon administration of the        This study also found that PCOS female
hormone treatment, both groups had a              mice showed a poorer response to hyper-
decrease in LH levels, however, it was more       stimulation and impaired oocyte function.
pronounced in the control cohort. However,        These findings led the authors to conclude
when women with PCOS who were treated             that prolonged exposure to androgen excess
with the antiandrogen flutamide, following        leads to aberrant follicle development, which
either progesterone or the combination of         is persistent even after removal from that
oral contraception treatment, the women           environment.16 Thus, although the exact
had restoration of LH levels similar to           mechanism is unclear, ovarian dysregulation
normal controls.14 These findings corrobo-        is also a contributor to infertility.
rate the notion that elevated androgens
inhibit the normal negative feedback of           INSULIN RESISTANCE AND FERTILITY
estrogen and progesterone on LH pulse             PCOS is commonly associated with insulin
release and play a role in normal hypothala-      resistance and hyperinsulinemia; condi-
mic-pituitary function.                           tions which are thought to contribute to

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68     Lentscher et al

the pathogenesis of PCOS. In addition,            epithelial cells, placenta, and in the pituitary
increased serum insulin levels and insulin        gland.2 In addition, the placenta, endome-
resistance have been reported to be associated    trium, and ovary also express 1α-hydroxy-
with decreased cycle ovulation, conception,       lase, the enzyme required to synthesize
pregnancy, and live birth rates.17 In a 2012      1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D3 or calcitriol the
study of 45 reproductive-aged women with          active form of vitamin D.2 In the endometrial
PCOS and 161 control women, Tsai et al18          stroma cells, calcitriol regulates expression of
amassed dietary intake, glucose metabolism,       the HOXA10 gene, which is important for
and sex hormones for each group. Women            successful implantation.21 Upregulation of
with PCOS had elevated postprandial glucose       HOXA10 in the endometrium is necessary
levels, fasting insulin, and insulin resistance   for embryo implantation. Cermik et al22
compared with women without PCOS, dem-            demonstrate HOXA10 expression was re-
onstrated by marked metabolic profile differ-     pressed by testosterone in women with
ences among the PCOS cohort.18                    PCOS. Endometrial biopsies obtained from
    Metformin is a biguanide insulin-             women with PCOS demonstrated decreased
sensitizing agent that is often administered      HOXA10 mRNA expression levels, indicat-
for PCOS women with clinical signs or             ing a role for testosterone as a regulator of
biochemical evidence of insulin resistance,       HOXA10 expression. Diminished uterine
with a goal of improving insulin resistance       HOXA10 expression may also contribute to
and correcting the underlying hormonal            the diminished reproduction potential of
disruption. Metformin has been proven to          women with PCOS by limiting embryo
be particularly effective in reducing insulin     implantation.22
resistance and improving ovulatory per-              The vitamin D pathway has been sug-
formance. New insulin-sensitizing agents          gested to have a regulatory role in PCOS-
are being used in women with PCOS to              associated symptoms. Calcitriol has been
maximize positive effect on insulin while         associated with follicular growth and deve-
limiting adverse side effects,19 as metformin     lopment,23 and it has also been shown to
is poorly tolerated by some women due to          increase the expression of the insulin receptor,
gastrointestinal distress. Metformin also has     insulin synthesis and secretion, and insulin
been shown to increase ovulation when             sensitivity.21 The presence of vitamin D
compared with placebo, however, it is less        receptor polymorphisms have been shown
effective than other oral ovulation-induction     to be associated with the severity of PCOS
agents; thus, metformin should not be uti-        phenotype; although these findings are con-
lized as a first-line treatment for this          troversial and need further investigation.
indication.20 The different medications for          While lower vitamin D levels have been
ovulation induction are discussed in greater      associated with ovulatory and menstrual
detail in the pharmacotherapy chapter.            irregularities, lower pregnancy success,
                                                  hirsutism, hyperandrogenism, obesity, and
VITAMIN D DEFICIENCY AND                          elevated cardiovascular disease risk factor,24
FERTILITY                                         the prevalence of vitamin D deficiency
Vitamin D has traditionally been associ-          among individuals with PCOS is also con-
ated primarily with bone function and             troversial. Two different meta-analyses re-
calcium and phosphorus homeostasis,               ported that women with PCOS had
however, expression of the vitamin D              substantially lower levels of vitamin D, yet
receptor in the ovaries, uterus, and pla-         noted that vitamin D deficiency was more
centa have suggested a role for vitamin D         common in a patient in PCOS women who
in reproduction. The vitamin D receptor           are obese compared with nonobese PCOS
is expressed in granulosa cells, cumulus          women.25,26 Importantly, a meta-analysis
oophorus cells, endometrium, fallopian            by He et al27 did not show significant

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PCOS and Fertility           69

improvement in markers of insulin resistance     inflammation is quite difficult. Oxidative
nor hyperandrogenism with vitamin D sup-         stress is positively correlated with androgen
plementation among individuals with PCOS.        levels and contributes to hyperandrogenism
Thus, the increased risk of vitamin D defi-      in PCOS patients. Follicular fluid is complex
ciency among women with PCOS may be              and contains a mixture of protein, sugar,
related to associated comorbidities, and not     reactive oxygen species, antioxidants, and
necessarily to the pathophysiology of PCOS       hormones.32 Oocytes have a large quantity
itself.                                          of mitochondria that play an important
                                                 regulatory role in oocyte maturation, fertil-
FERTILITY AND MITOCHONDRIA                       ization, and preimplantation embryo
FUNCTION                                         development.32 The concentration of these
The relationship of cellular dysfunction and     substances directly affects oocyte maturity
PCOS has garnered attention in a recent          and quality. Imbalances between antioxidant
investigation, with mitochondria thought to      factors and reactive oxygen species in the
play a large role to the underlying etiology.    follicular fluid may have adverse effects on
Mitochondria are the functional “power-          oocyte quality, fertilization, and embryo
house” of the cell and play a fundamental        development. This process is likely through
role in cell energy metabolism and apoptosis,    alteration of the equilibrium of the follicular
as well as signal transduction for cell          microenvironment and results in abnormal
proliferation.28 The role of mitochondrial       ovulation and infertility in patients with
function disorders in the pathogenesis of        PCOS.33 Numerous indicators of oxidative
PCOS has been demonstrated by Papalou            stress are abnormal in the blood and follicular
et al.29 It may account for several character-   fluid of patients with PCOS and may play a
istics of PCOS, such as androgen excess,         role in infertility among these women.
insulin resistance, obesity, abnormal follicu-
lar development, and inflammation.               FERTILITY AND OBESITY
    While the exact relationship between         In the United States, nearly 50% of repro-
mitochondrial dysfunction and PCOS is            ductive age women are overweight (BMI >
unknown, there are several factors that are       25 kg/m2) or obese (BMI > 30 kg/m2).34 Obe-
thought to contribute to the disruption.30       sity alone is a risk factor for hypertension,
Replication errors are more likely to occur      dyslipidemia, DM, sleep apnea, and cardio-
in mitochondrial DNA than in nuclear             vascular disease; thus, elevating the rate of all-
DNA, which leads to greater mutations,           cause mortality in this population.35 Women
deletions, and mitochondrial DNA molecule        with PCOS, who manifest the overweight or
depletion. In addition, oxidative stress-        obese phenotype, can suffer not only from
induced cellular damage is increased in wom-     these negative health implications but also
en with PCOS, and although the exact             from infertility. Obesity is commonly associ-
mechanism is unknown, it is thought to lead      ated with ovulatory dysfunction; women with
to insulin resistance and other metabolic        a BMI > 27 kg/m2 have a relative risk (RR)
abnormalities, the possibility at the level of   of anovulatory infertility of 3.1 [95% con-
the mitochondria. This pathway may also be       fidence interval (CI), 2.2-4.4] compared with
responsible for cellular changes which lead to   their lean counterparts.36,37 Furthermore,
the development of metabolic syndrome; a         obesity is associated with higher doses of
condition often seen in PCOS women char-         medication to induce ovulation as well as a
acterized by hypertension, increased abdomi-     decreased response to clomiphene citrate
nal adiposity, dyslipidemia, and impaired        [increased BMI: odds ratio (OR): 0.92; 95%
glucose metabolism.31 Cellular oxidative         CI, 0.40-0.89].38 Moreover, in a systematic
stress is closely related to inflammation, and   review of 27 in vitro fertilization (IVF) studies
the ability to completely distinguish it from    showed that women with obesity have

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70     Lentscher et al

a reduced chance of clinical pregnancy and        pregnancy. Thus, a stepwise approach to
live birth compared with normal-weight            treatment should be formulated for women
women.39 This was confirmed in a meta-            with PCOS, with strong consideration on
analysis of 33 IVF studies of over 47,000         treatment modality based on the risk/bene-
cycles which concluded that overweight and        fit stratification. The different infertility
obese women have a significantly reduced          treatments are discussed in more detail in
rates of clinical pregnancy (RR: 0.90,            other chapters.
P < 0.0001) and live birth (RR: 0.84,
P = 0.0002) compared with women with a            PCOS AND PREGNANCY
BMI of
PCOS and Fertility         71

pregnant women with a BMI > 25 kg/m2              cause of maternal mortality.51 This category
and with PCOS, acanthosis nigricans, or any       encompasses various conditions to include
other condition associated with insulin resist-   chronic hypertension, gestational hyperten-
ance should be screened early in pregnancy        sion, preeclampsia/eclampsia as well as
given the high risk for type 2 DM.45              chronic hypertension with superimposed pre-
   While there are similar metabolic risks,       eclampsia. The different hypertensive disor-
it is still unclear if PCOS independently         ders are characterized by the onset of
increases the risk of GDM, or if this is          hypertension (either prepregnancy, before
related to increased adiposity. Mikola            20 wk gestation, or after 20 wk gestation),
et al46 found that PCOS independently             presence or absence of proteinuria, the oc-
increased the risk of GDM, but that               currence of end-organ dysfunction, or seiz-
overweight or obese women with PCOS               ures. Given that some of the risk factors for
was the strongest predictor for the devel-        hypertensive disorders are also associated
opment of GDM. Similarly, in a meta-              with PCOS, namely diabetes and obesity,
analysis of 15 studies, Boomsma et al43           the association between the 2 conditions
found women with PCOS demonstrated a              seems plausible.
significantly higher change of developing            A pooled meta-analysis of 15 studies
GDM compared with controls (OR: 2.94;             showed that women with PCOS demon-
95% CI, 1.70-4.08). Furthermore, a sub-           strated a significantly higher chance of devel-
group analysis of 5 higher validity studies       oping a hypertensive disorder of pregnancy
from Boomsma et al’s43 meta-analysis              when compared with non-PCOS women
further reinforced the increased risk of          (OR: 3.67; 95% CI, 1.98-6.81).43 Similarly,
PCOS women developing GDM (OR:                    women with PCOS also demonstrated a
3.66; 95% CI, 1.20-11.16). In a more              significantly higher probability of developing
recent meta-analysis investigating 29             preeclampsia than the control cohort (OR:
studies, PCOS in pregnancy was again              3.47; 95% CI, 1.95-6.17).43 It should be noted
associated with a significantly increased         that in all studies in which preeclampsia was
risk of GDM when compared with non-               an endpoint there was reported a lower
PCOS women (RR: 2.78; 95% CI, 2.27-               parity, higher BMI, and more multiple ges-
3.40).47 Conversely, a large multicenter          tations among women with PCOS versus
case-control study of over 2000 women             controls. Yu et al47 in a meta-analysis of 29
indicated that the increased risk of GDM          studies that evaluated preeclampsia and ges-
in women with PCOS was related to                 tation hypertension between PCOS pregnan-
obesity and maternal age rather than the          cies versus pregnancies without PCOS
underlying PCOS diagnosis.48 Similarly,           showed a harmful impact for both conditions
2 case-control studies evaluating PCOS            (preeclampsia: RR: 2.79; 95% CI, 2.29-3.38,
women with non-PCOS women, who                    gestational hypertension: RR: 2.46; 95% CI,
were matched by BMI and age, showed               1.95-3.09) in PCOS women. Given the higher
no increase in GDM within the PCOS                likelihood for hypertensive disorders in preg-
cohort.49,50 Since there are different            nancy among women with PCOS, careful
PCOS phenotypes, screening for GDM                attention to blood pressure and symptoma-
should be underscored in those women              tology at each prenatal visit and postpartum
with risk factors and an increased BMI as         should be undertaken.
per the current recommendations.
                                                  Alteration in Birth Weight
Hypertensive Disorders in Pregnancy               As previously highlighted, there is an
Hypertensive disorders in pregnancy are           increased risk of both DM and hypertensive
estimated to affect 6% to 8% of all pregnancy     disorders in PCOS women. Ironically,
in the United States and is the second leading    women with DM are at increased risks of

         Copyright r 2020 Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc. All rights reserved.
72    Lentscher et al

macrosomia, whereas those women with            opposed this claim or suggested this obser-
hypertensive disorders have an increased        vation may be dose dependent or based on
chance of small for gestational age (SGA)       early pregnancy monitoring/testing in this
infants secondary to placental insufficiency.   subgroup.55
In a pooled meta-analysis of 12 studies, the       An increase in early pregnancy loss has
data revealed a statistically, albeit not       also been attributed to the increased
clinically, significant lower neonatal birth    prevalence of elevated LH levels, hyper-
weight among infants of women with              androgenism, insulin resistance, and obe-
PCOS (mean weight difference: −38.4 g;          sity. Though elevated LH levels have been
95% CI, −62.2 to −14.6).43 However, when        associated with an increased risk of mis-
a subgroup analysis of 4 studies in which       carriage, this has not been found to be
controls were matched for confounders           predictive of pregnancy loss.56 Insulin
there was no significant difference in birth    resistance, however, has been identified
weight. Similarly, in a meta-analysis per-      as an independent risk factor for miscar-
taining to the outcomes of macrosomia (11       riage, particularly when not controlled.57
studies) and SGA infants (10 studies) in        One study by Wang et al58 showed that
women with PCOS compared with con-              although women with PCOS were found
trols, the data showed that pregnant PCOS       to have an increase in the prevalence of
women did not have an increased risk of         spontaneous abortion compared with
macrosomia (RR: 1.14; 95% CI, 0.96-2.20)        women without PCOS, this effect was
or SGA (RR: 1.45; 95% CI, 0.96-2.20).47         decreased to nonsignificant and ulti-
Thus, an underlying PCOS diagnosis does         mately nil after controlling for obesity
not appear to play a role in the birth weight   and other confounding factors including
of the infant.                                  the type of treatment received. Thus, the
                                                increased rate of miscarriage seen among
Early Pregnancy Loss                            women with PCOS may be secondary to
Spontaneous abortion in women with              the increased prevalence of obesity, insu-
PCOS has been reported to be as high as         lin resistance, and other confounding
30% to 40%, which is ∼3-fold higher than the    factors.
reported rates of 10% to 15% for women
without PCOS.52 Similarly, individuals with
recurrent miscarriage have been found to        Conclusions
have a higher prevalence of polycystic-ap-      Women with PCOS are at increased risk for
pearing ovaries on ultrasound (40% to 82%),     infertility owing primarily to anovulation.
compared with those unaffected (23%).53 It      However, given the various hormonal per-
should be noted, however, that these studies    turbations experienced by women with
often use nonstandardized diagnostic criteria   PCOS, several factors likely play a critical
and varying imagine modalities to assess the    role in fertility as addressed in this chapter.
ovarian findings. One possible explanation      While there is still much to glean about the
for the observed increase in the spontaneous    relationship between PCOS and fertility, it is
abortion rate among women with PCOS is          clear that lifestyle modifications, weight
the use of ovulation-induction agents includ-   optimization, and when indicated, medica-
ing the use of clomiphene citrate. A signifi-   tion may be beneficial. The goal in treating
cantly higher rate of spontaneous abortion      PCOS women is to optimize their health
has been reported among pregnancies result-     preconceptionally in efforts to achieve a
ing from the use of clomiphene citrate          successful pregnancy while minimizing ob-
compared with spontaneous pregnancies in        stetric complications. Women with PCOS
patients who are otherwise experiencing         should be encouraged that they can success-
subfertility.54 However, other studies have     fully conceive and have a healthy pregnancy.

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PCOS and Fertility              73

However, more research is still needed to                           clinically defined women with polycystic ovarian
better understand the relationship between                          syndrome. J Clin Endocrinol Metab. 1997;82:
PCOS and fertility so that women with                               2248–2256.
                                                              13.   Morales AJ, Laughlin GA, Butzow T, et al.
PCOS can be appropriately counsel and                               Insulin, somatotropic and luteinizing hormone
aided when they seek medical attention.                             axes in lean and obese women with polycystic
                                                                    ovarian syndrome: common and distinct features.
                                                                    J Clin Endocrinol Metab. 1996;81:2854–2864.
                                                              14.   Eagleson CA, Gingrich MB, Pastor CL, et al.
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