NFI - delivering for you today and tomorrow

Page created by Ralph Nichols
NFI - delivering for you today and tomorrow
Issue 06
Spring 2021

 MATTERS      Developing strategies to detect and prevent fraud

                        The NFI -
                   delivering for you
                 today and tomorrow

Inside this issue:
                                                            RELATING TO MATCHES
                                                            REFERRED TO THE DWP
NFI - delivering for you today and tomorrow
Welcome to the                                                                          in
                                          6th issue of NFI Matters                                                            this
       The last 12 months have been some of the most difficult in
       living memory for us all as we try to deal with the issues that
                                                                              ALSO INCLUDED IN THIS ISSUE
                                                                              OF NFI MATTERS ARE:
       the COVID-19 pandemic has caused. Despite these enormous
       challenges the NFI team would like to thank you again for your
       continued support. Hopefully as the COVID-19 vaccination               New features in the web application - don’t
       programme starts to reach wider sections of the UK population
       we can begin to feel that there is light at the end of the tunnel
       and life can begin to return to something we are all more
                                                                              miss them!

                                                                              FOCUS ON - Recording Council Tax Reduction
                                                                                                                                04                           11                       16
       familiar with.
                                                                              Scheme outcomes relating to matches referred      Pilots - what’s               AppCheck - Stop         Working with
                                                                              to the DWP                                        coming through                fraud at the door       HMRC to bring you
     “Despite these enormous challenges the NFI                                                                                 the pipeline                  using the NFI           refined matches
     team would like to thank you again, for your                             The changes that are being considered arising                                   fraud prevention
                                                                              from our review of the NFI estimates of fraud                                   and application
     continued support”
                                                                              losses prevented and detected                                                   verification solution   Security -
                                                                                                                                                                                      We’ve changed our
       A record number of NFI datasets were submitted on time for                                                                                                                     password policy
       the 2020/21 data matching exercise. So thank you for your help         ... And more

                                                                                                                               Potential pilots

       in getting the data in on time. As a result we hope to be able to      As always if you would like us to cover
       minimise the number of additional data match releases we have to       something specific in a future edition or        and innovation

       issue in 2021. We know that minimising these match releases helps      contribute a counter fraud or NFI related        themes
       you to plan your investigation resource much more effectively.         article please contact me directly.                                            NFI Milestones -
       Submissions of Council Tax and Electoral Register for this year’s                                                                                     dates for your diary

                                                                                                                                08                                                    What’s happening
       annual Single Person Discount exercise were also above our             Yvonne Addison
       expectations. Over the course of the 2019/20 annual Single Person      Head of Operational Delivery                                                                            around the UK
       Discount exercise, £26 million was identified by you, with just over   and Communications, Cabinet Office

       95% of overpayments being recovered. So those who engaged
                                                                                                                                New features in the
       with us on this initiative have achieved some huge savings. Your
                                                                                                                                web application

       hard work tracking down those continually claiming single person
       discounts when they are not entitled, is very much commended.
                                                                                                                                                             FOCUS ON -
       You will also see from the headline, in this issue of NFI Matters
                                                                                                                                                             Recording Council

       there is some really good information about all the innovative           Contact us...                                                                                         Premium Single
       ideas we are working on with our IT partner, Synectics Solutions,                                                                                     Tax Reduction
       to improve the effectiveness of the NFI.                                                                                                              Scheme outcomes          Person Discount
                                                                                                                                                             relating to matches      Matching Service
       There is a summary of the work we’ve been doing to improve                      We’ve enhanced
       the risk scoring functionality following the sessions we held with                                                       our risk scoring             referred to the DWP
       many of you last year. We have also included an update on our                                                            in line with your

       work widening the NFI data matching purposes with links to                                                               feedback
       the consultation that opened on 10th February. We urge you to            Wales
       provide feedback on the consultation so please do send it through
       by 10th March deadline.
                                                                                Northern Ireland                                                             15                       Mortality
       To try and give you some help and pointers for when you are
       reviewing your NFI matches, we have provided some milestones to
       follow that should ensure you get the best results (such as locating
                                                                                                                               10                            Review of estimates
                                                                                                                                                             for the NFI 2020/21
                                                                                                                                                                                      Screening from
                                                                                                                                                                                      the NFI
       the most time critical matches to work on first, including those                                                        New purposes
       to students).                                                                                                           update

                                                         NFI MATTERS // 2                                                                             NFI MATTERS // 3
NFI - delivering for you today and tomorrow
Pilots                                                                                           An update on pilots that have been undertaken recently

                                                                                                     PILOT TITLE       SUMMARY                      OUTCOMES                         NEXT STEPS

 What’s coming
                                                                                                     Multiple          A pilot matching parking       The pilot resulted in 60        We will be promoting
                                                                                                                       permits within and             passes being cancelled          this matching to London
                                                                                                     Residents         between two London             which was a particularly        Boroughs but we are
                                                                                                     Parking Permits   Borough Councils to            effective hit rate from the     also keen to hear from

 through the                                                                                                           identify where a permit
                                                                                                                       holder was not eligible
                                                                                                                       due to not residing at the
                                                                                                                                                      158 matches released.           local authorities outside
                                                                                                                                                                                      London where this is a
                                                                                                                                                                                      risk to them.

                                                                                                                       qualifying property or it
                                                                                                                       not being their
                                                                                                                       main residence.

                                                                                                     Car Hire          A pilot targeting              The pilot prevented 135         We are now rolling out
                                                                                                                       potential fraudulent           vehicles being rented           this functionality as part
                                                                                                                       misrepresentation of           where the applicant             of the business as usual
                                                                                                                       name and address details       could not be verified           process for organisations
                                                                                                                       when hiring vehicles.          to NFI data.                    in this sector.

                                                                                                     HMRC              A pilot in England using       The pilot reported £8.8         A phase 2 of this pilot
                                                                                                                       Digital Economy Act            million outcomes to             to further explore the
                                                                                                     insight           (DEA) powers to access         the DEA Board in April          insight HMRC data
                                                                                                                       HMRC data to identify          2020 but outcomes have          provides has been
      We know fraudsters are always                                                                                    potential fraud across a       continued to be reported        approved by the DEA
      looking for new areas to                                                                                         range of local authority       since then and by 17th          Board. We expect to
      exploit and make money at our                    ABOUT THE NFI                                                   services, specifically         December 2020 stood             release matches in

      expense. We try to counter this
      threat by continually working
                                                       PILOT PIPELINE                                                  targeting ‘undeclared
                                                                                                                       property’, ‘undeclared
                                                                                                                                                      at £12.4 million.               March 2021.

                                                                                                                       or under declared
      with you, our counter fraud                      The NFI pilot pipeline includes ideas in                        earnings’, and ‘household
      community, to come up with                       various stages, ranging from those that                         composition’.
      new ways of using data to                        are in their infancy and require further
      identify fraud across the public                 research, through to those where the
      sector - both for existing or for                case for undertaking a pilot is clear. Some
      new emerging fraud problems.                     ideas are abandoned early on, maybe
                                                       because there is no clear legal gateway,
                                                                                                                       The effect of the pandemic
                                                       or perhaps there is a lack of evidence of
                                                                                                                        The pandemic impacted on our capacity to deliver pilots, as
                                                       fraud. Pilots can be small, involving one                        we diverted resources to support the wider Cabinet Office
                                                       organisation using just their own data, or                       work around COVID-19 fraud countermeasures. This included
                                                       larger - involving multiple organisations                        work to build the Experian ‘Bank account verification and
                                                       using data from within and between                               active company check’ into the NFI tool for local authorities
                                                       bodies and also third party data, perhaps                        to undertake checks on Business Support Grants. We also
                                                                                                                        carried out a small pilot with six local authorities to help us
                                                       from the private sector.                                         understand the remit of the matching to be undertaken as part
                                                                                                                        of the mandation of local authorities Covid-19 payments data,
                                                                                                                        matching of this data is now underway.

                                                                                                                              HOWEVER                                      ...the supply of pilot ideas has kept
                                                                                                                                                                           flowing and we are now planning
                                                                                                                                                                           to deliver more pilots during
                                                                                                                                                                           2021/22. Please help us continue
                                                                                                                                                                           this flow - if you have an idea for a
                                                                                                                                                                           pilot and would like to understand
                                                                                                                                                                           our process please contact
                                                                                                                                                                           Nathan Nash (nathan.nash@
                                                                                                                                                                  and quote
                                                                                                                                                                           ‘Pipeline2021’ in the subject line.

                                          NFI MATTERS // 4                                                                                   NFI MATTERS // 5
NFI - delivering for you today and tomorrow
Pilots                                                                                              INNOVATION
                                                                                                         THEME                  SUMMARY

                                                                                                         Data                   Building on approaches such as network analysis, this theme looks to improve the
                                                                                                                                visualisation of potential frauds for users particularly where this is complex and involves
                                                                                                         Visualisation          multiple datasets.

 Potential pilots                                                                                        Predictive             Building on and learning from the success of predictive analytics to identify fraud in
                                                                                                                                other sectors, use the NFI data and associated outcomes, to better predict where fraud

 in the                                                                                                  Analytics              may occur in future.

                                                                                                                                Management Information (MI) plays a key part in the NFI Team’s work and the number
                                                                                                         Management             of different reports has grown exponentially. MI is used to validate the accuracy of
                                                                                                         Information            outcomes reporting, understanding our impact, and refining our approach. We also
                                                                                                                                appreciate it’s very important for users to quickly and easily understand the impact of
                                                                                                                                the NFI on their organisations so the review will cover all MI reports.

        and innovation themes
                                                                                                                                Submission of data for the main NFI exercise is a huge collaborative effort between
                                                                                                         Automation of          participants extracting and submitting the data and the data then being processed
                                                                                                         data collection        ready for matching. We want to look at ways to reduce the burden and improve the
                                                                                                                                regularity of data coming in to the NFI. The vision is to get to a situation where you
        Some examples of pilots currently in the pipeline                                                                       can push the data into the NFI automatically and/or you can allow us to pull the data
                                                                                                                                ourselves where possible. Of course this will be a big step so we’ll start small.

        PILOT TITLE            SUMMARY
                                                                                                         AppCheck for           Build a facility to undertake checks on companies. The work to date on business support
                                                                                                                                grants has shown the value in utilising the data and technology the NFI holds to facilitate
        NHS Learning           Targeting potentially fraudulent access to financial                      Companies              checks on companies. We will work with you to better ensure we understand your needs
        Support to             support for NHS students.                                                                        and to help shape this work.
        Student Loans

        Social Security        This is to match Social Security Scotland data to identify                Internal               Building a facility within the NFI
                                                                                                                                to allow participating government
                               potential fraud particularly targeting household composition              Fraud Hub              departments to check where
                               and misrepresentation of residency e.g. individuals fraudulently

                                                                                                                                individuals applying for employment
                               declaring residency in Scotland in order to access benefits.                                     may have previously been dismissed.

        Beds in Sheds          Targeting properties that potentially have illegal accommodation.

        Council Tax            Available as part of the Premium Council Tax Single Person
                               Discount service. Targeting properties fraudulently declared as
        (CT) Voids             void where there is potentially a resident.
        Disabled               Targeting potential misrepresentation of residency in applications

                                                                                                       PREVENT MORE FRAUD
                               for grants, and multiple applications for the same individual.
        Facilities Grants

        School                 Looking at where applications for school places include an address      BY BUILDING A TAILOR-
                               which is potentially not the applicants permanent address.
                                                                                                       MADE COLLABORATIVE
                       How we are seeking to innovate and grow the NFI                                 FraudHub enables organisations to come                                                   Contact us today
                                                                                                       together to share intelligence and insight to                                               Tel: 0845 345 8019
                       We are currently working closely with our contractors on a number of            help identify and stop potential fraud.
                       potential innovation themes. Work is underway to scope each theme and
                       build a detailed timetable. The projects fit in with the NFI strategic themes   FraudHub provides local authorities and other
                       to continuously innovate using the latest technologies and methodologies        public sector organisations with the opportunity                               Email:
                       to prevent and detect fraud. As usual we are keen to get input from users       to work together to detect or prevent fraud or
                       so as our plans develop we will reach out to you!                                                                                                          to find out more about how you could
                                                                                                       errors by sharing data in a secure way using                                     build your own fraud prevention
                                                                                                       proven techniques.                                                          community specific to your location.
                                    NFI MATTERS // 6                                                                                                  NFI MATTERS // 7
NFI - delivering for you today and tomorrow
New features in the web application                                                                                           We’ve
      We have overhauled our guidance to make it more user friendly
                                                                                                                                   enhanced our
      and interactive. The new-look guidance can be found within the
      Help & Guidance section of the web application.                                                                              risk scoring in
                                                                                                                                   line with your
      The guidance is an essential part of your toolkit that seeks to help you get the
      most out of the NFI, explains the purpose of the matches and highlights tips and
      tools that will make your review really efficient.

                                        OTHER NEW FEATURES THAT YOU
                                        SHOULD LOOK OUT FOR…                                                                       feedback
                                        + Keyword Search                               + Improvement to
                                           Type in a word or title/partial               shared matches
                                           title of e.g. a guidance document and         Not all matches are shared with both
                                           it will look for it and give a link to go                                               We have been working closely with
                                           directly to it.
                                                                                         organisations. There was a facility to
                                                                                         enable the organisation with the          users over the last few months to further
                                        + Export                                         match to share it with the other party
                                                                                         but we have developed this so that        develop our approach to risk scoring the
                                                                                                                                                                                                       Addition of VH, H and M risk icons
                                           Ability to export just the columns            you can now share comments on             NFI matches. We did this through a user                             against matches along with the
                                           from a report you require rather than         the match within the secure
                                           all columns in the report and we have
                                                                                                                                   survey and three Town Hall sessions.                                corresponding percentage risk scores
                                                                                         web application.
                                           added an option to merge matches                                                        The Town Hall sessions were a new way
                                           and comments into one export file.          + User Administration
                                                                                                                                   of engaging with users. We appreciated                              Change the default navigation from

                                                                                         The Key Contact or Senior                                                                                     the NATIONAL EXERCISES menu from
                                        + Navigation                                                                               participation from a range of users/
                                                                                         Responsible Officer are now able to                                                                           Fraud Risk view to the Matches view
                                           A ‘Go to Match’ option in a report            export the email addresses of the live    organisations, which provided valuable
                                           so you can locate a match quickly             users to correspond with over the         insight into how we can effectively                                 Refinement of techniques used to
                                           rather than paging through.                   NFI. A comment can also now be
                                                                                         added against user accounts.
                                                                                                                                   support your needs. This has helped us                              generate recurring prior year matches
                                        + Senior Responsible                                                                       to prioritise targeted developments over                            using 2018/19 statuses (Closed -
                                          Officer changes                              + Matches referred to the DWP                                                                                   Already Known, No issue) to reduce
                                                                                                                                   the coming months.                                                  unnecessary referrals in 2020/21
                                           A tool that allows the Senior                 You can now reopen a housing
                                           Responsible Officer or Key Contact            benefit match referred to DWP if          We have been working closely with our developers to
                                           to notify us of changes to Senior             they subsequently notify you they do      enhance risk scoring functionality to more accurately
                                           Responsible Officer contact details           not want to investigate it with the       reflect risk and to clearly signpost risk level. We
                                                                                         new ‘Revert Referral’ button. This will   hope this will help users in prioritising and allocating
                                           through the web application.
                                                                                         enable you to record local outcomes       resources to review and investigate matches. We see                 Coming soon
                                        + Outcomes recording                             e.g. council tax reduction scheme         this as a continuous journey, where we may make small
                                           A Bulk Outcomes Upload tool is now            weekly reductions and overpayments.       tweaks each year. Capturing outcomes in the web
                                                                                                                                   application is essential to improving risk scoring as we            A way of identifying internal as
                                           provided in reports 52, 801, 803 and        + Quick Links & Favourites                  can learn which match types are most effective.                     opposed to external payments for NHS
                                           814 - users download and complete a
                                                                                         Two mini tabs have been                                                                                       creditor reports to allow organisations
                                           template, upload the template back
                                                                                         added to the Home page where                                                                                  to consider how they prioritise review
                                           into the web application and
                                                                                         commonly used NFI pages or your                                                                               of matches i.e. external creditors
                                           outcomes are added automatically.
                                                                                         own frequently visited pages can                                                                              payments may be deemed higher risk
                                           Guidance on how to use this new
                                           feature can be found in Section 8             be stored.
                                           of the new guidance.                        + Match filters                                                                                                 The ability to create custom filter
                                        + Tooltips                                       A dynamic filter on the ‘Creditor                                                                             combinations
                                           To explain the categorisation of the          Name’ and ‘Remarks’ fields in trade
                                           Report Summary totals within a                creditors reports to allow you to
                                                                                         prioritise matches for investigation.                                                                         A way of marking matches of interest
                                           report i.e. Processed, Investigating,
                                                                                                                                                                                                       e.g. a ‘favourite’ status
                                           Cleared, etc.
                                                                                                                                       Thank you to all those who sent feedback
                                                                                                                                                                                                       Addition of risk scores and filters in
                                                                                                                                       and attended Town Hall sessions. A number                       HMRC reports
                                                                                             If you need help                          of enhancements were identified in addition
                                                                                          using these new tools/                       to those outlined above which are being
                                                                                          features please do not                       reviewed for addition in the future.
                                                                                           hesitate to contact us
                                                      NFI MATTERS // 8                        for assistance.                                                                       NFI MATTERS // 9
NFI - delivering for you today and tomorrow
AppCheck –
                                                                                                                                       Stop fraud at the door
     New purposes                                                                                                                      using the NFI fraud
                                                                                                                                       prevention and application
            update                                                                                                                     verification solution
     In issue 4 of NFI Matters we told you about                     Our research shows that the data matching purposes will
                                                                     create longer term efficiency savings that will help public
     our work looking at whether we should widen
     the NFI data matching purposes as set out                       services. Work to enact the purposes was one of the five                                         Watch the training video
                                                                     key objectives set out in the NFI strategic delivery plan
     in the Local Audit and Accountability Act                       2018 to 2022.
                                                                                                                                                                      on the NFI web application to see how AppCheck works and
     2014. In doing so we have also been looking                                                                                                                      how it could help you to save time, resources and reduce fraud
                                                                     The proposals focus on increasing NFI’s operational
     at possible updates to the NFI Code of Data                                                                                                                      even further in your organisation.
                                                                     efficiency and value for the public sector. Early estimates
     Matching Practice.                                              suggest that by better utilising data already collected by
                                                                     NFI, supplemented by additional data collection where
     To recap the powers are:                                        appropriate, enactment of these powers could deliver
                                                                     early efficiency savings (within the first 3 years) of at least
                                                                     £10 million a year to key public sector organisations.            AppCheck is designed to allow users               Reduce the risk of        AppCheck provides built-in risk

                                                                     We would expect savings to be far greater over a longer           to quickly ascertain if there are any             your organisation         flags and intelligent colour coding
                                                                     time period. Critically, research shows that there are            factors affecting the eligibility of an           falling victim to         to make it easier to identify
                                                                     clearly important wider outcomes for citizens overall             individual to benefits and services               fraud by stopping         genuine applications or prioritise
                                                                     i.e. the data matching powers would help:                         and/or check identity.                            invalid or fraudulent     referrals for further investigation.
                                                                                                                                       AppCheck ensures that all applications            claims at the point of    Key data sources are brought
     to assist in the prevention      to assist in the
     and detection of crime                                                                                                            are vetted, helping to provide your               application               together into one system for ease
                                      apprehension and                                                                                                                                                             of use, including the ability to run
     (other than fraud)               prosecution of offenders                        The police solve crimes other                    organisation with an effective fraud
                                                                                      than fraud, or find offenders more               prevention process. The real time                                           a further check against Credit
                                                                                                                                                                                         Reduce administration
                                                                                      efficiently than is currently the case           functionality will return a match or                                        Reference Agency (CRA) data.
                                                                                                                                                                                         and future
                                                                                                                                       all clear reports within seconds of an            investigation costs       This software can be used by
                                                                                                                                       application search being made. This               by managing the risk      multiple teams within your
                                                                                                                                       makes the product ideal for usage                 of getting it wrong at    organisation at the same time to
                                                                                      Local authorities and government                 within both call centres or by frontline          application               ensure your whole organisation
                                                                                      departments to reduce debt owed to               operatives. AppCheck is an online                                           is covered.
     to assist in prevention          to assist in the recovery                       public bodies while adhering to the              service delivered by a secure web
     and detection of errors          of debt owing to                                Fairness in Debt Management Principles           application. There is a hierarchical user
     and inaccuracies                 public bodies                                                                                                                                      Reduce or stop the
                                                                                                                                       structure to control access and monitor
                                                                                                                                                                                         provision of invalid or
                                                                                                                                       searches that have been conducted
                                                                                                                                                                                         fraudulent payments
                                                                                                                                       within your organisation.
     We launched a public consultation on 10th February.                              Agencies or departments to reduce any
     The consultation documents are available on GOV.UK and                           errors that might exist in official data
     will be open for responses until 10th March. We would                            records and thereby helping to deliver
     encourage you to review the consultation documents and                           more effective services or to ensure             Getting started is quicker and easier than you think...
     respond at your earliest convenience. You can respond                            citizens receive the benefits they are
     online or by email. The results of this consultation will be                     entitled to
     instrumental in determining the way forward.
                                                                                                                                        ...and if you have not already done so we are still
                                                                                                                                        offering a FREE TRIAL of the service.
          For further information contact                                                                                               Please email:
                                                                                                or call 0845 345 8019

                                                          NFI MATTERS // 10                                                                                                           NFI MATTERS // 11
NFI Milestones
                                                                                                                                                                         DOWNLOAD AND PRINT YOUR TIMETABLE

     dates for your diary
     Here are some key milestones based on our analysis of activity within the
     web application, to help you plan your approach to the NFI exercise.

     Feb 21
     All time-critical/very high
                                     Top Tip
                                                                                 Mar 21
                                                                                 Refreshed data from the
                                                                                                                     Apr 21
                                                                                                                     Report 803 Council Tax to
                                                                                                                                                  May 21
                                                                                                                                                  The remainder of the
                                                                                                                                                                                     Jun 21
                                                                                                                                                                                     Start to prepare data
     risk matches (i.e. deceased                                                 national exercise received          NFI data will be released    2020/21 match reports              for additional mortality
     and student related) should     To help Users locate the matches you        by the 1 December deadline          into ReCheck.                should have been reviewed,         screening ready for the
     have been allocated to          want them to investigate quickly we         should be available for                                          matches selected and               June submission deadline.
     investigators to action.        urge you to use the Assign User tool        matching against in                                              allocated for investigation.
     As soon as you have             within reports. Assigning matches to        ReCheck and AppCheck.                                            Matches not selected
     outcomes, for example, from     users generates a personalised ‘My          We will also use this data to                                    should be ‘Closed - Not
     concessionary travel and blue   Matches’ tab where all the matches          commence production of                                           Selected for Investigation’.
     badge reports please record     are stored in one place. Refer to the       your report 803 Council Tax
     them in the web application.    Guidance - Section 4 for details on         to NFI data (as applicable).
                                     how to use this tool.

     Sep 21                                Oct 21                                Nov 21                              2022
     Outcomes from
     investigations should be
     feeding through so they can
                                           Start to prepare for the
                                           annual Council Tax Single
                                           Person Discount (CTSPD)
                                                                                 Start to prepare data
                                                                                 for additional mortality
                                                                                 screening ready for the
                                                                                                                     Jan 22                       Feb 22                             Mar 22
     be recorded in the relevant           exercise and submission of            November submission
     reports. You should be                Council Tax and Electoral             deadline.
                                                                                                                     Ensure you have uploaded     The majority of 2020/21            It is important that
     identifying case studies              register data. Submission
                                                                                                                     your Council Tax and         investigations will be             outcomes are recorded
     to pass to the NFI team to            opens on 1 December.
                                                                                                                     Electoral Register           completed. Work may still          promptly and accurately
     promote your successes.
                                                                                                                     submissions before the       be ongoing on CTSPD                so the NFI Team can
                                                                                                                     end of January deadline,     matches, but we urge you to        calculate the outcomes
                                                                                                                     to generate your Council     record interim outcomes at         from the 2020/21 national
                                         Top Tip                                                                     Tax Single Person Discount   the end of February rather         exercise as at 31 March
                                                                                                                     matches.                     than wait until all work has       2022, to be reported
                                         You could get ahead by setting up                We will be starting                                     been completed. You can            nationally.
                                         your templates ready to create                   to look through the                                     update the figures in the web
                                         automated follow-up charge payer                 web application for                                     application when all work is
                                         letters directly from the matches, to            any cases that are                                      completed. Why not use the
                                         print and distribute locally (or use             particularly noteworthy                                 new bulk outcomes upload
                                         the templates we have prepared for               that demonstrate your                                   tool mentioned on page 8.
                                         you). Full details on how to use this            hard work. If you have
                                         tool are provided in the Council Tax             any you would like us to
                                         Single Person Discount Guidance                  work with you on please
                                         under the Help menu.                             please contact us.

                                                 NFI MATTERS // 12                                                                                     NFI MATTERS // 13
Review of estimates for
                                       FOCUS ON                                                                         the NFI 2020/21 exercise
                                                                                                                         changes that are being considered
               Recording Council                                                                                        We are in the process of                       THESE TAKE INTO ACCOUNT:

             Tax Reduction Scheme                                                                                       completing a review of our
                                                                                                                        fraud prevention and detection                              Data relevant to the fraud problem, including national

          outcomes relating to matches                                                                                  estimate methodologies to                                   published data and data from previous NFI cases
                                                                                                                        ensure they are based on
                                                                                                                        current research and fit for
              referred to the DWP
                                                                                                                                                                                    The policy context relative to the fraud problem
                                                                                                                        purpose. Approved changes
                                                                                                                        will be applied to the 2020/21
                                                                                                                        web application.                                            Any regional variances that may result in the generation of
                                                                                                                                                                                    estimate methodologies specific to a region or area
                    One of the improvements we have made in the Housing                                                 Each NFI dataset has its own
                     Benefit report for the 2020/21 exercise is to allow you                                            methodology to calculate the
                     to reopen cases that had been referred to the DWP for                                              estimated element of fraud                                  Alignment (where possible) with relevant estimated savings
                                                                                                                        prevented/detected.                                         methodologies used in other central government departments
                    investigation using a new Revert Referral button within
                                 the Comments/Outcomes box.
                                                                                                                        GOVERNANCE PROCESS

                                                                                                                          Changes to                  We then                 Finally we take them to the                      Once confirmed
                                                                                                                          estimates are               present them            Cabinet Office Fraud Prevention                  with the Fraud

                                                                                                                          shared with                 to the Cabinet          Panel for approval.                              Prevention Panel
                                                                                                                          Audit Scotland,             Office NFI                                                               the methodologies
                                                                                                                                                                              The Cabinet Office Fraud
                                                                                                                          Northern Ireland            Governance                                                               are built into the NFI
                                                                                                                                                                              Prevention Panel consists of five
                                                                                                                          Audit Office                Board.                                                                   web application,
                                                                                                                                                                              cross government counter fraud
                                                                                                                          and the Audit                                                                                        so your estimated
                                                                                                                                                                              experts who review and challenge,
     The main reason we have done this is so that you can record reductions and/or overpayments of Council                Wales for initial                                                                                    savings for the
                                                                                                                                                                              where necessary, methodologies
     Tax Reduction following either a DWP investigation or a local investigation. You can also use this new facility      approval.                                                                                            outcomes you
                                                                                                                                                                              for calculating the estimated
     to reopen a match to record other overpayments from a local investigation should the DWP have notified you                                                                                                                record can be
                                                                                                                                                                              value of fraud prevention
     that they did not wish to proceed with the investigation. The case should then be closed ‘Closed – Error’.                                                                                                                automatically
                                                                                                                                                                              initiatives across all government
     Use the multiple occurrence link to coordinate investigations
                                                                                                                           The following changes
                    When we are preparing matches for release, if we find another occurrence of the matched                being explored for                                You can see your estimated savings at match level when
                    individual in a different NFI report we will connect them by adding a hyperlink to their surname.
                    If you click on the surname, the location of the other match(es) are displayed along with              2020/21 include:                                  you record outcomes. To view the overall outcomes for your
                                                                                                                                                                             organisation, including the estimated savings by dataset, open
                    other useful information such as the title of the report the individual appears in. You can then       Right to Buy - to reflect changes in              the applicable ‘Outcomes Summary report (Form 4)’ MI report,
                    consider the other match(es) alongside your current investigation.                                     house prices and Right to Buy discounts           available in the ‘Management Information’ section of the
                                                                                                                           in England and Northern Ireland and               web application.
     Another way of reviewing individuals that appear in more than one report is to look at Report 9999. You can           cessation of the Right to Buy scheme
     use the filter tool within this report to highlight e.g. where an individual appears in 3 or more NFI reports;        in Wales                                          Once finalised, a full breakdown of NFI 2020/21 estimated
     appears more than once in the same report; or appears in reversed reports. Refer to Section 5 of the NFI                                                                savings methodologies for each dataset will be available on
     guidance (Communicating with other organisations) for more help with Report 9999.                                                                                       the Help & Guidance menu.
                                                                                                                           Recovery of a property (Northern
                                                                                                                           Ireland) - to reflect the latest research
        WARNING - be careful not to record the same overpayment in multiple places as it will overstate your               from Northern Ireland Housing Executive
        overall NFI outcomes.

                                                                                                                           Recovery of a property (England)
                                                                                                                           - a review of the current ‘annual cost of
                                                                                                                           temporary accommodation’ aspect of
                                                                                                                                                                               For further information
     If you have any feedback on this please contact                                                                       the methodology                                     contact Susan Baker via                                                                                                                                 

                                                   NFI MATTERS // 14                                                                                                       NFI MATTERS // 15
Working with                                                                           COMING                                   What’s
     HMRC to bring you                                                                      SOON...

     refined matches                                                                                                                 Happening
     Following the successful pilot in England using HMRC
     information, identifying around £12.4 million of outcomes (as at
     17th December 2020), we have been able to secure agreement to
                                                                                                                                     the UK
     use the Digital Economy Act (DEA) 2017 and the Local Audit and
     Accountability Act 2014, to carry out a second pilot.

     We are working closely with HMRC to make refinements
     that will reduce false positives and produce even better
                                                                      those reported for the initial pilot. We welcome support
                                                                      and engagement from local councils in England and Wales
                                                                                                                                     Northern Ireland
     quality matches for participants to investigate. Wales is now
     on the DEA schedules and therefore Welsh Councils will
                                                                      to maximise the benefits of this matching. If the results
                                                                      continue to be significant the next step will be to consider
                                                                                                                                     Fraud Risk Guides

     also be included in the matching this time.                      how best to incorporate HMRC data into NFI in future.
                                                                                                                                     The NFI Coordinator for Northern Ireland,
     The matches will once again be concentrated on identifying                                                                      Valerie Evans, has highlighted the work done
     undeclared property ownership, non or under declared                                                                            in 2020 by the Northern Ireland Audit Office
     earnings and capital along with misrepresentation of                                                                            (NIAO) to raise awareness of increased fraud
     household composition.                                              If you are in Scotland or Northern Ireland, inclusion in    risks due to the Covid-19 pandemic.
     Access to HMRC data presents a great opportunity and                the DEA schedules is under consideration. Subject to        “In terms of exceptional years, 2020 will be difficult
     we would encourage participants to make the most of                 that happening, Scottish and Northern Irish councils        to beat. The impact of Covid-19 has led to crisis and
     the matches as we anticipate that outcomes could exceed             could benefit from these matches next time.                 dramatic change across the globe, but there is one
                                                                                                                                     group of people who relish such circumstances,
                                                                                                                                     seeing them as a golden opportunity – fraudsters.
                                                                                                                                     “Huge volumes of emergency grant payments
                                                                                                                                     administered at speed, dramatic changes in demand                  Self-Appraise your involvement

                                                                                                                                     for certain types of products, a massive increase                  in the NFI with these checklists
                                                                                                                                     in remote working, a surge in online shopping
                                                                                                                                     during lockdowns – all of these provide significant                for Scottish and
                                                                                                                                     opportunities for fraudsters, and pose serious
                                                                                                                                     threats for both organisations and individuals.
                                                                                                                                                                                                        Welsh participants
      We’ve changed our password policy
                                                                                                                                     There is already clear evidence that fraudsters have
                                                                                                                                     been quick to seize upon such opportunities, with                  A two-part checklist, designed to help all
                                                                                                                                     regular stories in the media about organisations and               participating NFI bodies self-appraise their
                                                                                                                                     individuals suffering financial loss as a result.                  involvement in the NFI prior to and during the
      In November 2020, based on the latest guidance from                                                                                                                                               NFI exercises, is available for Scottish and Welsh
      the National Cyber Security Centre, we changed the                                 Useful reading:                             “The NIAO has worked with the Cabinet Office in
                                                                                                                                     relation to taking forward additional data matching
                                                                                                                                                                                                        participants. Part A is designed to assist audit
                                                                                                                                                                                                        committee members and Part B is for officers
      way we ask you to create a password and the frequency                                  around business support grants. In addition, we have               involved in the NFI exercise. Some suggestions
      we ask you to change it.                                                           password_policy_infographic.pdf             been keen to raise awareness of the increased fraud                for improving the efficiency and effectiveness of
                                                                                                                                     risks, and in recent months have produced two guides               reviewing and investigating NFI matches are
      It is considered that enforcing password changes may increase risk of                                                          – on Covid-19 fraud risks and procurement fraud                    also included.
      password discovery as users write passwords down, and/or increment                risks – both available on our website at
      a numeric element meaning they may be more readily deducible                       small-business-guide/using-       
      based on historic passwords.                                                                                                                                                                      Scottish Checklist:       Welsh checklist:
                                                                                         passwords-protect-your-data                 publications/type/goodPractice.
      Security of your login to the NFI system is also strengthened by                                                               “The guides provide a quick point of reference for                  National Fraud            National Fraud
      2-factor authentication. In addition, monitoring and periodic review                       Northern Ireland public sector organisations and set                Initiative Self-          Initiative Self-
      of user activity such as out-of-hours logins helps to identify patterns            en-us/research/wp-content/                  out the mitigating controls that can be put in place to             appraisal checklist       appraisal Checklist
      of suspicious activity. Accounts are also temporarily locked out after             uploads/2016/06/Microsoft_                  minimise the risk of losses to fraud.”
      multiple login attempts with incorrect passwords are attempted.                    Password_Guidance-1.pdf

                                                           NFI MATTERS // 16                                                                                                                   NFI MATTERS // 17
Premium Single Person
     Discount Matching Service
     GET A COMPREHENSIVE VIEW                                                                                              Premium Single Person
     OF INDIVIDUALS CLAIMING                                                                                               Discount Matching Service
     COUNCIL TAX SINGLE                                                                                                    BARNSLEY CASE STUDY
                                                                                             Price freeze                  Increasing Council Tax                  Minimising fraud and irregularity is         frauds and irregularities, fraud detection
                                                                                               at 2019                     Revenue with the Premium                vital in ensuring resources intended to
                                                                                                                                                                   provide essential services to Barnsley
                                                                                                                                                                                                                initiatives and identification of losses
                                                                                                                                                                                                                enabling the recovery of Council funds.
     Even if you have already uploaded your data for the annual                             levels of just                 Council Tax Single Persons              residents are used for that purpose. The
                                                                                                                                                                                                                In addition, the team supports the
     NFI Council Tax Council Tax Single Persons Discount (CTSPD)

                                                                                                                           Discount Matching Service               Council’s Corporate Anti-Fraud Team is
                                                                                                                                                                                                                application of appropriate sanctions
     exercise it’s not too late to upgrade to our Premium CTSPD                                                                                                    located within Internal Audit. The Team
                                                                                                                           available through the NFI               balances pro-active counter fraud work
                                                                                                                                                                                                                including: prosecutions, cautions and
     matching service to gain access to a more comprehensive view                                                                                                                                               disciplinary action.
                                                                                                                                                                   with investigations into allegations of
     of your single person discount claimants’ data footprint.
                                                                                             per record
     One of the NFI’s main objectives is   The Premium CTSPD matching
     to help you drive down the cost of    service will allow you to focus                                                 The Corporate Anti-Fraud Team coordinate the NFI exercise on behalf of
                                                                                 By using this premium service, you
                                                                                                                           the Council and are responsible for the review and investigation of many
                                                                                                                                                                                                                              Just over 2,000
     fraud through continued product       your resources effectively on         are protecting public services by:                                                                                                           non council tax
     development and improvement.          investigating individuals based                                                 of the matches.
                                                                                 + Ensuring individuals are not                                                                                                               support records
     We believe this premium service       on the data footprint and appear                                                The Council’s Benefits and Taxation Department also gets involved in the exercise,
                                                                                   receiving discounts they are no                                                                                                           already identified

     gives you an enhanced view of         to no longer be entitled to the                                                 filtering and investigating the Council Tax Single Person Discount (CTSPD)
     the individuals claiming a single     discount. We provide clear risk         longer entitled to                                                                                                                        in the mandatory
                                                                                                                           matches. In 2019, the Department decided to use the Premium Council Tax Single
     person discount. Combining credit     scores for each record allowing you                                                                                                                                             exercise were targeted
                                                                                 + Maximising the revenue from             Persons Discount matching service available through the NFI. This service offers
     reference data and the wide range     to drill down to review the record      council tax collection                  enhanced checks on the single person discount and electoral register information
                                                                                                                                                                                                                              for the premium
     of information held in the NFI data   prioritising your work streams or                                               already submitted as part of the mandatory annual NFI CTSPD exercise.                                   service.
     sets, can provide a more complete     areas of focus where you believe      + Reducing fraud levels for
     data footprint for a household,       your organisation may be exposed        your organisation
     helping you identify undeclared       to risk. The service also allows      + Maintaining up to date
     changes of circumstances. Our         you to identify genuine customers       customer records
     continued partnership with one        whose entitlement is correct.                                                      VALUE ANALYSIS
     of the UK’s leading credit                                                  + Enabling eligible individuals to
     referencing agencies delivers                                                 receive the discount they are              The returned matches were displayed
                                                                                   entitled to                                                                                                                  A spokesperson from
     this seamless service.                                                                                                   in the NFI secure web application in
                                                                                                                                                                                                                Barnsley Council said:
                                                                                                                              a dashboard format which made it
                                                                                                                              easier for users to review and prioritise                                         “Using the NFI Premium CTSPD is a simple,
                                                                                                                              investigations. To date the Council                                               cost-effective way to maintain the accuracy
        Councils that have used the premium service have reported actual, and
        prevented savings as a result of removing entitlement to the discount, of
                                                                                                                              has successfully generated £172,447
                                                                                                                              in increased council tax revenue due
                                                                                                                              to the successful removal of single
                                                                                                                                                                          £172,447                              of the council tax database. We were able
                                                                                                                                                                                                                to target non council support records only
                                                                                                                                                                                                                and check matches against other sources
        just over £4.3 million with 99.7% of actual overpayments recovered.                                                   person discounts being claimed              IN INCREASED                          of data, at a time that suited the Corporate
                                                                                                                              fraudulently or in error.                   COUNCIL TAX REVENUE                   Anti-Fraud Team and the Benefits and
                                                                                                                                                                                                                Taxation Department.”

     The service provides you with:

                          Confirmation                         Verification                         Additional insights
                          of the                                                                    relating to other
                                                               that the
                                                               claimant is                          individuals who
                                                                                                    may be living at the
                                                                                                                              WANT TO FIND OUT MORE?
                                                               living alone
                          residence                                                                 address who have not
                                                                                                    been disclosed           For more information about how to take up this service please contact
                                                                                                                             the NFI helpdesk on 0845 345 8019 or email

                                                        NFI MATTERS // 18                                                                                                       NFI MATTERS // 19
Screening from the NFI
The NFI has access to the most comprehensive and accurate data for Mortality
Screening - and we are continually looking to improve

In a time of devastation and upheaval following the death of family members, failing to report the death in a timely
manner will no doubt happen, but there is the more serious risk that criminals will take advantage in such situations and
fail to report a death with the intent to commit fraud.
On a pilot basis we will look to improve the completeness of records received for mortality screening by appending data
to poorly populated fields from other NFI data, for example, turning an initial into a full forename. This should result in
matches with stronger matchkeys.

The NFI offers two mortality screening services:

Mortality Screening via the National                              Mortality Screening via ReCheck
Exercise – DWP screening every 6 months                           – On demand DDRI
Twice a year we access the deceased persons file held             We are in the unique position to have access to the
by the DWP. This data also contains National Insurance            Deceased Death Register from the General Register
numbers which can be used as a matching field alongside           (DDRI). You can screen against DDRI at any time and
name, date of birth and address. The data also holds              results are usually available on the web application the
details of some British Citizens who have died abroad             same day. Data is uploaded through the ReCheck,
and this has proven very successful particularly when             Data File Upload tool.
administering pensions. Data is uploaded through the
2020/21 National Exercise, Data File Upload tool.

                                                                     Fees for the above services
                                                                     can be found on our website.
Dates to remember:

    Friday, 25th June 2021
    Data for the summer 2021 screening will be
    required no later than Friday, 25th June 2021.

   If you wish to submit data please register
   your interest by emailing the NFI
   or call 0845 345 8019

                                                                                                 For technical queries relating to
                                                                                                            the web application:
                                                                                                            Call: 0845 345 8019

                                                                                                    For general queries contact:
                                                                           Northern Ireland:
                                                     NFI MATTERS // 20
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