Pregnant What are camps going to look like Summer 2021? - PageTurnPro

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Pregnant What are camps going to look like Summer 2021? - PageTurnPro
MARCH 2021

                     What are camps
                    going to look like
                     Summer 2021?

             during a pandemic

             All Things Babies
Pregnant What are camps going to look like Summer 2021? - PageTurnPro
Pregnant What are camps going to look like Summer 2021? - PageTurnPro
MARCH                                                                                      Number 3 Volume 34

 what’s inside
  your                                                                                                                   16
  resource for
  over 30 years!

  featured topics
2 Editor’sNote                         4	
                                             in this issue
                                         Baby quirks – strange but normal
    ongrats to moms who gave birth
   during the pandemic!               10	
                                         Ways to support a new mom

3 H
                                         What are camps going to look
                                           like this summer?
   Parenthood is no picnic – it’s a
   Safari                             16	
                                         Talking to your child about
                                           personal finances
6 CoverStory
   Pregnant during a pandemic         20	
                                         A wee bit of fun for St. Patrick’s
18 EducationConnection
   How to calculate reading speed                       Around&About - Calendar of activities & events
22 Around&About                            This issue of Pittsburgh Parent includes our Around&About calendar of activities
   March activities and events         and events. Please submit your upcoming events to calendar.pittsburghparent@gmail.
                                        com - the deadline for our April issue is March 28, 2021. Visit to
                                        add your event to our online calendar.
  special section                            Remember to check all event’s websites since cancellations due to the pandemic are
                                        still taking place in some cases.
    4 – 11     All Things Babies           Our thanks to our readers for your continued patience and partnership as we evolve
                                        to meet the needs of our clients and our community!

             Online Today
   •	Why co-parenting matters during a pandemic
                                                               on the cover
   •	College Prep for sophomores and juniors:
      Advice from an expert                                        Cover: Ella – born during the 2020
                                                                   pandemic to Christina and Tom
   •	Study reveals THESE crafts distract your                     Otroba of Canonsburg
      kids for up to 34 minutes!                                                                                    MARCH 2021              1
Pregnant What are camps going to look like Summer 2021? - PageTurnPro
Editor’sNote        Patricia Poshard

                        Congrats to moms who gave birth during the pandemic!
                             I want to offer my most sincere congratulations to all the
                        moms who have given birth since last March when Covid-19
                        hit the US. To say the least, giving birth is a major event and      Pittsburgh Parent is published 12 times
                        a little scary even during normal times. During my first and           a year by Honey Hill Publishing, Inc.
                        only pregnancy I was told at five months I was carrying twins,
                        at seven months my husband was transferred from northern                P.O. Box 674, Valencia, PA 16059
                        Minnesota back to our hometown of Pittsburgh – that was a             724-898-1898 •
move we will never forget. The complications and unknowns kept me in a constant                Office hours: Mon - Thurs, 9am-3pm
state of anxiety! Looking back, that was really no big deal compared to what preg-
nant moms have gone through to have a baby during the last year!                            Publisher: Lynn Honeywill-Norris
   When it comes to birth, you simply cannot plan for every contingency. This is true
even without a pandemic.                                                                    Editor: Patricia Poshard
    Our writer Ann Howley has done a great job telling the stories of three local 
moms in our cover story “Having a baby during a pandemic.” Since last March                 Calendar: Tracy Ashbaugh
medical professionals and moms have been unraveling the scientific facts associ-  
ated with pregnancy and Covid-19. Talk about dealing with the unknown – from day
                                                                                            Marketing & Finance:
to day it seemed the information was changing. Did or didn’t the virus have effects
the unborn child? Who could enter a hospital safely to be with mom during her birth
experience? How can moms recover with a newborn without support when the family             Production • Web • Social Media:
is quarantined for weeks at a time?                                                         Kathy Geib •
                               But, babies do bring joy                                     Media Account Executive:
                                                                                            Corina Shutack
   According to mom Sarah Ezrinn, “To begin, having a baby requires us be present.
                                                                                              Advertising Sales:
Fear is often the brain jumping forward to what could happen in the future, but when
you are taking care of someone else — someone who relies on you for survival —
you must be fully in the moment. It is hard to think about anything else, when you’re       Editorial • Social Media:
dealing with a blowout emergency or singing songs together.”                                Maria Castello
    “To act afraid when babies can be so sensitive to even the slightest shift in our at-   Founding Publisher:
tention changes the dynamic. The minute that my mind wanders toward fear or I start         Marilyn McCabe Honeywill
to scroll on my phone for updates, our baby seems to sense it and reacts. He draws          1931 - 2013
me back to him with gentle squawks and squeals or sometimes, quite literally, with
his hands pulling my face toward his.”                                                                Follow Us on Social Media
    She continues, “At a time when we are being asked to stay away from one             
another and to practice “social distancing,” babies are a powerful source of connec-
tion. Feeling their tiny hands wrap around your fingers or the way they gaze deeply     
into your eyes brings you back to the moment.”
                                   Babies elicit calm
   “When a parent and baby connect chest to chest, whether for a snuggle or in          
a carrier, the heart rates of both the baby and the parent not only lower but even
seem to synchronize. There is nothing more calming than hugging my son in close.          
An instant feeling of relief washes over me. They are powerful healers.”
                                                                                                  @       Sign Up For Our E-Blast at
                              Babies are a source of joy
   “Literally. Spending time with babies increases two key pleasure hormones in our         Pittsburgh Parent is produced monthly with circulation
brains — dopamine and oxytocin. No matter how bad the news of the day or how                targeted in and around Allegheny, Armstrong, Beaver,
upset I may be, when I hold my baby close, and he flashes me a toothless grin, my           Butler, Washington and Westmoreland Counties. Due
                                                                                            to the COVID-19 pandemic the publication is online
mood is immediately lifted.”                                                                at and e-mailed to the homes
                                And they are hilarious                                      of over 55,000 parents. Distribution of this magazine
                                                                                            does not constitute an endorsement of information,
   Sarah says, “From being super smooshy as newborns to their little laughs and             products or services. The publisher reserves the
developing senses of humor. I find myself belly laughing with our son multiple times        right to reject any advertisement or listing which is
                                                                                            not in keeping with this publication’s standards. The
a day, and we all know laughter is the best medicine.”                                      entire contents of the publication are copyrighted
                                                                                            and may not be reproduced or copied in any form
    “Finally, I would do anything for my son and our family. During this pandemic, this
                                                                                            without the permission of the publisher. Copyright
has meant making decisions to take care of myself better than I perhaps would have          Honey Hill Publishing, Inc. 2021. All rights reserved.
otherwise. By taking care of my son, I am learning how to take care of myself better
at a time when my health is important for the greater good.”
    Yes, a baby can bring joy even in the midst of a worldwide pandemic! n

2       MARCH 2021                                                                                 
Pregnant What are camps going to look like Summer 2021? - PageTurnPro
HumorMe             Rick Epstein

     is no picnic
  (It’s a…
        obody ever said parenthood is a
        picnic. Really it’s more of a safari.
                                                shiping eyes, and the woman
                                                reels back into the shrubbery.                   And pervading each scene and
             You meet someone, you get              Your daughter is about to start          transaction, is parenthood’s true
        married and you blithely plan a         kindergarten, all dressed up and carry-      purpose – to produce another lov-
family. It’s as if you are in a settlement at   ing a new lunchbox. With smartphone          ing person. That’s the mission and it’s
the edge of the jungle, buying supplies,        in hand, you pose her in front of the        the biggest thing any of us will ever
trying on sporty khaki outfits with ep-         school. “Stand over there right next to      attempt. Yes, every so often you’ll find
aulets, then celebrating with a drink in        that cauldron and smile.” A red-faced        yourself in the tightening coils of a huge
a bar with zebra skins on the walls and         man sits chest-deep in the steaming wa-      snake, but parenthood is really all about
ceiling fans turning slowly. On the stool       ter amid sliced carrots and celery. One      love, yours and theirs. n
beside you is an unshaven man in filthy         eye is swollen shut and he is weeping
khakis. The whites of his eyes are yel-         and wailing.                                     Rick Epstein can be reached at
low and he smells bad. He grabs your                “Hey, Mister,” you say. “Could you
lapel with a shaking hand and says, “My         keep it down? I’m trying to get a nice
daughter is marrying a guy that I can’t         picture.”
stand, and the wedding is going to cost             “I just p-p-put myself $150,000 in
me $30,000.” You look away, thinking,           debt to p-p-pay for college,” he sobs,        Attention Advertisers
“A crank. The tropics are full of them.”        “and my son dropped out in the last se-
     Conception occurs and the baby             mester before g-g-graduation.” A tear
                                                rolls from his good eye, down a bruised
                                                                                                   Look What’s Coming
grows and begins kicking. Now you                                                                        in the April Issue of
are in the jungle, marching at the head         cheek and into the hot water.
of your entourage. The rhythmic throb               “You should’ve saved up,” you say.        Pittsburgh Parent
of native drums begins at dawn and              Then, as if tossing a bay leaf into his
continues all day. It seems to be coming
from every direction and it does not
                                                soup, you add, “You probably didn’t
                                                read to him when he was little.”
                                                                                               Summer fun begins with
stop. There is agitation in the ranks.
     You look to your guide, and there
                                                    You take your child by the hand and
                                                go to meet her first teacher.
                                                                                              Pittsburgh Parent
are beads of sweat on his waxy skin.                               ***
He says, “Bwana, the drums warn of                  Twenty years ago, I announced to
childbirth. They foretell 36 hours of           my father that my wife and I were ex-
labor and unspeakable agony.” You               pecting our first baby. Dad said, “Son,
turn around to find all the porters have        you are embarking upon an adventure
vanished with the food and ammo.                the likes of which you cannot imagine.”
     “Haven’t these primitive drummers              The old man knew what he was talk-
heard of Lamaze?” you say and march             ing about. Unless you’ve raised a child
on.                                             or two, you haven’t lived; you’ve merely
     The baby is born after 36 hours of         skimmed across Life’s surface, glanced
labor and unspeakable agony. A perfect          through its brochure or “liked” it on
little girl. Three months later you put         Facebook.
her in a stroller and take her to the park.
There is a crashing in the bushes and a
                                                    In any given day, raising kids can       PITTSBURGH PARENT
woman stumbles into the clearing. She
                                                be as challenging as taming hyenas, as
                                                exciting as discovering a lost tribe, as
                                                                                             SUMMER ACTIVITIES        &CAMP GUIDE
is wild-eyed, her clothes hang in shreds
and her body has been raked by claws.
                                                painful as a pantload of fire ants, and as      April Issue Space Deadline
                                                fun as tickling a monkey.                           March 5, 2021
She raves, “My daughter is 13 and she               Parenthood will propel you through
thinks I’m an idiot and only her so-called                                                     For More Information on Advertising
                                                emotional landscapes as jolly as a field
friends know anything. But they are             of Easter eggs, as scary as an Emergen-          (724)
malignant dopes!”                                                                                   
     Your baby looks up at you with wor-
                                                cy Room, and as eerie as the front seat        898-1898
                                                of a car with your child at the wheel.                                                                                           MARCH 2021             3
Pregnant What are camps going to look like Summer 2021? - PageTurnPro
All Things
Baby          quirks
Strange (but normal!) things babies do
By Christa Melnyk Hines

      very new parent at some point         about seizures when their infant sud-          Mellick says.
       wonders: Is my baby supposed to      denly throws out their ams and legs as if          If you’re ever concerned about
       do that? Is this normal?             they’re falling.                               strange movements that your baby
           Morgan Shandler recalls               Pediatrician Jennifer Mellick, MD,        makes, try to video record it, suggests
several moments of new mama anxiety         FAAP, says that the startle or Moro            Jennifer McBride, MD, internal medi-
during the first few weeks home with        Reflex is a normal neurological infantile      cine and pediatric specialist.
her daughter, who is now a busy one         reflex that disappears as the nervous              “Nine times out of ten, baby won’t
year old.                                   system matures.                                do the motion when in the office with
    “One thing that particularly freaked         “If you believe in evolution, there’s     us. If parents record it, I can see what
me out was when Violet would bob            probably some reason why mammals               the baby looks like when they are do-
her head when attempting to nurse.          and homo sapiens have this instinctual         ing that movement and either reassure
It almost looked like she was having a      need to grasp, and if they’re falling,         them or decide if we need to do some-
seizure or like she was a broken down       reach out to find something and grab           thing else,” McBride says.
robot,” Shandler says. “But my pedia-       on. Babies do that same kind of thing.
                                                                                              Funny breathing. Babies have
trician assured me it was a completely      If they feel like they are falling, they are
                                                                                           breathing patterns that alarm many
normal part of ‘rooting’ for the breast.”   going to throw their arms and legs out
                                                                                           newbie parents. Physicians call it “peri-
                                            wide to find their caregiver and grab,”
    Startle reflex. Parents also worry                                                     odic breathing of the newborn” – and

4       MARCH 2021                                    All Things BABY                          
Pregnant What are camps going to look like Summer 2021? - PageTurnPro
it’s completely normal.                        color or lacking in the brown
     “They will almost pant for a period       or green tones or if there is
of time and then they will pause for sev-      ever blood or red in the
eral seconds – several seconds in baby         diaper,” McBride says.
breathing seems like a really, really long         Difficulty
time. Then, they take a deep breath, let       pooping. Your
out a deep sigh and they pant again,”          baby may
Mellick says.                                  appear to
     Babies also often make lots of            struggle
“gurgly, snorty sounds,” says Michael
Greenfield, MD, internal medicine and
pediatric specialist.
     “This is pretty normal because ba-
bies have to breath through their nose
when they’re eating and a lot of babies
have congestion so it will make their
breathing sound much worse than it
really is,” Greenfield says.
    Bless you! Just as babies make
funny sounds when they breath, they
often sneeze, which leads parents to
wonder if their child suffers from aller-
gies or is getting sick.
    “That’s just how the baby clears
out his nose because they can’t
blow their nose like we can,”
McBride says.
    Hiccups. Just like
the rest of us, babies            Did you know?
experience hic-                                                                                                        your physician.
cups, which are          Baby girls born with an intact                                                                 More zzz’s...
sudden con-           uterus can sometimes have a little                           Photo by Katie Smith
                                                                                                                 pretty  please?
tractions               blood in their diaper after birth.                             on Unsplash             Among the most popular
of the dia-
phragm.                 This “mini period” happens be-                                                      questions pediatricians field
                                                                                                         from tired parents has to do
Often a               cause they are no longer receiving                                               with sleep and when everyone in
baby can get                 their mother’s estrogen.                                               the family can get more of it.
                                                                        when they
hiccups after a                                                                                      “Sleep is the Holy Grail of parent-
                                                                     go, but as long as
feeding.                  -Source: Jennifer McBride, MD                                       hood,” Mellick says.
                                                                  their poop is soft and
    “Babies will hic-                                                                              Babies generally don’t sleep for long
                                                                doesn’t look like pellets
cup for hours on end,                                                                         periods of time because they need to
                                                             or rocks (a sign of constipa-
which doesn’t bother                                                                          eat every few hours. Their tiny tummies
                                                         tion), don’t worry.
them at all,” Greenfield                                                                      can only hold so much milk.
                                                           Babies can have dirty dia-
says.                                                                                              “As they get older, they still need
                                                    pers anywhere from once a day to
    Scaly scalp. Cradle cap,                    every few days.                               to eat frequently because they need a
which is a greasy, yellowish, scaly               “Formula-fed babies don’t neces-            large volume to get the calories they
rash on the head, may not look cute,         sarily poop every day and sometimes              need to grow,” Mellick says.
but it’s usually nothing to worry about.     that concerns parents, but the body                   By about six months, your baby
Try brushing your baby’s hair or head        doesn’t process formula as fast as it            should be sleeping for a seven to eight
once a day with a soft baby brush,           does breastmilk,” McBride explains.              hour stretch.
which will help loosen the natural oils          If your little one is passing watery              Wait, they changed. What is
on the scalp to avoid build up. Moistur-     diarrhea, contact your doctor as this can        normal today probably won’t last since
izers like baby oil, mineral oil or coconut  be a sign of an infection.                       babies grow and change rapidly, but al-
oil can also help.                                                                            ways consult your family physician with
                                                 Jeepers, creepers... It may look
    “If it seems to be getting worse or                                                       any concerns.
                                             weird, but babies sometimes sleep with
looking really red, that would be a time                                                           “We’d rather you call with a ques-
                                             their eyes half open or appear as if their
to see the pediatrician. It could be a                                                        tion that isn’t really something to be
                                             eyes are rolling around in their head.
sign that baby is going to have ec-                                                           alarmed about than miss something that
                                                 “I don’t know that anyone knows
zema, which typically runs in families,”                                                      is,” Mellick says. n
                                             why eyes roll around the head. It’s
McBride says.
                                             probably something to do with their
    Strange colored poop. Depending          sleep patterns. They don’t have well-                 Freelance journalist Christa Melnyk
on whether your baby is breast-fed or        organized R.E.M. sleep at that age,”             Hines   and her husband are the parents
formula-fed, the color of their poop can     Mellick says.                                    of two adolescent sons, who still do
range from green and yellow to brown.            Occasionally, it may appear that             strange things! Christa is the author
Breast-fed babies will have more color       your baby’s eyes are crossing, which is          of Happy, Healthy & Hyperconnected:
variations since breastmilk is comprised     normal up to 18 months of age. If your           Raise a Thoughtful Communicator in a
of mom’s diet.                               baby’s eyes seem persistently crossed            Digital World.
    “I get worried if the poop is a gray     or turned in or out, however, talk with                                      All Things BABY                                      MARCH 2021           5
Pregnant What are camps going to look like Summer 2021? - PageTurnPro
        during a pandemic
         By Ann K. Howley

                                  n March, I was eight months pregnant,” says first-time South Park mom,
                                   Emma Cencich. “Everything was locked down. It was unnerving.”
                                       Pennsylvania recorded its first two cases of COVID-19 on March 6,
                                   2020. Less than two weeks later, the Department of Health announced
                            the first death in the state. As the virus continued to spread through the com-
                            monwealth and case counts climbed, Governor Tom Wolf ordered all non-life
                            sustaining business to close, and on March 23, 2020, Allegheny County was
                                included among the first counties to be issued a stay-at-home order.
                                        From that point on, Emma’s husband, Sebastian, was no longer
                                         allowed to go with her to her bi-weekly doctor checkups. Emma
                                              remembers how eerie her doctor’s office felt. There was no
                                                administrative staff in the office, only the doctor and a nurse
                                                were there. The waiting room was empty, chairs were sepa-
                                                rated, and everything looked sterile.
                                                    “It was like one of those sci-fi movies” Emma says. “I
                                                never thought this would happen.”
                                                    There was much uncertainty at that time, and her doc-
                                                tor advised her to be as cautious as possible, warning her
                                                that being pregnant could potentially put her in a high risk
                                                category for COVID.
                                                   What are the risks for pregnant women?
                                                    At the beginning of the pandemic, doctors initially feared
                                                that COVID might spread from mother to fetus, which they
                                                now believe is not the case.
                                                    However, according to local Dr. Michael Aziz, a Maternal-
                                                Fetal Medicine Specialist and State Liaison for the Society
 Emma                                           for Maternal-Fetal Medicine, the bigger fear was that COVID
                                                would be like two other recent viral outbreaks.
                                                   “MERS and SARS were deadly for pregnant women,”
                                            Dr. Aziz says. “In those outbreaks, 25 percent to 35 percent of
                                       pregnant women who contracted those viruses died, and when this
                                   pandemic started, we feared COVID would be just as deadly.”
                                   Although the overall risks are generally low for women of reproductive
                            age, studies indicate that pregnant women who develop symptoms are indeed
                            at significantly higher risk for severe illness.
                                “Pregnant mothers are more likely to end up in intensive care and require
                            intubation,” Dr. Aziz says. “They are also more likely to need ECMO treatment,”
                            which, in laymen’s terms, means being hooked up to a heart/lung machine.
                                The risks are even greater for black and Latina women who are pregnant.
                            Although they comprise only about 14 percent of sample cases, they represent
                            37 percent of COVID deaths.
                                                    “It spreads like wildfire.”
                                Julie Watkins and her husband, Devin, who live in Belle Vernon, didn’t want
                            to wait to have a baby.
                                “We’ve been wanting kids for so long,” Julie says.
                                The couple found out that she was pregnant in June 2020 which means
                            that their baby, due in February 2021, will be one of the millions of “pandemic
                            babies” around the world conceived and born during this international health
                                In November, Devin tested positive for COVID.
                                “He had cold symptoms and was achy for a few days,” she says. “One thing
Dr. Michael Aziz            scared him, it was hard to breathe. It takes your breath away.”

6     MARCH 2021                    All Things BABY                       
Pregnant What are camps going to look like Summer 2021? - PageTurnPro
Fortunately, his symptoms were            expect. Christina fortunately did not
minor, but his illness raised additional      have a high risk pregnancy, so the
questions and concerns and Julie              only appointments she had to attend
wasn’t sure how worried she and her           in-person were for important visits,
husband should be.                            like at 20 weeks, when she was
    “When Devin got sick, we won-             scheduled for an ultrasound.
dered if I should go to my parents’           Tom was allowed to come
house? But if I had it, I couldn’t go to      with her, but some
my parents. I was afraid of giving it to      of her pregnant
them.”                                        friends told her
    Julie got tested, and was relieved        they had to do their
when both the rapid test and the diag-        ultrasounds alone,
nostic test sent to the lab were nega-        which Christina
tive, but she still didn’t know what she      thought would be a
should do.                                    “sad thing to have
    “Should I get tested again?” she          to do by yourself.”
wondered.                                     The hardest part
    Ultimately, the couple decided to         for Christina was
“ride it out.” She and Devin quaran-          not hearing the
tined for 14 days. At home, they tried        heartbeat every
to stay away from each other as much          visit.
as possible, sleeping in separate                 “You always
rooms for a few weeks.                        want to hear the                                                 Julie & Devin
    “I didn’t get it,” Julie says, but in     heartbeat, which
hindsight, she wonders if maybe she           shows the baby is
did contract the coronavirus first, as        okay and still alive
she remembers feeling achy and tired          in there. You have
after the Halloween weekend. At the           to have faith that
time, she thought she was just worn           everything is okay,” she
out, but Devin got sick shortly after         says.
that.                                             Her delivery felt very different
    “I wish I knew where he got it?           compared to when her son, Oliver,
Even people who are being so cau-             was born two years ago. This time, ev-
tious are still getting it. It spreads like   eryone had to wear masks, the medi-
wildfire.”                                    cal staff took temperature checks,            Advice for pregnant and
                                              and asked questions about whether              breastfeeding women
 The protocols had to change                  or not she had been exposed to or
    The coronavirus pandemic has                                                            The Centers for Disease Control
                                              tested for COVID. When her daughter
forced hospitals, doctors, nurses and                                                    (CDC) recommends that pregnant and
                                              Ella arrived on October 30, 2020 via
medical personnel to change the way                                                      breastfeeding women take the follow-
                                              C-section, Tom was allowed to be
they provide prenatal and postpartum                                                     ing steps to protect themselves from
                                              with her during delivery, but hospital
care.                                                                                    COVID:
                                              personnel asked him to stay at the
    Canonsburg mom, Christina                                                               •• Limit interactions with people
                                              hospital the whole time and not leave.
Otroba, noticed the difference. She                                                             who might have been exposed
                                              No other visitors were allowed.
and her husband, Tom, found out that                                                            to or infected with COVID-19,
                                                  Christina also noticed that this
she was pregnant in early February                                                              including people within your
                                              time the hospital didn’t offer any
right before the pandemic hit.                                                                  household, as much as possible.
                                              special programs. For example, “there
    “At first we thought it was no big                                                      •• When going out or interacting
                                              was no photographer or entertain-
deal,” she says, but after her first gy-                                                        with others outside your imme-
                                              ers. There used to be a class about
necological appointment, she recon-                                                             diate household, wear a mask,
                                              the newborn environment where they
sidered. “Okay, this is going to be an                                                          stay at least six feet away from
                                              showed a video, but none of that hap-
issue,” she realized.                                                                           others outside your household,
                                              pened. It was very different.”
    Over the next eight months, half                                                            and frequently wash your hands
                                                  “Desperation breeds innovation,”
of her office visits were conducted                                                             with soap and water for at least
                                              reminds Dr. Aziz. “COVID protocols
virtually. She bought a blood pressure                                                          20 seconds.
                                              are just a stopgap.”
cuff so that she could keep track of                                                        •• Avoid activities where taking
                                                  He believes that some of the
her blood pressure and weight on her                                                            protective measures may be dif-
                                              changes worked well. For example,
own and report it during each virtual                                                           ficult and where social distanc-
                                              he thinks the video visits have been
visit. Her doctor also gave her a script                                                        ing can’t be maintained.
                                              helpful. Some research indicates that
to buy urinalysis testing strips which                                                      •• Don’t skip your healthcare ap-
                                              there has been a significant drop in
she obediently used before every                                                                pointments during and after
                                              preterm birth rate.
appointment so her doctor could re-                                                             pregnancy.
                                                  “This would be a good outcome,”
motely assess her bladder and kidney                                                        •• Get recommended vaccines,
                                              he says. “We don’t think that this is
function and watch for any signs of                                                             including the vaccine against in-
                                              from visiting the doctor less. It may be
preeclampsia or diabetes.                                                                       fluenza and the whooping cough
                                              from being able to stay home or work
    “If this was my first pregnancy, it                                                         (Tdap) vaccine to help protect
                                              less. This is probably why these trends
would have been nerve wracking,”                                                                you and your baby.
                                              were not present in minority women.
Christina says. But since this was her        But we will find out in the long term if         To vaccinate or not?
second pregnancy, she felt comfort-           care protocols were beneficial or not,”       At the time of this writing, the
able and had a better idea of what to         he concludes.
                                                                                                            Continued on page 8…                                    All Things BABY                                 MARCH 2021             7
Pregnant What are camps going to look like Summer 2021? - PageTurnPro
Joint Statement issued in support             helps track her pregnancy week by
                                                   of public health measures to             week. The app includes a chat forum
                                                        combat COVID-19. The Joint          with women from all over the world.
                                                             Statement also recom-             “I’m on it all the time,” she says.
                                                                 mends that “eligible
                                                                    patient popula-
                                                                    tions, including            Christina admits that she’s not
                                                                    pregnant women,         certain if she and her husband would
                                                                    consult with their      have tried to get pregnant if they
                                                                    trusted physicians      knew there would be a pandemic, but
                                                                    when considering        for them, everything turned out fine.
                                                                    whether to take         In fact, she tells me that she thought
                                                                    the vaccine.”           that 2020 “was the perfect time to get
                                                                        In addition, the    pregnant.”
                                                                   American College             When I ask her what she means,
                                                                   of Obstetricians         she pauses for a moment before she
                                                                   and Gynecologists        explains.
                                                                   states that vac-             “Obviously I don’t want to get
                                                                   cines “should not        COVID or risk the baby getting COVID,
                                                                   be withheld from         but I got to work from home the entire
                                                                   pregnant individu-       length of my pregnancy. If I felt nau-
    Christina                                                                               seous, I was at home. I could climb into
                                                                   als who meet crite-
                                                                   ria for vaccination,”    my bed and work from there. It was
                                                                  as well as lactating      wonderful. The other part is that I never
                                                               women.                       had to wear nice maternity clothes.
                                                               The CDC similarly            I had old T shirts, but I never had to
                                                       agrees that “people who are          spend money on clothes to look good.”
                                                  pregnant and part of a group rec-             She admits that trying to work
                                              ommended to receive the coronavirus           from home now with an infant and a
                                              vaccine, such as health-care personal,        toddler is hard, but when she was still
                                              may choose to be vaccinated.”                 pregnant and people would ask her
     Continued from page 7…                      “One thing I take seriously,“ Dr. Aziz     how it was going, she almost sounded
                                              says, “is that the medical society needs      apologetic.
     Food and Drug Administration             to go on the offensive. It’s easy to sit          “Actually it’s fantastic,” she would
     (FDA) recently issued emergency          back and get drowned out by people            tell them.
     use authorization for two vaccines       who are not experts in the field.”                            Emma
    for the prevention of COVID-19
                                                    There is a bright side                      March and April 2020 were tough
    manufactured by Pfizer-BioNTech
                                                                                            months. As her due date approached,
   and Moderna. Federal and state                 Pregnancy is supposed to be a             the worry of contracting COVID added
   governments are currently in the           time of joyful anticipation for couples,      to the typical third trimester stress
  process of distributing both vac-           families and friends. Even as distribu-       that pregnant women experience.
  cines and the Pennsylvania De-              tion of the COVID vaccine ramps up            On top of that, she lost her job doing
  partment of Health is rolling out a         across the country, there continues           social media, marketing and e-com-
 phased distribution approach based           to be uncertainty about the future. No        merce for a local business, and her
 on supply, demand and risk.                  one knows how long this pandemic              husband experienced a sudden health
    Dr. Aziz points out that pregnant         will last. Despite the strain of being        issue unrelated to COVID that required
and breastfeeding women were not              pregnant during a pandemic, I found           him to be hospitalized for a few days.
included in the initial vaccine trials.       it encouraging that all three women I             “I had just lost my income and my
Instead these women were excluded             spoke to still expressed happiness and        husband was in the hospital. I wanted
from the trials. In the meantime, spon-       optimism about their pregnancies.             to feel like I had some kind of control
sors conducted developmental and
                                                                Julie                       over the situation.” So she decided
reproductive toxicity (DART) studies to
                                                                                            to start her own social media and e-
ensure the safety of the vaccine.                 “So far, it’s been good.”
                                                                                            commerce business, Cencich Cre-
    However, knowing that the vaccine             Devin completely recovered from
                                                                                            ative, right before her son, Carter, was
is administered via an RNA delivery           his bout with COVID in the fall, and
                                                                                            born on April 14, 2020.
system, Dr. Aziz says “it is not scientifi-   the two of them are looking forward
                                                                                                She chuckles. “New baby and new
cally plausible that the vaccine could        to the birth of their (spoiler alert!) son,
                                                                                            business in one month during a pan-
be transmitted to the baby.” It is also       who is due in February.
                                                                                            demic,” she says, summing it up.
encouraging, he notes, that no major              Julie is currently in the third tri-
                                                                                                Since then, she has been balanc-
safety problems have been reported            mester of her pregnancy. As her belly
                                                                                            ing work with nursing and taking care
in both human and animal studies,             grows bigger, she is feeling more fa-
                                                                                            of Carter. She loves both being a
and pregnant and breastfeeding                tigued, especially because she has to
                                                                                            mother and having her own business.
women are expected to participate in          be on her feet working as a hair stylist
                                                                                                “I am making it work,” Emma says.
upcoming trials.                              in her salon.
                                                                                            “Being a mom brings a lot of creativity
    “Right now we think the benefit of            “I’m wearing two masks now to be
                                                                                            to everything I do.” n
the vaccine outweighs the risk,” says         extra cautious,” she says.
Dr. Aziz, referencing the conclusion              Despite the pandemic, Julie has
                                                                                               While Pittsburgh writer, Ann K.
reached by the Society for Maternal-          found a way to connect with other
                                                                                            Howley, was writing this article, she
Fetal Medicine and other influential          mothers-to-be. She enjoys using an
                                                                                            was thrilled to learn that she was going
women’s health organizations in a             app called What to Expect, which
                                                                                            to be a grandma for the first time.

8       MARCH 2021                                       All Things BABY                       
Tips for choosing the
right OB-GYN
By Rachael Moshman

      d been having heavy bleeding for       asking the nurses who                                                                receptionist
      days before I called my gynecolo-      work in the department                                                           basically said it
  gist for an appointment. I was able        at the hospital. “We know                                                    wasn’t her problem.”
  to get an appointment that day, but        which doctors tend to have                                               Schedule a consultation
spent hours waiting to be seen. When         the patients with the most post-op
the doctor finally came in, he curtly        complications. We also know which OB-                       If an OB-GYN is reluctant to
asked a few questions, did a quick           GYN doctors specialize in specific is-              meet with you in the office prior, steer
exam, called it a “missed pregnancy”         sues such as pregnancy complications.”              clear. You are considering hiring them
and left the room.                                                                               as your doctor. An interview isn’t out
                                                        Make your wish list                      of the question. Heidi, the mother of
    I had no idea what that meant. The
nurse explained that it was more com-            This is different from determining              a teenage girl, says, “If you are not
monly known as a miscarriage. I thought      your needs. These are the items that                comfortable sitting across a desk from
my late period was due to stress.            aren’t deal breakers, but will score a              someone then you will not be comfort-
Pregnancy hadn’t even occurred to me.        doctor bonus points. I look for someone             able with them examining you.”
I was crushed.                               who is located within twenty minutes                              Trust your instincts
    Thankfully, I had a kind nurse who       of my office and has early morning ap-
                                             pointments, since I work full time. My                  Freelance writer, Kim, says, “I
explained what was happening to me                                                               switched doctors because my OB-GYN
since the doctor didn’t. I never returned    sister prefers female doctors.
                                                 My friend Patrick crashed the Face-             was dismissive when I said I wanted to
to that OB-GYN office.                                                                           try natural remedies first.” Travel agent,
    A woman’s OB-GYN sees her at her         book conversation with advice from
                                             the male perspective, “Check to see                 Danielle, adds, “Many people don’t
most vulnerable, both physically and                                                             realize that an OB-GYN isn’t the only
emotionally. Finding someone you trust       what year the doctor graduated college
                                             and look for the most recent date to                option when you’re pregnant. After
and are comfortable with are important                                                           some not so great experiences with
factors in ensuring you receive the high-    increase the chances of him being cute.
                                             Also, see if the stirrup thing has a warm-          an OB-GYN, I went with a professional
est quality of care.                                                                             midwife and loved every second!”
    Here are some tips from other            er so that it’s not cold on your legs.”
                                                                                                     If I had known these tips five years
women on choosing an OB-GYN.                              Visit the office                       ago, perhaps I would have been with
         Determine your needs                    You can tell a lot about an office by           a more compassionate doctor when I
    Are you primarily seeking birth con-     observing the patients in the waiting               found out I was experiencing a miscar-
trol? Do you have any specific condi-        room and the front office staff. Were               riage. We rely on our OB-GYN to get us
tions or concerns? Are you pregnant or       you greeted when you walked in? If not,             through some of the most delicate times
trying to conceive?                          take a seat and see if anyone notices               of our life – while we’re naked with our
     Lynn, a graphic designer, says her      you. How long are patients waiting?                 legs spread. We owe it to ourselves to
priorities have changed over time. “I’m          Katrina, an occupational therapist              find the right person for the job. n
done conceiving so I want someone to         assistant, quickly scratched a practice
just help me stay healthy and write my       off her list of possibilities after observ-         Rachael Moshman is a mom, freelance
Rx for birth control. When I was trying      ing for just a few minutes. “Several very           writer and blogger. She lives with her
to conceive (and for both pregnancies)       pregnant women were complaining                     husband, daughter, three cats and a
it was really important to me to find        that they had been waiting two hours or             mannequin named Vivian. Find her at
out their policies for birth and delivery.   more past their appointment time. The     
Would ‘my’ doctor be the one deliver-
ing? Or would I simply be at the mercy
of the doctor on-call at the time?”
               Ask around
    Social worker, Mary Ellen, asks
her friends for recommendations                 PENN HILLS & IRWIN LOCATIONS                             Evening and Weekend
when seeking a new OB-GYN. She
says, “It may seem awkward, but just            SCHEDULE AN APPOINTMENT:                                       Hours Available
ask. Most women are happy to tell you           833-PMA-DOC1
who they see.” If you’re uncomfort-
able asking people in person, turn to
Facebook. That’s what I did for this ar-
ticle. As you can see, my friend’s weren’t
embarrassed to talk about it at all.
            Do your research                                    Member of the        Allegheny
                                                                                                                           Health Network
   Cheryl, an OB-GYN nurse, suggests
                                                                                            All Things BABY                                                MARCH 2021           9
Ways to support a new mom
                                By Sarah Lyons

   djusting to having a new baby in the       Bring the family their
     house can be difficult for the whole     favorite take out or send a
      family. Sleepless nights and a          gift card.
       change in routine can leave mom
                                                     Set up a train
feeling overwhelmed and exhausted.
Offering support to a family with a new           When one meal just
baby can help them adjust to their new        doesn’t cover it, set up a
normal. Often when you ask, mom isn’t         meal train using websites
able to think of the exact way she needs      like www.signupgenius.
help. Here are some ideas:                    com or www.taketh-
           Stop by the store                  with the family the
    Going to the store with newborn and       most convenient dates
possibly older children for the first time    and times to de-
can be a daunting task. Offer to pick up      liver meals and solicit
a few things the family needs. This is        friends to fill all the
especially easy if you will be out running    open spots. Social media is a
errands already. Many grocery stores          great place to recruit people you might
now offer drive through pick up. Have         not think to ask.
the family order and pay for groceries                                                     another great way to bring cheer and
                                                          Let her shower
online, then pick them up and deliver                                                      make mom feel special.
them. Helping to put them away would              A new mom may feel she doesn’t
                                              have time for basic things like a shower,             Don’t stay too long
be an extra bonus.
                                              rest or time to eat a meal. One of the           Families who have newborns gener-
       Help around the house                  simplest ways to help a new mom is           ally like to have company, especially if
    Sweep the floor, fold laundry,            to hold the baby and watch the other         they pitch in around the house and with
vacuum or do dishes.. Even a little bit       children while she eats lunch, enjoys a      the kids. However, don’t overstay your
of tidying up can make a big difference.      relaxing shower, or takes a short nap.       welcome. New parents tire easily. Visit
A clean house during a time of transi-        When mom is rested, fed and freshened        the family, bring a meal and help out but
tion can bring order to a time that feels     up, it can really make her feel ready to     watch for clues from mom as to when
chaotic. However, mom may prefer to           take on the rest of the day.                 the family would like some alone time.
clean herself. Offer to care for the baby                                                          Take her somewhere
                                                    Help with the older kids
and other children while she works on a
household project.                                Show support by offering to pick            Mom may not be able to drive for a
                                              up the older kids, even if it’s just for a   few weeks after birth. Offer to take her
      Come when others don’t                  couple hours. If you are taking your own     on errands or just out for coffee. Being
    Not all new moms are “new moms”.          children to the park, swing by and pick      able to get out of the house can do
Families that are adding their second,        up her’s for the afternoon. This gets        wonders for someone’s attitude.
third or fourth child need help just as       them out of the house and gives mom                    Don’t give advice
much as first time moms, if not more.         a break. Driving the kids to school or
When there are older children there is        activities is also a big help for a family      An important tip for anyone chatting
no time for resting when the baby rests.      with a new baby. Time alone with baby        with a new mom is to listen but don’t
Older children do not stop activities         may be just what mom needs.                  give advice unless you are asked. It can
just because a new baby has arrived                                                        be frustrating and overwhelming to get
                                                    Ask about her birth story              unsolicited advice from everyone she
and mom and dad are tired. It can be
very difficult to entertain a toddler while       Giving birth is a huge milestone, an     bumps into.
mom is nursing or changing diapers.           experience no mom will ever forget.              It’s important to ask mom what would
Offer to take care of the older children      Every birth has a story and many times,      help her. Would she prefer to have help
for mom or offer to take care of baby so      there aren’t a lot of chances to tell it.    with housework? Would she like you
she can spend some alone time with her        Ask about her birth story and listen. Be-    to hold the baby while she gets some
older children.                               coming a mom is a joyful, stressful, awe     things done? Some moms would prefer
                                              inspiring and life changing experience.      to have someone to chat with for awhile
            Provide a meal                    Telling the birth story helps women to       and some moms may want to get out of
    Friends and family often send ver-        process and embrace this new journey.        the house for a bit. Offer several options
satile casseroles like lasagna after the
                                                      Bring a gift for mom                 and see what sounds most appealing
new baby is home. Try thinking outside                                                     to the new mom. Any offer to help is
the 13x9 pan. Why not bring the family             Many people bring gifts for the
                                              baby, but mom is usually the one doing       always appreciated by a family adjusting
the fixings for breakfast and lunch rather                                                 to having a new baby in the house. n
than just dinner?. Stock the freezer with     all the work. Bring a snack or treat for
easy, ready to make items like pizza,         mom to enjoy. Other great gifts are
                                              ones that pamper mom or make her                  Sarah Lyons, mom of six, has learned
pasta dishes, soups and crock pot                                                          first hand what it is like to adjust to a
meals. Then the family can pull some-         feel beautiful and comfortable in her
                                              postpartum body. Lotion, perfume, a          new baby in the house. She is so grate-
thing out of the freezer when they are                                                     ful for the family and friends that helped
not up for cooking. Crunched for time         new nightgown or slippers are some
                                              good ideas. A delivery of flowers is         her as each baby came home and loves
or don’t feel like making an extra meal?                                                   to return the favor to others.
10      MARCH 2021                                      All Things BABY                          All Things BABY   MARCH 2021   11
What are
                   camps going
                    to look like
                  this summer?
                      By Ann K. Howley

                            ummer camps already experi-
                            enced one COVID season in 2020,
                             and it appears there’s a good
                             chance the novel coronavirus will
                          still be around for the foreseeable
                           Last year, some camps opted not
                       to hold summer youth programs, and
                       in-person camps that chose to con-
                       tinue to operate during the pandemic
                       incorporated stringent health and
                        safety measures. The introduction of
                         virtual camping was a creative new
                           option that allowed kids to enjoy
                            summer camp activities from the
                              comfort and safety of home.
                                   This year, camp providers
                                 have had a valuable head
                                  start as they prepare for the
                                    upcoming camping season.
                                     Here is an overview of the
                                      strategies local camp
                                        providers have planned
                                         for the summer
                                           of 2021.

                       Camp Deer Creek

12   MARCH 2021
Full speed ahead
        Carnegie Science Center
                                                   Camp Deer Creek . . . since 1933
    The big news at the Carnegie Sci-
ence Center is that the Buhl Planetarium
upgrade is complete and ready for sum-
mer campers. Equipped with a brand
new projection system and canvas, the
planetarium now offers improved ac-
cessibility for people with hearing and
visual impairments.
    “Students can actually be immersed
                                            Pittsburgh’s Oldest & Finest Family Owned & Operated Children’s Day Camp
in the cosmos and check out the weath-       June 14 - August 6, 2021 • Transportation provided in many Pittsburgh areas
er via International Space Station,”                    Ages 4 - 15 • • 412-767-5351
says Connie George, Senior Director
of Marketing and Community Relations
at the Science Center. “We are social
distancing in the theater and limiting          The show must go on
the capacity to 28, as well as enhanced     Little Lake Theatre
surface cleaning and air filtration.”
                                               Little Lake Theatre is ready for
    The Science Center is also moving      anything. Last summer, the camps were
forward with 2021 in-person summer         fully enrolled and they were all set to go
camps for kids ages 6 to17 encom-          when COVID hit.
passing a wide range of interests. The         “We made the decision in March to
youngest campers can enjoy topics like     go online,” says artistic director, Jena
Grossology and Camp Magic School           Oberg.
Bus, while older kids will have the op-        The Zoom camps consisted of 25 to
portunity to learn how to make rockets,    30 minute sessions with a fun break in
robots, animation, and how to survive a    the middle.
zombie apocalypse.                              “These were fun things that inspired
                                           creativity and problem solving,” Jena
                                                              Continued on page 14…                                                                                       MARCH 2021      13
Continued from page 13…                                                 “By April or May, it might be clear which direction we
                                                                    will go,” Jena says. “It’s been an interesting year.”
                                          says. For example,
                                          the kids would have
                                           to create a mon-                           Business as usual
                                           ster costume with                                 Camp Deer Creek
                                           whatever was in                      
                                           the room, or pick
                                                                        When you’ve been providing the summer camp expe-
                                            an object in the
                                                                    rience to generations of Pittsburghers since 1933, there’s
                                            room to make a
                                                                    not much that can stop you. Not even a pandemic.
                                                                        This year marks the 89th season for Camp Deer Creek,
                                                 When parents
                                                                    the area’s oldest children’s day camp located in Cheswick,
                                            saw how fun the
                                             online classes
                                                                        Director Wes Weitzel, whose family has owned and
                                                                    operated the camp for almost 50 years, says “Camp Deer
                                                                                   Creek is a genuine, old school, day camp
           Virtual Zoom Camp
                                                                                    with horses, a pool, a climbing wall and
                                                                                    archery. We are not sports specific, or just an arts
             were, many ended
                                                                                    and crafts camp. We do a little bit of every-
up registering their children
                                                                                   thing… and we provide transportation and lunch
up for multiple sessions, and
                                                                                   every day.”
because of the interest and
                                                                                      Last summer, despite the pandemic, the camp
success of the summer Zoom
                                                                                  was able to operate status quo, primarily because
classes, the Theatre contin-
                                                                                  everything is 100 percent outdoors, which is the
ued to offer fall and winter
                                                                                 optimal environment to protect campers from
classes for both kids and
                                                                                     “The biggest building is still like a big, screened
    This summer, they are
                                                                                porch,” Wes says.
hoping to hold in-person
                                                                                    Still, campers, counsellors, and staff had regular
camps, using a big tent so                  Virtual Zoom Camp                  temperature checks and Wes does not recall that
kids can be outdoors in the
                                                                              anyone got sick or had to be sent home.
fresh air with plenty of room, even
                                                                                   “We tried to be as safe as possible.”
with masks and special distancing. The backup plan is to
                                                                                   Even Residence Week, which allows campers
continue the virtual Zoom camps.
                                                                    aged 7 to 16 to spend extra time doing their favorite activity,

                                                                        ACADEMIC C
                                                        TUESDAYS and THURSDAYS from 9 a.m. − 3 p.m.
                                                            DATES: June 15, 17, 22, 24, 29 & July 1
                                                                   Open to girls entering 6th, 7th & 8th grade.

                         TH TH

                                                                  WEDNESDAYS from 9 a.m. − 12 p.m.
   BECAUSE ACADEMICS +                                                DATES: June 16, 23 & 30
    ATHLETICS MATTER                                               Open to girls entering 6th, 7th & 8th grade.

                                                                        For more information, visit

14     MARCH 2021                                                                               
Ages 4 - 17
  Camp Deer Creek                                                                           412-243-6464 |

such as horseback riding or swimming,
went off without a hitch.
                                                  SUMMER CAMP
   “That was fine, too,” says Wes.
   The two main priorities at Camp
Deer Creek are for kids to be safe and
have fun, and it doesn’t look like the
coronavirus will derail those plans in the         June 21 - July 2 & August 2 - 13
summer of 2021.
                                                   Mon. - Fri., 9am - 3pm
  Satisfaction guaranteed
                                                                                    Designed for children with moderate to
       Camp Invention                                                    high functioning autism spectrum disorders.
    For years, area schools and educa-                                              Any child ages 8 to 18 in need of social skill development is considered.
tors have teamed up with nationally
recognized Camp Invention, a program
of the National Inventors Hall of Fame,
                                                    VISIT OR CALL 724-452-4453 TO REGISTER.
to offer fun, STEM-centric summer
camps for students in kindergar-
ten through 6th grade. Normally,
the Camp Invention modules
                                                                                                     Looking Forward to Brighter Days!
are one-week, in-person camps.
What’s different this summer is
the new 2021 format is designed
to run both in-person and at
home, so all children
will get an

                                                      Camp Invention

                                                     to switch their experience
                                                      format up to six weeks before their
                                                      camp start date.
                                                          The activities for summer 2021
                                                       include modules to design a mor-
                                                        phing road rally vehicle, reverse
                                Camp Invention          engineer a wireless microphone,
                                                        build a rubber duck launching
                                                 device, or construct a solar-powered
                              engaging           cricket, which sounds like fun whether
                and fun experience while         kids attend camp at a local campus or
attending camp. Kids who are camp-               stay at home. n
ing at home will have on and off screen
learning options and materials will be                Pittsburgh writer Ann K. Howley                                 Summer 2021
shipped directly to them.                        recommends that parents check out the                  Join us at one of our two locations,
    To address any uncertainty that              annual Summer Activities & Camp Expo                         Bridgeville or Robinson
families face when planning for the              at for a helpful                        Call: 412-257-2000 or
upcoming summer camp season, Camp                listing of art, sports, academic, and spe-               Visit:
Invention offers what they call a “Peace         cialty camping options in the area.                    Camps, Classes, and Workshops for
of Mind Promise,” which allows parents                                                                       all ages, all summer long!                                                                                                       MARCH 2021                     15
Talking to your child about
personal finance                                  By Angela Wu and Alina Zaidi

    ou successfully taught them their ABC’s. You taught them to say “please” and              don’t know what there is to learn.
    “thank you”. You taught them how to tie their shoes. But what about teaching              But the basics aren’t enough;
   them how to manage money? It might seem absurd to teach a five-year-old                    kids need to know the specifics
    about mortgages and credit reports, but learning about finance should start at a          to actually succeed. Parents need
young age, just like everything else. You don’t expect a first grader to learn calculus,      to educate themselves about the
but you teach them how to add. Likewise, personal financial literacy starts from the          specifics so they can transfer their
basics.                                                                                       knowledge in an easy-to-under-
    According to a Next Gen Personal Finance report, only 1 in 6 high schools                 stand manner to their kids.
require students to take a personal finance course, which is why parents play a huge       • Start early. Young children are
role in teaching their children the skills necessary for financial success.                   thrust into a new world with new
                                                                                              things to discover every day.
                            What should I do?                                                 Make personal finance another
   • Educate yourself first. Before you attempt to explain what treasury bonds are,          fascinating topic to discover.
     you need to first understand what they are yourself. A 2015 Standard & Poor              Knowledge builds up over time,
     survey found that only 57 percent of U.S. adults were financially literate. There        and that requires a good base.
     are plenty of resources available in books and online. Investopedia is a great           While your child is ages 3-5, you
     resource that offers many finance related articles. Oftentimes, parents find             can introduce them to the concept
     themselves at a loss for what to teach their children because they themselves            of money. From ages 6-10, you
                                                                                              can teach them about saving and
                                                                                              spending. In their teen years, you
                                                                                              can introduce them to more spe-
                                                                                              cifics, like how to get a personal
                                                                                              loan from a bank, or how to open
                                                                                              a brokerage account. That way,
                                                                                              when it’s time for them to leave
                                                                                              the house, they know how to
                                                                                              take care of their money for their
                                                                                              future, instead of scrambling to
                                                                                              learn everything that they could
                                                                                              have learned earlier.
                                                                                           • Monkey see, monkey do. Children,
                                                                                             especially young children, learn
                                                                                             through observation and expe-
                                                                                             rience. Model good financial
                                                                                             behavior, and they will learn good
                                                                                             financial behavior. When you go
                                                                                             about your daily life, let your child
                                                                                             be part of it too. When you shop
                                                                                             on Amazon, have your child watch
                                                                                             you as you show them how to
                                                                                             comparison shop. When you go
                                                                                             to make a deposit at the bank,
                                                                                             teach your child about savings
                                                                                             accounts. When you pay your
                                                                                             monthly bills, explain to your child
                                                                                             which bills you have to pay. It can
                                                                                             even be as simple as letting your
                                                                                             child cross items off the grocery
                                                                                             list as you get groceries. Anything
                                                                                             that makes them feel like these
                                                                                             financial activities are part of your
                                                                                             everyday life helps them both
                                                                                             learn the concepts and realize
                                                                                             their importance.

16      MARCH 2021                                                                         
What are some concepts                           goals. Start off by teaching them       to navigate the world of finance. Do
       to teach?                                 about wants versus needs: they
                                                 don’t need to buy the newest
                                                                                         your part in making it easier for your
                                                                                         children. n
  • Everything has a cost. As every             iPad each year, but they do need
     economist knows, there’s no such                                                        Angela Wu and Alina Zaidi are high
                                                 food to survive. You can also teach     school juniors. Upon realizing that many
     thing as a free lunch. Everything           them the importance of having
     has a cost, whether it is monetary,                                                 youth know little to nothing about
                                                 a savings category in a budget.         finance, they made it their mission to
     or time. Give your child compen-            Have them set goals, like saving
     sation for doing chores to teach                                                    spread financial literacy among youths.
                                                 up for a new bike, for practice.        Thus, they wrote and published Grow-
     them that money isn’t free; it’s
     earned. You can also teach them           The specifics of how and when you         ing Your Money Tree: An Introduction
     about opportunity costs: when         teach your child will differ for each par-    to Personal Finance, a book about
     you make a decision, you lose         ent. Each child develops at a different       personal finance geared towards middle
     something else. By spending their     pace, and each child learns better with       and high school students. Additionally,
     money on a new pair of shoes,         different methods. We’ve outlined the         they created a biweekly workshop series
     they are giving up the chance to      basics of how to talk about personal          called “Money Not Magic”, through
     buy a new toy.                        finance to your child, but you are free       which they teach personal finance to
                                           to take it in any direction. As children      kids. Visit www.moneynotmagic.wixsite.
  • Time-value of money. The value of a   ourselves, we know how difficult it is        com/personalfinance to learn more.
    dollar is not constant. The value
    of your dollar today is greater
    than its value tomorrow. That’s
    why it is important to invest your
    money rather than holding on to
    it, because the longer you hold
    on to it, the more it depreciates.
    It also explains why the longer the
    term of the loan, the more interest
    you have to pay. It is better to
    get money sooner because it has
                                                                             Divorce • Child Custody • Support • Adoption
    more value. Thus, for someone to
    part with their money for a longer
    period of time, you have to pay                                                  One Oxford Centre, Suite 270
    them more.                                                                    301 Grant Street, Pittsburgh, PA 15219
  • Budgeting. Teaching budgeting to                                          412-849-6831 •
     your child will help them learn
     how to work towards their future                                                                                      MARCH 2021        17
EducationConnection Peggy Gisler and Marge Eberts
 Dear Teacher not                 know what your child’s independent                                    Should doing homework

                              reading level is, go to our Dear Teacher                                       be rewarded?
                                                 website and look for “Find Your Child’s

How to calculate reading speed                   Reading Level.”                                            We are tired of nagging our
                                                                                                            children to do their homework.
         With so many standardized                   One caution: If children’s indepen-                    Do you have any suggestions
         tests being given by schools,           dent reading level is below grade level,          about how to turn things around? Is
         I know that reading speed is            they are likely to have some problems             giving rewards a good idea? – New
                                                 with standardized tests that are de-

part of being successful on these tests.                                                           Approach
How can I find out how fast my children          signed on grade level.
read? I know that comprehension is very              Here are some techniques that you                        Few children are happy to do
important, but speed is also critical! –         can use with your children to help them                      their homework. Yet this is an

Need to Know                                     increase their reading speed:                                essential task that needs to
                                                                                                   be done. Of course, having the intrinsic
           There are several ways to                • S
                                                       elect a definite time when the             (internal) motivation to do homework
           calculate your children’s                  children can practice their read-            for the feeling of accomplishment of
           reading rate which is typically            ing. A good time is usually the              actually learning something is what we
expressed in words per minute (WPM).                  ten minutes before your children             would like children to have.
One way is to use the formula which is                start their homework so that they
“Number of Words Read” divided by                                                                      Rewards are an extrinsic (exter-
                                                      are regularly working on increas-            nal) motivation. The danger of giving
“Time in Seconds” times 60.                           ing their reading speed.                     them is that they may cause children
     Another way is simply to measure a                                                            to put forth a minimal effort and even
                                                    • C
                                                       ut an index card at a slant so
minute on a watch with a second hand                                                               decrease intrinsic motivation. Never-
                                                      that it will cover the beginning
or a stopwatch. Then count the number                                                              theless, all extrinsic motivation is not
                                                      of a line when your children are
of words read.                                                                                     bad, especially if children buy into the
                                                      reading the end of a line. You will
     You can also search online for “read-            want your children to pace them-             goal of doing well at school. So, we
ing words per minute” and have your                   selves down the page. This makes             are giving you some rewards that may
children take one of these tests.                     sure that they do not waste time             help you push your children through
     There is one important consideration             rereading a line of print.                   dull homework assignments without
no matter which method used to deter-                                                              nagging.
                                                    • T
                                                       rain your children to try and look
mine silent reading speed. The mate-
rial read should be on your children’s
                                                      at the middle of each line or to                 1. Promise a fun activity if home-
                                                      make only two or three stops at                      work is completed. It works
independent reading level. If you do
                                                      the most in each line.                               best if children can choose the


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