PROGRAM AND ACTIVITY GUIDE - TOWN OF COCHRANE - Fall 2019 registration begins 9am, Wednesday August 14

PROGRAM AND ACTIVITY GUIDE - TOWN OF COCHRANE - Fall 2019 registration begins 9am, Wednesday August 14
FALL 2019

                   Fall 2019 registration begins 9am, Wednesday August 14
PROGRAM AND ACTIVITY GUIDE - TOWN OF COCHRANE - Fall 2019 registration begins 9am, Wednesday August 14

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                                                                                                                                                                                                                   _                  Washroom
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                Dog Off-Leash Area
                Town Parks

2 | 403-851-2250
PROGRAM AND ACTIVITY GUIDE - TOWN OF COCHRANE - Fall 2019 registration begins 9am, Wednesday August 14
CONTENTS                                                                                                       FACILITY LOCATIONS
Parks, Pathways and Facilities........................................2                                        Arts and Culture
Advertisers Index................................................................4                             Cochrane RancheHouse
                                                                                                               101 RancheHouse Rd | 403-851-2534
Community Directory.........................................................5
Community and Cultural Events......................................6                                           ClubHouse Activity Centre
                                                                                                               80 Highway 1A (in the Historic Cochrane Ranche)
How to Register..................................................................8
Babies, Toddlers, Preschool programs.........................10
Parenting programs........................................................ 14                                  Cochrane Public Library
                                                                                                               405 Railway St W | 403-932-4353
School-age programs..................................................... 18
Adult programs.................................................................21                              Family & Community Support Services (FCSS)
Older adult programs......................................................27                                   HomeStead Apartment Building
                                                                                                               209 Second Ave W | 403-851-2250
Newcomers...................................................................... 29
Events............................................................................... 30                       Parent Link Centre
                                                                                                               127 First Ave W | 403-851-2256

Fall 2019 registration begins                                                                                  TOWN DIRECTORY
9am Wednesday August 14, 2019
                                                                                                               Main Switchboard 403-851-2500
REGISTER ONLINE                                                                                                Accounts Payable 403-851-2519                                                                                       Accounts Receivable 403-851-2520
                                                                                                               Business Licensing 403-851-2573
                                                                                                               Cemetery 403-851-2590
                                                                                                               Chief Administrative Officer 403-851-2504
                                                                                                               RancheHouse Bookings 403-851-2561
                                                                                                               Emergency Services Administration 403-851-2540
                                                                                                               Event Permits 403-851-2535
                                                                                                               Human Resources 403-851-2517
                                                                                                               Mayor & Council 403-851-2505
                                                                                                               Municipal Enforcement
                                                                                                               (Animal Services/Bylaw/Traffic) 403-851-2532
                                                                                                               Parks & Maintenance 403-851-2590
                                                                                                               Parks Rain Out/Rink Status Line 403-851-2552
                                                                                                               Permits & Inspections 403-851-2572
                                                                                                               Planning & Engineering Services 403-851-2570
 TOWN OF COCHRANE                                                                 ON THE COVER                 Property Taxes 403-851-2522
 PROGRAM AND ACTIVITY GUIDE                                                       Getting involved in your     Waste, Recycling & Organics Hotline 403-851-2277
 FALL 2019
                                                                                  community is beneficial      Roads (Signage, potholes, crosswalks, snow removal)
                                                                                  for both your mind and       403-851-2590
                                                                                  your body! At Seniors on     Utilities (Sewer, water, sanitation) 403-851-2590
                                                                                  the Bow (SOTB), seniors      Utilities (Billing and payment) 403-851-2523
                                                                                  enjoy healthy lifestyles
                                                                                  and actively contribute to
                                                                                  their community. Check
                                                                                  out older adult fitness
                                                                                  programs on page 27 or
                                                                                  find the latest news,
                        Fall 2018 registration begins 9am, Wednesday August 15.
                                                                                  activities and events at
                                                                                                                                                                             Program and Activity Guide   Fall 2019   3
PROGRAM AND ACTIVITY GUIDE - TOWN OF COCHRANE - Fall 2019 registration begins 9am, Wednesday August 14
Bow Valley College..............................................................49
     Advertisers Index
Cochrane Creative Playschool Society.............................49
UCalgary Cochrane Gymnastics........................................50
TLC Preschool......................................................................51
Eurhythmics Dance Studio.................................................52
Christopher Robin’s Playhouse & Childcare Centre.......53
Karla Jackson Bookkeeping & Tax....................................53
Cochrane Curling Club........................................................53
                                                                                        Cochrane Times
Cochrane Skating Club...................................................... 54          Bay 8 – 206 Fifth Avenue West
Saffron Collective Studios..................................................54          Cochrane, AB T4C 1X3
                                                                                        Phone: 403-932-3500
Alborak Stable.....................................................................55   Fax: 403-932-3935
A to Z Pre-school..................................................................55   The Cochrane Times is a division of Postmedia Network Inc.
                                                                                        Printed in Canada.
Cochrane Christmas Market..............................................55
Cochrane & Area Events Society.......................................55                 Advertising Sales: Colleen McCrea

Oasis Health System Ltd....................................................56
The Learning Place Preschool...........................................57
Footsteps Preschool............................................................58
RVS Adult Learning.............................................................58
The Clothesline....................................................................58
Cochrane Movie House.......................................................59
Barnett Orthodontics..........................................................59
Absolute Dental Care..........................................................60

4 | 403-851-2250
PROGRAM AND ACTIVITY GUIDE - TOWN OF COCHRANE - Fall 2019 registration begins 9am, Wednesday August 14
SPORTS ACTIVITIES                                             Cochrane Music Society
                                                              Cochrane Integrated Arts Society
Cochrane Rainout/Closure Line 403-851-2552
                                                              Foothills Art Club
Big Hill West 4H Horse Club
                                                              Friends of the Cochrane Library 403-932-4353
Bow Valley Recreational Adult Hockey League
                                                              Men of Vision Pipes & Drums 403-932-2228
Bow Valley Rugby Club 403-714-5348
                                                              Spinners & Weavers 403-932-7794
Cochrane Adult Mixed Volleyball 403-851-2534
                                                              Stockmen’s Memorial Foundation 403-932-3782
Cochrane & Area Challenger Recreation Club 403-932-1378
                                                              Teatro dell’Eco 403-852-5755
Cochrane Archery Club 403-932-4143
Cochrane Art Club 403-932-4484                                SERVICE ORGANIZATIONS
Cochrane BMX                            Agricultural Society 403-932-1206
Cochrane Comets                         Alberta Women’s Institute – Glendale Branch 403-932-5544
Cochrane Curling Club 403-932-2077                            Big Brother Big Sisters of Calgary and Area 403-771-4341
Cochrane Generals Jr B Hockey Club 403-286-3000               Bearspaw & District Community Fair Association 403-932-7279
Cochrane Hiking Club 403-851-2534                             Chamber of Commerce 403-932-0320
Cochrane Jaguars Volleyball 403-851-0027                      Citizens on Patrol
Cochrane Lacrosse                   Cochrane Activettes 403-851-4609
Cochrane Masters Swim Club    Cochrane & Area Victim Services Society 403-851-8055
Cochrane Men’s Slo-Pitch 403-932-9083                         Cochrane & District Community Foundation 403-932-6358
Cochrane Men’s/Ladies Walking Group 403-851-2534              Cochrane Babysitting Co-op
Cochrane Minor Ball                  Cochrane Community Health Centre 403-851-6000
Cochrane Minor Basketball     Cochrane Employment Services 403-709-0010
Cochrane Mixed Dart League            Cochrane Environmental Action Committee 403-851-0562
Cochrane Minor Football              Cochrane Farmers’ Market 403-851-0562
Cochrane Minor Hockey 403-932-9341                            Cochrane Home Educators 403-932-5452
Cochrane Minor Soccer 403-932-KICK                            Cochrane Lioness Club 403-855-1207
Cochrane Mixed Slo-Pitch                 Cochrane Lions Club 403-932-1704
Cochrane Piranhas                 Dr. George McQuitty Memorial Society 403-932-2295
Cochrane Pony Club 403-932-3631                               Frank Wills Memorial Society 403-932-7805
Cochrane Rangers Soccer Club          Kiwanis Club of Cochrane and Area
Cochrane Red Rock Runners Tri Club     Knights of Columbus 403-286-9730
Cochrane Ringette                    Rotary Club of Cochrane 403-932-4323
Cochrane Run Foundation 403-932-7754                          Royal Canadian Legion #15 403-932-2011
Cochrane Soccer Club               Seniors for Kids Society 403-861-4558
Cochrane Skating Club           Seniors on the Bow Centre 403-932-6002
Cochrane Tennis Club 403-932-1979                             Take Off Pounds Sensibly 403-932-4662
Men’s Basketball 403-239-0204                                 Toastmasters Club 403-681-5455
Seniors Curling 403-932-0842                                  Volunteer Opportunities 403-851-2252
Spray Lake Sawmills Family Sports Centre 403-932-1635         West Valley/West Terrace Community Association 403-932-3675
                                                              Youth Justice Committee
CULTURAL GROUPS                                               Welcome Wagon or 1-866-627-6072
Chinook Film Group
Cochrane & Area Heritage Association 403-932-5504             YOUTH ORGANIZATIONS
Cochrane Art Club                     Army Cadets 403-851-5125
Cochrane Big Hill Needle Art Guild 403-932-0317               Boys and Girls Club of Cochrane & Area Programs 403-981-2020
Cochrane Camera Club 403-932-4484                             Brownies, Guides, & Pathfinders 403-932-5056
Cochrane Family History Resource Center 403-932-1145          Cochrane First Scouting 403-981-2280
Cochrane Historical & Archival Preservation Society           Junior Forest Wardens, Company of Adventures 403-932-7615
403-932-2295                                                     Program and Activity Guide     Fall 2019    5
PROGRAM AND ACTIVITY GUIDE - TOWN OF COCHRANE - Fall 2019 registration begins 9am, Wednesday August 14

                    COCHRANE FARMERS’                 COCHRANE LIONS
                    MARKET (until Sep 29)             LABOUR DAY RODEO
                    Saturdays | 9:30am-1:30pm         Sep 1-3
                    Historic Cochrane Ranche Site     Cochrane Lions Rodeo Grounds

                    CHINOOK FILM GROUP                COCHRANE LABOUR
                    Third Wed of each month           DAY PARADE
                    Sep-Apr (excl. Dec) | 7pm         Mon Sep 2 | 10:30am
                    Cochrane Movie House    
                    $10 The Gentry

                    RANCHEHOUSE                       COCHRANE–WIDE
                    MONTHLY ART SHOW                  FOOD DRIVE
                    Sep-Nov | Mon-Fri                 Sat Sep 14 | 10am
                    8:30am-4:30pm                     fooddrive@
                    Cochrane RancheHouse    

                    COCHRANE STREET MARKET            CLUBHOUSE ART WALK
                    Thu Aug 15 & Sep 12 | 5-9pm       Sat Sep 28, Oct 12, Nov 9|
                    Main St, downtown Cochrane        11am-3pm
                    ClubHouse Activity Centre,
                                                      Historic Cochrane Ranche

                    OUTHOUSE RACES                    COCHRANE CULTURE
                    Sat Aug 25| 12pm                  FESTIVAL
                    First Street, downtown Cochrane   Sun Sep 29 | 12-5pm
                 Cochrane Lions Event Centre

                    CANADIAN TIRE                     NEWCOMER
                    JUMPSTART GAMES                   WELCOME NIGHT
                    Wed Aug 28 10am-3pm               Mon Oct 7 | 6-8pm
                    Spray Lake Sawmills Family        Cochrane Public Library
                    Sports Centre                     587-580-9448

                    CITIZENSHIP CEREMONY              JACKET RACKET
                    Sun Aug 25 | 2-5pm                Sat Oct 26 | 10am-12pm
                    Cochrane Alliance Church          Cochrane Alliance Church
                    403-604-2377                      403-851-2250

6 | 403-851-2250
PROGRAM AND ACTIVITY GUIDE - TOWN OF COCHRANE - Fall 2019 registration begins 9am, Wednesday August 14

                     50+ RESOURCE FAIR                 COCHRANE MUSIC SOCIETY
                     Wed Oct 30 | 1:30-4pm             CHRISTMAS CONCERT
                     Cochrane Alliance Church          Sat Dec 14| 7:30pm
                     403-851-2250                      Bow Valley Baptist Church

                     TAPESTRY OF WOMEN                 FESTIVAL OF LIGHTS YOUNG
                     CONFERENCE                        ARTISTS CONCERT
                     Sat Nov 9 | 8am-4pm               Fri Dec 6 | 7:30pm
                     Cochrane Alliance Church          St. Peters Lutheran Church
                                                       Free event

                     COCHRANE LIGHT UP                 FESTIVAL OF LIGHTS
                     Sat Nov 17 | 4:30-7:30pm          PROCESSION OF LIGHTS
                     First Street, downtown Cochrane   Sat Dec 21 | 5:30pm
                          Location TBA
                                                       Free event

Fall is a great time to start something new.
The Town of Cochrane is running five series of
courses to help you go to new places with new
skills and connections. Whether your goal is job-
related, personal or for professional development,
our experts can help you take that next step:

• Building Organization Capacity
  Series (page 22)
• Job Readiness Series (page 25)
• Finance Series (page 25)
• Technology Series (page 26)
• Connecting Series (page 35)                                             Program and Activity Guide   Fall 2019   7
PROGRAM AND ACTIVITY GUIDE - TOWN OF COCHRANE - Fall 2019 registration begins 9am, Wednesday August 14
HOW TO REGISTER                                                   Transfers
                                                                  You may transfer your registration to another program or
                                                                  activity, but a $10 administrative fee will be charged.
Go to:                                   Cancellations
Look for browse or search programs.                               The Town of Cochrane reserves the right to cancel classes
                                                                  due to low registration.
Select a program or activity.                                     Refunds
                                                                  Full refund or credit for a future class is provided if the
STEP 3 > REGISTER & LOGIN                                         class is cancelled due to insufficient registration. You
                                                                  may withdraw from a program or activity for non-medical
See a program you like? Select Register Now (if the
                                                                  reasons before the program or activity starts; you will
program is full, you can register for the waitlist).
                                                                  be refunded the fee less a $10 administrative charge.
xx You’ll be asked to create an account (or you can use           No refunds will be given for withdrawal for non-medical
your Facebook account).                                           reasons once a program has started. Pro-rated refunds
                                                                  will be given for withdrawals due to medical reasons after
STEP 4 > REGISTER & PAY                                           class has commenced; no administrative fee charged.
Follow the instructions to register and pay online.
                                                                  Informed consent
STEP 5 > REGISTRATION OPTIONS                                     The Town of Cochrane must have a signed informed
                                                                  consent form for all program participants. Sign a consent
Registering online is the fastest and most convenient way         form before the program starts (available at FCSS) or
to register. If online is not available for you, we also accept   you will not be allowed to participate. Consent forms are
registration in person or by phone:                               maintained for one calendar year (Jan 1-Dec 31).
Family & Community Support Services (FCSS)
209 Second Ave W | 403-851-2250                                   Accessible programs
                                                                  The Town of Cochrane welcomes children with special
Please note:                                                      needs. Children who are in regular school classrooms and
Cochrane Public Library registration can be done in               have an aide will generally be able to attend if the aide
person or by phone ONLY:                                          accompanies them. Please specify all medical information
Cochrane Public Library                                           and support required by your child to participate in our
405 Railway St W | 403-932-4353                                   programs before the session start date.

8 | 403-851-2250
PROGRAM AND ACTIVITY GUIDE - TOWN OF COCHRANE - Fall 2019 registration begins 9am, Wednesday August 14
Western Rocky View Parent Link Centre provides
programming, resources and support for families
with children birth-6 years of age.

Our programs promote positive parent-child
interactions that build attachment and healthy
child development.

Our centre is a safe space for parents to
connect and engage.

•   Baby Steps (page 11)
•   Breastfeeding Circle (page 12)
•   Mom 2 Mom Support Group (page 14)
•   Cochrane Prenatal Health Group (page 14)
•   Infant Massage (page 15)

                                                  Western Rocky View Parent Link Centre
                                                  127 First Ave W, Cochrane, AB
                                                  403-851-2265 |
                                         |                                          Program and Activity Guide   Fall 2019   9
PROGRAM AND ACTIVITY GUIDE - TOWN OF COCHRANE - Fall 2019 registration begins 9am, Wednesday August 14

Developmental Play Programs
Each program is designed to promote your child’s physical, cognitive and social-emotional learning. Early Childhood
Educators are available at every program to answer parenting questions, help you access developmental screenings
and assist with finding resources in our Parent Library.
xx Play programs are drop-in and free of charge (donations gratefully accepted)
xx Parents and children must wear socks to play (socks available at the PLC for $2)
xx Programs are divided by age, however, siblings are welcome at every program
xx To volunteer, contact us: or 403-851-2265

Indoor Playground (ages birth-6/parented)
A great place to meet other parents, connect with resources and promote your child’s development! Climbers, slides
and a preschool climbing wall enhance children’s emerging gross motor skills while having fun. No beverages/food
allowed due to specialty flooring. Snack tables are provided in reception area. NOTE: We are open on Thursday evening.
 LOCATION                                    DAY       DATES            TIME
 Parent Link Centre                          Mon-Fri   Sep 3–Dec 20     9am-12pm, 1:30-3:30pm
 Parent Link Centre                          Thu       Sep 5–Dec 19     9am-12pm, 1:30-3:30pm, 4:30-7pm
 Parent Link Centre                          Sat       Sep 7–Dec 14     9:30am-12pm

10 | 403-851-2250

Baby Steps (prenatal-walking/parented)
Join us and connect with parents while babies explore new activities and songs and interact with other babies.
 LOCATION                                      DAY         DATES               TIME
 Parent Link Centre                            Tue         Sep 3–Dec 17        9:30-11am
 Parent Link Centre                            Fri         Sep 6–Dec 20        1:30-3pm

Grandparents Group (ages birth-6/parented)
Are you a grandparent with grandchildren ages birth–6 years old? Then this program is for you! Join us to play, visit,
share information and connect with other grandparents in your community!
 LOCATION                                      DAY         DATES               TIME
 Parent Link Centre                            Wed         Sep 4–Dec 18        9:30-10:45am

Toddlers in Tow (walking-36 months/parented)
At this high-energy group, parents and toddlers enjoy simple crafts, sensory tables and all kinds of toys! At the end of
each session, families wind down with rhymes and singing.
 LOCATION                                      DAY         DATES               TIME
 Parent Link Centre                            Wed         Sep 4–Dec 18        1:30-2:45pm
 Parent Link Centre                            Fri         Sep 6–Dec 20        9:30-10:45am

Preschool Playtime (ages 3-6/parented)
Come play and explore the interactive activities to promote your child’s cognitive, social/emotional, and physical
development. This is a great opportunity for your preschoolers to develop preschool and kindergarten readiness skills.
 LOCATION                                      DAY         DATES               TIME
 Parent Link Centre                            Thu         Sep 5-Dec 19        9-10:15am
 Parent Link Centre                            Mon         Sep 9-Dec 16        1:30-3pm

Hangin’ With Dad (ages birth-6/parented)
Attention all dads: are you looking for a fun, free activity for you and your children Saturday morning? Join us to connect
with other dads for play, crafts and a weekly circle time!
 LOCATION                              DAY      DATES              TIME
 Parent Link Centre                    Sat      Sep 7–Dec 14       9:30–11am

Li’l Explorers (ages birth-6/parented) NEW DAY! NEW TIME!
If you are parent of a child with special needs, then this program is for you! Join us to play, visit, share information and
connect with other families on a similar journey. This is a safe and fun setting outside the home for you to attend with
your aide/OT/PT/ ST/psychologist etc.
 LOCATION                                      DAY         DATES               TIME
 Parent Link Centre                            Mon         Sep 9–Dec 16        9-10:15am                                                         Program and Activity Guide   Fall 2019    11

Cochrane Breastfeeding Circle
Are you a breastfeeding mother or mother-to-be? Join a certified lactation and childbirth educator with over a decade
of experience in maternal and child health to get accurate, up-to-date and personalized breastfeeding information and
 LOCATION                               DATE             TIME
 Parent Link Centre                     Mon Sep 9        10:30am-12pm
 Parent Link Centre                     Mon Oct 21       10:30am-12pm
 Parent Link Centre                     Mon Nov 4        10:30am-12pm
 Parent Link Centre                     Mon Dec 9        10:30am-12pm

Family Night OUT (ages birth-6/parented)
Our evening playgroup meets monthly to celebrate diversity in our community. We welcome all families including
LGBTQ2S+ families, gender diverse children and allies. Connect in a safe and supportive space, while children engage
in developmentally enriching play. Starting a family is a unique journey and we welcome those who are planning/
expecting too.
 LOCATION                               DATE             TIME

 Parent Link Centre                     Thu Sep 12       5-6:30pm
 Parent Link Centre                     Thu Oct 10       5-6:30pm
 Parent Link Centre                     Thu Nov 14       5-6:30pm
 Parent Link Centre                     Thu Dec 12       5-6:30pm

Artists’ First Steps (ages 1-5, parented)
Create wonderful art projects together while developing social and motor skills. Children are encouraged to explore and
experiment with a variety of materials. Later, join your child in the play area. Instructor Jola Muran.
 LOCATION                               DAY      DATES              TIME            DAYS        FEE
 ClubHouse Activity Centre              Mon      Sep 30–Nov 25      10:45-11:45am   8           $60

First Steps in Music (ages 1-5, parented)
Learn to recognize music all around you, Create your first songs as well as make and play your own instruments. Make
music as a group and perform a final concert. Instructor Iryna Kalinovich.
 LOCATION                               DAY      DATES              TIME            DAYS        FEE
 ClubHouse Activity Centre              Tue      Oct 1–Nov 19*      10:45-11:45am   8           $60

Beaupre Country Connections (ages birth-6/parented)
Join us for a play-based program with a country twist! You’ll enjoy riding toys, crafts and an interactive circle time. Rural and
Morley families only. First and third Wednesday of each month. Beaupre Community Hall, 263035 Beaupre Creek Rd.
 LOCATION                               DAY      DATES              TIME
 Beaupre Community Hall                 Wed      Sep 4, 18          10-11:30am
 Beaupre Community Hall                 Wed      Oct 2, 16          10-11:30am
 Beaupre Community Hall                 Wed      Nov 6, 20          10-11:30am
 Beaupre Community Hall                 Wed      Dec 4, 18          10-11:30am

*No class Oct 14, Nov 11

12 | 403-851-2250

Rumble and Roar with the PLC!
Parent Link Centre staff will be at Rumble and Roar twice a month with fun activities, developmental screening and
resources for you and your family! First and third Thursday of each month. Bragg Creek and area families only.
Bragg Creek Community Centre, 23 White Ave.
LOCATION                                      DAY       DATES            TIME             FEE
Bragg Creek Community Centre                  Thu       Sep 5, 19        9:30-11am        $5
Bragg Creek Community Centre                  Thu       Oct 3, 17        9:30-11am        $5
Bragg Creek Community Centre                  Thu       Nov 7, 21        9:30-11am        $5
Bragg Creek Community Centre                  Thu       Dec 5, 19        9:30-11am        $5

Bearspaw Wiggle and Giggle (ages birth-6/parented)
Join us for active fun in the gym! A great way to burn off some energy and meet other parents and children! Bring indoor
shoes for both parents and tots. Bearspaw Lifestyle Centre, 253220 Bearspaw Rd.
LOCATION                                      DAY       DATES            TIME
Bearspaw Lifestyle Centre                     Tue       Sep 10–Dec 10    11am-12pm                                                   Program and Activity Guide   Fall 2019    13

Parent Education Workshops
Parenting is one of the hardest jobs in the world! Thanks to the many programs offered by the Parent Link Centre, you
don’t have to do it alone. All workshops are free unless otherwise stated (donations are gratefully accepted).
Registration required for Parent Education Programs, register online at

Mom 2 Mom Support Group
This bi-weekly group offers support for mothers who are experiencing stress, anxiety or post-partum depression. It is
also a great way to connect with other mothers who are facing similar challenges and to learn about and practice self-
care. Offered in partnership with Cochrane Mental Health and Addictions. No registration required.
LOCATION                          DAY           DATES                   TIME
Parent Link Centre                Tue           Sep 3, 17               1:30-3pm
Parent Link Centre                Tue           Oct 1, 15               1:30-3pm
Parent Link Centre                Tue           Nov 5, 19               1:30-3pm
Parent Link Centre                Tue           Dec 3, 17               1:30-3pm

Cochrane Prenatal Health Group
Register for this free, prenatal health group that offers peer support and information about healthy nutrition, pregnancy
and birth as well as accessing community resources to help you through pregnancy and beyond. If you are pregnant or
parenting an infant up to 6 months, attend for information, support and connection. Facilitated by Alberta Health Services
and offered in partnership with the Parent Link Centre. Register at 403-851-6149.
LOCATION               DAY                      DATES                TIME
Parent Link Centre     Second and fourth Thu    Sep 12-Dec 12        1:30-3:30pm

The Power of Positive Parenting
One of the most stressful and challenging parts of parenting is dealing with children’s behaviour. This seminar provides
strategies to prevent misbehaviour, create a predictable family environment, and manage children’s behaviour and
emotions in a constructive manner. This Triple P seminar is based on creating strong nurturing relationships, good
communication and positive attention to help children develop. Appropriate for parents with children ages two to 10
years old.
LOCATION               DAY                        DATE                  TIME
Parent Link Centre     Tue                        Sep 17                6:30-8:30pm

FOCUS for Attention
There are many challenges and celebrations in a family where ADHD is present. All parents and caregivers of children
and youth with ADHD are invited to this monthly support group. Join us for strategies, information, resources, guest
speakers and the opportunity to network. For more information, contact Lorraine Spector at
LOCATION                                       DATE          TIME
HomeStead Apartment Building                   Tue Sep 17    7-8:30pm
HomeStead Apartment Building                   Tue Oct 29    7-8:30pm
HomeStead Apartment Building                   Tue Nov 26    7-8:30pm
HomeStead Apartment Building                   Tue Dec 17    7-8:30pm

14 | 403-851-2250

Infant Massage
Over three sessions, you learn massage strokes and how they benefit your baby, physically, emotionally and
psychologically. You also learn specific strokes to soothe a crying baby, ease constipation and gas pain, and reduce
colic. This interactive, fun and relaxing class is open to moms and dads with babies from four weeks old to not yet
crawling. No prior skills required except loving hands and an open heart!
 LOCATION                                       DAY          DATES              TIME
 Parent Link Centre                             Wed          Sep 18-Oct 2       3:30-4:30pm

Developing Good Bedtime Routines
Join us and learn strategies to implement a successful nighttime routine and avoid sleep struggles. Small changes can make
a big difference to help everyone get the sleep they need. Appropriate for parents with children ages two to 10 years old.
 LOCATION                                       DATE                 TIME
 Parent Link Centre                             Thu Sep 26           6-8pm

Parents of Anxious Kids
In today’s world children are under more stress than ever before! Difficulty sleeping, stubbornness, obsessive thoughts,
stomach aches, avoidant behaviours, headaches, excessive shyness — these are some signs that your child may be
experiencing anxiety. This monthly group offers support, strategies, information and resources for parents/caregivers of
children and youth who may be showing signs of anxiety. Info: Lorraine Spector at
 LOCATION                                       DATES                TIME
 HomeStead Apartment Building                   Thu Oct 3            7-8:30pm
 HomeStead Apartment Building                   Thu Nov 7            7-8:30pm
 HomeStead Apartment Building                   Thu Dec 5            7-8:30pm

Raising Emotionally Resilient Children
A recent study shows that one of every four young children in Cochrane and area struggle with identifying, expressing
and managing their emotions appropriately. This two-part seminar provides parents with strategies to help their children
recognize, accept and express feelings, develop coping skills, encourage a positive outlook and adopt healthy self-
esteem. Appropriate for parents with children ages two to 10 years old.
 LOCATION                                       DAY          DATES              TIME           CLASSES
 Parent Link Centre                             Wed          Oct 23, 30         6:30-8:30pm    2

Positive Parenting Group
Over five weeks, trained facilitators provide strategies to discipline positively and effectively, promote children’s self-
esteem, develop positive communication styles and enhance family relationships. You leave the group feeling more
confident and relaxed with your parenting role! Appropriate for parents of children ages two to 10 years old.
 LOCATION                                       DAY          DATES              TIME           CLASSES
 Parent Link Centre                             Wed          Nov 13- Dec 11     6:30-8:30pm    5

Hassle Free Shopping with Children
Even the simple task of grabbing some groceries can be a stressful event when you’ve got children in tow. Join us for
an active discussion of parenting strategies and develop a personalized plan to manage behaviour while shopping.
Appropriate for parents with children ages two to 10 years old.
 LOCATION                                       DATE            TIME
 Parent Link Centre                             Thu Dec 5       6-8pm                                                         Program and Activity Guide    Fall 2019      15

Supportive Parenting Series
Join us for a supportive parenting series which provide tools and support to parent through the ups and downs of life.
Parenting series facilitated by registered psychologist, Erin Butters. Registration required for Supportive Parenting
Series: register for one or all online at
Parenting through Separation and Divorce
This session will support your ability to feel more anchored through this challenging time by helping you to understand
what is normal, what to expect, and by providing strategies for coping through grief and transition. Finding ways to
support your children through this significant change is a central focus of this workshop.
LOCATION                                       DATE          TIME
Parent Link Centre                             Thu Oct 3     7-9pm

Parenting through Grief and Loss
This session briefly covers the stages and perceptions of grief and loss. Supportive tools and skills are provided to aid
you in your role as a parent and/or caregiver, without neglecting your own emotions.
LOCATION                                       DATE          TIME
Parent Link Centre                             Thu Nov 14    7-9pm

Mindful Parenting
With an aim to foster resilience and stress tolerance, this presentation explores the foundations of Mindfulness and
shares practices that enrich the parent-child relationship. Through direct practice, conceptual teaching and discussion, you
develop a deeper awareness of your own stress reactions, an increased ability to respond more skillfully to the unplanned
and stressful moments with your child, and to listen with more kindness and attention to yourself and your child.
LOCATION                                       DATE          TIME
Parent Link Centre                             Thu Nov 28    7-9pm

                                                                    RV AND TRAILER PARKING
                                                                    You may park your RV or trailer on your driveway
                                                                    between May 1 and October 20.
                                                                    After October 20, all units must be removed from
                                                                    private front driveways, including but not limited to:
                                                                    xx   Recreational           xx   Livestock/horse trailers
                                                                    xx   Utility                xx   Utility trailers
                                                                    xx   Motor homes            xx   Truck campers
                                                                    xx   Travel trailers        xx   Off-highway vehicles
                                                                    xx   Fifth-wheel trailers   xx   Boats and other
                                                                    xx   Tent trailers               watercraft

                                                                    Fines are at least $250
                                                                    (Town of Cochrane Bylaw No 01/2004).

                                                                    For more information, contact
                                                                    Municipal Enforcement at 403-851-2532,

16 | 403-851-2250

Cochrane — where neighbours know their neighbours
and people feel like they belong.

The Cochrane CommUNITY Connector brings
residents out of their backyards and beyond
their front door to enjoy time together, make
new connections and strengthen neighbourhood

Our focus is on supporting the continued growth
of a strong, vibrant, connected, safe and inclusive

Have an idea for our CommUNITY Connector?
Want to bring programs, activities and opportunities
to connect to your neighbourhood?

Call 403-851-2250 or visit                               Program and Activity Guide   Fall 2019   17

Play Badminton
Learn to play better badminton in a fun, safe class with qualified coaches. New and developing players learn
fundamental badminton skills and basic game play through structured lessons to enhance movements which provide
a lifetime of active-living opportunities. Programs include Family Fun Nights. Indoor runners and racquet required.
Shuttles supplied for all programs. Spare racquets available for emergencies and Family Fun Nights.
LEARN TO PLAY (ages 9-12)
Beginner to intermediate players who have little or no formal badminton exposure learn fundamental movement
through badminton. (max 8 players)
 LOCATION                                       DAY       DATE             TIME              DAYS         FEE
 Spray Lake Sawmills Family Sports Centre Gym   Sun       Sep 15-Dec 15*   5:15-6:30pm       12           $185

FAMILY BADMINTON (ages 9-adult)
Family badminton supports an active lifestyle for the whole family. Coaching is available for tips and tricks to enjoy
playing even more!
 LOCATION                                       DAY       DATE             TIME              DAYS         FEE
 Spray Lake Sawmills Family Sports Centre Gym   Sun       Sep 15-Dec 15*   6:30-7:45pm       12           $80+GST

TEEN BADMINTON (ages 13-16)
Teen badminton allows players to develop their skills and play with their peers. Participants develop technical and
tactical skills to enhance their playing experience through drills, games, challenge ladders, round robin and open play.
 LOCATION                                       DAY       DATE             TIME              DAYS         FEE
 Glenbow School                                 Wed       Sep 18-Dec 4     7-8:30pm          12           $185

*No class Oct 13, Nov 10

18 | 403-851-2250

Wild Animal Drawing (ages 12+)
Students learn a drawing process for the eye, proportions of the head and the texture of fur complete to a realistic
drawing. This project emphasizes light and shadow using white conte/pencil on black card stock.
LOCATION                                        DAY       DATES             TIME              CLASSES      FEE
ClubHouse Activity Centre                       Tue       Oct 1-Nov 19      7-8:30pm          8            $91

Comic Book Making (ages 9-12)
Students design a character and create a comic book story. Lively discussions about mood, drama, color composition
and emotion will make this a fun time with a final product as an illustrated story in booklet format utilizing color pencil
techniques. Instructor Scot Paisley.
LOCATION                                        DAY       DATES             TIME              CLASSES      FEE
ClubHouse Activity Centre                       Thu       Oct 3-Nov 28*     7-8:30pm          8            $77

Friday Art Exploration (ages 6-11)
Kids roll up their sleeves and get messy creating with paint, clay, silk screening on t-shirts, papermaking and more.
Invite family and friends to the art show at the end of the program. Nutritional snacks provided. Instructor Jola Muran.
LOCATION                                        DAY       DATES             TIME              CLASSES       FEE
ClubHouse Activity Centre                       Fri       Oct 4–Nov 22*     3:30-5:30pm       8             $120

Creative Music (ages 8-12)
Explore creative ‘play’ on percussion instruments and instrument making on ‘found objects.’ Composition and
improvisation lead to a deeper understanding of the language of sound. Wood music, stone music, glass music and
everything else in between! Learn rhythm, melody, harmony, shape, contours, dialogue, articulation and dynamics. No
previous musical instruction needed - just a generous imagination! Instructor: Ali Morrison
LOCATION                                        DAY       DATES             TIME              CLASSES       FEE
ClubHouse Activity Centre                       Fri       Oct 4-Nov 22      6-7pm             8             $90

!BOOM! She Said (ages 13+)
Ever played a ladder? These fast, physical and fun percussion-based workshops explore instrument making, body
percussion, log drumming, music on found objects’ glass music and more. Students compose and improvise works
combining sound and visual elements uniting expressive forces for imaginative and unique performances. Instructor Ali
LOCATION                                        DAY       DATES             TIME              CLASSES       FEE
ClubHouse Activity Centre                       Fri       Oct 4-Nov 22      7:30-8:30pm       8             $90

Spanish for Children (ages 6-8)
Hola! Learn to speak and practice Spanish with other children in this fun and educational language class.
LOCATION                                        DAY       DATES             TIME              CLASSES       FEE
ClubHouse Activity Centre                       Mon       Oct 21-Dec 16*    4:00-5:30pm       8             $80

* No class weeks of Oct 14, Oct 31, Nov 11                                                      Program and Activity Guide     Fall 2019    19

Community Associations are where neighbours work
cooperatively to make their neighbourhood a better,
more inclusive place to live. The members of your
Community Association want you to feel safe and
love where you live. Their volunteers are dedicated
to making your community a great place to live, work
and play.

They respond to residents’ needs, supporting
them to strengthen connections and work towards
common goals, as well as:
• Advocate for the community with a unified voice
• Plan social events, kids’ activities, community
   clean-ups and beautification programs, and
   safety initiatives
• Monitor development and provide input
• Raise funds for parks, amenities, infrastructure
• Provide information to residents through a
   newsletter or website

Wondering if there’s a Community Association in
your neighbourhood and how you can get involved?
Check for the current list.

Don’t see a link for your neighbourhood?
We can also help you start a Community Association!
For more information and links, visit

20 | 403-851-2250

Ballroom Social and Country Dance Lessons
The Calgary Dance Club is offering a series of ballroom, social and country dance workshops for beginners and beyond.
No partner necessary. For more information, please visit, Facebook page (@yycdanceclub) or
call 403-220-0049. See you on the dance floor!
 LOCATION                  DAY     DATES              TIME                         CLASSES    FEE                          DROP IN
 Seniors on the Bow        Mon     Sep 9–Oct 7        7-8pm Intermediate Social/   5          $60 + $10 annual             $15
                                                      Country dances (Country                 membership to UCBDC
                                                      Two Step)
 Seniors on the Bow        Mon     Sep 9–Oct 7        8:30-9:30pm Beginner         5          $60 + $10 annual             $15
                                                      Social/Country dances                   membership to UCBDC
                                                      (Country Two Step)
 Seniors on the Bow        Mon     Oct 14-Nov 11      7-8pm Intermediate Social/   5          $60 + $10 annual             $15
                                                      Country dances (Cha Cha)                membership to UCBDC
 Seniors on the Bow        Mon     Oct 14-Nov 11      8:30-9:30pm Social/          5          $60 + $10 annual             $15
                                                      Country dances (Cha Cha)                membership to UCBDC

Adult Mixed Volleyball
Mixed 6s: 16 teams, Division 1 Competitive, Division 2 Recreational. Play two matches per game/night. Minimum three
women per team on court during play. Use or mobile app (SportsSignup TEAMWALL) to manage
teams, view schedules, standings, report scores, team chat and social networking. Register in the division that best
suits your overall team experience and play expectations. Tournament is included in the fees. Expect byes due to the
school blackout dates and holidays.
Division 1: 8 Teams are comprised of experienced competitive and intermediate players.
Division 2: 8 Teams are comprised of intermediate and new recreational players.
 LOCATION                                   DAY       DATES          TIME          DAYS              FEE
 Spray Lake Sawmills Family Sports Centre   Mon       Sep 9-Apr 6    7-10pm        28                $885+GST per team
 Mitford School                                       Sep 16-Apr 6
 In-league tournament: Spray Lake           Sat/Sun   Apr 18-19      8am-6pm       2                 Included
 Sawmills Family Sports Centre

Ladies Volleyball League (16+)
Women’s 6s: 16 teams, Division 1 Competitive, Division 2 Recreational. Play two matches per game night. Teams are seeded
into tiers; standings determine movement in the division. Use or mobile app (SportsSignup TEAMWALL)
to manage teams, view schedules, standings, reports scores, team chat and social networking. Register in the division that best
suits your overall team experience and play expectations. Expect byes due to school blackout dates and holidays.
Division 1: 8 Teams are comprised of experienced competitive and intermediate players.
Division 2: 8 Teams are comprised of experienced intermediate and new recreational players.
 LOCATION                                   DAY       DATES          TIME          DAYS              FEE
 Spray Lake Sawmills Family Sports          Wed       Sep 11-Apr 1   7:30-         28                $885+GST per team
 Centre                                                              10:30pm
 RancheView School gym                      Wed       Sep 18-Apr 1   7-10pm        28                $885+GST per team
 Open league tournament: Spray Lake         Sat/Sun   Apr 4-5        8am-6pm       2                 $270 + GST
 Sawmills Family Sports Centre                                                                       League fee $200+GST                                                               Program and Activity Guide   Fall 2019    21

Building Organization Capacity Series
Basics are the building blocks - how to recruit, retain and recognize volunteers
A focus on the basics of volunteer engagement and how it sets the stage for a successful volunteer program. You will
learn about motivation of volunteers, recruitment tactics, retention and creative ideas.
LOCATION                                  DATE                   TIME      FEE
Homestead Apartment Building              Wed Sep 18             1-3pm     FREE

Developing Your Fundraising Pipeline
Want to make your fundraising more predictable? Learn to use tools that help you keep track of your development
opportunities and understand what it will take to succeed in fundraising.
As a participant you will examine current trends and influences, build a process of identification, tracking and reporting
for your organization’s fund development activities, receive simple and easy-to-implement templates, tools and
resources for fundraising, and develop new, or enhance existing, strategies.
LOCATION                                  DATES                  TIME      FEE
Homestead Apartment Building              Thu Sep 26             1-4pm     FREE

Introduction to Board Governance: Understanding Your Roles and Responsibilities
This workshop covers topics of incorporated non-profit societies. Including the legal landscape and responsibilities;
governance, roles and responsibilities of board members; liability, risk management and the link to policy development.
You get an overview of organizational planning and financial responsibilities, tips for building a strong term and effective
relationships, effective meetings, making the most of committees and creating an effective structure to ensure work
gets done. Note: this workshop does not include strategic planning.
LOCATION                                         DAY          DATES        TIME              FEE
Frank Wills Memorial Hall                        Tue-Wed      Oct 1-2      10am-3pm          $50

Start With Why: The How To’s Of Program Design
By developing a solid program design, your program has the best possible chance of achieving its objectives and
improving quality of life for your clients. Whether you are looking to improve an existing program or to create a new one,
this workshop will guide you through the six phases of program design, ensuring that your program is built on sound
research and best practices.
LOCATION                                         DATE            TIME      FEE
Homestead Apartment Building                     Tue Oct 22      1-3pm     FREE

Basic Facilitation Skills
This three-day workshop for not-for-profit and government organizations is facilitated by Alberta Culture, Tourism and
Community Development and includes hands-on learning in facilitated groups. Daily lunch, snacks, refreshments,
supplies and manuals included.
LOCATION                                         DAY          DATES        TIME              FEE
Frank Wills Memorial Hall                        Wed-Fri      Nov 27-29    8:30am-4:30pm     $169

22 | 403-851-2250

Join instructor Janette Young-Laroque for a gentle blend of Pilates and yoga. Core conditioning and joint range motion
exercises are performed with apparatus such as rubber bands and balls. The class is great for beginners and/or
individuals with low back troubles.
LOCATION                                   DAY          DATES                   TIME            CLASSES        FEE
Glenbow School                             Tue          Sep 17-Nov 19           7:30-8:30pm     10             $84+GST

Mens’ Volleyball League
Mens’ league for recreational and competitive players. Register as a player for drop-in style play. Maximum 24. For
league information and updates check
LOCATION                                   DAY          DATES                   TIME            CLASSES        FEE
Fireside School                            Wed          Sep 18-Nov 20           8-10pm          10             $80+GST

Ladies Basketball
Register for this ladies’ recreational league and get an hour and half of play each week. Enjoy good sportsmanship,
exercise and a lot of laughs. Learn more on the Cochrane Ladies Basketball Facebook page.
LOCATION                                   DAY          DATES                   TIME            CLASSES        FEE
Manachaban Middle School                   Mon          Sep 30-Dec 9            7:30-9pm        8              $48+GST

Psychological First Aid after a Disaster or Emergency
Learn to help people immediately following a crisis or trauma, providing practical support and normalizing stress reactions,
while respecting others’ dignity, culture and abilities. Snacks, lunch and materials included. Please register: 403-851-2250.
LOCATION                                         DATE           TIME            FEE
HomeStead Apartment Building                     Fri Oct 4      9am-4pm         $15

Emergency Preparedness Workshop – E-Prep
E-Prep is an interactive and educational workshop that helps to build social and capital capacity to support recovery
through promoting personal preparedness. Unlike other emergency preparedness workshops, E-Prep emphasizes the
importance of exploring emotional wellness, personal strengths and social networks. Participants leave with a plan for
starting an emergency kit and a document checklist.
LOCATION                                         DATE           TIME            FEE
Homestead Apartment Building                     Wed Oct 9      6:30-8:30pm     $25

Nakoda Language Class 101.1
Join us for six sessions to learn about Stoney Nakoda language and culture. This introductory course takes you through
the very basics of the Nakoda language, sounds and alphabet, building to words and short phrases. Culture and history
of the Stoney Nakoda people is also covered. Instructor: Elder Buddy Wesley
LOCATION                                         DAY            DATES           TIME            FEE
Bow Valley College                               Thu            Oct 17-Nov 21   7-8:30pm        $65

Blanket Exercise
The Indigenous Blanket Exercise is an interactive learning experience that teaches the Indigenous rights history we are
rarely taught, covering over 500 years of history in one workshop. Join us for an impactful and interactive session to
learn, grow and build a stronger understanding of this shared history.
LOCATION                                         DATE              TIME         FEE
Seniors on the Bow                               Wed Oct 23        6:30-9pm     Free                                                          Program and Activity Guide    Fall 2019   23

Mental Health First Aid for Adults Who Interact with Youth
Learn crisis first aid skills for interacting with youth 12-24 experiencing substance use, mood disorders, anxiety
disorders, psychotic disorders, eating disorders and deliberate self-injury. Registration fees subsidized by Town of
Cochrane Community Helpers Program. Includes materials, lunch and refreshments.
LOCATION                                         DAY           DATES           TIME              FEE
HomeStead Apartment Building                     Thu-Fri       Oct 24-25       9am-4pm           $50

Art Sampler
Sample a variety of different art forms over this four-week program — each week is something new. Artist Scot Paisley.
LOCATION                                   DAY         DATES                   TIME              CLASSES      FEE
ClubHouse Activity Centre                  Tue         Nov 26-Dec 17           7-8:30pm          4            $50

Community Helpers Training
Are you a great listener? Do people turn to you for help? Community Helpers training enhances your helping skills for
those experiencing grief, crisis, addictions, self-harm or suicidal thoughts. Participants learn self-care skills and how
to make referrals to our community’s professional resources. This free two-day course includes materials, lunch and
LOCATION                                         DAY           DATES           TIME              FEE
HomeStead Apartment Building                     Thu-Fri       Nov 28-29       9am-4:30pm        Free

               COLLECTION              PERSONALIZED                    WHAT GOES              HUNGRY CARTS
                CALENDAR                REMINDERS                       WHERE                    GAME

                                                                App also available from the App Store and Google Play.

24 | 403-851-2250

Job Readiness Series
Interview Skills
Feeling like you need a refresh on your interview skills? Or are you unsure how to present yourself in an interview? This
two-hour workshop provides an overview of the interview process and most frequently asked questions. Participants
learn to prepare for and understand the importance of interviews.
 LOCATION                                      DATE         TIME           FEE
 HomeStead Apartment Building                  Thu Sep 19   10am-12pm      FREE

Work Search Strategies and Cover Letters
Looking for a job? Unsure how to write your cover letter? Come join us to learn about the hidden job market, labour
market information (LMI) and strategies for job searching! Participants learn methods for finding work, cover letter tips,
social media accounts and building your network.
 LOCATION                                      DATE         TIME           FEE
 HomeStead Apartment Building                  Thu Nov 14   10am-12pm      FREE

Ride the Wave: Are You Job Search Ready?
In this workshop you learn about what it takes to be prepared to conduct an active job search, including managing your
emotions through job loss and career transition. You also receive information about developing a strategy to get your
target job and where and how to find the resources to support you in your job-search journey.
 LOCATION                                      DATE         TIME           FEE
 HomeStead Apartment Building                  Wed Nov 20   9am-4pm        FREE

Resume Skills
In this two-hour workshop participants understand the function of a resume in gaining meaningful employment as well
as ways to avoid common resume mistakes, do’s and don’ts and the three different types of resumes.
 LOCATION                                      DATE         TIME           FEE
 HomeStead Apartment Building                  Thu Dec 5    10am-12pm      FREE

Finance Series
Wills and Estates
This workshop will assist participants in understanding the importance of having a will, power of attorney, and personal
directive. Participants will also be introduced to estate administration and why it may be necessary to probate a will.
LOCATION                                       DATE         TIME           FEE
HomeStead Apartment Building                   Thu Oct 17   10am-12pm      FREE

Budgeting: Budgeting Basics
Understand your five asset areas (social, human, physical, personal, financial) and learn about creating a budget based
on your own financial needs, wants and circumstances. This is an introduction to the no-cost Financial Information and
Resource Management (FIRM program). Presented by Wendy Farnsworth.
LOCATION                                       DATE         TIME           FEE
HomeStead Apartment Building                   Thu Oct 24   6:30-8:30pm    FREE                                                     Program and Activity Guide    Fall 2019    25

Technology Series
Parent Masterclass: How Gaming and Social Media Are Designed to Keep Your Teenagers Hooked
Parents, professionals and teachers are invited to hear TEDx speaker, Cam Adair, share his experience with video
gaming addiction. You will learn how video games are designed to keep teenagers hooked, the emotional needs gaming
fulfils, how to assess at-risk teenagers, effective communication to build rapport around gaming and key steps to
LOCATION                                      DATE         TIME          FEE
Cochrane RancheHouse Theatre                  Mon Sep 30   7pm           $10

The Impact of Technology on Children
This session will provide support and strategies for technology use with children. Learn about Alberta Health Service’s
recommendations for screen time, how to use technology in an appropriate way with your child, and how to find balance
in this modern technology filled world. Have your questions ready for some great parent to parent discussions around
LOCATION                                      DATE         TIME          FEE
Parent Link Centre                            Thu Oct 24   6-8pm         FREE

The Great Disconnect
The Great Disconnect uncovers why, in a world seemingly more connected than ever before, people are feeling more
and more socially isolated – and the true cost on our lives and communities. This documentary invites us to reflect on
the relationships we have with those around us and raises the question: is it possible to overcome our modern culture
of disconnectedness and rediscover how truly essential we are to one other?
LOCATION                                      DATE         TIME          FEE
Cochrane RancheHouse Theatre                  Thu Nov 21   7pm           FREE

Fraud and Scam Prevention Presentation for Older Adults
Did you know that older adults are now the biggest target for fraud? Fraud comes in all shapes and sizes, from
investment swindles and suspicious phone calls to online scams, identification theft and romance scams. Join us for a
presentation to learn more about how you can spot scams and fraud, and how to protect yourself. Representatives from
local agencies will be in attendance to provide information on local resources for older adults who have either been a
victim of a fraud or scam or are vulnerable to becoming a victim.
LOCATION                                      DATE         TIME          FEE
TBD                                           TBD          TBD           Free

      Council meetings are now streamed live so you can
      watch from any connected device.
      Footage stays online so you can watch later; use the
      agenda to jump to topics you’re interested in.

26 | 403-851-2250

Seniors Fitness Drop-in Pass
Want access to a variety of fitness classes at SOTB? Purchase a seniors fitness drop-in pass and attend any session of
any Gentle Yoga, Piloga, Zoomer Zone, Zumba Gold or Qigong class. Drop-in pass holders welcome when space allows
(after capacity of 22 registered participants).
 LOCATION                          DAY                        TIME             CLASSES     FEE
 Seniors on the Bow Centre         Mon-Fri                    Dependent on 10              SOTB Members: $50
                                                              each class                   Non-members: $62.50

Zoomer Zone (50+)
Looking to kick your morning off with more than just coffee? Zoomer Zone is a drop-in fitness class designed to promote
heart health, strong muscles and bones, balance, coordination and flexible joints. All levels of fitness welcome.
 LOCATION                          DAY       DATES            TIME                CLASSES     FEE                         DROP IN
 Seniors on the Bow Centre         Mon       Sep 9            9:15-10:15am        1           FREE** Class for first
 *Try Before You Buy*                                                                         22 participants
 Seniors on the Bow Centre         Thu       Sep 12           9:15-10:15am        1           FREE** Class for first
 *Try Before You Buy*                                                                         22 participants
 Seniors on the Bow Centre         Mon       Sep 16–Dec 16* 9:15-10:15am          12          SOTB Members: $60           SOTB Members: $8
                                                                                              Non-members: $78            Non-members: $10
 Seniors on the Bow Centre         Thu       Sep 19–Dec 19    9:15-10:15am        14          SOTB Members: $70           SOTB Members: $8
                                                                                              Non-members: $87.50         Non-members: $10
Gentle Yoga
This class is for anyone who prefers gentle, methodical movements designed to enhance flexibility, strength and
balance through safe, softer stretches. Please bring your own mat.
 LOCATION                          DAY       DATES            TIME                CLASSES        FEE                       DROP IN
 Seniors on the Bow Centre         Tue       Sep 10           10:30-11:30am       1              FREE** Class for first
 *Try Before You Buy*                                                                            22 participants
 Seniors on the Bow Centre         Thu       Sep 12           10:30-11:30am       1              FREE** Class for first
 *Try Before You Buy*                                                                            22 participants
 Seniors on the Bow Centre         Tue       Sep 17–Dec 17    10:30-11:30am       14             SOTB members: $65         SOTB members: $8
                                                                                                 Non-members: $81.25       Non-members: $10
 Seniors on the Bow Centre         Thu       Sep 19–Dec 19    10:30-11:30am       14             SOTB members: $65         SOTB members: $8
                                                                                                 Non-members: $81.25       Non-members: $10
*No class Oct 14 & Nov 11. **FREE class with donation to the Cochrane Activettes Food Bank on-site

        Please watch for children on their way to school; plan extra
        time if your travels take you near schools or school bus routes.
        School zones
        • The speed limit in school zones is 30km/hour.
        • School zones are in effect from 7am - 9pm on school days.
        • You are not permitted to pass or attempt to pass another
          vehicle travelling in the same direction in a school zone
          when it is in effect.
        • A school zone ends where a traffic sign indicates either
          a higher speed or the end of the zone.

        For more information, visit
        or call Community Peace Officers at 403-851-2532.                                                                  Program and Activity Guide          Fall 2019      27

Zumba Gold
Zumba Gold has all the fun of the original dance fitness class, with moves and pacing to suit the needs of active older
adults. Zesty music with easy-to-follow moves to create a party atmosphere! So much fun you won’t know it’s good for you!
LOCATION                           DAY     DATES             TIME            CLASSES   FEE                        DROP IN
Seniors on the Bow Centre          Wed     Sep 11            9:15-10:15am    1         FREE* Class for first
*Try Before You Buy*                                                                   22 participants
Seniors on the Bow Centre          Fri     Sep 13            9:15-10:15am    1         FREE* Class for first
*Try Before You Buy*                                                                   22 participants
Seniors on the Bow Centre          Wed     Sep 18–           9:15-10:15am    14        SOTB Members: $70          SOTB members: $8
                                           Dec 18                                      Non-members: $87.50        Non-members: $10
Seniors on the Bow Centre          Fri     Sep 20–           9:15-10:15am    14        SOTB Members: $70          SOTB members: $8
                                           Dec 20*                                     Non-members: $87.50        Non-members: $10
Qigong is a simple and effective method for helping you experience your optimal health, wellness and happiness —
helping you heal physical and emotional pain and helping you enhance the quality of your life and the lives of others.
LOCATION                           DAY     DATES             TIME            CLASSES   FEE
Seniors on the Bow Centre          Wed     Sep 11            10:30-11:30am   1         FREE* Class for first 22
*Try Before You Buy*                                                                   participants
Seniors on the Bow Centre          Wed     Sep 18-           10:30-11:30am   14        SOTB Members :$65
                                           Dec 18                                      Non-members $81.25
*FREE class with donation to the Cochrane Activettes Food Bank on-site

                                                         BACK TO SCHOOL PROGRAM

                                                                             Back to school season can be a
                                                                             difficult time for families living with
                                                                             lower incomes or financial stress.

                                                                             Please donate to the Backpack
                                                                             Program at Cochrane Staples or
                                                                             FCSS. Financially eligible families
                                                                             are provided with Staples gift cards
                                                                             to help support their children’s
                                                                             back-to-school supply needs.

                                                                             Contact the Resource Centre at FCSS
                                                                             at 403-851-2250 for information and
                                                                             to apply for the program.

28 | 403-851-2250

Newcomers: Learn about Citizenship
Do you want to learn about Citizenship? Get accurate information on the process of Citizenship requirements and
application assistance. Free but registration recommended; contact Fleeha at 403-604-2377 or
LOCATION                                     DATE           TIME         FEE
HomeStead Apartment Building                 Wed Sep 11     6-8:30pm     FREE

Newcomers: Learn about Sponsorship
Do you want to learn about sponsorship? Get accurate information on how to get your family members close to you.
Free but registration recommended; contact Fleeha at 403-604-2377 or
LOCATION                                     DATE           TIME         FEE
HomeStead Apartment Building                 Wed Sep 16     6-8:30pm     FREE

Newcomer Connections (ages birth-6/parented)
Meet other newcomers and begin to build your community in Canada. Make new friends and embrace diversity in a
welcoming environment. Enjoy play-based activities for children while parents receive information on settlement and
family support services.
LOCATION                                     DAY         DATES           TIME
Parent Link Centre                           Thu         Sep 12-Nov 28   10:45am-12pm

Newcomer Welcome Night
Meet other newcomers to Cochrane and Canada, as well as local service providers. Learn about services available here,
how to access them, and how to get involved in our community. Free family event. Food, refreshments, door prizes and
activities for children.
LOCATION                                     DATE           TIME         FEE
Cochrane Public Library                      Mon Oct 7      6-8pm        FREE

                                                     Cochrane's Public Engagement Portal
                                                     Providing Cochrane residents with an online space
                                                     to learn about and participate in Town projects
                                                     and initiatives that are open for public input.

                                                                                             Program and Activity Guide   Fall 2019      29
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