Project Administration Manual - Project Number: 42334-014 July 2014 - Asian Development Bank

Page created by Cecil Cooper
Rural Roads Improvement Project II (RRP CAM 42334)

Project Administration Manual

Project Number: 42334-014
July 2014

Kingdom of Cambodia: Rural Roads Improvement
Project II

I.      PROJECT DESCRIPTION                                                         1
II.     IMPLEMENTATION PLANS                                                        3
        A.   Project Readiness Activities                                           3
        B.   Overall Project Implementation Plan                                    4
III.    PROJECT MANAGEMENT ARRANGEMENTS                                             7
        A.   Project Implementation Organizations – Roles and Responsibilities      7
        B.   Key Persons Involved in Implementation                                 9
        C.   Project Organization Structure                                         9
IV.     COSTS AND FINANCING                                                        11
        A.   Detailed Cost Estimates by Expenditure Category                       13
        B.   Allocation and Withdrawal of Loan and Grant Proceeds                  14
        C.   Detailed Cost Estimates by Financier                                  18
        D.   Detailed Cost Estimates by Outputs                                    21
        E.   Detailed Cost Estimates by Year                                       22
        F.   Contract and Disbursement S-curve                                     23
        G.   Fund Flow Diagram                                                     24
V.      FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT                                                       25
        A.   Financial Management Assessment                                       25
        B.   Disbursement                                                          25
        C.   Accounting                                                            26
        D.   Auditing                                                              27
VI.     PROCUREMENT AND CONSULTING SERVICES                                        28
        A.   Advance Contracting and Retroactive Financing                         28
        B.   Procurement of Goods, Works and Consulting Services                   28
        C.   Procurement Plan                                                      29
        D.   Consultant's Terms of Reference                                       34
VII.    SAFEGUARDS                                                                 66
VIII.   GENDER, LABOR, AND SOCIAL DIMENSIONS                                       68
        COMMUNICATION                                                              71
        A.   Project Design and Monitoring Framework                               71
        B.   Monitoring                                                            74
        C.   Evaluation                                                            74
        D.   Reporting                                                             74
        E.   Stakeholder Communication Strategy                                    75
X.      ANTICORRUPTION POLICY                                                      79
XI.     ACCOUNTABILITY MECHANISM                                                   80
XII.    RECORD OF PAM CHANGES                                                      81
Project Administration Manual Purpose and Process

1.     The project administration manual (PAM) describes the essential administrative and
management requirements to implement the project on time, within budget, and in accordance with
Government and Asian Development Bank (ADB) policies and procedures. The PAM should
include references to all available templates and instructions either through linkages to relevant
URLs or directly incorporated in the PAM.

2.     The Ministry of Rural Development is the wholly responsible for the implementation of ADB
financed projects, as agreed jointly between the borrower and ADB, and in accordance with
Government and ADB’s policies and procedures. ADB staff is responsible to support
implementation including compliance by MRD of their obligations and responsibilities for project
implementation in accordance with ADB’s policies and procedures.

3.     At Loan Negotiations, the borrower and ADB shall agree to the PAM and ensure
consistency with the Loan agreement. Such agreement shall be reflected in the minutes of the
Loan Negotiations. In the event of any discrepancy or contradiction between the PAM and the Loan
Agreement, the provisions of the Loan Agreement shall prevail.

4.      After ADB Board approval of the project's report and recommendations of the President
(RRP), changes in implementation arrangements are subject to agreement and approval pursuant
to relevant Government and ADB administrative procedures (including the Project Administration
Instructions) and upon such approval, they will be subsequently incorporated in the PAM.

ADB     –   Asian Development Bank
BEC     –   Board of Engineers of Cambodia
DBST    –   double bituminous surface treatment
DDIS    –   detailed design and implementation supervision
DCDM    –   Department of Cooperation and Debt Management
DMF     –   design and monitoring framework
EARF    –   environmental assessment and review framework
EIA     –   environmental impact assessment
EMP     –   environmental management plan
FIDIC   –   Federation Internationale des Ingenieurs-Conseil
GAP     –   gender action plan
GOA     –   Government of Australia
HHTPP   –   HIV/AIDS and human trafficking awareness and prevention program
ICB     –   international competitive bidding
IEE     –   initial environmental examination
KEXIM   –   Export-Import Bank of Korea
km      –   kilometer
MEF     –   Ministry of Economy and Finance
MRD     –   Ministry of Rural Development
NCB     –   national competitive bidding
NGOs    –   nongovernment organizations
NDF     –   Nordic Development Fund
PAM     –   project administration manual
PDRD    –   provincial department of rural development
PMU     –   project management unit
PPMS    –   project performance monitoring system
PPCO    –   provincial project coordination office
PPCR    –   Pilot Program for Climate Resilience
QBS     –   quality based selection
QCBS    –   quality- and cost-based selection
RRP     –   report and recommendation of the President
SEO     –   Social and Environment Office
SOE     –   statement of expenditure
SPS     –   Safeguard Policy Statement
STI     –   sexually-transmitted infections
TOR     –   terms of reference
UNIAP   –   United Nations Interagency Project on Trafficking
UXO     –   unexploded ordnance
I.        PROJ
                                                     JECT DESC

1.     The
       T       project will
                       w rehabilita ate about 72 29 kilometerrs (km) of rrural roads in nine provvinces
(Banteayy Meanchey     y, Battamba ang, Kampo   ong Cham, Kampong Chhnang, Kampong S               Speu,
Kampong  g Thom, Purrsat, Siem Reap,
                                  R       and Taakeo) to pavved condition n. The rehabbilitated road
                                                                                                   ds will
provide poor
         p      rural prrovinces with a safer, coost-effective
                                                             e rural road network with h all-year acccess
to marke  ets and oth   her social services. The
                                               T     project will also ssupport a ssustainable road
maintenaance regime    e in the Minnistry of Rural Develop   pment (MRD   D), a commu  unity-based road
safety prrogram, HIV//AIDS and human
                                   h       traffic
                                                 cking aware eness and prrevention prrogram (HHT    TPP),
and clim
       mate change adaptation measures. The feasib           bility study o
                                                                          of the propoosed projectt was
completeed through the Rural Ro    oads Improv  vement Proje  ect1, and a pproject prep
                                                                                      paratory techhnical

2.      mpact and Outcome. The
       Im                       T impact of the proje   ect is improvved access to markets, jobs,
and social services in nine proje
                                ect province
                                           es. This imp  pact is consiistent with the sector re
framework of the Cambodia
                   C           Transport
                               T          Seector Assesssment, Stra   ategy, and Roadmap.3 The
outcome of the project is a saffe, climate-rresilient, andd cost effecctive rural ro
                                                                                   oad networkk that
provides all-year ac
                   ccess in thee agricultural areas of tthe nine pro  oject provinces. These nine
        s are popula
                   ated by a large proportio
                                           on of Cambo  odia’s rural p

3.     Outputs.
       O        The                                    ect: (i) rural road improvvements; (ii) rural
                  ere are five key outputs in this proje
road ass
       set managemment; (iii) rurral road safe
                                             ety and com
                                                       mmunity awa   areness proggram; (iv) prroject
managemment supporrt; and (v) co
                               onnectivity im
                                            mprovementts for Mekon  ng River Islan

4.      Rural
        R     Roads s Improvem  ments. The first
                                             f   output iss improveme ent of aboutt 729 km off rural
roads to climate res             d condition. Out of the twelve civill works contracts under this
                     silient paved
output, one
        o    will be a pilot perfo
                                 ormance-bas sed contractt over a 5.55-year durattion.4 This ooutput
also inclu
         udes green planting
                     p         and
                                 d design and implementa ation supervvision consullting servicess.

5.      Rural
        R      Road Asset Man   nagement. The T    second output of th    he project w
                                                                                     will improve rural
road ass set managem ment in a suustainable manner
                                             m         throu
                                                           ugh a strong   g capacity-b
                                                                                     building proggram.
This prog gram will co
                     ontinue the interventionss initiated in
                                                           n Loan 2670   0,5 including
                                                                                     g the overloa ading
preventioon program for
                      f rural roads to efficien
                                              ntly manage  e the road asssets.6 This output continues
its focus on improvem ment the ove
                                 erall constru
                                             uction indust ry for rural rroad maintennance as inittiated
during Loan
         L      2670,, including capacity developmen
                                              d             t of provin  ncial deparrtments of rural
developm ment (PDRD  D) who impleement road maintenance
                                              m            e works and  d capacity buuilding trainiing of
local ma aintenance contractors. Further, the output will also introduce ccapacity building
approach hes for gradual reduction of force acccount by P PDRDs throu   ugh lessons learned from  m the
ongoing similar intervention in the Ministry  y of Public Works and Transport.7 The outpu         ut will
provide hands
          h      on capacity buildding PDRD staff in the   e implementtation of performance-b     based

    ADB. 20 010. Report and d Recommend dation of the Prresident (RRP)) to the Board of Directors: P Proposed Loan to the
    Kingdomm of Cambodia for Rural Road  ds Improvemen nt Project. Mannila (Loan 2670
    Four outtputs were designed under Lo oan 2670-CAM M (footnote 1). FFor the remainning output, AD DB provided a pproject
    preparattory technical assistance:
                           a           ADB. 2013. Propoosed Rural Roa  ads Improveme  ent Project II: T
                                                                                                      Technical Assisstance
    to the Kiingdom of Cammbodia for Prep
                                        paring the Mekoong River Islannd Connectivityy Output. Manila (TA 8322-CA   AM).
    ADB. 2011. Cambodia Transport Sec   ctor Assessmen                nd Roadmap. M
                                                       nt, Strategy, an              Manila.
    There arre 12 civil work
                           ks contracts planned under the
                                                       t project. On  ne contract undder road impro  ovement in Kam mpong
    Cham Province is planned under the performance-b   based contract scheme.
    Footnotee 1.
    Rural Rooad Asset Management Output (accessible from the list off linked docume  ents in Append  dix 2 of the RRP
    ADB. 20 009. Report an  nd Recommen  ndation of the President to the Board off Directors: Pro     oposed Loan to the
    Kingdomm of Cambodia for the Road Asset
                                        A      Managem ment Project. MManila (Loan 24406-CAM).

        s for the maintenance of
contracts                     o RRIP reha
                                        abilitated roa
                                                     ads, through
                                                                h NCB contrracts for a p
of 3 yearrs.

 6.     Rural
        R      Road Safety an  nd Community Aware         eness Prog  gram. The third output will
increase the awaren ness and appplication of road
                                               r    safety and safegua  ards by (i) ffurther expannding
the pilot community--based road d safety awareness pro     ogram initiatted in Loan n 2670, inclu uding
education program forf schools, drivers, roa  ad users, annd the comm munity that a  also incorpoorates
road safeety provision
                     ns in road design;
                                d        (ii) further
                                              f       stren
                                                          ngthening the capacity o    of the socia
                                                                                                 al and
environmment office in MRD established
                               e                in 2012; (iiii) impleme
                                                                      enting an H    HHTPP and   d (iv)
conductinng a sex disaggregated baseline socioeconomicc survey of p    project bene eficiaries.8

 7.     Project
        P        Mana  agement Suupport. The  e fourth outpput is to stre
                                                                        engthen the capacity of MRD
to provide efficient project management sup   pport for proj ect implemeentation. Thee project will also
promote substantial positive emp ployment an  nd gender im mpacts in thee rural commmunities undder all
outputs. The Genderr Action Plan n (GAP) will incorporate  e all the labo
                                                                        or and gende er mainstrea
in all 5 project outp puts. Throug
                                 gh lessons learned from    m ongoing Loan 2670, the projecct will
strengtheen MRD’s focus
                      f      more on all outp puts equally as the ten   ndency has been some     ewhat
inclined towards
         t        road d improveme
                                 ent activities
                                              s. This will b e achieved tthrough incrreased MRD D staff
resourcees in social, gender,
                      g       and safeguards areas.

 8.     Connectivity
        C            y Improvem  ments for Me ekong Rive  er Islands. T The fifth output has two
                                                                                               o sub-
outputs: (i) to rehabilitate roads and jetties within a 5-i sland clusteer in the Meekong River (Koh
Mitt, Koh
        h Pir, Koh Samrong,
                    S            Ko
                                  oh Soutin, annd Koh Thm mei) in orderr to improve e climate ressilient
access and
         a     connecctivity. The civil works contract fo or rehabilitaating roads and jetties also
includes provisions for small-sc  cale levees and water management interventions to minimize
flooding; and (ii) too develop a climate change
                                              c        adaaptation fram mework and   d its assocciated
investmeents of mino or activities of multisecttor nature ( agriculture, renewable energy, tou  urism,
water supply, etc.) th
                     hat will be deesigned and implemente ed during the e proposed project, incluude a
community-based em   mergency management
                                  m             system. Altthough this output will bbe piloted fo
                                                                                                or the
Mekong River Island cluster, it may
                                  m be replic cated in othe
                                                          er similar are           mote access.9
                                                                        eas with rem

                                     ble I-1: List off Proposed R
                                                                Rural Roads
                      Roaad                                                                             Le
      Province         ID
                        D                 Road Nam  me                           District                (km)
          y          BC1       Thmaorr Pourp-Phea as Thbaung         Thmor Poourk/Svay Che ek              27.2
    Meancheey        BC22      Sala Krrav-Pheas Thbaung              Preah Netrpreah/Svay Chek             17.4
                     BC33      Chub Vary-Ponley
                                     V                               Preah Netrpreah/Phno om Srok          27.0
                     BC44      Prek Chhik-Thnal Bott                 Mongkol BBorei                         9.1
                     BC66      Or Nhor-Ta Sol                        Mongkol BBorei                        10.0
                                                                                 Subtotal (5
                                                                                           5 roads)        90.7
          bang       BB1       Ou Ta Ki-Ta
                                     K     Kream                     Thmor Kool/Banan                      19.6
                       2       Chroy Sdao-Nikom
                                     S                               Thmor Kool                             6.0
                       3       Ta Meuun-Taa Poungg                   Thmor Kool                             8.7
                       4       Sdao-O
                                    O Khum                           Rattana M
                                                                             Mondol                        29.2
                       5       Sdok Pravoeuk-Svay y Yor              Rokkha KKiri                          14.2
                       7       Kampong Preang-Sv  vay Cheat          Sangke                                11.6
                     BB10      Preak Chik-Prey
                                     C         Tra
                                                 alach               Rokkha KKiri                           5.5
                                                                                           7 roads)
                                                                                 Subtotal (7               94.8

    Rural Ro
           oad Safety and d Community Awareness
                                      A          Program Output (accessible frrom the list of linked docume
                                                                                                          ents in
    Appendix 2 of the RRPP).
                         ments for Mekong River Isla
    Connecttivity Improvem                         ands Output (a
                                                                accessible fromm the list of llinked docume
                                                                                                          ents in
    Appendix 2 of the RRPP).

                  Road                                                                      Length
  Province         ID              Road Name                           District              (km)
Kampong          KC1     Veal Toch-Kabas                    Memot/Dambe                        43.0
Cham             KC3     Khlong Tboung-Beung Chroung        Memot                              13.0
                 KC4     Phlak Samraong-Teuk Tum            Memot                              24.8
                 KC5     Memot-Don Roath                    Memot                               9.8
                 KC6     Mream Teak-Trapeang Rusey          Tboung Khmum                       25.2
                 KC7     Phsa Torsu-Chroy Sosit             O Reang Ov/Kaoh Soutin             17.2
                                                                       Subtotal (6 roads)     133.0
Kampong          KCH1    Chheu Neak-Preal                   Rolea Bier                          4.1
Chhnang          KCH2    Thmar Reab-Veal Sbov               Rolea Bier/Teuk Phos               22.9
                 KCH12   Thnal-Alaing Ke                    Teuk Phos/Samaki Meanchey          11.5
                                                                       Subtotal (3 roads)      38.5
Kampong          KSP1    Kreang Kcheay-Kandal               Phnom Sruoch                       18.6
Speu             KSP2    Talat-Kandal                       Phnom Sruoch                       23.1
                 KSP5    Phsa Slab Leng-Sala                Basedth                            33.5
                                                                       Subtotal (3 roads)      75.2
Kampong          KT1     Thnort-Au Angkor                   Stoung/Prasat Balangk              40.0
Thom                                                                    Subtotal (1 road)      40.0
Pursat           PS2     O Tapoang-Rom Lech                 Bakan                               8.6
                 PS3     Trapeang Chorng-Beung              Bakan                              16.1
                 PS4     Trapeang Chorng-Khna Toteung       Bakan                              5.1
                 PS5     Talo-Prahal                        Bakan                             13.1
                 PS6     Trapeang Chorng-Snam Preah         Bakan                             14.3
                 PS7     Beung Khnar-Phteas Rong            Bakan/Phnom Kravanh               21.9
                 PS9     Phteas Prei-Sre Sdok               Pursat Town/Kandieng              18.0
                 PS10    Kandieng-Sre Sdok                  Kandieng                          12.0
                 PS11    Bak Chinchean-Phteas Rong          Phnom Kravanh                      8.2
                 PS13    O Sandan-Kampong Po                Krakor                             8.2
                                                                     Subtotal (10 roads)     125.5
Siem Reap        SR4     Khchas-Chan Sar                    Sout Nikom                        17.0
                 SR7     Angkor Chum-Puok                   Puok                              29.5
                                                                      Subtotal (2 roads)      46.5
Takeo            TK1     Tram Kok-Mungkol Meanlech          Tram Kok                          16.5
                 TK2     Pich Sa-Sobin                      Kirivong                          18.3
                                                                      Subtotal (2 roads)      34.8
Mekong River Islands                                        Kampong Siem/Kao Soutin/          50.0
                                                            Krouch Chhmar (2)
Total Project Roads                                                                          729.0

                                II.     IMPLEMENTATION PLANS

A.      Project Readiness Activities

                                                    2014                               Who
Indicative Activities     Apr         May   Jun   Jul   Aug    Sep    Oct    Nov    responsible
Advance contracting        √                                                       ADB and
actions                                                                            MRD/MEF
Finalize project            √                                                      MRD
ADB Board approval                                      √                          ADB

                                                       2014                                   Who
         ve Activities        Apr    May     Jun
                                               n     Jul   A
                                                           Aug      Sep     Oct    Nov
                                                                                     v     responsiible
 Loan signing                                                        √                    ADB and R
 Governm ment legal opinion                                                  √            RGC
 Governm ment budget                                                         √            MEF/MRD
 Loan effeectiveness                                                                √     ADB and R
ADB = Asian Developmeent Bank; MEF
                                 F = Ministry of Economy and Finance; MRD
                                                                        D = Ministry of Rural Develop
RGC = Royyal Governmen
                     nt of Cambodia

B.      Overall
        O       Proje
                    ect Impleme
                              entation Pla

9.      The
        T Project is  s expected to be implemmented overr a period off 6 years staarting 2014 up to
2020. Ov verall projec
                     ct implementtation plan is shown beelow. The ovverall projecct implementtation
plan will be updated annually by MRD and ADBA     based o
                                                        on actual phyysical progre
Project Implementation Schedule
                                          2014        2015        2016        2017        2018        2019        2020
Activity                              Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4
ADB Loan Processing
Advance Action: Recruitment of DDIS
consultants services and
procurement of EQ1 to EQ4
CS1A: Detailed Design and
Implementation Supervision for ADB
Financing etc.
Project Management
CW 1:     Improve 6 roads, 133.0 km
          (Kampong Cham)
CW 2:     Improve 2 roads, 34.8 km
CW 3:     Improve 3 roads, 75.2 km
          (Kampong Speu)
CW 4:     Improve 3 roads, 38.5 km
          (Kampong Chhnang)
CW 5:     Improve 22 roads, 311.0
          km (Pursat, Banteay
          Meanchey, and
CW 6:     Improve 2 roads, 46.5 km
          (Siem Reap)
CW 7:     Improve 1 road, 40.0 km
          (Kampong Thom)
CW 9:     Green Planting in
          Kampong Cham, Takeo,
          and Kampong Speu
CW 10: Green Planting in
          Kampong Chhnang,
          Pursat, and Battambang
CW11: Green Planting in Banteay
          Meanchey, Siem Reap,
          and Kampong Thom
CS2:      Rural Road Asset

2014            2015            2016            2017            2018            2019            2020

 Activity                            Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4
 CS3:      Sustainable Community-
           Based Road Safety
 CS4:      HIV/AIDS and human
           trafficking awareness and
           prevention program
 Preparation of future project*
 CW8:      Improve Mekong River
           Island roads, 50 km, and
           11 jetties
 CS5:      Climate Change Adaptation
           Framework Design and
 CW12: Climate Change Adaptation
           Framework of Investments
*This is an activity under CS1A, separated for presentation clarity.
ADB = Asian Development Bank, CW = civil works, DDIS = detailed design and implementation supervision, km = kilometer, MRD = Ministry of Rural Development
Q = quarter.


A.   Project Implementation Organizations – Roles and Responsibilities

         Project Implementation
         Organizations                  Management Roles and Responsibilities
          Ministry of Rural         reinforce existing PMU with the required staffing;
            Development              timely provision of agreed counterpart funds for
            (Executing Agency)        project activities;
                                     complying with all loan covenants (social and
                                      environmental safeguards, economic, and others);
                                     ensuring project’s sustainability during post
                                      implementation stage and reporting to ADB on
                                      assessed development impacts.
            Project Management      overall project implementation, management, and
             Unit (Implementing       coordination;
             Agency)                 initiate and coordinate effective communication
                                      between all stakeholders of the Project;
                                     recruiting consultants;
                                     finalizing surveys, detailed design, bidding
                                      documents, and contract awards;
                                     monitoring and evaluation of project activities and
                                      outputs, including periodic review, preparation of
                                      review reports reflecting issues and time-bound
                                      actions taken (or to be taken);
                                     involving     beneficiaries   and     civil  society
                                      representatives in all stages of project design and
                                     public disclosure of project outputs;
                                     quality assurance of works, and services of
                                      consultants and counterpart staff;
                                     establishing strong financial management system
                                      and submitting timely withdrawal applications to
                                      ADB, conducting timely financial audits as per
                                      agreed timeframe and taking recommended
                                      actions; and
                                     preparing regular periodic progress reports, and
                                      project completion report and their timely
                                      submission to ADB
                                     designing future project
            Provincial Project      execute and/or monitor civil works in the
             Coordination Office      respective provinces
                                     provide effective coordination between all the
                                      stakeholders of the project at the provincial level
                                       PMU;
                                       DDIS consultant team, as well as other
                                           consultants of the project;
                                       Local authorities and project beneficiaries

         Project Implementation
         Organizations                           Management Roles and Responsibilities
                                                    especially women groups;
                                              coordinate with the SEO and local authority and
                                               villagers to carry out their task especially on social
                                               and gender, as well as resettlement issues;
                                              assist project technical officers to monitor and
                                               evaluate the progress and performance of
                                               consultants and contractors; and
                                              receive instructions from and reports to the project
            Ministry of Economy              signing the loan agreements for the financing
             and Finance                       required for the Project;
                                              monitoring of loan and project implementation;
                                               and providing respective coordination and
                                              allocating and releasing counterpart funds and
                                               oversight body for procurement, disbursements
                                               and resettlement matters;
                                              endorsing to ADB the authorized staff with
                                               approved signatures for withdrawal applications
                                               processing; and
                                              processing and submitting to ADB any request;
                                               when required, for reallocating the loan proceeds
            ADB                              assist MRD and its PMU in providing timely
                                               guidance at each stage of the project for smooth
                                               implementation in accordance with the agreed
                                               implementation arrangements;
                                              review all the documents that require ADB
                                              conduct periodic loan review missions, a mid-term
                                               review, and a project completion mission;
                                              ensure compliance of all loan covenants
                                              review and monitoring of project implementation
                                               activities and compliance with loan covenants
                                               (sector reforms, social and environmental
                                               safeguards, economic, and others);
                                              timely process withdrawal applications and
                                               release eligible funds;
                                              ensure the compliance of financial audits
                                              regularly update the project performance review
                                               reports with the assistance of MRD; and
                                              regularly post on ADB web the updated project
                                               information documents for public disclosure, and
                                               also the safeguards documents as per disclosure
                                               provision of the ADB safeguards policy statement.
    ADB = Asian Development Bank; DDIS = detailed design and implementation supervision; PIU = project
    implementation unit; PMU = project management unit; MRD = Ministry of Rural Development, SEO = social
    environmental office.

B.     Key
       K Persons
               s Involved in Implemen

         E           Agency
         M        of Rural
                     R     Develo
                                opment         H. E. Chan Darong
                                               Director Ge
                                                         eneral for Te
                                                                     echnical Affa
                                               Corner Roaad #169 and d Soviet Bouulevard
                                               Phnom Pen nh, Cambod  dia
                                               Telephone No. +855 12  2 599599
                                               Email addre

         T         an
                    nd Communications          Hideaki Iwa
         Division                              Director
                                               Telephone No.(63-2) 6
                                                                   632 6433
                                               Email addre

         M       Leader                        Shihiru Datte
                                               Senior Trannsport Specialist
                                               Telephone No. (63-2) 6632 6782
                                               Email addreess: sdate@

C.     Project
       P       Orga
                  anization Sttructure

10.     The
        T Project Managemen
                     M             t Unit (PMU) has been e established and operatin  ng since 201
                                                                                                10 for
the impleementation of Loan 2670. The Pro      oject will be
                                                           e implementted by PMU    U with reinfo
technicall staff, additional unit, and additional staff in various un  nits. The additional unitt, the
        ng and Evalluation Unit will have 2 staff. An a
Monitorin                                                  additional asssistant project manage er will
also be appointed.
         a           PMU
                     P      will continue to im
                                              mplement, m manage, and coordinate project actiivities
       P II. Additional staffing re
for RRIP                           equirements             ntified and rrecruited as appropriate. The
                                              s will be iden
organization chart ofo the curre  ent PMU is shown belo     ow, with the e aforemen ntioned propposed

                                                                H.E. Chea Sophara

          Existing positions
                                                                Project Coordinator
          Proposed position                                      H.E. Suos Kong

* Additional PIU will be established late.                       Project Director
** 2 existing and 1 additional                                  H. E. Chan Darong
*** 2 existing plus 2 additional positions.

                                                                 Project Manager
                                                                 Mr. Song Sophal
                                                                                                   Project Manager

Administration            Finance and         Monitoring           Technical            Social and              Economic
                                                                                       Environment                                 Project
                          Procurement            and                Team                                         Office
                                                                                          Office                               Implementation
Administrative                                                                                                                   Units (9)*
   Officer               Finance Officer                         Engineers (3)             Chief             Economists (3)*
  Assistant                                    Officer                                                                            Project
                            Assistant                             Road Safety                                                   Coordinators
Administrative                                                                           Vice Chief
                         Finance Officer                           Engineer                                                         (9)
   Officer                                    Evaluation
                                                                 Road Asset            Resettlement
                           Finance,                                                     Specialist                              Technical
    Utility                                                      Management                                                    Engineers (9)
                         Administration,                          Specialist
                          and Cashier
 Drivers (7)                                                                           Specialists (2)                             Social
                                                                    Climate                                                    Environmental
                          Procurement                               Change                                                      Officers (9)
                             Officer                               Specialist
                                                                                      Social & Gender
                                                                                      Specialists (4)**
                                                                  Information                                                    Drivers (9)

                                            V.       COST
                                                        TS AND FIN

11.     The
        T      financing plan is in Table 2. The Gove        ernment of Australia w   will provide grant
cofinanciing of AUD7  7,600,000. ADB
                                   A            minister the grant, equivvalent to $6.67 million a
                                         will adm                                                    at the
exchange  e rate preva             e time of fact-finding. T
                       ailing at the                          The Government of Ko    orea, through   h the
Export-Immport Bank of Korea will provide a tied-paralle     el loan of $441 million eqquivalent for rural
road improvements. This loan       n will finan nce civil wo  orks and d   design and implementtation
supervisiion consultin ng services. The grant will jointly finance rura               provements, rural
                                                                            al road imp
road ass set management, rural road safety       y, and com  mmunity awa   areness proogram, base    ed on
different ratios for ea
                      ach cost cateegory and/orr subcategorry. The Nord    dic Developmment Fund (NDF)
will provide grant coffinancing of EUR4,000,0    000. NDF w  will finance, b
                                                                           based on diffferent ratioss, the
civil work
         ks for green planting and  d climate chhange adapttation and co   onsulting services for cliimate
change adaptation. ADB will also    a     adminiister the grrant, equiva  alent to $5.4 million a    at the
exchange  e rate preva ailing at the
                                   e time of fa act-finding. BBoth grants will be den  nominated in   n US
dollars pursuant
        p           to ADB’s
                       A       standdard accoun  nting practicces.10 NDF and ADB w    will jointly fin
Connectiivity Improve  ements for Mekong Riv     ver Islands,, with green  n planting under rural rroads
improvem ments. The Governmen      nt of Cambo  odia will fina
                                                             ance taxes a  and duties iin the amou   unt of
$8.66 million (through exemption   ns) for all ou
                                                utputs, and ssupplementa   ary allowancces in the am mount
of $2.49 million (in kind) under project management sup      pport.

12.    A summary of
                 o project inv
                             vestment pla
                                        an is in Table
                                                     e IV-1 and the tentative financing plan is
in Table IV-2.

                                          ble IV-1: Pro
                                                      oject Investtment Plan
                                                      $ million)
    Item                                                                                                            nta
    A.       Base
             B    Cost
             1       Rurall Road Improvvements                                                                     75.99
             2       Rurall Road Asset Managementt                                                                  1.10
             3       Rurall Road Safetyy and Commu unity Awarene
                                                               ess Program                                          2.26
             4       Proje
                         ect Manageme  ent Support                                                                  2.11
             5       Connnectivity Impro
                                       ovements for Mekong Riveer Islands                                          13.71
                     Subtotal (A)                                                                                  95.17
    B.       Contingencie
             C            sc
             1       Physical                                                                                         2
             2       Price                                                                                        10.61
    C.       Financing
             F         Charges During Implementattiond                                                             2.93
                     Totall (A+B+C)                                                                              118.23
     Includes taxes and dutties of $8.66 million
                                             m       (through
                                                            h exemption) a nd $2.49 millio on Governmen nt contribution ffor the
     project management
             m              coost, in kind, exc
                                              cluding $0.71 million
                                                            m       for allow
     In March h 2014 prices.
     Physical contingencies  s computed at 10% of base costs.
                                                            c       Price conntingencies computed for forreign exchange e costs
     and loca al currency cossts based on th  he annual ratees in the table below; includees provision for potential excchange
     rate flucttuation under th
                              he assumption of a purchasin  ng power parityy exchange rate e.
      Annual Rate               2014          2015         2016           2
                                                                          2017          20
                                                                                         018          20119        2020
      Foreign Currency          1.9%          2.2%         1.9%           1
                                                                          1.8%          1.8
                                                                                          8%          1.8%
                                                                                                         %         1.8%
      Local Cu
             urrency            3.0%          3.5%         3.5%           3
                                                                          3.5%          3.5
                                                                                          5%          3.5%
                                                                                                         %         3.5%
  Includes interest charg
                        ges and servic
                                     ce charges. Interest for ADB loan during co   onstruction has been compu     uted at
  1.0% per annum during g the grace perriod. Service chharge for the G
                                                                     Government of A
                                                                                   Australia grantt is $0.34 millio
                                                                                                                  on, and
  for Nordiic Developmennt Fund (NDF) grant
                                       g      is $0.25 million.
Source: Assian Developme ent Bank.

     This amo
            ount may be ad
                         djusted for currrency fluctuatio
                                                        ons to match th
                                                                      he grant amoun
                                                                                   nt received by A

                                     Table IV-2: Financing Plan
Source                                                     Amount ($ million)                Share of Total (%)
Asian Development Bank: Asian Development Fund (loan)            54.00                               45.67
    Government of Australia (grant)b                               6.67                                 5.64
    Export-Import Bank of Korea (loan)                           41.00                                 34.68
    Nordic Development Fund (grant)b                               5.40                                 4.57
Government                                                       11.16                                  9.44
Total                                                           118.23                                100.00
  The cofinancing is calculated at the exchange rate prevailing at 31 January 2014.
  This will be administered by ADB. This amount also includes ADB’s administration fee, audit costs, bank charges,
  and a provision for foreign exchange fluctuations (if any), to the extent that these items are not covered by the
  interest and investment income earned on this grant, or any additional grant.
Source: Asian Development Bank.
A.        Detailed Cost Estimates by Expenditure Category

ITEMS                                                                              Currency ($ million)
 A. Base Costs                                               Local    Foreign    Total   % Local % Foreign      Base Costs
    1A. Rural Roads Improvement – Civil Works                 37.35    29.72     67.07    55.69         44.31      70.47
    1B. Consulting Services for Design and Supervision         3.57     5.35      8.92    40.00         60.00        9.37
    2.  Rural Road Asset Management                            0.44     0.66      1.10    40.00         60.00        1.16
    3.  Rural Road Safety and Community Awareness Program      1.69     0.57      2.26    74.76         25.24        2.37
    4.  Project Management Support                             1.90     0.21      2.11    90.00         10.00        2.22
    5.  Connectivity Improvements for Mekong River Islands     7.55     6.17     13.71    55.02         44.98      14.41
    Subtotal (A)                                              52.50    42.68     95.17    55.15         44.85     100.00

B.   Contingencies
     1.   Physical                                             5.25    4.27       9.53    55.15      44.85         10.01
     2.     Price                                              7.35    3.27      10.62    69.20      30.80         11.16
     Subtotal (B)                                            12.60     7.55      20.15    62.56      37.44         21.17

C.   Financial Charge During Implementation
     1.   Interest During Implementation                       1.60    1.30       2.91    55.15      44.85          3.05
     Subtotal (C)                                              1.60    1.30       2.91    55.15      44.85          3.05

Total Project Cost (A+B+C)                                   66.70    51.53     118.23    56.42      43.58        124.23


B.        Allocation and Withdrawal of Loan and Grant Proceeds

                          Allocation and Withdrawal of Loan Proceeds

                                 CATEGORY                                   ADB FINANCING
                                                                        Percentage and Basis for
                                              Amount Allocated (SDR)    Withdrawal from the Loan
Number                   Item                 Category Subcategory              Account
     1     Works                              28,419,000
     1A    CW1                                              7,313,000    90% of total expenditure
           Improve 6 roads, 133.0 km                                            claimed*
           (Kampong Cham)
     1B    CW2                                              1,921,000    90% of total expenditure
           Improve 2 roads, 34.8 km (Takeo)

     1C    CW3                                              3,750,000    90% of total expenditure
           Improve 3 roads, 75.2 km                                             claimed*
           (Kampong Speu)
     1D    CW4                                              2,503,000    90% of total expenditure
           Improve 3 roads, 38.5 km                                             claimed*
           (Kampong Chhnang)
     1E    CW6                                              2,890,000    90% of total expenditure
           Improve 2 roads, 46.5 km (Siem                                       claimed*
     1F    CW7                                              2,140,000    90% of total expenditure
           Improve 1 road, 40.0 km                                              claimed*
           (Kampong Thom)
     1G    CW8                                              7,430,000   100% of total expenditure
           Improve Mekong River Island                                         claimed*
           roads, 50 km, and 11 jetties
     1H    CW9                                               168,000     50% of total expenditure
           Green Planting in Kampong Cham,                                      claimed*
           Takeo, and Kampong Speu
     1I    CW10                                              181,000     50% of total expenditure
           Green Planting in Kampong                                            claimed*
           Chhnang, Pursat, and Battambang
     1J    CW11                                              123,000     50% of total expenditure
           Green Planting in Banteay                                            claimed*
           Meanchey, Siem Reap, and
           Kampong Thom
     2     EQ Equipment (vehicles,              155,000                 100% of total expenditure
           computer, furniture)**                                              claimed*
     3     Consulting Services                 3,958,000
     3A    CS1A: Detailed design and                        3,214,000    81% of total expenditure
           implementation supervision                                           claimed*

                                  CATEGORY                                           ADB FINANCING
                                                                                 Percentage and Basis for
                                                  Amount Allocated (SDR)         Withdrawal from the Loan
Number                     Item                   Category Subcategory                   Account
   3B     CS2: Road Asset Management                                 233,000       30% of total expenditure
          Program                                                                         claimed*
   3C     CS3: Sustainable Community-                                433,000       44% of total expenditure
          based Road Safety Program                                                       claimed*
   3D     CS4: HIV/AIDS & Human                                        78,000      12% of total expenditure
          Trafficking Prevention and                                                      claimed*
          Awareness Program
    4     Incremental costs (Project                 912,000                      100% of total expenditure
          Management)                                                                    claimed*
    5     Interest Charge                          1,474,000                      100% of total amount due
          Total                                  34,918,000
ADB = Asian Development Bank, CS = consulting services; CW = civil works; EQ = equipment; km = kilometer.
* Exclusive of taxes and duties imposed within the territory of the Borrower.

                            Allocation and Withdrawal of Grant Proceeds
                                                                             GOVERNMENT OF
                                   CATEGORY                                AUSTRALIA FINANCING
                                                                          Percentage and Basis for
                                                     Amount Allocated ($) Withdrawal from the Grant
Number                      Item                    Category Subcategory          Account
     1     Works                                     3,430,000
     1A    CW1                                                        1,220,000      10% of total expenditure
           Improve 6 roads, 133.0 km                                                        claimed*
           (Kampong Cham)
     1B    CW2                                                          320,000      10% of total expenditure
           Improve 2 roads, 34.8 km (Takeo)                                                 claimed*
     1C    CW3                                                          630,000      10% of total expenditure
           Improve 3 roads, 75.2 km                                                         claimed*
           (Kampong Speu)
     1D    CW4                                                          420,000      10% of total expenditure
           Improve 3 roads, 38.5 km                                                         claimed*
           (Kampong Chhnang)
     1E    Improve 2 roads, 46.5 km (Siem                                            10% of total expenditure
           Reap)                                                                            claimed*

     1F    CW7                                                          360,000      10% of total expenditure
           Improve 1 road, 40.0 km                                                          claimed*
           (Kampong Thom)
     3     Consulting                                2,900,000
     3A    CS1A: Detailed design and                                    350,000       6% of total expenditure
           implementation supervision                                                        claimed*

           CS2: Road Asset Management                                                70% of total expenditure
     3B                                                                 850,000
           Program                                                                          claimed*

     3C    CS3: Sustainable Community-                                  850,000      56% of total expenditure
           based Road Safety Program                                                        claimed*
     3D    CS4: HIV/AIDS and human                                      850,000      88% of total expenditure
           trafficking awareness and                                                        claimed*
           prevention program
     6     Unallocated**                               340,000
           Total                                     6,670,000
CS = consulting services; CW = civil works; km = kilometer.
* Exclusive of taxes and duties imposed within the territory of the Borrower.
** This will be administered by ADB. This amount also includes ADB’s administration fee, audit costs, bank charges,
   and a provision for foreign exchange fluctuations (if any), to the extent that these items are not covered by the
   interest and investment income earned on this grant, or any additional grant.

                            Allocation and Withdrawal of Grant Proceeds

                                                                                  NORDIC DEVELOPMENT
                                CATEGORY                                              FUND FINANCING
                                                                                  Percentage and Basis for
                                                Amount Allocated ($)              Withdrawal from the Grant
Number                   Item                  Category  Subcategory                      Account
    1      Works                                 2,610,000
   1H      CW9                                                        260,000       50% of total expenditure
           Green Planting in Kampong                                                       claimed*
           Cham, Takeo, and Kampong
    1I     CW10                                                       280,000       50% of total expenditure
           Green Planting in Kampong                                                       claimed*
           Chhnang, Pursat, and
   1J      CW11                                                       190,000       50% of total expenditure
           Green Planting in Banteay                                                       claimed*
           Meanchey, Siem Reap, and
           Kampong Thom
   1K      CW 12: Climate Change                                   1,880,000       100% of total expenditure
           Adaptation Framework of                                                        claimed*
    3      Consulting                            2,540,000
   3A      CS1A: Consulting Services                                  790,000       13% of total expenditure
           for Detailed Design and                                                         claimed*
   3E      CS5: Climate Change                                     1,750,000       100% of total expenditure
           Adaptation Framework                                                           claimed*
           Design and Implementation
    6      Unallocated**                           250,000

           Total                                 5,400,000
CW = civil works.
* Exclusive of taxes and duties imposed within the territory of the Borrower.
** This will be administered by ADB. This amount also includes ADB’s administration fee, audit costs, bank charges,
   and a provision for foreign exchange fluctuations (if any), to the extent that these items are not covered by the
   interest and investment income earned on this grant, or any additional grant.
C.      Detailed Cost Estimates by Financier

                                                                              Financier ($ million)
                                                                                                        Govt.   Taxes &   Govt.
ITEMS                                  ADB       %     KEXIM    %      GOAa       %     NDFa      %     Costb   Dutiesc   Total    %     TOTAL     %
Base Costs
1A Rural Roads Improvements
   CW1: Improve 6 roads, 133.0         11.31   82.03   0.00    0.00    1.22      8.88    0.00   0.00    0.22     1.03     1.25    9.09   13.79   100.00
   km (Kampong Cham)
   CW2: Improve 2 roads, 34.8 km       2.97    82.03   0.00    0.00    0.32      8.88    0.00   0.00    0.06     0.27     0.33    9.09    3.62   100.00
   CW3: Improve 3 roads, 75.2 km       5.80    82.03   0.00    0.00    0.63      8.88    0.00   0.00    0.11     0.53     0.64    9.09    7.08   100.00
   (Kampong Speu)
   CW4: Improve 3 roads, 38.5 km       3.87    82.03   0.00    0.00    0.42      8.88    0.00   0.00    0.07     0.35     0.43    9.09    4.72   100.00
   (Kampong Chhnang)
   CW5: Improve 22 roads, 311.0        0.00     0.00   37.23   90.91   0.00      0.00    0.00   0.00    0.65     3.07     3.72    9.09   40.96   100.00
   CW6: Improve 2 roads, 46.5 km       4.47    82.03   0.00    0.00    0.48      8.88    0.00   0.00    0.09     0.41     0.50    9.09    5.45   100.00
   (Siem Reap)
   CW7: Improve 1 road, 40.0 km        3.31    82.03   0.00    0.00    0.36      8.88    0.00   0.00    0.06     0.30     0.37    9.09    4.03   100.00
   (Kampong Thom)
   CW9: Green Planting, Kampong        0.26    45.45   0.00    0.00    0.00      0.00    0.26   45.45   0.01     0.04     0.05    9.09    0.58   100.00
   Cham, Takeo, Kampong Speu
   CW10: Green Planting,               0.28    45.45   0.00    0.00    0.00      0.00    0.28   45.45   0.01     0.05     0.06    9.09    0.61   100.00
   Kampong Chhnang, Pursat,
   CW11: Green Planting, Banteay       0.19    45.45   0.00    0.00    0.00      0.00    0.19   45.45   0.01     0.03     0.04    9.09    0.42   100.00
   Meanchey, Siem Reap,
   Kampong Thom
                            Subtotal   32.46           37.23           3.44              0.73           1.27     6.11     7.39           81.25
1B Consulting Services for Design
   and Supervision
   CS1A: DDIS for ADB                  4.97    81.00   0.00    0.00    0.35      6.34    0.79   13.00   0.11     0.50     0.61    9.09    6.71   100.00
   Prep. Future Project*
   CS1B: DDIS for KEXIM roads          0.00     0.00   3.72    90.91   0.00      0.00    0.00   0.00    0.07     0.31     0.37    9.09    4.10   100.00
                            Subtotal   4.97            3.72            0.35              0.79           0.18     0.81     0.98           10.81
 2 Rural Road Asset Management
   CS 2: Rural Road Asset              0.36    27.27   0.00    0.00    0.85     63.64    0.00   0.00    0.02     0.10     0.12    9.09    1.33   100.00
                            Subtotal   0.36            0.00            0.85              0.00           0.02     0.10     0.12            1.33
 3 Rural Road Safety and
   Community Awareness Program
Financier ($ million)
                                                                                                          Govt.     Taxes &     Govt.
 ITEMS                                   ADB       %     KEXIM        %     GOAa       %    NDFa     %    Costb     Dutiesc     Total     %      TOTAL       %
    CS3: Sustainable Community-          0.67    40.00     0.00     0.00    0.85     50.91 0.00 0.00      0.03        0.13       0.15    9.09      1.67    100.00
    Based Road Safety Program
    CS4: HIV/AIDS & Human                0.12    11.36     0.00     0.00    0.85     79.55 0.00 0.00         0.02        0.08    0.10    9.09      1.07    100.00
    Trafficking Prevention and
    Awareness Program
                             Subtotal 0.79                 0.00             1.70             0.00            0.05        0.21   0.25               2.73
  4 Project Management Support
    EQ1: Project Management              0.07    90.91     0.00     0.00    0.00      0.00   0.00 0.00       0.00        0.01    0.01    9.09      0.08    100.00
    Vehicle 1
    EQ2: Project Management              0.07    90.91     0.00     0.00    0.00      0.00   0.00 0.00       0.00        0.01    0.01    9.09      0.08    100.00
    Vehicle 2
    EQ3: Office Furniture                0.05    90.91     0.00     0.00    0.00      0.00   0.00 0.00       0.00        0.00   0.00     9.09      0.05    100.00
    EQ4: Computer Equipment              0.05    90.91     0.00     0.00    0.00      0.00   0.00 0.00       0.00        0.00    0.00    9.09      0.05    100.00
    Incremental Administration           1.41    61.43     0.00     0.00    0.00      0.00   0.00 0.00                   0.00   0.00     0.00      2.29    100.00
     Incremental Administration                                                                             0.71b        0.17   0.88    38.57
                             Subtotal 1.65                 0.00             0.00             0.00            0.71        0.19   0.91               2.56
5   Connectivity Improvements for
    Mekong River Islands
    CW8 Improve Mekong River            11.49 90.91        0.00     0.00    0.00      0.00   0.00 0.00       0.20        0.95    1.15    9.09     12.64 100.00
    island roads , 50 km and 11
    CS5: Climate Change                  0.00     0.00     0.00     0.00    0.00      0.00   1.74 90.91      0.03        0.14    0.17    9.09      1.91    100.00
    Adaptation Framework Design
    and Implementation
    CW12: Climate Change                 0.00     0.00     0.00     0.00    0.00      0.00   1.87 90.91      0.03        0.15    0.19    9.09      2.06    100.00
    Adaptation Framework of
                             Subtotal 11.49                0.00             0.00             3.61            0.26        1.24   1.51              16.61
Financial Charge (IDC***, Adm. etc.)     2.28              0.04             0.34             0.27                               0.00               2.93
 TOTAL                                  54.00             41.00             6.67             5.40            2.49        8.66   11.16            118.23
ADB = Asian Development Bank, CS = consulting services, CW = civil works, EQ = equipment, GOA = Government of Australia, IDC = interest during
construction, KEXIM = Export-Import Bank of Korea, NDF = Nordic Development Fund.
   Administered by the Asian Development Bank. This amount also includes ADB’s administration fee, audit costs, bank charges, and a provision for foreign
   exchange fluctuations (if any), to the extent that these items are not covered by the interest and investment income earned on this grant, or any additional
   Government contributions are all in kind, except $0.71 comprising salaries and allowances under the incremental cost.
   The Government contributions for taxes and duties are through exemptions.

* This is an activity under CS1A, separated for presentation clarity.
** Comprising project administration cost.

*** IDC is only for ADB financing, other financing are grants.
Notes: Amounts and percentages may not match due to rounding off.
The costs in the table include both physical and price contingencies. The physical and price contingencies by financiers are:
 Contingency            ADB        KEXIM        GOA          NDF         Govt        Total
 Physical                4.27        3.38        0.52         0.42        0.92        9.52
 Price                   4.76       3.77         0.58         0.47        1.03       10.61
 TOTAL                   9.03        7.15        1.11         0.90        1.95       20.13
D.    Detailed Cost Estimates by Outputs

                                                                            $ million
                                             Output 1          Output 2            Output 3     Output 4          Output 5
                                                                              Road Safety and                    Connectivity
                                                                                Community        Project        Improvements
                                             Rural Road     Rural Road Asset    Awareness      Management     for Mekong River
                                  Total    Improvements       Management           Program       Support           Island
ITEMS                             Cost    Amount      %     Amount      %     Amount       %  Amount     %    Amount      %
A. Base Costs
   1A. Rural Road                 67.07    67.07   100.00              0.00            0.00            0.00              0.00
       Improvements – Civil
   1B. Consulting Services for     8.92     8.92   100.00              0.00            0.00            0.00              0.00
       Design and Supervision
   2. Rural Road Asset             1.10                      1.10    100.00            0.00            0.00              0.00
   3. Rural Road Safety and        2.26              0.00              0.00   2.26   100.00            0.00              0.00
       Community Awareness
   4. Project Management           2.11              0.00              0.00            0.00   2.11   100.00              0.00
   5. Connectivity                13.71              0.00              0.00            0.00            0.00    13.71   100.00
       Improvements for
       Mekong River Islands
   Subtotal (A)                   95.17    75.99    79.85    1.10      1.16   2.26     2.37   2.11     2.22    13.71    14.41

B. Contingency                    20.15    16.07    79.77    0.23      1.15   0.48     2.37   0.45     2.22     2.92    14.49

C. Financial Charge during         2.91     2.56    88.02    0.03      1.16   0.07     2.39   0.06     2.23     0.18     6.19

Total Project Cost (A+B+C)       118.23    94.62    80.03    1.37      1.16   2.80     2.37   2.62     2.22    16.81    14.22

E.    Detailed Cost Estimates by Year

                                                                           $ million
ITEMS                                    Total Cost   2014    2015    2016     2017     2018    2019    2020    2021
A. Base Costs
    1A. Rural Roads Improvements –          67.07      0.00    9.86   16.43    17.10    17.10    6.57    0.00    0.00
         Civil Works
    1B. Consulting Services for Design       8.92      1.78    1.78    1.34     1.34     1.34    1.34    0.00    0.00
         and Supervision
    2.   Rural Road Asset                    1.10      0.00    0.13    0.28     0.28     0.28    0.14    0.00    0.00
    3.   Road Safety and Community           2.26      0.00    0.45    0.45     0.45     0.45    0.45    0.00    0.00
         Awareness Program
    4.   Project Management Support          2.11      0.44    0.46    0.30     0.30     0.30    0.30    0.00    0.00
    5.   Connectivity Improvements for      13.71      0.00    1.96    3.43     3.60     3.60    1.13    0.00    0.00
         Mekong River Islands
    Subtotal (A)                            95.17      2.23   14.64   22.23    23.06    23.06    9.94    0.00    0.00

B.   Contingency                            20.15      0.47    3.10    4.70     4.89     4.89    2.10    0.00    0.00

C.   Financial Charge during                 2.91      0.04    0.21    0.31     0.46     0.58    0.52    0.52    0.26

Total Project Cost (A+B+C)                118.23       2.74   17.95   27.24    28.41    28.53   12.56    0.52    0.26

F.   Contract and Disbursement S-curve

                                      Contract Awards
                                (Projections at Fact-Finding)

          Amount in 40.00
           Millions 30.00

                         2014               2015               2016            2017

                  Year               2014       2015        2016      2017
                  Amount             6.71       44.47       62.11     63.72

                                (Projections at Fact-Finding)


          Amount in


                        2014      2015      2016    2017       2018    2019    2020

      Year       2014       2015         2016      2017       2018      2019    2020
      Amount      0.5        5.5         15.5      29.5       43.5      53.5    54.0

G.      Fund Flow Diagram


                                              MRD/PMU             (ADB loan

                            Consultants,                           Equipment
                            Civil Works


ADB = Asian Development Bank, MEF = Ministry of Economy and Finance, MRD = Ministry of Rural Development,
PMU = Project Management Unit.

                                   V.       FINANCIAL MANA

A.                 anagement Assessmen
        Financial Ma                 nt

13.     The
        T MRD and PMU have       e implementted road pro  ojects financced by ADB,, and the PM MU is
staffed with
        w experien nced accoun   ntants. Sincee the accou nting staff in
                                                                       n the PMU iis experiencced in
financial manageme ent practice es for proje  ects funded d by ADB, the financial manage       ement
arrangemment for prroject implementation is generallyy considered      d acceptable. Nonethe   eless,
financial management risks are high in som   me areas pa rticularly in internal con
                                                                                  ntrol and fina
managem  ment capacity/ training need
                                 n     for stafff. Implemen
                                                          ntation of miitigation mea
                                                                                   asures desccribed
in the GR
        RARMP will reduce the risk
                                 r to low.

B.      Disburseme
        D         nt

14.    The
       T   Loan prroceeds, inc cluding ADB B administe ered co-finan ncier funds (grant from
                                                                                           m the
Governmment of Austtralia, and NDF
                               N     grant), will be disb
                                                        bursed in accordance w   with ADB’s Loan
       ement Handbbook (2012,, as amende    ed from timee to time),111 and detaile
                                                                                 ed arrangem
agreed upon
       u    betweeen the Gove  ernment and ADB. The KEXIM loan      n will not be administere
                                                                                            ed by

15.     Disbursemen
        D            nts for con ntracts for consulting services a    and civil w  works bid u   under
         onal compettitive bidding
                                 g (ICB) proc cedures will be through h direct paym  ment proced dures
defined in ADB’s Loan Disburse   ement Handbook. Disbu    ursements fo or incrementtal administrrative
expenditures will be through an imprest acco   ount. MRD, in consultation with Min  nistry of Econ
and Finaance (MEF), will open anda maintain   n an imprestt account12 for the ADB   B loan, unde er the
PMU in Phnom
         P       Penhh at the Natiional Bank of
                                              o Cambodia  a. The curren ncy of the im
                                                                                    mprest accou unt is
in US do ollar. All witthdrawal ap
                                 pplications shall
                                              s     be pre
                                                         epared and submitted b     by MRD to ADB
through MEF.
         M      The im
                     mprest accou unt will be established,
                                              e            managed, re  eplenished, and liquidatted in
accordan nce with AD DB’s Loan Disburseme     ent Handboo  ok. MRD ha   ave previou us experiencce in
administeering ADB fuunded projec ct accounts and they willl administerr the imprestt account.
16.     The
        T imprest account
                    a           is to be used exclusively ffor ADB’s sh
                                                                      hare of eligib
                                                                                   ble expendittures.
The executing agen ncy who esttablished the   e imprest aaccount in itts name is accountable   e and
responsible for propper use of advances to    o the impreest account. The ceiling  g of the immprest
account is 10% of the
                    t     ADB loa an amount. The executting agencyy may reque     est for initial and
        al advances to the impre  est account based on a n Estimate o  of Expendituure Sheet se etting
out the estimated expenditures
                   e              s to be financed throug gh the acco ount for thee forthcoming six
months. Supporting documents      s should bee submitted to ADB orr retained b    by the execcuting
agency, in accorda  ance with ADB’s Loa      an Disburse ement Hand   dbook when liquidatin    ng or
        hing the imprrest accountt.

17.     Statement
        S          off expenditure (SOE) ma ay be used to reimbursse eligible e
                                                                              expendituress and
liquidate advances too the impres
                                st account to
                                            o ensure spe
                                                       eedy projectt implementa
                                                                              ation. The cceiling
for the SOE
         S     procedure will be e $50,000 per individuual paymen nt. SOE reccords should be
maintaineed and made readily available for re
                                            eview by AD
                                                      DB's disburseement and rreview mission or
upon AD DB's request for submis  ssion of sup
                                            pporting doccuments onn a sampling basis, an  nd for

           e at: http://www
           e in Chapter 100 of the Loan Disbursement
                                         D           Handbook.
   Bank chaarges may be financed
                          f         by the
                                         e ADB loan.

independdent audit.144 Reimburse
                               ement and liquidation o
                                                     of individual payments in excess o
                                                                                      of the
SOE ceiling should  d be suppo orted by full documenttation when            g the withdrawal
                                                                 n submitting
         on to ADB.

18.    Before
       B        the su
                     ubmission off the first withdrawal appplication, the Borrower should subm mit to
ADB suffficient evid dence of th he authority y of the pe erson(s) wh  ho will signn the withdrawal
         ons on beha alf of the Bo
                                 orrower, togeether with th
                                                          he authenticated specim  men signaturres of
each autthorized pers son. The minimum value   e per withdrrawal applicaation is $100
                                                                                    0,000 equiva
unless ottherwise app proved by ADB.
                                 A    Individuual paymentss below thiss amount sho  ould generally be
paid from the imp    prest account, or by the execut ing agencyy/implementing agency and
subseque ently claimed to ADB thrrough reimb  bursement.

19.     Counterpart
        C               Funds Inittial Advanc ce. PMU com  mpletes a re equest for initial advance of
counterppart funds tog gether with supporting
                                   s          documents
                                              d            and submits to the MEF – Departme
                                                           a                                    ent of
Investmeent and Coo   operation (DIC).The max  ximum amou   unt of the a
                                                                       advance of ccounterpart ffunds
will be agreed
        a         betw
                     ween the MR  RD and/or Project
                                              P       Team m and the MEF. The rrequest for initial
advance must be siigned by the     e authorizedd signatoriess of MRD/P Project and submitted to o the
MEF/DIC C. The requ    uest must be recorde   ed in the P  Project Cou unterpart Fuunds Withdrawal
         on Registerr. The MEF    F/DIC reviewws the requ uest and su  ubmits for aapproval of MEF
Managem  ment. There   eafter, arra
                                  angements are made to transferr the fundss from Ge           eneral
Department of Natio    onal Treasuury Accountts to the Prroject’s Cou   unterpart Fu
                                                                                   unds Design  nated
Account. On receipt of advice fromf     the National Bank of Cambod    dia (NBC) orr other apprroved
financial institution th
                       hat the funds have been n deposited into the Co ounterpart Funds Design  nated
Account, the receipt of the funds s should be recorded
                                               r        in tthe General Ledger and d the Governnment
Withdrawwal Applicatio on Register must be upd dated.

20.      Counterpart
         C               Funds Reeplenishmen  nt. PMU co  ompletes the e request fo
                                                                                  or replenish
and attac ches a stateement of acttual expenditure togethe er with the D
                                                                       Disbursemennt Tracking Form
for countterpart funds            g expenditurre documenttation must be maintained by the Prroject
                      s. Supporting
Team for subsequen    nt review byy MEF or au udit. The reqquest must be signed bby the authoorized
signatoriees of MRD/P Project and submitted
                                   s         to
                                              o the MEF/D DIC. The request must be recorded iin the
Project Counterpart
          C             Funds With
                                 hdrawal Application Reg  gister. The DDIC reviews the request and
submits forf approvall of MEF Ma  anagement. Thereafter, arrangements are mad    de to transfe
                                                                                             er the
funds fro om General Departmen    nt of Nationaal Treasury Accounts tto the Proje ect’s Counte
Funds Designated
         D            Account.
                      A         Onn receipt of advice from m the NBC or other ap  pproved fina
          n that the fu
                      unds have be een depositeed into the C
                                                           Counterpart Funds Designated Acccount,
the rece eipt of the funds
                       f     shoulld be recorded in the General Le     edger and the Govern  nment
Withdraw               on Register must be upd
          wal Applicatio                      dated.

C.         Accounting

21.     The
        T   MRD will maintain, or cause to   t be mainttained, sepa  arate books and record  ds by
funding source
         s       for all
                     a expendittures incurre ed on the p project. MRD will prepa  are consolid
project financial
         f         sta
                     atements inn accordanc   ce with thee governme   ent's accouunting laws and
regulations which aree consistent with interna
                                             ational accou
                                                         unting principles and pra

            st for SOE proc
                          cedures and forrmats are available in Append
                                                                     dix 9 of the Loa
                                                                                    an Disburseme
                                                                                                ent Handbook.

D.      Auditing

22.     The
        T MRD will cause the detailed con        nsolidated p  project financcial statements to be au     udited
in accorrdance with International Standard       ds on Auditting and w      with the Govvernment's audit
regulations, by an independen      nt auditor acceptable
                                                 a               tto ADB. Th  he audited project fina     ancial
statemen nts will be su
                      ubmitted in the
                                    t English language
                                                  l           to ADB within six months of the end o        of the
fiscal yeaar by the MRD. The an    nnual audit report
                                                  r            he project acccounts will include an audit
                                                          for th
managem  ment letter and
                      a audit op    pinions whic ch cover (i) w   whether thee project finaancial statem  ments
present a true and fa  air view or are
                                    a presente   ed fairly, in a all material rrespects, in accordance    e with
the appliicable financ cial reporting framework   k; (ii) whethher loan and   d grant procceeds were used
only for the purposes of the project
                                   p         or not; (iii) the level of co   ompliance fo   or each fina  ancial
covenantt contained in the legal agreeme         ents for the project; (ivv) use of tthe imprest fund
procedurre; and (v) th he use of the statementt of expenditture procedu        ure certifying g to the elig
of those expenditure  es claimed under
                                   u       SOE procedures,
                                                 p                 and proper use of the S  SOE and im   mprest
procedurres in acco    ordance with ADB’s Loan Disbu              ursement H Handbook a      and the prroject
documen  nts. Complia ance with financial reporrting and au diting requirrements will be monitore          ed by
review missions
        m           andd during no ormal progra  am supervission, and fo     ollowed up rregularly with all
concerne ed, includingg the externa al auditor. The
                                                 T MRD ha      as been mad    de aware off ADB’s policcy on
delayed submission, and the req     quirements for
                                                 f satisfacto   ory and acce  eptable quallity of the au  udited
project fiinancial stattements. AD DB reserves   s the right to  o require a change in the auditor (in a
manner consistent
         c            with
                      w the cons                 he borrower)), or for additional suppo
                                   stitution of th                                          ort to be provvided
to the au
        uditor, if the audits
                       a      required are not conducted
                                                  c             inn a manner satisfactoryy to ADB, or if the
audits arre substantiaally delayed. ADB reserv   ves the rightt to verify the  e project's fiinancial acco ounts
to confirmm that the share
                       s      of ADDB’s financin  ng is used in accordan      nce with AD  DB’s policiess and
procedurres. Public disclosure of   o the projec ct financial sstatements, including the audit repo       ort on
the proje
        ect financial statements, will be guid   ded by ADB’’s Public Co     ommunications Policy (2      2011).
After review, ADB wiill disclose th he project finnancial state  ements for the project a  and the opiniion of
the audittors on the financial sta atements witthin 30 dayss of the datte of their re       eceipt by po  osting
them on ADB’s webs    site. The Aud dit Managem  ment Letter w  will not be diisclosed.

                       VI.      PROC
                                   CUREMENT AND CONS
                                                   SULTING SERVICES

A.       Advance
         A       Contracting

23.    A advance contracting will be un
       All                                              n conformitty with ADB
                                             ndertaken in                       B’s Procureement
Guidelinees (2013, asa amended  d from time to time)15 and ADB’ss Guideliness on the Usse of
Consultaants (2013, asa amended  d from time to time.16 T
                                                        The issuancce of invitatio
                                                                                 ons to bid u
advance contracting and will be e subject to ADB approvval. The Borrower and MRD have been
advised that
         t   approva al of advance contracting and retroa
                                                        active financcing does no
                                                                                ot commit ADDB to
finance the Project.

24.    Advance
       A          acttion will be e undertake  en for the detailed d  design and implementtation
supervisiion (DDIS) consulting services,
                                  s          us
                                              sing quality- and cost b
                                                                     based selecction method  d, full
technicall proposals, with a ratio of 80:20. Un
                                              nder advancce action beffore loan effe
                                                                                   ectiveness, ssteps
        ntract negotiations will be conducted
up to con                                     d

B.       Procuremen
         P         t of Goods,, Works and
                                        d Consultin g Services

25.    All
       A procureme            s and works (except the
                   ent of goods                     e works and consulting sservices fina
by KEXIM), will be undertaken
                   u           in accordan
                                         nce with AD B’s Procure
                                                               ement Guide elines and A ADB’s
        es on the Use
                  U of Consultants. KEX  XIM will use
                                                    e LIB for wo
                                                               orks and QB BS for consulting

26.     IC
         CB procedures will be used for civil
                                           c     works ccontracts esstimated to cost $1,0000,000
million or
        o more. National comp  petitive biddiing (NCB) ffor goods wwill be adoptted for conttracts
estimated between $100,000 and $500,000. Shop          pping will b be used fo or contractss for
procurem ment of work
                    ks and equip
                               pment worth less than $1 100,000.

27.     When
        W     NCB iss proposed, before the start
                                           s     of any procuremen
                                                                 nt, ADB and the Govern
         ew the bidding docume
will revie                    ents based on SOP of Cambodia to ensure consistencyy with
ADB’s Prrocurement Guidelines.

28.    An
       A 18-month  h procureme ent plan inddicating thre
                                                       eshold and review pro  ocedures, go
works, an
        nd consulting service co
                               ontract packa
                                           ages and NC CB guideline
                                                                  es is in Section C.

29.     All
        A consultantts financed by ADB will be recruite d accordingg to ADB’s G Guidelines o
                                                                                           on the
Use of Consultants.
        C              Consulting
                                g services fin
                                             nanced by EExport-Imporrt Bank of Ko
                                                                                orea (KEXIMM) will
follow the
         eir own cons
                    sultant selec
                                ction and reccruitment pro
                                                         ocedures. The terms of reference foor the
DDIS and HHTPP arre detailed in n Section D.

30.    MRD
       M    will recruit a consulting firm forr the DDIS cconsultant, w
                                                                      which will asssume the ro
                                                                                              ole of
the “Engineer” for th
                    he civil work
                                ks contracts.. The MRD will select tthe consulta  ants using quality
and cost-based selection proced dure. The es  stimated perrsonnel and person-month requirem  ments
for each consulting services
                     s        pacckage are provided
                                             p         in tthe table be
                                                                      elow. All equ
                                                                                  uipment proccured

           e at: http://www
                                       uments/Guidelines/Procureme ent/Guidelines-Procurement.pdf.
           e at: http://www
   Since th
          he project is fin
                          nanced with ADDB-administere
                                                     ed cofinancing
                                                                  g resources ass well as ADF resources, universal
          ment will apply y. ADB. 2013. Blanket Waiv ver of Memberr Country Pro ocurement Eliggibility Restrictiions in
   Cases of Cofinancing for
                          f Operations Financed from
                                                   m Asian Develop pment Fund Re esources. Mannila.
          sts for actions  s required to
                                       o contract consultants by method availlable in e-Ha    andbook on P     Project
   Implemeentation at: http
                          p://           handbooks/proj ect-implement ation/.

under the
        e consulting services coontracts shall be approprriately hande
                                                                     ed over to M
                                                                                MRD accordiing to
the provisions for transfer under the contractts.

C.      Procuremen
        P         t Plan

                                                   Basic Data
                                        NT PROJECT  T II
 Project Number: 423 334                    Approva al Number: LXXXXX-CAM/G   GXXX-CAM
 Countryy: Cambodia                         Executinng Agency: M Ministry of Rural Developm
 Project Financing Amount: $118.23          Impleme enting Agenc cy:
 ADB Finnancing:               $5
 Non-ADB Financing:            $5
 Date of First Procure
                     ement Plan                                  ment Plan: 2
                                            Date of tthis Procurem            22 May 2014

        1.       Metho
                     ods, Thresh
                               holds, Revie
                                          ew and 18-M
                                                    Month Proc
                                                             curement Plan

                 a.       Procurem
                                 ment and Co
                                           onsulting M ethods and
                                                                d Threshold

31.    Except
       E       as th
                   he Asian De  evelopment Bank (ADB  B) may othherwise agre
                                                                           ee, the follo
process thresholds
        t          shall
                   s     apply to         ent of goods and works.
                                o procureme

                                PROC CUREMENT OF GOODS              AND WORKS
         M                             Threshold  d                                 Commen  nts
 ICB for Works
         W                   Between $1,000,000 anda above           All bidding d
                                                                                 documents an
                                                                                            nd contracts
 ICB for Goods
         G                   Between $500,000 an  nd                 All bidding d
                                                                                 documents an
                                                                                            nd contracts
 NCB for Works               Beneath that stated fo
                                                  or ICB,            First set of b
                                                                                  bidding documments in the
                             Works                                   English lang guage shall be
                                                                                               e prior review
 NCB for Goods               Beneath that stated fo
                                                  or ICB,            First set of b
                                                                                  bidding documments in the
                             Goods                                   English lang guage shall be
                                                                                               e prior review
 Shopping for Works          Below $1
 Shopping for Goods          Below $1
                                    100,000                          3 quotationss required
 ICB = inte
          ernational competitive bidding
                                       g; NCB = nation
                                                     nal competitive
                                                                   e bidding.

                                       CONSUL  LTING SERVIICES
                                   Method                          Comments
                       y and Cost Ba
                                   ased Selectio
                                               on            Prior review
                       y Based Selection                     Prior review

                 b.       Good and
                                 d Works Contracts Est imated to C
                                                                 Cost $1 milliion or More

32.     The
        T following g table lists goods
                                  g     and works
                                            w     contra
                                                       acts for whicch the procurement activvity is
                    pected to commence witthin the nextt 18 months..
either ongoing or exp
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