Puerto Rico Hurricane Madness

Page created by Jordan Ross
Puerto Rico Hurricane Madness
Volume 3, Issue 3                                                                                                                  October 2017

                                  Puerto Rico Hurricane Madness
                                                                                                                               Mikayla Howard (2019)
                                                                                                    The residents of Puerto Rico have lost power.
                                                                                                    Just only five weeks after Hurricane Maria,
                                                                                                    they still remain an island of darkness.

                                                                                                    Our very own Spanish level 2+ teacher Sra.
                                                                                                    Cora-Caban took two weeks to go down to
                                                                                                    Puerto Rico where she has family there that
                                                                                                    was affected from this tragedy. We have had
                                                                                                    our foreign language teachers donate item to be
                                                                                                    brought to Puerto Rico for people down there.

                                                                                                    There is currently a $300 million plan to
                                                                                                    restore all of Puerto Rico’s power.

                                                           Photo Provided by CNN
       Remembering Mr. Figg                                          Dater Walkathon
               Ally Elliott (2020)                                     Souleah Redmon (2018)
  Mr. Figg was a caring father and husband who                 On October 13, the Walkathon for the school
  passed away on October 9. He was loved by many               occurred. The Walkathon was five miles long.
  teachers in the Cincinnati Public Schools district and       Each student from grades 7-12 collected money
  especially the Dater community after his year                for the school. Those who had $20 or more got
  working here and subbed in for security upstairs.            to participate in the Walkathon and then
                                                               afterwards enjoyed pizza and snacks.
  “He was a cool dude and really funny” said Mr
  Thomas (Teacher, Grade:7). Figg worked at Roll Hill          The money from it went towards various
  for the majority of his career and always managed to         resources in the school. The money the seniors
  put others before him and will be missed dearly.             collected went towards their senior dinner and
                                                               senior picnic.

                                                               Overall, the Walkathon was a success. Many
                                                               students had fun walking with their friends and
                                                               enjoyed getting out of school. Brittany Thomas,
                                                               a senior, said, “it was a long walk but I enjoyed

 Congratulations to the Student Spotlight Nominees for October:                      Upcoming Events:
 Class of 2018: Fanta Turay (nominated twice), Jermaine Washington                   November 7: Election Day-No School
 Class of 2019: Hasikeen Irvin, Nick Cipriani (nominated twice),                     November 10: Veteran's Day-No School
 Christopher Perry, Elidia Campos                                                    November 13: Midterm Week
 Class of 2020: Brian Lopez (nominated twice), Jillian Garcia Moran,                 November 15, 16: Business Training Center (10th)
 Yoel Habteselassie                                                                  November 22-24: Thanksgiving Break
 Class of 2021: Samantha Soto
Puerto Rico Hurricane Madness
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              Teacher Spotlight:                                                          Student Spotlight:
                 Mr. Dalton                                                                 Nick Cipriani
                       Calen Wardlow (2018)                                                         Nathaniel Young (2018)

     Photo provided by Mr. Dalton (Mr. Dalton on left with his wife)                        Photo provided by Nick Cipriani

 What class(es) do you teach?         What is your overall impression of    Nick Cipriani, a junior, was        What do you do in your free time?
 I teach English 9 and World          Dater?                                recommended by both Mrs.            Sleep, play games, program.
 Literature                           I enjoy Dater very much. All of       Jameson and Mrs. Johnson. Mrs.
                                      the students seem to know each        Jameson refered to Nick as          What kind of career would you
 What college did you graduate        other well and are, for the most      "helpful, generous, funny, and      like to go into?
 from?                                part, invested in the success of      polite". Mrs. Johnson spoke on      Biotechnology
 University of South Carolina         their peers, which I am               how Nick comes down and helps
                                      consistently impressed by. All of     both the 7th and 8th grade        What are your plans for classes
 Is it hard to move around the        the teachers I interact with are      teachers after-school.            next year?
 school since you don’t have your     beyond helpful and everyone has                                         I plan on taking AP Psychology &
 own classroom?                       gone out of their way to make sure    Why do you think you were English Lit. and Comp.
 Not at all. I am fortunate enough    I feel welcome.                       suggested    for    the   student
 to have all of my classes on the                                           spotlight?                        What's your favorite color?
 same floor, so aside from students                                         I think I was suggested because I Blue
 who stop and stand in the middle     Any books you would recommend         keep a positive attitude in class
 of the hallway I don’t have any      to read?                              and try to help the teacher out
 difficulty getting from class to     Between the World and Me by Ta-       when possible.
 class. As well, all five teachers    Nehisi Coates should be required
 whose rooms I teach in have been     reading for all humans.               What's your favorite subject?
 completely accommodating and                                               My favorite subject is Chemistry.
 make traveling worlds easier.        Who is your role model, if you
                                      have one?                             How do you study for a big test?
 What do you do in your free time?    I have tried to emulate               I do all of the homework
 I have a very energetic Siberian     characteristics I appreciate and      assignments and review them
 Husky, so I spend a lot of my free   admire in my friends. If I had to     before the test.
 time exercising him with my          identify a specific person, I would
 spouse. I really enjoy riding my     name a previous coworker from         Are you in any clubs?
 motorcycle,    ideally   in    the   South Carolina, Chad Rochester.       No
 company of my friends, and am
 currently teaching my spouse to
 ride as well.
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                                                        Instagram vs Snapchat
                                                                 Zubieda Sabbagh (2019)
 For years there has been a battle in social media Instagram
 vs Snapchat. This begun because of an update in Instagram
 called Instagram stories. For years Snapchat claimed the
 feature to take short videos and pictures to post at anytime.
 Then out of nowhere Instagram desires to do the same

 For a while now, Instagram is being used just like
 Snapchat, adding pictures, videos, even adding their own
 texts and emojis.“Instagram has truly shaded Snapchat,”
 said Seija Rankin.

 Snapchat came out in November 2012 and instagram came
 out in October 2010,but instagram stories came out in
 August 2016. Therefore I think that Instagram copied

 Snapchat still has the puppy filter category, but most
 people just think that will fade always as well.
 This is a debate going around all around the country. Who
 do you think will win? Instagram or Snapchat? In my
 opinion, I think Snapchat will win this battle.
               Dater's First Fright Night                                                        Henry's Memorial
                       Bri'Vonni Revere (2020)                                                       Lily Taylor (2019)
 Fright Night took place on Friday, October 30th at 7 to10pm. A night to       Halloween was full of fun for many people, however, this
 show off Dater spirit and the spirit of Halloween and enjoy cheap food        Halloween we lost one of our beloved Hippos at the Cincinnati
 and fun entertainment, dance. They also projected a movie called The          Zoo. Henry’s health was dwindling for some while before his
 Curse Of Chucky.                                                              tragic passing, he had been losing a dangerous amount of weight
                                                                               and after the Zoo vet staff had determined his way of life would
 There was a costume contest, the first place winner was dressed as a
                                                                               not improved they made the difficult choice to humanely
 skeleton. The costume of Raven from Teen Titans was talked about by
 the other kids at the Fright Night. the two winners of the costume contest    euthanize him.
 from first to third place are Makayla Lane, Michael Barbro. The winner         The main concern now is the health of Bibi, the other half of the
 of the pumpkin contest was Robert Hunter.                                     bonded pair, it is not uncommon for an animal to become
                                                                               considerably ill after the other half of the bonded pair dies.
 Overall, the night had a great turn out and we hope to see more events        Henry originally came into fame after the birth and survival of his
 like it in the future.                                                        6th calf Fiona, born prematurely, the entire world watched as she
                                                                               grew up enough to meet her parents, the reunion was one to
                                                                               provoke tears, we fell in love with the hippo family and are sad to
                                                                               say goodbye, but we know Henry is in a better place. Henry was
                                                                               36 years old.
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National Anthem Protest                                                      Western Hills Mustang Soccer
Jason Harrison (2019)                                                                   Lily Taylor (2019)
Throughout the sports industry the protest of the         The Western Hills soccer team played a very exciting game against Lakota West on
national anthem has become a big thing, because           Saturday, October 21.
athletes feel as if minorities aren’t treated equally
and something should be said or done about this.          When asked about the team Coach Kuhns exclaimed, “the team is very proud to have been
One of the major protest is kneeling during the           led by their captain this year, Senior Bamba Syllah. Bamba has been a great role model to the
national anthem This became popular after former          younger players by keeping a positive attitude, showing up on time, prepared and eager to
49ers quarterback Colin Kaepernick sat out the            learn. His soccer and leadership skills have improved this season and we expect him to very
National Anthem in 2016.                                  successful in his future as an athlete, student and a man.”

Many people believe that it is a bad choice for The team has finished out their season with a whopping 8 wins. Even though the team did
commissioner Goodell to allow the NFL players sit not win the game they all worked very hard and had a very successful season, we as a student
during the anthem. They believe that because body wish them well in the future.
players are sitting during the anthem they will lose
money and fans Mr. Goodell has already voiced his
opinion saying “we believe that everyone should
stand for the national anthem". He has not yet taken
actions to punish players who go against his

This has even affected the Dater community and it
was shown a during the week of homecoming.
During the pep rally a group of seniors decided to
kneel during the national anthem showing their
support for the protest.

 What is the Day of the Dead?                             Stranger Things Season One
         Adrian Edwards (2020)                               Dylan Nguyen (2018)

                                                           .Season 1 of Stranger Things left us off with      The show also shows that Chief Hopper is
                                                           so many questions and a really good cliff          walking in a forest and dropping off Eleven
                                                           hanger. Near the end after everyone saved          favorite food which is waffles.Two things
                                                           Will, Eleven Disappeared to the other              this is foreshadowing is that either she is
                                                           side(from what we saw). Mike is pretty sad         still alive or he is honoring her death with
                                                           that Eleven is gone and she pretty much            her favorite food. Season 2 should be a great
                                                           saved them. It then goes to when Will is           one. Lots of questions that need answers,
                                                           having dinner with his family and he says          Such as why Will won’t tell anyone that
                                                           that he needs to use the bathroom. He then         what he just threw up is from the other side.
                                                           starts to regurgitate a piece of the other side.   What does Season 2 have in store? Is Eleven
                                                           The thing that he regurgitated looks               still alive? Will Will be able to handle that is
                                                           somewhat like an alien and start beating and       going on? Tune in to Season 2 for more!
                                                           moving much like a heart. It then falls
                                                           through the sink. I believe that he is
El Dia De Los Muertos (The Day Of The Dead) is a           connected to the other side until the other
Mexican celebration.They prepare special foods in          side is the destroyed. He keeps having
honor of the people that died. They say that the           flashes of the other side like he still there
spirit of the dead visit their families on October 31st    and he gets lost in it until someone catches
and leave November 2nd. They decorate with                 his attention and he snaps back to reality.
flowers,candles ceramic skulls and a picture of they
love ones. This tradition comes from the Mexican
Puerto Rico Hurricane Madness Puerto Rico Hurricane Madness Puerto Rico Hurricane Madness Puerto Rico Hurricane Madness Puerto Rico Hurricane Madness Puerto Rico Hurricane Madness
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