Q1 2021 How a CRT can work as a "stretch IRA" substitute The kiddie tax: What's new is old again Strike while interest rates are low ...

Page created by Christopher Ferguson
Q1 2021 How a CRT can work as a "stretch IRA" substitute The kiddie tax: What's new is old again Strike while interest rates are low ...
Q1 2021

  How a CRT can work as a
  “stretch IRA” substitute

  The kiddie tax: What’s new
  is old again

  Strike while interest rates are low

  Congratulations on your windfall!
  Now, for the caveats

Q1 2021 How a CRT can work as a "stretch IRA" substitute The kiddie tax: What's new is old again Strike while interest rates are low ...
How a CRT can work as a
“stretch IRA” substitute
Until recently, if you named someone      to name a charitable remainder trust      will be distributed during retirement,
other than your spouse as the             (CRT) as the beneficiary of your IRA      when the beneficiary’s tax rate may
beneficiary of your IRA or qualified      or qualified plan.                        be lower. If distributions are bunched
retirement plan, that person would                                                  into a 10-year period, they may be
have the option of taking distributions   SPREADING DISTRIBUTIONS                   received during a beneficiary’s peak
over his or her life expectancy.                                                    earning years.
                                          Stretching distributions over a
This strategy, commonly called a
                                          beneficiary’s life expectancy offers      Following the SECURE Act,
“stretch” IRA, offered significant
                                          two primary benefits:                     beneficiaries must take distributions
advantages by allowing distributions
to be spread over decades. But the                                                  within 10 years, with a few
                                          1. It allows the funds to continue
SECURE Act of 2019 drastically                                                      exceptions. As before, spouses
                                             growing and compounding on a
reduced these benefits (with certain                                                may take distributions over their
                                             tax-deferred basis for as long as
exceptions) by requiring distributions                                              life expectancies or roll the funds
                                             possible, and
to be completed within 10 years.                                                    over into their own IRAs and defer
                                          2. It often results in lower overall     distributions until the age of 72.
Fortunately, there are still strategies      taxes on the distributions.            There’s also an exception for
you can use to replicate some of the                                                disabled or chronically ill individuals
benefits of a stretch IRA. If you’re      Stretching out distributions means        or trusts for their benefit. Minor
charitably inclined, one approach is      that a significant portion of the funds   children may stretch distributions

Q1 2021 How a CRT can work as a "stretch IRA" substitute The kiddie tax: What's new is old again Strike while interest rates are low ...
over their life expectancies until they   percentage of the trust’s initial value   However, under IRS guidelines,
reach the age of majority. But once       (a charitable remainder annuity trust,    the actuarial value of a charitable
they’re adults, the balance must be       or CRAT). Or it may be based on a         beneficiary’s remainder interest
distributed within 10 years.              fixed percentage of the trust’s value,    must be at least 10% of the trust’s
                                          recalculated annually (a charitable       initial value. The need to preserve a
USING A CRT                               remainder unitrust, or CRUT). CRUTs       minimum value for charity can restrict
                                          generally are preferable because          the length of the trust term or the
If your intended beneficiary doesn’t
                                          making annual recalculations allows       size of payouts. This mandate may
fall within one of the exceptions,
                                          payouts to keep pace with inflation       even make it impossible to establish
naming a CRT as beneficiary of your
                                          and ensures the funds will never          a CRT for the life of certain younger
IRA or qualified plan can provide
                                          be exhausted.                             beneficiaries.
some of the benefits of a stretch
IRA — assuming it’s structured
                                          IRS GUIDELINES                            WEIGH YOUR OPTIONS
properly. A CRT is an irrevocable
trust that distributes a percentage of    Because a CRT is a tax-exempt entity,     A CRT can be a viable substitute
its assets to one or more individual      the funds aren’t taxed until they’re      for a stretch IRA, particularly if your
beneficiaries for life or a term of up    distributed to your noncharitable         beneficiary is expected to live a
to 20 years. After that, the remaining    beneficiaries. If payouts from the        long time. To determine whether a
assets go to charity.                     CRT are spread out over a 20-year         CRT is right for you, work with your
                                          term or a beneficiary’s lifetime, a       Lenox Advisor along with your tax
The percentage distributed can            CRT can, when structured properly,        and estate planning professionals to
range from 5% to 50%, and annual          provide benefits similar to that of a     weigh the costs against the potential
payouts may be based on a fixed           stretch IRA.                              benefits of stretching distributions
                                                                                    well beyond 10 years.

The kiddie tax: What’s new is old again
In late 2019, Congress reversed           need to understand
significant changes to the federal        the impact of the
“kiddie tax” that it had made only        kiddie tax in its
two years before. Previously, the         current form. Also,
kiddie tax applied the parents’           if you made gifts in
marginal tax rate to a child’s            2018 or 2019 and
unearned income in excess of a            calculated kiddie tax
certain threshold ($2,200 in 2020).       on your children’s
But the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act (TCJA)      returns under the
made that income subject to the           TCJA rules, you
tax rates for trusts and estates,         might want to amend
starting in 2018 — thus pushing           those returns. Here
some children into a higher tax           are the details.
bracket than their parents.
                                          DISINCENTIVE FOR
However, more recent legislation          INCOME SHIFTING
(the SECURE Act) restored pre-TCJA
rules. If you’re contemplating a          Established in 1986,
financial gift to your children, you      the kiddie tax was

                                                                                          WEALTH MANAGEMENT ADVISOR | 3
Q1 2021 How a CRT can work as a "stretch IRA" substitute The kiddie tax: What's new is old again Strike while interest rates are low ...
designed as a disincentive to
income shifting by parents who,
to reduce their tax bills, transfer
                                         SHOULD YOU AMEND YOUR
income-producing assets to their
children in lower tax brackets.
                                         CHILDREN’S RETURNS?
By taxing a child’s unearned             If your children paid kiddie tax in     unearned income, the TCJA rules
income over a specified threshold        2018 or 2019, filing an amended         may produce tax savings.
($2,100 in 2018 and $2,200               return could be beneficial.
in 2019 and 2020) at the                 Taxpayers may apply the Tax             Suppose, for example, that in
parents’ marginal rate, the kiddie       Cuts and Jobs Act (TCJA) rules          2018 a married couple in the
tax essentially eliminated the           or pre-TCJA rules for those years       32% tax bracket gave their child
advantages of income shifting. In        (see main article). Even though the     an investment that earns ordinary
other words, except for a small          SECURE Act was passed before            income. Using pre-TCJA rules,
amount taxed at the child’s rate,        the 2019 filing deadline, most          unearned income beyond the
most of the income was taxed as          tax software programs calculated        $2,100 threshold would be taxed
if a transfer hadn’t been made.          kiddie tax for 2019 under the           at 32%. But using TCJA rules, it
                                         TCJA rules.                             would be taxed according to the
Originally, the kiddie tax applied                                               trust and estate rates as follows:
to children under 14, but in 2007        To determine whether you should
the age threshold was raised to          file amended returns, your tax          • Up to $2,550, 10%,
19 (24 for full-time students) as of     advisor can calculate your child’s      • The next $6,600, 24%,
the last day of the tax year. The        tax liability under both sets of
tax doesn’t apply to children who                                                • The next $3,350, 35%, and
                                         rules. Many families find that
are married and file joint returns       they’re better off using the pre-       • 	Any income above $12,500,
or are 18 or older with earned           TCJA rules and that it would pay          37%.
income that exceeds half of their        to amend returns that followed
living expenses.                         the TCJA rules. But the TCJA rules      So, depending on the amount
                                         don’t always result in higher taxes.    of income, the TCJA rules may
HARSH CONSEQUENCES                       At lower levels of your child’s         save taxes.

By imposing kiddie tax at trust
and estate rates, the TCJA                over $12,500. Long-term capital           would be taxed at 37% for ordinary
created some harsh outcomes. That’s       gain income over $12,700 was              income and short-term capital gains
because for trusts and estates, the       subject to 20%. In contrast,              and 20% for long-term capital gains
highest marginal rates kick in at very    the thresholds for married couples        and qualified dividends. The married
low income levels. For example, in        filing jointly were $600,000 for          couple would have been taxed at
2018, trusts and estates were subject     ordinary income and $479,000 for          rates of 24% and 15%, respectively,
to the highest rate, 37%, on ordinary     long-term capital gain and qualified      on the same income.
income or short-term capital gains        dividend income.
                                                                                    The TCJA kiddie tax was particularly
                                                          Say a married             unfavorable for children of deceased
                                                          couple with               military personnel, first responders
                                                          $250,000 in taxable       and emergency medical workers
                                                          income made a             who received certain government
                                                          substantial gift of       benefits. Because these benefits
                                                          income-producing          were considered unearned income,
                                                          assets to their child     they were taxed at rates as high
                                                          in 2018. Income           as 37%, even if the surviving
                                                          that exceeded             parent was in a lower bracket,
                                                          the $12,500 and           such as 22% or 24%.
                                                          $12,700 thresholds

Q1 2021 How a CRT can work as a "stretch IRA" substitute The kiddie tax: What's new is old again Strike while interest rates are low ...
To avoid such unintended                  PLANNING FOR THE FUTURE                  Alternatively, you could make gifts
consequences, the SECURE Act                                                       that won’t — or are less likely to —
                                          Before you make financial gifts to
reinstated the pre-TCJA kiddie                                                     trigger the tax, such as growth (as
                                          your children, consider the impact
tax rules, effective for tax years                                                 opposed to income) investments,
                                          of the kiddie tax. The SECURE Act
beginning in 2020. It also gave                                                    tax-exempt or tax-deferred bonds,
                                          made the tax more palatable than
families the option of applying the                                                and contributions to Sec. 529
                                          it was, but it still could thwart your
old rules on their 2018 and 2019                                                   college savings plans. Talk to your
                                          tax-planning goals. For children
returns. (See “Should you amend                                                    Lenox Advisor and tax professional
                                          subject to kiddie tax, you might
your children’s returns?”)                                                         to explore options that make the
                                          consider postponing gifts until
                                                                                   most sense given your family’s
                                          they exceed the age thresholds.

Wealth transfer strategies
Strike while interest rates are low
Low interest rates create attractive
opportunities to transfer wealth
to younger generations in a tax-
advantaged way. Shifting wealth
may seem less urgent now that the
federal gift and estate tax exemption
and the generation-skipping transfer
(GST) tax exemption amounts
are both $11.7 million in 2021
($23.4 million, effectively,
for married couples). But these
exemptions are scheduled to
revert to previously lower levels
in 2026 — or earlier if a new
administration or Congress decides
to reduce them sooner.

The future of federal transfer taxes
and the fact that this is an election
year suggest that you might want          GRATS                                    A GRAT is an irrevocable trust that
to consider gifting strategies that                                                pays you, as grantor, an annuity
                                          A properly structured grantor
lock in current exemption amounts.                                                 (a periodic fixed dollar amount)
                                          retained annuity trust (GRAT) can
Another advantage of acting now is                                                 for a term of years and then
                                          be a powerful tool for transferring
that certain estate planning strategies                                            distributes the remaining assets
                                          wealth to your loved ones with little
benefit from the current low interest                                              to your beneficiaries. When you
                                          or no taxes while continuing to enjoy
rate environment. We discuss several                                               transfer assets to a GRAT, the value
                                          an income stream for a period of
general strategies you might consider                                              of the gift to your beneficiaries is
                                          years. It’s particularly effective if
with your Lenox Advisor.                                                           equal to the projected value of their
                                          done when interest rates are low.

                                                                                         WEALTH MANAGEMENT ADVISOR | 5
Q1 2021 How a CRT can work as a "stretch IRA" substitute The kiddie tax: What's new is old again Strike while interest rates are low ...
remainder interests. Under IRS rules,
that value is calculated by assuming
the GRAT assets will grow at a
                                          SELLING A BUSINESS TO AN IDGT
certain rate of return — known as the
                                           Do you own a business? Selling it        So long as the transaction is
“Section 7520” rate — regardless of
                                           to a properly structured intentionally   structured as an installment sale
their projected or actual growth rate.
                                           defective grantor trust (IDGT) for the   for fair market value, transferring
Assuming you survive the GRAT’s
                                           benefit of the younger generation        your business to the trust doesn’t
term, any appreciation in asset
                                           may enable you to retain control         trigger gift taxes. Typically, at least
values beyond the Section 7520 rate
                                           of the company while taking              10% of the sale price is provided
(also known as the “hurdle” rate) is
                                           advantage of low interest rates.         as “seed” money to the IDGT. If
transferred to your beneficiaries free
                                           An IDGT is an irrevocable trust          your business generates a higher
of gift and estate taxes.
                                           structured so that contributions are     rate of return than the interest
The hurdle rate for a GRAT is              treated as completed gifts for gift      payments on the installment sale,
the published Sec. 7520 rate for           tax purposes even though the trust       that excess constitutes a tax-free
the month in which the GRAT is             is considered a grantor trust for        transfer to the trust.
established. In recent months that         income tax purposes.
rate has dropped to well under 1%.
The lower the rate, the more likely      beneficiaries, and the value of the        enjoy deductions for the amounts
the GRAT will outperform it and,         gift is determined in much the same        paid to charity.
therefore, the larger the potential      way. So the lower the hurdle rate,
tax-free gift. An additional benefit     the larger the potential tax-free gift.    INTRAFAMILY LOANS
of a GRAT is that it’s considered
a “grantor trust” — that is, you as      The income tax treatment of a CLAT         Loaning money to a family
grantor are treated as its owner for     depends on whether it’s structured as      member is another possible
income tax purposes. By paying           a grantor or nongrantor trust. If it’s     option. To avoid future conflicts or
the trust’s income taxes, rather         a grantor trust, you’re entitled to a      misunderstandings — not to mention
than having them come out of the         charitable deduction up front based        negative tax consequences — make
trust’s earnings, you essentially        on the present value of the annuity        sure you document these loans.
make additional tax-free gifts to        payments. But this deduction is
                                                                                    So long as your loan is structured
your beneficiaries. Note that, if the    essentially recaptured in future years
                                                                                    carefully and you charge at
grantor dies during the GRAT term,       as you pay taxes on the CLAT’s
                                                                                    least the applicable federal rate
the assets will be included              income. For this reason, CLATs are
                                                                                    (AFR) of interest, it’ll generally
in the grantor’s estate for estate       typically structured as nongrantor
                                                                                    be respected by the IRS. If your
tax purposes.                            trusts, in which the trusts themselves
                                                                                    borrower earns a rate of return on
                                         are taxed on their income but also
                                                                                    the borrowed funds that’s higher
                                                                                    than the AFR you charge, then the
A charitable lead                                                                   difference between those returns and
annuity trust (CLAT)                                                                the interest paid to you constitutes a
works like a GRAT,                                                                  tax-free gift.
except that the
annuity payments are                                                                AN IDEAL TIME
made to a charity
                                                                                    Current conditions make it an ideal
rather than to you.
                                                                                    time to take advantage of GRATs,
Like a GRAT, a
                                                                                    CLATs and intrafamily loans, but
CLAT transfers assets
                                                                                    it’s important to act soon. If interest
remaining at the
                                                                                    rates rebound, these strategies may
end of the trust term
                                                                                    become less effective.
to your children or
other noncharitable

Q1 2021 How a CRT can work as a "stretch IRA" substitute The kiddie tax: What's new is old again Strike while interest rates are low ...
Congratulations on your windfall!
Now, for the caveats
Most Americans would welcome a           soon as you receive it. Then let it sit      means retiring early, starting
financial windfall. But receiving an     there until you identify your goals —        a business or something else. Until
inheritance, legal settlement or prize   for example, for retirement or your          you have a solid handle on the
winnings can be a mixed blessing.        children’s education — and develop           amount available after taxes and
For example, managing the money          a plan. Waiting at least a month             debt, you’ll probably want to keep
might require financial knowledge        before you touch the money can               working. Few windfalls are large
and experience you don’t have.           help prevent impulse buys and other          enough to see anyone all the way
Without a comprehensive plan             mistakes you later regret.                   through retirement.
that takes into account your current
situation and future goals, you might    Also realize that you may owe                Finally, a word of warning: Be
quickly run through the money and        taxes. Some windfalls, such as               careful when asked for money.
be left with nothing to show for it.     lottery winnings and certain legal           Friends and family members
                                         settlements, are subject to federal          may expect to share in your
AVOIDING MISTAKES                        tax — as much as 37% federal tax             bounty or may pitch “sure-fire”
                                         if your windfall pushes you into the         investment opportunities. Charitable
There are plenty of traps lying in       top income tax bracket. State and            organizations may ask for donations.
wait for people who receive a            local taxes may apply as well. A tax         The ability to support loved ones
sudden and sizable influx of cash.       professional can help you determine          in need or charitable causes is a
For example, fraudulent charities        what you owe.                                real benefit of receiving a windfall.
may come knocking. Or you may                                                         At the same time, if you agree to
be tempted to immediately buy                                                         every request, you’ll quickly deplete
                                         BEST PRACTICES
an expensive new car or luxury                                                        the funds. And if you give to every
vacation. Avoid these potential          What you eventually decide to do
                                                                                      charity that contacts you without first
pitfalls by stashing your windfall in    with your windfall depends on many
                                                                                      vetting the organization, you could
a bank or money market account as        factors. But if you have certain types
                                                                                      end up a fraud victim.
                                                        of debt, you’ll probably
                                                        want to make that your
                                                                                      REWARD YOURSELF
                                                        top priority, especially if
                                                        it carries a high interest    You’re only human, so it’s ok to
                                                        rate and the interest         buy something small — particularly
                                                        isn’t deductible. Also,       something you really need — to
                                                        establishing or boosting      recognize your good fortune. Just
                                                        your emergency savings        be sure to remember that your
                                                        can minimize the need         windfall could help you achieve
                                                        to incur future debt.         goals you once thought were out
                                                                                      of reach. To keep that dream
                                                       Next, consider where           alive, contact your Lenox Advisor
                                                       you’d like to be five,         as soon as possible. Your advisor
                                                       10 or 20 years into            can suggest possible strategies
                                                       the future. Develop a          to protect and grow your money
                                                       budget that will help          and help you build a plan
                                                       you move toward your           around them.
                                                       goals — whether that

                                                                                            WEALTH MANAGEMENT ADVISOR | 7
Securities and investment advisory services offered through qualified registered representatives of MML Investors Services, LLC,90 Park Ave. 17th Floor, New York, NY 10016,
212.536.6000. The information provided is not written or intended as tax or legal advice and may not be relied on for purposes of avoiding any Federal tax penalties. Lenox
Advisor, Inc., its employees, or representatives are not authorized to give legal or tax advice. Individuals are encouraged to seek advice from their own tax or legal counsel.
Individuals involved in the estate planning process should work with an estate planning team, including their own personal tax or legal counsel. CRN202301-276478
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