Raising Literacy Through Scotland's Film Archive

Page created by Frank Cole
Raising Literacy Through Scotland's Film Archive

Raising Literacy
Scotland’s Film

           National Library
           of Scotland
           Leabharlann Nàiseanta
           na h-Alba

Into Film is a trading name of Film Nation UK.
Registered charity no. 1154030.
© Into Film 2021. All rights reserved.

Images supplied by National Library of Scotland
Moving Image Archive. All rights reserved.
Raising Literacy Through Scotland's Film Archive
Raising Literacy Through
                                                                                         Scotland’s Film Archive
                                                                                                 Curriculum Links

  Talking and Listening:
                  Organiser           Experiences and Outcomes                   Film/Activity

   Literacy and   Talking and         I regularly select and listen to or        Largs:
   English        Listening:          watch texts which I enjoy and find         Filmmaking: Staycation
                  Enjoyment and       interesting, and I can explain why         holiday
                  choice              I prefer certain sources. I regularly
                                      select subject, purpose, format and        Bluebell Cockleshell 123:
                                      resources to create texts of my            Filmmaking: It’s rhyme time
                                      LIT 1-01a / LIT 2-01a                      Pauper’s Dough:
                                                                                 Filmmaking: Time capsule

                                                                                 Remixing Archive:
                                                                                 Filmmaking activity

                  Talking and         When I engage with others, I know          Introductory activities
                  Listening:          when and how to listen, when to
                  Tools for           talk, how much to say, when to ask         Discussion questions
                  listening and       questions and how to respond with          before and after each clip
                  talking             respect.
                                      LIT 1-02a                                  Largs:
                                                                                 Ice cream dreams activity
                                      When I engage with others, I can
                                      respond in ways appropriate to             Bluebell Cockleshell 123:
                                      my role, show that I value others’         Exploring lyrics
                                      contributions and use these to build       Have a blether
                                      on thinking.                               Extension activities
                                      LIT 2-02a

                  Talking and         As I listen or watch, I can identify and   Discussion questions before
                  Listening:          discuss the purpose, key words and         and after each film
                  Finding and using   main ideas of the text, and use this
                  information         information for a specific purpose.        Largs:
                                      LIT 1-04a                                  Tell Me grids

                                      As I listen or watch, I can identify and   Bluebell Cockleshell 123:
                                      discuss the purpose, main ideas and        Exploring lyrics
                                      supporting detail contained within         Filmmaking: It’s rhyme time
                                      the text, and use this information for     Extension activities
                                      different purposes.
                                      LIT 2-04a                                  Pauper’s Dough:
                                                                                 Pauper’s life

                                                                                 Remixing Archive:
                                                                                 Filmmaking activity

                                                                                     Images supplied by National Library of Scotland
                                                                                          Moving Image Archive. All rights reserved.

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Raising Literacy Through
                                                                                    Scotland’s Film Archive
                                                                                            Curriculum Links

  Talking and Listening continued:
                                  I can select ideas and relevant           Introductory activities:
                                  information, organise these in a          Extension activity
                                  logical sequence and use words
                                  which will be interesting and/or          Largs:
                                  useful for others.                        Sequencing stories
                                  LIT 1-06a
                                                                            Bluebell Cockleshell 123:
                                  I can select ideas and relevant           Have a blether
                                  information, organise these in an
                                  appropriate way for my purpose            Remixing Archive:
                                  and use suitable vocabulary for my        Filmmaking activity
                                  LIT 2-06a

                 Talking and      I can show my understanding               Introductory activities
                 Listening:       of what I listen to or watch by
                 Understanding,   responding to and asking different        Discussion questions
                 analysing and    kinds of questions.                       before and after each clip
                 evaluating       LIT 1-07a
                                  I can show my understanding               The power of colour
                                  of what I listen to or watch by
                                  responding to literal, inferential,       Bluebell Cockleshell 123:
                                  evaluative and other types of             Exploring lyrics
                                  questions, and by asking different
                                  kinds of questions of my own.             Paupers Dough:
                                  LIT 2-07a                                 Role on the Wall
                                                                            Match the shot

                 Talking and      When listening and talking with           Introductory activities
                 Listening:       others for different purposes, I can
                 Creating Texts   exchange information, experiences,        Discussion questions
                                  explanations, ideas and opinions, and     before and after each clip
                                  clarify points by asking questions or
                                  by asking others to say more.             Largs:
                                  LIT 1-09a                                 Ice cream dreams

                                  When listening and talking with           Bluebell Cockleshell 123:
                                  others for different purposes, I can:     Exploring lyrics
                                  • share information, experiences and      Have a blether
                                  opinions                                  Extension activities
                                  • explain processes and ideas
                                  • identify issues raised and              Paupers Dough:
                                  summarise main points or findings         Extension activities
                                  • clarify points by asking questions or
                                                                            Remixing Archive:
                                  by asking others to say more.
                                                                            Filmmaking activity
                                  LIT 2-09a

                                                                                Images supplied by National Library of Scotland
                                                                                     Moving Image Archive. All rights reserved.

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Raising Literacy Through
                                                                                     Scotland’s Film Archive
                                                                                             Curriculum Links

  Talking and Listening continued:
                  Talking and         I can communicate clearly when          Largs:
                  Listening:          engaging with others within and         Filmmaking: Staycation
                  Creating Texts      beyond my place of learning, using      holiday
                  (continued)         selected resources as required
                                      LIT 1-10a                               Bluebell Cockleshell 123:
                                                                              Filmmaking: It’s rhyme time
                                      I am developing confidence when         Extension activities
                                      engaging with others within and
                                      beyond my place of learning. I can      Pauper’s Dough:
                                      communicate in a clear, expressive      Filmmaking: Time capsule
                                      way and I am learning to select and
                                      organise resources independently.       Remixing Archive:
                                      LIT 2-10a                               Filmmaking activity

  Reading and Writing:

   Literacy and   Reading:            I am learning to select and use         Bluebell Cockleshell 123:
   English        Tools for reading   strategies and resources before I       Exploring lyrics
                                      read, and as I read, to help make the   Have a blether
                                      meaning of texts clear.
                                      LIT 1-13a                               Pauper’s Dough:
                                                                              Pauper’s life
                                      I can select and use a range of
                                      strategies and resources before I
                                      read, and as I read, to make meaning
                                      clear and give reasons for my
                                      LIT 2-13a

                  Reading: Finding    Using what I know about the features Introductory activities
                  and using           of different types of texts, I can find,
                  information         select, sort and use information for a Discussion questions before
                                      specific purpose.                        and after each film
                                      LIT 1-14a/ LIT 2-14a
                                                                               Tell Me grids
                                                                               The power of colour

                                                                              Bluebell Cockleshell 123:
                                                                              Exploring lyrics

                                                                              Pauper’s Dough:
                                                                              Pauper’s life

                                                                                 Images supplied by National Library of Scotland
                                                                                      Moving Image Archive. All rights reserved.

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Raising Literacy Through
                                                                                    Scotland’s Film Archive
                                                                                            Curriculum Links

  Reading and Writing continued:
                Reading: Finding     I am learning to make notes under      Largs:
                and using            given headings and use them to         Tell Me grids
                information          understand information, explore        Ice cream dreams
                (continued)          ideas and problems.
                                     LIT 1-15a                              Remixing Archive:
                                                                            Filmmaking activity
                                     I can make notes, organise them
                                     under suitable headings and use
                                     them to understand information
                                     and develop my thinking.
                                     LIT 2-15a

                Reading:             I can share my thoughts about          Introductory activities
                Understanding,       structure, characters and setting,
                analysing and        recognise the writer’s message and     Largs:
                evaluating           relate it to my own experiences, and   Tell Me grids
                                     comment on the effective choice of     Extension activities
                                     words and other features.
                                     ENG 1-19a/ENG 2-19a                    Bluebell Cockleshell 123:
                                                                            Exploring lyrics
                                                                            Have a blether

                                                                            Pauper’s Dough:
                                                                            Role on the Wall
                                                                            Pauper’s life

                                                                            Remixing Archive:
                                                                            Filmmaking activity

                Writing: Tools for   I can present my writing in a way that Largs:
                writing              will make it legible and attractive for Filmmaking: Staycation
                                     my reader, combining words, images holiday
                                     and other features.
                                     LIT 1-24a

                                     I consider the impact that layout
                                     and presentation will have and can
                                     combine lettering, graphics and
                                     other features to engage my reader.
                                     LIT 2-24a

                                                                                Images supplied by National Library of Scotland
                                                                                     Moving Image Archive. All rights reserved.

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Raising Literacy Through
                                                                                  Scotland’s Film Archive
                                                                                          Curriculum Links

  Reading and Writing continued:
                Writing:         I am learning to use language and        Largs:
                Creating texts   style in a way which engages and/or      Tell Me grids
                                 influences my reader.                    Holiday postcard
                                 ENG 2-27a                                Filmmaking: Time capsule
                                                                          Filmmaking: Staycation
                                 I can convey information, describe       holiday
                                 events or processes, share my
                                 opinions or persuade my reader in        Bluebell Cockleshell 123:
                                 different ways.                          Have a blether
                                 LIT 1-28a / LIT 1-29a                    Filmmaking: It’s rhyme time
                                 LIT 2-28a / LIT 2-29a                    Extension activities

                                 Having explored the elements which       Pauper’s Dough:
                                 writers use in different genres, I       Role on the Wall
                                 can use what I learn to create my        Extension activities
                                 own stories, poems and plays with        Story mountain
                                 interesting structures, characters
                                 and/or settings.                         Remixing Archive:
                                 ENG 1-31a                                Filmmaking activity

                                 Having explored the elements which
                                 writers use in different genres, I can
                                 use what I learn to create stories,
                                 poems and plays with an interesting
                                 and appropriate structure, interesting
                                 characters and/or settings which
                                 come to life.
                                 ENG 2-31a

                                                                              Images supplied by National Library of Scotland
                                                                                   Moving Image Archive. All rights reserved.

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Raising Literacy Through
                                                                                         Scotland’s Film Archive
                                                                                                 Curriculum Links

                  Organiser           Experiences and Outcomes                    Film/Activity
   Technologies   Digital Literacy:   I can explore and experiment with           Largs:
                  Using digital       digital technologies and can use            Filmmaking: Staycation
                  products            what I learn to support and enhance         holiday
                  and services        my learning in different contexts.
                  in a variety        TCH 1-01a                                   Bluebell Cockleshell 123:
                  of contexts                                                     Exploring lyrics
                  to achieve a        I can extend and enhance my                 Sequencing stories
                  purposeful          knowledge of digital technologies           Filmmaking: It’s rhyme time
                  outcome             to collect, analyse ideas, relevant
                                      information and organise these in           Pauper’s Dough:
                                      an appropriate way.                         Filmmaking: Time capsule
                                      TCH 2-01a
                                                                                  Remixing Archive:
                                                                                  Filmmaking activity

                  Digital Literacy:   Using digital technologies                  Largs:
                  Searching,          responsibly I can access, retrieve and      Filmmaking: Staycation
                  processing          use information to support, enrich or       holiday
                  and managing        extend learning in different contexts.      Extension activities
                  information         TCH 1-02a
                  responsibly                                                     Bluebell Cockleshell 123:
                                      I can use digital technologies              Exploring lyrics
                                      to search, access and retrieve              Filmmaking: It’s rhyme time
                                      information and are aware that not
                                      all of this information will be credible.   Pauper’s Dough:
                                      TCH 2-02a                                   Role on the Wall
                                                                                  Filmmaking: Time capsule

                                                                                  Remixing Archive:
                                                                                  Filmmaking activity

                                                                                     Images supplied by National Library of Scotland
                                                                                          Moving Image Archive. All rights reserved.

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Raising Literacy Through
                                                                                     Scotland’s Film Archive
                                                                                             Curriculum Links

                    Organiser      Experiences and Outcomes                  Film/Activity
   Social Studies   People, past   I understand that evidence varies in      Introductory activities
                    events and     the extent to which it can be trusted
                    societies      and can use this in learning about        Discussion questions before
                                   the past.                                 and after each film
                                   SOC 1-01a
                                                                             All film clips and all visits to
                                   I can use primary and secondary           and searches of Scotland’s
                                   sources selectively to research           Moving Image Archive
                                   events in the past.
                                   SOC 2-01a
                                   By exploring places, investigating        Tell Me grids
                                   artefacts and locating them in time,      The power of colour
                                   I have developed an awareness of          Extension activities
                                   the ways in which we remember and
                                   preserve Scotland’s history.              Bluebell Cockleshell 123:
                                   SOC 1-02a                                 Exploring lyrics
                                                                             Extension activities
                                   I can interpret historical evidence
                                   from a range of periods to help build     Pauper’s Dough:
                                   a picture of Scotland’s heritage and      Extension Activities
                                   my sense of chronology.                   Filmmaking: Time capsule
                                   SOC 2-02a

                                   I can use evidence to recreate the        NB: The Remixing Archive:
                                   story of a place or individual of local   Filmmaking activity covers
                                   historical interest.                      all ‘People, past events and
                                   SOC 1-03a                                 societies’ experiences and
                                   I can investigate a Scottish historical
                                   theme to discover how past events
                                   or the actions of individuals or
                                   groups have shaped Scottish society.
                                   SOC 2-03a

                                   I can compare aspects of people’s
                                   daily lives in the past with my own
                                   by using historical evidence or the
                                   experience of recreating an historical
                                   SOC 1-04a

                                   I can compare and contrast a
                                   society in the past with my own and
                                   contribute to a discussion of the
                                   similarities and differences.
                                   SOC 2-04a

                                                                                 Images supplied by National Library of Scotland
                                                                                      Moving Image Archive. All rights reserved.

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Raising Literacy Through
                                                                                         Scotland’s Film Archive
                                                                                                 Curriculum Links

                     People in society, I can use evidence selectively to
                     economy and        research current social, political or
                     business           economic issues.
                                        SOC 2-15a

                                         I have experienced the different        Largs:
                                         jobs involved in running a business     Ice cream dreams
                                         enterprise and understand the role
                                         each one plays in its success.          Pauper’s Dough:
                                         SOC 1-22a                               Extension activities

                                         By experiencing the setting up          Remixing Archive:
                                         and running of a business, I can        Filmmaking activity
                                         collaborate in making choices
                                         relating to the different roles and
                                         responsibilities and have evaluated
                                         its success.
                                         SOC 2-22a

                     Organiser           Experiences and Outcomes                Film/Activity

   Expressive Arts   Drama               Inspired by a range of stimuli, I can   Bluebell Cockleshell 123:
                                         express my ideas, thoughts and          Have a blether
                                         feelings through drama.
                                         EXA 1-13a                               Pauper’s Dough:
                                                                                 Role on the Wall
                                         Inspired by a range of stimuli,         Filmmaking activity
                                         I can express and communicate
                                         my ideas, thoughts and feelings
                                         through drama.
                                         EXA 2-13a

                     Music               Inspired by a range of stimuli          Bluebell Cockleshell 123:
                                         and working on my own and/              Discussion questions before
                                         or with others, I can express and       and after the clip
                                         communicate my ideas, thoughts          Exploring lyrics
                                         and feelings through musical            Filmmaking: It’s rhyme time
                                         EXA 1-18a / 2-18a                       Remixing Archive:
                                                                                 Filmmaking activity
                                         I have listened to a range of music
                                         and can respond by discussing my
                                         thoughts and feelings. I can give and
                                         accept constructive comment on my
                                         own and others’ work.
                                         EXA 1-19a / 2-19a

                                                                                     Images supplied by National Library of Scotland
                                                                                          Moving Image Archive. All rights reserved.

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Raising Literacy Through
                                                                                     Scotland’s Film Archive
                                                                                             Curriculum Links

                  Organiser          Experiences and Outcomes                 Film/Activity
   Health and     Social Wellbeing   I make full use of and value the         Largs:
   Wellbeing                         opportunities I am given to improve      Filmmaking: Staycation
                                     and manage my learning and, in turn,     holiday
                                     I can help to encourage learning and
                                     confidence in others.                    Bluebell Cockleshell 123:
                                     HWB 1-11a / 2-11a                        Filmmaking: It’s rhyme time
                                                                              Extension activities
                                     Representing my class, school and/
                                     or wider community encourages            Pauper’s Dough:
                                     my self-worth and confidence and         Filmmaking: Time capsule
                                     allows me to contribute to and           Extension activities
                                     participate in society.
                                     HWB 1-12a / 2-12a                        Remixing Archive:
                                                                              Filmmaking activity
                                     Through contributing my views, time
                                     and talents, I play a part in bringing
                                     about positive change in my school
                                     and wider community.
                                     HWB 1-13a / 2-13a

                  Organiser          Experiences and Outcomes                 Film/Activity
   Numeracy and   Number, Money      I can use the terms profit and loss in   Largs:
   Mathematics    and Measure:       buying and selling activities and can    Ice cream dreams
                  Money              make simple calculations for this.
                                     MNU 2-09c

                  Information        I have used a range of ways to
                  Handling: Data     collect information and can sort it in
                  analysis           a logical, organised and imaginative
                                     way using my own and others’
                                     MNU 1-20b /2-20b

                                                                                 Images supplied by National Library of Scotland
                                                                                      Moving Image Archive. All rights reserved.

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