RCC News - Rockland Congregational Church

Page created by Donna Miller
RCC News - Rockland Congregational Church
Wednesday, October 27th, 2021

                           RCC News
                           BRINGING YOU THE LATEST FROM THE
                           ROCKLAND CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH!

Dear Congregation of God,

      Once again, thank you for the time off during the month of October. It has been a
generous gift. While away, I spent my time writing on my Doctor of Ministry project. I have a lot
of words on the page, a chapter into my editor, and two more chapters outlined. But writing is
hard. The shape of things in one’s head must be translated into words, and those ideas and
thoughts do not look the same on paper as they do in the mind. Of course, this is true of all
creative endeavors and I expected it. That said, I have enjoyed the experience. The challenge is
worthy and invigorating.
      The topic of my Doctor of Ministry, as most of you know by now, is Extraordinary Spiritual
Experiences (ESEs, for short). An ESE is an event that reshapes and reframes the way one was
experiencing the world. It is not just a strange event in a world that includes strange events. For
most people, there is a B-ESE (Before ESE) and an A-ESE (After ESE). A world that was B-ESE may
not be crawling with being and beauty, but a world A-ESE might spring to life and be flowing with
meaning, potentiality, and beauty. It is this transfigured life that I am interested in.
      During November, I will be preaching on my project and sharing with you some of my
thoughts around ESEs. I hope you will attend in person. The church is open, and we will be
masked. We will also have ZOOM available as an option as well, especially as we begin to get into
the season of possible snowstorms and flu. I hope you will join us!
      Each week will be devoted to a few verses from two stories in the Bible - the story of
Balaam and his Donkey (Numbers 22:21-38), and The Annunciation (Luke 1:26-45). Both of these
stories follow the structure of an ESE very closely. There seems to be a universality to the
structure of ESEs and the month of November will follow this structure:

November 7th, 2021 - 10AM - Communion Sunday
Set and Setting: The WHERE and WHEN of an ESE - Numbers 22:20-21; Luke 1:28-30

November 14th, 2021 - 10AM
Appearance: The WHO or WHAT of an ESE - Numbers 22:22-27; Luke 1:28-30

November 21, 2021 - 10AM - Thanksgiving Sunday
Revelation: The WHY of an ESE - Numbers 22:28-35; Luke 1:31-38

(Continues on Page 2...)

                       OUR OFFICE IS OPEN, PLEASE REMEMBER:

      Masks are again                                                       Please use the
       required in the       Mon - Thurs             9:00am-3:00pm             business
      building, please.                                                        window.
                                        THANK YOU!
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November 28, 2021 - 10AM - First Sunday of Advent
Disclosure: The MEANING of an ESE - Numbers 22:36-38; Luke 1:39-45

I hope you can join us! Meaning is made in community, and cannot be made alone. This is one of
the things I am discovering in my study. It seems self-evident, but the meaning of what I mean
means much more than what I have just said. Find out what I mean with us throughout November!

Here is the ZOOM link for the Sundays in November:

Topic: November Worship - What is an Extraordinary Spiritual Experience?
Time: 10:00 AM ET
Join Zoom Meeting Using Your Device: https://tinyurl.com/4rawa4rz
Meeting ID: 852 4259 0497
Passcode: 910052
Join Zoom Meeting Using Your Phone: +1-646-558-8656

I look forward to seeing you all - in person and virtually!

May the Peace of Christ be with you!
Pastor Seth

 Thanks to Liz Mortlock
 for snapping some
 photos of Scott Dyer
 and the RCC Choir
 leading worship last
 Sunday! They, Rev.
 McDonald, Martha
 Majunka, Rev.
 Garrison, and Brian
 Harden have provided
 a wonderful and
 meaningful service to
 this community while
 Pastor Seth has been
 on sabbatical. Bravo!
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There is one more Sunday
before Pastor Seth returns.                    Next meeting: November 13th
Our final preacher and                         from 8:30am - 5:00pm (no Dec mtg)
worship leader will be...
                                               The Scrapbooking and Crafters Group
Oct 31st - Brian Harden (All Saints Day)       continues to meet. The cost is $5.00
                                               for the entire day.
Show your support for Brian
and RCC this Sunday, before                    All are welcome.
welcoming Pastor Seth back
from sabbatical. Thanks! - Sam                 Please note, this group will be
                                               meeting in the church lounge/gallery.

                                               Contact Brenda Perkins at
                                               brenda_s_perkins@yahoo.com for
Jo Talbot is very happy to announce the        more information. - Brenda Perkins
birth of her great grandson, Everett James,
born on October 25th. - Jo

                                               Pledging materials for 2022 have
                                               been mailed! Thanks to Marlene
Friendly reminder: the online calendar         Groves, Martha Majunka, Pam Start,
(https://bit.ly/2XIr1A1) is a great resource   and Marilyn Meserve for their many
to help you know when certain rooms are        hands/light work approach to this
available.                                     project. If you have questions, please
                                               contact the office. Thank you! - Sam
You are also always welcome to call the
office to ensure the specific space you
need is free! - Sam

                                               If you no longer use your building
                                               key, kindly return it to the office.

                                               Those who need consistent or
Pam Start, a church member who                 regular access to the church are
would like to begin attending worship          welcome to permanently check out a
again on Sundays, is unable to drive.          key. We do ask that you return it
She is curious if anybody would be             once you no longer need it regularly.
willing or able to give her a ride to and      Temporary keys are also available.
from church. She is roughly two
minutes from the church.                       Contact me with questions, or if
                                               you're unsure about whether there is
To speak with her directly, you can call       a key checked out to you. Thank you!
596-0493. Thanks! - Sam                        - Sam
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                                                      As we give thanks to the Lord
                                                      remember those who need more

                                                      Pick a leaf and fill a bag
                                                      a bountiful Thanksgiving they will have.

                                                      If a bag you cannot fill
                                                      but helping someone is your will

                                                      Drop some cash in the bucket below
                                                      for a Turkey it will go!

                                                      Happy Thanksgiving!!
                                                      Fellowship - Jo, Margaret, and Lynn

                                                          Thanksgiving Basket
 The Fellowship Council has provided food lists              Shopping List
 for the Thanksgiving Baskets. Please take a
 leaf. The food list is on the back as well as next        5lbs potatoes
 to this blurb, easy to read and cut out.
                                                           1 pkg stuffing
 Please return items no later than
 November 10th.
                                                           1 can cranberry
 There is also a donation bucket for your
 convenience. If you're not attending church
 services and would like to participate, please            2 cans vegetables
 send your donation to the church Attention:
 Thanksgiving Baskets. Thank you everyone                  1 can gravy
 for your help! - The Fellowship Council
                                                           1 box brownie mix
RCC NEWS                                                                                      PAGE 5

                               Birthdays & Anniversaries
                                    OCTOBER & NOVEMBER

                  BIRTHDAYS                                        ANNIVERSARIES

         Oct 27 Brian Pitts                               Oct 31      Colin & Sherry Emery
         Oct 29 Colin Emery
                Floyd Montgomery                          Nov 29        Bob & Sue Baines
                Christopher Walton
         Oct 30 Sue Heal
                Pam Start

         Nov 09 Kat Kansa
                Spencer Baines
         Nov 14 Marty Barksdale
                Ed Gabrielsen
         Nov 24 Judy Tibbetts
                Mary Blenk
         Nov 26 Barbara Bibro
         Nov 27 Steve Johnson

                                       Office Hours
                                                Mon - Thurs
    Want to contribute? Your                 9:00am - 3:00pm
  updates and contributions to                 207-594-8656
   this newsletter are not only
 welcome, but desired! Call or
   email the office if you'd like
 something included in the next             OFFICE CLOSED
                                        Nov. 11th (Veteran's Day)
           newsletter!                                                     Reminder: masks are still
                                      Nov. 24th & 25th (Thanksgiving)
                                                                           required in the building.
                                                                           Sorry, and thank you.
                                          PASTOR SABBATICAL
                                       October 1-31st (office open)
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