Page created by Guy Pearson
RealMe® Replatforming
Agency Engagement Pack
Onboarding Component

                         Version 1.1 (FINAL)
                                March 2021
Agency Engagement Pack

Revision History
 Version           Date                Description of changes
 0.1               19 February 2020    Initial draft
 0.2               9 March 2020        Updated timelines, moved FAQs to a
                                       separate document.
 0.3               16 April 2020       Updated to include revised schedule
 0.4               24 April 2020       Updates to Opaque Token structure
 0.5               25 September 2020   Added step to obtain Mutual SSL
                                       certificates for services using Artifact
                                       Amended Assert then Login flow.
                                       Updated to reflect revised schedule.
 0.6               16 December 2020    Added new endpoints
                                       Updated SAML Assertion for HD Fed
                                       RSA Token amendment
 0.7               18 January 2021     Added ITE RealMe Replatforming
                                       bundle links and information
 0.8               17 February 2021    Added details of Artifact Resolution
                                       and MTS endpoints
 1.0               23 March 2021       Final version with key dates/times for
                                       Production go live.
 1.1               30 March 2021       Updated to provide links and
                                       information about the Production
                                       Onboarding bundle.

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                                    Table of Contents
1    BACKGROUND ............................................................................................................. 5
2    PURPOSE .................................................................................................................... 6
3    ROLES AND RESPONSIBILITIES........................................................................................... 7
4    ENGAGEMENT PLAN ...................................................................................................... 8
     4.1     Agency Engagement Timeline ............................................................................................. 9
5    DETAILED TIMELINE..................................................................................................... 10
     5.1     Early Integration Testing (EIT) ........................................................................................... 10
       5.1.1        Implementation Tasks ............................................................................................... 10
       5.1.2        Post-implementation Tasks....................................................................................... 11
     5.2     Message Testing Site (MTS) .............................................................................................. 12
       5.2.1        Implementation Tasks ............................................................................................... 12
       5.2.2        Post-implementation Tasks....................................................................................... 12
     5.3     Integration Testing Environment (ITE) .............................................................................. 13
       5.3.1        Pre-implementation Tasks ........................................................................................ 13
       5.3.2        Implementation Tasks ............................................................................................... 13
       5.3.3        Post-implementation Tasks....................................................................................... 13
     5.4     Production Environment ................................................................................................... 14
       5.4.1        Pre-implementation Tasks ........................................................................................ 14
       5.4.2        Implementation Tasks ............................................................................................... 14
       5.4.3        Post-implementation Tasks....................................................................................... 15
6    IMPLEMENTATION OVERVIEW ........................................................................................ 16
     6.1     Login and Assertion Services ............................................................................................. 16
     6.2     Assert and Login Flow ....................................................................................................... 16
     6.3     Help Desk .......................................................................................................................... 16
       6.3.1        Web Application........................................................................................................ 16
       6.3.2        Web Service .............................................................................................................. 17
     6.4     RSA Tokens ........................................................................................................................ 17
7    IMPLEMENTATION GUIDE ............................................................................................. 18
     7.1     Pre-requisites .................................................................................................................... 18
     7.2     RealMe® Login Service and Assertion Service ................................................................... 18

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     7.3     RealMe Assertion Service – Assert and Login Flow .......................................................... 19
       7.3.1        Assertion Subject Example ........................................................................................ 20
     7.4     RealMe HelpDesk Web Application - Federation Flow ..................................................... 21
       7.4.1        Overview ................................................................................................................... 21
       7.4.2        Messaging Flow ......................................................................................................... 21
       7.4.3        Integration requirements.......................................................................................... 22
       7.4.4        Message requirements ............................................................................................. 22
       7.4.5        Examples ................................................................................................................... 23
8    KEY CONTACTS .......................................................................................................... 26
9    APPENDIX ONE – ENDPOINT TEST ................................................................................... 27
     9.1     Replatformed RealMe® Endpoints .................................................................................... 27
       9.1.1        Artifact Binding Endpoints ........................................................................................ 27
     9.2     Connectivity Test............................................................................................................... 28
       9.2.1        Unix ........................................................................................................................... 28
       9.2.2        Windows ................................................................................................................... 28
10   APPENDIX TWO - IDP METADATA ................................................................................... 29
     10.1       Installation Steps ........................................................................................................... 29
     10.2       Message Testing Site (MTS) .......................................................................................... 30
     10.3       Integration Testing Environment (ITE) .......................................................................... 30
       10.3.1       Certificate Information ............................................................................................. 30
       10.3.2       RealMe Public Metadata ........................................................................................... 30
     10.4       Production Environment ............................................................................................... 31
       10.4.1       Certificate Information ............................................................................................. 31
       10.4.2       RealMe Public Metadata ........................................................................................... 31

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1 Background
The authentication and identity verification service RealMe® was launched in 2013. RealMe is a
secure and privacy protected way for New Zealanders to access online services, prove their identity
and assert personal information online. RealMe provides two key services, the login service and the
identity verification, or assertion, service.
The login service is an authentication service that allows a returning customer to reuse their login
across multiple services. RealMe login currently provides access to 131 services from 40
organisations. Up to 2.5 million logins occur monthly and approximately 60-80% of logins are used to
access more than one service.
The RealMe Assertion service provides a person with an online identity, allowing them to prove
(with their consent) that they are who they say they are online. The pieces of information belonging
to a person are called attributes. Attributes are currently provided by the Department of Internal
Affairs Identity Verification Service (verified identity – name, date of birth, place of birth and gender)
and the New Zealand Post Address Verification Service (residential address). Providing the
verification services separately ensures that a person’s attributes are not stored within RealMe itself.
The RealMe Assertion service currently provides identity services to 17 public and private sector
clients. There is over 820,000 verified identities and the service undertakes over 30,000 successful
identity transactions per month.
The current RealMe platform is hosted ‘on premise’ and requires significant three-yearly capital
investment to upgrade expiring platform components. After consideration of the ongoing costs
required to maintain the current platform, the government and DIA’s strategic direction to consider
‘cloud first’ technology options and the potential benefits of a cloud based platform in terms of
faster development, improved security and reduced costs, DIA made a decision to move the RealMe
service to an offshore, cloud based platform.
DIA selected Microsoft Azure Active Directory B2C as the new platform. DIA has an existing
enterprise cloud services agreement with Microsoft, which includes its use of the Azure platform.
This agreement incorporates the standard Online Services Terms (which includes a separate Data
Protection Addendum) that apply to DIA’s use of Azure.
In late 2019 DIA underwent an RFP process to procure an implementation partner, and in December
2019 engaged Unify Solutions NZ Ltd (UNIFY) to carry out this transition, as well as provide ongoing
service support. The goal is to have RealMe moved to the new platform early in the second quarter
of 2021.

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2 Purpose
The purpose of the Agency Engagement Pack is to provide agencies with a good understanding of
the purpose, objective, approach, timelines, process and mechanism for integrating applications to
the new RealMe® platform.
The intended audience for this pack includes agency business owners, business analysts, developers
and vendor representatives.
This is the second of three artefacts which, together, form the Agency Engagement Pack:
 Artefact                              Contents
 Agency Readiness Pack                 • Solution Overview
                                       • Roles and Responsibilities
                                       • Pre-requisites
                                       • Engagement Plan (high level)
 Agency Onboarding Pack (this          • Engagement Plan (revised)
 document)                             • Configuration Items
                                       • Integration and User Acceptance Testing
                                       • Rollout across Higher Environments
 Service Management Pack               • Service Transition
                                       • Service Operation
                                       • Frequently Asked Questions
A draft of this document was presented to the second RealMe Replatforming workshop on 19
February 2020.

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3 Roles and Responsibilities
The following roles and responsibilities regarding agency engagement have been defined:
 Responsible Role
 DIA         • Lead interactions with agencies
             • Facilitate integration workshops
             • Lead/manage the integration process in all environments
             • Complete Certification and Assurance for the replatformed RealMe® service
                 and provide related documentation and guidance to agencies
             • Complete a Privacy Impact Assessment and share relevant aspects with the
             • Complete Performance and Penetration Testing in the RealMe Integration Test
                 Environment (ITE) and share results with the agencies.
             • Provide technical documentation, including the Solution Architecture Design
                 document, to the agencies
 UNIFY       • Participate in agency workshops and follow up meetings as required
             • Support DIA in delivering the processes to implement and test agency
             • Provide troubleshooting assistance and advice to support successful agency
 Agencies    • Participate in integration workshops and follow up meetings as required
             • Integration and Testing of applications using the RealMe ITE and, optionally,
                 the Message Testing Site (MTS)
             • Production implementation
             • Complete any Certification and Assurance as required as assessed by your

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4 Engagement Plan
DIA commenced formal engagement with the agencies in early February 2020. The first two
workshops have been held as planned and draft versions of the Readiness and Onboardings packs
were presented.
 Date                                  Purpose
 5 February 2020 (workshop #1)         Initiate discussions regarding the application onboarding
                                       exercise and walkthrough the first draft of the ‘Agency
                                       Readiness Pack’.
 19 February 2020 (workshop #2)        A follow up from Workshop #1 to provide an update on the
                                       action items and inputs from previous workshop, a
                                       walkthrough of the Engagement and an update on the
                                       timelines and overall engagement plan.
 30 October 2020 (showcase via         A showcase of the replatformed RealMe®, in particular:
 video)                                • RealMe Login and Assertion flows
                                       • RealMe Assert and Login flow
                                       • RealMe HelpDesk Web Application
                                       • RealMe ‘Manage my Login’
The final version of the Agency Engagement Pack will be issued in early January 2021 to coincide
with ITE Replatforming, however, there may be updates to these documents prior to this. Agencies
will be notified when significant updates are available, and these will be published on the RealMe®
Developer's Website.
For those agencies with more complex integrations, additional workshops may be required to ensure
all parties understand the changes required to support the replatformed RealMe service.
If you have any questions regarding any aspect of the Engagement Plan and/or the replatforming of
RealMe please email

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4.1 Agency Engagement Timeline
The following diagram and table depict a high-level view of the agency engagement timeline.
Agencies will be notified should there be any change to the timeline.
For a detailed timeline of the tasks required to integrate with the replatformed RealMe, please refer
to the Detailed Timeline section on page 10 of this document.

Key Agency Dates
    Date                                 Purpose
    25 September 2020                    Issue updated Agency Engagement Pack (including the Service
                                         Management Pack)
    16 October 2020                      Publish Security and Privacy information for agencies
    9 November 2020                      Early Integration Testing for complex agencies1
    30 November 2020                     MTS build complete
    26 January 2021 to 26 March 2021     Agency Integration Testing (ITE) and drop in workshops
    1 March 2021                         Help Desk Material available
    25 March 2021                        Issue final Agency Engagement Pack
    25 March 2021                        Agency C&A Session with Quantum
    29 March 2021                        Production Onboarding Bundles published plus minor update to
                                         Onboarding Pack to provide reference to the new bundle.
    11 April 2021                        Agency Replatforming

 Complex agencies are deemed to be those who have services which use the Assert then Login flow and/or
run their own RealMe Help Desk. This environment will not be available post go-live.

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5 Detailed Timeline
This section provides a list of the tasks required for replatforming in each RealMe® environment
along with indicative dates for each task based on the high-level view of the agency engagement

5.1 Early Integration Testing (EIT)
Agencies with complex integrations, i.e. those who have services which use the Assert then Login
flow and/or run their own RealMe Help Desk are expected to integrate to the EIT environment.
The RealMe EIT was made available to agencies in November 2020 for testing. The replatformed
RealMe EIT is a temporary development environment that will be decommissioned once the
replatforming of RealMe is complete.
 Date          Responsible    Action
 23 Oct 20     DIA            Publish Agency Onboarding Pack and RealMe EIT Bundle

 30 Oct 20     Agency         1.   Review the Agency Readiness and Onboarding packs.
                              2.   Collect the ‘RealMe Replatforming Bundle’ from the RealMe Developers
                              3.   Test endpoint availability, refer to Appendix One – Endpoint Test on page
                                   28 of this document.
                              4.   Ensure this change is in your forward schedule of change.
                              5.   Ensure appropriate resources are available to implement and test the
                                   replatformed RealMe
                              6.   Confirm to DIA via you are ready to
                              7.   Amend the SP metadata provided in the bundle to reflect your service’s
                              8.   Provide your SP metadata and, for Artifact Binding integrations, Mutual
                                   SSL certificate to DIA.

5.1.1 Implementation Tasks
 Date          Responsible    Action
 6 Nov 20      UNIFY          Deployment and Agency Configuration Complete

 6 Nov 20      DIA            Notify agencies that deployment is successful and integration tasks can

 9 Nov 20 to   Agencies       Complete integration tasks. For further detail regarding the required tasks,
 18 Dec 20                    refer to the Implementation Guide on page 18 of this document.
                              Smoke test application.
                              Confirm connectivity to

 9 Nov to      DIA            DIA team will be available to support agencies in need of assistance with the
 20 Jan 21                    integration exercise.

 20 Jan 21     Agencies       Participating agencies have confirmed integration or have requested
                              replatforming support.

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5.1.2 Post-implementation Tasks
 Date        Responsible   Action
 22 Jan 21   DIA           RealMe EIT deployment post implementation review.

 Completed   DIA           Decommission EIT RealMe.

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5.2 Message Testing Site (MTS)
Agencies may optionally integrate to the replatformed MTS environment. Information regarding this
environment will be published on the RealMe Developers website.
Once initial integration testing in EIT has been completed successfully, optional ‘self-service’
integration to MTS will be available for all agencies (to be confirmed but likely to be mid January).
This will run in parallel with the existing RealMe MTS. The existing RealMe MTS will be made
unavailable once the replatforming of RealMe is complete.
 Date          Responsible     Action
 Complete      DIA             Publish Agency Onboarding Pack and RealMe MTS Replatforming Bundle to
                               the RealMe Developers website.

 Complete      Agency          1.   Review the Agency Readiness and Onboarding packs.
                               2.   Collect the ‘RealMe Replatforming Bundle’ from the RealMe Developers
                               3.   Test endpoint availability, refer to Appendix One – Endpoint Test on
                                    page 27 of this document.
                               4.   Ensure this change is in your forward schedule of change (if required).
                               5.   Ensure appropriate resources are available to implement and test the
                                    replatformed RealMe
                               6.   Confirm to DIA via you are ready to
                               7.   Amend the SP metadata provided in the bundle to reflect your service’s
                                    endpoints and upload via MTS.

5.2.1 Implementation Tasks
 Date          Responsible     Action
 Complete      UNIFY           Replatforming Complete

 Complete      DIA             Notify agencies that replatforming is successful and replatforming tasks can

 Complete      Agencies        Complete integration tasks. For further detail regarding the required tasks,
                               refer to the Implementation Guide on page 18 of this document.
                               Smoke test application.
                               Confirm connectivity to

 Complete      DIA             DIA team will be available to support agencies in need of assistance with the
                               replatforming exercise.

 Complete      Agencies        All interested agencies have confirmed replatforming or have requested
                               replatforming support.

5.2.2 Post-implementation Tasks
 Date          Responsible     Action
 TBC           DIA             Decommission existing MTS RealMe.
 (post go-

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5.3 Integration Testing Environment (ITE)
The replatformed RealMe ITE will be available to agencies in late January 2021 for integration
testing. This will run in parallel with the existing RealMe ITE. The existing RealMe ITE will be made
unavailable once the replatforming of RealMe is complete.
5.3.1 Pre-implementation Tasks
 Date          Responsible     Action
 11 Jan 21     DIA             Publish Agency Onboarding Pack and RealMe ITE Replatforming Bundle

 11 Jan 21     Agency          1.   Review the Agency Readiness and Onboarding packs.
                               2.   Collect the ‘RealMe Replatforming Bundle’ from the RealMe Developers
                                    website (to be confirmed)
                               3.   Test endpoint availability, refer to Appendix One – Endpoint Test on page
                                    28 of this document.
                               4.   Ensure this change is in your forward schedule of change.
                               5.   Ensure appropriate resources are available to implement and test the
                                    replatformed RealMe
                               6.   Confirm to DIA via you are ready to

5.3.2 Implementation Tasks
 Date          Responsible     Action
 18 Jan 21     UNIFY           Replatforming and delta data migration(s)

 25 Jan 21     DIA             Notify agencies that replatforming is successful and replatforming tasks can

 26 Jan 21     Agencies        Complete replatforming tasks. For further detail regarding the required
 to                            tasks, refer to the Implementation Guide on page 18 of this document.
 18 Mar 21
                               Smoke test application.
                               Confirm connectivity to

 26 Jan 21     DIA             DIA team will be available to support agencies in need of assistance with the
 to                            replatforming exercise.
 18 Mar 21

 26 Mar 21     Agencies        All agencies have confirmed replatforming or have requested replatforming

5.3.3 Post-implementation Tasks
 Date          Responsible     Action
 29 Mar 21     RealMe          RealMe ITE Replatforming post implementation review.

 TBC           DIA             Decommission existing ITE RealMe.
 (Post go-

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5.4 Production Environment
The Production go-live will be a ‘single’ cutover, i.e. the replatformed RealMe environment will be
stood up for services to integrate with during a specific change window and the existing RealMe
environment will be made unavailable. This approach has been determined to be the best option
primarily due to the sheer volume of data that needs to be migrated from one fundamentally
different system to another. Further information regarding the data migration process is available on
the RealMe Developer’s website.
5.4.1 Pre-implementation Tasks
 Date         Responsible     Action
 23 Mar 21    DIA             Publish Agency Onboarding Pack and RealMe Replatforming Bundle

 7 Apr 21     Agency          1.   Review the Agency Readiness and Onboarding packs.
                              2.   Collect the ‘RealMe Replatforming Bundle’ from the RealMe Developers
                                   website (to be confirmed).
                              3.   Test endpoint availability, refer to Appendix One – Endpoint Test on
                                   page 27 of this document.
                              4.   Ensure this change is in your forward schedule of change.
                              5.   Ensure appropriate resources are available to implement and test the
                                   replatformed RealMe
                              6.   Confirm to DIA via you are ready to

5.4.2 Implementation Tasks
 Date         Time          Responsible     Action
 6 Apr 21     17:00         DIA             First go/no-go decision.
                                            DIA to provide initial go/no-go notification to agencies.
                                            Should an unforeseen event cause a no-go decision to be
                                            made, the replatforming of RealMe will be rescheduled.

 9 Apr 21     17:00         DIA             Second go/no-go decision
                                            DIA to provide replatform go/no-go notification to agencies
                                            Should an unforeseen event cause a no-go decision to be
                                            made, the replatforming of RealMe will be rescheduled.

 9 Apr 21     21:00         DIA             Outage – Replatforming Occurring
                                            Send agencies a reminder that replatforming will be
                                            commencing at 21:00.

 11 Apr 21    07:00         DIA/UNIFY       Replatforming Complete
                                            Existing RealMe environments to be taken offline.

 11 Apr 21    07:30         DIA             Notify agencies that replatforming was successful and
                                            replatforming tasks can commence at 9:00.
                                            Agencies will not be able to connect with RealMe until their
                                            replatforming tasks are completed.

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 Date        Time     Responsible   Action
 11 Apr 21   09:00    Agencies      Complete replatforming tasks. For further detail regarding
                                    the required tasks, refer to the Implementation Guide on
                                    page 18 of this document.
                                    Smoke test application.
                                    Confirm connectivity to

 11 Apr 21   09:00    DIA           DIA team will be available to support agencies in need of
                                    assistance with the replatforming exercise.

 11 Apr 21   10:00    DIA           Final go/no-go decision
                                    DIA to provide final replatform go/no-go decision based on
                                    success of the initial agency replatforming activities.
                                    Should an unforeseen event cause a no-go decision to be
                                    made, the replatforming of RealMe will be rescheduled.
                                    Agencies who have already replatformed will need to roll
                                    back their changes and reintegrate with the existing
                                    RealMe environment.

 11 Apr 21   17:00    Agencies      All agencies have confirmed replatforming or have
                                    requested replatforming support.

 30 Apr 21            DIA           RealMe replatforming heightened support period ends

5.4.3 Post-implementation Tasks
 Date        Time     Responsible   Action
 7 May 21             RealMe        RealMe Production Replatforming post implementation

 8 May 21             DIA           Decommission existing Production RealMe.

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6 Implementation Overview
6.1 Login and Assertion Services
The process for replatforming an application which uses either the Login Service or the Assertion
Service will require the application to be updated to use a new Identity Provider (IdP) metadata file.
This file will contain a new certificate and new endpoints for RealMe® services. Depending on your
network configuration, some agencies may also require amended firewall rules2 to allow their
application to access the new endpoints. For further detail regarding this process, please refer to
the RealMe® Login Service and Assertion Service section on page 18 of this document.
There will be no requirement to supply new Service Provider metadata files for the ITE and
Production environments as these will be migrated as part of the replatforming exercise.
Note: agencies integrating to the MTS and EIT environments will be expected to provide an
amended Service Provider metadata file using the template which will be available in the ‘RealMe
Replatforming Bundle’ for that environment.
Agencies who are using Artifact binding will be requested to supply their Mutual SSL certificates for
both the ITE and Production environments. This is because the current RealMe utilises the
certificate thumbprint only whereas the replatformed RealMe uses the entire certificate.

6.2 Assert and Login Flow
The process for onboarding an application which use either the igovt Context Mapping Service
(iCMS) or the RealMe Context Mapping Service (RCMS) will require a minor code change.
Applications which use the Assert and Login flow are no longer required to interact with iCMS/RCMS
and will no longer be required to decrypt an Opaque Token as per earlier versions of this document.
Instead, the RealMe Assertion Service will issue the user’s FLT for agency as the NameID within the
Subject of the Assertion. This is the same method that is currently used by the Login service. For
further detail regarding this change, please refer to the RealMe Assertion Service – Assert and Login
Flow section on page 19 of this document.
Agencies who use these services will be contacted as part of the engagement process to ensure that
all parties understand the changes required to support the replatformed service. We will support
you throughout the change process.

6.3 Help Desk
Agencies who use either the Help Desk Web Application or Web Service will be contacted as part of
the engagement process to ensure that all parties understand the changes required to support the
replatformed service. We will support you throughout the change process.
6.3.1 Web Application
The existing RealMe Help Desk application will be decommissioned and replaced with a new web
application which will provide the same functionality as the existing RealMe Help Desk web
Agencies who use the Help Desk application will need to federate their internal active directory to
the new RealMe Helpdesk Federation hub. This will streamline the setup of Help Desk users, allow

    This will be based on DNS based routing or mutual SSL authentication between applications and RealMe services.

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agencies to provide their own internal governance and remove the need for the use of RSA tokens.
For further detail regarding this change, please refer to the RealMe HelpDesk Web Application -
Federation Flow on page 21 of this document.
6.3.2 Web Service
The Helpdesk Web Service will be decommissioned. Agencies who use this service will be contacted
as part of the engagement process to support you through the change process and to ensure that all
parties understand the changes required to support the replatformed service. We will support you
throughout the change process.

6.4 RSA Tokens
DIA has assessed the use of RSA Tokens and the decision has been made to integrate the
replatformed RealMe with the existing RSA Token Server. Agencies who currently use RSA Tokens
for applications other than the RealMe Help Desk will not need to take any further action.

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7 Implementation Guide
7.1 Pre-requisites
All agencies should test the endpoints prior to integration to ensure they are accessible. For
further information regarding this process, please refer to Test endpoint availability, in Appendix
One – Endpoint Test on page 27 of this document.
If the endpoints are not accessible, then either:
    - update firewall rules to use DNS based whitelisting or
    - remove the existing firewall rules and rely on mutual SSL based authentication/access.

Note: Whitelisting the IP Address range for Azure AD B2C is not the preferred approach. This is
because Microsoft cannot guarantee that the IP Address ranges will remain fixed. If you wish to
discuss this, please contact us via

7.2 RealMe® Login Service and Assertion Service
Agencies who use the RealMe Login Service (basic login flow) or the RealMe Assertion Service (assert
only flow) will need to update their applications to use a new Identity Provider (IdP) metadata file.
 SAML v2.0 Binding           Code Changes                      Configuration Changes
 Post Binding                No code changes are required to   Install the new RealMe Login Service IdP
                             integrate with the replatformed   metadata into your application, for further
                             RealMe Login service.             information refer to Appendix Two - IdP
                                                               Metadata, on page 29 of this document.

 Artifact Binding            As per POST Binding.              Provide a copy of your Mutual SSL
                                                               certificate to

                                                               Ensure the new endpoint is accessible, for
                                                               further information refer to Appendix One
                                                               – Endpoint Test on page 28 of this

                                                               Install the new RealMe Login Service IdP
                                                               metadata into your application, for further
                                                               information refer to Appendix Two - IdP
                                                               Metadata, on page 29 of this document.

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7.3 RealMe Assertion Service – Assert and Login Flow
Agencies who use the RealMe Assert and Login Flow are no longer required to interact with
iCMS/RCMS. The table below lists the changes which are required to integrate your application to
the new RealMe Service.
 SAML v2.0 Binding         Code Changes                          Configuration Changes
 Post Binding              Agencies who are currently            Install the new RealMe Login Service IdP
                           integrated with iCMS or RCMS          metadata into your application, for further
                           redeem an opaque token to             information refer to Appendix Two - IdP
                           obtain the user’s FLT. This call is   Metadata, on page 29 of this document.
                           no longer required for the
                           replatformed RealMe services.
                           Instead the agencies will obtain
                           the user’s FLT for agency from
                           the Subject element of the
                           Assertion. This is the same
                           method that is currently used by
                           the Login service.

                           For further detail, refer to
                           Assertion Subject Example
                           section (below).
 Artifact Binding          As per POST Binding.                  Provide a copy of your Mutual SSL
                                                                 certificate to

                                                                 Ensure the new endpoint is accessible, for
                                                                 further information refer to Appendix One
                                                                 – Endpoint Test on page 28 of this

                                                                 Install the new RealMe Login Service IdP
                                                                 metadata into your application, for further
                                                                 information refer to Appendix Two - IdP
                                                                 Metadata, on page 29 of this document.

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7.3.1 Assertion Subject Example
The current Subject element returned by the Assert then Login flow provides a transient NameID
and the service must use the Opaque Token to call RCMS and obtain the user’s FLT for the agency.
The replatformed Subject element returned by the Assert then Login flow will provide a persistent
NameID as the user’s FLT for the agency. There is no need to call RCMS or to decrypt an Opaque
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7.4 RealMe HelpDesk Web Application - Federation Flow
7.4.1 Overview
The following are the key business objectives for the RealMe helpdesk solution:
    • to provide a better experience for service desk operators and
    • a standards-based integration approach to reduce development cost for agencies
7.4.2 Messaging Flow
The diagram below provides a high-level overview of the Federation Flow.

                                                                                                            Agency Service Desk
                    1. Access RealMe
                       HD Web app
                                                 DIA                      MBIE                         IR                       MSD
    Agency Service Desk

                                                                               2. SAML IdP Initiated SSO

                               Azure AD B2C                                         SAMLv2.0 SP                                Agency IdP

                                                                                                                                           HD Operators
                              RealMe Helpdesk Federation Hub                                                                             Credentials Store

                                                                              3. redirect with operator token

                                                                     Front Door                                                                                                   RealMe
                                                                                                                                                       Azure AD B2C

    4. HD Landing Page
                                                                                                                        Get User Details                              Graph API
                                                               RealMe Azure          RealMe Helpdesk
                                                                Resources                Webapp


                                         Recover username                 Reset password                        Search user                   User summary

                                                                         Update contact                          Update 2FA
                                         Transaction details                details                               Methods

                                                                                                                     RealMe Helpdesk Business Functions

                                                                                                                                                   Figure 1 - Federation Flow
The key points regarding the messaging flow are as follows:
1) The agency service desk operator is authenticated using their agency enterprise credentials. The
   service desk operator receives a call from the user for RealMe support. The service desk
   • validates the user and may identify the user if they are an existing agency customer.
   • triggers the RealMe support process from the agency service desk application.
2) The agency service desk application redirects the operator to the agency IAM product to initiate
   a seamless single sign-on process with the RealMe Helpdesk Web Application. The agency IAM
   • creates a SAMLv2.0 assertion with the service desk operators email address as the name id
       and the user’s FLT as an attribute if the service desk operator identifies the user.

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      • signs and encrypts the SAMLv2.0 assertion and creates a SAMLv2.0 response from the
        SAMLv2.0 assertion.
   • redirects the service desk operator to the RealMe Helpdesk Federation Hub with a SAMLv2.0
        response using IdP initiated SSO.
3) The RealMe Helpdesk Federation Hub:
   • decrypts the SAMLv2.0 assertion and verifies the signature of the SAMLv2.0 assertion.
   • identifies the service desk operator based on operator identifier (name id). If no matching
        service desk operator is found, then a new service desk operator account is created with the
        operator email address and agency identifier, i.e. the SAML EntityID.
4) The RealMe Helpdesk Federation Hub creates an operator token (JWT) and redirects the service
   desk operator to the RealMe Helpdesk web application. If the user’s FLT was included as an
   attribute, the details of the associated user will be displayed.
7.4.3 Integration requirements
The agencies are required to complete the following tasks to enable federation with the RealMe web
      1. Enable SAMLv2.0 IdP functionality from within their IAM product.
      2. Provide a SAMLv2.0 IdP metadata file to the RealMe team. The IdP metadata file must
         contain a SAMLv2.0 signing certificate. Please refer to the Agency Service Desk IdP metadata
         file section on page 23 of this document for a sample file.
      3. Upload the RealMe Helpdesk SAMLv2.0 SP metafile file. Please refer to the section RealMe
         Helpdesk SP metadata file on page 24 of this document for a sample file.
7.4.4 Message requirements
The following messaging requirements MUST be adhered to:
    Requirement                  Description
    Integration Standard         SAMLv2.0
    Profile                      IdP Initiated WebSSO profile
    Binding                      POST Binding

In addition:
      •       The SAMLv2.0 Response MUST contain a SAMLv2.0 Assertion.
      •       The SAMLv2.0 Assertion MUST:
                  o be encrypted using the ReaMe HelpDesk SAML SP Certificate.
                  o set the NameID attribute to the service desk operators agency email address
      •       The SAMLv2.0 Assertion MAY include:
                  o the customer_flt attribute set to the user’s FLT
                  o the supported_service attribute to set the user’s Help Desk3
Please refer to the Agency Service Desk SAML Assertion section on page 25 of this document for a
sample SAML Assertion.

 The supported_service attribute may be used when the agency operates more than one Help Desk across
multiple privacy domains. It allows the agency to specify which privacy domains and underlying services the
Help Desk Operator can view transactions for.

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7.4.5 Examples Agency Service Desk IdP metadata file
The following is an example of an Agency Service Desk IdP metadata file.

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Agency Engagement Pack RealMe Helpdesk SP metadata file
The following is an example of the RealMe HelpDesk Service Provider metadata file.

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Agency Engagement Pack Agency Service Desk SAML Assertion
The following is an example of an unencrypted SAMLv2.0 Assertion from an agency service desk:
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8 Key Contacts
 Name                Role                    Contact Information           Additional Information
 RealMe®             Technical Integration   For any issues relating to the
 Replatforming       Support                                               replatforming of your service
 Technical Support
                                                                           Also, for the confirmation of
                                                                           connectivity following
 RealMe              Business Support       For high level questions
 Replatforming                                                             regarding the replatforming
 Business Support                                                          process.
 RealMe              Escalation Support      Phone number (to be           For the escalation of any
 Replatforming                               supplied prior to go-live)    issues or in the event of an
 Escalation                                                                issue with email.
                                                                           Please contact
                                                                           in the first instance.

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9 Appendix One – Endpoint Test
Firewall changes can be applied prior to implementation. A simple telnet test should be completed
post firewall change and prior to the cut-over weekend to confirm connectivity to the environment.

9.1 Replatformed RealMe® Endpoints
The endpoints for the replatformed RealMe are below. Please note that these endpoints will not be
testable until each environment is deployed.
 Environment     Component            EndPoint
 MTS             Login Service
                 (POST Binding)       00fa09b50c16/B2C_1A_DIA_RealMe_LoginService/Samlp/sso/login
                 Login Service
                 (Artifact Binding)   00fa09b50c16/B2C_1A_DIA_RealMe_LoginService_ArtifactBinding/Samlp/sso/
                 Assertion Service
                 (POST Binding)       00fa09b50c16/B2C_1A_DIA_RealMe_AssertionService/Samlp/sso/login
                 Assertion Service
                 (Artifact Binding)   00fa09b50c16/B2C_1A_DIA_RealMe_AssertionService_ArtifactBinding/Samlp/
 ITE             Login Service
                 (POST Binding)       9599b0d37348/B2C_1A_DIA_RealMe_LoginService/Samlp/sso/login
                 Login Service
                 (Artifact Binding)   9599b0d37348/B2C_1A_DIA_RealMe_LoginService_ArtifactBinding/Samlp/sso
                 Assertion Service
                 (POST Binding)       9599b0d37348/B2C_1A_DIA_RealMe_AssertionService/Samlp/sso/login
                 Assertion Service
                 (Artifact Binding)   9599b0d37348/B2C_1A_DIA_RealMe_AssertionService_ArtifactBinding/Samlp
 Production      Login Service
                 (POST Binding)       df400a9e0367/B2C_1A_DIA_RealMe_LoginService/Samlp/sso/login
                 Login Service
                 (Artifact Binding)   df400a9e0367/B2C_1A_DIA_RealMe_LoginService_ArtifactBinding/Samlp/sso/
                 Assertion Service
                 (POST Binding)       df400a9e0367/B2C_1A_DIA_RealMe_AssertionService/Samlp/sso/login
                 Assertion Service
                 (Artifact Binding)   df400a9e0367/B2C_1A_DIA_RealMe_AssertionService_ArtifactBinding/Samlp/

9.1.1 Artifact Binding Endpoints
 Environment     EndPoint

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9.2 Connectivity Test
1. Log on to the server which makes the backchannel calls
2. Run the following command:
   telnet domain_name
This will check connectivity to the replatformed Realme endpoint. Note that you need to run a
connectivity test for each endpoint that your application uses in each of the environments.
A successful connection is as per the following sections. Note: the IP address shown in the example
below may differ as Azure AD B2C uses IP address ranges.
9.2.1 Unix
$ telnet domain_name 443
        Trying NNN.NNN.NNN.NN ...
        Connected to NNN.NNN.NNN.NN.
        Escape character is '^]'.
        telnet> quit
        Connection closed.
9.2.2 Windows
F:\>telnet domain_name 443
(blank screen should be shown – press CTRL+] to quit)

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10 Appendix Two - IdP Metadata
10.1 Installation Steps
1. Install the new RealMe® Login Service IdP metadata into your service/application and, where
       a. Install the applicable RealMe public certificates into the agency certificate store(s)
       b. Update the configuration of your application(s) to replace the necessary certificate
             Note: Make sure you replace the old thumbprints/aliases with the new ones, ensuring
             the correct certificate thumbprint is used.
2. Restart your application.
3. Perform a series of smoke tests to ensure connectivity is achieved. This should include:
       a. Successful login to the service/application and, where applicable, confirm the following
             function as expected:
                   i. Co-branding
                  ii. Consent
                 iii. Verified Attributes
                 iv. Multi-factor authentication
                  v. RealMe Help Desk application
4. Confirm connectivity by emailing providing the service name(s)
   and related EntityID(s) that have been successfully updated.

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10.2 Message Testing Site (MTS)
For information regarding integration to MTS please refer to Try it out now | RealMe for Developers
and Integration Teams. The MTS RealMe Replatforming Bundle is available here.

Metadata and Certificates for Artifact binding are available on request for legacy support only.

10.3 Integration Testing Environment (ITE)
10.3.1 Certificate Information
      Certificate          File Name                         Thumbprint
      Mutual SSL Back      realme_mutual_tls.crt             10e565c5781469e7b6d984324889cb1022573f28
      Channel Cert
      SAML Signing Cert    realme_signing.crt                d32739d5559b24cf4fb3c4a4116a2be89bf3274f

10.3.2 RealMe Public Metadata
The ITE RealMe Replatforming Bundle is available here.
Important Note: unlike the existing RealMe the ITE RealMe Replatforming Bundle contains separate
SAML IdP metadata files for POST and Artifact binding. Please make sure you choose the correct one
for your implementation. If you are not sure which binding your service uses, please contact us on for advice.
      Service               Metadata
      Login                 Realme_IDP_Metadata_LoginService.xml
      (POST Binding)
      Login                 Realme_IDP_Metadata_LoginService_ArtifactBinding.xml
      (Artifact Binding)
      Assert                Realme_IDP_Metadata_AssertionService.xml
      (POST Binding)
      Assert                Realme_IDP_Metadata_AssertionService_ArtifactBinding.xml
      (Artifact Binding)

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10.4 Production Environment
10.4.1 Certificate Information
      Certificate Usage     File Name                  Thumbprint
      Mutual SSL Back       realme_mutual_tls.crt      168aa689bb7b7c3a6b54d3803c8eeb559a0d30e9
      Channel Cert
      SAML Signing Cert     realme_signing.crt         fbc46a64907691013039c8a01fb5e22b13e9d217

10.4.2 RealMe Public Metadata
The Production RealMe Replatforming Bundle is available here.
      Service              Metadata
      Login                Realme_IDP_Metadata_LoginService.xml
      (POST Binding)
      Login                Realme_IDP_Metadata_LoginService_ArtifactBinding.xml
      (Artifact Binding)
      Assert               Realme_IDP_Metadata_AssertionService.xml
      (POST Binding)
      Assert               Realme_IDP_Metadata_AssertionService_ArtifactBinding.xml
      (Artifact Binding)

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