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Acta Medica Mediterranea, 2020, 36: 211


Yan Zhao1, #, Yadong Yu2, #, Xia Li3, *
  Department of Emergency, The Affiliated Hospital of Bengbu Medical College & Lianyungang Second People’s Hospital &
Lianyungang Cancer Hospital - 2Department of Emergency, Lian Shui People's Hospital, NO.6 RedSun East Road, Lianshui, Jiangsu,
223400, China - 3Department of Geriatric, Huai’an Hospital Affiliated to Xuzhou Medical University & Huai’an Second People’s
Hospital, 62 Huaihai Road South, Huai’ an 223002, P.R. China
  These authors contributed equally to this work

       Objective: To study the relationship between miR-21 expression in serum and inflammatory changes and prognosis in septic rats.
       Methods: A rat sepsis model was established by Cecal Ligation and Puncture (CLP). Forty healthy male SD rats were randomly
divided into four groups: a control group (sham operation group, n=10) and an experimental group (n=30), which was further divided
into three groups (CLP operation group, n=10) according to different blood sampling times at 6h, 12h and 24h after operation. Differently
expressed miRNAs in the serum of the control group and rats at 24 hours after CLP operation were screened by fluorogenic quantitative
PCR (qPCR). Levels of miR-21 and inflammatory factors (TNF-α, IL-1 and IL-6) in rat serum were detected at different time points. The
correlation between miR-21 and inflammatory factors was analysed by Spearman correlation, while changes in blood routine indicators
in rats with sepsis at various time points were tested. Lastly, the survival curve of septic rats was drawn using the Kaplan-Meier curve.
       Results: Compared with the control group, the expression levels of miR-155 and miR-21 were significantly increased, and miR-
21 was the miRNA with the highest fold difference. The level of miR-21 and inflammatory factors (TNF-α, IL-1 and IL-6) in the sepsis
group was significantly higher than that in the control group (P
212			                                                                                  Yan Zhao, Yadong Yu et Al

easily detected in body fluids, such as blood, sweat,    sutured layer by layer. The body fluid was lost after
urine, and breast milk(7). By analysing the abnor-       intraperitoneal injection of normal saline 30ml/kg.
mal regulation of miRNAs in blood samples from                 Control group:
patients with sepsis, a large number of studies have           (sham operation group) except for not ligating
explored the idea of using extracellular miRNAs as       the cecum and cecal perforation, the control group
biomarkers of sepsis(8, 9). Up to now, miR-223, miR-     is the same as the CLP group.
146a and miR-150 have been proven to have good
prognosis and diagnostic value for sepsis(10).                 Blood routine and serum enzyme indexes test
     In this study, a rat sepsis model was constructed   of rats
by Cecal Ligation and Puncture (CLP). Moreover,                Blood routine:
miR-21 was screened by comparing miRNA expres-                 Take whole blood immediately with anti-co-
sion levels in normal rat serum. The relationship be-    agulation with potassium EDTA (EDTA-2K), and
tween the expression of miR-21 and inflammatory          then automatically detect it by Coulter-JT automatic
changes and prognosis in septic rats was explored to     blood tester.
provide biological indicators for the prediction and           Serum enzymology index:
treatment monitoring of sepsis diseases.                       Whole blood was allowed to stand at 4℃ for
                                                         two hours, centrifuged at 3000 rpm/min for 15 min,
Materials and methods                                    and the supernatant was stored in a low temperature
                                                         refrigerator at -80℃. Samples were collected and
      Experimental animal                                detected by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay
      SPF healthy male SD rats, aged 4-6 weeks old       (ELISA). The specific operation was carried out in
and weighing 200-300 g, were purchased from the          strict accordance with the instructions of the ELISA
Nanjing Jingdas Lake Animal Experimental Centre.         kit (China, Shanghai), and each sample was repeated
Forty healthy male SD rats were randomly divided         three wells and averaged.
into two groups, the control group (sham operation
group, n=10) and the experimental group (CLP sur-             Fluorescent quantitation PCR (qPCR)
gery group, n=30). The experimental group was                 Total RNA was isolated using a Trizol reagent
further divided into three groups according to the       (Takara, Dalian), first strand cDNA was obtained
blood sampling points at 6h, 12h, and 24h after sur-     using a reverse transcription system kit (Carlsbad,
gery (CLP surgery group, n=10). The gender, age          USA), and standard SYBR green PCR kit was
and weight of the four groups of rats were matched       used in the StepOne plus system (Applied Biosys-
(P>0.05), which was comparable. All rats were ex-        tems) to perform real-time PCR. miR-21 stem loop
perimentally housed for two days to acclimate to the     RT primer: 5'-GTCGTATCCAGTGCAGGGTC-
environment and confirmed good growth. The ex-           CGAGGTATTCGCACTGGATACGACTCAA-
periment was carried out in strict accordance with       CA-3'; sense strand: 5'-GCCCGCTAGCTTAT-
the regulations and methods for the management of        CAGACTGATG-3', antisense strand 5'-GTGCA
experimental animals.                                    GGGTCCGAGGT-3'. sense strand: 5'-CATTG-
                                                         GGAAAGGTG-CCGAGA-3 ', antisense strand:
      Establishment of rat CLP model                     5'-ACGCTTAGCCATACAGAGCC-3'; GAPDH,
      Sepsis model group:                                sense strand: 5'-GGGAGCCAAA GG GTCAT-3',
      Water fasting was forbidden 12 hours before        antisense strand: 5'-GAGTCCTTCCACGATAC-
surgery, and anal temperature was measured before        CAA-3'; using TaqMan microRNA reverse tran-
surgery. Abdominal anaesthesia with amobarbital,         scription kit and the TaqMan Master Mix II (both
anterior abdominal incision, skin preparation, alco-     from Applied Biosystems, USA) tested miR-21 ex-
hol disinfection of abdominal skin, along the ante-      pression levels. The fold difference in gene expres-
rior abdominal line for a length of about 2-3 cm in-     sion was calculated as 2−ΔΔCt.
cision, free mesenteric and cecum, 4th silk thread in
the cecal vascular arch was ligated at 1-1.5 cm of the         Statistical methods
cecal end, and an 18-gauge needle was perforated               Statistics were performed using the SPSS 16.0
three times at the end of the cecum. The contents of     statistical package (SPSS, Chicago, USA). The
the intestine were squeezed out a little, the alcohol    count data were expressed as mean±SD, and the
cotton ball was wiped clean, and the abdomen was         index between the two groups was compared using
Relationship between miR-21 expression in serum and inflammatory changes and prognosis in septic rats                         213

the Student t-test or the nonparametric Wilcoxon
signed rank test. Spearman correlation analysis of
miR-21 was used, inflammatory factors, as well as
the Kaplan-Meier curve to map the survival curves
of septic rats. The significant difference was defined
as P
214			                                                                                                                                         Yan Zhao, Yadong Yu et Al

the correlation between them were analysed. The                                                                      Observation on the survival rate of septic rats
results show that the expression level of miR-21                                                                     Another 50 rats were subjected to CLP surgery
was positively correlated with inflammatory fac-                                                                to construct a rat model of sepsis. Survival curves of
tors TNF-α, IL-6 and IL-1 (P
Relationship between miR-21 expression in serum and inflammatory changes and prognosis in septic rats                           215

also provide new insights into effective treatment.                caused by sepsis is more severe with time. The lev-
According to the report of Lesur et al., a rat model               el of HMGB1 in the late inflammatory mediators
of sepsis(15, 16) was constructed by the CLP method                was significantly increased 24 h after CLP (P
216			                                                                                     Yan Zhao, Yadong Yu et Al

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