Response of common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) Genotypes to application of lime on acidic soil of Benishangul Gumuz, Western Ethiopia

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Int. J. Adv. Res. Biol. Sci. (2021). 8(2): 93-102

   International Journal of Advanced Research in Biological Sciences
                                                      ISSN: 2348-8069
  DOI: 10.22192/ijarbs                        Coden: IJARQG (USA)                             Volume 8, Issue 2 -2021
Research Article


Response of common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) Genotypes to
   application of lime on acidic soil of Benishangul Gumuz,
                       Western Ethiopia

                                                Habtamu Alemu Keba
                Ethiopian Institute of agricultural Research, Assosa Agricultural Research Center

Among abiotic constraints of crop production in western Ethiopia, soil acidity is the major ones. With this regard an experiment
consists of fifteen common bean genotypes was conducted at Bambasi woreda by applying lime to the experimental plots with
soil acidity problem. The experimental design was RCBD in split plot arrangement. Lime application (treated and untreated) was
assigned to main-plot while genotypes were assigned to sub-plots with objective of determining the response of common bean
genotypes to lime application for growth, yield and yield components. Data for phonological, growth, nodulation yield
component and seed yield were collected and analyzed using SAS soft ware. Common bean genotypes were responded differently
(significantly affected by) to lime application for their days to flowering, days to maturity, nodulation, and pod per plant while the
response of evaluated fifteen genotypes were non-significantly affected by lime application to the acidic soils. The highest seed
yield (1539kg/ha) was recorded for ALB212 genotype whereas the lowest yield (700kg/ha) was recorded for Roba genotype. The
result of this experiment implied that the application of lime to acidic soils has not so much influence on crop yield in the first
year or so thereby to know the effects of lime application it is important to look thoroughly for three to four years.

Keywords: Common bean, lime application, genotype, soil acidity, Main-plot

1. Introduction                                                        source of cash. Its high protein content (20-25%)
                                                                       supplements diets of small holder farmers whose diet
Common bean (Phaseolus vulagris L), is one of the                      is based on cereals, root and tuber crops and banana; a
most important and widely cultivated species of                        balanced diet can be obtained if cereals and legumes
Phaseolus in Ethiopia. Being mostly known as                           are consumed in the ratio 2:1 (Broughton et al., 2003).
‘Boleqe’ in Ethiopia, it is also known as dry bean and
haricot bean, in different parts of the world. Common                  Nowadays, in addition to its subsistence value,
bean is an annual pulse crop which belongs to the                      common bean is an important commercial crop
family Fabaceae. It grows best in warm climate at                      contributing significant incomes to the majority of the
temperature of 18 to 24oC (Teshale et al., 2005). It is                rural peasants in Sub-Saharan Africa (Wortman et al.,
thought to be introduced to Ethiopia by the Portuguese                 2004). It is one of the fast expanding legume crops
in the 16th century (Wortman, 1997). In Ethiopia,                      that provide an essential part of the daily diet and
common bean is grown predominantly under                               foreign export earnings for the country (Girma, 2009).
smallholder producers as an important food crop and                    The current national production of common bean in

Int. J. Adv. Res. Biol. Sci. (2021). 8(2): 93-102

Ethiopia is estimated at 323,317.99 hectares; with a               liming acidic soils improve soil physical, chemical,
total production of 513,724.807 tons and average                   and biological activities (Fageria and Baligar, 2005).
productivity of 1.59 tons per hectare (CSA, 2015) in               Also liming is an effective and dominant practice to
the main season only. Further, substantial amount of               raise soil pH and reduce acidity-related constraints to
land is also covered at short rainy season (belg)                  improve crop yields (Fageria and Baligar, 2008). Lime
cropping. The productivity of Common bean is very                  applied to acid soils raises the pH of soils, resulting in
low, 1.59 tons/ha in Ethiopia (CSA, 2015). This low                enhanced availability of nutrients, such as P, Ca, Mg,
productivity of the crop is mostly due to lack of high             Mo etc. and improved crop yields (Kisinyo et al.,
yielding varieties adapted to diverse agro ecological              2009). Although studying soil acidity problems and
conditions and adoption of better agronomic practices              response to lime application estimation have been
and biotic and abiotic factors that hinders the crop               done in some part of the country, quantitative analysis
production.                                                        using soil laboratory tests to acquire appropriate
                                                                   solution for the problem was very limited. Thus,
Soil acidity is a significant problem that agricultural            evaluating the response of bean genotypes to
producers in tropical and subtropical regions are                  management measures of acidic soil is very important
facing and limit legume productivity (Bordeleau and                to generate relevant information for western Ethiopia.
Prevost, 1994). This is aggravated by the inherent poor
fertility and acidity in most tropical soils (Okalebo et           Thus, this study was conducted with the objective of
al., 2006). Soil acidity occurs when there is a build-up           determining the effects of lime application on growth,
of acid forming elements in the soil. The production of            yield and yield components of common bean in the
acid in the soils is a natural process which is caused by          study area.
rainfall and leaching, acidic parent materials and
organic matter decay (Havlin, 2005). Acidification                 2. Materials and Methods
from rainfall does not occur in one growing season but
instead over hundreds of years of high rainfall                    2.1 Description of Experimental Sites
amounts. Rain can change the pH more quickly in
sand, partially because sand does not bind basic                   Field experiment was conducted at Bambasi woreda of
elements very well, but also because water drains                  Assosa zone, Benishangul Gumuz regional state of
quickly through sand. This allows more water to flow               Ethiopia in 2016 main cropping season. Bambasi
through the soil particles, taking basic elements along            woreda is located at the distance of 616km West of
with it.                                                           Addis Ababa and 45 km from Assosa town on the
                                                                   waay to Addis Abeba at an altitude of 1425 meters
Acidic soils cause poor plant growth resulting from                above sea level (m.a.s.l.). Bambasi located at the
Aluminum (Al+3) and Manganese toxicity (Mn+2) or                   latitude of 9075’ North and longitude of 34073’ East
deficiency of essential nutrients like phosphorus,                 longitude. It receives mean annual rainfall of 1433 mm
calcium and magnesium. According to Mesfin, 2007,                  in a bi-modal pattern with extended rainy season from
about 40% of the Ethiopian total land is affected by               May to October. The mean annual maximum
soil acidity out of which 27.7% are dominated by                   temperature is 260C, whereas the mean annual
moderate to weak acid soils (pH in KCl) of 4.5 to 5.5,             minimum is 120C. The soil of the location is Entisols
and around 13.2% by strong acid soils (pH in KCl)                  (Fluvisols), which is very dark brown to black in
Int. J. Adv. Res. Biol. Sci. (2021). 8(2): 93-102

acid soil. The seeds were obtained from Melkassa                   showed that the total carbon content in the soils was
Agricultural Research Center (MARC), Lowland                       rated as medium (Table 1) as per the classification of
Pulse Research program and were evaluated at the                   Landon (1984).
selected sites.
                                                                   Total nitrogen is the other most important soil nutrient
Fertilizer/Liming material: Recommended rate of                    for bean crop development. It measures the total
both urea (50kg/ha), as a source of nitrogen and Triple            amount of nitrogen present in the soil, much of which
Super Phosphate (46% P2O5), as a source of                         is held in organic matter and is not immediately
phosphorus were used uniformly to all the                          available to plants. It may be mineralized to available
experimental units. Ground lime (85% calcium                       forms. However, total nitrogen cannot be used as a
carbonate) with fineness of 25% was used as sources                measure of the mineralized forms of nitrogen (NH4+,
of liming material. The experiment was conducted                   NO3- , and NO2–) as much of it is held in the organic
using split plot design with lime treated and untreated            matter in the soil. Total nitrogen was analyzed by
as main plot and by assigning genotypes to sub-plots.              Micro-Kjeldhal digestion method with sulphuric acid
The experimental plot size was 9.6m2 with 6 rows 4 of              (Jackson, 1962). The pH of the soil was determined
which were harvestable with the net plot size of 4                 according to FAO (2008) using 1:2.5 (weight/volume)
rows x 0.4 m x 4 m= 6.4m2.                                         soil sample to water ratio using a glass electrode
                                                                   attached to a digital pH meter. The laboratory analysis
2.3 Soil Sampling and Analysis                                     result showed that the total nitrogen percentage was
                                                                   medium for the testing site (Table 1) as per the rating
Composite soil sample was collected from the                       of Landon (1984).
experimental site before planting in a zigzag pattern
from the depth of 0-30 cm before planting. Uniform                 Cation exchange capacity is also the other factor
volumes of soil were taken at each sub-sample by                   which influences the nutrient availability in the soil. It
vertical insertion of an auger. Working samples were               is the capacity of the soil to hold and exchange
obtained from each submitted samples and analyzed                  Cations. It provides a buffering effect to changes in
for organic carbon, total N, soil pH, available                    pH, available nutrients, calcium levels and soil
phosphorus, cation exchange capacity (CEC) and                     structural changes. The total number of exchangeable
textural analysis using standard laboratory procedures.            cations a soil can hold, cation exchange capacity
Soil pH is important phsico-chemical property of the               (CEC) was measured after saturating the soil with 1N
soil which influences the nutrient availability to the             ammonium acetate (NH4OAc) and displacing it with
crop. According to the soil analysis test, the soil pH of          1N NaOAc (Chapman, 1965).The result showed that
the experimental site was low and rated as strongly                the cation exchange capacity of the soil in the
acidic (Table 1) according to Tekalign (1991) rating.              experimental site was rated as moderate (Table 1)
Common bean has been found to do well in pH values                 according to Tekalign (1991).
of 6.5-8.0 but the optimum growth is attained at pH
6.5-7.0 and any pH below these values will affect its              Available P is the other important soil physico-
growth and development. These showed that the need                 chemical property. Available phosphorus was
to manage this acidic soil or search for                           determined by the Olsen’s method using a
tolerant/adaptable genotype is the research priority.              Spectrophotometer (Olsen et al., 1954). According to
The major means of ameliorating soil acidy is by                   Landon (1984) rating, the available P level in the
applying lime to the acid soil (Anetor and Ezekiel,                experimental site was medium at the testing
2007), because it has very strong acid neutralizing                environment (Table 1). This low available phosphorus
capacity, which can effectively reduce the existing                could be due to fixation in such acidic soils.
acidity of the soil.
                                                                   Particle size distribution was done by hydrometer
Organic carbon is another important soil physico-                  method (differential settling within a water column)
chemical property. It was determined by the                        according to FAO (2008). Based on the soil analysis
volumetric method (Walkley and Black, 1934) as                     made, the soil texture of the study area was sandy
described in Food and Agriculture Organization of the              loam (Table 1). In their previous work, some
United Nations (FAO) guide to laboratory                           researchers stated that such types of soils are suitable
establishment for plant nutrient analysis (FAO, 2008).             for common bean production (Tekalign and Haque,
The laboratory analysis of the experimental soil                   1987).

Int. J. Adv. Res. Biol. Sci. (2021). 8(2): 93-102

2.4 Experimental Procedures                                       Seed Yield and Its Components

The land was ploughed, disked, and harrowed. The                  Seed yield: Central four rows were harvested and
lime was incorporated for the quickest and maximum                threshed from each plot and seeds obtained from them
effect; limestone was evenly spread and incorporated              were adjusted to standard moisture level (10%) and
into the soil 20 cm deep by using hoe one month                   weighted to get the seed yield per plot in grams and
before planting for the lime treated main plots. Urea             converted into ton/ha.
(46% N) and TSP (46% P2O5) were used as the
sources of N and P; respectively. Urea (23 kg N ha-1)             Biomass Yield: Obtained by weighing the total air
and NPS (100kg/ha) were applied to all experimental               dried above ground biomass yield of five randomly
units at planting, whereas calcite limestone (CaCO3)              taken plants from the four middle rows.
was used as the source of lime. All cultural practices
such as weeding, cultivation, etc were applied                    Harvest Index: The ratio of seed yield by the
uniformly to all plots.                                           biological yield

2.5 Data Collection                                                    Harvest Index =
Data for Agronomic, phenological and morphological
traits of each genotype under both management                     Pods per plant: Fertile (fully developed) numbers of
measures were collected following Phaseolus vulgaris              pods from 5 sampled plants were counted.
L. descriptors (Debouck and Hidalgo, 1986).
                                                                  Seeds per pod: were determined from the average
Phenological Traits                                               number of seeds per 10 pods per 5       sampled
Days to flowering: Number of days taken by each
genotype from the day of sowing to the day on which               Hundred Seed weight: was determined from the 100-
50 per cent of the plants on a plot produced a flower.            seeds randomly taken from the plot yield at (10%)
 Days to maturity: Number of days taken from sowing               moisture content
to the stage when 90% of the plants in a plot changed
the color of their pods from green to lemon yellow.               Stand count at harvest: Number of plants in the
                                                                  harvestable net plots were counted and recorded
Morphological Traits                                              during harvesting.

Plant height: The height of the plant from the ground             2.6 Data Analysis
surface to the tip of the main stem was recorded in
centimeters from 5 plants.                                        SAS and different statistical software packages were
                                                                  used to analyze the data. Analysis of variance was
The total number of nodules: was determined by                    computed using the Genstat statistical software.
counting from five plants randomly taken from each
plot at flowering. Roots were carefully exposed with              Table 1 selected physico-chemical properties of the
the bulk of root mass and nodules. The nodules were               experimental site before planting
separated from the soil, washed and the total number
of nodules was determined by counting.

Effective and non-effective nodules: were separated by                   Soil characters          Bambasi
their colors where a cross section of the nodule was                     Soil Texture             Sandy loam
cut using surgical blade and the effectiveness of the                    Soil PH                  5.3
nodule was rated by visual observation, where a pink                     Organic carbon (%)       2.57
to dark-red color is considered as an effective nodule                   Total Nitrogen (%)       0.327
and a green and/ or white color indicates non-effective                  Avaliable P(mg kg-1)     6.02
nodule.                                                                  CEC [cmol (+) kg-1)      16.39

Int. J. Adv. Res. Biol. Sci. (2021). 8(2): 93-102

3. Results and Discussion                                         tested genotypes have significantly responded (P<
                                                                  0.0001) to the lime application. Roba genotypes
3.1     Phenological and growth parameters                        matured lately (78.33 days) on soils with lime treated
                                                                  while genotype ALB 149 matured earlier (73.33 days)
Analysis of variance showed that there is a highly                than the other genotypes (Table2). The result of this
significant (P
Int. J. Adv. Res. Biol. Sci. (2021). 8(2): 93-102

3.2 Nodulation                                                    root nodule bacteria which nodulate it. The adverse
                                                                  effects of soil acidity on nodulation and nitrogen
Analysis of variance revealed that application of lime            fixation were also reported by Bambara and
on acidic soils had significantly affect the number of            Ndakidemi (2010).
effective nodule where as the tested common bean
genotypes were non-significantly responded to the                 Analysis of variance indicated that the application of
lime application for their nodulation character                   lime on acidic soil had significantly (P
Int. J. Adv. Res. Biol. Sci. (2021). 8(2): 93-102

Similarly, analysis of variance revealed that the                 3.3 Yield and Yield Components of Common Bean
application of lime to acidic soils was significantly
affect the total number of nodules. The evaluated bean            3.3.1 Yield Components
genotypes had responded significantly in a different
manner to the lime application. The highest total                 Analysis of variance showed that the lime application
number of nodule (13.33) was recorded for Nasir                   to acidic soil had a significant (P
Int. J. Adv. Res. Biol. Sci. (2021). 8(2): 93-102

The result of analysis of variance also showed that the             environment. The highest seed yield (1539kg/ha) was
lime application to acidic soil had non-significantly               obtained from ALB212 genotype whereas the lowest
(P=0.86) affect the number of seeds per pod whereas                 yield (700kg/ha) was recorded for Roba genotype. The
the tested genotypes had responded significantly                    result of this study showed that application of lime by
Int. J. Adv. Res. Biol. Sci. (2021). 8(2): 93-102

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    Habtamu Alemu Keba. (2021). Response of common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) Genotypes to
    application of lime on acidic soil of Benishangul Gumuz, Western Ethiopia. Int. J. Adv. Res. Biol. Sci. 8(2):

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