Responsible Entertainment is Better Entertainment - Corporate Responsibility Report 2017 - Modern ...

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Responsible Entertainment is Better Entertainment - Corporate Responsibility Report 2017 - Modern ...
Corporate Responsibility Report 2017

   is Better
Responsible Entertainment is Better Entertainment - Corporate Responsibility Report 2017 - Modern ...
    Our Approach                                   Business Ethics

    Letter from CR Team                     3      Overview                              40-41
    Letter from CEO                         4-5    Highlights                            42-43
    Sustainable Development Goals           6      Guidelines & Policies                 44-45
    The Changing Roles of Media Companies   7      GDPR                                  46-47
    CR Strategy and Materiality             8      How we Govern                         48-49
    MTG Overview                            9-11   Memberships in Associations           50-51
                                                   Our Stakeholder Engagement            52-53
    Media Responsibility                           Value Chains                          54-55

                                                   Environmental Care

                                                                                                 Letter from CR Team
                                                                                                 Welcome to our 2017 Corporate Responsibility Report!
    Overview                             12-13
                                                                                                 Today, MTG is a team of approximately 3,700 people around the world. We are united by a passion to
    Highlights                           14-15
                                                                                                 create memorable experiences in music, sports, drama, reality shows, live esports events, mobile games -
    Responsible Content Production       16-17     Overview                              56-57
                                                                                                 and so much more! - and to connect our audiences with the content that they love. We are on an exciting
    Responsible Online Content           18-19     Environmental Team Work               58-59
                                                                                                 journey to become a leading digital entertainer and, together, we can use the power of media to make a
    Broadcast Compliance                20-21
                                                   About the Report                              positive impact on people’s lives. We believe that responsible entertainment is better entertainment!
    Future of Broadcasting              22-23
                                                                                                 Diverse talent empowered by the same values and working towards the same goals can make a big and
    Social Impact                                                                                positive difference in all societies.

                                                                                                 This is a responsibility we take seriously, which is why we have expanded our support in 2017 for the
                                                                                                 United Nations Sustainable Development Goals - a set of goals to protect the planet and ensure prosperity
                                                                                                 for all - by aligning our work and targets to specific SDGs.

                                                   Objectives and Achievements           61-63   This report shows our progress and shares the lessons that we’ve learned along the way. Most importantly,
                                                   Workforce Data                        63-73   this report is a platform for our colleagues to talk about how our teams are shaping the future of
    Overview                            24-25      Workforce Data by Business Segments   73-81   entertainment. Whether it’s content production and distribution, legal work behind our innovative digital
                                                   Corporate Giving Data                 81-82   services, or talent acquisition initiatives, we aim to create working environments that embrace plurality
    Highlights                          26-27
                                                   Environmental Data                    82      and diversity of background, approaches and opinions.
    #weareMTG                           28-29
    Diversity & Equality                30-31      Financial Data                        83
                                                   Compliance Data                       83-84   Explore our stories and get in touch to let us know what you think…or join us on our exciting journey.
    #metoo                              32-33
    Women in Esports                    34-35      GRI Index                             84-87
    Women in Gaming                     36         Report Boundaries and Scope           88
                                                   Independent Assurance Statement       89-90   Christin Hertzberg                   Marija Angelovska                         Mauro Silva
    Safety & Security                   37
                                                                                                 Senior Corporate                     Junior Corporate                          SVP, Head of Corporate
    Reach for Change 2017               38-39                                                    Responsibility Manager               Responsibility Manager                    Responsibility

2                                                                                                                                        Corporate Responsibility Report 2017                                3
Responsible Entertainment is Better Entertainment - Corporate Responsibility Report 2017 - Modern ...
Letter from
                                                                                                                   Here are my personal highlights:

    the CEO
    Since MTG was born in
    Sweden in 1987, we have
    been on a journey to ignite
    content experiences for our
                                                                                                                   MTG has been included in the          Our annual employee survey               We welcomed over 70 talent-
    ever-growing audiences.
                                                                                                                   2017 Dow Jones Sustainabili-          showed that 94% of respond-              ed women to our offices in
    Our entrepreneurial spirit                2017 has been one of the most                                        ty World Index - the industry         ents are willing to make an ex-          Stockholm on International
    has taken us far beyond                   successful years in MTG’s                                            standard for corporate sus-           tra effort to make MTG a more            Women’s Day and encouraged
    commercial TV and the                     history: 8% organic sales                                            tainability and the first global      successful company. This is so           them to pursue a career in
    borders of Sweden. This spirit            growth, 19% profit growth          We measure our efforts            index to track the world’s            important in the world where             media and technology. We
    has enabled us to navigate                and 33% total shareholder          against the very highest stand-   leading sustainability-driven         new talent seeks purpose,                also continued with our efforts
    a world that has changed so               returns tell their own story.      ards and globally recognised      companies. From a total of 72         along with an opportunity to             to support UN SDG number 5
    much due to unprecedented                 This success is based on           sustainability frameworks.        media companies that are part         make difference.                         by encouraging more gender
    technological progress and                following a clear strategy and     We are committed to the           of the DSJI universe, only 6                                                   equal work environments in
    major socio-economic shifts.              living according to our brand      UN Global Compact, OECD           media companies were in-                                                       our offices.
    Today we are a structurally               values. It is also based on our    Guidelines for Multinational      cluded in the world index, and
    different company from what               shared belief that responsible     Enterprises, the UN Guiding       MTG is one of them for the
    we were just a few years ago,             entertainment is better            Principles for Business and       sixth consecutive year. We are
    and with perhaps the broadest             entertainment. This is why         Human Rights and UK Mod-          also included in RobecoSAM’s
    entertainment offering in our             Corporate Responsibility is        ern Slavery Act. In 2017, we      Sustainability Yearbook,
    industry.                                 the cornerstone of our brand       continued to further embed        which helps investors to iden-
                                              and a key reference point in       the UN Sustainable Develop-       tify companies that are well
                                              our decision-making. Our CR        ment Goals into our corporate     positioned to create long-term
                                              work focuses on four priority      responsibility activities.        shareholder value.
                                              areas: Media Responsibility,
                                                                                 Our ambition and objectives                                             MTG Sweden partnered with
                                              Social Impact, Business Ethics
                                                                                 are clear, as are the challeng-                                         the Swedish Diabetes Associ-
                                              and Environmental Care.                                                                                                                             And most of all, we ended
                                                                                 es and opportunities. We have                                           ation to donate airtime on our

      Corporate                               These priority areas reflect       delivered hyper growth and
                                                                                 a first profit for our MTGx’s
                                                                                                                                                         broadcast TV, radio networks
                                                                                                                                                         and streaming services, to
                                                                                                                                                                                                  2017 with 79% of MTG
                                                                                                                                                                                                  employees signing up to a
                                              our commitment to stay
    Responsibility                            relevant by adapting quickly       global digital operations in                                            increase awareness about the
                                                                                                                                                                                                  refreshed and more relevant
                                                                                                                                                                                                  Code of Conduct, which
                                                                                 2017, and we are continuing to
    is the corner-                            to the changing media
                                              landscape. Change is in our        integrate new members of the                                                                                     sets out who we are, what
                                                                                                                                                                                                  we stand for and how we do
     stone of our                             DNA and we are committed
                                              to shaping the future of
                                                                                 MTG family into our culture
                                                                                 and business practices.                                                                                          business.

     brand and a                              responsible entertainment          Data security awareness can
                                                                                 vary between MTG’s digi-          We produced an online docu-
                                              together. We reach millions
    key reference                             of people every day with our       tal-first companies and our       mentary on the future of me-
                                                                                                                   dia and its impact on societies
                                                                                 TV, satellite and radio busi-
     point in our                             content and products. This
                                              gives us the opportunity           nesses, where IT has histori-     and democracy.

       decision-                              to support United Nations
                                              Sustainable Development
                                                                                 cally had a different function.
                                                                                 During 2018 we will use this
                                                                                                                                                     Thank you for taking the time to read this
                                                                                                                                                   letter and for your continued support, which
        making                                Goals and make a positive          gap as an opportunity to
                                                                                 improve our processes, rein-
                                                                                                                                                      is a driving force in making MTG better.
                                                                                                                                                  In over 20 years that I have dedicated to MTG,
                                              difference in the daily lives of
                                              our audiences and customers        force our information security                                     I have never seen so many opportunities in
                                              around the world.                  posture, and to become even                                            front of us, and that is really exciting.
                                                                                 more transparent and respon-
                                                                                 sive towards our customers.                                               Jørgen Madsen Lindemann


4     GRI Reference GRI 102-14   GRI 102-15                                                                                                                Corporate Responsibility Report 2017                                     5
Responsible Entertainment is Better Entertainment - Corporate Responsibility Report 2017 - Modern ...
Our Approach                                                                                                                              Our Approach

    Sustainable                                                                                                                               The Changing Roles
    Development Goals                                                                                                                         of Media Companies
    To contribute and create better value for all our                        We have carefully chosen the SDGs that are the                   In today’s world, mobile and connected means                        Ability to continuously adapt is not only a chal-
    stakeholders, we committed ourselves to the                              most relevant to our strategy and our values as                  global. It also means power – the power to                          lenge for media businesses, but also for gov-
    United Nations Sustainable Development Goal                              well as where we can contribute the most to the                  instantly reach a switched-on and empowered                         ernments. Being mobile and connected enables
    (SDG) 5, Gender Equality, in 2016 and decided                            Agenda 2030.                                                     network of users.                                                   citizens of the world to engage directly with
    to extend our commitment to other SDGs in                                                                                                                                                                     opinion leaders, rather than institutions and its
    2017. We added SDG 3, Healthy Lives and Well-                            Below we illustrate how we, in our different                     Accessibility is a distinctive feature of the                       representatives, and challenge the notion of lo-
    Being, SDG 4, Quality Education, SDG 7, Energy                           roles – as an employer, global digital entertainer               Fourth Industrial Revolution that brings all of us                  cal and global when making important political,
    Efficiency, SDG 10, Reduced Inequalities, SDG                            and corporate citizen – impact our people,                       together to tackle universal humanitarian issues                    economical and environmental decisions. Social
    13, Climate action, SDG 16, Peace and Justice,                           audiences and society.                                           and innovate through sharing ideas. Media and                       media plays an important role in promoting our
    and SDG 17, Partnership for the Goals.                                                                                                    entertainment are right at the centre of this                       democratic rights, but it also creates a segregat-
                                                                                                                                              digital revolution, both as its driving force and                   ed environment that can be misused by those
                                                                                                                                              an industry influenced the most by technologi-                      with significant capital.
                                                                                                                                              cal changes. Tools that not long ago were media
                                                                                                                                              companies’ prerogative and gave them the ulti-                      We’ve talked to experts in social media, politics,
                                                                                                                                              mate power to shape views and beliefs through                       media law and corporate responsibility from
                                         Our impact on                          Our impact on                      Our impact on the
                                                                                                                                              creating and distributing content, are now in the                   around the world to explore what, or who, is
                                          Individuals                             Society                           Environment               hands of millions of individuals worldwide. It’s                    shaping the future of media.
                                                                                                                                              an empowering opportunity, but it also poses a
                                                                                                                                              question whether we as a society have a robust                      Watch That’s Entertainment! - Digital transfor-
                                                                                                                                              regulatory framework to use these tools for                         mation, trust and influence in the new media
                                                                                                                                              greater good.                                                       landscape on our official YouTube channel at
                                                                                                                                                                                                                  under Corporate Responsibility playlist.
         Our role as an           Providing initiatives that enhance   Attracting and developing an equal,         Fostering a culture of
          Employer               employees’ emotional and physical     diverse and inclusive workforce that      environmental awareness
                                 well-being while fostering an open,    reflects and enriches the societies         and responsibility.
                                    inclusive and diverse culture.          in which we work and live.

         Our role as a            Empowering our audiences with          Creating engaging content that         Improving the environmental
         Global Digital           media literacy skills and ensuring    fosters discussions and actions to      awareness of our audiences.                           Alex Krasodomski-Jones                               Clara Henry
          Entertainer             access to content for customers       address some of the world's most                                                                     Digital Researcher,                       Youtuber, Comedian,
                                           with disabilities.          critical issues, while operating as an                                                                  CASM, Demos                            TV Presenter and Author
                                                                        ethical and accountable business.

        Our role as a              Driving education and reducing           Enabling and influencing              Enabling environmental
      Corporate Citizen           inequalities through our content       organisations that aim to make          education and awareness
                                          and partnerships.              a positive impact on societies.           through partnerships.               Dunja Mijatovic                              Mauro Silva                            Helen Margetts
                                                                                                                                                 International Human Rights Expert,            SVP, Head of Brand and                 Director and Professor of Society
                                                                                                                                                   former OSCE Representative on              Corporate Responsibility,               and the Internet, Oxford Internet
                                                                                                                                                       Freedom of the Media                   Modern Times Group MTG                   Institute, University of Oxford

6     GRI Reference GRI 102-12                                                                                                                                                             Corporate Responsibility Report 2017                                           7
Responsible Entertainment is Better Entertainment - Corporate Responsibility Report 2017 - Modern ...
Our Approach                                                                                                                                                                                                                     Our Approach

    CR Strategy and                                                                                                                                                                                                                  MTG Overview
    Materiality                                                                                                                                                                                                                      MTG is a leading international digital entertainment group and we are shaping the future of entertainment
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     by connecting consumers with the content that they love in as many ways as possible. Our brands span
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     free-tv and pay-TV, radio and next generation entertainment experiences in esports, digital video content
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     and online gaming. We don’t have any banned products in our markets. Born in Sweden, our shares are
    MTG’s vision is to shape the future of responsible entertainment. This vision is reflected in our Corporate                                                                                                                      listed on Nasdaq Stockholm and MTG’s headquarters is located in Stockholm.
    Responsibility (CR) strategy, which consists of four focus areas – Media Responsibility, Social Impact,
    Business Ethics and Environmental Care.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     Key figures 2017:
    At MTG, CR is closely integrated with our business strategy, values and culture. To ensure we focus on
    the most relevant and impactful topics, we regularly review our CR priorities with our stakeholders. These

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   20                                                   1
    findings form the foundation of our CR strategy and are used to define the key focus areas as illustrated
    by the materiality matrix. We have continued to work with our current materiality analysis during 2017, but
    as our digital transformation continues and we focus on the integration of our digital ventures businesses,
    we consider it essential to conduct a new analysis during 2018. The aim of the new analysis will be to
    identify the material issues of our digital ventures and aligning them with our goals, targets and strategy
    going forward.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                Number of                                      Number of                                           Total employee
                                                                                                                                                                 5                                                                            companies sold                                companies acquired                                        turnover

                         Importance for internal stakeholders



                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 933                                                                                                183

                                                                                             13                                             22
                                                                                 20                                                                                                                                                           Total employee                                Number of countries                             Number of MTG
                                                                                                    14        21                                                                                                                                   hires                                     MTG operates in                          registered offices worldwide
                                                                                         2        3            1

                                                                                                             Importance for external stakeholders & society

                                                                *White line (low) – Boundary for topics which are considered base topics.
                                                                White line (high) boundary for topics considered focus topics for engagement. Reference point of the most important topic: number 16 (content quality).
                                                                **Numbering for reference in the graph is not in order of importance.                                                                                                          Net sales (MSEK)                                                     16,218                 17,299         17,537

                                                                                                                 MTG’s four focus areas:                                                                                                       Operating income before items
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    1,268                  1,347          1,263
                         Environmental                                                                           Social                                      Business                                     Media
                              Care                                                                              Impact                                        Ethics                                   Responsibility                          Basic earnings per share                                             3.22                   -3             18.73
                     1                    Reduce energy consumption                                   5   Ensure and promote equality
                                                                                                          and diversity for employees
                                                                                                                                                                                                     16 Content quality
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               Average number of employees                                          3,995                  3,805          3,280
                                                                                                                                                                                                     17 Child and minor online
                     2                    Reduce cardbon emissions                                    6   Health, safety and security
                                                                                                          for employees
                                                                                                                                                     12 Data protection and privacy
                                                                                                                                                                                                        protection                             Financial position
                                                                                                                                                     13 Ensure a sustainable supply                  18 Awareness of the impact of
                     3                     Environmental management                                   7   Fair and decent working                       chain                                           content                                Shareholders’ equity                                                 4,768                  5,0166          ,572
                     4                    Care for responsible                                        8   Safe and sound environment
                                                                                                                                                     14 Safeguarding intellectual
                                                                                                                                                        property rights
                                                                                                                                                                                                     19 Responsible advertising
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               Long-term liabilities                                                3,305                  3,794          2,648
                                          management of e-waste
                                                                                                                                                                                                     20 Editorial independence
                                                                                                      9   Community engagement                       15 Combat digital fraud issues                                                            Short-term liabilities                                               8,425                  8,888          10,066
                                                                                                                                                                                                     21 Freedom of expression
                                                                                                      10 Valuing creativity                                                                                                                    Total shareholders’ equity and liabilities                           16,497                 17,699         19,285
                                                                                                                                                                                                     22 Content accessibility

                                                                                                                                                                                                     23 Transparent and credible
                                                                                                                                                                                                        dialogue and information

8     GRI Reference GRI 102-46                                            GRI 102-47                                                                                                                                                   GRI Reference   GRI 102-1   GRI 102-2   GRI 102-3   GRI 102-4   GRI 102-6   GRI 102-7   GRI 201-1                             9
Responsible Entertainment is Better Entertainment - Corporate Responsibility Report 2017 - Modern ...
Our Approach                                                                                                               Our Approach

     MTG Overview
                                                                                                                                MTG Studios

     Nordic Entertainment

                                                                                                                                          Nice Entertainment Group                              MTG Studios

                                                                                                                                MTGx Digital Ventures

                   Free-TV                                    Subscription-TV                                 Radio
                   Denmark              Norway                Denmark                 Norway                  Norway
                   TV3                  TV3                   Viasat                  Viasat                  P4 Hele Norge
                   TV3+                 Viasat4               Viaplay                 Viaplay
                   TV3 PULS             TV6                   Viasat Sport            Viasport +              Sweden
                   TV3MAX               Viafree               Viasat Film             Viasport 1              RIX FM
                   TV3 Sport                                  Viasat Series           Viasport 2              Bandit Rock
                   Viafree              Sweden                Viasat Golf             Viasport 3              Lugna Favoriter
                                        TV3                   Viasat Ultra HD         Viasat Golf             Power Hit Radio
                   Finland              TV6                   Viasat Xtra             Viasat Ultra HD         Star FM
                   Viafree              TV8                   esportsTV               Viasat Film             I LIKE RADIO
                                        TV10                                          esportsTV HD
                                        Viafree               Finland
                                                              Viasat                  Sweden
                                                              Viaplay                 Viasat
                                                              Viasat Sport            Viaplay
                                                              Viasat Sport Premium    Viasat Sport
                                                              Viasat Fotball          TV3 Sport HD
                                                              Viasat Hockey           Viasat Sport Premium
                                                              Viasat Golf             Viasat Fotboll
                                                              Viasat URHEILU HD       Viasat Hockey
                                                              Viasat JALKAPALLO HD    Viasat Motor                                        Esports                     Digital Video Content                    Online Gaming
                                                              Viasat JÄÄKIEKKO HD     Viasat Golf
                                                              Viasat Ultra HD         Viasat Xtra                                         DreamHack (HQ in Sweden)    Splay Networks (HQ in Sweden)            InnoGames (HQ in Germany)
                                                              Viasat Xtra             Viasat Ultra HD                                     ESL (HQ in Germany)         Zoomin.TV (HQ in the Netherlands)        Kongregate (HQ in the US)
                                                              Viasat Film             Viasat Film
                                                                                                                                                                      Engage Digital Partners (HQ in the UK)
                                                              esportsTV               Viasat Series

     International Entertainment

                   Free-TV                                    Subscription-TV                                 Radio
                   Bulgaria                                   Bulgaria                                        Bulgaria
                   Nova                                       Diema Sport                                     Radio Nova News
                   Kino Nova                                  Diema Sport 2
                   Diema Family
                   Nova Sport

10     GRI Reference    GRI 102-1   GRI 102-2     GRI 102-3    GRI 102-4        GRI 102-6      GRI 102-7     GRI 201-1                                               Corporate Responsibility Report 2017                                  11
Responsible Entertainment is Better Entertainment - Corporate Responsibility Report 2017 - Modern ...

     Overview                                                                                                     Sustainable Development Goals
     Our ambition is to use the power of media to make a positive difference. We strive to provide content
     that is both entertaining and educational, and which reflects the complex and diverse world in which we
     all live. We believe editorial independence and freedom of expression are essential – both for producing
     engaging content, and for a free and open society. We aim to empower our audiences with media literacy
     skills, and to offer differently abled viewers the opportunity to enjoy our content. We are committed to
     offering children and minors a safe and fun experience at all times. We follow all applicable broadcasting
     rules and regulations, while providing parents with flexible, effective tools.

     As part of our ongoing digital transformation, we have entered the esports and online gaming industries.
     We are aligning our corporate responsibility efforts to ensure that children and minors who play games
     on our platforms, or attend our tournaments and festivals, always stay protected in the same way as when
     they enjoy our broadcasting or streaming services.

12                                                                                                                         Corporate Responsibility Report 2017   13
Responsible Entertainment is Better Entertainment - Corporate Responsibility Report 2017 - Modern ...
Diversity on both                             Accessible content                                Engaged,
  sides of the camera                                                                           not outraged!
   We welcome gender,
   age and ethnical diversity
   among our directors,
   writers and cast

                                                     We create content in local                       %@!#      %@!#
                                                 languages, and make international
                                                    content accessible through
                                                      subtitling and dubbing

                                                                                                 We play by the rules and
                                                                                                put broadcast-safe content
                                                                                                    on our TV channels

                                           Media Responsibility

                                                    Media literacy

   Award-winning                                        We produced and              NE
   original content                                    distributed globally a
                                                      documentary on trust
                                                                                        S   Safe environment
   Viaplay original 'The Great Escape'
   was awarded with Children's Programme
                                                     and influence in the new
                                                         media landscape                    for young viewers
   of the Year at Kristallen awards                                                           We offer parental control tools
                                                                                            on our video on demand platform

MTG Corporate Responsibility Report 2017
Responsible Entertainment is Better Entertainment - Corporate Responsibility Report 2017 - Modern ...
Camilla Rydbacken                                                                                        Malin Lancha
                                                   Head of Program                                                                                         Head of Production

     Responsible Content
                                                                                                                        An independent partner               Which free-TV show had
                                                                                                                        audited our productions in           the most positive impact in
                                                                                                                        2017. What were the main             2017?

                                                                                                                                                             Camilla: On 14 November,
                                                                                                                        Malin: The audit covered             MTG produced Sweden’s first
                                                                                                                        three suppliers and three of         ever TV gala focused on dia-
                                                                                                                        MTG’s own productions. It            betes. It’s another example of
                                                                                                                        identified three focus areas –       how we’re focused on our au-
                                                     Do we integrate specific          How does our production          the distribution of our Code of      diences’ lives – today, diabetes
                                                     values into our free-TV           process work?                    Conduct to production com-           affects 450,000 people in
                                                     content?                                                           panies; availability of health       Sweden and hundreds of mil-
                                                                                       Malin: MTG owns Nice En-         and safety information on set;       lions around the globe. Some
                                                     Camilla: Turn on TV3 (or any      tertainment Group, which         and the integration of corpo-        of the biggest names in Swed-
                                                     of our free-TV channels), and     includes 31 companies in 17      rate responsibility into our         ish entertainment joined us
                                                     you’ll see everything from        countries, and we work close-    content.                             to make it happen. Together,
                                                     young parents and secret          ly both with them and a wide                                          we reached 400,000 viewers,
                                                     admirers to big-bearded           range of independent part-       How are we addressing                raised over SEK 5 million and
  My job is to                                       roadside assistance workers
                                                     in northern Sweden. There’s a
                                                                                       ners to pitch ideas, develop
                                                                                       concepts and deliver shows.
                                                                                                                        these areas?                         told so many great stories.
 make sure our                                       reason for that.                  In 2017, 11% of MTG’s free-TV
                                                                                       content was locally produced,
                                                                                                                        Malin: From autumn 2017,                                                      content is a
                                                                                                                        we include MTG’s Code of
  programmes                                         We’re in the storytelling busi-   which as Head of Production      Conduct in all production                                                      priority, as
                                                                                       makes me happy!
entertain, inform                                    ness, and my job as Head of
                                                     Program is to make sure our
                                                                                                                        companies’ agreements, and
                                                                                                                        the Code is an agenda item                                                   shown by our
  and touch as                                       programmes entertain, inform
                                                     and touch as many people as
                                                                                       At all stages of the process,
                                                                                       we clearly communicate our
                                                                                                                        at every start-up meeting for
                                                                                                                        a new project. On health and
                                                                                                                                                                                                      emphasis on
 many people as                                      possible. MTG’s free-TV chan-
                                                     nels reach viewers of all ages,
                                                                                       expectations. Before filming
                                                                                       starts, MTG and the produc-
                                                                                                                        safety, our executive produc-                                                diversity and
    possible                                                                                                                                                                                            plurality
                                                                                                                        ers are engaging with the pro-
                                                     backgrounds and lifestyles        tion company sign a legal        duction companies to ensure
                                                     across Denmark, Sweden and        agreement detailing what         everybody’s always informed
     - Camilla Rydbacken                             Norway. And because our           will be delivered, including     of the requirements. And re-              Cristina Stenbeck                    - Malin Lancha
                                                     audience is so diverse, so is     content, cast and messaging.     sponsible content is a priority,          at Diabetes Gala
                                                     our content. We want to relate    During production, we’re of-     as shown by our emphasis on
                                                     to people’s lives. Storytelling   ten present on set. And after-   diversity and plurality.
                                                     works best when it resonates      wards, we review all content
                                                     with viewers and reflects who     and give final approval, some-   Of course, these areas have
                                                     they are (or aspire to be).       times in cooperation with our    always been extremely impor-
                                                                                       Broadcast Compliance team if     tant for us. Now we’re taking
                                                                                       we need extra eyes on some-      the opportunity to capture
                                                                                       thing.                           this commitment in an even
                                                                                                                        more structured and docu-
                                                                                                                        mented way.

16    GRI Reference   GRI 103-1   GRI 103-2   GRI 103-3   GRI 203-1   M2    M3                                                                                Corporate Responsibility Report 2017                      17
Responsible Entertainment is Better Entertainment - Corporate Responsibility Report 2017 - Modern ...
Nathalie Bylund                                                                                            Jessica Berglund
                                     Content Executive Series &                                                                     Product Manager at Viaplay
                                     Kids at Viaplay

     Responsible Online                                                                                             Do we integrate responsi-
                                                                                                                    bility into our platforms as
                                                                                                                    well as our content?
                                                                                                                                                      countries and Viaplay custom-
                                                                                                                                                      ers and non-customers. Par-
                                                                                                                                                      ents answered half the ques-
                                                                                                                                                                                              It started as an app from a
                                                                                                                                                                                              company supported by Reach
                                                                                                                                                                                              for Change, and the idea is to

                                                                                                                                                      tions and then interviewed              help smaller children develop
                                                                                                                    Jessica: That’s what I work       their kids (aged 2 to 15 years)         their emotional intelligence.
                                                                                                                    with every day. I’m a Viaplay     for the rest. We learnt that 1)         The language and scenarios
                                                                                                                    product manager and regu-         Viaplay is used by kids of all          have been developed together
                                                                                                                    larly talk to our users about     ages, and we need to cater              with child psychologists, and
                                                                                                                    where to take the platform        to their specific needs: what           everything is presented in
     There’s such a wide range         of thousands of audiences.         which makes it important for                                                works for an eight-year-old             such an appealing and heart-
                                       Our customer community is          us too. We view this as an                next.
     of content on Viaplay                                                                                          We’ve had parental settings       might not suit a two-year-old;          warming way. Content doesn’t
     today – but how do we             broader than ever before, so       opportunity to have a positive                                              2) half of parents sometimes            get much more responsible
                                       we want to offer everybody         impact through responsible                for some time – parents can
     choose it?                                                                                                     set the kids section as the       feel guilty about their kids’           than a series about consider-
                                       moments that matter. As a          content.                                                                    streaming usage, primarily              ing other people’s feelings and
                                       Viaplay content executive                                                    default Viaplay homepage
     Nathalie: We don’t have one                                                                                    and control access via a pin      because of the inactivity in-           being a good friend. I think
     audience – we have tens           with a remit covering content      What else does responsi-                                                    volved; and 3) parents whose            everybody should start the
                                       for both adults and kids, that’s                                             code (think of it as helping
                                                                          ble content include – for                 out parents rather than lock-     kids use Viaplay trust us more          day with a ‘Peppy Pals’
                                       where I come in.                   children and adults?                                                        than any other streaming ser-           episode!
                                       We talk to our customers                                                     ing out their kids). Now we’re
                                                                                                                    integrating the findings of our   vice. They see us as responsi-
                                       through surveys, user testing      Nathalie: For kids, it’s vital to                                           ble and that’s a great acknowl-
                                       and home studies to under-                                                   latest research project into
                                                                          be presented with good ex-                our product strategy. The big     edgement of our efforts in this
                                       stand what they want (and          amples – how to treat others,                                               area.
                                       don’t want) to see. We aim to                                                change is that parents today
                                                                          how to respond to new situa-              are more interested in know-
                                       entertain, but also to chal-       tions and so on – in an engag-            ing what their kids are watch-    What’s the latest on
                                       lenge and start conversations.     ing way. In general, we’re very           ing (and for how long), rather    Viaplay’s kids originals?
                                       And for kids, Viaplay should       aware that media can influ-               than in controlling it in ad-
       We aim to                       always be a fun and safe expe-
                                                                          ence viewers of all ages. That            vance. Parents feel safer when    Nathalie: In September 2017,                Parents whose
                                                                          doesn’t mean we never offer
       entertain,                                                         adults edgy material – on the
                                                                                                                    their children use Viaplay
                                                                                                                    rather than other streaming
                                                                                                                                                      our first kids original, ‘The
                                                                                                                                                      Great Escape’, was named                       kids use
                                       For kids content, do we
      but also to                      aim to balance entertain-
                                                                          contrary, we embrace respon-
                                                                          sible freedom of expression.
                                                                                                                    services. They also have a
                                                                                                                    bigger need to be informed
                                                                                                                                                      Children’s Program of the
                                                                                                                                                      Year at Sweden’s Kristallen
                                                                                                                                                                                                 Viaplay trust us
       challenge                       ment with education?               But it does mean we’re com-
                                                                          mitted to showing different
                                                                                                                    about their children’s viewing    TV awards – the first time a                more than any
                                                                                                                    habits rather than controlling
       and start
                                                                                                                                                      streaming service won this
                                       Nathalie: The best kids con-
                                       tent is both educational and
                                                                          perspectives, to portraying               the sessions.                     prestigious prize. The Decem-              other streaming
                                                                          men and women equally, and
                                       fun – we know this because         to reflecting the complex                 What were the other major
                                                                                                                                                      ber 2017 survey shows that
                                                                                                                                                      science experiments are the                    service
                                       kids told us so! Our surveys       world in which we all live.                                                 most popular content cate-
        - Nathalie Bylund                                                                                           findings of this research?                                                         - Jessica Berglund
                                       show children want to learn        Series such as ‘Empire’, ‘The                                               gory for both boys and girls,
                                       when they watch. For them,         Good Wife’ and ‘Transparent’                                                so the theme of ‘The Great
                                       learning is about exploring,                                                 Jessica: The research project
                                                                          are all good examples of this.                                              Escape’ is spot on.
                                       interacting and seeing new                                                   was completed in December
                                       things, as well as information.                                              2017 and covered 3,300 sur-
                                                                                                                    vey respondents, split equally    Jessica: We released ‘Peppy
                                       It’s important for them – and                                                                                  Pals’ in September 2017.
                                       of course for their parents –                                                between the four Nordic

18                                 GRI Reference   M2      M3       M4    M6    GRI 103-1   GRI 103-2   GRI 103-3                                      Corporate Responsibility Report 2017                                     19
Viewers can choose to con-        age rating information for all
                                                                                                                     tact us or the relevant regu-     content.
                                                                                                                     lator at any time. Complaints     In this context, it’s important
                                Sara Breitholtz                                                                      made to regulators in the Nor-
                                                                                                                     dic region about MTG’s broad-
                                                                                                                                                       to note that no adult con-
                                                                                                                                                       tent has been shown on our
                                Broadcast Compliance Advisor                                                         casts are forwarded to Ofcom
                                                                                                                     in the UK, who assess every
                                                                                                                                                       pay-TV channels since April
                                                                                                                                                       2017, and from May 2018 no               We cooperate
                                                                                                                     complaint they receive to de-     third-party adult channels will
                                                                                                                     termine whether a breach has      be available either.                      closely with
                                                                                                                                                       How are we making our
                                                                                                                                                                                                 many MTG
                                                                                                                     Do we help our viewers            content more accessible?                departments to
                                                                                                                     make informed decisions
                                                                                                                                                                                                make sure we
     Broadcast Compliance
                                                                                                                     about what to watch?              Ofcom requires us to broad-

                                                                                                                     We always carry on-screen
                                                                                                                                                       cast a certain amount of
                                                                                                                                                       content with audio descrip-                 meet our
                                                                                                                     warnings beforehand if a
                                                                                                                     programme or film contains
                                                                                                                                                       tions (8%) and subtitles (40%).
                                                                                                                                                       In 2017, we exceeded these
                                                                                                                     potentially offensive material.   targets in both areas, with              in everything
                                    What does a typical day in                   What kind of problems do
                                                                                                                                                                                                we broadcast
                                                                                                                     If we feel there’s a need for     15% and 89% respectively.
                                    broadcast compliance look                    you solve?                          additional guidance, we add       We’re aiming even higher this
                                    like?                                                                            that to the continuity voice-     year, such as introducing sign
                                                                                 We cooperate closely with           over before the broadcast         language captioning to our
                                    At MTG, we want all our                      many MTG departments, in-           starts. On Viaplay, we include    channels for the first time.
                                    broadcasts to maintain the                   cluding production, sales and
                                    highest standards. Both our                  MTG Creative, to make sure
                                    viewers and the regulators                   we meet our responsibilities
                                    expect this too, so we do our                in everything we broadcast.
                                    very best to keep everybody                  That’s often quite a balancing
                                    happy.                                       act – for example, if we’re
 This year, we                      The majority of MTG’s broad-
                                    cast licenses are held in the
                                                                                 integrating a commercial
                                                                                 product into a programme, we
   introduced                       UK, where Ofcom sets out                     want the advertiser to get val-

 sign language                      clear rules about important
                                    issues such as programme
                                                                                 ue for money while respecting
                                                                                 Ofcom’s product placement
 captioning to                      content, sponsorship, prod-
                                    uct placement, fairness and
                                                                                 rules. I’m happy to say that
                                                                                 we had zero complaints about
our channels for                    privacy. A typical day for the
                                    broadcast compliance team
                                                                                 sponsorship in 2017.

  the first time                    focuses on pre-screening                     Did we receive any
                                    our broadcasts (including                    complaints during 2017?
                                    commercials and trailers) to
                                    ensure we’re always following                In 2017, MTG received a total
                                    these requirements. This gives               of 49 broadcast complaints,
                                    us the opportunity to fix any                one fewer than in 2016. Of
                                    potential issues in a proactive              these, 11 related to minors. For
                                    way.                                         our Ofcom licensed services,
                                    I like the variety and the re-               we had 19 programme content
                                    sponsibility, and the opportu-               complaints in 2017, compared
                                    nity to use my language skills               with nine complaints in 2016.
                                    in Swedish, Norwegian and                    No complaints about MTG
                                    English. There’s also a prob-                were upheld by Ofcom, with
                                    lem-solving dimension that I                 one decision still pending at
                                    particularly enjoy.                          the end of 2017.

20   GRI Reference   M2   M3   M4        M5       M6     GRI 103-1   GRI 103-2   GRI 103-3   GRI 417-2   GRI 417-3                                      Corporate Responsibility Report 2017                  21
We share this commitment to       As more digital offerings
                                                                                                                           ensuring a safe experience for    go global, how does that
                                                                                                                           viewers of all ages. In ad-
                                                   Julia Smetana
                                                                                                                                                             affect the regulatory
                                                                                                                           dition, MTG’s esports busi-       landscape?
                                                                                                                           nesses ESL and DreamHack
                                                   Head of European Regulatory                                             are members of the Esports
                                                                                                                           Integrity Coalition (ESIC), an
                                                                                                                                                             I think everyone wants to find
                                                                                                                                                             a satisfactory answer to that
                                                   Affairs in Group Legal                                                  industry body that addresses      question. There’s already a
                                                                                                                           cheating, doping and fraud in
                                                                                                                           professional gaming. Overall,
                                                                                                                                                             growing sense that every
                                                                                                                                                             platform should be held to the
                                                                                                                                                                                                     Every platform
                                                                                                                           our view is that specific reg-
                                                                                                                           ulation is not required at the
                                                                                                                                                             same standards of account-              should be held
                                                                                                                                                             ability and responsibility, but
                                                                                                                           moment, and that esports can
                                                                                                                           benefit from some space to
                                                                                                                                                             it remains to be seen if this             to the same

     Future of Broadcasting
                                                                                                                           keep innovating and fulfill its
                                                                                                                                                             requires new legislation or
                                                                                                                                                             simply a rethink of how we               standards of
                                                                                                                           potential to become the next
                                                                                                                           global entertainment
                                                                                                                                                             apply the current rules. MTG’s
                                                                                                                                                             view here is very clear – when
                                                                                                                           phenomenon.                       everyone competes on a                  & responsibility
                                                                                                                                                             playing field, consumers and
                                                     Julia, from an MTG                 Firstly, the Country of Origin                                       businesses all win.
                                                     perspective, what was the          Principle, which increases
                                                     most important regulatory          consumer choice and media
                                                     development in 2017?               pluralism by enabling broad-
                                                                                        casting across borders in
                                                     Our Viaplay customers will         Europe, could be weakened.
                                                     directly benefit from the          Secondly, even though broad-
                                                     Portability Regulation, agreed     casters are asking for less
                                                     upon by the European Union         regulation to compete with
                                                     in February 2017. This will        global platforms, things seem
                                                     enable streaming service sub-      to be moving in the opposite
         Minor                                       scribers to access their           direction. Everyone benefits
                                                                                        from a competitive Europe-
                                                     favourite films, series and
     protection is                                   sports when travelling in          an media sector, and we’re
                                                                                        engaging with policy makers
       always in                                     Europe.
                                                     We welcome this legislation,       to help shape the discussions

     focus across                                    since it benefits consumers
                                                     while preserving the prin-

       all forms                                     ciple of exclusive territorial     MTG offers next genera-
                                                                                        tion entertainment expe-
                                                     licensing, which is crucial for
       of media                                      MTG’s ability to invest in great   riences in esports, online
                                                     services and content.              gaming and digital video
                                                                                        networks. How are regula-
                                                     What’s the latest on the           tors looking at these types
                                                     Audiovisual Media                  of business?
                                                     Services Directive?
                                                                                        These may be relatively new
                                                     This directive, which gov-         areas, but they’re definitely on
                                                     erns EU-wide coordination          the European agenda –
                                                     of national legislation on TV      especially esports. Minor pro-
                                                     broadcasts and on-demand           tection is always in focus for
                                                     services, is still under review.   regulators across all forms of
                                                     Unfortunately, we’re seeing        media, and both the content
                                                     two trends in this process that    and format of esports produc-
                                                     we believe could negatively        tions have come under in-
                                                     impact our customers and           creasing scrutiny during 2017.

22    GRI Reference   GRI 103-1   GRI 103-2   GRI 103-3   M3       M4                                                                                         Corporate Responsibility Report 2017                 23

     Overview                                                                                                 Sustainable Development Goals
     We believe our success lies with our people. We are dedicated to diversifying both our workforce and
     audience, and we promote equal opportunities and inclusion for everyone – regardless of gender, age,
     nationality, race, religion or political opinion. If something isn’t what it should be, we empower our
     employees to speak up. We are committed to providing a safe, healthy, dynamic and fun working
     environment that makes our people proud to be part of MTG.

24                                                                                                                     Corporate Responsibility Report 2017   25
Open and diverse                                       Girls Day                        Diabetes Gala
MTG's teams represent                         InnoGames encourage girls to find
                                               their talent in games development
59 nationalities

                                                                                      MTG Sweden raises awareness
                                                                                      about important issues through
                                                                                         TV and online content

Women in Tech
We supported #WITsthlm2017
to inspire talented women
                                           Social Impact
to pursue a career in
media and technology

                                                      Extra Life                         Pink Month &
                                               Kongregate brings gamers together         Pink Concert
                                            in a 24 hour gaming marathon to support
                                              Children's Miracle Network Hospitals

                                                                                       Power Hit Radio educates
                                                                                        listeners on life-changing
                                                                                           matters, like cancer
MTG Corporate Responsibility Report 2017
Jennie Jacobs                                                                                      Andreas Karlsson
                                               Head of Human Resources UK                                                                                Lead Recruiter

                                                                                                                   Andreas, what attracts             ment is almost equal today,             management on a wide
                                                                                                                   people to MTG?                     for example – but we can do             range of strategic projects.
                                                                                                                                                      more. There’s so much evi-              It’s an opportunity to learn
                                                                                                                   As the lead recruiter for MTG      dence to show that teams who            about our business in a very
                                                                                                                   in Sweden, I meet people           mix genders, backgrounds                intense, hands-on way, and
                                                                                                                   every day who are really excit-    and ages are more creative,             many trainees go on to suc-
     Jennie: MTG conducts an                   94% say they are willing to       industry is continuously
                                                                                                                   ed about the idea of working       sustainable and successful.             cesfuful careers with us. We
     employee survey every                     make an extra effort to make      changing, and MTG is on
                                                                                                                   with us. Many talents see us       That’s better for our business,         had nine trainees in 2017, and
     year. Why?                                us more successful.               a very exciting journey to
                                                                                                                   as a company that shares their     and much more fun, too!                 the number of applications
                                               It’s a similar story when it      become a global digital
                                                                                                                   ambition and entrepreneurial                                               we received, coming from
     Our employee survey is an op-             comes to leadership, where        entertainer. It’s important
                                               we outperformed the bench-        that everyone at our compa-       spirit, and they perceive MTG      Which practical steps                   all over the world, exceeded
     portunity for us to say what’s                                                                                                                                                           our expectations for the 2018
                                               mark. The survey divides lead-    ny knows how their day to         as a leader. Visible, innovative   are we taking to increase
     working well (and what can be                                                                                                                                                            program.
                                               ership into several sub-cat-      day activities support MTG’s      brands like DreamHack and          diversity?
     improved) at MTG. It com-
                                               egories, and amongst other        strategy and drive the perfor-    Viaplay play a big part in that.
     plements the conversations                                                                                                                                                               Why are people so
                                               questions asks employees          mance of the business.            Everybody knows the media          We’re now posting most of
     that take place across the
                                               whether they feel respected                                         business is transforming fast,     our job ads in English, and             important to the success
     organization throughout the
                                               by their manager. We scored       How will we achieve this?         and companies that embrace         we’ve also refined the way we           of MTG?
     year, and it’s a great way to
                                               highly on this specific ques-                                       this change, like MTG, are the     write them to make sure we’re
     get a holistic view of what’s on
                                               tion, which reflects well on      I think continuous dialogue,      places people aspire to be.        engaging a diverse and global           Our people are our company –
     people’s minds and to make
     sure we’re setting the right              the working environment and       especially at the local level,                                       audience. A good ad creates             #wearemtg! Businesses come
     priorities.                               culture at MTG.                   is the key. Regular discus-       Could we become more               interest and gives you reasons          alive when employees thrive,
     All responses are confidential,           The survey response rate was      sion between managers and         attractive?                        to apply, rather than putting           and I think MTG is very good
     and the survey is managed                 87% for the Nordic business-      employees, whether it’s team                                         up barriers.                            at giving everyone a mandate
     by an independent partner. In             es and 76% for MTG overall.       meetings, one-on-one catch-       Employer branding is a big         In addition, we use third-party         to explore, innovate and push
     2017, we were able to bench-              This gives extra weight to the    ups or just taking a coffee       focus for us. We want even         tools that assess candidates’           boundaries. We all have a role
     mark MTG’s results against                results and underlines that       together, can help us connect     more people to know that this      problem-solving capabilities,           to play. That’s what attracted
     our external peers for the first          we have a lot to be proud of      our roles to the big picture.     is a great company. You can        personal strengths and other            me to the company two years
     time. This benchmark includes             together.                         That’s how we can fully har-      really feel our values – smart,    relevant factors. It’s an               ago, and it’s great that so
     500,000 responses over 200                                                  ness the incredible energy of     bold, fun and engaging – in        insightful complement to the            many people want to be part
     organisations, both in the Nor-           Where do we need to               the people at MTG – and the       the atmosphere here, and we        information we get from a               of it today.
     dic region and internationally,           improve most?                     best thing is that we can do it   have a culture that’s both dy-     resumé, and of course from
     and helps us put our figures in                                             any time of the year.             namic and supportive. That’s       face-to-face interviews, and
                                               The survey shows that we                                            reflected in everything from       helps us ensure we’re always
                                                                                                                                                                                               MTG is very
     a meaningful context.
                                               can do even more in terms of                                        our internal mobility policy       recruiting solely on talent and
                                                                                                                                                                                              good at giving
                                                                                                                   (in Sweden and Finland, 28%
     What were the 2017
     survey highlights?
                                               diversity and internal mobil-
                                               ity. MTG’s Human Resources              When it                     of recruitment in 2017 were
                                               teams already have ongoing
                                               initiatives in both these areas
                                                                                      comes to                     made internally) to our com-
                                                                                                                   mitment to a healthy work-life
                                                                                                                                                      What’s the aim of our
                                                                                                                                                      management trainee
                                                                                                                                                                                               everyone a
     The energy and commitment
     of MTG’s people comes                     and we’re committed to mak-           leadership,                   balance.
                                                                                                                   I also think MTG can become
                                                                                                                                                      program?                                 mandate to
                                               ing further progress in 2018.
     through very clearly. Of all our
     employees, 84% think it’s fun             In addition, I see the need for       we outper-                    an even more diverse work-         Our management trainees                 explore, inno-
     to go to work, 88% are proud
     to be at MTG and an amazing
                                               clarity as a key theme in the
                                               survey responses. The media           formed the                    place. We’re making progress
                                                                                                                   – our gender split at recruit-
                                                                                                                                                      spend 12 months working
                                                                                                                                                      closely with MTG’s senior
                                                                                                                                                                                              vate and push
                                                                                     benchmark                                                                                                 boundaries
28     GRI Reference   GRI 103-1   GRI 103-2                                                                          GRI Reference   GRI 103-3        Corporate Responsibility Report 2017                                    29
Which actions are we             by the end of 2017, we’d                the effects of unconscious
                                                                                                                            taking to reach these            already reached a total of 41           bias. The aim is to encourage
                                                                                                                                                             people.                                 participants to reflect on how
                                                   Sophie Gratadoux
                                                                                                                                                             At the same time, we’re re-             they make decisions, in rela-
                                                                                                                            In 2017, MTG’s Human Re-         inforcing our engagement in             tion to others and to them-
                                                   Global Mobility & Diversity                                              sources department in Swe-
                                                                                                                            den commissioned a report
                                                                                                                                                             industry events such as Wom-
                                                                                                                                                             en in Tech, which sold out
                                                                                                                                                                                                     selves, and the feedback has
                                                                                                                                                                                                     been very positive.
                                                   Manager                                                                  on gender diversity from         in seven minutes in 2017 and
                                                                                                                                                             which we will sponsor again
                                                                                                                                                                                                     There’s one thing in particular
                                                                                                                                                                                                     that often surprises people.
                                                                                                                            McKinsey, who presented
                                                                                                                            their findings to the MTG        this year.                              We show a ripple effect sim-
                                                                                                                            Sweden management team.                                                  ulation that reveals how even
                                                                                                                            This research then formed the    How does the gender bias                the smallest action can have
                                                                                                                            basis for a workshop where       training work?                          positive consequences. It’s
                                                                                                                                                                                                     something I think about in my

     Diversity & Equality
                                                                                                                            our Human Resources leaders
                                                                                                                            from Scandinavia and the UK      The training starts by intro-           own work too – if that’s the
                                                                                                                            came together with MTG’s         ducing diversity and why it’s           power of small actions, just
                                                                                                                            Corporate Responsibility team    important, and then explores            imagine what big ones can
                                                                                                                            to develop a gender bias                                                 do for our business and our
                                                                                                                            training. I’m now localising                                             people.
                                                     Sophie, what’s it like             and performance. It’s about         this training and delivering
                                                     to be MTG’s first ever             being the most successful           it across the company -
                                                     global mobility and                business – and the best work-
                                                                                        place – we can be.
                                                                                                                                                                In 2017, we
                                                     diversity manager?
                                                                                                                                                              supported the
                                                     I joined MTG in March 2017
                                                     and it’s been a fantastic
                                                                                        How diverse is MTG today
                                                                                        – and what are our targets
                                                                                                                                                              Women in Tech
                                                     experience so far. MTG is an       for the future?                                                     event in Stockholm
                                                     international company with
        Diverse                                      people from so many different      Today, 59 nationalities are                                            for the fourth
                                                     backgrounds, so working with
                                                     mobility and diversity gives
                                                                                        represented at MTG, and our
                                                                                        recruitment gender split is
                                                                                                                                                             consecutive year
                                                     me an opportunity to make a        48% women and 52% men in
      have been                                      direct impact on our business.     Sweden and Finland. How-
       shown to                                      From day one I’ve been given
                                                     a lot of responsibility to drive
                                                                                        ever, we’re less diverse at the
                                                                                        management and executive
       be more                                       activities and to challenge our
                                                     ways of thinking.
                                                                                        levels. Overall at MTG 32% of
                                                                                        new hires are women and 68%
       creative,                                                                        are men.
                                                     Why is diversity so                Our diversity work is currently
     innovative &                                    important for our                  focused on three priorities.
     competitive                                     business?                          Firstly, we’ve set the target
                                                                                        of a 50/50 gender split in
                                                     Diverse companies have been        our executive team by 2020.
                                                     shown to be more creative, in-     Secondly, we want to increase
                                                     novative and competitive than      female representation in the
                                                     other companies. That means        media and tech industries.
                                                     we aim to understand, respect      And in general, we’re looking
                                                     and value each other’s differ-     to broaden the scope of diver-
                                                     ences, and that we’re commit-      sity at MTG, particularly when
                                                     ted to equal opportunities for     it comes to inclusion. After all,
                                                     everyone. When it comes to         even if you have diverse and
                                                     recruitment, promotion and         equal teams, you can’t trig-
                                                     training at MTG, what counts       ger the benefits of diversity if
                                                     is competence, experience          people don’t feel included.

30    GRI Reference   GRI 103-1   GRI 103-2   GRI 103-3                                                                                                       Corporate Responsibility Report 2017                                     31
We’re focused on
                                                                                                                                                              improving our HR
                                                    Veronica Sjöstrand                                                                                       tools to support the
                                                    VP Human Resources,                                                                                     continued success of
                                                    MTG Sweden                                                                                               MTG and its people

                                                                                                                           their responsibilities more                                                our company, but we want
                                                                                                                           clearly.                                                                   to make MTG an even more
                                                                                                                           We’re aware that specific                                                  innovative, stimulating and

                                                                                                                                                              example is essential in this
                                                                                                                           challenges can sometimes                                                   above all fun place to work –
                                                                                                                                                              context, and I’m happy to say
                                                                                                                           arise in production environ-                                               for all our employees.
                                                                                                                                                              that our management un-
                                                                                                                           ments, so we’ve also renewed
                                                                                                                                                              derstands that in creating an
                                                                                                                           our Supplier Code of Conduct.
                                                                                                                                                              equal and respectful work-
                                                                                                                           This clearly sets out the high
                                                                                                                                                              place is not negotiable.
     Veronica, what’s the most                        to treat other people badly,      gations related to sexual har-     standards we expect from all
                                                      simply because of a culture of    assment at MTG. During the         our partners, who starting
     rewarding aspect of work-                                                                                                                                What are your other
                                                      silence. When that silence is     year, we conducted two larger      from November 2017 were
     ing with human resources                                                                                              required to sign the Code          priorities for 2018?
     at MTG?                                          broken, so is the power. That’s   investigations into claims of
                                                      what makes #metoo impor-          bullying. As a result of these     before starting work on any
                                                                                                                           production.                        We’re focused on continuously
     I think it’s the fact that hu-                   tant, and I hope it leads to      investigations, we chose not
                                                                                                                           Overall, I think MTG’s man-        improving our human resourc-
     man resources themes are                         long term change for the bet-     to renew the contract of one
                                                                                                                           agement teams have done a          es tools and structures to sup-
     so high on the agenda across                     ter. Today, we can have more      individual and issued a written
                                                                                                                           good job in communicating          port the continued success of
     the whole organization. I                        open discussions about sexual     reprimand to another.
                                                                                                                           the importance of what we’re       MTG and our people. There’s
     work with MTG in Sweden                          harassment in particular and
                                                                                                                           doing here. Leadership by          so much that’s good about
     and Finland, along with Splay                    bullying in general – both at     How will we do better in
     and DreamHack, and I have a                      an industry level and as an       the future?
     remit to create a more inte-                     employer too.
     grated environment where we                                                        In addition to MTG’s Code
     share resources, policies and                    How has #metoo                    of Conduct, we have a local
     cultures (while respecting the                   impacted MTG?                     policy in Sweden relating to
     diversity of our companies,                                                        victimization. We conduct
     of course). Our managers                         First, it’s vital to emphasize    mandatory training for all
     are very supportive and that                     that MTG has a Code of Con-       managers in Sweden that
     allows us to be ambitious. I                     duct that all employees are       covers both documents, and
     love having this opportunity to                  required to read and sign. We     we’re now extending this
     build something that benefits                    always investigate any report-    training to everyone employed
     our employees and business                       ed violations of this Code,       by MTG in Sweden. By the
     so directly.                                     with support from external        end of 2017, we’d already
                                                      partners if necessary.            trained 45% of our managers
     Why is the ongoing                               In 2017, there were no investi-   and the feedback has been
     #metoo movement                                                                    really positive – in particular,
     so significant?                                                                    people tell us they understand

     For too long, some
     people in the media
                                                  Leadership by
     industry (and else-                       example is essential
     where) have had
     the power                                 in creating an equal
                                                  and respectful
32     GRI Reference   GRI 103-1   GRI 103-2   GRI 103-3   GRI 406-1                                                                                           Corporate Responsibility Report 2017                                   33
‘Counter-Strike’ teams battled    competing, casting, and man-
                                                                                           for a USD $30,000 prize pool.     aging teams and working in
                                                                                           The action was so incredible      the industry.
                      Yvette Martinez                                                      we did it again in 2018, this
                                                                                           time with USD $50,000 on the      How about ESL as a
                      Chief Operating Officer,                                             line.                             business?

                      ESL US                                                               Are all-female tourna-            We are proud that we have                    We’ve
                                                                                           ments more effective in
                                                                                           promoting diversity than
                                                                                                                             increased the representation
                                                                                                                             of female employees in the                 increased
                                                                                           mixed tournaments?                US from 14% (2016) to 24%
                                                                                                                             (2017). One simple but effec-
                                                                                                                                                                      the number
                                                                                           With equal levels of invest-      tive step was changing the                 of female

     Women in Esports
                                                                                                                             way we advertise for new
                                                                                           ment and training, there’s
                                                                                           no reason why women can’t         colleagues: we no longer post           employees in
                                                                                           compete directly against men.
                                                                                           There’s no relevant physical
                                                                                                                             jobs for esports project man-
                                                                                                                             agers, for instance, simply for          the US from
                                                                                           difference that requires sepa-    project managers. Focusing
                                                                                                                             purely on skillsets makes us a
                                                                                                                                                                       14% (2016)
                                                                                                                                                                     to 24% (2017)
                                                                                           rate competitions. But for that
                      Yvette, how did you get            On the other hand, fewer than     to happen, I think we need to     more accessible employer, as
                      involved in the esports            15% of esports competitors        start much earlier – by teach-    I’ve personally experienced. I
                      industry?                          and fans are female. Things       ing our daughters and the         may have a very relevant tech
                                                         are improving, but ESL, the       young women in our lives that     background, but just before
                      I came to ESL two years ago        industry and the community        competitive gaming is a pos-      coming to ESL I was COO of a
                      with over a decade’s experi-       can all work harder to nurture    itive activity, and by support-   luxury beauty start-up. That’s
                      ence from the tech sector, and     diversity and bring those two     ing their participation at the    a very different world from
                      I’ve never felt so excited about   numbers closer together. It’s a   casual and amateur levels. We     esports – although helping
                                                         mistake to assume that wom-                                         ESL take our vision forward in
      We need to      an industry’s potential! Mil-
                      lions of fans around the world,    en aren’t interested in watch-
                                                                                           also need to do a better job
                                                                                           telling the stories of females    an inclusive way has a beauty

      do a better     passionate employees and
                      great young companies ready
                                                         ing, playing and attending
                                                         esports events.
                                                                                                                             of its own too.

     job in telling   to take the next step – esports
                                                         What is ESL doing to
                      is everything I look for. My
      the stories     role is to bring structure and     encourage more women
      of females      scale to ESL’s increasingly
                      complex and dynamic busi-
                                                         into esports?

      competing,      ness, and everybody has been
                      incredibly supportive, even
                                                         In 2015, we partnered with
                                                         Intel to launch AnyKey, an
       casting &      though I don’t have a gaming       advocacy organization ded-
       managing                                          icated to supporting diverse
                                                         participation in esports.
        teams         How would you assess the
                      current levels of female
                                                         AnyKey focuses on research
                                                         to build greater understanding
                      engagement in esports?             of diversity challenges and
                                                         on initiatives to address those
                      My view is that the landscape      challenges. One very visible
                      is nuanced. It’s great to see so   example is the diversity and
                      many female streamers, some        inclusion pledge that we ask
                      of whom are role models for        everyone participating in ESL’s
                      millions of followers. In fact,    events – whether online or in
                      women now account for 40%          person – to sign.
                      of gamers and that’s proba-        At our biggest event of the
                      bly an underestimate, since        year, Intel Extreme Masters
                      many play under androgynous        Katowice 2017, we hosted an
                      names online.                      all-female tournament where
                                                         the world’s best women’s

34                                                                                                                            Corporate Responsibility Report 2017                   35
Julia Salomon                                                                                             Thibaut Minguet
                                       Product Manager Elvenar                                                                    Head of Risk and Resilience
                                       at InnoGames

     Women in Gaming                                                                                          Safety & Security
     Julia, what’s the idea            Does InnoGames support               definitely help us create expe-   Thibaut, what’s the role of                       and Content Protection – with     simpler for employees to
     behind ‘Elvenar’?                 female developers as well            riences that appeal to a wider    the Risk & Security team at                       a lead expert assigned to each    report incidents through
                                       as female gamers?                    and more diverse audience.        MTG?                                              stream. In each one, we want      an online portal and we’ve
     ‘Elvenar’ is a browser game                                                                                                                                to identify, control and ad-      launched information security
     with a fantasy theme. The         Absolutely – my colleague                                              We aim to protect, respond and                    dress as many relevant risks as   e-learnings.
     aim is to build cities, develop   Ulrike Kunkel and I are both                                           enable. MTG’s data, infrastruc-                   possible.                         On an industry level, we con-
     strategies and interact with      Elvenar product managers and                                           ture and (most importantly)                       Governance of the framework       tinued our engagement with
     players on a big world map.       we have female colleagues in                                           our people are essential to the                   rests with MTG’s ENABLER          the Audiovisual Anti-Piracy
     We want to bring cool gaming      most areas of game develop-                                            company’s success,                                committee, which is chaired       Alliance and Nordic Content
     experiences to a mainstream       ment. We hope these num-                                                                                                 by MTG’s CFO and gathers          Protection organizations
     audience as well as our hard-     bers increase in the coming                                                                                              representatives from the          through quarterly meetings
     core fans, and when creating      years, and we’re working to                                                                                              whole business. Every month,      where we share intelligence
     ‘Elvenar’ we gave a lot of
     thought to designing visually
                                       accelerate this through initia-          We invite                                                                       the committee meets to set
                                                                                                                                                                priorities and assign resources
                                                                                                                                                                                                  and best practices.
                                       tives such as the annual Girls
     attractive characters, and to     & Boys Day in Germany, where          young students                                                                     for risk management activ-        How do we engage
     ensuring the game is easy to
     play yet complex enough to
                                       we invite young students to
                                                                              to our offices                         We aim                                     ities, and to address issues
                                                                                                                                                                encountered by the work-
                                                                                                                                                                                                  employees around risk
                                       our offices to show them just                                                                                                                              and security issues?
     hold your attention.              how awesome it can be to               to show them                         to protect,                                  stream experts. It’s a holistic
                                                                                                                                                                approach that ensures we
     Who plays the game?
                                       create games for a living.
                                                                                 just how                          respond &                                    have an accurate group-level
                                                                                                                                                                                                  We’re here for our people
                                                                                                                                                                                                  – and the more our people

     We expected a gender split of
                                       How did you start your
                                                                             awesome it can                          enable                                     picture of our risk exposure
                                                                                                                                                                as well as a clear escalation
                                                                                                                                                                                                  are there for us, the better
                                                                                                                                                                                                  we can be! We ask all MTG
                                       career in this field?
                                                                                                                                                                process for each workstream.
     75% male and 25% female, in
     line with our previous games.     It was quite an unexpected
                                                                               be to create                   and the work of the Risk &
                                                                                                              Security team is all about
                                                                                                                                                                                                  employees to use our tools,
                                                                                                                                                                                                  take our trainings and speak
     It’s turned out to be 52% male
     and 48% female, and their
                                       direction for me – I studied            games for a                    making sure everyone here can
                                                                                                              focus 100% on what they do
                                                                                                                                                                Were there additional
                                                                                                                                                                developments in 2017?
                                                                                                                                                                                                  up if something doesn’t seem
                                                                                                                                                                                                  right. We’ve also appointed
                                       nutritional science and began
     behavior is really interesting    working with a small studio                                            best. In 2017, we created a new                                                     45 Security Champions across
     – our players usually fall into   developing an educational                                              enterprise risk framework to                      Yes – 2017 was a busy year        the organisation to be our
     one of four categories, and       title for the Nintendo DS.                                             help achieve this in the most                     for the Risk & Security team.     local voices, to help imple-
     61% of female ‘Elvenar’ players   Straight away, I liked the                                             effective and structured way                      We recruited MTG’s first ever     ment initiatives, and to be our
     (by far the largest category)     friendly atmosphere and the                                            possible.                                         Chief Information Security Of-    first point of contact when we
     are ‘Peaceful Explorers’. That    constantly evolving challeng-                                                                                            ficer, who has now completed      engage with different parts of
     means they’re motivated more      es of the games industry, and                                          What does this framework                          a cyber-maturity assessment       MTG. We have a monthly vir-
     by socialising and immersion      I’ve been involved ever since.                                         include?                                          of many MTG businesses. We        tual catch-up and meet once
     in the story than by action and   I like the fact that it’s possible                                                                                       supported our esports com-        a year for a workshop. All this
     competition. Of course, you       to take unconventional routes                                          The framework has seven work-                     panies with event security and    helps us get closer to the busi-
     can still play in a competitive   into this business, which can                                          streams – Information Security,                   reviewed physical security at     ness, align our priorities and
     way if that’s what you enjoy!                                                                            IT Security, Regulatory, People,                  some of our critical locations.   make MTG an even safer and
                                                                                                              Resilience, Security Operations                   In addition, we’re making it      more fun place to be.
36                                                                                                              GRI Reference GRI 102-13   GRI 102-15   GRI 103-1   GRI 103-3                                                        37
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