RI DD Provider use of Therap's Individual Support Plan

Page created by Chad Mcgee
RI DD Provider use of Therap's Individual Support Plan

                      Attaching and Submitting ISPs in Therap ISP Module – revised January 2021

             Purpose of this Document: Provide steps for providers to submit ISPs to DD in Therap.

             Who will use this guide? Providers who submit ISPs to DD.

             Note: The designated DDO-1 will submit the ISP in Therap, just as they have done via email.
             DDO-2 and DDO-3 will continue to submit their parts of the ISP to DDO-1 to incorporate into the
             consolidated plan.

             When: Please start submitting plans in Therap as soon as possible after being trained. Plans
             should be submitted at least 45 days before the start date.

                                             STEPS FOR SUBMISSION OF ISP IN THERAP

              1. Save the documents to be attached as pdfs with minimum file size from the original
                 program they were written in. See separate instructions on Saving Files for Therap
                    a. An exception would be the signature page that would need to be scanned (unless
                        using electronic signatures).
                    b. Save documents with the naming convention of “FirstName LastName
                        DocumentType mm- dd-yyyy”
                             i. e.g. Zeta A’abb ISP 09-01-2020
                            ii. The date should be the effective date of the document
                           iii. If you are updating a supporting document such as the behavior plan, the
                                submission date can be entered if there is no effective date
                    c. Each document must be no larger than 10 MB. The total size of all attachments
                        cannot exceed 250 MB.
                             i. It is recommended that needed documents are saved as separate files to
                                limit file size and to make searching for parts of the ISP easier in Therap.
                            ii. Consider attaching the documents listed below separately. Some documents
                                may not apply to all individual’s ISPs.
                                        • ISP
                                        • Behavior Plan
                                        • Nursing Care Plan
                                        • ISP Attachment Form
                                        • Signature Page
                                        • Purchase Order
                           iii. ISPs might be larger than 10 MB if you use a lot of pictures or if your original
                                template is in PowerPoint. If your ISP is larger than 10 MB, please save it in
                                two or more parts that are logical sections, such as ISP-Background and
                                ISP-Goals. Each goal could also be a separate document if your file sizes
                                are too large.
                           iv. DO NOT attach a variance request to the ISP. Variances have a separate


© Therap Services 2003 - 2021.                                                                            Last update: 2/11/2021
U.S. Patents #8819785, #8739253, #8281370, #8528056, #8613054, #8615790, #9794257, #10586290, #10622103
submission process.
              2. Go to the Individual Tab
              3. Select Individual Support Plan
              4. Search for participant
                    a. All past and current approved plans for the participant will be returned.
                    b. If a new plan has been saved for the ISP being reviewed, select that plan to
                         continue working on it.
                    c. If a new plan has not been started, create a new plan by going back out to
                         Dashboard > Individual > Individual Support Plan > New
              5. Create a new plan
              6. Enter ISP Start Date
                    a. Plans should be submitted at least 45 days before the start date.
                    b. A plan can start on any date, not just the 1st day of a month. For example, a plan
                         can be 09/20/2020 - 09/19/2021.
              7. Enter ISP End Date
                    a. Enter the end date (one year after start date), e.g. start date is 09/09/2020, then
                         end date is 09/08/2021.
                    b. The extra day in leap years will not change the convention.
              8. Add the Action Plan for Employment
                    a. Scroll to Action Plan
                    b. Select Add Action Plan link
                    c. Select checkbox next to Action Plan for Employment/ATE Services
                    d. Select appropriate radio button for Reason for Planning
                    e. Enter a Desired Outcome – Required
                    f. Enter a Need/Issue – Required
                    g. Select Done

                            Samples of Responses for Employment/ATE Services Action Plan

              Reason for Planning                    Sample Desired Outcome                 Sample Need/Issue
              I am making a plan to                  Keep my current job.                   Happy with current job.
              maintain or improve my
              current job.
              I am making a plan to                  Promotion.                             I want the opportunity to
              maintain or improve my                                                        advance.
              current job.
              I am making a plan to                  Get a raise.                           I haven't had a wage
              maintain or improve my                                                        increase in 2 years.
              current job.
              I want to get a job in the next        Get a job.                             I want a job.
              I want to discover more                I'll be ready to start looking         I'm not sure what kind of job I
              about work and my skills and           for a job.                             want.
              get a job in the next two
              I want to discover more                I'm not sure that I want to            I know more about work and
              about work and my skills and           work. My family isn't sure I           I can make a decision if it's


© Therap Services 2003 - 2021.                                                                                        Last update: 2/11/2021
U.S. Patents #8819785, #8739253, #8281370, #8528056, #8613054, #8615790, #9794257, #10586290, #10622103
get a job in the next two              should work.                           right for me.
              I don't want to work right             Retired                                I'm age 62 or over and want
              now.                                                                          to be retired.
              I don't want to work right             Early retirement                       I'm under age 62 and I want
              now.                                                                          to retire. I have submitted a
                                                                                            variance. (or will submit a
              I don't want to work right             Keep doing meaningful day              I've made an informed
              now.                                   activities.                            decision that work isn't for
                                                                                            me, and I've submitted a
                                                                                            day-only variance.
              I am in school and planning            Graduate from school or                Finish school and gain skills
              for work after graduation.             training program.                      for a job afterwards.

              9. Attach the documents under External Attachments.
                       a. Select Add External Attachment link
                       b. Choose File and upload document.
                       c. Enter the description following the naming convention of “FirstName LastName
                          DocumentType mm-dd-yyyy”
                                i. e.g. Zeta A’abb ISP 09-01-2020
                               ii. The date should be the effective date of the document
                              iii. If you are updating a supporting document such as the behavior plan, the
                                   submission date can be entered if there is no effective date
                       d. Repeat for each attachment.
                       e. Each document must be no larger than 10 MB. The total size of all attachments
                          cannot exceed 250 MB.
              10. If you cannot finish attaching all documents, click Save to keep it in draft form in the DDO-1
                  provider account only.
                       a. Use draft while the plan is being prepared and documents are being accumulated.
                       b. Users in other provider accounts or oversight accounts cannot view the draft.
                       c. Drafts will show up in the To Do Worklist.
              11. When attachments are complete, click Submit.
                       a. The ISP will be viewable in the Oversight account for the BHDDH Social
                          Caseworker to review and approve.
                       b. As previously, once the Social Caseworker approves the ISP, the BHDDH Fiscal
                          Office will review the Purchase Order. If there are problems with the PO, Fiscal will
                          contact the provider via SComm or phone call.
                       c. Once the plan is approved, all providers with access to the individual will be able to
                          see the ISP by using Unified Search.
              12. If an ISP is missing contents, the Social Caseworker will return the plan by clicking Return
                  to Submitter.
                       a. The ISP form does not have a box for comments when returning to submitter, and
                          the conversation does not need to become part of the ISP record.
                       b. The Social Caseworker will use SComm or phone calls to communicate with the
                          provider about the issues with the submission. Do not use Outlook.
                       c. The BHDDH Fiscal Office cannot use Return to Submitter. Any issues with the PO


© Therap Services 2003 - 2021.                                                                                      Last update: 2/11/2021
U.S. Patents #8819785, #8739253, #8281370, #8528056, #8613054, #8615790, #9794257, #10586290, #10622103
will be handled via SComm or phone call.
                      d. When an ISP is returned, it reverts to Draft status in the provider account and will
                          increase the count in the To Do Worklist.
                      e. If a revised document needs to be submitted, delete the original and replace it with
                          the updated one. Attachments should only be deleted when an ISP is in the
                          Draft stage. Documents should not be deleted from an Approved ISP (see below).
                      f. When any needed revisions are complete, click Submit.
              13. Individual Support Plan To Do
                      a. Worklist
                                 i. Number increases by 1 when an ISP is in draft status that were submitted
                                    from your account. Number will also increase when a submitted plan has
                                    been returned from SCW.
                                ii. Number decreases by 1 when ISP has been submitted.
                      b. Acknowledge
                                 i. Number increases by 1 each time an ISP is approved.
                                ii. Number decreases when the approval has been acknowledged.
                               iii. All users with access to the person’s plan are asked to acknowledge that
                                    they read the ISP.
              14. Viewing ISPs
                      a. Use ISP Search – to see plans written within your provider account (DDO-1)
                      b. Use Unified Search – to see plans created in another account (for providers that
                          are not DDO-1 and for all providers if the ISP was created by BHDDH).
                          NOTE: Plans were created by BHDDH through the original migration of ISP dates
                          and manually in the last year to track ISP dates only. Since September 2020,
                          BHDDH has also been attaching the ISPs. Earlier entries do not have any
              15. ISP Expiration Report
                      a. To see plans expiring soon, up to 3 months out.
                      b. User can only see individuals they have access to see and plans that were created
                          within their provider account.
                      c. Shows ISP Start and End dates for an individual’s current plan and the next plan if
                          still in draft status, if the current plan expires within the time frame selected.
                      d. To see all plans, use Search under Individual Support Plan without entering any
                          search criteria. This list can be exported to Excel.


              1. Do not delete attachments once an ISP has been approved.

                 Once a plan has been approved, plan documents are not to be deleted. If there are
                 amendments to the plan, previous documents must be kept as part of the
                 historical record. For example, if a behavior plan is updated during the year, there will
                 be two behavior plans in the attachments, like this:

                                        Zeta A’abb Behavior Plan 09-01-2020
                                        Zeta A’abb Behavior Plan Revised 01-24-2021

                 The dates will allow users to find the most recent version of the documents. Keeping


© Therap Services 2003 - 2021.                                                                            Last update: 2/11/2021
U.S. Patents #8819785, #8739253, #8281370, #8528056, #8613054, #8615790, #9794257, #10586290, #10622103
the prior version allows users to reference it if needed.

             ISP Expiration Report for Individual Support Plan - By default – 3 months; see individuals on
             your caseload, ISP Start and End dates.

             Search Individual Support Plan and View Update History

             Individual Support Plan Unified Search for Linked Providers - Allows DDO-2 and DDO-3 to
             search and view for plan submitted by DDO-1


© Therap Services 2003 - 2021.                                                                            Last update: 2/11/2021
U.S. Patents #8819785, #8739253, #8281370, #8528056, #8613054, #8615790, #9794257, #10586290, #10622103
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