Safe Routes to School: Competitive Construction

Page created by Andrew Myers
Safe Routes to School: Competitive Construction
Safe Routes to School:                                               Oregon Department of Transportation

     Competitive Construction and
       Rapid Response Grants

    How much is available? The 2023-2024 grant
    cycle will distribute approximately $26 million.

    Who can apply? Cities, counties, ODOT, tribes,
    transit districts, and other road authorities may

    What kind of projects are eligible? Safety
    projects that positively affect the ability of children
    to walk and bicycle to school. Projects must be
    within a public road right-of-way, consistent with
    jurisdictional plans, supported by the school or school district, within a one-mile radius of a school, and
    be able to be constructed within 5 years of the application.
    Project examples include sidewalks, median refuge islands, rapid flashing beacons, etc. The minimum
    funding request is $60,000 and the maximum funding is $2 million.

                                                         Interested parties are encouraged to explore implementing
                                                         all aspects of Safe Routes to School. ODOT’s Safe Routes
    HOW TO APPLY                                              to School Program includes grant opportunities for
                                                               construction projects, education and engagement
    Where and when can I apply?                                programs, and technical and planning assistance.
    Application materials can be found on ODOT’s
    SRTS website starting February 1, 2022.

    What is the match requirement? 40% cash match is required unless the project meets the
    population, equity, or safety criteria for reduced match of 20%. More information on the reduced
    match criteria can be found on the SRTS website.

      SRTS Program website:
                      Contact: LeeAnne Fergason,, 503-986-5805
Safe Routes to School: Competitive Construction
Oregon Department of Transportation
                                    What kinds of projects will rise to the top for funding?
 $10 million ($15 million           For the 2023-2024 round of funds, some of the top priorities included:
 starting in 2023) Safe             Equity: schools with a high percentage of
 Routes to School                   students receiving free/reduced lunch
 Infrastructure funds               Safety: areas were a crash has occurred or
                                    where risk factors such as high speeds, long
 are allocated annually             crossing distances, and/or high vehicle volumes
 to three programs:                 exist.
                                    Pre-kindergarten, Elementary, and Middle
                                    Schools: project around schools serving any
                                    combination of preK-8 education.

                                    How much funding is available? The 2021-2022 Rapid Response
                                    Grants are still available and will distribute $3 million.
 • Competitive Grant
   Program: 87.5% of                Who can apply and when? Cities, counties, tribes, transit districts,
   funds                            and other road authorities may apply at any time.
 • Rapid Response
   Grant Program: 10%
   of funds                         What kind of projects are eligible? The same eligibility criteria as
 • Project                          Competitive Grants plus: A recent crash occurred in the last twenty-four
   Identification                   months involving a pedestrian or a bicyclist and the pedestrian/bicyclist
   Program: 2.5% of                 was injured, seriously injured, or killed and the proposed project
                                    specifically addresses this incident effectively and cost effectively, or an
                                    urgent opportunity arises which means that something substantial and
This one-pager focuses on the       unexpecte1d has changed and must be addressed before the next
Competitive Grant Program.          Competitive Grant cycle. Project examples include sidewalks, median
For information about Rapid         refuge islands, rapid flashing beacons, etc. The maximum funding request
Response and Project
                                    is $500,000.
Identification Programs, visit
SRTS Program website

        SRTS Program website:
                        Contact: LeeAnne Fergason,, 503-986-5805
Safe Routes to School: Competitive Construction
Oregon Department of Transportation
            Safe Routes to School:
              Project Identification                                                                   2021

                                                                                            Comprehensive Approach
    How many school communities are/will be                                                Safe Routes to School (SRTS)
    served? We anticipate that the next program will                                       programs usually start with
    serve up to 20 communities. The 2021-2022 program served 20                            identifying barriers and a plan for
                                                                                           how to address barriers to students
    communities (interactive map).
                                                                                           walking and rolling in your
                                                                                           community. Solutions to barriers
    Who can apply? School districts, publically funded jurisdictions,                      generally include community
    cities, counties, ODOT, tribes, transit districts, and other road                      engagement, walk/bike safety
    authorities may apply.                                                                 education for students, building safe
                                                                                           places for kids to walk and roll like
                                                                                           sidewalks and safe street crossings,
    What will the community get out of the program?                                        plus more. ODOT has programs and
     Consultant services will assist the community (school                                 grants to help you get started!
    representatives, school community, and local road authority                                • Education grants for all levels
    representative) identify infrastructure needs near one school or a                             and planning services
                                                                                                   (applications due in early
    cluster of schools feeding into the same middle or high school,
    focusing on all streets within a quarter-mile of the school, as well
                                                                                               • Construction grants and
    as critical issues within a mile of the school. The                                            project identification
    outcome of each Project Identification Program                                                 services (applications due in
    process will be a Safe Routes to School Plan for each                                          early 2022)
    school or cluster of schools that outlines infrastructure and                              • Planning and technical
    education needs to address barriers to students walking and biking                             assistance (year-round
    to school and provides some information needed to apply for the                                options available)
                                                                                               • Exciting programs for schools
    ODOT Safe Routes to School Competitive or Rapid Response
                                                                                                   and students (year-round
    Construction Grants.                                                                           options available)

       SRTS Project Identification Program:
                                 Contact: LeeAnne Fergason,, 503-910-8994
Safe Routes to School: Competitive Construction
Oregon Department of Transportation
PROGRAM OVERVIEW                      HOW TO APPLY
                                        Where and when can I apply? Application materials can be found on
 $10 million ($15 million               ODOT’s SRTS website starting January 2021.
 starting in 2023) Safe
 Routes to School                          February 1 - March 18, 2021*: Project Identification Application Due
 Construction funds are                         Summer 2021*: Application Review and Funding Decision
 allocated annually to                         *Dates are approximate and will be final by January 2022.
 three programs:

                                       PROJECT SELECTION
                                        What kinds of applications rose to the top for this service?
                                        A competitive application will have some of the following criteria:

                                        -Have a population under 50,000 with a high percentage of low-income
                                        -High percentage of students receiving free/reduced lunch
 • Competitive Grant                    - Road authority will have few to no planners on staff
   Program: 87.5% of                    -These criteria will be present at a street near the school:
                                                  -High posted speed
   funds                                          - Crossing distance greater than 30 feet
 • Rapid Response                                 -High average daily vehicles at project location
   Grant Program: 10%                             -One or more school related crashes
                                        -Affects pre-kindergarten, elementary, or middle school students
   of funds
                                        -Safety need proximity to the school.
 • Project
   Program: 2.5% of                     ALTHOUGH WORK WILL BE COMPLETED BY A CONSULTANT, A
   fund                                 SELECTED COMMUNITY WILL:
This one-pager focuses on the
                                        • submit a commitment to participate from the road authority and the
Project Identification Program.         affected school
For information about Rapid             • ensure participation in a Project Management Team meetings
Response and Competitive                • ensure participation in field visit outreach and field visit
Grants, visit SRTS Program              • ensure assistance with data collection
                                        • review and approve final Safe Routes to School Plan

          SRTS Project Identification Program:
                                    Contact: LeeAnne Fergason,, 503-910-8994
Safe Routes to School: Competitive Construction
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