Saint George Parish Community

Page created by Rafael Henderson
Saint George Parish Community
Saint George Parish Community
                      Under the Guidance of the Holy Spirit
   22 E. Cooke Avenue, Glenolden, PA 19036 - 610-237-1633 -

                     January 17, 2021
             The 2nd Sunday in Ordinary Time

John was standing with two of his disciples, and as he watched Jesus walk by, he said “Behold, the
Lamb of God.” The two disciples heard what he said and followed Jesus. Jesus turned and saw
them following Him and said to them, “What are you looking for?” They said to Him, “Rabbi” -
which translated means Teacher - , “Where are you staying?” He said to them, “Come, and you
will see.” So they went an saw where Jesus was staying, and they stayed with Him that day. If was
about four in the afternoon. Andrew, the brother of Simon Peter, was one of the two who heard
John and followed Jesus. He first found his brother, Simon, and told him, “We have found the
Messiah” - which is translated Christ. The he brought him to Jesus. Jesus looked at him and said,
“You are Simon, the son of John; you will be called Cephas” - which is translated Peter.
                                        ~John 1: 35-42
Saint George Parish Community
Contact Us!
New Parishioners                                                       Godparents
We are pleased to welcome new members to our Parish Commu-          Only one godparent is required for Baptism. If two are chosen,
nity. Please call the Rectory Office at 610-237-1633 to make an     one must be male and one must be female. A godparent must be
appointment to register and to learn more about our parish, or      a fully initiated Roman Catholic (Baptized, Confirmed and re-
visit Note: Students must be registered     ceiving the Eucharist), at least 16 years of age, if married, must
in the Parish before registering in the Parish Religious Educa-     be married in the Church, and in good standing with the Church.
tion Program.                                                       A baptized non-Catholic Christian may be chosen as a “Christian
Sacrament of Baptism                                                Witness” provided there is one Catholic godparent. A former
The Sacrament of Baptism is celebrated on the second Sunday of Catholic may not serve as either a godparent or Christian witness.
the month at 11:30 AM. Parents seeking baptism for their child R.C.I.A.
are asked to please call the rectory. Pre-Jordan is required for If you or someone you know is interested in learning more about
parents with a first-born child or parents with additional children the Catholic faith, or if you were baptized Catholic but did not
who have not attended within a two-year period. Pre-registration complete your sacraments, please contact Sr. Lorraine Muglie,
is required for Pre-Jordan and Baptism. Please contact Mrs. SSJ at the Rectory Office at 610-237-1633 to learn more about
Lynda Batten at the Rectory Office for more information.            our Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults Program.
Sacrament of Matrimony                                                 Mass Cards
Couples planning a wedding are asked to call Father Oswald at      Mass cards are available at the Rectory Office. If you would like
the Rectory Office at least one year in advance of the wedding     to have a Mass celebrated in memory of a deceased loved one, or
date. Couples are required to attend the Archdiocesan Marriage     for special intentions, please contact the Rectory Office Monday,
and Family Life Preparation Program.                               Wednesday or Friday, from 10:00 AM to 2:00 PM (temporary
Sick or Homebound                                                  hours). Standard cards are available for a $10 stipend and book-
In case of serious illness or advanced age, please call the Recto- lets are available for a $20 stipend.
ry Office. Arrangements will be made for the Sacrament of the Food Pantry
Sick and for Holy Communion. If you are going into the hospital Our Parish Food Pantry is available for parishioners and friends
and you would like to receive the Sacrament of the Sick, please who are in need of a meal but cannot provide one for themselves.
call the Rectory. Also, when you are hospitalized, please contact If you or a friend needs temporary food assistance, please contact
the hospital Chaplain and the Rectory Office.                      Mrs. Batten at 610-237-1633. All calls are confidential. Dona-
Tree of Life Memorial                                              tions of non-perishable food items, in addition to turkeys and
If you would like to have a leaf ($150) or a boulder ($600) hams during the holidays, are always welcome. Gift cards to lo-
permanently inscribed in memory of a loved one on the Tree of cal supermarkets are also welcome.
Life, which is located in the vestibule at the main entrance of the Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament
church, please contact Mrs. Mary Ann Zeller at 610-237-1633.        Eucharistic Adoration is held in the Church every Friday from
Vigil Candles                                                       3:00 PM to 4:00 PM, followed by daily Mass, unless otherwise
Vigil Candles, which are located in front of the Blessed Mother announced.
and St. Joseph statues in the front of the church, are available for
your intentions. Small candles are $2 and will burn for two days.                         Quotes of the Week
These can be purchased by placing your donation in an envelope         “And did those feet in ancient time walk upon England's moun-
and dropping it in the slot provided by the candles. Large candles     tains green? And was the holy Lamb of God on England's pleasant
are $100 and will burn for an entire year. Large candles can be        pastures seen? ~William Blake
purchased by contacting Mrs. Mary Ann Zeller at 610-237-1633.                     “Faith is not a once-done act, but a continuous gaze of
A gold label with your loved ones name will be placed on the           the heart at the Triune God. Believing, then, is directing the
candle and it will remain there throughout the year.                   hearts' attention to Jesus. It is lifting the mind to 'behold the Lamb
                                                                       of God,' and never ceasing that beholding for the rest of our lives.”
                                                                       ~Aiden Wilson Tozer

                                                          Parish Staff
                                                  Rev. Leo P. Oswald, Pastor
                                     Rev. Martin E. Woodeshick, Pastor Emeritus - Holy Spirit
                                            Rev. Ignatius Marneni, Retired in Residence
                        Rev. James McBurney, OSA and Rev. James McCartney, O.S.A., Weekend Assistants
Mrs. Lynda Batten, Parish, Secretary/PREP Coordinator Ext. 101             Mr. Patrick McCullough, Maintenance, Ext. 104
Mrs. Pat Dinan, Receptionist, Ext. 113 (Wednesdays)                        Sister Lorraine Muglie, SSJ, Dir. of Adult Faith and
Mrs. Marie Dunleavy, Receptionist, Ext. 113 (M&F)                                   and Pastoral Care, Ext. 103
Mrs. Gloria Greene, Assistant Bookkeeper, Ext. 104                         Mr. Keith Tomson, Accountant, Ext. 104
Mrs. Chris Guidetti, Youth Minister, Ext. 125                              Mr. Al Zeller, Hall Manager - 610-237-1633
Mrs. Kathleen Lerro, Director of Music, Ext. 101                           Mrs. Mary Ann Zeller, Business Manager, Ext. 104

112George - Page 2
Saint George Parish Community
Parish Information
Rectory Hours                          Bereavement Ministry               Rite of Reconciliation
Monday thru Thursday                   Mrs. Mimi Ednie                    3:30 PM - 4:15 PM Saturday afternoons
9:00 AM to 5:00 PM                     Bingo Program                      Care of the Sick
Friday 9:00 AM to 4:00 PM              Mr. Al Zeller                      Please contact the Rectory Office in the event of
Summer Hours: 9AM to 4 PM daily                                           sickness or hospitalization.
For more details, see page 5.          Holy Name Society
                                       Mr. Al Zeller                      Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults
Phone Number: 610-237-1633                                                Thursday 6:30 PM - Sept. to Easter
Fax Number: 610-237-9626               Legion of Mary
Email:            Mrs. Theresa Murray                Baptism
Receptionist: Mrs. Marie Dunleavy      Ministry Outreach Program          Second Sunday of the month at 11:30 AM
              Mrs. Patricia Dinan      Mrs. Lynda Batten                  Please call the Rectory Office for an appointment
Secretary: Mrs. Lynda J. Batten        Choir Director and Music           to schedule a Baptism and Baptism Preparation
Parish Business Manager:               Ministry                           (Pre-Jordan)
              Mrs. Mary Ann Zeller     Mrs. Kathleen Lerro
Convent                                R.C.I.A.
11 E. Lamont Avenue                    Sister Lorraine Muglie, SSJ
Glenolden, PA 19036                    Youth Group
Phone Number: 610-237-1633             Mrs. Christine Guidetti
Office of Religious Education
Director of Adult Faith Formation      Join us on Twitter!
Sr. Lorraine Muglie, SSJ
Phone Number: 610-237-1633
Fax Number: 610-237-9626
PREP Coordinator
                                               Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament - Fridays 3:00 PM to 4:00 PM
Mrs. Lynda Batten: 610-237-1633
                                             Miraculous Medal Devotion - Following the 8:00 AM Mass on Saturdays
Mondays Only 4-6 PM: PREP Office
                                                 Holy Rosary and Divine Mercy Chaplet - Thursdays 7:00 PM`

      Daily Readings & Mass Intentions                    Sunday continued...
Sunday, January 17: 1 Samuel 3: 3b-10, 19; 1 Corinthians 8:00 AM         Tony DiLuzio
                                                                              Requested by: Rita Gouse and Family
6: 13c-15a, 17-20; John 1: 35-42 - 2nd Sunday in Ordinary
Time                                                      10:30 AM       Pro   Populo
8:00 AM         Pro Populo
10:30 AM        Reverend Anthony Orth                                              Daily Mass
                    Requested by: Moller Family                          4:00 PM Monday thru Friday
Monday, January 18: Hebrews 5: 1-10; Mark 2: 18-22                             8:00 AM Saturday
4:00 PM         Anthony Cerino
                    Requested by: Family
                                                                                 Weekend Mass
Tuesday, January 19: Hebrews 6: 10-20; Mark 2: 23-28                            4:30 PM Saturday
4:00 PM         Albert Jacobini                                         8:00 AM   and 10:30 AM Sunday
                    Requested by: Dominic and Ruth Corvaia                         Holy  Days
Wednesday, January 20: Hebrews 7: 1-3, 15-17; Mark 3:1-6                         As Announced
4:00 PM         Claire Salvi                                               Legal Holidays: 9:00 AM
                   Requested by: Williams Collins
Thursday, January 21: Hebrews 7: 25-8:6; Mark 3: 7-12
4:00 PM         James Collett - 6th Anniversary                Mass Count and Contributions
                   Requested by: Kathleen Collett                  Sunday, January 10              $4,619
Friday, January 22: Hebrews 8: 6-13; Mark 3: 13-19
4:00 PM          Joseph Milici                             Please contact the Rectory Office for the Mass counts for
                   Requested by: Joan Hornbaker            January 10, 2021.
Saturday, January 23: Hebrews 9: 2-3, 11-14; Mark 3:20-21
8:00 AM         Gloria Bryant
                    Requested by: Zelma Barrett
4:30 PM         Patricia Felker                                                         Priest Schedule
                    Requested by: Cicala Family                                     January 23-24, 2021 (Tentative)
Sunday, January 24: Jonah 3: 1-5, 10; 1 Corinthians 7: 29-                    4:30 PM         Father Oswald
31; Mark 1: 14-20 - 3rd Sunday in Ordinary Time                               8:00 AM         Father Oswald
                                                                              10:30 AM        Father McBurney

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Saint George Parish Community
Gospel Reflection and Parish
                                  Gospel Reflection by Rev. Leonard N. Peterson
Magnetism. On one level, it’s that physical phenomenon in which a bar of iron or steel can attract other iron. It can grab on to almost
any metallic object from a coin to a car and everything in between. It’s the “glue” that holds the photographic memories of a family on
the refrigerator door. On another level, the word refers to those features of a person that makes him or her attractive. In the case of
Our Lord Jesus, we have not only attraction but also the fact that He is both human and divine. The gospels give us glimpses of both.
Jesus at one time raises a dead man to life but at another time He is caught napping in the stern of St. Peter’s boat.
          In the gospel passage we read today, John our author gives us all the subjects and verbs of the incident, but none of the adjec-
tives or adverbs. We hear that two former disciples of the Baptist sent them after the Lord. They experienced in turn His magnetism.
But how did their faces look? And how did Jesus’ own face look? Or with what tone of voice did Jesus have when He asked them
“What are you looking for?” John doesn’t say.
          I surmise a smile and a welcoming arm gesture when Jesus invited them to come and see where He was staying. However
John steps out of character to note the time of day when this happened. Maybe because this incident marked the hour of the first call-
ing of people that Jesus gave.
          We find out the name of one of the men was Andrew. He in turn introduces his brother Simon to the Lord. Simon gets a
new name, along with a new calling. The magnetic attraction of Jesus usually involves a change in the other’s life.
          I believe it follows that we have an opportunity this January day to reflect on our own calling from the Lord. While each of us
is unique, we also have a common call as Catholic Christians to “introduce” others, so to speak, to Jesus. A sad fact is that the largest
group of people in our country in terms of religious affiliation are the “nones.” People with no connection to any religion. I believe
we have a call to introduce them to Jesus. And we can do that more by our actions than by words. The action of our Christian life-
style, which has a built in magnetism of its own.
         The story is told of the captain of a Mississippi riverboat who, as his ship passed another vessel, grabbed the first passenger he
saw and said, “Look, look over there on the other boat, Look at its captain.” The man was somewhat bewildered and asked, “Why do
you want me to look at that captain? What makes him so special?” Then the captain told him the story of how he had collided one
night with another boat. His own vessel was foundering and in the process he was thrown overboard. The captain of the other vessel
saw his desperate plight and maneuvered close enough that he was able to dive into the water and save his life. After telling the story,
the once-saved captain then turned to the bystander and said, “Ever since that day, I want to point out my rescuer to others.” Likewise,
as a people who have been magnetically attracted by Jesus, and been saved, secured and loved by Him, we should want to point out to
others the God-Man who has rescued us from the consequences of our sins. God love you, and give you His peace!

                                                      Directives for Mass
   The obligation to attend Mass on Sundays and holy days of obligation continues to be lifted. You are not obligated to attend
    Mass at this time. Sunday is still the Lord’s day and it is a holy day. We must still be mindful of this. Mass can be livestreamed
    on television, reading scripture is recommended, and completing all religious education lessons is encouraged.
   Please stay home if you are sick and if you are at higher risk of severe illness with COVID19.
   Please wash your hands for 20 seconds using soap and water.
   Before entering the Church, please put on a face mask or cloth covering. Exceptions to this are “children younger than 2 years
         old, anyone who has trouble breathing or is unconscious, and anyone who is incapacitated or otherwise unable to remove
         the cloth face covering without assistance” (CDC Guidelines).
   Please maintain reverent silence in respect for the Blessed Sacrament and others who are in prayer.
   Please enter the side doors of the church (Blessed Mother and St. Joseph sides). With the exception of those who are handi-
    capped, we ask all visitors to exist thru the main front doors.
   Hand sanitizers will be available at the church entrances. Please use the hand sanitizer upon entering and exiting the Church.
   Foreign cups or containers are not permitted in the church at this time.
*   When taking your seat, please honor all posted signs about where you may sit. Pews will be marked to ensure proper social dis-
         tancing. Members of the same household may sit together as normal.
   There will be no Sign of Peace during Mass during the Yellow Phase.
   The Precious Blood will not be distributed during Mass during the Green Phase.
   There should be no holding of hands during the Lord’s Prayer.
   Bulletins will only be available on line or by contacting the Rectory for a copy.
   Please maintain social distancing in the Communion line. Please keep several pews between yourself and the person in front of
         you while in line and when returning to your pew. Follow the main isle yellow guideline tape.
   The faithful are asked to receive Holy Communion in the hand. Please remove your mask as you receive the Eucharist.
*   At the conclusion of Mass, please exit the Church and proceed directly to your car.

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Saint George Parish Community
Parish and Local
                   Don’t forget to watch Father Oswald’s                                  Pray for the Sick: Robert Batten, Jr, Helen
                   w e e k l y    r e f l e c t i o n a t                                 Belcher, Kay Bittle, Irene Burns, Helena But-
          or on our Fa-                                   ler, Rose Celia, Augustine Cercas, Fred
                   cebook page at St. George Church,                                      Cuccinello, Lenora Cuccinello, Msgr. Grego-
                   Glenolden, PA.                                                         ry Akata-Daniels, Betty DiGrasso, Sr. Eileen
                                                                                          Eden, SSND, Mark Gallagher, Robert Gam-
                              “God bless you all.                                         boy, Larry Gilchrist, Bruce Gordan, Connie
                      It’s wonderful to have you back!”                 Gross, Stan Kane, Doris Kerker, Sr. Ann Marie Loftus, Made-
                                                                        line Loftus, Margie Loftus, Rosemarie Mazzio, Peg McCann,
                                                                        Bethann McCormick, Julia McGlinn, Anna Marie McIntyre,
                                 Happy Birthday                         Madeleine Nowrey, Rev. Leo P. Oswald, Anthony Perdue,
                                                                        Christopher Perdue, Madeline Pfaff, George Phillips, Marie
                       We wish everyone who is celebrating a birth-
                                                                        Prince, Edward Specht, Harry Sperone, Ted Stevens, Richard
                       day this week and happy and healthy year
                                                                        Sullivan, Michael Talent, Matthew Trageser, Carmella Young
                       ahead. We were unable to print the individu-
                                                                        and Tom Zane.
                       al names this week, but you are in our
                       thoughts and prayers.                                     Our sick list has been updated for the New Year. In
                                Happy Birthday, one and all, and        order to keep our prayer list current, we remove names after
                       may God bless everyone who is celebrating a      30 days. If we do not hear from a family member with an up-
                       birthday this week a healthy year ahead.         date on their progress, we will assume the blessings of the
                                                                        Lord are upon them and recovery has been achieved. We love
St. George Parish has online giving. You                                to hear good news, so please keep us informed. And if more
can donate simply by visiting https://                                  time is needed, we will be happy to extend it for you. May all                                    of our sick, through the mercy of God, find healing.
offertory and then click the icon that
reads “Give Now.” This allows for elec-                                                                Pray for Our
tronic contributions to be transferred                                                               Beloved Deceased
without the need of writing a check or                                          As we pray for our own families and
dropping off your envelope at the Rectory Office.                               friends, we ask you to please remember
                                                                                Sandra DiGregorio, Reverend Gus Es-
                                    How Can I                                   posito, OSA, Marcella Maxwell, and all
                              Keep from Singing!!!         those  who have died from  the coronavirus. May they rest in
                        Choir practice has been changed to peace.
                        Wednesday evenings from 7:30 PM to 8:30
                        PM in the church until further notice. So-
                          cial distancing and masks are required, but
this isn’t going to keep us from singing! New members welcome.

               Rosary Group
Our Rosary Group meets on Thursdays at 7:00
PM. To ensure social distancing, we gather in the
church. All are welcome and invited to join us as
we pray the Rosary and Divine Mercy Chaplet for                                               Respect Life
an end to the coronavirus and your personal inten-                      Any religion or philosophy which is not based on a respect for
tions. Masks are required.                                              life is not a true religion or philosophy. ~Albert Schweitzer

                             From the Mouth of Babes                                      Year of St. Joseph
                           Q: Why can't skeletons play music at a On December 8, 2020, Our Holy father, Pope Francis an-
                           church? A: They have no organs.        nounced a Year of Saint Joseph, which began that day and will
                                                                  continue through December 8, 2021. The Year of Saint Joseph
                           Q: Why should you always be quiet in commemorates the 150th anniversary of the proclamation of
                           church? A: Because people might be Saint Joseph as the patron of the Universal Church. You can
                           sleeping!                              read the Holy Father’s Apostolic Letter, Patris Corde, on Saint
                                                                  Joseph at
    Daily Prayer and Adoration                                    letters/documents/papa-francesco-lettera-ap 20201208 patric-
     Join us for daily Prayer and Adoration                       corde.html. Help us keep the altar of St. Joseph ablaze with
              3:00 PM to 4:00 PM                                  by lighting a candle for a loved one or another personal in-
    Monday to Friday in St. George Church                         tention. Candles are $2.

112George - Page 5
Saint George Parish Community
School News and Local
                                    School News                            New at St. Charles Borromeo Seminary
                                    Our Lady of Angels
                       Our Lady of Angels would like to congratu-
                       late the following eighth grade students on
                       winning academic or fine arts scholarships
                       to their selected high schools. We are so
                       proud of them and of their achievements.
And the recipients are... Barakey Abner (St. George), Natalia
Cipolloni, Olivia DiBattista, Kayelynn D'Enna, James, Duran,
Thomas Dugan, Devin Everman, Catherine Greim, Jackson Hol-
ton, Hayden Sissions, Emily Taylor, Samantha Tomassian (St.
George), Kevin Vo, and Aaron Ward.
           After our long Christmas Holiday break, the students
and teacher returned to school on Monday, January 4, 2021, a
little tried, but happy to be back. We continue to hold in-person       The Institute for Christian Formation welcomes all those eager
classes with a few of our students attending virtual, live-streamed     for a closer walk with the Lord Jesus Christ and enrichment of
classes. We pray all the COVID precautions the school has been          their lives as baptized believers to join together with others on a
taking will continue through the New Year keeping all of us safe.       journey of discovery and exploration of the riches of the Catho-
Happy New Year to all of you from the students, faculty and             lic faith. Sessions begin January 21 and are offered Spring &
staff of Saint Eugene School.                                           Fall 2021 and Spring & Fall 2022 on eight Thursday evenings
                 Saint Eugene School Registration                       from 6:45 PM to 9:30 PM. The cost is $250 per season. Adult
If you are looking for a small, safe, Catholic community, Saint         18+ years and High School Diploma or equivalent required. Cer-
Eugene is the place for you. Saint Eugene School provides a             tificate obtained for full completion of four seasons. Renewal in
faith-based, rigorous, academic curriculum sensitive to the needs       faith hope and love Mutual support in living the faith. We wel-
of the whole child: spiritually, socially, physically and academi-      come you to contact us at or 610-785-6287.
cally. For more information, you are invited to visit the school                  Dynamic presenters; experiential, adult faith formation;
website at or call our Enrollment             deepening or relationship with Jesus Christ; seeking holiness of
Director, Ms. Sharon Soper at 610 622 2909.                             heart, mind and soul; equipping for vibrant discipleship; enrich-
           At this time, due to COVID restrictions, daytime tours       ment of participation in Mass and Sacraments. For more infor-
will not be available.                                                  mation and to register, visit

                                                                                       Catholics & Lutherans
               Flame of Love Feast Day                                          Reaffirm Commitment to Communion
                    On-Site and Live-Streamed                           The Pontifical Council of Promoting Christian Unity and the
                  February 2, 2021 at 6:00 PM                           Lutheran World Federation recently announced the publication
  St. Mary Magdalen Church, 2400 N. Providence Road, Media              of the updated Italian translation of the historic ecumenical doc-
       Speakers: Maureen Lomady, Host of the FOL Radio                  ument call the Joint Declaration of the Doctrine of Justification.
     Holy Mass at 7:30 PM - Celebrant Msgr. Ralph Chieffo               The English version can be found at
             Candles and Sacramentals will be Blessed.                  Here they underscore their commitment to walk together on their
      The flame becomes a living fire in our hearts and souls.          common journey from conflict to communion.

Statement of Most Revered Nelson J. Perez Regarding Violent Protests at the US Capitol
                               Like so many Americans, I watched the violent protests and vandalism unfold in the United States Capi-
                               tol with shock and dismay. Yesterday was a truly sad day for our country - a day that I pray never re-
                               peats itself. I the midst of our shared sorrow, we must remember that what we saw is not a reflection of
                               who we are. We are better than this and the actions of a few do not represent us or our values.
                                         As citizens of this great country, we are blessed. E share common rights to freedom of speech
                               and freedom of assembly among others. While differences of opinion often emerge on a variety of politi-
                               cal and societal issues, those differences cannot under any circumstances degenerate into lawlessness
and chaos. Regardless of political affiliation, we are united by democracy. Should it devolve into what we witnessed yesterday -
violet disorder and chaos - the rights we cherish will disappear into the abyss of anarchy.
          In the name of the people of the Archdiocese of Philadelphia, I express my prayerful gratitude to all government law en-
forcement agents who worked to restore order to the Capitol as well as our elected officials and their staff members who lived and
worked through a dark day in our history to ensure the peaceful transition of power.
          May God grant us wisdom as we week common ground as Americans and may He bring peace to our land. Today is a new
day. It is a call for all people of faith to lift their hearts in prayer for our country and for healing in a spirit of unity rooted in who we
are - Citizens of the United States of America.
                                        ~Most Rev. Nelson J. Perez, Archbishop of Philadelphia

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Saint George Parish Community
Parish Religious Education and Local
                                             First Holy Communion 2021
                         Students in PREP and Catholic school will gather together on Sunday, February 28, and Sunday, March 21 for
                         a lesson review and rehearsal for First Penance in St. George Church from 11:30 AM to 1:00 PM. All stu-
                         dents are required to attend. First Penance has been rescheduled for Saturday, March 27, at 1:00 PM in the
                         church. Parents were mailed official notification of these dates changes on January 7th. Please direct any ques-
                         tions or concerns to Mrs. Lynda Batten at 610-237-1633 or
                                                     Confirmation 2021
                        We are happy to report that students preparing for Confirmation in 2021 will resume weekly lessons on Mon-
                        day, February 15, from 6:45 PM to 8:00 PM in the church. ALL candidates for Confirmation are asked to be
present, including Catholic school students. Parents were mailed official notification on January 8th. Students are asked to bring the
Confirmed in the Spirit workbooks with them for lessons.
                                                             PREP 2021
Updated PREP calendars for the remainder of the PREP year will be mailed to parents next week.
          Students should now be on Chapter 12 . If this is not the case, we ask students to complete the lessons they have missed at
some point during the week and send their chapter reviews via email to their catechists as soon as possible.
          First quarter reports will be mailed to parents by the end of January. Students who have not been completing online reviews
will be considered absent. More than three absences may result in repeating the year. Please contact Mrs. Batten with any questions.

                      Prayer Request                                         Week of Prayer for
Pray for the eradication of all forms of racism among all peoples             Christian Unity
and that all will open wide their hearts with the love of God and       Monday, January 18 through Monday,
neighbor so that healing and peace will mark our way of life.                       January 25, 2021
                                                                       The Week of Prayer for Christian Unity
  Biennial Archdiocesan                                                is an ecumenical Christian observance in
       Pilgrimage                                                      the Christina calendar that is celebrated
Basilica of the National Shrine of the                                 internationally. It has a history of over
       Immaculate Conception                                           100 years, in which Christians around the
    Saturday, October 16, 2021                                         world have taken part in an octave of prayer for visible Christian
Save the date! More details to follow.                                 unity. By annually observing the WPCU, Christians move toward
                                                                       the fulfillment of Jesus' prayer at the Last Supper "that they all
                                                                       may be one."(cf. John 17:21)
                                                                                 Interestingly, in preparation for the WPCU, ecumenical
                               Special Day of Prayer                   partners in a particular region were asked to prepare a basic text
                               Day of Prayer for the Diocese of the
                                                                       on a biblical theme. Then an international group organized
                                      United States of America
                                                                       through the World Council of Churches (WCC) and The Pontifi-
                                     Friday, January 22, 2021
                                                                       cal Council for Promoting Christian Unity edited this text, which
                              In all the Diocese of the United
                                                                       was jointly published by the Pontifical Council for Promoting
                              States of America, January 22 (or
                                                                       Christian Unity and WCC, through their Commission on Faith
                              January 23 when the 22nd falls on a
                                                                       and Order. The WCC accompanied the entire production process
Sunday) shall be observed as a particular day of prayer for the
                                                                       of the text. The final material was sent to member churches and
full restoration of the legal guarantee of the right to life and of
                                                                       Roman Catholic dioceses, and they were invited to translate the
penance for violations to the dignity of the human person com-
                                                                       text and contextualize it for their own use. So as you can see,
mitted through acts of abortion. We celebrate this day and give
                                                                       much thought and much work has been placed into preparation
thanks to God for the gift of human life. The right to life is a
                                                                       for this special week of prayer.
human right. Our defense of that right is a joyful witness to the
                                                                                 Please join us in daily prayer on January 18 to January
beauty and dignity of every human person.
                                                                       25: Gracious Lord, we pray for all the members of your holy
          The March for Life, which takes place on January 29,
                                                                       Church, that all may abide in you, and you in them, that they may
2021, is an inspiring, peaceful, vibrant, and joy-filled rally of
                                                                       e one in your love and bear much fruit. We also pray for the
women, men, young people, and children from all across the
                                                                       world so that all may come to believe in your love for them by the
country. Every year, tens of thousands of pro-lifers converge on
                                                                       fruit of our witness. We know that our divisions are a source of
the National Mall and march on Capitol Hill on the anniversary
                                                                       scandal to your world, and we know that in love we are called to
of the Supreme Court’s 1973 Roe v. Wade ruling which legal-
                                                                       unite a one in the vine and the branches. The vine is our Lord
ized abortion in all 50 states. It’s the largest annual human rights
                                                                       Jesus Christ, your Son. We are meant to be His branches. Help
demonstration in the world. But this is not just a protest… to-
                                                                       us, we pray, to love, to forgive, to seek justice and to be your
gether, we gather to celebrate life. We celebrate each and every
                                                                       prophetic voice in the world. May your grace effect growth of
life, from the moment of conception. We envision a world where
                                                                       good fruit among us, that our world may realize peace. We ask
every life is celebrated, valued, and protected.
                                                                       all this in the name of Jesus, your Son, and in the power of the
          For more details, visit
                                                                       holy Spirit, one God forever and ever. Amen.

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