Scaling Safety On The Journey To Automotive Autonomy - THE CONTEXT OF TRUST:

Scaling Safety On The Journey To Automotive Autonomy - THE CONTEXT OF TRUST:
                                WHITE PAPER   2020


Scaling Safety On The Journey
To Automotive Autonomy
Scaling Safety On The Journey To Automotive Autonomy - THE CONTEXT OF TRUST:
We want to change
    the conversation about
       We want to driving
                  change the                                      commercial circumstances, such as shipping dedi-
                                                                  cated truck platooning, taxis, or fully autonomous
                                                                                                                           across the fleet now, or many people may be left
                                                                                                                           out of the journey to automotive autonomy and
                                                                                                                                                                                  ●   Developing the best technologies, combined
                                                                                                                                                                                      with applying the data-driven insights that will

        safety      about
       autonomous driving
                                                                  drones which may make small package deliveries
                                                                  to homes. An even smaller fraction of vehicles will
                                                                                                                           fail to benefit from its innovations.
                                                                                                                               But there’s reason for hope, because a large
                                                                                                                                                                                      enable consumers to rely on every new safety
                                                                                                                                                                                      innovation, and therefore see them as core
                                                                  be owned by consumers and operate on urban and           number of those vehicles sold in 2030 will possess         components of vehicle performance, and not
       and safety                                                 rural roads, and will probably be high-end, costly       advanced safety hardware and software. The key             options, and

                                                                  luxury models.                                           will be to match those technologies to user needs,
                                                                      During the journey to that future, people will       make systems intuitive and so quickly.                 ●   Provide carmakers with the platform to match
                or too long, the public debate has focused
                                                                  continue to be injured or die in driving-related                                                                    technologies with driver use cases and car
                on achieving full autonomy, a point at
                                                                                                                                                                                      types, from low to high-end models, and then
                which a driverless car will operate on any
                road, in any condition, as well as (or better)
                                                                  accidents. Last year, the World Health Organization
                                                                  cited road injuries as the 8th leading cause of
                                                                                                                           Improved safety can                                        allow them to build on that framework by ea-
       than a human driver. We are incredibly excited             death worldwide: Traffic collisions resulted in          no longer be merely                                        sily adding (and swapping) new hardware and
                                                                                                                                                                                      software innovations.
       by the promise of that future, and our engineers           nearly 1.4 million fatalities, over half of which were
       are helping lead the innovation and development            pedestrians, cyclists, and motorcyclists, and 50         an option                                              ●   We believe that car users at all levels short of
       necessary to get there.                                    million people were injured. Fully autonomous                                                                       full autonomy will drive for the foreseeable
                                                                                                                           We at Veoneer see the development challenge for
           But the journey is far from over. Some forecasts       vehicles will address only a small fraction of these                                                                future, not merely be driven around, and using
                                                                                                                           the next decade is not only to reach the goal of
       project that only a fraction of cars on the road in        incidents, whether powered by combustion or                                                                         technology to augment their performance is
                                                                                                                           autonomous driving, but to democratize driver-
       2030 — a decade from now — will be fully autonomous,       electric motors.                                                                                                    something we call collaborative driving. It is
                                                                                                                           assist safety technologies for the greatest societal
       so it makes sense to talk about this transformation            Further, here’s some sobering content: In 2013,                                                                 now the time to accelerate in such technologies
                                                                                                                           impact along the way by:
       not as a sudden revolution that will arrive someday,       the WHO reported 1.25 million deaths related to                                                                     that augment driver capabilities and thereby
       but more like an evolution, or journey, that will unfold   road traffic incidents, so the number has increased                                                                 increase safety and enhance comfort in the
                                                                                                                           ●   Understanding the driving contexts that are
       over several decades.                                      by nearly 9% during the last 5 years in which we’ve                                                                 more near-term timeframe, and to do so for the
                                                                                                                               relevant to the greatest number of people, such
           The road to automotive autonomy isn’t a binary         been talking about the safety benefits of smart or                                                                  most vehicles in the largest number of circum-
                                                                                                                               as the qualities of their daily commutes to/from
       leap from today to full autonomy.                          autonomous driving technologies. There are many                                                                     stances…regardless of make, model, brand,
                                                                                                                               work, or the most common routes taken by
           And what will 2030 look like when we arrive            reasons this number has increased, most notably                                                                     geography, or price tag.
                                                                                                                               drivers of rental cars.
       there? If there are fully autonomous vehicles in           because the total number of drivers has gone up,
       operation they’ll most likely be utilized in controlled    but it does indicate that safety features are needed

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Scaling Safety On The Journey To Automotive Autonomy - THE CONTEXT OF TRUST:
emerge when drivers are agitated, preoccupied, or        to expectations. Forgiveness is a key attribute of
                                                                                                                         distracted by events inside the cabin (i.e. children)    trust, and it’s imperative that consumers develop
                                                                                                                         or external factors not directly related to the road     the faith to continue using a system or service even
                                                                                                                         (i.e. a flash of lightning or beautiful sunset).         though it may fail sometimes. That continued use is
                                                                                                                              We believe the journey to autonomy would            also required to give the system data from which it
                                                                                                                         benefit far more people if the industry focused on       can learn and improve, so trust is also a core
                                                                                                                         defining and then providing the core safety tech-        comment of continuous innovation.

    PART I:                                                                                                              nologies suited to such segmented use cases.

                                                                                                                                                                                  Trust drives the
                                                                                                                         Simply put, providing a buyer option for a package
                                                                                                                         of safety technologies unrelated to those specific
                                                                                                                         experiences — say, a “daily commuter package” or         journey to

                                                                                                                         “long-distance driver package” — is asking for a level
                                                                                                                         of consumer engagement (and expenditure) that
                                                                                                                         doesn’t come across as a necessity.                      Currently, the collaboration between driver and

    of Safety
                                                                                                                              Further, what types of safety technologies might    system is basically a visual or haptic monologue
                                                                                                                         next be standard in certain models or vehicle types?     during a short time window, not a dialogue within a
                                                                                                                         Establishing these benchmarks will help develop          shared context of collaboration and experience.
                                                                                                                         the largest market opportunities and, therefore, the         Today’s bells and buzzers are simply annoying
                                                                                                                                                                                  and capture attention without communicating
                                                                                                                                                                                  content, which can lead to distrust or simply
                                                                                                                                                                                  turning them off.
                                                                                                                                                                                      The democratization of safety will mean colla-
                                                                To bridge this gap, three qualities — driver condition                                                            borative driving that is a partnership – transforming
        Context matters                                         and circumstances, the need for technology to be                                                                  drivers into users, as co-owners of the controls --
        Nobody drives the same in every situation he or         relevant and useful, and consumer perceptions of                                                                  based on trust that both the vehicle and the driver
        she might encounter in a given day, their driving       ubiquity/reliability — need to merge to create what                                                               will have a hand in building based on their bespoke
        habits can be impacted by a variety of internal         we call a Context of Trust. It is within this context                                                             commuting or travel needs. Both people and their
        characteristics, and every driver is different.         that the application of driver-assist technologies                                                                vehicles will, quite literally, have to learn how to talk
            The potential for new autonomous safety tech-       needs to be understood, and to which future                                                                       to one another.
        nologies to fail to perform up to driver expectations   innovation and development should be put.                                                                             We see a new conversation about autonomous
        in any of these all but infinite number of scenarios        From a technology perspective, this means                                                                     driving and safety that yields a near-term future in
        means that consumers may have disappointing             systems that go beyond indicators and warnings,                                                                   which:
        experiences and choose not to use those tools, or       to tools that help drivers better manage their
        simply never “opt-in” because of a priori mistrust.     capabilities (i.e. attention/fatigue management) or                                                               ●   Active Safety is no longer a premium feature
            The industry knows from experience that there’s     support understanding that encompass the design                                                                       but is becoming standard in more mass market
        no reason to believe that the introduction of more      of system actions as well as system availability .                                                                    vehicles
        sensors or services alone will automatically address        Commuting and long-distance driving are two          greatest economies of scale and sales potential for      ●   Vehicles have more immersive, collaborative,
        driver understanding and expectations. Many             different safety contexts.                               carmakers.                                                   and trustworthy interfaces, making it more
        continue to disable usage of intermittent vehicle           This calls for matching safety tools to specific         The goal should be to match the technologies to          likely that drivers will use the safety tools at
        automation such as lane keep assistance or              and common uses. For instance, are lane keep             the right use cases, then inform and engage with             their disposal.
        adaptive cruise control, citing their belief that the   alerts an important safety mechanism for vehicles        consumers on what those performance attributes
        functions are unreliable, provide feedback at the       used primary in congested urban settings? It’s           might be and, finally, empower the automated             ●   Even though some vehicles may not have all
        wrong times, or are simply annoying, according to       certainly a crucial tool for long-distance highway       and human actors in a vehicle to make reasonable             the latest comfort features, they make use of
        a study a few years ago.                                drivers.                                                 assumptions of the others’ performance and skill.            trusted information gathered by other vehicles
            Conversely, usage of anti-lock brakes (“ABS”            Overlaid those environmental contexts are the        Trust is the outcome of that process. It means               — both similar and more advanced — allowing
        systems) is just shy of 100%, insomuch that they        various contextual states of driver state of mind.       giving drivers the confidence in the necessity and           them to benefit from the increasing body of
        have been required technologies in all cars sold in     People drive differently when they’re tired than         suitability of the assist technology, and the capacity       knowledge on safe driving.
        the EU since 2004 and the US after 2013.                when they’re wakeful and alert; differences also         to assert control if it doesn’t consistently perform

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Scaling Safety On The Journey To Automotive Autonomy - THE CONTEXT OF TRUST:
●   There is innovation on how vehicles function         ●   Were there conditions and/or situations in
        and are marketed: For instance, cars’ driving            which an existing or planned driver assist tech-
        assistance systems could be customized to                nology could have been applied, and what are
        driving conditions (so city driving is                   the performance profiles of those use cases?
        automatically supported by standard ADAS
        with driver monitoring, but once on a longer         We at Veoneer see an opportunity to capture such
        distance highway the system switches on              data and use it to continually innovate and improve
        adaptive cruise control or a hands-off               the way you and your vehicle collaborate (i.e. enable
        function). Now, imagine paying for those             you and your vehicle to learn). It can then be applied
        features per use or even mile, much like             broadly to other vehicles, and their learnings used
        subscribing to a streaming service.                  to improve your safety profile, resulting in improved
                                                             collaboration between drivers and vehicles that
    There is a need for a democratization of safety          evolves over time.
    technology and equipping all vehicles, from the              Such collaboration will enable better safety
    mass-market trim level to the premium level, with        technologies and greater use of them, thereby
    compatible safety systems that can learn and
    improve as the industry innovates on its journey to
                                                             saving lives along our journey to automotive
                                                                                                                       ” Vehicles need not
    autonomous driving.
       We at Veoneer not only intend to encourage
                                                                 It is a challenging remit, yet a necessity, for at
                                                             least two reasons:
                                                                                                                       only to learn from
    this new conversation but help lead its realization.         First, as MIT’s Advanced Vehicle Technology
                                                             Research shows, consumers lack the core mental
                                                                                                                       other vehicles, the
    A collaborative                                          model of designers and a myriad of conditional
                                                             operating conditions don’t offer the support needed
                                                                                                                       infrastructure and
    safety learning                                          for successful technology adoption. For trust, one        the driver, but explain
    system                                                   of the pillars of collaboration, predictability is key.
                                                             Predictability can be improved when there is com-         things in a clear way
                                                                                                                       to the driver. ”
    For as much as today’s vehicles have in common           mon ground between one vehicle and the next, and
    with cars and trucks built five or more years ago,       a common thought process running between them.
    they are also very different. Vehicles have a greater    People trust each other after they understand their
    number of quality sensors, and the functional quality    own and their counterparts’ limitations and skill sets.
    of those devices continue to improve. The collection         HMI requirements on system decision making
    of driving data has also continued apace, created vast   is a pivotal input to a collaborative driving scheme,
    reservoirs of information that can be aggregated,        making the ways safety updates are communicated
    analyzed, and then applied to the function of both       to drivers increasingly important. Mode error
    existing and new vehicles.                               needs to be minimized, and the introduction of
        Just think about it: The miles of road you and       a system update that changes how a system is
    others drive are experiences that improve your           perceived needs to be explained in a way that
    driving skills. Your vehicle can also learn from where   drivers are ready to incorporate. Driver coaching
    you drive and how you perform together, such as:         will only become more important with increasing
    ●   In what circumstances did you rely on a driver
        assist technology, and how did it function?

    ●   When did you switch off an assist technology,
        and what were the conditions (which may lead
        to insights as to why)?

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Scaling Safety On The Journey To Automotive Autonomy - THE CONTEXT OF TRUST:
Usability of safety
                                                                                                                       PART II:
    technology will be as
    important as its                                                                                                   Scalable
    availability                                                                                                       Safety
        Second, in order to build up and then apply the
        amount of information needed for realizing this new
        vision for safety, sensor data from all vehicles need
        to be leveraged, and the resulting data merged
        with other sources of information on the localized
            This will be accomplished by securely feeding
        relevant data to the cloud, where risks can be
        understood and profiled. Such risks can be related      Applying safety capabilities                              It starts with a
        to driver behavior, like understanding individuals’
        tolerances for car-following and, thereupon,            will be as important as                                   modular system
        determining based on vehicle dynamics the opti-         innovating new ones                                       architecture
        mum timing for driver warning (or not). Other risks
        can be related to security, where abnormalities         As technology progresses, there is no reason to           Cars already have the same bumpers regardless of
        can be detected in the drive and the consumer be        doubt that tomorrow’s low-end vehicles will have          trim levels, and there is nothing to stop this from
        alerted. Think less loud alarm or other warning, and    more sensor technology than they do today. We             also being the case for the rest of the electrical
        more of a suggestion or nudge from a co-pilot.          already see cameras and radars becoming standard          architecture, yielding hardware as well as software
            The result is that no driver would ever encounter   in Europe and elsewhere, with a trend toward map-         systems that are modular. Already, several OEMs       HIGH
        a road condition or situation that hadn’t been seen,    ping and driver monitoring continuing to be strong.       are taking this approach to developing the next
        analyzed, and prepared for prior. No driver will ever   Such a new basic level of fittings in every vehicle       generation electrical vehicle architectures. The
        have to drive alone.                                    sold will present an opportunity for the vehicle to       modular concept would allow for the bundling of
            Information sourcing becomes a critical             perceive its surroundings, itself and its occupants.      safety and convenience features into three main
        element in meeting this challenge as, contrary              We see in this evolution the possibility for          trim levels.
        to what may be intuitive, vehicles with the least       unlocking a whole new level of collaborative driving
        amount of driver assist technology will account for     and traffic safety by:                                    For instance:                                         MID
        more than 50% of that data by 2025. Further, with
        almost every vehicle having a camera (and/or radar)     1.   Enabling vehicles to learn from each other           ●   The basic trim level ”BASE”, accounting for
        somewhere between 2025-2030 in at least Europe               and apply data insights to the various                   60% of the vehicle volumes, could be centered
        and North America, mass market vehicles will cap-            configurations of hardware present in each               around safety
        ture the greatest amount of safety-relevant data.            hardware platform, ranging from mass
                                                                                                                          ●   A MID trim level offer of advanced convenience
              These vehicles also represent the greatest             market to premium, and
                                                                                                                              and assistance features, such as adaptive
        opportunity to apply that learning to the benefit
                                                                2. Establishing standards and a scalable platform             cruise control or traffic jam assist, and         BASE
        of drivers, passengers, and pedestrians, even as
                                                                   that allows carmakers to achieve synergies
        the data are also useful to educate more advanced                                                                 ●   The HIGH trim level, accounting for only 5-10%
                                                                   through the development of all trim levels due
        systems (especially to determine relevant objects                                                                     of total vehicle sales volumes, would aim to
                                                                   to commonalities in software and hardware.
        and the most probable paths in complex junction                                                                       offer enhanced functions that are also
        scenarios).                                             We call this approach Scalable Safety.                        suited for higher levels of automation.

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Scaling Safety On The Journey To Automotive Autonomy - THE CONTEXT OF TRUST:
” We need a scalable architecture, where the
     lower levels of vehicle systems are modular
     and easily extended so that each level does
     not require a whole new way of thinking about
     hardware or software architecture.”

     The goal would be to achieve a consistent safety         learns. This also means we need to move further         safety, as it’s primarily concerned with technical      features on the camera differ regarding resolution
     standard across the vehicle fleet, with systems          along with standardization in terms of processing       and economical synergies by designing one               requirements, functional safety requirements or
     allowing for updates of hardware or software as          and interfaces, which is work that is going on today.   common architecture instead of three (optimized)        the required compute resources to process the
     needed by OEMs. The challenge is to have a com-             We need a scalable architecture, where the           individual designs.                                     image. Now, in order to satisfy the design criteria of
     mon architecture design which allows expansion           lower levels of vehicle systems are modular and              A second important aspect is that sensor           a scalable architecture described earlier, the same
     from BASE to HIGH by adding hardware and                 easily extended so that each level does not require     and compute platform design follows a systems           scalability needs to be designed into the camera
     software to the system while carrying on content         a whole new way of thinking about hardware or           engineering driven approach in order to offer the       meaning common imager technology, common
     from lower trim levels.                                  software architecture. The lower levels can be built    best (not optimum) technical solution for each of       image processing, common interface design and
         When OEMs have tested a system for their             on the same basic system. For higher levels, there      the system trim levels while keeping common             common design for functional safety. Only then
     volume level vehicles, those tests will still be valid   are no current standards but still a competition on     elements across them.                                   can a system be expanded from BASE to MID by
     for the higher trim vehicles. With a scalable archi-     how this is to be achieved. As we scale across, and          If you think about the forward-facing camera,      replacing the BASE camera by a MID camera which
     tecture, the same model can also be sold in several      learn from the lower levels, we will build on these     it is a key sensor in these systems and an enabler      will still support the BASE content and allow field
     trim levels, so that the end user can trim up or down    learnings to agree on a working high-level archi-       of the majority of all relevant safety features. The    data collected with the BASE camera to be used by
     their vehicle as they require.                           tecture that works for regular consumer vehicles.       camera is used across all three trim levels from        the MID system and so on.
         Just as likely, OEMs could easily upgrade the                                                                BASE to HIGH, where it delivers information about           The challenge and possible limitations in a
     compute platform for their next model facelift,                                                                  objects it detects in the dynamic driving scene         scalable system design are imposed by the different
     and thereby use added functionality as a tool to         Scalable sensors                                        which in turn are used for different features –         trim levels as they serve different markets. BASE is
     encourage trade-ins and/or new sales.
         Regardless of trim level, the electrical archi-
                                                              put learning to work                                    starting from a traffic sign information feature over
                                                                                                                      to an autonomous emergency brake all the way up
                                                                                                                                                                              becoming the standard fitment, thus requiring very
                                                                                                                                                                              cost-efficient solutions whereas HIGH demands
     tecture will need to allow for updates from the OEM,     A modular system architecture is only one aspect        to an automated Highway Pilot feature.                  performance for convenience features while cost
     reflecting the accumulated insights as the fleet         of the Scalable Safety approach to democratizing             As you might imagine, requirements from those      might not be as important.

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Scaling Safety On The Journey To Automotive Autonomy - THE CONTEXT OF TRUST:
” With a common
     architecture and modular
     system development,
     vehicles should more easily
     learn from each other...”

          Update, update, and then                                                                                        What does a scalable
          update again                                                                                                    architecture look like?
          The scope of the learning challenge is broader than    To implement such continuous improvement,                ●   Ability to design complete ADAS/AD sensing     ●   A diverse product range.
          what’s contained inside the vehicle and must extend    however, new tools for communicating need to be              & compute architectures top-down.
                                                                                                                                                                                 - System components, designed to fit into
          to understanding changes in the ground traffic         designed to connect drivers with other vehicles
                                                                                                                              - System product planning identifying major        scalable system solutions
          system as a whole. As different parts of the vehicle   (V2V), and vehicles and infrastructure (V2X). It’s not
                                                                                                                              market segments and common Safety/ADAS
          eco-system update at different speeds, there is a      only about the human-machine interaction inside                                                                 - Those system solutions being complete,
                                                                                                                              content bundles and assumed use cases, which
          need for understanding the modular sensing and         the vehicle. System scalability not only will need                                                              offering all HW and SW as well as competency as
                                                                                                                              provide the baseline for system and feature
          system setups, as well as when to issue various        to incorporate the differences between ADAS and                                                                 a System partner, including system integration,
          updates to answer to consumer expectations of          driver assistance, but also the ability to learn from                                                           V&V, functional safety, and so on.
          continuous engineering throughout the vehicle          the driver, from the other vehicles, and from itself.        - “Real-life” research focused on traffic
          lifecycle.                                                 In a software enabled system, vehicle safety             accidentology and human factors driving
              With a common architecture and modular             systems need to evolve even better than the OS               innovative and consumer centric solutions
          system development, vehicles should more easily        and applications on a new smartphone. When it’s              - Scalable reference system architectures to
          learn from each other; for instance, a vehicle with    time for a software update, it needs to happen               address different market segments and needs
          more types of sensors can help map a trusted           as expected and explained, with the advances in
          route, which the basic vehicles can then use as        functionality intuitive for users across diverse
          input to their algorithms.                             technological backgrounds.

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Scaling Safety On The Journey To Automotive Autonomy - THE CONTEXT OF TRUST:
” As human drivers will
                                                               continue to play active
                                                               roles in driving their
     The imperative for a                                      vehicles while managing
     new conversation about
     autonomous driving
                                                               an increasing array of
     and safety                                                new or newly configured
     The democratization of vehicle safety technologies
     does not rest on an abundance of self-driving
                                                               technologies at their
     vehicles. The aviation industry learned over 30
     years ago that a philosophy of ’replacing’ the
                                                               disposal, they can
     operator has fundamental flaws. Aviation work on
     automation not only focuses on leveraging human
                                                               expect to encounter
     performance and approaches to minimize errors.
     It also emphasizes the need to keep operator skills       more situations when
                                                               they must consider,
     up-to-date, partly by education, partly by making
     sure pilots are still able to fly manually, and partly
     through strategically developed human centered
     automation.                                               or have embraced and
         We think it’s no different for automotive techno-
         As human drivers will continue to play active
                                                               trusted a priori, a mix
     roles in driving their vehicles while managing an
     increasing array of new or newly configured techno-
                                                               between human and
     logies at their disposal, they can expect to encounter
     more situations when they must consider, or have
                                                               automated control.”
     embraced and trusted a priori, a mix between
     human and automated control. These questions
     become tangibly real for drivers of cars equipped
     with advanced systems.
         Millions of drivers over the next 10 years will not
     only have to ask what their vehicle is able to handle,
     but be prepared and comfortable answering them
     with literal life-or-death certainty. We at Veoneer
     see not just the opportunity but the necessity of
     helping them.
         Democratizing safety technology so that it
     benefits the greatest number of people as soon as
     possible is a new way of looking at our journey to
     full automotive autonomy. We believe that such a
     development can be enabled by a scalable safety
     approach that puts each new safety innovation
     wherever it can work effectively.
         In pursuing this vision, we will build a context of
     trust on our journey to 2030 and beyond.

Scaling Safety On The Journey To Automotive Autonomy - THE CONTEXT OF TRUST: Scaling Safety On The Journey To Automotive Autonomy - THE CONTEXT OF TRUST:
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