SOUNDTECH awe - LIST OF 8MATCHING - Danish Sound Network

Page created by Yvonne Mccormick
SOUNDTECH awe - LIST OF 8MATCHING - Danish Sound Network
Intelligent matchmaking between startups and corporations             October 2018


Integrating audio in an
everyday environment


                                                            How Valuer Works

SOUNDTECH awe - LIST OF 8MATCHING - Danish Sound Network
The Valuer
                                          AI and experts working together to
                                          validate startups

1. Mission Call to                        3. AI-based proof                        5. Selection of the
   agents                                    of business                              best innovators
A call to arms is made, activating Val-   Startup proof of business is depend-     To select a group of startups best suit-
uer’s agent network and identifying       ent on many different factors, that      ed for exposure to industry leaders,
a large group of startups with poten-     have been identified as valid for        a combined automatic and manual
tial for excellence. The call goes out    Valuer’s prediction algorithm. Factors   process was applied. The parameters
to both national and international        such as funding over time, partner-      used for each of the previous selec-
agents to identify startups with inno-    ship mentions and customer re-           tion steps were used to generate a
vations that can change the future.       sponse/mention are used to generate      startup ranking of each of the select-
Over several weeks, a wide selection      an overview of proof of business. The    ed startups. The ranking was then
of startups all around the world is       available data for proof of business     used in combination with industry
identified. Several thousand agents       was used in Valuer’s k-NN clustering     expert evaluation to select the best
are available to utilized their per-      algorithm, to divide startups into       startups suited for collaboration with
sonal networks, business affiliations     groups based on the available factors.   industry leaders.
and online engagement to identify
startups in all stages and sizes.
                                          4. Growth prediction                     6. Best corporate fit
                                          Through research and expert in-          The startups with the best fit has
2. Defining success                       vestigation into cases of successful     been selected based on the degree
   parameters                             scaling and growth, measurable           to which the startups represent
The identified startups were pro-         capabilities were selected to rank       important technologies and business
cessed by Valuer’s random forest          and evaluate the startups based          trends. All of the startups featured
algorithm, measuring predicted            on predicted future development.         in the physical material has been
success chance of the startups. The       Valuer’s matchmaking neural              approved by relevant industry experts,
startups with a predicted success         network utilized the identified          to ensure that each of the startups
chance of below 30% were excluded,        capabilities to define required          represent an important technological
to narrow the scope of the further        parameters to achieve successful         change in their respective industries.
investigation and matching for all        growth. The accuracy of Valuer’s
relevant parameters. Valuer’s random      matchmaking neural network was
forest algorithm utilized widely          tested on previous startup cases of
accessible factors such as size of        both success and failure, resulting
founder team, experience, funding         in a selected group of sufficiently
rounds/amount, product or brand           validated growth prediction.
recognition, intellectual property
rights and partnerships.

SOUNDTECH awe - LIST OF 8MATCHING - Danish Sound Network
VALUER.AI DUE DILIGENCE                            Data collected:
AND SCREENING PROCESS                                   Industry
                                                        Technology trends

                                                        Founders expertise and experience
                                                        Product validation as accolades,

                                                        Product technology
                                                        Tech trends
                                                        Market size
                                                        Case studies
                                                        Business model

                                                        Founders potential
                                                        Market trends
                                                        Market predictions
                                                        Tech trends
                                                        Competitor analysis

                                                        Analysis of collected data
                                                        Capabilities matching

          BEST FIT

                          •   Artificial Intelligence                        155

                          •   Blockchain                               183

                          •   Cryptocurrency                                        111

                          •   DIgital marketing                                            73

                          •   E-Commerce                                           118

                          •   Education                                                        63

                          •   Financial services                                          83
VALUER.AI INDUSTRY        •   FinTech                                              119

TRENDS OF 2018            •   Health Care                                                  73

                          •   Information technologies                             116

                          •   Internet                                                    90

                          •   Machine learning                                       102

                          •   Marketing                                                        58

                          •   Marketing place                                             92

                          •   Mobile apps                                                 86

                          •   SaaS                                            139

                          •   Software                                         133

M ATC H 1                                                          SUMMARY

                                                                       •   awe is a Copenhagen-based startup focused on
                                                                           making audio an important component of every

awe team is focused on integrating audio in an everyday
                                                                       •   The latest addition to their portfolio is Ro, a 3D
                                                                           spatialized audio calmness, relaxation and ASMR
Location: Copenhagen, Denmark                                              mobile app.
Founded: 21/01/2016
Employees: 5                                                           •   In relatively short period on the market, Ro managed
Website:                                                         to attract the national attention bringing awe the
                                                                           Danish Sound Startup Award 2018.

                                                                       •   Statista research shows that mobile apps are ex-
Main Info:                                                                 pected to generate $188.9 billion in revenues via app
                                                                           stores and in-app advertising in 2020.
C U R R E N T S TA G E :

    Product/Prototype                                                  MEET THE TEAM:
    Go to Market
    Growth & Expansion
                                                                                     Per Beck Hansen
                                                                                     CO-FOUNDER AND CEO
Business Logic:                                                        Per is dedicated to his passion for connecting audio and new
                                                                       technologies speak not only his academic background but also
PRODUCT CONCEPT                                                        his previous positions. Per has been working on the organization
                                                                       of cultural events and festivals around Denmark and founded the
awe offers a wide range of services focused on creating audio
                                                                       charity event Wondercrane.
augmented reality experiences for their clients. Ro, a 3D spatial-
ized audio calmness, relaxation and ASMR mobile app, is among
the latest additions to their product list, targetting specific user
categories in their B2C model. Adding a new value to its seg-
ment, Ro brought awe the Danish Sound Startup Award in this                          Egil Sandfeld Gregersen
year’s event.                                                                        CO-FOUNDER AND CTO

                                                                       In AWE, Egil serves as a back-end developer, with additional
BUSINESS MODEL                                                         responsibilities such as audio software development and app
As it provides an array of audio-related services, awe operates        design. He as well has an academic background related to audio,
both, B2B and B2C models. For example, while Ro is a B2C               followed by working positions in management and gaming, and,
product built for a niche audience that includes ASMR enthusi-         in the last period, all things programming.
asts, people with sleeping disorders and individuals with issues
related to mental health; awe also develops B2B white-label apps
from a client’s idea to full realization.
                                                                                     Alice Jennings
REVENUE MODEL                                                                        CO-FOUNDER AND CCO
awe’s revenue streams vary depending on the product con-               Alice is a multipotentialite with interest ranging from front-end
cerned. Specifically, Ro, their latest addition to the B2C model       development, business, marketing to user research and content
uses the freemium pricing model. The users may use the basic           development. She is a graduate in Multimedia Design & Commu-
version for free, whereas additional sounds and new features can       nication, with additional qualifications in E-concept Development.
be purchased in-app.

This startup has no identified customers.                                            Stéphane Le Borne
                                                                                     CO-FOUNDER AND CMO

                                                                       Stephane is a UX guru and as such, his main responsibilities at awe
                                                                       include all the aspects for reaching the best user experience. His
                                                                       previous positions were also focused on web and front-end design.

                                                                                        A ceremonial art installation that
                                                                                        demands full attention from its
                                                                                        audience. It approaches the subject
                                                                                        of enlightenment in a contemporary
                                                                                        context, exploring the delicate bor-
                                                                                        derlands between the virtual and the
                                                                                        real. It was exhibited at Copenhagen
                                                                                        Contemporary from the 23.09.2017 to

                                                                                        the 26.11.2017.

                                                                                        3D Audio System Design

Adds Sound For a
Complete Experience
 AUGMENTED REALITY                           VIRTUAL REALITY                MOBILE APPS

                           hen four creative and technical-     installations, localized augmented audio games for tourism
                           ly-driven individuals who come       and augmented reality and virtual reality solutions for the
                           from diverse backgrounds, both in    healthcare industry.
                           terms of nationality and academic
                           aspirations, decide to combine
                           their expertise with audio and       Build Your Soundscapes with Ro
new technology trends - you get awe as a result. The Danish     While awe’s portfolio lists numerous projects they have
startup was founded in 2016 through a collaboration be-         been working on in the last couple of years since their
tween Per Beck Hansen, Egil Sandfeld Gregersen, Alice Jen-      inception, such as games, installations and augment-
nings, and Stéphane Le Borne, each focused on promoting         ed reality apps, one of the latest additions to it is Ro, a
audio as a significant element of creating a full experience.   3D spatialized audio calmness, relaxation and ASMR
                                                                (Autonomous Sensory Meridian Response) mobile app,
The “audio geeks and tech lovers” with strong work ethic
                                                                which was built upon “seeing the demand for relaxation
are passionate about connecting audio to new technology         in everyday life and knowing the potential of using sound
concepts while creating valuable experiences and integrat-      to help people disconnect and relax to relieve stress,” as
ing audio into everyday environments.                           the founders told Valuer.
The services they are currently offering involve interactive    With Ro, awe is particularly targeting ASMR enthusiasts,
3D audio development and design used to build white-la-         people with sleeping disorders and individuals with
bel apps and projects such as international virtual reality     issues related to mental health, e.g. anxiety or insomnia.

The project idea derived upon realizing that the existing    Ro, is built for the B2C market offered through the in-app
market solutions include repetitive loops which might        purchases model, which has so far proven to be a successful
cause listening fatigue to some users and thus do not        business model.
provide a true spatial audio ASMR, although the de-
                                                             According to Statista estimates, in 2020, mobile apps are
mand for such is evident.
                                                             expected to generate $188.9 billion in revenues via app
To act upon it, awe has built Ro which through the           stores and in-app advertising, which owes it to the fact
use of spatial 3D audio, instead of the currently used
                                                             that mobile internet and mobile apps are becoming more
stereo sounds, immerses the user in an experience that
                                                             available than ever. In the case of Ro, awe offers it as a free
restores focus. The founders explain that their app lets
                                                             basic version, whereas additional sounds and features can
users build soundscapes from a broad sound selection
                                                             be purchased in-app.
by adding and dragging sounds around themselves in
360 degrees, which they can save and enjoy later.            Their research shows that the ASMR community is quite
                                                             popular, and judging from the top 10 ASMR videos on You-
”We’ve put a lot of effort to avoid fatigue of hearing the
same repeated sound loops over and over again and by         Tube which have more than 10 million views - the demand
that becoming annoyed. Instead, we evolve the sounds         is evident. While similar products are being placed on the
you choose as small plays that meander slowly as you         market, awe believes their approach is unique, or as the
listen. We randomize and humanize the changing audio         team explains,
to keep the listening fresh and believable. Each sound is
                                                             ”Our new app, Ro, is the new kid on the block of audio
even layered several times, so it’s timbre and expression
                                                             relaxation apps. What sets Ro apart from the other apps
will always sound different and natural,” explain the
                                                             in this category is, amongst others, the utilization of
founders, meanwhile adding that no fake 3D sounds
                                                             spatialized audio.” What this means is that Ro, ” removes
are included.
                                                             the presence of the media itself, so your brain doesn’t
Built in this way, the app’s potential was quickly ac-       have to think about imaging how the sounds are sup-
knowledged on a national level bringing the company          posed to act. It does this realistically like a sound would
the Danish Sound Startup Award 2018. Danish Sound            exist in the real world.”
Day is an annual event organized by the Danish Sound
Network which connects start-ups and established             Although Ro is already available to users, awe’s work contin-
companies alike from the country’s sound ecosystem,          ues further in direction of identifying the users’ demands.
gathering hundreds of participants in a single location      Their future plans include collaboration with Ingeborg
for the past four years.                                     Okkels, a Ph.D. in Musicology specializing in Audio Percep-
                                                             tion, who will partner with the team to conduct research in
                                                             ASMR and audio perception and help awe better position
“The New Kid on the Block”                                   their product on the market by using the research to devel-
While awe’s services are offered to both, B2B and B2C cus-   op the best possible user experience and to build
tomers, the product that brought them the most visibility,   trust in Ro.

            SoundAI                                   Ora
            SoundAI is a frontier in acoustic tech-   Ora use nanotechnology to produce
            nology and AI interaction, improving      loudspeakers and headphones, rein-
            the audio experience.                     venting the speaker.


                                 Hooke Audio
   developed a system that is    Hooke Audio created a 3D audio re-
            able to understand the semantics of       cording headphones that change the
            audio, like humans.                       way you capture moments of your life.


            Soundways delivers next generation        Serving intelligent advertisements that
            audio solutions for music recording,      people can speak with, chaning the
            streaming and video gaming.               world of advertising and audio.


            Clovitek                                  Crazybaby
            Clovitek developed a wireless audio       Crazybaby is delivering audio perfec-
            transmitter, enabeling classic speaker    tion through floating speaker to deliver
            systems to be connected.                  a pure musical experience.


Get matched
with the
And ignite win-win partnership to boost your
innovation capability.

                                           Displaying 0 results

                                                     Ocast                                       Emerse                                   LeadDesk

                                             Media kit tool for publishers and            Emerse is a Swedish company that has     LeadDesk is the industry-leading
                                             influencers                                  designed a demand-side platform for      software for call center, inside sales and
                                                                                          programmatic advertising.                telemarketing operations.

                                                              View More                                  View More                                 View More

                                                     FROSMO                                      Controlant                               Sparkwork

                                              FROSMO is a Finnish company with            Controlant combines loT and cloud        Sparkwork wants to help business
                                              international expansion that helps online   technology to create cold chain          owners improve the engagement and
                                              businesses to improve the development       solutions that increase patient safety   collaboration between their employees
                                              of their User Interface.                    prevent damages, and reduce waste in     with an SaaS training platform.
                                                                                          food and pharmaceutical industry.

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         • Kristiniagade 7 • DK-2100 Copenhagen • Denmark • •
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