INFODAY LIFE 11 luglio 2016 - Unione Industriale Torino

Page created by Debra Newman
INFODAY LIFE 11 luglio 2016 - Unione Industriale Torino
                                           11 luglio 2016

                 Progetto LIFE14 NAT/IT/001128 STOPVESPA
       Spatial containment of Vespa velutina in Italy and
establishment of an Early Warning and Rapid Response System
Contenimento spaziale della Vespa velutina in Italia e allestimento di una rete
                       di allarme e risposta rapida
INFODAY LIFE 11 luglio 2016 - Unione Industriale Torino
what’s the

Vespa velutina o Calabrone asiatico
Specie invasiva arrivata in Europa dalla Cina:
prima in Francia, poi in Spagna, Portogallo,
Belgio, Germania e Italia
INFODAY LIFE 11 luglio 2016 - Unione Industriale Torino
In Europa Vespa velutina ha numerosi impatti negativi
• Apicoltura: gli adulti predano le api per nutrire le larve
• Agricoltura: gli adulti si possono nutrire sulla frutta in maturazione
• Ecosistemi: predazione su insetti, impollinatori (api selvatiche) in
• I nidi che in autunno raggiungono grandi dimensioni contenendo
  migliaia di individui, possono essere costruiti anche in aree urbane, e
  quindi sono un pericolo potenziale per le persone
INFODAY LIFE 11 luglio 2016 - Unione Industriale Torino

Area di progetto: Regioni Liguria e Piemonte
Beneficiario coordinatore:
Università di Torino - Dipartimento di Scienze Agrarie, Forestali e Alimentari
Beneficiari Associati:
Politecnico di Torino - Dipartimento di Elettronica e Telecomunicazioni
Associazione Regionale Produttori Apistici del Piemonte – ASPROMIELE
Abbazia dei Padri Benedettini Santa Maria di Finalpia
Durata: 01/08/2015 – 31/07/2019
Budget: 2.273.738 Euro (1.364.254 Euro finanziati dalla Commissione Europea)
INFODAY LIFE 11 luglio 2016 - Unione Industriale Torino
Importante trovare ‘il taglio’ giusto
  Guidelines for applicants 2014 LIFE Nature and Biodiversity
Thematic priorities for LIFE Biodiversity projects: activities for the implementation of
the Union Biodiversity Strategy to 2020, in particular:
(ii) Activities aimed at contributing to the achievement of Targets 3, 4 and 5.

     Target 5: Combat Invasive Alien Species

Projects implementing actions targeting Invasive Alien Species (under Target 5 of the
Biodiversity Strategy) are aimed at:
• Preventing the introduction of invasive alien species, in particular by tackling
   pathways of unintentional introduction;
• Establishing an early warning and rapid response system;
• Eradicating or controlling established invasive alien species on an appropriate
   spatial scale.

These projects shall address in a comprehensive framework the three steps:
Prevention; Early warning and rapid response; Eradication/control.
INFODAY LIFE 11 luglio 2016 - Unione Industriale Torino
Titolo e contenuti

Spatial containment of Vespa velutina in Italy and establishment
of an Early Warning and Rapid Response System

C. Concrete conservation actions

C1 Development of a new radar tool to locate Vespa velutina nests
C2 Management (control) of Vespa velutina colonies in Piemonte and
C3 Collection of biological information on Vespa velutina from the
captured animals to improve species management
C4 Establishment of an Early Warning and Rapid Response System
INFODAY LIFE 11 luglio 2016 - Unione Industriale Torino
Partnership: La Vespa velutina preda le api con un forte impatto negativo
sull’apicoltura: importante la collaborazione con gli Apicoltori
INFODAY LIFE 11 luglio 2016 - Unione Industriale Torino
Una rete di collaborazioni
Ministero dell’Ambiente
Regione Liguria
Regione Piemonte

Beneficiari Associati: due associazioni di Apicoltori
• Associazione Regionale Produttori Apistici del Piemonte – ASPROMIELE
• Abbazia dei Padri Benedettini Santa Maria di Finalpia – Apiario benedettino
(positivo … ma anche criticità)

Diverse Associazioni hanno assicurato il loro sostegno alle azioni previste
dal progetto:
Apiliguria, Associazione Apicoltori Professionisti Italiani (AAPI), Unione
Nazionale Associazioni Apicoltori Italiani (UNAAPI), ALPA Miele, Associazione
Produttori Agripiemonte Miele, Federazione Provinciale Coldiretti di Cuneo
INFODAY LIFE 11 luglio 2016 - Unione Industriale Torino
Innovazione: ‘pilot project’ per lo sviluppo di nuovi strumenti di gestione
Politecnico - Università di Torino: sviluppo di un radar armonico per
tracciare gli animali che tornano al nido
INFODAY LIFE 11 luglio 2016 - Unione Industriale Torino
STOPVESPA: Valutazione del progetto 76/100 (max. 86/100)
Overall, the technical preparation of the proposal is good and the project has
a high value for money. Technical revision requires an acceptable level of
effort concerning in particular the proper presentation of cost calculations
and the development of transnational dissemination actions.

The pre-operational context is clear, including the history of the invasion of Vespa
velutina in the EU, its consequences for biodiversity and the economy.
The problems addressed by the project are well described.
The project’s objectives, actions and their expected results are linked to the main
problems related to the spreading of invasive alien species in Europe.
The responsibility of the project’s beneficiaries is clearly set up for each of the actions.
When appropriate, shared responsibility is adopted.
Potential risks and constraints are assessed and reasonable means to mitigate them
A very strong aspect of the proposal is attempting to curb invasion in the early stages.
Harmonic radar would allow tracking insects to nests and destroying them. Notably
Early Warning and Rapid Response System to prevent new invasions is to be
established; this will secure the viability of the project and it will be implemented with
cooperation of beekeepers.
Important conservation aspect of the project: wild and honey
bees are facing a significant decline in their population numbers
in Europe which has a significant negative social and economic
It is relevant that previous management actions on V. velutina in Europe have
not been effective; notably descriptions of the usage of radar in other
ecological applications suggests that the system could become a useful tool in
fighting invasion.
Declarations of support to the project from the relevant authorities are
provided and relevant and signed forms A8 are attached to the proposal.
The involvement of stakeholders is a very positive aspect of the proposal.
Beekeepers recognize wasps as a serious threat to the production of honey.
Beekeepers are vitally important in the process of finding nests, and are to be
involved in the continuation of the project. Such involvement of stakeholders
in a LIFE project can be considered as very positive.
Within the project several communication tools will be used (e.g. brochures,
leaflets, DVD, videos, posters, web site, facebook, etc.).
NEGATIVE POINTS - Miglioramento in fase di revisione del progetto
The proposal raises major concerns regarding the effectiveness of
fighting the invasion (ability of the system to discover most nests in
the project area).
It is not clear what would happen to the proposed system if the
radar malfunctions, is not cost-effective, not providing 100% reliable
information, or is working only in certain situations.
Beneficiaries or/and stakeholders should more clearly declare that they will secure the financing
of their respective activities after the project accomplishment.

The presentation of cost calculations is the weakest aspect of the proposal. Cost calculations do
not exist for most A and D actions; just a vague explanation on personnel costs is given; and only
a summary is given in the case of the remaining actions.
For some of the communication and dissemination tools (e.g. web site, Facebook, newsletters,
meetings, lectures, etc.) relevant quantitative information (e.g. number of expected attendees,
number of expected people to be reached via the tools, etc.) is not provided.
The project outcomes are important at EU and even at world scale, because the target species is
likely to invade vast areas over the world. Therefore it is disappointing that dissemination
actions do not target other EU countries where the methods developed by project could be
applied (da noi sottointeso ma non esplicitato bene)
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