SPECIAL STANDARDS UNAPS COVID-19 - United Nations Advanced Prison Standards March 2020

SPECIAL STANDARDS UNAPS COVID-19 - United Nations Advanced Prison Standards March 2020
United Nations
Advanced Prison
March 2020
                     LA LIBERTAD

                                   Introduction                                                           Iconography

                                   The United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC), the                                 VULNERABLE GROUPS
                                   Pan-American Health Organization/World Health Organization
                                   (PAHO / WHO) and the Office in Mexico of the United Nations                                                People with
                                   High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR) in Mexico                       People with asthma              respiratory problems
                                   have worked together to promote specific sanitary measures
                                   to prevent and contain the potential presence of COVID-19 in
                                   prisons, through the “United Nations Advanced Prison Stan-                 People with cancer              People with disabilities
                                        Since the WHO declared COVID-19 as a pandemic, the need
                                   to safeguard health and integrity has been focusing on specif-             People with diabetes            Adults over 60 years old
                                   ic groups in vulnerable situations, including prisoners. Due to
                                   the conditions of confinement and the reduced spaces of co-                People with coronary            People living with HIV /
                                   existence inside the prisons, the actions to face the pandemic             heart disease                   AIDS and low immunity
                                   become particularly urgent and relevant.
                                        Within this context, UNODC makes the UNAPS model avail-               People with                     Women during pregnancy
                                   able to prison systems, which seeks to improve the quality of life         hypertension                    or breastfeeding
                                   and the prison environment for people deprived of their liberty,
                                   staff, visitors, and children living in prisons with their mothers1.
                                        This “UNAPS COVID-19 Special Standards” booklet is di-
                                                                                                                             TARGET POPULATION
                                   vided into four standards: 1) The prison protects and cares
                                   for persons deprived of their liberty against COVID-19. 2) The
                                   prison protects and cares for its staff against COVID-19. 3)               Persons deprived
                                                                                                              of liberty                      Prison Staff
                                   The prison protects visitors against COVID-19. 4) The prison
                                   protects and cares for children against COVID-19.
                                        This booklet was prepared considering the enormous chal-                                              Girls and boys
                                                                                                                                              living in prisons
                                   lenges that prison staff is facing due to the pandemic. Hence,
                                   we hope it will be of great use in prisons.
                                        Finally, it is essential to highlight that this document is an
                                   interim guide that follows the guidelines that the WHO has is-                               RESPONSIBLE AREAS
                                   sued for the early stages of the COVID-19 pandemic. The rec-
                                   ommendations, when necessary, can be adapted and expanded
                                   to respond to the needs that may arise in the future.                      Medical area                    Legal area

                                                                                                              Security and
                                                                                                                                              Administrative area
                                                                                                              custody area

                                                                                                                       SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT GOALS

                                                                                                              Good Health and                 Peace, justice and
                                                                                                              well-being                      strong institutions

                                   1 UNODC. “Estándares Avanzados de Naciones Unidas para el Sistema          Gender equality
                                                                                                                                              for the goals
                                   Penitenciario.” Disponible en: https://www.unodc.org/documents/


                                                                                                                                          PERSONS DEPRIVED OF LIBERTY
                               The prison protects and
                               cares for persons deprived                                                                  RESPONSIBLE
                               of liberty against COVID-19

GOAL                             PRACTICES TO OBSERVE
Guarantee the physical           •• The prison implements measures to prevent the spread of COVID-19 in prisoners, in
and mental well-being of           line with their human rights.
persons deprived of liberty      •• The prison provides medical and psychological care to persons deprived of liberty
through health care, im-           infected by COVID-19 with mild to moderate symptoms of the disease.
plementation of protection       •• The prison has the infrastructure to serve and protect prisoners against COVID-19.
                                                                                                                           TYPE OF
and security and legal           •• The prison has the necessary supplies to implement care and protection measures        POPULATION
measures, in line with their       against COVID-19.
human rights                     •• The prison implements specific measures to prevent the spread of COVID-19 in peo-
                                   ple in vulnerable situations.


                                    1. CONTINGENCY PLAN                               their family or friends. These
                                       □□The prison develops and up-                  measures of contact with the
                                         dates a contingency plan that                outside world may include
                                         includes human and material                  increasing the use of the tele-
                                         resources that ensure an ad-                 phone or even implementing
                                         equate response concerning                   video conferences.
                                         health and maintain a safe and             □□The contingency plan must es-
                                         humane detention environment.                tablish guidelines for the prison
                                       □□The contingency plan establish-              authorities to communicate to
                                         es measures dictated according               families of the prison population
                                         to the particular needs of the               in the following situations:
                                         situation and proportional to                 •• In case prisoners contract       SDG
                                         the challenges, avoiding the                     the virus. This dialogue must
                                         imposition of general and                        consider the need for emo-
                                         indiscriminate measures.                         tional support for the family.
                                       □□The contingency plan foresees                 •• When prisoners have been
                                         guidelines for informing people                  placed in sanitary isolation
                                         deprived of their liberty about                  by COVID-19.
                                         COVID-19. This communication                  •• When prisoners have been
                                         must:                                            transferred to a care center
                                          •• Consider the explanation                     for presenting a severe or
                                             of restrictions that may be                  critical picture of COVID-19.
                                             implemented for the prison-               •• When prisoners have been
                                             ers’ protection (including the               transferred to another prison
                                             limitation of visits).                       to reduce the risks of conta-
                                          •• Emphasize nature temporary                   gion due to overcrowding.
                                             measures and health benefits              •• When prisoners have died
                                             of persons deprived of                       as a result of COVID-19.
                                             their liberty.                         □□The contingency plan foresees
                                          •• Be accessible, transparent,              measures to promote
                                             and consider the needs                   non-physical contact with
                                             of prisoners, in particular,             family members of the
                                             people with disabilities.                prisoners, such as:
                                       □□The contingency plan foresees                 •• Free telephone services for
                                         alternative measures for pris-                   prisoners to establish com-
                                         oners to establish contact with                  munication with the outside.

•• Different sources of communication              food are for personal use, in good      of cough, chills, and shortness
                                    for prisoners.                                 condition, and washed and disin-        of breath, and possible contact

                                 •• Communication alternatives so that             fected after use.                       with cases of the COVID-19 confirmed
                                    foreign persons deprived of their           •• Assure products distributed inside      in the last 14 days, as well as the
                                    liberty maintain contact with their            the prison, in stores inside the        temperature taking. This measure
                                    families, as well as with their con-           facility, are disinfected upon          must be taken regardless of the exis-
                                    sular representation.                          entering the prison.                    tence of suspected cases in
                              □□The contingency plan must provide            □□The contingency plan considers              the community.
                                measures for the development of                measures for the management of            □□The assessment and detection point
                                social reintegration activities and            waste produced daily by prisoners           has handwashing material and equip-
                                the implementation of social                   since incorrect handling can generate       ment to measure the body tempera-
                                distancing and other prevention                massive contagions.                         ture of the personnel entering and
                                and control measures.                        □□The contingency plan establishes            leaving the prison.
                              □□The contingency plan foresees                  hygiene protocols for the use of          □□The center has a daily logbook
                                measures to guarantee the rights of            equipment of coercion to prevent            of people who come and leave
                                prisoners, given the lack of resources         the exposure of staff and prisoners         the prison (visitors, staff, service
                                derived from the suspension of prison          to the virus. These protocols must          providers, etc.).
                                work and contact with visitors.                include the disinfection of the           □□Health personnel must examine
                              □□The contingency plan considers                 restraint or tactical equipment/riot        all newcomers to the facility to
                                measures to avoid the concentration            gear before and after use.                  detect fever and lower respiratory
                                of prisoners in common areas.                □□The contingency plan foresees               tract symptoms. If they have
                              □□In cases of mobility restrictions within       measures to guarantee that the              symptoms compatible with COVID-19,
                                the prison, the contingency plan must          supervision mechanisms of the               or if they have a previous diagnosis
                                ensure that prisoners have access              prisons can carry out their work            of COVID-19 and are still symp-
                                to the outdoors at least one hour              during the contingency.                     tomatic, they must undergo med-
                                per day. This access cannot be                                                             ical isolation until they have other
                                limited entirely.                          2. PREVENTION                                   medical evaluations and tests. This
                              □□For proper protection of vulnerable         Information                                    assessment must be recorded in
                                groups, given the risk of exposure to        □□The prison has a health education           the psychophysical certificate of the
                                COVID-19, the contingency plan must             program for prisoners. This program        prisoner and integrate it into his/her
                                establish special measures of sanitary          includes or is adjusted to include         clinical record.
                                protection or isolation, avoiding stig-         necessary measures to protect
                                matizations for this reason.                    people against COVID-19 (handwash-       Food
                              □□The contingency plan foresees guide-            ing, respiratory hygiene measures,        □□Every person who works in the kitch-
                                lines for the relocation of prisoners           social distancing, etc.), has a gender      en has a health card (history of cur-
                                within the facilities in case of risks          perspective, is accessible to people        rent medical examinations of people
                                of contagion. These guidelines must             with disabilities, and is culturally        who handle food).
                                consider the legal situation, gender,           acceptable.                               □□The prison has a program on cleaning
                                and individualized analysis of risks         □□The prison has targeted informational        and deep disinfection of kitchen areas
                                and needs of people.                            prisoner’s guides on the importance         and equipment.
                              □□The contingency plan foresees                   of their collaboration and solidarity     □□The kitchen displays a sign with the
                                agreements with other prisons for               in the prevention of COVID-19.              procedure for washing and disinfect-
                                the transfer of people in case of            □□The prison contains targeted informa-        ing the utensils.
                                overcrowding and risks of contagion             tional guides on respiratory hygiene      □□The kitchen shows a sign with the
                                among prisoners.                                measures and how to use cleaning            process of washing and disinfecting
                              □□The contingency plan foresees the               and disinfection tools to prevent           fruits and vegetables.
                                revision of the restrictive measures            the spread of COVID-19.                   □□The kitchen displays a sign with the
                                imposed by the central authorities           □□The prison implements information            procedure for washing hands.
                                of the prison system.                           campaigns to avoid acts of discrimi-      □□The kitchen showcases a sign indi-
                              □□The contingency plan expects means              nation against a population that may        cating the obligation to wear a mask
                                for prisoners to file appeals against           be stigmatized (such as a population        and cap.
                                restrictive measures that affect their          of foreign origin or a population with    □□The prison has a training program
                                rights, as well as accountability               conditions whose symptoms resem-            for those who participate in
                                mechanisms for abuses that may                  ble the symptoms of COVID-19).              the preparation of food, which
                                be committed by the prison authority         □□The different areas of the center have       must include:
                                during the implementation of                    visible informational material regard-       •• Personal hygiene.
                                the plan.                                       ing what COVID-19 is, how to prevent         •• Foodborne illness.
                              □□The contingency plan considers                  it, symptoms to identify the disease,        •• Causes of food contamination.
                                hygienic measures for access,                   and the procedure for hand washing.          •• Vehicles of disease transmission.
                                consumption, and distribution                                                                •• Cleaning and disinfection.
                                of food for prisoners to:                   Entrance to the prison                           •• Pest control.
                                 •• Avoid the delivery of food in            □□The prison has a detection point              •• Importance of hygienic
                                    common areas or dining rooms,              available near the entry. A properly             handling of food in the reception,
                                    opting, if needed, for giving the          trained staff member must conduct                storage, preparation, and
                                    service into the bedrooms.                 a risk assessment of all persons                 service phases.
                                 •• Assure the containers and utensils         entering the correctional facility         □□The transferring of food through
                                    used for serving and consuming             to gather information on any history         covered containers.

3. ATTENTION                                      □□The prison has a list of hospitals         □□The medical facility has equipment
 Epidemiological surveillance                       where prisoners can be transferred to        with personal protection for health

                                                                                                                                             PERSONS DEPRIVED OF LIBERTY
  □□The prison has a record of notifica-            when they require respiratory support        personnel (eye protection, gloves,
     tions to the Epidemiological Surveil-          health services and intensive care.          mask, and gown).
     lance Committee (SUIVE).                       This listing must include the contact      □□The medical unit allocates space for
  □□The prison has a plan to detect and             details and location of the hospitals.       the protection and maintenance of
     isolate promptly, individuals suspect-       □□The prison has an action procedure           personal protective equipment.
     ed of being infected with COVID-19.            in case a prisoner dies due to             □□The medical facility has the material
  □□The prison has a specific form to               COVID-19, which provides for                 needed for taking biological samples
     notify COVID-19 cases under regula-            guidelines to guarantee:                     from suspected COVID-19 cases.
     tions established by the Department             •• The proper delivery of the body.       □□Available medical instrumentation is
     of Health.                                      •• The preservation and delivery            sterilized.
                                                        of all evidence.                       □□The prison has equipment for the
 Medical care                                        •• That prison staff notifies the           detection of COVID-19 (for example,
 □□The prison has a clear and defined                   dead to competent authorities.           laser thermometers, x-ray equip-
   mechanism to refer and transfer                   •• The person’s autopsy.                    ment, even detection tests).
   prisoners presenting a severe or                                                            □□The medical unit has mouthguards
   critical condition of COVID-19 and            Mental health care                              and antibacterial gel, at least 60% al-
   require hospitalization. This proce-          □□The prison has a record of mental             cohol, to be used in people classified
   dure includes a clear criterion                 health care for prisoners, subject to         as suspected and confirmed cases of
   to determine the need to move                   a measure of temporary isolation.             COVID-19.
   patients.                                     □□The prison has agreements with pub-
 □□The prison has an isolation protocol            lic and private institutions from the       Mental health care
   in suspicious and definite cases                health sector to provide the services       □□The prison has a space to provide
   of COVID-19.                                    required for the prisoner’s mental            psychological attention.
 □□The prison has receipts of the                  health care promptly, in response to        □□The prison has personnel trained to
   supply of medicines. Among the                  the growing need for emotional and            provide psychological care in crisis.
   specific medications necessary                  psychological support.
   for COVID-19, the following are                                                             Kitchen
   considered: Paracetamol 500 mg                Security                                       □□Kitchen equipment is installed that
   tablets or Paracetamol Injection: 10           □□The prison has an action procedure            the space between them, the wall,
   mg/ml ampoule in 10 ml or 50-100                 in cases of evasion.                          the ceiling, and the floor allows its
   ml vial. It is essential to highlight that     □□The prison has an action procedure            cleaning and disinfection.
   this list is provisional and subject             in cases of a riot.                         □□The staff working in the kitchen has
   to modification based on medical                                                               clean clothes and shoes.
   progress.                                     Legal                                          □□The kitchen provides caps, mouth
 □□The prison has a schedule of medical           □□The prison follows a procedure for the        guards, and gloves to the personnel
   services demonstrating the availabili-           management and updating of infor-             who work in it.
   ty, always, of first-class medical care,         mation for the computation of penal-
   that a doctor and a technical-health             ties. Based on this management, the        Bedrooms and common areas
   assistant provide.                               prison staff may request pre-release        □□The prison has a space to isolate people
 □□The prison has agreements that offer             based on prison policy criteria, under        infected with COVID-19 who do not re-
   health services continuously and                 the current legislation stipulated            quire hospitalization. This space always
   permanently inside the facilities.               in the National Law on Criminal En-           has access to health personnel and
 □□The prison has a monthly record                  forcement, Article 146, section III.          access to adequate health services.
   of chronic degenerative diseases               □□The prison has a procedure for the          □□Each prisoner has a single bed as-
   (control and registration card), par-            pre-release of persons deprived of            signed. The distance between the
   ticularly of people with hypertension,           their liberty due to prison policy            beds and inside the bedrooms must
   diabetes, and respiratory disorders in           criteria. This procedure must foresee         allow the social range of at least one
   general. This record is essential                guidelines for the identification and         meter between beds.
   for priority action if someone with              prioritization of cases for humanitari-     □□The prison has a maintenance report
   this condition becomes infected                  an reasons regarding sentenced older          of the bedrooms.
   with COVID-19, given the risk factors            adults with a chronic-degenerative          □□The bedrooms have natural or artifi-
   that exist.                                      or terminal disease, regardless of the        cial ventilation.
 □□The prison has a census of patients              time that they have been serving a          □□The bedrooms have hygienic supplies for
   with chronic degenerative diseases,              sentence or the time they have left.          personal hygienic such as antibacterial
   particularly of people with hyper-                                                             gel at least 60% alcohol and hand soap.
   tension, diabetes, and respiratory           4. INFRASTRUCTURE AND RESOURCES                 □□The center has a dormitory sanitiza-
   disorders.                                    Medical unit                                     tion procedure to prevent the spread
 □□The prison has a record of the care            □□Natural or artificial ventilation of the      of disease.
   provided to prisoners who were                    medical unit is sufficient for contin-     □□The toilets in the bedrooms have
   subjected to a measure of temporary               uous air renewal, besides the avoid-         signs that indicate the correct hand-
   isolation.                                        ance of excessive temperatures and           washing procedure.
 □□The prison has a protocol for taking              steam condensation.                        □□The areas for sports, cultural, and
   biological samples of suspected                □□The medical unit allocates an isolated        leisure activities have visual informa-
   cases of COVID-19 and the shipment                space to serve people suspected              tion related to respiratory hygiene
   for analysis.                                     of being infected with COVID-19.             and social distancing.


                                □□The prison has a drinking water sup-
                                   ply, which is adequate for consump-
                                   tion. This supply can be provided
                                   using purifying plants or drinking
                                   water pipes.
                                □□The prison has a water supply for
                                   personal hygiene, which is adequate
                                   for this use.
                                □□The drinking water has the following
                                   conditions are safe for human con-
                                   sumption, is odorless, colorless, and
                                   has no presence of residues.
                                □□The prison has a cistern to store re-
                                   stricted access running water.

                               Hygiene and disinfection
                                □□The prison maintains control of
                                  cleaning and disinfection articles,
                                  free of charge for prisoners. Among
                                  the items of cleaning and disinfection,
                                  there must be at least soap, antibac-
                                  terial gel 60% alcohol and chlorine.
                                  The control of its delivery must be
                                  carried out at least once a week.
                                □□In women’s or mixed prisons, the
                                  authority supplies prisoners with
                                  women products free of charge.


                                                                                                                                       PRISON STAFF

                             The prison protects and cares                                                              RESPONSIBLE
                             for its staff against COVID-19

GOAL                           PRACTICES TO OBSERVE
Guarantee the physical         •• The prison implements measures to prevent the spread of COVID-19 on prison staff.
and mental well-being of       •• The prison has the infrastructure to protect the prison staff against COVID-19.
the personnel who work         •• The prison has the necessary supplies to implement protection measures
in the prisons through           against COVID-19.
medical care and the im-
                                                                                                                        TYPE OF
plementation of protection                                                                                              POPULATION
and security measures.


                                  1. CONTINGENCY PLAN                              measures implemented due to
                                     □□The prison prepares and up-                 COVID-19, so that they can be
                                       dates a contingency plan that               absent from their work with full
                                       includes human and material                 pay without the need for a med-
                                       resources guaranteeing an                   ical certificate.
                                       adequate health response and
                                       maintaining a safe and humane           2. PREVENTION
                                       detention environment.                    □□The different areas of prison
                                     □□The prison has the role of guards            have visible informative material
                                       that indicates the areas that                regarding what COVID-19 is,
                                       must be covered 24 hours a day.              how to prevent it, symptoms
                                     □□This role allows a plan of                   to identify the disease, and the    SDG
                                       contingency that includes the                procedure for washing hands.
                                       following:                                □□The prison has a detection
                                        •• Staff is strictly necessary.             point at the entry. Here, a
                                        •• Reduction of hours.                      properly trained staff member
                                        •• The Assistance of the staff in           must conduct a risk assess-
                                           an alternate way, so they do             ment of all staff entering the
                                           not all go in a single day.              facilities to gather information
                                     □□The contingency plan guaran-                 on any history of cough, chills,
                                       tees the grant of permissions                and shortness of breath, and
                                       for the personnel to go to health            possible contact with confirmed
                                       institutions in case of presenting           cases in the last 14 days, as
                                       symptoms of the virus or                     well as the body temperature.
                                       being ill.                                   This measure must be taken
                                     □□The contingency plan estab-                  regardless of the existence
                                       lishes measures so that older                of suspected cases in
                                       adults, people with respiratory              the community.
                                       medical conditions, pregnant              □□The detection point has
                                       women, and people with chron-                handwashing material and
                                       ic degenerative diseases can                 equipment to measure the
                                       be absent from their work.                   body temperature of the staff
                                     □□The contingency plan consid-                 entering and leaving the prison.
                                       ers the granting of permits to            □□The prison has a daily logbook
                                       personnel who must care for                  of the staff who enters and
                                       other people, according to the               leaves the prison.

□□The facility provides specific training    4. SUPPLIES
                   for staff on a) necessary information       Water

                   regarding the virus, transmission            □□The prison has enough water for
                   route, symptoms and clinical evo-              personal hygiene, adequate for its
                   lution of the disease; b) where to go          use. This supply can be provided
                   and the need for isolation in their            using purifying plants or drinking
                   homes if any symptoms are pre-                 water pipes.
                   sented; c) what to do if someone’s           □□The drinking water has the following
                   COVID-19 test is positive; d) hands            conditions are safe for human con-
                   hygiene and respiratory hygiene prac-          sumption, is odorless, colorless, and
                   tices; e)requirements and appropriate          has no presence of residues.
                   use of personal protective equipment;        □□The prison has a cistern to store run-
                   f) cleaning and disinfection of spaces.        ning water of restricted access.
                 □□The staff takes immediate action
                   if symptoms develop during their            Hygiene and disinfection
                   workday, such as a) putting on a face        □□The facility keeps records of the de-
                   mask; b) leaving the prison, and               livery of material necessary for staff,
                   c) informing his/her superior about            such as soap and antibacterial gel
                   the people with whom he/she was                with at least 60% alcohol, to carry
                   in contact that day.                           out their duties, following the health
               3. INFRASTRUCTURE AND RESOURCES                  □□The facility provides free supplies
                Facilities                                        like bleach and alcohol so that staff
                 □□Space is set aside in the entrance             can clean and disinfect surfaces and
                    area for staff to wash their hands            equipment multiple times a day.
                    when they arrive at the prison.
                 □□The prison provides areas exclusively
                    for the use of the staff, which are
                    continuously cleaned and disinfected,
                    and have a least a sink and a sanitary.

                Medical unit
                □□The medical unit allocates space
                  for the detection of symptoms of
                  prison staff.
                □□The medical facility has a nursing
                  space where prison staff can take
                  their temperature when required.
                □□The medical facility has mouth guards
                  and antibacterial gel, at least 60%
                  alcohol, to be used by people clas-
                  sified as suspected and confirmed
                  cases of COVID-19.
                □□Natural or artificial ventilation of
                  the medical unit must be enough for
                  continuous air renewal; in addition,
                  excessive temperatures and steam
                  condensation must be avoided.
                □□The medical facility has personal
                  protective equipment for health per-
                  sonnel (eye protection, gloves, mask,
                  and gown).
                □□The medical unit allocates space for
                  the protection and maintenance of
                  personal protective equipment.
                □□The medical facility has the necessary
                  material to collect biological samples
                  from suspected COVID-19 cases.
                □□Available medical instrumentation
                  is sterilized.
                □□The facility has equipment for the
                  detection of COVID-19 (for example,
                  laser thermometers, x-ray equip-
                  ment, including detection tests).



                              The prison protects                                                                          RESPONSIBLE
                              visitors against COVID-19.

GOAL                            PRACTICES TO OBSERVE
Guarantee the physical          •• The prison implements measures to prevent the spread of COVID-19 between
and mental well-being of          visitors and prisoners.
people who visit the prison     •• The prison has the infrastructure to avoid contagion of COVID-19 between visits
through the implemen-             and prisoners.
tation of protection and
                                                                                                                           TYPE OF
security measures.                                                                                                         POPULATION


                                   1. CONTINGENCY PLAN                                    temperature control), and
                                      □□The prison prepares and up-                       will not be able to enter the
                                        dates a contingency plan that                     facilities if they do not pass
                                        includes human and material                       the screening process or
                                        resources that guarantee an                       if they reject the evaluation.
                                        adequate health response and                   ––In case the visitor has
                                        maintain a safe and humane                        symptoms of respiratory
                                        detention environment.                            disease, his/her visit must
                                      □□The contingency plan foresees                     be postponed.
                                        measures to promote non-phys-                •• The dissemination of infor-
                                        ical contact with family mem-                   mative material in the en-
                                        bers of prisoners, such as:                     trance area and in the family      SDG
                                         •• Free telephone services for                 visit area about the forms of
                                            prisoners to establish com-                 transmission of COVID-19,
                                            munication with the outside.                the symptoms to identify the
                                         •• Different means of communi-                 disease, and the procedure
                                            cation for prisoners.                       for washing hands.
                                         •• Communication options for              □□The contingency plan must
                                            foreign prisoners to maintain            establish guidelines for the
                                            communication with their                 authorities of prison to
                                            families, as well as with their          communicate with the families
                                            consular representation.                 of the prison population in
                                      □□The contingency plan provides                the following situations:
                                        guidelines to inform people who              •• When prisoners contract
                                        visit the prison about COVID-19.                COVID-19. This dialogue must
                                        Some of these guidelines                        consider the need for emo-
                                        can be:                                         tional support for the family.
                                         •• The display of signs, in visiting        •• When prisoners have been
                                            access areas, explaining the                placed in sanitary isolation
                                            COVID-19 detection process                  due to COVID-19.
                                            and temperature verification.            •• When prisoners have been
                                            These signs must contain                    transferred to a care center
                                            clear and precise information               for presenting severe or criti-
                                            indicating that:                            cal symptoms of COVID-19.
                                           ––All visitors will be examined           •• When prisoners have been
                                              for COVID-19 (including                   transferred to another prison

to reduce the risks of contagion              prison to gather information on any
                   due to overcrowding.                          history of cough, chills, and shortness

                •• When prisoners have died as a                 of breath, and possible contact with
                   result of the COVID-19 infection.             confirmed cases in the last 14 days,
             □□The contingency plan stipulates that              as well as the body temperature. This
               the prison must provide hand sanitiz-             measure must be taken regardless
               er, with at least 60% alcohol, at the             of the existence of suspected cases
               entrances, exits, and waiting areas               in the community.
               for visitors.                                   □□The prison has a logbook of people
             □□The contingency plan may include the              who enter and leave the prison (visi-
               restriction of access to visitors, fol-           tors, staff, service providers, etc.).
               lowing the instructions of the health           □□The entrance area has a section with
               authorities, such as:                             Information on COVID-19 and its
                •• Temporary suspension of the                   4 necessary prevention measures.
                   religious, humanitarian, and
                   welfare visits.                           3. SUPPLIES
                •• Temporary suspension of the                 □□The prison maintains control of
                   intimate visit.                                cleaning and disinfection articles
                •• Restrict access for visitors who               provided free of charge to those
                   have any symptoms of respiratory               who visit the facility.
             □□The contingency plan includes mea-            4. INFRASTRUCTURE
               sures to communicate to visitors the            □□The visiting area has sinks and toilets
               restriction of visits, in a clear and              that have running water and soap
               accessible way.                                    where people who enter and leave
             □□The contingency plan consists of a                 the prison can wash their hands.
               strategy to distribute the income of
               the family visit to the prisoner, and
               when appropriate, the temporary
               suspension of access.
             □□In case the family visit is partially
               or suspended, the contingency plan
               must establish guidelines for the
               gradual incorporation of ordinary
               days and hours of visiting. These
               guidelines include:
                •• A logbook, in the designated areas
                   for the family and conjugal visits,
                   indicating cleaning activities before
                   and after visiting hours.
                •• That visitors who do not pass the
                   verbal and temperature check or do
                   not wish to perform such tests will
                   not be able to enter the prison.
                •• That access to the people who pass
                   the verbal and temperature check
                   is not restricted.
                •• Criteria for access to the visits,
                   based on the distribution of pop-
                   ulation within the prison and the
                   legal situation of prisoners, to
                   guarantee a minimum space of
                   1.5 m between each family.
                •• That the allocation of family visiting,
                   assures the minimum time each
                   visit has under regulations.
             □□The contingency plan includes a
               strategy to allocate the defenders
               without restricting the access of
               those who pass the revision.

           2. PREVENTION
             □□The prison has a detection point
                available at the entrance of the
                prison. Here a properly trained staff
                member must conduct a risk as-
                sessment of all persons entering the


                                                                                                                                           GIRLS AND BOYS LIVING IN PRISONS

                              The prison protects and cares                                                                 RESPONSIBLE
                              for children against COVID-19

GOAL                            PRACTICES TO OBSERVE
Guarantee the physical          •• The prison implements measures to prevent the spread of COVID-19 in the girls
and mental well-being             and boys living there.
of girls and boys living in     •• The prison provides medical and psychological care to girls and boys living there,
prisons through medical           infected by COVID-19 with mild to moderate symptoms of the disease.
care and the implemen-          •• The prison has the infrastructure to serve and protect the girls and boys who live
                                                                                                                            TYPE OF
tation of protection and           in there against COVID-19.                                                               POPULATION
security measures.              •• The prison has the necessary supplies to implement care and protection measures
                                   against COVID-19.
                                •• The prison implements specific measures to prevent the spread of COVID-19 in
                                   girls and boys in a vulnerable situation.


                                   1. CONTINGENCY PLAN                               □□The prison prepares and up-
                                     □□The prison develops and                         dates a contingency plan for
                                       updates a contingency plan that                 the childcare center. This plan
                                       ensures an adequate health                      considers actions to ensure,
                                       response and maintains a                        at least the following:
                                       safe and humane environment                     •• Age-specific health education.
                                       for the girls and boys who                      •• Promotion and dissemination
                                       live there.                                        of information.
                                     □□The contingency plan considers                  •• Continuity of learning.
                                       and establishes measures to                     •• Control of attendance.
                                       provide childcare, especially                   •• Establishing procedures for
                                       when they are in charge of peo-                    students or indisposed staff.     SDG
                                       ple infected with COVID-19.                     •• Measures for girls and boys
                                     □□The contingency plan considers                     in vulnerability situation.
                                       and sets criteria regarding the
                                       entry and departure of girls and           2. PREVENTION
                                       boys living in prison, including            Information
                                       the possible temporary restric-              □□The prison has a health educa-
                                       tion of their access. The entry                 tion program for girls and boys.
                                       and exit procedures for girls                   This program includes or must
                                       and boys must consider, at                      be adjusted to include necessary
                                       a minimum:                                      details on protection measures
                                       •• A record of the entry or the                 against COVID-19 for pregnant
                                          exit of girls and boys.                      women, breastfeeding women,
                                       •• A medical evaluation of girls                and people living with their chil-
                                          and boys.                                    dren in prison. This must have a
                                       •• A written authorization of the               gender perspective, be acces-
                                          mother or father deprived of                 sible to people with disabilities,
                                          his/her liberty.                             and be culturally acceptable.
                                       •• The registration of the data
                                          of identity and location of the           Kitchen
                                          person or organization autho-              □□The prison has a health card
                                          rized to receive the kid.                    for every person working in
                                       •• The signature of acceptance                  the kitchen (record of current
                                          of the companion and                         medical examinations of people
                                          authorized organization.                     who handle food).

□□The staff that works in the kitchen                care, that a doctor and a techni-               or counter to filter girls and boys who
                                       has clean clothes and shoes.                       cal-health assistant provide.                   enter the childcare area.

                                     □□The prison has a deep cleaning and               □□The prison has agreements with
                                       disinfection program for kitchen                   public and private institutions from        5. SUPPLIES
                                       equipment and areas.                               the health sector to provide the ser-         □□The prison has an inventory of
                                     □□The kitchen displays a sign with                   vices required for the mental health             drugs, healing materials, and medical
                                       the procedure for washing utensils.                care of girls and boys who live                  equipment that belongs to the
                                     □□The kitchen shows an indication                    in prisons on time.                              medical area for pediatric care.
                                       of the process of washing fruits                 □□The prison has agreements to offer
                                       and vegetables.                                    pediatric service through a public or
                                     □□The kitchen showcases a visible sign               private health institution, if necessary.
                                       with the process of washing hands.
                                     □□The kitchen displays a sign which              4. INFRASTRUCTURE AND RESOURCES
                                       indicates the obligation to wear                Medical unit
                                       a mask and a cap.                                □□Natural or artificial ventilation of the
                                     □□The prison has a training program for               medical unit is enough for continuous
                                       those who participate in the prepara-               air renewal, in addition to avoiding
                                       tion of food, which must include:                   excessive temperatures and steam
                                        •• Personal hygiene.                               condensation.
                                        •• Foodborne illness.                           □□Available medical instrumentation
                                        •• Causes of contamination                         is sterilized.
                                           of the meals.                                □□The medical unit allocates an isolated
                                        •• Vehicles of disease transmission.               space to attend to children suspected
                                        •• Cleaning and disinfection.                      of being infected with COVID-19.
                                        •• Pest control.
                                        •• Importance of hygienic handling             Psychological attention
                                           of food in the reception, storage,           □□□ The prison has a space to provide
                                           preparation, and service phases.               mental care.
                                     □□The transferring of food through
                                       covered containers.                             Kitchen
                                                                                        □□Kitchen equipment is installed in such
                                   3. ATTENTION                                           a way that the space between them,
                                    Epidemiological surveillance                          the wall, the ceiling, and the floor
                                     □□The prison has a record of notifica-               allows cleaning and disinfection.
                                        tions to the Epidemiological Surveil-           □□The facilities where food is provided
                                        lance Committee (SUIVE).                          for girls and boys living in prison are
                                     □□The prison has a plan to detect and                hygienic and safe.
                                        promptly isolate boys and girls sus-
                                        pected of being infected by COVID-19.          Bedrooms and other spaces for girls
                                    Medical care                                       and boys
                                     □□The prison provides medical attention            □□The prison has a space to isolate boys
                                        to boys and girls infected by COVID-19            and girls infected by COVID-19 and
                                        with mild to moderate symptoms of                 who do not require hospitalization.
                                        the disease.                                    □□The prison has a designated area
                                     □□The prison has an isolation protocol in            for breastfeeding (milk bank or
                                        suspicious and definite cases.                    lactation) that:
                                     □□The prison has a clear and defined                 •• Is private and hygienic.
                                        mechanism to refer and transfer                   •• Has breast milk pumps
                                        boys and girls presenting a severe                   (manual or electric) available
                                        or critical condition of COVID-19 and                for lactating women.
                                        requiring hospitalization.                        •• Contains breast milk containers
                                     □□The prison has receipts of the                        available for lactating women.
                                        supply of medicines. Among the                    •• Has coolers intended to
                                        specific medications necessary for                   conserve breast milk.
                                        COVID-19, the following are consid-               •• Has furniture to sit on.
                                        ered: Paracetamol 500 mg tablets                  •• Has a garbage basket.
                                        or Paracetamol Injection: 10 mg/ml                •• Has a sink.
                                        ampoule in 10 ml or 50-100 ml vial. It            •• Has a soap dispenser.
                                        is essential to highlight that this list is       •• Has liquid soap.
                                        provisional and subject to modifica-              •• Has special brushes to rub
                                        tion based on medical progress.                      the inside and outside of bottles
                                     □□The prison has agreements that                        and teats.
                                        offer health services continuously                •• Has a stove or grill for sterilizing
                                        and permanently.                                     baby bottles.
                                     □□The prison has a schedule of medical             □□The childcare center has a reception
                                        services demonstrating the availabil-             or lobby area that designates a space
                                        ity, at all times, of first-class medical

                                                                                                                                  LINKS OF INTEREST
                                                                                                                                           DEPRIVED OF LIBERTY
Links of Interest

 1. UNODC. “Estándares Avanzados de Naciones Unidas pa-         6. UNICEF, OMS, IFRC. “Interim Guidance for COVID-19 Pre-
    ra el Sistema Penitenciario” (Only available in Spanish).      vention and Control in Schools”. https://www.unicef.org/
    https://www.unodc.org/docu ments/mexicoandcen                  media/66216/file/Key%20Messages%20and%20Acti
    tralamerica/2020/JusticiaPenal/ Manual_UNAPS.pdf               ons%20for%20COVID-19%20Prevention%20and%20
 2. OMS. “Preparedness, preventions, and control of COVID-19
    in prisons and other places of detention”. http://www.      7. UNICEF. “Hablando sobre el Coronavirus-19 con los niños
    euro.who.int/__data/ assets/pdf_file/0019/434026/              y niñas más pequeños” https://www.unicef.org/lac/ me
    Preparedness-prevention-and-control-of-COVID-19-               dia/10151/file/Guia-para-hablar-sobre-el-coronavi rus-
    in-prisons.pdf?ua=1                                            con-los-ninos-mas-pequenos.pdf

 3. CDC EUA. “Orientación provisional sobre el manejo de la     8. Vera, Institute of Justice. “Guidance for criminal and legal
    enfermedad por coronavirus 2019 (COVID-19) en instala-         immigration systems.” https://www.vera.org/downloads/
    ciones correccionales y de detención” (Only available in       publications/coronavirus-guidance-jails-prisons-immi
    Spanish). https://www.cdc.gov/coronaVIRUS/2019-NCOv/           gration-youth.pdf
    nal-detention.html                                          9. Secretaría de Salud de México. “Lineamiento General para
                                                                   la Mitigación y Prevención de COVID-19 en Espacios Públi-
 4. OEA. Mensajes globales del Comité de Expertas del Me-          cos Cerrados” (Only available in Spanish). https://www.
    canismo de Seguimiento de la Convención de Belém do            gob.mx/cms/uploads/ attachment/file/543986/Lineami
    Pará (MESECVI) (Only available in Spanish). http://coro        ento_Espacio_Cerra do_27MAR2020_1830.pdf.pdf
    navirus.onu.org.mx/recur sos/recursos-onu-mujeres
                                                                10. Ley Nacional de Ejecución Penal de México. (Only available
 5. UNWOMEN. Guía ante #Covid-19 en los hogares. Serie              in Spanish). http://www. diputados.gob.mx/LeyesBiblio/
    de orientaciones difundidas por ONU Mujeres. (Only              pdf/LNEP_090518.pdf
    available in Spanish) https:// WWW2.unwomen.org/-/
    media/fielD%20OFFICE%20MExi co/documentos/
    publicaciones/2020/marzo%202020/ corresponsABI
    LIDAD%20EN%20Los%20hogarES%20CO vid19.pdf?

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