Species Profile: Koi and Goldfish

Page created by Jeff Warner
SRAC Publication No. 7201

                                     September 2004

                               Species Profile: Koi and Goldfish
                                    Craig A. Watson, Jeffrey E. Hill and Deborah B. Pouder*

Most people are familiar with the              fancy goldfish. Koi generally have     common carp can be abundant in
beautiful and often strikingly                 elongated bodies, but goldfish         slow-moving rivers and reser-
unusual koi and goldfish used as               may have bodies that are short         voirs. Both are considered cool-
ornamental fish in ponds and                   and round like an egg or ball.         water fishes, yet they can survive
aquaria. Both are species of carp              In addition to the ornamental          in a wide range of water tempera-
whose wild types are an unspec-                varieties, both species are pro-       tures.
tacular grey-green or brownish                 duced, with much less attention to     Goldfish can grow to nearly 23
color with deep bodies and unre-               color and shape, as feeder fish;       inches (58 cm) long and weigh 6
markable fins. It is believed that             goldfish are also produced as bait.    pounds (2.7 kg) or more. They can
the koi and goldfish varieties we              There are too many varieties to        live 30 years or more. Common
recognize today originated with                describe in this profile; however,     carp can grow to more than 4 feet
the breeding of uncommon gold-                 many books are dedicated to the        (122 cm) long and weigh 80
en-colored carp in China 1,000 to              topic.                                 pounds (36 kg). Common carp
2,000 years ago. This early selec-                                                    have been known to live at least
tive breeding eventually led to the                                                   50 years.
production of more than 100 vari-
eties of koi and goldfish.                     Goldfish, Carassius auratus            Marketing and economics
“Fancy” varieties exhibit body                 (Linnaeus 1758), and common
parts in unusual shapes, positions             carp, Cyprinus carpio (Linnaeus        The marketing and production
or colors. For example, a goldfish             1758), are members of the family       economics of koi and goldfish are
may have a cap on its head—a                   Cyprinidae, or minnow family.          as varied as the different strains
variety called an Oranda—or                    Koi is an ornamental variety of        of fish. At one extreme, feeder
large sacs under its eyes—a                    the common carp. Goldfish are          goldfish are sold by the pound or
Bubble Eye goldfish. Koi and                   native to central Asia, China and      truck load as bait and as feeder
goldfish may have various scale                Japan. Common carp are native to       fish for aquaria. At the other
patterns and color markings that               Eurasia, particularly the rivers       extreme, individual champion koi
range from solid black to blue,                draining into the Aral, Black and      may be sold around the world
red, yellow, orange, white, or any             Caspian Seas. The ornamental koi       and transported in private jets.
combination and pattern of these               variety was developed in China.        In the U.S., most goldfish produc-
colors. Fin number, size and shape             Japan also has had a great deal of     tion (by volume) is for bait and
also can be different from one                 influence on the development of        feeders. Most ornamental goldfish
variety to another, especially in              koi. Both species have been wide-      produced in the U.S. are at the
                                               ly introduced around the world         middle to low end of the price
                                               and the precise limits of their        level (examples are Black Moors,
*University of Florida, Institute of Food      native ranges are uncertain. Both      Shibunkins, Fantails, Calicos,
and Agricultural Sciences, Department of       species are found in many types        Comets, etc.). The most expensive
Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences, Tropical       of fresh water. Goldfish are most      varieties (e.g., Orandas, Ryunkins,
Aquaculture Laboratory.                        common in small, vegetated lakes;

                                       Bubble eye

 Common goldfish for bait                                                                          Butterfly koi

Bubble Eyes) are primarily              Earthen ponds are often used,            production densities are the most
imported from China. However,           especially for koi and for low- to       challenging systems to manage.
an increasing number of U.S. pro-       mid-value goldfish. Pond con-
ducers are specializing in exotic       struction must be carefully              Water quality
varieties that can sell for as much     planned in consultation with the
as $5.00 per fish wholesale.            appropriate agencies responsible         Koi and goldfish are considered
                                        for permitting. Pond management          “hardy” fish because they can sur-
Most U.S. koi production also has                                                vive in poor water quality.
focused on the wholesale, large-        concerns include managing dis-
                                        solved oxygen and phytoplankton          However, for optimal growth,
volume, inexpensive level.                                                       appearance, reproduction and
However, with the growing inter-        blooms, managing aquatic plants,
                                        controlling disease vectors such as      health, maintaining good water
est in expensive outdoor garden                                                  quality is essential. Unlike most
ponds, more specialty producers         snails, and controlling or exclud-
                                        ing predators. Aeration can make         other ornamental fish, which are
are raising fish that sell for hun-                                              tropical, koi and goldfish are tem-
dreds of dollars each. As the           pond management easier and
                                        increase production.                     perate species. Their optimum
prices of goldfish and koi                                                       temperature range is about 65 to
increase, the size of the market        Tank culture systems may be              75 °F (18 to 24 °C), although they
decreases, so most of the business      flow-through or recirculating sys-       can survive at temperatures as low
is at the lower end of the price        tems. Flow-through tanks have a          as 32 °F (0 °C) and as high as 95 °F
range.                                  constant flow of new water. This         (35 °C), especially if the tempera-
As in all of aquaculture, the key to    flow dilutes and flushes fish            ture change is gradual (seasonal).
success is to thoroughly investi-       wastes from the system. The water        Temperatures outside the optimal
gate the market before getting          source is usually well water, but        range may suppress the fishes’
into production, so that you            surface water is sometimes avail-        immune systems and cause
understand when buyers want             able. Recirculating systems reuse        decreased feeding and growth.
fish, how many they want, and           water, filtering it to remove parti-
                                        cles and fish waste products such        Oxygen level should be at least 5
how much they will pay for them.                                                 mg/L, though koi and goldfish
Reports of someone paying               as ammonia before returning it to
                                        the tanks. Some systems also use         will tolerate much lower dissolved
$10,000 for an individual champi-                                                oxygen for short periods. Un-ion-
on koi do not translate into a mar-     ultraviolet sterilizers, chemical fil-
                                        ters and pure oxygen to increase         ized ammonia and nitrite levels
ket strategy.                                                                    should be kept below 0.05 mg/L.
                                        production. Flow-through systems
                                        are usually cheaper to build and         The pH should be kept as close to
Culture systems                         operate than recirculating systems.      7 (neutral) as possible, though koi
Goldfish and koi are cultured in        However, recirculating systems           and goldfish may tolerate a pH
ponds, flow-through tanks, and          use far less water and make it eas-      between 5 and 9.
recirculating systems. The man-         ier to maintain temperature and
agement of these systems is very        administer disease treatments.
different; so are the costs and         Recirculating systems with high
intensity of production.


                             Oranda                                                             Telescope

Brood stock                             offspring with a wide variety of       released. The eggs are adhesive
                                        characteristics, so producers who      and under natural conditions they
Although koi and goldfish               want high-quality brood stock          are broadcast in grass and other
become sexually mature at 1 year        should select breeders very care-      vegetation along the water’s edge.
of age, fish used for commercial        fully.                                 Because of this, producers often
brood stock are usually at least 2                                             use spawning mats in koi and
years old. The larger the female,       Goldfish genetics and brood stock
                                        selection are even more complicat-     goldfish culture. Spawning mats
the more eggs she will produce.                                                are placed around the edges of
Also, some of the more elaborate        ed because of the large number of
                                        strains and varieties available.       culture ponds or tanks. When
characteristics of exotic varieties                                            spawning is completed the mats
do not fully express themselves         Goldfish brood fish should be
                                        selected for color, body shape,        are moved to another pond or
until fish have reached a certain                                              tank where the eggs are hatched.
age or size.                            absence or presence of dorsal fins,
                                        single or multiple caudal fins, eye    Spawning most often occurs dur-
Brood fish should be carefully          shape and orientation, and absence     ing the early morning hours. Both
selected for certain traits such as     or presence of head growths and        koi and goldfish consume their
size, color, health and finnage.        nostril folds. This diversity may be   eggs after spawning, so brood fish
This publication is too brief to        one reason U.S. production has         and mats with eggs should be
describe all the different breeding     focused on the common, less            separated quickly.
practices used to create certain        extravagant varieties.                 Many producers also induce
varieties, but suffice it to say that                                          spawning so that all females and
the quality of the offspring is                                                all males will spawn at the same
directly related to the quality o
                                                                               time. Spawning agents such as
the brood stock.                        Koi and goldfish generally spawn       human chorionic gonadotropin
In koi, the most important charac-      in the spring, although they can       (HCG), carp pituitary extract
teristics to select for are color,      be conditioned to spawn through-       (CPE), and releasing hormones
body shape, finnage and scales.         out the year if kept in the proper     (LHRH and GnRH) are all effec-
Koi are typically viewed from           environment. The fish spawn            tive. Koi and goldfish females
above, so brood fish should be          from February to May (depending        injected with these agents at 68 °F
selected from this vantage point.       on the location in the U.S.) when      (20 °C) will ovulate within 12
The color should be vibrant and         water temperature approaches           hours. The standard dry method
distinct, with no bleeding              68 °F (20 °C). To reduce sponta-       of mixing the eggs and sperm is
between colors in multi-colored         neous breeding, male and female        used (i.e., eggs and sperm are
fish. Champion koi brood fish           fish should be separated until         mixed in a bowl and then water is
command a very high price and           time for spawning.                     added). However, because they
usually are accompanied by a            During spawning, females will be       are adhesive, eggs must be trans-
pedigree to demonstrate the puri-       pursued and “bumped” by sever-         ferred quickly to a spawning mat
ty of their blood lines. Common,        al males in shallow water. Several     or some other flat surface to keep
inexpensive koi will produce            males fertilize the eggs as they are   them from clumping. Eggs can be
treated with a solution of 4 grams     cost of purchasing them may             Goldfish bred to have multiple
of salt and 3 grams of urea per        exceed the benefits.                    caudal fins or no dorsal fin can be
liter of water, which allows fertil-   In pond culture, some feed is eaten     culled very early on, but most
ization and “water hardening”          by the fish and some serves as fer-     other varieties (especially those
without activating the adhesive        tilizer for the pond, helping to pro-   dependent on color) must grow
layer. This procedure can be fol-      duce natural foods such as algae,       for several months before their
lowed by a 10- to 20-second rinse      zooplankton and insects. Such nat-      true appearance can be known.
in a solution of 0.5 grams of tan-     ural foods can be very important        Grading for size is done both
nic acid per liter of water, which     to the nutrition of goldfish and        mechanically—using grader
effectively eliminates the adhe-       koi. Therefore, pond feeds often        boxes—and by hand. Grading and
siveness. These eggs can then be       are not complete diets (providing       culling for appearance are done
hatched in upwelling jars.             all the nutritional needs of fish)      manually; this labor is a signifi-
Eggs hatch within 2 to 9 days          and may cost much less than com-        cant cost of production and exper-
depending on temperature. They         plete feeds. In tank culture, com-      tise in grading and culling orna-
hatch in 46 to 54 hours at 84 °F       plete feeds must be used.               mental fish takes time to develop.
and in 5 to 7 days at 70 to 75 °F.                                             In systems producing the most
                                       Because the cost of feed is a sig-      expensive varieties, as many as 90
The larva has a yolk sac but           nificant percentage of the total
begins to take feed on the second                                              percent of the fish may be deemed
                                       production cost, feed should be         unmarketable.
or third day post-hatch. Koi and       stored carefully to keep it fresh.
goldfish are relatively large when     Heat and humidity rapidly
they first start feeding and will      degrade feeds, so an air-condi-
immediately accept Artemia nau-        tioned room or building is best for     Koi and goldfish are susceptible to
plii or other foods 200 to 300         storage. In old feeds, the levels of    many infectious (parasitic, bacteri-
micrometers in size. In large-scale    vitamins (especially vitamin C)         al, viral and fungal) and noninfec-
production, eggs on mats or in         may be reduced and the lipids           tious (environmental, nutritional
hatching jars are hatched indoors      (fats) may be rancid. Never give        and genetic) diseases. Poor envi-
and the fry transferred to fertil-     moldy feeds to fish; molds may          ronmental conditions and nutri-
ized ponds where natural foods         produce toxins that can harm fish.      tion can weaken their immune
(such as plankton) are available.                                              systems and make them more sus-
                                       Growout                                 ceptible to disease.
                                       The market will determine the           Goldfish and koi are especially
Goldfish and koi are omnivorous        proper time for harvesting koi and      prone to anchor worm (Lernaea),
and can be grown on various nat-       goldfish. If fish are being pro-        fish louse (Argulus), and mono-
ural and prepared feeds. Most          duced as small feeders or bait,         genetic trematodes (Dactylogyrus
producers use a standard 25 to         they may reach market size in as        and Gyrodactylus), as well as many
32% protein diet throughout the        little as 3 to 4 months. Many orna-     protozoan parasites such as Ich,
growout period. The particle size      mentals can take a full year to get     Trichodina and Chilodonella. Fish
should be increased from a fine        to market size or quality. The deep     are more vulnerable to parasites
meal up to about a 1/4 -inch pellet    red color of some koi can take          when water quality is poor.
as fish grow. Color is not a major     more than a year to fully develop.      Anchor worm and fish lice are vis-
factor in fish produced for feed-      Orandas, Lionheads and Pompons          ible to the naked eye and can be
ers, bait and inexpensive orna-        also need more time for develop-        identified easily. The presence of
mentals. However, color is critical    ment of the characteristic head or      monogenes and protozoans must
in more expensive ornamental           nostril growths. This potential         be confirmed by microscopic
fish. Like most fish, koi and gold-    delay in return emphasizes the          examination. Chemical treatments
fish will have better coloration       need for producers to analyze the       may be necessary to treat each of
when fed a diet with lots of pig-      markets they wish to enter before       these parasites, although improv-
ments. The koi and goldfish diets      developing their business plans.        ing environmental conditions is
that are designed to enhance the                                               also important in decreasing the
coloration of extremely expensive                                              numbers of pathogens and
fish are among the most expen-
                                       Grading and culling                     improving fish health.
sive feeds used in aquaculture.        Ornamental goldfish and koi are         “Goldfish ulcer disease” or “koi
Goldfish and common carp lack          often sold as individuals, so grad-     ulcer disease,” commonly caused
true stomachs, so they benefit         ing and culling are very impor-         by the bacterium Aeromonas
from multiple feedings each day.       tant. Size, color (and pattern), fins   salmonicida, can cause open sores
Using automatic feeders will           and body shape all help determine       and may kill up to 50 percent of
reduce labor costs, but the capitol    a variety and the price a fish will     the fish population. The disease is
most prevalent when temperatures         diagnosed. If SVC is confirmed,          Axelrod, H. R., E. Balon, R. C.
range from 55 to 75 °F (13 to 24 °C)     the facility will be quarantined             Hoffman, S. Rothbard and G.
and when fish have recently              while it is determined how and to            Wohlfarth. 1996. The com-
spawned or been handled. Over-           what extent depopulation, clean-             pletely illustrated guide to koi
crowding also helps spread the dis-      ing and disinfecting will be                 for your pond. TFH
ease because of fish-to-fish contact     required.                                    Publications, Inc., Neptune
and poor water quality. If this or       KHV is not a reportable disease.             City, New Jersey.
any other bacterial disease is sus-      However, it can kill many—or             Davis, J. T. 1986. Baitfish. Pages
pected, fish should be submitted to      even all—of the fish in a facility. If       149-158 in R. R. Stickney, edi-
a fish health diagnostician whenev-      it is confirmed, the facility should         tor. Culture of nonsalmonid
er possible. Only a diagnostician        be depopulated, cleaned and dis-             freshwater fishes. CRC Press,
can confirm any bacterial diseases       infected as quickly as possible.             Boca Raton, Florida.
that are present because other
infections may have similar symp-        Fish that survive KHV or SVC             Geran, J. 1992. The proper care of
toms. Fish also should be tested for     infection may be carriers of the             goldfish. TFH Publications,
antibiotic sensitivities so that the     virus. Fish suspected of having              Inc., Neptune City, New
appropriate treatment can be deter-      either disease should be submitted           Jersey.
mined.                                   as soon as possible for laboratory       Hartman, K. H., R. P. E. Yanong,
                                         diagnosis.                                   B. D. Petty, R. Francis-Floyd
Two viral diseases—koi herpes
virus (KHV) and spring viremia of                                                     and A. C. Riggs. 2004. Koi
                                         Summary                                      herpes virus (KHV) disease.
carp (SVC)—are of particular con-
cern. KHV affects only koi, while        Goldfish and koi have been pro-              EDIS Fact Sheet VM-149.
SVC affects both koi and goldfish.       duced in captivity for a very long           University of Florida, Institute
Both viruses are highly contagious       time. They trace their lineage back          of Food and Agricultural
and can cause significant mortality.     to hardy, temperate water fish in            Sciences, Gainesville, Florida.
Fish infected with these viruses         the carp family. Production in the       Huet, M. 1972.Textbook of fish
often have external parasites and        U.S. is focused on bait feeder fish          culture: breeding and cultiva-
bacterial infections also, which can     and common, less expensive vari-             tion of fish. Fish Farming
mask the presence of viruses. KHV        eties that have a high volume in             Books Ltd., Farnham,
occurs most often when water tem-        the trade. However, there is grow-           England.
perature is 64 to 81 °F (18 to 27 °C).   ing interest in producing (and a         Lochmann, R. and H. Phillips.
SVC is more common when water            growing market for) the fancy                2001. Nutrition and feeding of
is 41 to 64 °F (5 to 18 °C). Young       strains from which international             baitfish. Publication number
fish are more susceptible to these       champion individuals may be                  ETB256. Cooperative
diseases than mature fish, though        worth thousands of dollars. The              Extension Program,
all ages can be affected. Fish with      global trade in koi and goldfish is          University of Arkansas at
KHV may be lethargic, swim close         complex, so potential producers              Pine Bluff.
to the surface, and exhibit breath-      should spend considerable time
ing distress and erratic behavior.       investigating the market before          Lochman, R., N. Stone and E.
They may have dead tissue in their       investing in production.                     Park. 2002. Baitfish: feeds and
gills and sunken eyes Fish infected                                                   feeding practices. SRAC
with SVC are often lethargic, stay       References and                               Publication 121.
near the bottom of the pond or           recommended reading                      Penzes, B. and I. Tolg. 1983.
tank, and swim awkwardly. They                                                        Goldfish and ornamental
also may have exophthalmia (“pop         Andrews, D. 1987. Fishkeeper’s               carp: a comprehensive guide
eye”), pinpoint bleeding on the             guide to fancy goldfishes.                to the care of both new and
skin, a bloated abdomen, and                Tetra Press, Morris City, New             popular varieties. Eugen
bloody mucus coming from the                Jersey.                                   Ulmer GmbH & Co.,
vent. It is very important to            Axelrod, H. R. 1992. Koi varieties:          Stuttgart, Germany.
remember that all of the symptoms           Japanese colored carp—                Petty, B. D., A. C. Riggs, R.
of KHV and SVC can be caused by             nishikigoi. TFH Publications,             Klinger, R. Yanong and R.
other diseases or water quality             Inc., Neptune City, New                   Francis-Floyd. 2002. Spring
problems, so both diseases must be          Jersey.                                   viremia of carp. EDIS Fact
confirmed by a laboratory diagnos-                                                    Sheet VM-142. University of
tician skilled in identifying viral                                                   Florida, Institute of Food and
diseases.                                                                             Agricultural Sciences,
SVC is a reportable disease; federal                                                  Gainesville, Florida.
authorities must be notified if it is
Sealey, W. M., D. E. Barziza, J. T.           Stone, N., E. Park, L. Dorman and                 Wedemeyer, G. A., editor. 2001.
    Davis and D. M. Gatlin III.                   H. Thomforde. 1997. Baitfish                     Fish hatchery management.
    1998. Dietary protein and                     culture in Arkansas: golden                      2nd edition. American Fisheries
    lipid requirements of golden                  shiners, goldfish and fathead                    Society, Bethesda, Maryland.
    shiners and goldfish. SRAC                    minnows. Publication MP 386.                  Yoshiichi, M. and H. R. Axelrod.
    Publication 124.                              Cooperative Extension                            1991. Goldfish guide. 3rd edi-
Smart, J. and J. H. Bundell. 1996.                Program, University of                           tion. TFH Publications, Inc.,
    Goldfish breeding and genet-                  Arkansas at Pine Bluff.                          Neptune City, New Jersey.
    ics. TFH Publications, Inc.,              Tamadachi, M. 1990. The cult of
    Neptune City, New Jersey.                     the koi. 2nd edition. TFH
                                                  Publications, Inc., Neptune
                                                  City, New Jersey.

      SRAC fact sheets are reviewed annually by the Publications, Videos and Computer Software Steering
      Committee. Fact sheets are revised as new knowledge becomes available. Fact sheets that have not
      been revised are considered to reflect the current state of knowledge.

                    The work reported in this publication was supported in part by the Southern Regional Aquaculture Center through
                    Grant No. 2002-38500-11805 from the United States Department of Agriculture, Cooperative State Research,
                    Education, and Extension Service.
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