Sponsorship Prospectus 2020 - Effective Governance: Leading Change for an Uncompromising Commitment to Excellence and Equity - NZSTA Conference

Page created by Don Little
Sponsorship Prospectus 2020 - Effective Governance: Leading Change for an Uncompromising Commitment to Excellence and Equity - NZSTA Conference
Effective Governance: Leading Change for
an Uncompromising Commitment to
Excellence and Equity

     Prospectus 2020
Sponsorship Prospectus 2020 - Effective Governance: Leading Change for an Uncompromising Commitment to Excellence and Equity - NZSTA Conference
Tēnā koe
Thank you for taking time to review this prospectus. NZSTA has
a critical voice in the education sector and continuously seeks to
lead and strengthen school governance.
To do this we work with an extensive network of stakeholders
including central government, compulsory schooling providers,
other education associations and agencies as well as key
suppliers and providers.
I welcome your interest not only in our conference, but also
in the work that we do to effectively govern schools so that
every student in New Zealand realises their highest possible
educational potential.
Ngā mihi mahana
Elise Adams
Chief Executive Office
M 021 346 298

                                        What’s inside
                                        2       Conference overview
                                        3       New Zealand School Trustees
                                                Association profile
                                        4       Conference destination and venue /
                                                attendee demographics
                                        5       Conference programme
                                        6       NZSTA Preferred Business Partner
                                                opportunities and benefits
                                        7       Additional sponsorship opportunities
                                        8       Trade sites
                                        9       Essential information

Sponsorship Prospectus 2020 - Effective Governance: Leading Change for an Uncompromising Commitment to Excellence and Equity - NZSTA Conference
Conference overview
                   The NZSTA annual conference (including AGM)
                   is often a priority booking in trustees calendars.

                                                                                                                                       We are expecting
                   It provides trustees with the opportunity to
                                                                                                                                       900-1000 attendees at
                   engage with nationally and internationally
                                                                                                                                       the 2020 conference
                   recognised speakers, network with their peers,
                   and to participate in high quality, trustee
                                                                                                                                       Delegates are school
                   focused professional learning and development.
                                                                                                                                       trustees; here is a
                   The New Zealand School Trustees Association is                                                                      snap shot of the
                   pleased to announce that the theme for

                                                                                                                                       2019 delegate roles:
                   2020 is:
                   Effective Governance: Leading
                   Change for an Uncompromising

                   Commitment to Excellence

                   and Equity

Who will attend

The NZSTA conference
                    The NZSTA conference is a must for those
                    in compulsory schooling in New Zealand
                                                                                                                                           Deputy Principal
                    • Boards of Trustees
                                                                                                                                            Student trustee
                    • Principals and Staff Trustees                                                                                               Proprietor
                    • Advisers                                                                                                     Non parent representative
                    • Policy makers                                                                                                         Co-opted Trustee s
                    2019 - 717 Delegates in attendance                                                                                           Staff Truste e
                    (noting South Island Venue)                                                                                                     Principal
                    2018 – 1125 Delegates in attendance                                                                                           Board Chair
                    hosted in Rotorua
                             M arlborough/N elson/W est C oast

                                                                 Wellington/W airarapa
Bay of Plenty

                                                                                         C entral W est
                                                                 Central East

C anterbury

                N orthland

A uckland

                W aikato


                                                                                         N /A

                                                                                                                                                                  2019 delegates
                                                                                                                                                                  by region


Sponsorship Prospectus 2020 - Effective Governance: Leading Change for an Uncompromising Commitment to Excellence and Equity - NZSTA Conference
The New Zealand School Trustees
Association (NZSTA) profile
                                                         High Credibility
    School boards are responsible for                        Since that time, NZSTA has established its
    determining the vision, strategy and annual              credibility with members, other stakeholder
    objectives of their schools. This includes               groups and with the Ministry of Education
    the school‘s priorities relating to student              and Government as the national organisation
    achievement. Because of this responsibility              that speaks for school trusteeship within New
    the Board (including the Principal) are
    key decision makers for their respective                 NZSTA is also the primary provider of all
    schools.                                                 professional learning and development for
                                                             school boards, for both governance and
    NZSTA is a membership organisation of                    employment practice.
    approximately 2,200 school boards (93%)
    which includes approximately 14,500 individual
    trustees. NZSTA is a ‘not for profit’ incorporated
    society with charitable trust status. As the
                                                         Exposure to Sector
    national organisation representing school                In its role as the representative body of
    boards of trustees, NZSTA:                               boards of trustees, and through the provision
      » promotes excellence in school governance             of comprehensive and integrated support
        in New Zealand                                       services, NZSTA has developed a significant
      » provides national/local representation and           level of knowledge and participation within the
        advocacy on a wide range of matters of               education sector, including:
        importance to boards                                   » key reference and sector governance
      » delivers comprehensive support services to                groups
        assist boards in their trusteeship/employer            » key operational collaboration
        role, and                                              » trusted voice and advisor for all issues
      » promotes and facilitates ongoing                          relevant to trusteeship and the principles of
        professional development for trustees                     good governance; and
        through education and training                         » the need to deliver efficient and pragmatic
                                                                  solutions to employment problems
    NZSTA has a key objective of strengthening
    school governance by equipping trustees with
    the skills, knowledge and resources required to      Outcomes Expected
    be effective governors.
                                                             Overall, the outcomes expected from NZSTA’s
                                                             work is that all schools are effectively governed
Origins of NZSTA                                             by a board of trustees whose primary focus
                                                             is every student achieving to their highest
    The New Zealand School Trustees Association              possible educational potential. We urge you to
    was formed in 1989 with the introduction                 help us achieve this very worthy goal on behalf
    of ‘Tomorrow’s Schools’. It’s foundation was             of our tamariki.
    built from remnants of the previous School
    Committees’ Federation, the Secondary School             This is a challenging, but not an impossible
    Boards‘ Association and the Education Boards’            goal and we welcome your assistance through
    Association.                                             our sponsorship and partners programmes to
                                                             support us in achieving it.
    Member boards of trustees took control of
    NZSTA following the inaugural annual general
    meeting in May 1990, when member boards
    adopted the first NZSTA constitution.

    Since 1990 member boards of trustees have
    ‘owned’ and controlled NZSTA through a
    governing board elected by the membership.

Sponsorship Prospectus 2020 - Effective Governance: Leading Change for an Uncompromising Commitment to Excellence and Equity - NZSTA Conference
FRIDAY 23 October 2020                              SATURDAY 24 October 2020
                                                                KEYNOTE PRESENTATION
7.15am    Registration opens                          8.30am    Karl Vasau, Principal,
                                                                Rowandale Primary School, Manurewa

8.00am    Pōwhiri                                               SEMINAR SESSION THREE
                                                                MASTERCLASS TWO
          Pio Terei–Master of Ceremonies              11.10am   Morning tea

          NZSTA President’s Address –
          Lorraine Kerr MNZM                          11.40am   NZSTA Annual General Meeting

9.10am    Elise Adams – CEO, NZSTA
                                                      1.00pm    Lunch

9.15am                                                          SEMINAR SESSION FOUR
          Jack McGoldrick                             1.45pm
                                                                MASTERCLASS TWO continues
          Morning tea
          Exhibition opens                            3.15pm    Afternoon tea

          KEYNOTE PRESENTATION                        3.45–     SEMINAR SESSION FIVE
          Hon. Chris Hipkins, Minister of Education   5.15pm    MASTERCLASS THREE

          KEYNOTE PRESENTATION                                  Conference dinner -
11.15am   Hon. Tracey Martin, Associate Minister of   7.00pm
                                                                Sponsored by Crombie Lockwood

12.00pm   Lunch

1.00pm    Regional meetings                             SUNDAY 25 October 2020
          SEMINAR SESSION ONE                                   SEMINAR SESSION SIX
2.30pm                                                8.30am
          MASTERCLASS ONE                                       MASTERCLASS THREE continues

4.00pm    Afternoon tea                               10.00am   Morning tea

          SEMINAR SESSION TWO                                   KEYNOTE PRESENTATION
4.30pm                                                10.30am
          MASTERCLASS ONE continues                             Kathryn Berkett

6.00pm    Cocktail function                           11.30am   Prize giving

7.00pm    Venue closes                                12 noon   Poroporoaki

Sponsorship Prospectus 2020 - Effective Governance: Leading Change for an Uncompromising Commitment to Excellence and Equity - NZSTA Conference
NZSTA Preferred Business Partner
    opportunities & benefits
    NZSTA values the creation of longer term           NZSTA
    business partnerships with a limited
                                                            » Industry exclusivity: The right to be the only
    number of key businesses that are
                                                              company providing product or service from
    associated with the education sector and                  their industry.
    who are or seeking to be leaders in their               » Endorsement from NZSTA National Office,
    particular field.                                         high level partner promo to membership.
    NZSTA preferred business partnership also               » Company name and logo included on the
    includes involvement in NZSTA‘s annual                    NZSTA website including hyperlink to their
    conference and opportunities within our                   website (opening in a new page as to not
    regional executive activities and/or promotional          close NZSTA web page).
    material.                                               » Advertisements in STAnews – two per year
                                                              per partner. Readership – 2,200 boards; 10
                                                              issues per year; 12,000 copies per issue.
                                                            » One insert per year distributed with the
                                                            » Readership – 2,200 boards; 10 issues per year.
                                                            » All staff include below their email signature
                                                              the conference brand and Preferred
                                                              Business Partners‘ logos.
      BUSINESS                                         HUB – REGIONAL ACTIVITY
      PARTNER:                                              » The opportunity to provide material for
                                                              inclusion in local regional newsletters.
                                                            » NZSTA training Powerpoint slide that
                                                              includes the Preferred Business Partners

                                                       NZSTA CONFERENCE
                                  NZ$10,000                 » Company colour logo on conference
                                  PLUS GST                    website plus a two sentence profile of the
                                  PER ANNUM                   company.
                                                            » Company logo on conference handbook in
                                                              the Preferred Business Partner section.
                                                            » Half page advertisement within the
                                                              conference handbook.
                                                            » Company logo on conference mini guide.
                                                            » Company logo on conference bag.
          TERM –                                            » Company logo on exhibition passport.
          2 YEAR                                            » Company logo on conference Powerpoints
                                                              with verbal acknowledgement by MC and
          AGREEMENT                                           President during conference.
                                                            » Two satchel inserts for conference bags.
                                                              This could be and is not limited to gifts and
                                                              or literature.
                                                            » One complimentary trade site at the
                                                              conference, this includes catering at all
                                                              conference catering breaks and cocktail
                                                              function for two staff. Preference to select
                                                              placement of trade site within floor plan
                                                              above general prospective exhibitors.
                                                            » Two complimentary tickets to the NZSTA
                                                              conference dinner Saturday 18th July 2020.

Sponsorship Prospectus 2020 - Effective Governance: Leading Change for an Uncompromising Commitment to Excellence and Equity - NZSTA Conference
Conference Only sponsorship
         EVENT PARTNER:                                                                                                                                                                  Two opportunities
         NZ$3,000 PLUS GST
                                                                                                                         » Naming rights to one of the catering breaks:
                                                                                                                                                                                         KEYNOTE SPEAKER:
                                                                                                                                        morning tea, afternoon tea, lunch or cocktail    NZ$3,000 PLUS GST
                                                                                                                         »              Written acknowledgement in the conference                » Your company name and logo included on the
                                                                                                                                        handbook programme section to one of the                     NZSTA conference website including hyperlink
                                                                                                                                        catering breaks.                                             address of your choice.
                                                                                                                         »              Acknowledgement via Powerpoint slide prior to            »   Your company name and logo included on the
                                                                                                                                        one of the catering breaks.                                  speakers’ page of the conference website.
                                                                                                                         »              Verbal acknowledgement during the conference             »   Your logo included on Powerpoint slide at
                                                                                                                                        as an event partner.                                         opening and closing of the keynote session.
                                                                                                                         »              Your logo included in the conference handbook            »   Verbal acknowledgement of your sponsorship at
                                                                                                                                        as an event partner.                                         opening and closing of the keynote session.
                                                                                                                         »              Your company name and logo included on the               »   Your logo included on the conference brochure
                                                                                                                                        NZSTA conference website including hyperlink                 and handbook.
                                                                                                                                        address of your choice.
                                                                                                                         »              25% discount for a trade site. (Your logo on
                                                                                                                                        exhibition passport if you take a trade site)
                                                                                                                                                                                         TRADE SITE:
                                                                                                                         »              Catering at conference for two trade site        NZ$2,000 PLUS GST
                                                                                                                                        attendees and exhibitor cocktail function.
                                                                                                                         »              One item of literature and one giveaway in the            » One COMPLIMENTARY insert in satchels with
                                                                                                                                        conference satchel.                                          every trade site converted (valued at over $600).
                                                                                                                                                                                                  » Inclusion of your company logo in the conference
                                                                                                                                                                                                     handbook and on the Exhibition passport.
         CONFERENCE HANDBOOK:                                                                                                                                                                     » Your company name and logo included on the
                                                                                                                                                                                                    NZSTA conference website including hyperlink
         NZ$3,000 PLUS GST                                                                                                                                                                          address of your choice.
                                                                                                                                                                                                  » Catering for two at all morning teas, afternoon
                                                                                                                         » Your company logo will appear prominently on                             teas and lunches.
                                                                                                                                        the cover of the conference handbook.                     » Two complimentary passes to the cocktail
                                                                                                                         » One full page advertisement positioned on the                            function.
                                                                                                                                        back inside cover of the conference handbook.
                                                                                                                         » Your company name and logo included on the
                                                                                                                           NZSTA conference website including hyperlink                  CONFERENCE APP SPONSOR
                                                                                                                           address of your choice.                                       EXCLUSIVE SUSTAINABLE OPPORTUNITY
                                                                                                                         » One item of literature and one giveaway in the
                                                                                                                           conference satchel.                                           NZ$3,000 PLUS GST
                                                                                                                                                                                               NZSTA for the second year will provide an APP for

                                                                                                                                                                                               attendees at conference.
                                                                                                    in th

                                                                                           p to      e

                                                                                      stam m on

                                                                                                                                                                                               This APP was highly successful at the 2019
                                                                 ile:            sive le fro
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                                            tra ce pr                     port On . Whe tratio od Lu
                                       the       ien       0.         pass ices.       aw       gis      Go

                                                                                                                                                                                               Conference. Attendees use the Conference APP for
               e:                ch of a resil of $1,35 your d serv ize dr into re win –
      Phon                 it ea      IN
                        Vis to W l value                  p on ts an r the pr this aw to
                                                       am                    hand e dr
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                           sc          gib out th are ped e tim
                                 be eli rs ab amped stam t at th
                             To      ito ly st        tely esen
                               ex plete mple
                                                        be pr                    E: 7

                                                                                                                                                                                               the following information:
                                com been must                              E SIT
                                  has ndees                           TRAD

                                                                                     E: 8
                                                                                E SIT

                                                                                                                                                                                                 » Programme
           E:      n
      E SIT or Pla
 TRAD to Flo
  Refer                                                                                       E: 9
                                                                                        E SIT

                                                                                                     All attendees receive the Exhibition
                         E: 1

                    E SIT

                                                                                                       E: 10
                                                                                                E SIT
                                  E: 2

                                                                                                       Passport which they have
                            E SIT
                     TRAD                                                                                              & 12

                                                                                                                                                                                                 » Social Functions
                                                                                                               E: 11
                                                                                                         E SIT
                                           E: 3
                                    E SIT

                                                                                                        stamped by all exhibitors during
                                                                                                                        E: 13

                                                                                                                                                                                                 » Exhibition
                                                                                                                 E SIT
                                                    E: 4
                                             E SIT
                                                                                                                                E: 14
                                                                                                                          E SIT

                                                                                                      the Conference. All Completed                                                              » Sponsors
                                                             E: 5
                                                      E SIT

                                                                                                                                                                                                 » Communications via the APP are sent to all
                                                                    E: 6

                                                                                               Passports are included in a prize draw at
                                                               E SIT

                                                                                        the prize giving:                                                                                          attendees throughout conference
                                                                                                                                                                                                 » Feedback is provided via the APP to NZSTA
                                       The Sponsorship of the Exhibition Passport includes:                                                                                                        throughout conference
                                                                                                                                                                                                 » Venue/Accommodation/Travel
                                                           » Company logo included on the passport                                                                                               » Portal for communication between attendees
                                                           » Promotion within the conference brochure,
                                                             handbook and the conference website including                                                                                     Your company logo will be included:
                                                             information about the prize draw                                                                                                    »   Within the APP
                                                           » Opportunity to be part of the prize giving, drawing                                                                                 »   On the conference website
                                                             the winner on stage                                                                                                                 »   Within the conference handbook
                                                                                                                                                                                                 »   On all signage information about the APP
                                                                                                                                                                                                 »   One item of literature in the conference satchel
Sponsorship Prospectus 2020 - Effective Governance: Leading Change for an Uncompromising Commitment to Excellence and Equity - NZSTA Conference
Trade site floorplan
NZSTA Conference 2020
Sportsdrome, Energy Events Centre

                                                                                                                          SS DOORS
                                       26        27        28           29        30        31



                                                                                              1                                        12
                                                           7            8         9         NZSTA
                                                      5        4    3        2
                                                           6            5         4         3    2




                                            20        19           18        17        16

Trade site inclusions:
» Pre-constructed booths                             » Actual panel size:
» White 2.5m high Octex panel system                   970mm wide x 2360mm high
» Dimensions: 2.5m height                            » Company name fascia signage
		               3.0m width                          » 10amp Power – 4 way multi box                 40                      4
                 2.0m depth                          » Two 150watt spotlights                        70
» Visible panel size:                                » One clothed trestle table and two
  950mm wide x 2340mm high                             chairs.

                              rails                                                                                              Visible Panel Size
                                                                            support rail                                         950mm x 2340 mm


                                                                                                                                 Actual Panel Size
              post                                                                                                               970mm x 2360 mm



Sponsorship Prospectus 2020 - Effective Governance: Leading Change for an Uncompromising Commitment to Excellence and Equity - NZSTA Conference
Essential information
Exhibition dates & times

 THURSDAY 22th October 2020
 2.00pm–5.30pm Pack in                                     Conference media
 FRIDAY 23rd October 2020
 10.45am–5.30pm Exhibition opens                              To get the best value for our members and our
 5.30pm–6.00pm Exhibitor welcome cocktail function            sponsors, NZSTA’s conference planning includes
 6.00pm–7.00pm Attendee cocktail function                     a communication plan to promote conference
                                                              and significant events associated with it.
 SATURDAY 24th October 2020
 8.00am–3.45pm Exhibition opens                               Key items in the communications plan include:
                                                               » Regular conference updates circulated
 SUNDAY 25th October 2020                                        to state and state integrated schools via
 9.30am–10.30am Exhibition opens                                 NZSTA’s website and from time to time,
 10.30am         Pack out                                        other media conference promotions and
 1.00pm          Venue closes                                    advertising in NZSTA’s STAnews magazine,
                                                                 circulated to over 2,200 NZSTA member
                                                                 boards each month
                                                               » Conference updates and promos in
                                                                 quarterly regional newsletters from
                                                                 NZSTA’s 11 regional executives (total
How to apply                                                     circulation of over 2,200 school boards)
                                                               » Regular notices in the Ministry Bulletin for
        A sponsorship application form is included as a          School Leaders
        separate sheet within this pack.                       » Active promotion on NZSTA’s main website
        For the Preferred Business Partnership option            and the NZSTA conference website,
        it is recommended that an initial meeting with           including sponsors’ logos. (Copies of other
        NZSTA Chief Executive Officer is arranged as a           relevant material are also provided via the
        first step.                                              website)
                                                               » Ongoing promotion through networking
                                                                 within the sector
Acceptance of                                                  » Conference sponsors who wish to leverage
                                                                 off their presence at conference in other
sponsorship                                                      ways (e.g. supplementary advertising in
application                                                      STAnews) are invited to approach the
                                                                 conference managers, EventMergers, to
       Once we have received your application this               discuss options
       will be presented to NZSTA for approval. Upon
       approval you will receive a contract and invoice.

 Contacts:                                                              Carlene Martin
 EventMergers Limited                                                   M 027 295 4309
 Conference & Event Management Specialist                               Carlene@eventmergers.co.nz
 PO Box 500, Silverdale, Auckland
 New Zealand, 0944
                                                                        Kimberley Leckie
                                                                        Sponsorship Management
                                                                        M 027 424 0406

Exhibition supplier
    Additional helpful information

                                                             Trade site information –
       Displayworks and Exhibition Hire are proud to
       be appointed the official exhibition contractor
       for NZSTA Conference 2020. Perhaps one of
       the best ways of really improving the overall
                                                             Octex Infill Panels
       aesthetics of your stand is through the use of            Octex is an aluminum extrusion. The modular
       furniture, flooring and display equipment. Click          exhibition stand system is made up of posts,
       on our catalogue to view our extensive product            rails and infill panels. This combination defines
       range:                                                    your space as an exhibitor within the event.
       http://www.exhibitionhire.co.nz/index.php                 The Octex shell scheme has white vinyl 3mm
                                                                 infill panels. Fascia is provided and is used as
                                                                 additional support to house your company name
         »   Furniture             » Printed walling             sign, allowing visitors to easily find you.
         »   Signage               » Coloured carpet
         »   Flooring                Display units
         »   Lounge settings       » Personalised
         »   Banners                 graphics
         »   Clip lock modular     » Raised flooring
         »   Counters              » Bar settings

Custom Stands
         » Stand enhancements
         » Full design and build
                                                                      CUT OFF DATES
                                                                      To avoid disappointment all orders
                                                                      (including the hire order form, flooring
                                                                      order form, company name form) need
Graphics                                                              to be received by Friday 29th May 2020
       If you wish to enhance your booth with graphics
       or signage the visible and actual panel’s sizes                            CONTACT
       are shown to the right. When applying your own                             NICOLA RANSOME
       graphics/ signage/promotional material etc.                                nicola@exhibitionhire.co.nz
       to the infill panel walling, please use ONLY the                           m. +64 27 495 2827
       following products:                                                        p. +64 3 338 4195
         » Blutac
         » Sellotape
         » Velcro dots
       No industrial grade products are to be used. At
       the end of the event please remove all adhesive
       from the panels.
       A graphic panel which has Velcro on the back of
       it is the perfect option to quickly stick up, take-
       away and re-use after the event.
       Visible panel size:
       950mm wide x 2340mm high
       Actual panel size:
       970mm wide x 2360mm high

          Indulging in what Rotorua has to offer,
          the 31st NZSTA Annual Conference 4
          2020 will be held at the Energy Events
          Centre, with additional seminars being            3                               4

          housed at the Millennium Hotel.                                                             3

CENTRE, Queens Dr,                                                                                         1
Rototua 3010
          Registration / Exhibition / Catering /                                                                    2
          Cocktail function/ Conference sessions /
          Conference dinner                                         1
1270 Hinemaru Street,
Rotorua 3040                                                                       2
          Conference sessions / Masterclasses

                                                                                                Devon St

Rotorua is a destination that will surprise and enchant
you by how well equipped it is to host events; Rotorua is
a small regional city with big city facilities.
Home to one of New Zealand’s largest convention venues
and over 13,000 beds available.                                                              Sophia St

With a rich history in tourism and events Rotorua                                         Gwendoline St

provides for a unique and professional conference                                                          5

destination.                                                                                                   30

                                       HOW TO GET THERE
FLIGHTS                                              Devon St   GETTING AROUND
          Daily flights are available between Rotorua and           There are several taxi and shuttle options for
          the three major centres; Auckland, Wellington             getting to and from the venues.
          and Christchurch. Connecting flights are also
                                                                    Below, is a selection of recommended
          available to and from the regions. Additional
                                                                    companies to contact:
          information regarding flights can be found on the
          conference website.                                       Super Shuttles 0800 SHUTTLE
                                                                    Rotorua Taxis 0800 500 000

DRIVING                                          Sophia St
          Rotorua is located on State Highway 33 which              Rotorua enjoys four distinct seasons, each with
          makes it easily accessible by car.                        its own stunning backdrop, with warm summer
                                                                    days and crisp but clear winter days. In July, the
          The road quality is good on the highway;
                                              Gwendoline St
                                                                    temperatures in Rotorua range from 9°C-13°C.
          however, please ensure that you drive to the

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