SPORTS BETTING: Improving your odds against AML risk - Safe Banking Systems

SPORTS BETTING: Improving your odds against AML risk - Safe Banking Systems
The Magazine for Career-Minded Professionals in the Anti-Money Laundering Field

                                                                     Improving your odds
                                                                     against AML risk

                                                                                  By all estimates, the U.S. sports betting market is
                                                                                  forecasted to exceed that of the U.K. and possibly
                                                                                  even China. GamblingCompliance, a provider of
                                                                                  business intelligence to the global sports betting

                                                                                  industry, projects that the new ruling will create a
        n May 14, 2018, a historic ruling by the U.S. Supreme                     legal sports wagering market worth up to $6 billion
        Court overturned the Professional and Amateur Sports                      in annual revenue by 2023.1 That figure pales in com-
                                                                                  parison to the illegal sports gambling market cur-
        Protection Act (PASPA) of 1992, which previously                          rently estimated at $150 billion annually. In fact,
prohibited states, except Nevada, from authorizing sports                         illegal sports betting is so entrenched in U.S. culture
gambling. The new ruling empowers each state with the                             that it accounted for approximately 97 percent of the
authority to legalize and regulate sports betting. State                          $4.76 billion wagered on the 2018 Super Bowl!2
officials as well as the casino industry have been eagerly
awaiting the decision to take advantage of this revenue-rich                      Global ramifications
opportunity. Delaware and New Jersey, the first two states to                     Illegal gambling has a much broader reach than the
legalize sports betting, are currently leading the pack. The                      U.S. With so much money changing hands through
northeast region is primed to become the epicenter of sports                      offshore gambling websites, illegal bookmakers and
betting over the next five years, with New York overthrowing                      other unregulated channels, sports betting is an
Nevada as the largest U.S. sports betting market. New                             industry ripe for money laundering. When visiting
                                                                                  the GamblingCompliance website, the global reach
Jersey, Massachusetts and Pennsylvania are also expected to
surpass Nevada. Tax revenues generated by in-state casinos
and gaming facilities are forecasted to contribute enormously
to state coffers. Tourist dollars from visiting gamers will
further buoy the local economies.

                   Reprinted with permission from the September–November 2018, Vol. 17 No. 4
                               issue of ACAMS Today magazine, a publication of the
                             Association of Certified Anti-Money Laundering Specialists
                                  © 2018 |
SPORTS BETTING: Improving your odds against AML risk - Safe Banking Systems

                                                  heavily regulated sectors across the globe.      BSA. This includes implementing risk-based
In the U.S., the gaming                           In addition to comprehensive state gaming        AML programs and filing currency transac-
industry is one of the most                       regulations, U.S. gaming operations are
                                                  subject to federal AML requirements. Bank
                                                                                                   tion reports (CTRs) and suspicious activity
                                                                                                   reports (SARs) for certain transaction thresh-
heavily regulated sectors                         Secrecy Act/anti-money laundering (BSA/
                                                  AML) compliance applies to both in-person
                                                                                                   olds, so any additional requirements for
                                                                                                   sports betting should be easy to accommo-
across the globe                                  and lawful internet gaming operations.
                                                  Nevertheless, the regulatory debate contin-
                                                                                                   date. However, more compliance resources
                                                                                                   might be needed to handle the expected
                                                  ues as states press to keep federal legisla-     increase in revenue from attracting a wider
                                                  tion out of sports betting.                      pool of gamers.
of anti-money laundering (AML) issues
                                                  Additional growth in the gaming industry
within the gambling industry can be seen.
                                                  would only push more sports betting into
For example, recent news items include
casinos in British Columbia unknowingly           the shadows away from the eyes of regula-
used to launder drug money and a northern         tors and tax authorities. However, with the
California card club fined $5 million for AML     federal ban lifted on competitive sports
violations of the Bank Secrecy Act (BSA)          gambling, the dynamics of sports betting
dating back to 2009.3                             are expected to change dramatically as is
                                                  the impact on the AML compliance world.
AML has become the most pressing regula-
tory issue for gambling firms across all          Winners and losers
major jurisdictions. In Europe, the Fourth
AML Directive is bringing greater scrutiny        Existing gaming venues such as commer-
of AML by regulators and operators as it          cial casinos and racetracks are well-posi-
now covers the entire gambling sector after       tioned to capitalize on the Supreme Court
previously only applying to casinos. In the       decision. They must already meet a high
U.S., the gaming industry is one of the most      bar for regulatory compliance under the

Figure 1: States that would likely offer sports betting
                                                                                                   Although professional sports leagues
                                                Within 2 years         Within 5 years              fought for years against legalization of
                                                                                                   sports betting, they have now changed
                                                                                                   direction and want a share of the tax reve-
                                                                                                   nue from all sanctioned sports betting,
                                                                                                   citing that legalization puts a monitoring
                                                                                                   burden on them. Leagues are pushing for
                                                                                                   an “integrity fee” on each bet, which would
                                                                                          R.I.     in essence tax gaming venues on both win-
                                                                                          Del.     ning and losing bets.
                                                                                                   The introduction of an integrity fee also
                                                                                                   raises the concern that players, referees,
                                                                                                   medical staff or team owners could make
                                                                                                   bets or fix results. That is despite the fact
                                                                                                   that most leagues have measures in place
                                                                                                   to identify subversive activity and work
                                                                                                   with companies that use algorithms to
                                                                                                   check offshore and underground sports-
                                                                                                   books for suspicious betting patterns. How
                                                                                                   everything plays out will determine if pro-
                                                                                                   fessional sports leagues wind up on the
                                  Source: Center for Gaming Research at the University of Nevada   winning or losing end of the stick.

                                         ACAMS Today I September–November 2018 | Vol. 17 No. 4
SPORTS BETTING: Improving your odds against AML risk - Safe Banking Systems

Preemptive action                                    • Conducting enhanced due diligence
                                                       (EDD) on high amount accounts to
                                                                                                        Corruption risks like bribery
Even legitimate betting outlets will continue
to face the high risk of criminal activity asso-
                                                       identify suspicious patterns.                    and illegal gratuities are
ciated with sports gambling at a greater
magnitude. In 2014, the Financial Crimes
                                                     • Prohibiting “messenger betting” (an
                                                       individual places bets on behalf of
                                                                                                        also inherent in the
Enforcement Network of the U.S. Treasury               another) and training employees on
                                                       how to identify this illegal practice.
                                                                                                        betting world
Department warned that criminals were
using intermediaries to place bets for
unidentified third parties with legally oper-        What it means for banks
                                                                                                        efforts to have the federal government set a
ating sports books. The inability to identify a      As part of the broader gaming industry,            nationwide standard are still in play. Con-
source of funds posed increased money                sports betting will likely bring similar risks     sumer protection and responsible advertis-
laundering risks. Along with the expected            such as money laundering, embezzlement             ing are issues being raised while addiction
influx of funds from legalized sports betting        and other larcenous crimes due to the cash-        advocates are pressing states to fund gam-
comes an increase in opportunities to laun-          intense nature of betting at casinos and           bling addiction prevention and treatment
der money. New sports books and the casi-            racetracks. Corruption risks like bribery          with legalization.
nos partnering with them should be prepared          and illegal gratuities are also inherent in
                                                                                                        If legal sports betting takes off as quickly
to manage this new increased risk. Some              the betting world. These risks are not
                                                                                                        and with as much money as predicted,
proactive measures to consider include:              unique to gambling; however, expect to see
                                                                                                        technology will play a large part in helping
                                                     other risks related to the implementation of
                                                                                                        institutions manage the increased transac-
                                                     sports betting. Consider the conflict of
                                                                                                        tion volume and likely increase in SARs. In
                                                     interest if team owners are allowed to
                                                                                                        addition to technology, establishing a risk-
                                                     invest in gambling businesses or if live-bet-      based approach to compliance will be criti-
                                                     ting kiosks are permitted at stadiums              cal to thwart money laundering and other
                                                     where events take place. Will specific con-        financial crimes. Together, they will provide
                                                     trols be implemented to prevent this from          financial institutions with a solid founda-
                                                     happening? In addition, online betting will        tion in preparation for the KYC challenges
                                                     no doubt require service providers to per-         of the next frontier: internet gambling and
                                                     form customer verification and screening.          peer-to-peer gaming.
                                                     Providing banking services to gaming enti-
                                                     ties is not for every financial institution.
                                                     With their potential vulnerability to money        Carol Stabile, CAMS, chief sales
                                                     laundering and other financial crime,              and marketing officer, Safe Banking
                                                     sports-betting operators and other gaming          Systems, Mineola, NY, USA,
                                                     providers will require a greater level of due
                                                     diligence to assess BSA/AML risk. Banks
                                                     must be prepared to demonstrate that they
                                                     can meet the heightened KYC, customer
• Developing thorough know your                      due diligence and EDD compliance require-
  customer (KYC) programs to identify                ments for these higher-risk customers.
  source of funds through comprehensive
  customer vetting. This could include full          In the U.S., wrestling with regulations that
  background screening and multiple                  may vary from state-to-state will be another
  database searches such as FBI, Nevada              challenge to accommodating sports gam-
  Gaming and Office of Foreign Assets                bling businesses. Although most of the
  Control.                                           action on sports betting is left to each state,

    “New Report by GamblingCompliance Projects That U.S. Sports Betting Marketing Will be World’s Biggest by 2023,” PR Newswire, June 27, 2018,
    “97% of Expected $10 Billion Wagered on March Madness to be Bet Illegally,” American Gaming Association, March 12, 2018,
    “Anti-Money Laundering,” GamblingCompliance,

                                             ACAMS Today I September–November 2018 | Vol. 17 No. 4
SPORTS BETTING: Improving your odds against AML risk - Safe Banking Systems SPORTS BETTING: Improving your odds against AML risk - Safe Banking Systems SPORTS BETTING: Improving your odds against AML risk - Safe Banking Systems SPORTS BETTING: Improving your odds against AML risk - Safe Banking Systems
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