St Brigid's Collie Strategic Plan 2017-2019 - St Brigid's School, Collie

Page created by April Bauer
St Brigid’s Collie Strategic Plan 2017-2019                        (Version 1, 18th May, 2017)

Purpose of our Strategic Plan:
    •   Address our identified needs
    •   Be responsive to our feedback and accountabilities
    •   Be aspirational and visionary
    •   Be realistic and manageable
    •   Unite our staff, board, parents and students with a clear intention of our vision and direction
    •   Outline our intended development for right now and the years ahead- should be reviewed annually.

The purpose of strategic planning is to set overall goals and to develop strategies to achieve them. Strategic planning is an essential part of
school planning and is a requirement of all schools. The Bishops’ Mandate letter states that schools need to meet the requirements and
standards set by external authorities (Reference: Mandate 1.12 p 51). The Strategic Plan is a whole school improvement plan which outlines the
future direction of the school and should be endorsed by the School Board. (Reference: DES Registration Standards and Requirements 2014 1.7)
The school Strategic Plan provides a framework for decision making and whole school improvement. It sets broad benchmarks for the School
Board, leadership team and staff to work towards. The Strategic Plan and subsequent Annual School Improvement Plan provide the school with
the ability to gather data, monitor progress and assess the areas that require further attention. A school needs to be clear in advance about how
it will proceed and everyone involved should know what is expected of them, within an appropriate timeframe. The Strategic Plan is the key
planning document for the school and its community. Engaging staff, students, the Board, parents and the community ensures there is a shared
sense of purpose and understanding of the goals that are set.

School History: St Brigid’s Primary School was opened in 1902 by the Presentation Sisters at the request of Bishop Gibney and the fledgling
Catholic Community. From 1902 to 1955 St Brigid’s catered for both boys and girls from Year 1 to Year 12. Prior to the establishment of a senior
school in Collie, the sisters taught students in Years 11 and 12. In addition to the day school, a night school was established for adults of any age
who wished to be trained for various trades and professions. In 1955 (after the completion of St Edmund's College), boys completed their early
schooling at St Brigid's (Year 1- Year 3) and were enrolled at St Edmund's College from Year 4 onwards, while the girls remained at St Brigid's
School. In 1994, St Brigid's School amalgamated with St Edmunds College to form Collie Catholic College on two campuses- St. Brigid’s Campus
(catering for primary girls and boys) and St Edmund’s Campus (catering for high school girls and boys). At the end of the 2000 school year, due to
declining enrolments, the school became primary only. In January, 2003 the school was officially renamed St Brigid’s School and was relocated to
its current site in October of the same year.

Current Context: The town of Collie has a long history of coal mining and power generation. In recent years due to many factors, the once
consistent and steady flow of jobs and employment stability has diminished significantly. In 2011, Collie became one of the State Government’s
9 Super Towns. Funded under the “Royalties For Regions Program”, the program aimed to attract and stimulate growth, maximize opportunities
and prepare for the future. Despite this initiative, there has declining enrolments in Collie schools for the past 2-3 years (including St Brigid’s
School) and a greater percentage of our parents are having difficulty finding work or are working in temporary/short term positions.

Mission: Our Mission is to provide the students of Collie and its surrounds with the very best educational program underpinned by a desire for a
relationship with Jesus within our Catholic faith.
St Brigid’s Strategic Plan Goals (2017-2019)
    LEARNING                 ENGAGEMENT              ACCOUNTABILITY                DISCIPLESHIP

                             Increase parental          Broadening our
Improve Literacy and                                                               Bring students and
                              engagement and         enrolment base aiming
Numeracy outcomes                                                                 families into a deep
                          partnership in education for Enrolment Growth of
  across our school                                                             relationship with Jesus
                          and the life of the school      5% per year

                           Develop and uphold a
                                                    Collaboratively develop
 Develop highly skilled   clear and strong school                                   Build a strong
                                                    clear and aligned plans
and equipped teachers        identity with our                                   partnership with our
                                                       across our school
and assistant teachers     parents, students and                                        parish
                                                       Establish effective
  Provide a safe and                                financial management
                           Engage with and invite
  engaging learning                                 systems and structures      Develop in our students
                           participation with the
 environment for our                                   to enhance school        a thirst for Social Justice
                            broader community
       students                                        effectiveness and
                                                          Transform our
                                                                                Increase awareness of
                                                     classrooms and school
                                                                                and build relationships
                                                      into modern learning
                                                                                with Collie Indigenous
                                                    spaces, equipped for 21st
                                                       century education.
FOCUS                                                                            GOALS                   STRATEGIES                        TIME               SUCCESS MEASURES              RESPONSIBILITY
                                                                                    Improve       Develop, implement and embed          Literacy: Implement     Growth 3-5 NAPLAN                        ATs
                                                                                    Literacy      Practices Guide for Literacy and      T2, 2017, embed,        Assessment schedule                  Teachers
                                                                                    and           Numeracy                              review yearly           Implementation                          Lit Co
                                                                                    Numeracy                                            Numeracy: Implement     Alignment between Plan and          Lit Supp Co
                                                                                    outcomes                                            T1 2018, embed and      Practice                              Num Co
                                                                                    across our                                          review yearly                                               Leadership
                                                                                    school        Embed Literacy and Numeracy           2017 Embed and          All classes successfully
                                                                                                  Dedicated Time                        refine                  implementing DT approach
                                                                                                                                        2018 & 2019 Review
                                                                                                  Provide support for students not      2017 Implement          Monitored Intervention
                                     We are committed to learning at every level.

                                                                                                  meeting targets in numeracy and       2018 Embed and          Program that tracks
                                                                                                  literacy and students requiring       review                  progress: GP levels for
                                                                                                  extension                             2019 Review             numeracy and RR Levels for
           Learning is what we do.

                                                                                    Developing    Implement PLCs and Using Data to      T3, 2017 commence       Implementation of a            Leadership
                                                                                    highly        inform teaching- ½ all meeting time   2017 Focus Literacy     structured PLC program.        Lit Co & Num Co

                                                                                    skilled and                                         2018 Focus Numeracy
                                                                                    equipped      Ongoing training in school approved   2017-2019               Delivery of aligned training   Leadership
                                                                                    teachers      assessment and teaching programs                              to school programs and         Lit Co & Num Co
                                                                                    and                                                                         strategy
                                                                                    teachers      Implement AITSL Appraisal             T2, 2017 ongoing each   Appraisal System               Leadership
                                                                                                  Mechanism for Professional Growth     year                    Operational
                                                                                                                                                                Satisfaction Survey
                                                                                                  Develop and implement Teacher         2018 implement          Ob/Feedback Program            Leadership
                                                                                                  Observation/Feedback Program          2019 embed              operational                    Teachers
                                                                                                                                                                Satisfaction Survey
                                                                                    Provide a     Develop, implement, promote and       BMP Implement T1,       Implement BMP                  ATs
                                                                                    safe          embed Behaviour Management Plan       2017.                   Reduction in behaviours and    Teachers
                                                                                    learning      and procedures                        Embed/Review Yearly     behavioural concerns           Leadership
                                                                                    environme                                                                   3 way- Satisfaction Survey
                                                                                    nt for our    Develop, implement, promote and       Bullying Policy         Implement Bullying Policy      ATs
                                                                                    students      embed Bullying Management Plan and    Implement T2, 2017.     Reduction in bullying and      Teachers
                                                                                                  procedures                            Embed/Review Yearly     bullying concerns              Leadership
                                                                                                                                                                3 way- Satisfaction Survey
FOCUS AREA                                                                                                                   GOALS                         STRATEGIES                            TIME         SUCCESS MEASURES             RESPONSIBILITY
                                                                                                                          Increase          Utilise feedback to enhance electronic and    2017 Implement     Increase in FB followers     ATs
                                                                                                                          parental          traditional channels of communication         2018               Updated website              Teachers
                                                                                                                          engagement        such as website, Facebook, newsletter,        refine/embed       Satisfaction Survey          Leadership
                                         We are committed to Catholic Educations mission through relationships with all   and               Apps                                          2019 review
                                                                                                                          partnership in    Promote and support school parent bodies:     2017 Implement     Satisfaction Survey          ATs
                                                                                                                          education and     P&F and School Board and enhance              2018               P&F committee                Teachers
                                                                                                                          the life of the   communication and participation in these      improve/embed      attendance                   Leadership
                                                                                                                          school            groups                                        2019 review
                                                                                                                                            Provide greater opportunities for parental    2017 /2018         Satisfaction Survey          ATs
                                                                                                                                            involvement in education through              implement          Parent attendance at         Teachers
                                                                                                                                            workshops, activities, meetings, events and   2019 Review        school events                Leadership
                                                                                                                                            projects such as Nature Playground            Nature
                                                                                                                                                                                          Playground 2017
             Engagement- is essential.

                                                                                                                          Develop and       Conduct visioning workshops with staff,       Term 2, 2017       Development/Refinemen        Leadership

                                                                                                                          uphold a clear    parent groups and students on our vision                         t of shared vision and
                                                                                                                          and strong        and goals.                                                       goals
                                                                                                                          school identity                                                                    Participation rate
                                                                                                                          with our                                                                           Satisfaction Survey
                                                                                                                          parents,          Promote and reinforce our goals across our    Semester 2, 2017   Goals known by our staff,    Staff
                                                                                                                          students and      school and beyond our school                  2018/2019          students and parents         Families
                                                                                                                          staff                                                           embed              Goals inform our decision    P&F and Board
                                                                                                                                                                                                             making                       Leadership
                                                                                                                                                                                                             Satisfaction Survey
                                                                                                                                            Align all our plans and strategies to our     2018               Alignment evident and        Leadership
                                                                                                                                            shared vision and goals                                          clear
                                                                                                                                                                                                             Satisfaction Survey
                                                                                                                          Engage with       Increase our engagement with other            2018               Partnering on 4 or more      Leadership
                                                                                                                          and invite        schools in Collie and Catholic schools in                        occasions each year with     Teachers
                                                                                                                          participation     surrounding areas.                                               local schools
                                                                                                                          with the
                                                                                                                          broader           Commit to participating in and leading (as    2017 organic       Participating in 4 or more   Leadership
                                                                                                                          community         appropriate) community events ie Anzac        2018+ planned      community events             Teachers
                                                                                                                                            Day, Harmony Day, Reconciliation Day,
                                                                                                                                            Partnering with Aged Care, etc
FOCUS AREA                                                                                                                      GOALS                         STRATEGIES                              TIME          SUCCESS MEASURES          RESPONSIBILITY
                                                                                                                             Broadening       Marketing committee to implement rolling         Commencing 2016      Upward trend in
                                                                                                                             our enrolment    plan over the 2016-2018 period prioritizing      Ongoing 2017-2019    enrolments               Marketing
                                                                                                                             base in Collie   high impact actions firstly.                                          Key actions taken as     Committee (Board)
                                                                                                                             aiming for                                                                             per plan
                                                                                                                             Enrolment       Developing promotional material and               2017 commencing      Upward trend in          Leadership
                                                                                                                             Growth of 5%    marketing, outlining the features of St                                enrolments
                                                                                                                             per year        Brigid’s Education and the common                                      Marketing material
                                                                                                                                             questions form future parents and Parent                               developed
                                                   We have personal and collective responsibility for our systems success.

                                                                                                                             Collaboratively Common process of development,                    Semester 1, 2017     Cohesive plans           Leadership
                                                                                                                             develop clear   communication and reporting on school             Strat Plan and AIP   enacted.
                                                                                                                             and aligned     plans and progress towards desired                reviewed by Board    Parent satisfaction
                                                                                                                             plans across    outcomes. All relevant school plans               and staff termly.    survey.
                                                                                                                             our school.     accessible to parents via website. Process        Strat plan           Plans on website
                                                                                                                                             involves collaboration with stakeholders:         reviewed/ updated
                 Accountability is not optional.

                                                                                                                                             parents, students, staff and others as            yearly.

                                                                                                                             Effective       Develop staffing/classroom structures within      2017 T2               School operating        Finance Committee
                                                                                                                             financial       annual budget allocations that allows             Ongoing Review       within annual budget     (Board)
                                                                                                                             management, sufficient surplus to implement Strategic                                  each year.
                                                                                                                             systems and     Plan Goals                                                              Funds available for     Leadership
                                                                                                                             structuring to                                                                         Strat Plan
                                                                                                                             enhance                                                                                implementation.
                                                                                                                             school          Develop, finance and implement a                  2017 T2              Plan development         Grounds Committee
                                                                                                                             effectiveness   maintenance and development plan to plan                               Ongoing improvement      (Board)
                                                                                                                             and             for and oversee school facilities and grounds.                         in grounds/ facilities   Leadership
                                                                                                                             Transform our Equip Learning Spaces across the school with        2018                 Classroom                IT Committee
                                                                                                                             classrooms      Screens and Apple TV/Chrome Cast and                                   Transformation           (Board)
                                                                                                                             and school      teacher input technology (laptop and iPad)                             Teachers equipped
                                                                                                                             into modern                                                                            and upskilled            Leadership
                                                                                                                             learning        Provision of adequate infrastructure,             Laptops 2017         Functioning IT system
                                                                                                                             spaces,         quantity of iPads & laptops to facilitate skill   iPads 2018           operating across
                                                                                                                             equipped for    development and enhanced learning                                      school.
                                                                                                                             21 century      experiences- ensuring we are “Leading
                                                                                                                             education.      Lights” ready.
                                                                                                                                             Modernization of learning space seating,          2017 Pilot class     Enhanced classrooms
                                                                                                                                             workspaces and storage to support 21st            2018-2019 Roll-out
                                                                                                                                             Century Learning.
FOCUS                                                                                                  GOALS                           STRATEGIES                          TIME        SUCESS MEASURES           RESPONISBILITY
                                                                                                           Bring students                                                   2018               3 way- Satisfaction     REC
                                                                                                           and families         Look for opportunities to share our                            Survey                  Parish Priest and

                                              We are committed to deepening our relationship with Jesus.
                                                                                                           into a deep          Catholic Faith and invite our community                        Family attendance as    Parish
                                                                                                           relationship         into our Catholic faith.                                       school faith events.    Leadership
                                                                                                           with Jesus
                                                                                                                                Continue to work closely with Parish with   Ongoing 2017       3 way- Satisfaction     REC
                                                                                                           Build a strong
                                                                                                                                masses, Sacraments, Altar Serving and                          Survey                  Parish Priest and
                                                                                                                                rosters and representation on Parish                           Parish/School           Parish
                                                                                                           with our parish
               Discipleship is our calling.

                                                                                                                                Pastoral Council and Board                                     activities              Leadership

                                                                                                                                                                            Commence 2017      Termly Social Justice   Ministry Leaders
                                                                                                                                                                                               Event                   Yr 6 Students
                                                                                                           Develop in our
                                                                                                                                Termly led Social Justice activities                           Student Participation   REC
                                                                                                           students a thirst
                                                                                                                                organized by Leadership Ministries                             3 way- Satisfaction     Leadership
                                                                                                           for Social Justice

                                                                                                           Increase                                                         Semester 2, 2017   Progression on CEWA     Indigenous Education
                                                                                                           awareness of                                                     Review yearly.     Ab Ed Improvement       Officer
                                                                                                           and build                                                                           Map                     REC
                                                                                                           relationships                                                                       Indigenous              Leadership
                                                                                                                                Development and implementation of
                                                                                                           with Collie                                                                         Enrolments
                                                                                                                                Indigenous Action Plan.
                                                                                                           Community and
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