St cuthbert's way 100k & 45 mile ultra marathon 2021 - In association with

Page created by Andrew Myers
St cuthbert's way 100k & 45 mile ultra marathon 2021 - In association with
st cuthbert’s way 100k & 45
      mile ultra marathon 2021
                       thank you for entering the st cuthberts way ultra 2021

In association with:
St cuthbert's way 100k & 45 mile ultra marathon 2021 - In association with
Please read the pre-race information          RACE PARKING                               100K RACE SCHEDULE
carefully and fetch a copy with you on race
day. If you have any questions about the      Race parking is at:-                        FRIDAY 09th JULY 2021
race, then please contact                     Wooler Auction Mart,                             18:00 - 20:00 WOOLER YHA or phone                Berwick Road,                                    Race Registration
07734309500 Tim                               Wooler,                                          Collect Race number/GPS tracker
07984307900 Garry                             Northumberland,                                  Drop Bag Hand Over
                                              NE71 6SL                                    SATURDAY 10th JULY 2021
However, we will try and cover almost                                                          03:30 Wooler Auction Mart
everything we can think of in this            It is a short walk to/from Wooler YHA from           Wave 1 Coach leaves for Melrose
document.                                     the car park. For 100K runners finishing on      04:30 Second Race Registration
                                              Holy Island a mini bus will transport you            period
RACE INFORMATION                              back to Wooler after completing the race.        04:55 Melrose
This is the 6th running of the St Cuthbert’s                                                       Wave 1 Race Briefing
Way Ultra. However, it is the first year that                                                  05:00 Melrose
we have run the race from Melrose to          RACE REGISTRATION                                    Wave 1 Race Start
Holy Island. On running the route from                                                         07:30 Wooler Auction Mart
East to West we found that the elevation      Friday Registration 100K/45M                         Wave 2 Coach leaves for Melrose
and ascent was about the same. The big                                                         08:55 Melrose
difference comes from having a                Registration is available the day/evening            Wave 2 Race Briefing
supporting wind on your back. For the         before the event on Friday the 09th July at      09:00 Melrose
100KM runners the run into Holy Island        Wooler YHA between 18:00 and 20:00                   Wave 2 Race Start
from Wooler is less daunting then running for pre-race kit checks, we will also be             22:30 A1 CUT OFF
over the Eildon Hills to finish the           handing out numbers, event t-shirts, and         00:30 RACE CUT OFF
challenge! We hope this event will provide GPS trackers.
you with a challenge, and we will do our                                                  45M RACE SCHEDULE
upmost to help you succeed in that            It is preferable that runners register on
challenge.                                    Friday where possible. However, it is also
                                              possible to register at Melrose before the FRIDAY 09th JULY 2021
But above all else we want you to enjoy       race.                                            18:00 - 20:00 WOOLER YHA
and have fun on the day. And the best way                                                      Race Registration
to ensure this is to for you, the runner, to  Friday Registration Address/45M Race             Collect Race number/GPS tracker
run with a positive attitude and vibes        Finish:                                          Drop Bag Hand Over
throughout.                                   Wooler YHA,                                 SATURDAY   10th JULY 2021
                                              30 Cheviot Street,                                  03:30 Wooler Auction Mart
Treat the event as adventure not a race,                                                           Coach leaves for Melrose
and this will ensure that maximum             Wooler,
                                              Northumberland                                      04:30 Second Race Registration
satisfaction is achieved.                                                                          period
                                              NE71 6LW
We wish you every success at the event.                                                           04:55 Melrose
                                                                                                   Race Briefing
Tim, Garry and Team                           Saturday Registration 100K/45M
                                                                                               05:00 Melrose
                                                                                                   Race Start
RACE NUMBERS/GPS Trackers                     As stated main race registration is
                                                                                               22:00 Race Cut Off
                                              available at Wooler YHA. For people that
Race numbers and GPS trackers will be         can’t make that registration at Wooler.
                                                                                          DROP BAGS / FINISH BAGS
given out at registration. You are required Then will also be offering race registration
to have your race number on your front        at Melrose before the race starts.
                                                                                          Drop bags are non-returnable on this
and visible.
                                              Saturday Registration Area/Race Start Area event, so please do not put anything in
                                              Abbey Mill Park,                            the drop bags you are not willing to part
BEFORE THE RACE                                                                           with.
Consider taking out personal insurance                                                   They must be clearly marked with your
                                              Scottish Borders,
against accident or injury whilst                                                        race number and name and by no bigger
                                              TD6 9LW
participating in sporting activities. UKA                                                than carrier bag / bag for life size.
and TRA membership include insurance.                                                    You must also place them on the correct
                                              100K Race finish
                                              Crossman Hall,                             table at registration to ensure they go to
Fetch appropriate footwear for the race                                                  the correct drop bag location. Please also
                                              Holy Island,
conditions. Please make yourself familiar                                                mark on your bag the location you wish
with the route, the CPs and study your                                                   the bag to go to.
                                              TD15 2ST
maps, this is the best way to see what’s
coming up on your way across from                                                        Drop bags checkpoints are Morebattle and
Scotland to England.                                                                     Wooler.
St cuthbert's way 100k & 45 mile ultra marathon 2021 - In association with
Finish bags can be left at race registration    If anyone from wave 1 reaches the island         So if you or another runner get into a life
area if you register on Friday. For people      whilst the tide is still in, then you you will   threatening situation then please call 999
registering on Saturday, finish bags will be                                                     or 112 and ask for the Mountain Rescue
                                                be asked to wait at the A1 checkpoint. So
transported to the end of the event.                                                             Service. We would advise you use the
                                                that your time can be paused, until it is        international emergency number of 112
We can NOT be held responsible for any          safe to cross.                                   when calling as when the call is received
loss or damage to finish bags in our care,                                                       using this number your phone
                                                If you want to be allocated or removed           automatically gives them your GPS
but the upmost will be done to ensure
                                                from the SUB14 hour group in wave 2 that         location.
they are kept safe and secure.
                                                starts at 09:00 rather 05:00 then please         The emergency services are only to be
                                                let us know ASAP!                                used in an emergency.

The mandatory kit is listed below. You
                                                CHECKPOINTS                                      If you need assistance that is not an
                                                                                                 emergency then please contact RD Garry
must carry all items at all times unless                                                         Scott or Tim Bateson who will organise for
                                                There are numerous checkpoints on the
specifically told otherwise by the Race                                                          First Aid care to be given to you as soon as
                                                route where you will have your race
Director. PLEASE DO NOT EMAIL OR FB                                                              practicable.
                                                number taken to ensure that competitors
                                                have gone through the correct location /
STUFF.                                                                                           We have a medical team with paramedics
                                                                                                 that will be able to assist if you are initially
    1.    Whistle                                                                                feeling unwell. So please consult with a CP
                                                There will be water, coke and snacks
    2.    Head torch(with spare batteries)                                                       or phone for support if you require non
                                                available at all CP’s with some stocked
    3.    Survival bag
                                                with coke, savory options. A wider               emergency medical assistance.
    4.    Compass                               selection of snacks/food will be available
    5.    Maps                                  at Wooler and Morebattle..                       Please DO NOT call 999 for injuries that
               1. St Cuthbert's Way: XT40                                                        can be take care of with a little rest and
                    Edition                     We are also hoping that ActiveRoot will be       first aid at CPs, these include, cuts,
               2. OR 3 OS maps OS               providing hydration options at most of the       scrapes, strains and sprains.
                    Explorer: 338,OL16,340      checkpoints you pass through.
    6.    Hat and gloves                                                                         CUT OFFS
    7.    Waterproof jacket                     But it is advised that you use your own
    8.    Waterproof trousers                   nutrition and drop bags if you require           Checkpoint and Finish cutoffs will be
    9.    Minimum of 500ml water                substantial food types and choice.               strictly enforced.
    10.   Personal cup
    11.   Emergency food/sport bar              At the finish there will be hot drinks and       Please make sure you make note of the
    12.   Mobile phone number of the            more substantial food stuffs.                    cutoff times, it is your responsibility to
          race directors +447734309500                                                           ensure you maintain a pace that will see
          (Tim) +447984307900 (Garry)           But again should you require a small meal        you leave the CP before the cutoff point.
    13.   Fully charged phone                   (and it is highly advisable after an ultra
    14.   Flashing LED lights for night         distance event). Please but something in         The cutoffs are NOT based on arrival
          running                               your finish bags.                                times, but leaving the CP times.

STARTING WAVES 100K                             Please note we do not cater to special           No abuse of Marshals or Race Directors
                                                dietary requirements i.e Vegan, Gluten           will be tolerated.
                                                Free and Vegetarian. Although some food
To help clear up confusion about starting
                                                stuffs at the CP’s will fall into some of        Race Directors decision is final in this
waves for the 100K race. We would like to       these categories.                                matter.
remind everyone then that when you
entered you were asked to pick a                EMERGENCY INFORMATION                            A list for cut off at each CP is shown at the
predicted finishing time. If you selected to                                                     bottom of the page for the 100K and 45M
run in under 14 hours then you will be          Hopefully we will not have any emergency         race on website.
                                                situations during the course of the event.
allocated to starting wave 2. This will
prevent you having to wait for the tide to      However, we are working closely with             cuthberts-way
clear at Holy Island before crossing. This is   Northumberland National Park Mountain
because it is now safe to cross the island      Rescue and The Borders Mountains       
until 19:15. Most people that complete          Rescue teams, from both England and              cuthberts-way-45
the race take more than 14 hours. So from       Scotland to ensure that should an
                                                emergency arise that you will be taken
starting at 05:00 you should hopefully          care of as quickly as possible.
arrive with having to wait for the tide to
go out before you cross.
St cuthbert's way 100k & 45 mile ultra marathon 2021 - In association with
COACH TRANSFER                                   RACE RETIREMENT / DNF CONT                      RACE ROUTE CONT.

100K/45M                                         But all is not lost. There are a few indoor     However given that you should not be
                                                 CPs along the way and if you are                running at 10k pace with tears streaming
The Wave 1, 100K and 45M coach from              considering dropping out of the event. We       down your face from the frantic pace, you
Wooler to Melrose for the at 03:30               urge you to not do so as a snap decision.       really have no excuse not to lift your head
prompt.                                          Many times do runners make these snap           up and look for the route markers, and
It will not leave until exactly 03:30. But, it   choices, when all they really need is a rest,   enjoy the beauty of the trail around you.
will also not wait around. So please if you      food and water.
                                                                                                 Please take care in this as there is nothing
have booked a place on the coach, make                                                           more disheartening than running off route
sure you are there in time. As you will          So if you stumble into the CP sure you are
                                                                                                 and having to get back on, adding time
have to make your own way to the start           going to withdraw, sit down first and take
                                                                                                 and miles to an already tough challenge.
should it be missed.                             10 minutes to eat drink and recover, it
                                                 may just change your mind.                      Speaking from a lot of experience here are
You are responsible for making sure you                                                          a few quick navigation pointers when
are on the coach before it leaves.               If you do need to withdraw and decide to        running Ultra Distance events:
                                                 do so, please inform the CP staff and send
SUPPORT CREWS                                    a text message to either RD Garry Scott or          ●    Do NOT follow the runner in
                                                 Tim Bateson.                                             front, they may just lead you the
In orders to comply with current covid19                                                                  wrong way. Although teaming up
guidance. Please read the covid 19               We will transport you from the CP to the                 to navigate is a very good idea,
participant guidance in the appendix.            end, however you may have to wait                        two heads are better than one.
                                                 several hours to be transported from a CP           ●    Take your time when making
It is permissible for support crews to meet      to Wooler.                                               navigation decisions, 1 minute
you on route. In order to cut down on                                                                     spend making sure, is better than
contact and minimise disruption to                                                                        20 minutes running in the wrong
                                                 RACE ROUTE                                               direction.
remote local communities. We are asking
that support is only given at the following                                                          ●    Mark the route on the map with
                                                 The race route is very well marked for a                 highlighter pen. It helps to have
locations. Morebattle, Kirk Yetholm and
                                                 long distance cross border path.                         the route stand out to avoid any
                                                                                                          confusion in the later stages
                                                 There are only two minor diversions on                   when you are tired and it’s dark.
SHOWERS                                          the course for the 100KM runners. There             ●    If holding the map when running.
                                                 is a minor diversion to Wooler YHA that                  THUMB the route. This simply
Due to covid19 restrictions the showers at       will be clearly marked. The other is a small
the finish will not be available this year.                                                               means holding the map with your
                                                 diversion to avoid crossing the railway line             thumb where you currently are,
                                                 between the A1 road crossing the Holy                    and move it along the route as
RACE RETIREMENT/DNF                              Island itself. These diversions will be                  you run and hit landmarks. It
                                                 clearly marked with bright yellow correx                 makes for a very efficient way of
It is unfortunate that in events of this         arrow signs.                                             navigating on the move.
nature some runners will not make it to
the end, this will be for a variety of           Please take the time however to study
reasons, injury, illness, tiredness, lack of     your maps and be familiar with the route.       Hopefully you will find the route markers
training, poor nutrition, dehydration.                                                           sufficient that you will not need to take
                                                 Here is a brief overview of the main
                                                                                                 out the map very much.
We will do our upmost to get you to the          sections of the route and the waymark
end, however you are the one who is              signs you will be looking for along your
                                                                                                 RACE PRESENTATIONS
ultimately required to get to the end, and       way.
at times will have to dig deep to do so.         During an Ultra Distance event of any kind, Due to the continued COVID 19
                                                 navigation will play some part.             restrictions for races. The prize giving will
If you do have to withdraw for whatever
                                                                                             now not take place and prizes/awards will
reason please do so at a Checkpoint, so
that your number can be taken and record                                                     be posted out to the winners after the
of your DNF made.                                                                            race.


That’s all the what’s, whys and wherefores covered. Thank you for choosing to run with us here at Trail Outlaws.

We look forward to meeting you all and sharing your journey along the St Cuthbert’s Way this coming weekend.

Now time to put your feet up, check your maps, triple check your kit, panic about your training, panic more about your training,
check the weather forecast on the hour every hour for the next week, buy that anti chafing cream you’ve been meaning to get and
finally read this document at least a dozen times.

GPS tracker/live tracking link :

Event Rules :

Event T’s & C’s

Trail Outlaws Website
          JUNIOR SIZE £20

Participant Code of Conduct Appendix

Please ensure that you read and observe this code of conduct to ensure a safe and enjoyable event for everyone.

       Runners should not turn up at the event If you are showing any symptoms of covid-19 as outlined by the NHS
       Come ready to run - minimise your interaction with race staff, volunteers and participants by being as self-sufficient as
       Come alone if you can
       Under no circumstances swap your number or give your place to another participant
       Be respectful to volunteers and participants
       Observe social distancing wherever possible
       Carefully consider your travel plans, avoiding public transport if at all possible
       Leave more time than you normally would to get to and from the event
       Please dispose of rubbish responsibly
       Be aware of your personal hygiene e.g. avoid spitting and nasal clearance
       Be mindful of your surroundings and impact on other participants, spectators, volunteers and the public. Don’t run with or
        carry children in the race
       Bring your own hand sanitizer and face mask
       If you experience COVID symptoms soon after the event, then please make this known through the government’s Tack &
        Trace system
You can also read