St. Francis School Mackay Street, Thames - 2021-23 Charter and Strategic Plan Including 2022 Annual Plan - St Francis School (Thames)

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St. Francis School Mackay Street, Thames - 2021-23 Charter and Strategic Plan Including 2022 Annual Plan - St Francis School (Thames)
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                                              St. Francis School
                                              Mackay Street, Thames

                     2021-23 Charter and Strategic Plan
                        Including 2022 Annual Plan
St. Francis School Mackay Street, Thames - 2021-23 Charter and Strategic Plan Including 2022 Annual Plan - St Francis School (Thames)

Learning to Love - Loving to Learn.
ako ki te aroha, te aroha ki te ako

A catholic faith community committed to quality
St. Francis School Mackay Street, Thames - 2021-23 Charter and Strategic Plan Including 2022 Annual Plan - St Francis School (Thames)
                                                                      Gospel Values ~ School Values
                                             Our School Values come from the Gospel and help us to live our faith through our
                                                                          words and actions.

Love          Jesus replied: “Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul   Respect ‘Just as you did it to one of the least of these, you did it to me’ . Matthew
and with all your mind.' This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it:   25:40
'Love your neighbour as yourself.‘ Matthew 22:37                                                  -We are all made in God’s image and His love.
                                                                                                  -We actively listen to others and show empathy.
-We Love God with all our mind, body and souls.                                                   -We use our manners at all times.
-We put the needs of others before our own.                                                       -We are grateful for the blessings in our life.
-We forgive others that have done us harm.
-We love and care for God’s creation.                                                             COMMON GOOD | HE PAINGA MA TE KATOA - We are called to work for the good of each and of all.
Social Justice Teaching: HUMAN DIGNITY | TE MANA I TE TANGATA - We are beautifully made in the    PARTICIPATION | NAU TE ROUROU, NAKU TE ROUROU - We all have the right and duty to participate
image and likeness of God.                                                                        fully in society
                                                                                                  STEWARDSHIP | KAITIAKITANGA - We are kaitiaki of God’s creation, living sustainably and enhancing
PREFERENTIAL OPTION FOR THE POOR AND VULNERABLE | HE WHAKAARO NUI MO TE HUNGA                     the well-being of our planet.
RAWAKORE - The needs of the poor and vulnerable should be put first

Faith "For nothing will be impossible with God." — Luke 1:37                                      Truth           Jesus answered, ‘I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the
-We give everything a go and persevere when things are hard.                                      Father except through me.
-We learn about God and His word.                                                                 John’ 14:6
-We live our faith through Prayer and sacraments.
-We share our faith in God with others.                                                           -We know the difference between right and wrong.
                                                                                                  -We follow in Jesus footsteps to live in truth.
                                                                                                  -We show honesty and integrity in our words and actions.
                                                                                                  -We act and play with humility and grace.
God created us as one global family called to support our brothers and sisters.
                                                                                                  SUBSIDIARITY | MANA WHAKAHAERE - We are called to empower communities, to let everyone have a
PROMOTION OF PEACE | TE WHAKATAIRANGA I TE RANGIMARIE                                             DISTRIBUTIVE JUSTICE | TE TIKA KA TOHAINA - Everyone should have access to their fair share of
We can be God’s instruments of peace through seeking justice                                      resources.
St. Francis School Mackay Street, Thames - 2021-23 Charter and Strategic Plan Including 2022 Annual Plan - St Francis School (Thames)
                                                Foundations for Curriculum decision making.
                              The St. Francis school curriculum is based on the following principles.
                                                    • The curriculum will centred on the foundation that Christ is the reason for our school and faith
           Integrated Faith Learning                 learning is woven into all aspects of school life.

                                                    • The school curriculum will reflect the faith belief that the treaty is a covenant – a promise made to
              Treaty of Waitangi                     God, and so we are called to honour the intent of the Treaty.

                                                    • The lives, traditions and stories of the various cultures and ethnicities of our school are celebrated
              Cultural Diversity                     and reflected in our practices and in our curriculum.

                                                    • Our curriculum will reflect our belief that all people are made in the image and likeness of God. It will
                  Inclusion                          allow ALL children to find success and celebrate the differing talents and strengths of our learners.

                                                    • We believe ALL children should find success in learning irrelevant of their background or learning
              Equity in Learning                     needs.
                                                    • Learning contexts are relevant, meaningful and within reach of all children

                                                    • The curriculum will have relevance to the children’s lives and it will be enhanced by the inclusion of
           Community Engagement                      the wider community.

                                                    • The curriculum will support children to see the interweaving of learning areas and themes leading
                  Coherence                          them to make pathways to further learning.

                                                    • Children will be led to an understanding that the actions they take have an impact on society and our
    Future Focus and Sustainable Community           environment.
St. Francis School Mackay Street, Thames - 2021-23 Charter and Strategic Plan Including 2022 Annual Plan - St Francis School (Thames)

    Effective Pedagogy requires that teachers are learners, continually reflecting
    on the impact of their teaching on their students learning.

        Teachers understand that students learn most effectively when…
    • There is an understanding that all children are different and possess different skills and gifts.
    • Positive relationships are present between akonga, kaiako and whanau.
    • Positive behaviour management is used at all times and the dignity of all parties remain intact.
    • Learning opportunities are engaging, relevant and allow ALL akonga to succeed.
    • Students understand what they are learning and why they are learning it.
    • Children are able to integrate new learning with what they already understand.
    • They have the opportunity to engage with practice and transfer new learning across all curriculum areas.
    • ‘E’ learning is used as a learning tool to supplement traditional ways of teaching when appropriate.
    • They recognise the potential for giftedness and provide opportunities for development.
    • When they feel emotionally and socially safe.
    • Classroom environments promote student agency and are a tool for students learning and well being.
St. Francis School Mackay Street, Thames - 2021-23 Charter and Strategic Plan Including 2022 Annual Plan - St Francis School (Thames)

    Year 8 Leaver’s   Our St Francis School Year 8 students will have …..

                      •   A love of God, secure in the knowledge that they are loved

     Profile 2022     •
                          unconditionally and part of God’s plan for them.
                          A love and appreciation of learning and how it never stops.
                          A strong sense of self and the ability to discern and act on
                          what is right.
                      •   A developing knowledge and commitment to the beliefs
                          and practices of their faith
                      •   An attitude of service and love for others grounded in the
                          principles of Catholic Social teaching.

                      They will show…
                      •   Love by accepting and celebrating differences.
                      •   respect for each other and the environment through their
                          words and actions.
                      •   kindness and fairness in their relationships and gratitude
                          for all they have.
                      •   generosity by reaching out to those less fortunate.
                      •   empathy to everyone they meet.
                      •   resilience to deal with difficult situations.
                      •   perseverance when things are difficult
                      •   A love of learning in all aspects of their lives.
St. Francis School Mackay Street, Thames - 2021-23 Charter and Strategic Plan Including 2022 Annual Plan - St Francis School (Thames)
             Growing a stronger faith and relationship with Christ through the Spirituality,
                     Charism and history of St Francis of Assisi School, Thames

    The particular charism and                How does it connect with our
                                                                                       We ensure that this continues to be nurtured by …
    spirituality of our school covers                local area?
    almost 150 years of Catholic              •    The Coromandel area is known        •   Conservation and environmental awareness integrated
    education in Thames.                          for its environmental awareness          into our curriculum. Green Gold Enviro-school status –
                                                  –a strong sense of being kaitiaki        we are living our school charism through protecting and
    •   9 years Franciscan spirituality –                 of our environment                cultivating our local environment towards sustainable
        Providence of God/care for the                                                                                living
        earth and creation.                       •  There is a ruggedness and
                                                      determination to better          •    Involvement in the community- following the tradition
    •   30 plus years Lay Spirituality –
                                                  conditions in the typical Thames             established by Father Nivard who was one of the
        love of the church, respect, care                                                  founders and the first Secretary of the Thames Hospital –
        and concern for Family.                   persona. A care of the Earth / of
                                                            all creation.                   Lay charism. Evangelization – Encouraging Baptism and
    •   37 years Mercy Spirituality care                                                    whanau to join RCIA, non-preference children/ families
        for the poor and those on the                                                                         becoming Catholic.
        margins of society.
    •   75 years Josephite Spirituality –     •     Prior to the Education Act 1877    •     Justice – strength of the Sisters of St Joseph, settling of
        education for all, particularly for          the people of Thames prized           differences, emphasis on working towards a just solution
        the underprivileged.                         education as a right for their        in particular for the rights of children and families and the
                                                   children, this was evident in the            poor and marginalized. Food collections for local
    •   5 years Dominican Spirituality
                                                    setting up of the three schools                          Thames Baptist food bank
        Promotion of truth.
                                                  by Father Nivard as early as 1874.
    •   8 years Marist Spirituality -Living                                            •    Environmental sustainability is part of all our decisions
        as a community, being                                                                              and everything we do.
        missionary in outlook
St. Francis School Mackay Street, Thames - 2021-23 Charter and Strategic Plan Including 2022 Annual Plan - St Francis School (Thames)
                                                     Our Special Character
                                                                                               … The staff ensures that this special
The strengths and successes of              Parents/Caregivers and Parish                      character is integrated into the whole
St Francis School attributable               support and contribute to our                     curriculum and is a valued part of life at St
to its special character are …              school’s special character by …                    Francis.…
                                                                                        An aspect of the Special Character of the school underpins the ‘big idea’
                                               Parents/Caregivers and parishioners          or theme and permeates all other curricula topics for the year.
  Expectation of excellence in all             attend School Masses and Liturgies
endeavours- academic, sporting and
             cultural                                                                   Class prayer, Assembly and Liturgies, grace before meals are an integral
                                             Education seen as a partnership between      part of the school day – a part of who we are and the culture of the
                                                 school and parents/caregivers –                                         school!
Positive and meaningful relationships        interviews, classroom assistance, school   Celebration of special feast and Holy days that connect with our school.
      with children and whanau.                                trips.                                      Whanau included in celebrations

                                                                                          Interaction with other adults and students based on the knowledge we
The high standard of the behaviour of our   Support for RE programme from parents              are each precious in the sight of God and made in His image,
children reflecting our school and Gospel
                  Values.                                                                  Positive behaviour management with an emphasis on our school
                                                                                          values. A focus on reconciliation and restoring of mana when . The
                                             Parents/Caregivers concern and care                          human dignity of all remain in tact..
                                                       for each other
    A Family/whānau culture within the                                                          Staff support and promote the sacramental programme
                                                Parents/Caregivers willing to              School Whanau groups system – Chanel, Pompallier, MacKillop, Nivard,
                                            undertake roles within the school BOT,                  Children all belong to one of our whanau groups.
                                                       Prop Reps, PTA
    2017 Awarded the Green- Gold Enviro-
                School Status.                                                              Staff undertaking professional development in R.E through
           That all gifts are valued.                                                       sitting a Level 5 paper.
St. Francis School Mackay Street, Thames - 2021-23 Charter and Strategic Plan Including 2022 Annual Plan - St Francis School (Thames)
Te Tiriti o Waitangi and the unique position of Maori in Aoteroa New Zealand
 At St Francis we are committed to fulfilling the promises made in the Treaty. Our First Catholic Bishop, Bishop Pompallier established
 meaningful relationships with Maori and was fluent in Te reo himself. He was a major reason why the ‘4th article’ of the Treaty was
 included allowing religious freedom for all.
                                      Annual Goals:                                         Who is Responsible Long Term goals
                                                                                              and by when?
1. Tikanga Māori, mātauranga     -Maori Spirituality weaved in our own Catholic Spirituality.                         Kapa Haka Tutor,    Established Kapa Haka group with ability to take part
Māori and te ao Māori are        -Use of Atua, Tangata and Whenua Model as contexts for all planning.                 Principal/DRS and   in festivals
present in plans, policies and   -Kapa Haka group to build capacity and capability – refined to a smaller group       teachers            Regular Powhiti/Whakatau practiced to welcome
procedures.                      -School and community Celebration of Matariki through Art-Connections --with                             manuhiri to our school.
                                 local Iwi through our Kahui ako and whanau.                                                              Strong knowledge of our Maori whanau.
                                 -Continue to Invest in personnel to support the delivery of Te reo and tikanga
                                 Maori for all classes.

2. Incorporating Te reo and      -All children and staff learn to recite their pepeha. School speeches all start with Kapa Haka Tutor,    Te reo Curriculm taught at chronological curriculum
tikanga Māori.                   individual Pepeha.                                                                   Principal/DRS and   Level.
                                 -New school Values and Vision are known in te reo.                                   teachers            School song and values performed in Te reo.
                                 -Te reo curriculum delivered at a progressively higher curriculum level each year.                       All staff have the confidence to regularly integrate te
                                 Clearly planned, integrated and taught.                                                                  reo language each day
                                 -Staff professional Development in Te reo through kahui ako.
                                 -Te reo used in All Assemblies, Liturgy and Masses.                                                      Established relationship with local Iwi.
                                                                                                                                          All children learning Te reo at their chronological
                                                                                                                                          curriculum level.

3. Ensuring equitable            -Close Tracking of Maori student Data in all learning areas.                         Kapa Haka Tutor,
                                                                                                                      Principal/DRS and   Maori student achievement is at least on Par with
outcomes for Māori               -School invests extra support in identified cohort of Maori students.
                                                                                                                      teachers            overall achievement in all learning areas.
                                 -Consultation meeting and involvement of Maori whanau.
students.                                                                                                                                 Maori whanau are actively involved in school activities
                                 -Culturally responsive pedagogy is present among all teachers. Lead teacher
                                                                                                                                          and have a say in their child's learning.
                                 unpacks this with staff.
                                                                                                                                          Culturally responsive pedagogy is understood and
                                 -Culturally responsive PD through Anton Blank – All staff.
St. Francis School Mackay Street, Thames - 2021-23 Charter and Strategic Plan Including 2022 Annual Plan - St Francis School (Thames)
St Francis Annual Implementation and Long
             Term Plan, 2022.

     11   Aim 1 – Special Character: Christ is woven in to all aspects of school life.
                                                                                                  Who & when
                           2022 Annual Plan                                                       and how much?
                                                                                                                   2023                                           Measure of Success
a. Religious               Faith Learning is made relevant and connected to the everyday          All teaching     Staff continue with professional               Integrated curriculum Local
Education                  lives of children                                                      staff,           development at undergraduate level by          curriculum stems from our Special
                                                                                                  Principal, DRS   completing a paper together.                   character. Clearly visible in
Target                     ‘Year long theme of ‘Faith in action’ challenges us to look at faith   and all staff.                                                  planning and learning.
Religious Education        as a Verb.                                                                              Implementation of the New Religious
achievement                                                                                                        Education Curriculum ‘Our Faith’               Differentiation is clear in teaching
objectives and             Professional development and unpacking of the new Curriculum           Principal, DRS                                                  and Learning of Religious
attitudes are weaved       for Principal/DRS and all staff ready to use in 2023. Staff PD         and all staff.                                                  Education.
through all learning       also offered in terms of Staff interests. A focus on Arts.
areas.                                                                                                                                                            Clear parent and whanau
                           -Deliberate planning and sharing of R.E learning that occurs                                                                           communication about learning.
                           across the curriculum.
b. Faith and Charism       School Values are unpacked with a focus on living these.               Principal, DRS   All children can discuss the link between      Clear 3 year cycle of learning.
and Values                 Values Clearly linked to the Gospel of the week and are a part of      and all staff.   our values, the gospels and their actions in
                           Prayer and behaviour Management.                                                        building God’s Kingdom                         Our charism is visible in planning,
Target                                                                                                                                                            learning and school activities –
Children understand        The Charism 3 year cycle is taught and relevant feast days are                          School prayer/song is developed.               Connected to environment.
how the Franciscan         celebrated. 2022 ‘Who was St Francis.
charism, values and                                                                                                Charism 3 year cycle of learning continues.    Maori Spirituality
traditions bring us to a   Liturgical calendar celebrated through significant feast Days e.g                                                                      Charism is physically visible
closer relationship with   St Francis/Joseph and Mary Mackillop.                                                                                                  around the school.
Jesus Christ, each
other and our
c. Evangelisation and      School and class Masses involve parent and wider                       Parish Priest,   More whanau attend Class and Sunday            Parish continues to be one with
Parish community.          community(Covid Dependent).                                            DRS, Teachers    Masses.                                        the school
                                                                                                                                                                  Whanau engagement in Mass
Target: True               Sacraments are encouraged for all children, especially those           Sister Paula,    Student group developed to drive initiatives
evangelization and         aged 8 and up for First Communion and Confirmation.                    Parish Priest,   to help the poor and disadvantaged in our      Support Youth opportunities
sense of community                                                                                DRS, Teachers    community.                                     alongside the Parish.
through meaningful         Linking new whanau with our Parish.
relationships, Christian                                                                                           Children and parents take part in              Parishioners involved in school
witness and encounter.     Make the most of our new School Van by planning outreach                                sacraments programmes throughout the           life.
                           service(especially for Years 7 and 8) introduce service hours.                          year.
      12  Aim 2: A rich and relevant curriculum where all children find joy and success in learning.
                           2022                                                                 Who, when and
                                                                                                how much?
                                                                                                                2023                         Measure of Success
a.Teaching, learning       All Target students identified in all Learning areas. Supports put   Principal and   External PLD in raising      • Boys achievement in line with Girls
and raising Student        in place for each child.                                             Teachers        achievement in Literacy.     • Writing achievement in line with Math's/Reading.
achievement                                                                                                                                  • Arts curriculum
                           Teacher professional growth focused on the needs of the class.       SENCO, RTLB,                                 • Current target cohorts have experienced
Target: All children                                                                            LSC                                            acceleration.
achieve success in         Whole school inquiry into Maths achievement and gaps – Look                                                       • Teacher Inquiry has high impact on
learning                   in to alternate programs e.g PRIME Maths to improve                  Principal and                                  practice/Student achievement.
                           knowledge and boost student achievement.                             Teachers
                           Increase Student Agency across the school as a result of Maths
b.Curriculum               Integration of Religious Education curriculum and special            Principal and   Local curriculum refined.    •   Local Curriculum – Prioritised, clear and relevant
                           character into all learning areas                                    Teachers                                         school curriculum
Target: Meaningful and                                                                                          Learning opportunities       •   Te reo Curriculum is taught at chronological age
relevant life and          Sport and Physical Education are valued and part of our                              cover all curriculum areas   •   All children actively take part in school organised
learning experiences       curriculum. Links made with New Sport Waikato Model.                                 particularly in the arts.        sport.
that energise everyone.                                                                                                                      •   Arts, Drama, Music
                           BSLA training for Year 1 teacher – Key elements/Principles                           All Learning is done         •   Culturally responsive curriculum
                           used for older children struggling with decoding..                                   through the lens of our      •   3 way reciprocal learning relationship between
                                                                                                                special character.               Student/Parent/Teacher.
                           Local curriculum refined using Atua/Tangata/Whenua model.                                                         •   Key competencies are inherent part of planning
                           Enviro school principles/learning are embedded into planning                         Whanau information               and linked into Values.
                           and learning and found in all learning                                               Evenings for R.E, Reading,   •   Digital Technologies are taught and utilised.
                                                                                                                Writing, Maths.

c.Well Being and           Thrive program for all of Term 1 for Senior class with a focus on    Whaea Sue       Well being continues to be   ESOL, SENCO, Target Children and
Learning support:          resilience and well being.                                                           an important part of all
                                                                                                                planning.                    Gifted and Talented children are extended.
Target: Children and       Well being of staff is valued and emphasized with PD and             Principal and
staff are happy, healthy   management strategies.                                               Teachers                                     Key competencies – Focus on resilience.
and safe in the
knowledge they are         A focus on the health/P.E curriculum and Whare tapa wha for all      Principal and                                Pubertal change programme developed with
loved and love others.     students and staff.                                                  Teachers                                     Special character focus
                           Positive behavior Management Professional development for all                                                     Seasons for growth.
    13    Aim 3 – Community - Working in partnership to provide the best possible learning outcomes for our children and
2021-23                           2022                                                                Who, when and      2023                                     Measure of Success.
                                                                                                      how much?
a. Learning focused               Weekly communication with parents about current learning and        Principal and      Introduce Information workshops run      Parents ore clear on how they
relationship/partnership          home learning expectations via etap for each class.                 Teachers, whanau   by teachers in different curriculum      can help at home with
with whanau                                                                                           and children.      areas.                                   children’s learning.
                                  Goal setting and progress Meetings twice a year include next
Target                            learning steps – More of a holistic approach based on well being                       Digital platform in place for children   Parents actively volunteer their
Whanau understand what            and balance.                                                                           to share learning with whanau in real    time and services for our
their children are learning and                                                                                          time.                                    school
how they can help at home.

b.Belonging and Cultural          Community committee meets regularly to engage different             BOT community      Regular consultation with different      All cultures and ethnicities are
diversity                         cultural groups within the school.                                  committee.         cultures in the school.                  celebrated valued included.

Target                            Cultural Christmas Festival includes wider variety of our schools   Teachers           Input into cultural learning from        All teachers have knowledge
Whanau have a sense of            cultures.                                                                              whanau.                                  and understanding of the
belonging, Our cultural                                                                                                                                           cultural make up of their
diversity is acknowledged         Meeting’s held with the different ethnic groups in our                                                                          children.,
and celebrated.                   school/ESOL                                                                            Different cultural elements are
                                                                                                                         integrated into Prayer/Masses and        Connections
                                  International languages cultures celebrated with language,                             Liturgy
                                  traditions and dress regularly throughout the year

c.Wider Community                 Kahui ako – Engage closely with Kahui ako make the most of          Principal, Kahui   Make the most of Learning                St Francis school has a
                                  culturally responsive PLD and collaborative meetings.               ako.               opportunities in our local community.    positive impact on it’s local
Target                                                                                                                                                            community and environment.
Connect To our local              Connect to community to improve knowledge and care of our           Whanau             Connect with community through
community and environment.        Local natural Environment through enviro schools and the trees                         enviro school initiatives                The curriculum includes
                                  for survival program.                                                                                                           learning and participation in
                                                                                                                                                                  local activities and initiatives.
                                  Perform/visit/serve outside organisations with the use of our
                                  school Van – Engage in outdoor activities in our local

Property, Finance and Personnel

                            2022                                                        2023                                    Measure of Success.
Property                    Continue to fit all classrooms out with flexible learning   New furniture for Library.              Increased Outdoor play areas – for Junior
                            tables.                                                                                             school.
                                                                                        New turf to cover the concrete
                            New Floor coverings for Admin and Room 4 and 5              courtyard area.                         Fixed hoops and portable Tennis nets for Turf.
Health and Safety           using EPMP funding.                                                                                 and sports
                                                                                        Separate playground/Outdoor Play for
                            New Heavy duty/permanent cover for courtyard                Junior school.                          Teams involved in local competition
Recreation areas.           area(using bequest funding)                                 Portable tennis nets for Turf.
                                                                                                                                All classes fully equipped with Flexible
                            Update and install new outdoor learning/ play                                                       furniture
                            equipment for the Junior school.(behind Room 1)

Finance                     Maintain a sufficient Roll to ensure 4 classrooms           Operate 4 classrooms without any        School is in strong financial position and able
                            operating with small amount of BOT funding.                 portion of BOT funding.                 to invest more in learning resources.

                            Plan to best use the Maria Kroot bequest funds.             Ensure Non preference roll is at 10%.   A steady stream of income comes from Grants
Roll                                                                                                                            for sports and ICT equipment.
                                                                                        Continue 2 successful fundraising
                                                                                        events each year.                       Roll continues to grows each year toward
                                                                                                                                maximum Roll.

Personnel                   Continue to invest in and retain quality Teacher Aides      External PLD in place for 2022.         High levels of staff satisfaction and
                            and support staff.                                                                                  commitment to St Francis.

                            Staff hold responsibilities best suited to their skills.    Special character paper completed by    Quality professional learning is regularly
Responsibilities                                                                        all teachers.                           happening.
                            Beginning Teacher induction programme for Eumina.
                            Better Start Literacy training for Christine and a R.E      .
Professional Development.   PD depending on interest.
St Francis School Learning Targets for 2022

    2022 Targets:
    • For ALL children to experience learning success across the curriculum
    • Accelerating the learning of all children not achieving at curriculum level expectation.
    • Boost Math’s achievement across the school to 90% at or above expectation

Actions to achieve target.

•     Identify the individual needs of target children and inquire into ways to accelerate learning progress. (This is linked to teacher growth
      cycles and the individual needs in each class)
•     Accelerate Maths achievement across the school through an internal evaluation of our Math’s program and it’s effectiveness in student
      achievement using the Spiral of Inquiry.
•     Continue to Accelerate boys and Maori achievement, particularly in Literacy, through additional targeted teaching and culturally
      responsive pedagogy.
•     Ensure formative and summative assessment shapes learning programmes and experiences.
•     The progress of children below expected curriculum expectation is closely monitored and appropriate learning support is implemented.
•     Promote shared practice at staff meetings.
•     Each class teacher to implement responsive and engaging learning programmes to ensure all the needs of all learners are met.
•     Student agency is strengthened through learning focussed classroom environments which encourage children to know what they are
      learning, why they are learning it and what they need to keep learning.
School Operations, Governance and Management

Curriculum                                               People
Key documents that support the St Francis School          Key Documents that support the St Francis School
Charter relating to curriculum include:                  charter relating to people.
                                                         • Job Descriptions
• New Zealand Curriculum Framework                       • Performance Agreements
• Religious Education Bridging Document and new          • Staff Growth cycles
  Curriculum.                                            • School Parent Handbook
• Curriculum policies and implementation plans           • Staff Professional Development programme
• Planning and assessment documents include              • Roles and responsibilities
  achievement expectations, assessment map,              • Accident and Medicine Registers
  timetable and plan, RE plan for year, Big Idea focus   • Personnel and Curriculum Policies
  for the year and Term.                                 • Strategic Plan
• Individual Student clear files, RE Profiles, Reading   • Annual Plan
  profiles, standardised test summaries                  • Board of Trustees job descriptions and
• Curriculum and associated policies                        responsibilities
• Strategic plan and annual plan.                        • Police Vetting
• Catholic Education of School age Children              • E-learning – devices parental consent
  document.                                              • Visitors Book

School Operations, Governance and Management
Finances                             Property                         Health and Safety

Key documents that support the       Key documents that support the   Key documents that support
St Francis School charter relating   St Francis School charter        the St Francis School charter
to finances include:                 relating to property include:    relating to health and safety
• Annual Budget                      •   10 Year property plan
• 10 year property plan              •   Maintenance Schedule         •   Strategic plan
• SUE Reports                        •   Hazards register             •   Annual plan
• Assets Register                    •   Health and Safety Register   •   Hazards register
• Auditor report                     •   Evacuation procedures        •   Health and Safety register
• Associated Policies and            •   Insurance                    •   Maintenance Schedule
  Procedures                         •   Associated Policies          •   Evacuation procedures
• Strategic plan                     •   Strategic Plan               •   Associated Policies
• Annual Plans                       •   Annual Plan
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