Page created by Lewis Lane


Table of Contents

            Introduction		                                    4    Community Benefit Schemes                                               28

                                                                            Common Features of Offshore
            Benefits of Offshore Wind                         9
                                                                            Community Benefit Funds                                        31
                   Perceived Drawbacks                        11
                                                                            Governance and Administration                                  32
            Offshore Vs. On-shore Community Acceptance
                                                                            Designing a Community Benefits Package                         32
            and Stakeholder Engagement Differences            12

                                                                   Summary Points                                                          35
            Stakeholders and Consultation                     14

                   Stakeholder Engagement Overview /               References                                                              36
                   Stakeholder Mapping                        14
                                                                   Additional Sources and Useful Links                                     37
                   Ireland: Stakeholder Identification        16

                   Stakeholder Strategies                     18   About the Author, Editor and Contributors                               39

                   Capacity Building                          19

                   Offshore Wind Farm Neighbours              20
                                                                   This project has been supported with financial contribution
                          Visual Impact                       20
                                                                   from Sustainable Energy Authority of Ireland under the
                          Tourism Impact                      21
                                                                   SEAI Research, Development and Demonstration funding
                   Political and Community Assessments        22   programme 2019, Grant number 19/RDD/554.

                   Stakeholders Involved in Offshore Zoning
                                                                   Disclaimer: The author assumes no responsibility or liability for any
                   and Site Selection Considerations          26
                                                                   errors or omissions in the content of this guide. The information
                                                                   contained in this guide is provided on an “as is” basis with no
                                                                   guarantees of completeness, accuracy, usefulness, or timeliness.
                                                                   All views expressed represent the author’s opinion based on
                                                                   their experience and expertise.


2                                                                                                                                               3

    This guide provides practical                     involvement, Maritime Area Consent, Marine       Regardless of the project location, the                 as to whether such promoters have the
    recommendations for Offshore Wind Farm            Protected Areas, Maritime Area Planning          following five criteria should be considered.           inclination and resources to implement
    Projects, Stakeholder Engagement, and             Bill (MAP), and An Bord Planeala, debate the                                                             stakeholder engagement competently.
                                                                                                        1   Social Acceptance Strategy:
    Community Benefits.                               merits of decentralised (i.e., developer led)                                                            Further, when promoters sell a project
                                                                                                            There needs to be an overarching social
                                                      versus centralised grid integration, which is                                                            to a large industry entity, the question
    Many countries have a strong track record                                                               acceptance strategy developed for
                                                      cumbersome and hard to navigate.                                                                         becomes what stakeholder engagement
    in the deployment of onshore wind farms. A                                                              offshore wind projects developed by
                                                                                                                                                               continuity prevails – industry should
    small number of countries (e.g., UK, Germany,     These offshore wind projects represent                the relevant national authorities (state
                                                                                                                                                               ensure this in order to help protect the
    Denmark, Netherlands) account for most of all     substantial financial investments and the             agencies) in concert with industry
                                                                                                                                                               sectors reputation and ensure its growth
    operational offshore wind capacity connected      benefits of offshore are attractive. Yet,             representatives. The absence of an
                                                                                                                                                               amicably with the public. Ownership
    globally, most of which comprises fixed, rather   there is a lack of industry coherence in the          agreed industry strategy has led to a
                                                                                                                                                               change in the onshore sector is much
    than floating turbine technology. Many other      appreciation of, and approach to, social              lack of consistency as different projects
                                                                                                                                                               more common. When a consortium
    countries (e.g., Ireland, Portugal, Norway,       acceptance of offshore wind projects,                 pursue different approaches. This
                                                                                                                                                               of owners is involved in an offshore
    Finland, France, Canada, USA, Australia, Japan,   especially with respect to community                  inconsistency adds to the confusion
                                                                                                                                                               project, it is important the owners agree
    South Korea, China, Vietnam, and Taiwan)          acceptance in terms of procedural and                 local and national stakeholders may
                                                                                                                                                               on a strategy regarding stakeholder
    are in their infancy of offshore wind farm        distributive justice. Individual projects are         experience. Project promoters must be
                                                                                                                                                               engagement, communications, and
    development and have plans underway to            progressing through the various regulatory            cognisant that host communities are
                                                                                                                                                               community benefits.
    grow this sector significantly.                   stages, however, there is little evidence of          non-homogenous and social acceptance
                                                      coordinated communication campaigns                   strategies need to be responsive to the        5   Stakeholder Engagement Plans:
    Community acceptance has been a key
                                                      to educate and inform the public. Also                unique values and needs of individual              Considering the importance of and
    constraint to the development of onshore
                                                      lacking are industry agreements regarding             host communities.                                  the financial investment required to
    wind projects. Offshore wind projects also
                                                      the implementation of best practices for                                                                 deliver an offshore project, stakeholder
    experience resistance among coastal and port                                                        2   Consenting Regime:
                                                      community acceptance and local stakeholder                                                               planning and engagement is a small
    communities. There is an opportunity to learn                                                           At each stage of the project lifecycle
                                                      engagement among host communities.                                                                       cost that delivers high value. Also
    from international best practice in community                                                           providing clarity on the consenting
                                                                                                                                                               consider the risk of not doing adequate
    acceptance and stakeholder engagement.            Consenting and marine spatial planning                regime should form part of the local
                                                                                                                                                               stakeholder engagement – higher
    Community engagement practitioners and            arrangements differ depending on the                  stakeholder engagement plan.
                                                                                                                                                               likelihood for project failure and/or
    communications departments of established         jurisdiction. For example, if the support
                                                                                                        3   Stakeholder Interface:                             perceptions of injustice.
    offshore wind farm developers were generous       scheme for offshore wind is based on
                                                                                                            The intensity of stakeholder interface
    in sharing their expertise to create this         competitive bidding (i.e., auctions and                                                             Opposition groups may campaign on issues
                                                                                                            varies with the project lifecycle.
    document.                                         tendering) where the lowest bid wins, it                                                            such as democratic deficit, negative impacts
                                                      will affect the capabilities to undertake         4   Project Ownership:                            on visual amenities, tourism, heritage,
    The potential for Irish offshore wind projects
                                                      stakeholder engagement and deliver                    A key consideration is the project            birds, fish and marine life, and commercial
    is well documented in terms of economic and
                                                      community benefits. These initiatives add             ownership, as this changes from the           fishing. Cable landing points and onshore
    social benefits, investment, jobs, and supply
                                                      to the project costs, even though they are            beginning to end of a project’s lifecycle.    cable routes may prove to be significant
    chain integrity. In Ireland, companies such as
                                                      a relatively small financial investment in            Many projects are initiated and owned         issues with host communities, in addition
    SSE, DP Energy, Parkwind, ESB, Equinor, Ocean
                                                      comparison to the overall project budget.             by project promoters who do not have          to electric magnetic field (EMF) concerns,
    Winds, Saorgus, Statkraft, Simply Blue Energy,
                                                      Policy makers need to consider whether                the intention, capability or capacity to      and inadequacies of Foreshore/Marine
    Energia, and RWE Renewables are progressing
                                                      certain standards and social metrics should be        deliver the project to its completion. This   legislation may also be highlighted in such
    projects off the East and South-east coasts.
                                                      part of the bidding criteria.                         changing ownership raises the question        submissions. In one German study, shipping
    The current system of transition protocol,
    different government department

4                                                                                                                                                                                                          5
security was important to residents, as              In pursuing a coordinated approach, the
    shipping accidents pollute local beaches.            offshore industry, can look to the best
    Coastal communities and stakeholders,                practices employed in other jurisdictions.
    such as fishermen, may claim they have no            Many companies developing offshore projects
    information and there has been a lack of             in new territories, also operate in countries
    consultation. Although the developer may             where there are established best practice
    be at the early stage of consent, conducting         approaches for local stakeholder engagement.
    marine and environmental surveys should be
    part of the planning process requirements.
    The developer’s message can become lost
                                                         Other Constructive Considerations
    in a poorly informed media narrative, or             Stakeholder Identification:
    public discourse. As a result, the developer         Stakeholders need to be identified and
    will quickly find they are under pressure to         consulted, early and throughout the project.
    take a reactive stance, rather than proactively      Developers, through industry representative        most affected due to onshore construction       Government Offshore Wind
    engaging with stakeholders. Further, not             structures, should be obliged and/or guided        works elsewhere. That is, the grid connection   Development Committee:
    being proactive damages the prospects                to undertake wide-ranging and flexible             and substation is placed in an area which       As a statement of intent and to provide
    for future offshore projects. To safeguard           community engagement methods to facilitate         is not visually impacted. For example, the      leadership, focus, and proactivity, it is
    community interests, developers should               ongoing dialogue. Clear guidelines or a Code       Beatrice Offshore Wind Farm in Scotland,        advisable to create a governmental committee
    appoint a Community Liaison Representative           of Conduct for community engagement,               where Caithness is the closest area, but the    for offshore wind development. This
    (preferably someone who is familiar with the         tailored to the local context, would facilitate    grid connection and substation is placed in     committee would act as a dedicated forum for
    area and receives the appropriate training),         this dialogue.                                     the area of Moray.                              local stakeholder and community voices.
    and if resources allow, a Fishing Liaison Officer,
                                                         Consultative Forums:                               Consenting and Planning Process:                Investor Confidence:
    who may be a retired member of the local
                                                         Key stakeholders, such as the fishing              These processes need to be communicated         As offshore wind farms are long-term, capital-
    fishing community.
                                                         community, port, and coastal communities,          in a way that is easy to understand,            intensive investments, a key challenge for
    Rather than pursuing a silo approach, it             need a forum in which dialogue can occur           transparent, and collaborative in terms of      investors is confidence in the government’s
    would be beneficial to pursue a coordinated          with those supporting the offshore project.        citizen engagement. An offshore wind public     strategic commitment to the sector. This
    approach, in which all developers agree              The coalition of the willing, often comprised of   participation guide would be beneficial.        confidence needs to percolate through to
    on the procedural stages, strategies, and            the government and politicians, the national                                                       local stakeholders and local seaside/coastal/
                                                                                                            Other Non-host Community Stakeholders:
    techniques for deploying a:                          and regional authorities, developers and local                                                     port communities.
                                                                                                            Other relevant stakeholders are the military
                                                         stakeholders, need to embrace and promote
    • Stakeholder Relations Advisor (titles and                                                             and aviation interests, where radar may be      National Wind Energy Association:
                                                         offshore projects in a unified manner.
      roles can differ depending on jurisdiction                                                            relevant. The navy where harbour protection,    Most offshore developers are members of the
      and project scale – Community Liaison and          Community Obligations and Contributions:           coastal security, customs, war ships, and the   National Wind Energy Association’s Offshore
      Fishing Liaison for example)                       Even though coastal communities may not            use of drones are issues for consideration.     Committee. This committee could assist in the
    • Stakeholder Relations Programme                    be affected by the offshore construction           Small and large commercial fishing fleets,      coordination of guidelines and standards to
                                                         works, they are neighbours who should              which operate co-operatives and shipping        achieve community acceptance.
    • Community Engagement Programme
                                                         be considered. For example, visual impact          lanes, need to be part of broader industry
    • Community Benefits Programme (i.e.,                                                                                                                   Social Acceptance:
                                                         may be more of a concern for some coastal          groups so they are on-message in terms of
      including Local Supply Chain initiatives)                                                                                                             Offshore wind projects should increase when
                                                         communities. There are examples where the          industry objectives and communication.
                                                                                                                                                            people are aware of the positive impacts
                                                         closest coastal community may not be the one
                                                                                                                                                            associated with offshore wind energy.

6                                                                                                                                                                                                            7
Benefits to Offshore Wind
                                                                                                        and Perceived Drawbacks
    Alternative energy sources, such as oil and       that seeing offshore wind turbines made them
    gas, have limited reserves. Further, oil and      feel they were helping to forestall the climate   The benefits associated with offshore wind are outlined in Table 1.
    gas can be perceived as more expensive and        crisis.
    more polluting. The geo-political security of                                                       Benefit                       Comment
                                                      MaREI’s lead researcher noted that “Moving
    supply considerations should also be stressed
                                                      turbines offshore can help to overcome issues
    in the public dialogue. The general public may                                                      Security of Energy Supply     • Wind enhances energy supply, diminishing the need for oil and gas
                                                      of space for wind turbines on land. It can also
    be more accepting of offshore wind projects,
                                                      help to meet targets for clean, renewable         Power Grid Stability          • Offshore wind farms are important for energy transition success
    than the local host community (i.e., perceived
                                                      energy and create jobs as Ireland seeks to                                        and grid stability
    local pain, in exchange for national gain).
                                                      rebuild the economy.” The survey findings         Sustainable Grid Power        • Wind energy is a clean, free, and abundant resource that can
    Again, representations concerning visual
                                                      suggest those with experience of offshore                                         be extracted and converted into electricity without emissions
    impact and shipping collisions should be
                                                      windfarms are more positive towards their
                                                      development in Irish waters than those with       Environmental                 • The industry complies with international regulations and strict
    Public Acceptance Research:                       no experience of offshore windfarms. In           Protection Standards		          environmental standards
    Offshore wind public acceptance research          terms of the effect on wildlife, tourism and      Reduced Pollution             • Wind farming is a renewable energy source
    should be commissioned in countries where         aesthetics, respondents said offshore turbines
    offshore planning and deployment is relatively    are relatively unobtrusive.                       Affords Benefits              • Bans on fishing in offshore wind farms improves fish stocks
    new. One example is to establish a monitoring                                                       to the Marine		                 and wind turbine foundations act as artificial reefs
                                                      Subsequent to MaREI’s survey, the Irish
    programme, which focuses on public                                                                  Green Hydrogen                • Green hydrogen enables energy-intensive industries such as cement,
                                                      Government announced its intention to fast-
    acceptance before and after the installation                                                        Production		                    steel, or chemical plants to improve significantly their carbon footprint
                                                      track seven offshore wind projects in the Irish
    of an offshore wind farm, as a means to
                                                      Sea under a new planning regime. Under the        High Acceptance Level         • Far-shore farms are preferred, as they are less visible but can
    monitor the degree of public involvement
                                                      Climate Action Plan, the Irish Government                                         be more expensive and less feasible
    and active conflict management. Consultation
                                                      is aiming to have 70% of Ireland’s electricity
    with the research sector (e.g., state agencies,                                                     Job Creation                  • Offshore investment creates opportunities in manufacturing,
                                                      generated from renewable sources by 2030.
    University post-doctoral programmes) would                                                                                          engineering, construction, marine services, local coastal transport,
    be desirable.                                     According to the World Wind Energy                                                turbine operations, and professional services. Enables education
                                                      Association (WWEA), developers should                                             and training opportunities
    Marine and Renewable
                                                      demonstrate how their proposed
    Energy Ireland (MaREI):                                                                             Export Potential              • The market for offshore wind energy is growing rapidly
                                                      development, as a recommended renewable
    MaREI, a Science Foundation Ireland centre
                                                      energy initiative, is sustainable and of a net                                                        Table 1: Key Benefits to Offshore Wind
    based at University College Cork, surveyed
                                                      benefit to the community. To facilitate this
    1,154 people and found there is significant
                                                      argument, early engagement with relevant          Offshore wind energy can serve as the               increase lifetime expectancy, and mitigate
    support from the Irish public for the
                                                      stakeholders on the comparative benefits          foundation for security of supply in a future       health related costs. Offshore wind farms
    development of offshore windfarms in Irish                                                          renewable energy system. Oil and gas                are in-dispensable for energy transition and
                                                      of feasible options is recommended. WWEA
    waters. Of those surveyed, 93% said they                                                            reserves are limited, more polluting, and when      are an important factor for the stability of
                                                      recommends a comprehensive stakeholder
    would not object to an offshore windfarm                                                            externalities are considered, more expensive.       the power grid. Being located offshore, they
                                                      consultation and participation process so as to
    anywhere in Irish waters and 87% said they                                                          Wind energy is a clean, free, and abundant          will experience a much greater percentage
                                                      mitigate the risk of community opposition, or     resource that can be extracted and converted        of consistent winds compared to onshore
    would not object to the development of
                                                      loss of support for the project.                  into electricity without emissions. Phasing         wind turbines. The wind does not encounter
    an offshore windfarm off the coast of their
    locality. Additionally, 60% of respondents said                                                     out fossil fuelled power plants and replacing       obstacles such as buildings, hills, valleys, and
                                                                                                        them with wind power would help to address          trees that can impede wind speeds. Offshore
                                                                                                        climate change. As a cleaner energy source, it      wind turbines are able to generate more
                                                                                                        would reduce unnecessary health problems,           power compared to other onshore turbines.
8                                                                                                                                                                                                                   9
Wind farming is a renewable energy source            to near-shore farms, as they are less visible.,    The perceived drawbacks raised by concerned stakeholders are outlined in Table 2.
     that reduces air pollution by replacing              however these can be expensive, also floating
     the more polluting energy sources with               wind turbine technology requires further           Perceived Drawback           Comment
     wind-generated power, helping to reduce              development which will further enable the
                                                                                                             Natural Environment          •   Potential decrease in fish-stock and marine life
     emissions of sulphur dioxide, nitrogen oxides,       feasibility of far-shore.
                                                                                                                                          •   Concerns for the bird population and their flightpaths
     and carbon dioxide. Significant efforts are
                                                          The Global Wind Energy Council (GWEC) and                                       •   Changes to the natural beauty and quality of coastline
     being undertaken in all areas of the offshore
                                                          the Global Wind Organisation reported in                                        •   Eroding the value of unspoilt nature
     wind industry to protect the environment.
                                                          April 2020 that offshore markets will require                                   •   Visual intrusion due to turbines
     The industry complies with international
                                                          77,000 trained employees by 2024 to support        Livelihood                   • Local fishermen are concerned about the loss of their livelihood,
     regulations and strict environmental
                                                          growth targets. They calculate 2.5 jobs per                                       skills, and way of life
     standards, and it designs its production
                                                          megawatt per project.1 It is important to note,                                 • Interference with shipping routes and increased risk of collisions
     processes as ecologically as possible. The
                                                          job creation may not necessarily be locally
     marine environment can benefit from offshore
                                                          focused, so projects need to be careful not to     Culture                      • Interrupt or damage local culture and values
     wind. The ban on fishing in offshore wind
                                                          over-promise and under-deliver in this regard                                   • Poor fit with the ascribed characteristics and values of
     farms can have a positive effect on fish stocks.
                                                          when communicating with local host and                                            a coastal landscape
     The foundations of offshore wind turbines
                                                          coastal communities. The value chain of the                                     • Damaging the attachment people have to an area
     can also act as artificial reefs. The use of green
                                                          offshore wind industry has been characterised                                   • Potential for a democratic deficit
     hydrogen produced with renewable energy
                                                          by small and medium-sized enterprises from         Living Environment           • Erode the local residents’ living environment in terms of their
     may enable energy-intensive industries
                                                          the beginning, which can bolster local host-                                      view and real estate value
     such as cement, steel, or chemical plants to
                                                          community, port, and coastal economies. The                                     • Negative effects on recreational activities including boating,
     significantly reduce their carbon footprint. The
                                                          industry is strongly committed to a growing                                       fishing and yachting
     production of green hydrogen from offshore
                                                          international training sector and has a high
     wind energy using electrolysis is already                                                               Business Interests           • Negative impact on tourism, heritage, fishing, leisure crafting,
                                                          level of qualification. Offshore investment
     possible on an industrial scale. Hydrogen                                                                                              air traffic, and telecommunications
                                                          will create opportunities in manufacturing,
     production from wind power is set to play
                                                          engineering, construction, marine services,        Health and Safety            • The presence of EMF
     a fundamental role, especially in sector
                                                          local coastal transport, turbine operations,                                    • Potential and safety impacts of cable landing points/onshore grid
     coupling. One example is the production
                                                          and professional services. Peripheral coastal                                     connections, cable routes, and substations
     of synthetic fuels from green hydrogen for
                                                          communities could be transformed by
                                                          these new employment opportunities. The                                                     Table 2: Stakeholders’ Perceived Drawbacks of Offshore Wind
     Social acceptance of offshore wind is expected       know-how and added value of offshore wind
     to increase substantially, as people become          industry offer substantial potential for export.
     aware of the positive impacts of offshore wind       The market for offshore wind is growing
     energy. Wind turbines have been known to             rapidly, not only in Europe, but also in Asia
     produce a lot of noise. As offshore turbines are     and North America. The International Energy
     typically located far from the coast, and away       Agency estimates the capacity for offshore
     from residential areas, noise is not a significant   wind farms will increase by a factor of fifteen
     issue. Consequently, offshore wind farms             over the next twenty years.
     enjoy a high level of acceptance among the
     population. Far-shore farms may be preferred
                                                              Powering the Future: Global Offshore
                                                              Wind Workforce Outlook 2020-2024
2                                                                                                                                                                                                                   11
Offshore Vs. On-shore Community Acceptance
     and Stakeholder Engagement Differences
     The differences between offshore and onshore       There are additional technical challenges in    • Archaeological heritage           • Residential and holiday homeowners,
     wind industry community benefit provision          constructing and maintaining sites offshore.                                          who are a significant stakeholder group
                                                                                                        • Visual impact and its potential
     have been viewed positively and there is           The timescales and phased development             consequences on tourism and         in coastal communities
     scope to transfer certain lessons. The rationale   process of offshore projects differs greatly      property values                   • Noise, vibration, lighting, and turbine
     for community benefit provision is similar for     from the onshore industry where the                                                   installation.
     both industries, which is driven by a desire       construction is less complex.
     to share equitably the benefits gained by
                                                        Offshore projects involve a more diverse and
     harnessing a natural resource.
                                                        complex range of stakeholders with whom
     Considering the differences in identifying         to negotiate agreements. For example, air
     nearby communities, maturity of the                interest for commercial, military and coastal
     industry, technology and project economics,        rescue operations requires assurances for
     community benefit schemes are unlikely to be       radar and lighting. Commercial and leisure
     realised in precisely the same manner. While       fishing, shipping, and boating, and coastal
     significant development is planned to occur        resort tourism seek reassurance their
     across the globe, commercial scale projects in     operations will not be adversely impacted.
     deeper, more challenging water, means the
                                                        In terms of offshore wind farm environmental
     resulting costs and risks associated with these
                                                        impacts, developers should be cognisant of
     projects can be much higher than for onshore
                                                        the following considerations:
                                                        • Marine habitats and benthic (i.e., seabed)
     Cost reduction is a key driver for the offshore
     wind industry, particularly in the context
     of increasingly competitive contracts for          • Bathymetry, sediment transport paths,
     difference allocation. Therefore, the scale of       bed forms, scouring, mixing, turbidity
     community benefits may be highly dependent         • Water quality and pollution incidents
     on the developer’s financial means.                  during installation and maintenance
     Developers may legitimately ask the national,
     state, regional, or local government whether       • Designated areas and proximity
     they prefer cheaper electricity or generous          of protected areas
     community benefit schemes.                         • Fish resource, migration patterns,
                                                          and nursery areas
     In Germany, for example, offshore projects
     are planned at the state level and far-shore       • Birds’ distribution, disturbance,
     projects are planned at the national level.          displacement, mortality, breeding
     Hence, communities are not part of the official      and feeding impacts
     planning process, unless shipping facilities       • Marine mammals’ distribution, disturbance,
     have to be constructed, or the cable comes           displacement, and the impacts of noise
     to shore, and/or the substation is constructed       and vibration
     adjacent to local population.

12                                                                                                                                                                                      13
Stakeholders and Consultation
                                                                                                 Local Stakeholder Groups   Examples
     Stakeholder Engagement and                   Regardless of whether a certain stakeholder
     Stakeholder Mapping                          group is on an official regulatory list, it    Residential                •   Coastal and port communities
                                                  is advisable to engage with all identified                                •   Resident cooperatives and associations
     Depending on national legislation, some      stakeholders, even beyond legal obligations.                              •   Community societies
     countries have official stakeholder lists,                                                                             •   Neighbourhood security, community watch
                                                  Examples of stakeholder categories are
     which distinguish between statutory and
                                                  outlined in Tables 3 and 4.                    Community Influencers      •   Local opinion leaders
     non-statutory stakeholders.
                                                                                                                            •   Large employers
                                                                                                                            •   Elected public representatives
                                                                                                                            •   Local, municipal, regional, state, and national broadcast and print media
                                                                                                                            •   Social media interests
                                                                                                                            •   Celebrities

                                                                                                 Economic Groups            •   Local retail
                                                                                                                            •   Chambers of commerce
                                                                                                                            •   Service and manufacturing businesses
                                                                                                                            •   Commercial fisherman
                                                                                                                            •   Shipping companies
                                                                                                                            •   Employment unions
                                                                                                                            •   Telecommunications companies
                                                                                                                            •   Tourism industry providers
                                                                                                                            •   Hospitality and accommodation providers

                                                                                                 Authorities                •   Military and defence ministry
                                                                                                                            •   Airport authorities
                                                                                                                            •   Aviation companies
                                                                                                                            •   Air rescue
                                                                                                                            •   Marine management services
                                                                                                                            •   Catchment management authorities
                                                                                                                            •   Local government
                                                                                                                            •   Local networks e.g., public participation networks, community fora
                                                                                                                            •   Tourism agencies
                                                                                                                            •   Indigenous People and their representatives

                                                                                                 Other Groups               •   Religious groups
                                                                                                                            •   Sport clubs
                                                                                                                            •   Leisure boating clubs, boating and yachting associations
                                                                                                                            •   Sea scouts
                                                                                                                            •   Environmental, nature and conservation groups
                                                                                                                            •   Bird watching groups
                                                                                                                            •   Walking and hiking clubs
                                                                                                                            •   Special interest groups (e.g., Bathymetry)

                                                                                                                                                    Table 3: Categories of Local Stakeholder Groups
2                                                                                                                                                                                                           15
Ireland: Stakeholder Identification

     Ireland Stakeholder Types    Examples                                                              Ireland Stakeholder Types     Examples

     General                      •   County councils, area committees, strategic policy committees     Environmental Organisations   •   Bird Watch Ireland
                                  •   Elected public representatives                                                                  •   National Parks and Wildlife Service (NPWS)
                                  •   Special interest groups                                                                         •   An Taisce
                                  •   Residents’ associations                                                                         •   Irish Whale and Dolphin Group
                                  •   Charities and voluntary groups                                                                  •   Geological Survey Ireland
                                  •   Business groups, Chamber of Commerce, Chambers Ireland                                          •   Seal Rescue Ireland
                                  •   Tourism groups
                                                                                                        Local Stakeholder             •   Municipal District Councils
                                  •   Commercial fishing
                                                                                                        Engagement                    •   Town Teams
                                  •   Leisure craft owners and clubs
                                                                                                                                      •   Local Chamber of Commerce
                                  •   Sports clubs
                                                                                                                                      •   Local RNLI
     Government and National      •   Government Departments                                                                          •   Local Sailing Clubs
     Organisations                •   Transport Infrastructure Ireland (TII)                                                          •   Local Sea Swimmers
                                  •   Irish Aviation Authority (IVA)                                                                  •   Local Port User Groups
                                  •   Fáilte Ireland                                                                                  •   Sea Angling Clubs
                                  •   Inland Fisheries Ireland                                                                        •   Sub Aqua Clubs
                                  •   Health Services Executive (HSE)                                                                 •   Local Rowing Club
                                  •   Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)                                                           •   Local Sea Scouts
                                  •   Commissioners Irish Lights                                                                      •   Local Triathlon
                                  •   Health and Safety Authority (HSA)                                                               •   Local Education Training Boards
                                  •   Marine Survey Office                                                                            •   Regional Assemblies
                                  •   Sustainable Energy Association of Ireland (SEAI)
                                                                                                        Execution Stage Stakeholder   •   Department of Business, Enterprise, and Innovation
                                  •   Gardai Siochana (Irish Police Force)
                                                                                                        Engagement                    •   Department of Rural and Community Development
     Marine Organisations         •   Irish Sailing Association (ISA)                                                                 •   Department of Education and Skills
                                  •   Marine Institute of Ireland                                                                     •   Industrial Development Authority (IDA) Ireland
                                  •   Irish Maritime Development Office (IMDO)                                                        •   Enterprise Ireland
                                  •   Met Eireann (Irish Meteorological Office)                                                       •   Air Corp
                                  •   Irish Water Safety                                                                              •   Navy
                                  •   Royal National Lifeboat Institution (RNLI)
                                  •   Irish Coast Guard (Department of Transport, Tourism, and Sport)

     Marine Interests             •   Bord Iascaigh Mhara (BIM)
                                  •   Local Fishing Community
                                  •   Commercial Fishing
                                  •   Harbours and Ports

                                                                                                                                          Table 4: Stakeholder Types in Ireland (Non-Exhaustive Listing)

2                                                                                                                                                                                                          17
Stakeholder Strategies
     Most stakeholders, individuals, and special interest groups and organisations (statutory and
     non-statutory) will have concerns legitimate to them, some will be articulated by professional            Capacity Building
     consultants, which will form submissions as part of the consenting process. A comprehensive
     stakeholder engagement and communication plan, deployed by a qualified and experienced                    Capacity building for communities should be a    Agency support may be available for
     project management team, is a prerequisite to developing a new offshore wind farm successfully.           consideration, so as to ensure individuals and   providing:
     Sound community consultation and participation, with appropriate representations (i.e.,                   groups are equipped to contribute effectively
                                                                                                               to discussions. Developers should work and       • networking services and community
     visualisations) of the wind farm are often effective. On a strategic level, there are four degrees of                                                        learning and capacity building
     public engagement based on the level of participation to be accorded to the public: 1) inform,            engage with stakeholders and agencies that
     2) consult, 3) involve, and 4) collaborate or empower. Table 5 outlines the key principles for            can support the process. In the early stages     • support to groups wishing to form
     community consultation and stakeholder management.                                                        of consultation, developers should signpost        a community development trust.
                                                                                                               community groups to support, including:
                                                                                                                                                                On occasion, there may be conflicts within
     Principle                   Comment                                                                       • Grant support for communities to form a        or between stakeholder groups. It is
                                                                                                                 constituted group or to develop an action      recommended developers seek advice or
     Engage Early                • Clear community engagement plan known to all at early stages                  plan                                           support, and to be mindful that ‘community
     Visualisations              • Planners and developers should use visualisations, as project                                                                of place’ does not necessarily translate into
                                   opponents may develop their own visualisations, which may                   • Advice and support from a regional
                                                                                                                 development officer                            ‘community of interest’.
                                   be misrepresentations if not technically developed
                                   (e.g., in terms of scale)                                                   • Online community guidance package
                                 • Local councils or municipalities may not have the resources to                to help with the process
                                   develop such visualisations, particularly when a project is in its
                                   infancy or exploratory stage                                                • Local or regional government register
                                                                                                                 of community benefits from renewables
     Community                   • Recognise the value of community involvement and local
     Involvement		                 knowledge in planning                                                       • Local supply chain opportunities
     Consultation Process        • Plan and design consultation process with the local planning                  noticeboard
                                   authorities and stakeholders                                                • Advice to access further tailored funding
     Inclusive                   • Use an inclusive approach to engage and consider all                          and support.
                                   stakeholder groups
     Level of Strategic          • Use consultation methods and techniques appropriate to the
     Engagement		                  local context; determine the level of strategic engagement
     Transparency                • Transparency and accessibility at all times and in engagement
                                   activities disseminating information, and receiving feedback
     Flexibility                 • The plan must be flexible so as to incorporate stakeholders’ perspectives
     Dialogue                    • Continuing meaningful respectful dialogue regarding changes
                                   to the project design/plan, which are communicated and discussed
                                   on a timely basis, cognisant of the planning regime.
     Networks                    • R ecognise the importance of social and informal networks;
                                   establish collaborative relationship with community
     Local Resources             • Leverage local resources to fulfil jobs and contracts
     Benefit Scheme              • Discuss mitigation, compensation measures, and benefit scheme with
                                   the local community
                                 • Be cognisant of ethical corporate socially responsibility and governance

                          Table 5: Key Principles for Community Consultation and Stakeholder Management
2                                                                                                                                                                                                               19
Offshore Wind Farm Neighbours

     Project promoters need to recognise              Visual impact                                    Tourism Impact                                        reported their experience would be worsened
     inhabitants and other local stakeholders                                                                                                                by the turbines; 13% reported it would be
     within the surrounding area of an offshore       It is recommended the local community            An important question for coastal                     improved, and 67% reported no effect. In
     wind farm are impacted. A general                and other identified local stakeholders          communities is how offshore wind farms will           contrast, at 20 miles (32 km) offshore, only
     information campaign is recommended at           be informed about the proposed                   affect recreation and tourism. The distance           10% of respondents reported their experience
                                                      development before the submission of a           wind turbines are from the beach significantly
     project initiation and during the planning                                                                                                              would be worsened, 17% said it would be
                                                      planning application through the normal          influences how tourists feel about them.
     process.                                                                                                                                                improved, and 73% said it would have no
                                                      communication channels (e.g., non-statutory
     There may be supporters of wind energy who       consultation, localised information campaigns    A survey conducted in the US (Parsons
     do not accept wind turbines in their locality,   via print, broadcast and social media). The      and Firestone, 2018) interviewed almost               This research found beachgoers are more
     even though they perceive wind energy            visual impact of wind turbines depends on        two-thousand beachgoers, who were                     likely to go to another beach when the wind
     as an innovation within energy generation        their location, size, number, layout, design,    representative of a beachgoing population             turbines are closer to shore and are more
     and transition. Opponents may view the           colour, and the viewers’ perceptions. From       on the East Coast. Participants experienced           likely to remain when turbines are located
                                                      an early stage of the project, developers can    visual simulations of a wind power project
     offshore wind farm as a threat to nature, the                                                                                                           farther from shore. The size of this effect is
                                                      prepare photomontages, perhaps polling the       with 100 six-megawatt wind turbines, 150
     environment, view shed, marine life, and the                                                                                                            important to BOEM for documenting impacts
                                                      local and nearby communities on options to       meters tall to the tip of the blade at its apex, at
     local economy (e.g., impact on fishing and                                                                                                              of wind turbines on local economies. The
                                                      gain insight on this aspect.                     different distances from shore, and in different
     tourism community).                                                                                                                                     break-even point is 15 miles (25 km) offshore.
                                                      As more wind farms are established, people       conditions (i.e., clear, hazy, and night-time).       At this distance, there are as many people who
     When developing a consultation strategy, be      will observe the visual impacts from offshore    The wind turbines were assembled into a               would be better off, as there are people who
     clear about the level of involvement and the     wind farms. The public’s positive attitude       photomontage by a firm, recognised as a               would be worse off. While there are economic
     process by which that involvement should         could shift, particularly if the experienced     leader of visual impact analysis and graphics         advantages to having wind turbines closer
     take place. Some members of the public will      visual impacts differ substantially from the     in the wind industry.                                 to shore, because it is cheaper to deliver the
     not care about the origin of the energy they     development plans. Offshore wind turbines                                                              energy and easier to maintain the turbines,
     use, while others will be drawn to a green       are much taller than onshore wind turbines,      Participants were asked whether the projects
                                                                                                                                                             most proposed projects are placing turbines
     energy electricity supply.                       but their visibility is moderated, because       would affect their beach experience and
                                                                                                                                                             at the 15-mile (25 km) mark.
                                                      they are located several kilometres from the     prompt them to change their travel plans. The
     As the project mobilises and construction        nearest shoreline. At 7 to 10 kilometres (4 to   data were analysed using an economic model            The researchers also found a surprising
     commences, the project manager needs to          6 miles), the turbines appear to be about the    of trip choice. The Federal Bureau of Ocean           number of respondents would make special
     monitor contractors and sub-contractors to       height of a person’s thumbnail, held at arm’s    Energy Management (BOEM), which leases                trips just to see wind turbines offshore. The
     ensure the project complies with planning        length. Hence, the visual impact of offshore     offshore areas for wind power generation,             expansion of offshore wind can promote local
     permission and any conditions attached. They     wind turbines is lower than visual impact of     and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric              tourism. Researchers from the University of
     should also have and continually assess and      onshore wind turbines.                           Administration (NOAA) funded the research.            Rhode Island, USA, found the first offshore
     review implementation of the:
                                                      It is worthy to note the scale of offshore                                                             wind farm located on the east coast of the
                                                                                                       Survey respondents were shown turbines
     • Stakeholder Engagement Plan                    wind farms, which is in the hundreds of                                                                USA has strengthened local tourism. The
                                                                                                       ranging from 2.5 to 20 miles (4 to 32 km)
                                                      megawatts, can achieve generation capacities                                                           Block Island offshore wind farm is located
     • Communications Plan                                                                             offshore. BOEM leases and planning areas
                                                      equivalent to many onshore projects. For                                                               approximately six kilometres (3.7 miles) off
                                                                                                       for wind power projects are projected to be
                                                      example, in some European locations, one                                                               the island of the same name. For their study,
     • Local Supply Chain/Local Economic                                                               installed at 13 or more miles (21 km) offshore.
                                                      400 MW offshore wind farm with 50 turbines                                                             the researchers analysed three years of Airbnb
       Benefits Plan                                                                                   For example, the wind project proposed off
                                                      is equivalent to 20 onshore wind farms of 20                                                           booking data during the timeframe when the
                                                      MW, not counting the effect of higher and        Bethany Beach, Delaware would be located
     • Community Benefits Plan.                                                                                                                              wind farm was commissioned. Their findings,
                                                      more consistent wind speeds offshore.            about 17 miles (27 km) offshore. At the
                                                                                                                                                             published in the Journal Resource and
                                                                                                       12.5-mile (20 km) mark, 20% of respondents

20                                                                                                                                                                                                            21
Energy Economics, indicate bookings were           Offshore wind development can also               Political and Community Assessments
     approximately 20% higher than before the           have economic implications for coastal
     wind farm was built. When wind farm planners       recreation demand, particularly for countries    A key consideration in an offshore wind project is to assess the political and community
     announced they intended to install offshore        characterised by high offshore wind power        environments in which the project will be located. Table 6 outlines the general process developers
     turbines off the coast of Block Island, concerns   potential, and for being popular tourist         and investors may follow, as a means to creating the foundation for an engagement plan.
     were raised that the project might harm local      destinations. In this context, a Spanish study
     tourism. Several important indicators for          (Voltaire et al., 2017) examined the impact      Element                       Comment
     the tourism market indicate that interest in       of offshore wind farm projects on beach
                                                                                                         Key Stakeholders              • Create a core group of key stakeholders, who reflect the local and
     visiting Block Island has increased. Coastal       recreation demand in Catalonia, Spain,
                                                                                                                                         regional opinion
     cities where the offshore industry operates        during the 2012 summer season. The results
     have set up information centres and offer          demonstrate a significant welfare loss up to     Scope Issues                  • Identify stakeholders, conduct an initial scoping of the issues,
     tours to offshore wind farms. Offshore wind        €203 million per season. The results suggest                                     clarifying which issues are important to which stakeholders
     farm tourism complements the North Sea             the installation of a wind farm will encourage
                                                                                                         Consultation Process          • Design the consultation process, agreeing objectives and outputs,
     island of Heligoland (also spelt Helgoland).       tourists to seek Catalan beaches without
                                                                                                                                         techniques, key events, timing, resourcing, budgets, and
     In this case, tourism did decrease, but then       wind farms; the estimated negative economic
                                                                                                                                         co-ordination with other statutory or non-statutory processes
     recovered. More tourists have come to the          impacts occur in areas where wind farms are
     island since the offshore service port was         located. From a political economy perspective,   Stakeholders’ Liaison         • Identify and appoint an individual with whom stakeholders can
     opened. The increasing demand for tours with       this finding may call for the design and         Representative                  communicate with such as a Community/Project Liaison Representative.
     fast catamarans and for sight-seeing flights to    implementation of redistributive instruments                                     Consider agreeing an Independent Chairperson and the establishment
     nearby offshore wind farms suggest visitors        to offset the negative impacts caused by wind                                    of a Residents Project Monitoring Committee, which is representative
     are interested in offshore wind. Wind power        farms. (Voltaire et al., 2017).                                                  of the various previously identified stakeholders
     plants at sea can become a tourism attraction
                                                                                                         Dialogue                      • Bilateral communication methods such as public meetings, staffed
     if local initiatives introduce visitors to the
                                                                                                                                         exhibitions and establishment of local contact person or number would
                                                                                                                                         be required at the early stages to draw out views and concerns of the
                                                                                                                                         local community and interested parties, including clarity of the various
                                                                                                                                         groups of stakeholders, and the unique elements of the proposed
                                                                                                                                         location for the offshore wind farm

                                                                                                         Communication Strategy        • The project promoter needs to establish a comprehensive
                                                                                                                                         understanding of the local stakeholders within the project catchment
                                                                                                                                         area, and develop a strategy on how to approach them

                                                                                                         Impacts                       • When the project developer is applying for consent, they must be able
                                                                                                                                         demonstrate a comprehensive assessment of the project’s likely impacts
                                                                                                                                         on a wide range of stakeholders and factors, including the marine
                                                                                                                                         environment and birds, visual impact, fishing, and shipping

                                                                                                                                     Table 6: Key Steps in Assessing the Political and Community Environments

22                                                                                                                                                                                                                  23
In developing a stakeholder engagement plan, it is advisable for the project developer to consider       Consultation processes can experience difficulties in identifying and reaching the different groups
           the manner in which to disseminate project information, timing of information, coordination              within a community, which is barrier to engaging the community in planning. Table 8 lists the
           with local governments, degree of engagement, community structures, how to leverage local                questions on which developers should reflect during the consultation process.
           intermediaries, identify stakeholder liaisons, and the need for independent facilitators. Table 7
           illustrates the elements within a stakeholder engagement plan.
                                                                                                                    Topic                         Question
                                                                                                                    Political and Community Assessments
     Element                        Comment                                                                         Impact (+/-)                   • Who will be affected, positively or negatively, by the development?
                                                                                                                    A key consideration in an offshore wind project is to assess the political and community
           Political and Community Assessments                                                                      		                             • Who holds official positions in the area and who are likely to be
     Information                   • Consider what networks will be most effective for disseminating information    environments in which the project will be located. Table 6 outlines the general process developers
                                                                                                                    			 affected by the development?
     		 A key consideration in an    offshore
                                   • Use  localwind  projectprint
                                               broadcast,    is toand
                                                                   assess themedia
                                                                      social  political and community
                                                                                     platforms                      and investors may follow, as a means to creating the foundation for an engagement plan.
     		    environments  in which the
                                   • Which local papers and which local notice boards areprocess
                                       project will be located.  Table 6 outlines the  general         developers
                                                                                               always read          Support and Opposition         • Who supports or opposes the changes the development will bring
     		    and investors may follow, as a  means to  creating  the foundation  for an  engagement
                                   • Consider the availability of parish (Ireland & UK) newslettersplan.            			 and why?
     		                            • Are there local leaders who can share information
                                                                                                                    Interests • Who runs local organisations with economic, environmental,
     		                            • Identify groups that are hard to reach and how best to engage them
                                                                                                                    			 or social interests?
     Timing of Information •         Timing of information is important in several regards; for example,
                                                                                                                    Influencers                   • Who is influential in the local community; who are the opinion leaders?
     			                             when to inform people - what and how much detail is available to share
                           •         Too much information in the wrong format can cause more confusion              Previous Participation        • Who has been involved in any similar issues in the past?
     			                             rather than enhance clarity                                                    		                            • Approaches for reaching hard-to-reach stakeholders?
     		                    •         When to engage people; for example, consultation events arranged
                                                                                                                    Future Impact • Who may not be affected by any immediate development, but may
     			                             for day-time hours are not typically well attended because people
                                                                                                                    			 be impacted, if similar developments were to locate in the area?
     			                             are working

     Local Government • A stakeholder engagement plan can be coordinated with county and                                                                     Table 8: Key Questions in Relation to the Consultation Process
     Coordination		 local municipalities to be more efficient and effective

     Degrees of Engagement • Consider different degrees and activities of engagement at different
     			 stages throughout the process, making use of different methods

     Community Structures • Consider community structures, geography of the area, the economic
     			 climate, and the current concerns of local communities

     Local Intermediaries •           Consult local intermediary bodies, such as Parish Councils and Rural
     			                              Community Councils, and Public Participation Networks, that can help
     			                              the developer to understand the various interests in the area and to
     			                              find other community organisations

     Stakeholder Liaisons •           Establish a clear and well-linked contact to liaise with public and other
     			                              stakeholders (e.g., Project/Community Liaison Representative, Fishing
     			                              Liaison Representative), while encouraging identified stakeholders to
     			                              do so as well

     Independent Facilitator • With statutory stakeholders, consider whether there is the need for
     			 independent facilitator or intermediatory
     		                      • Cost of such services is usually born by the developer, low cost-high value

24                                                       Table 7: Key Elements of a Stakeholder Engagement Plan                                                                                                               25
Stakeholders Involved in Offshore Zoning
     and Site Selection Considerations
     Informal discussions should be held at an early   be considered. Also to be considered are            Phase                         Activity
     stage with local planning officers, or national   other environmental considerations, such            Political and Community Assessments
     planning officers, if the project is deemed                                                           Early Consultation             • Identify a site
                                                       as recreational and conservation areas,             A key consideration in an offshore wind project is to assess the political and community
     to be national strategic infrastructure. The                                                          		                             • Identify local communities
                                                       telecommunications, aircraft safety, and            environments in which the project will be located. Table 6 outlines the general process developers
     elimination of unsuitable sites at this stage                                                         		                             • Develop consultation strategy
                                                       restricted areas.                                   and investors may follow, as a means to creating the foundation for an engagement plan.
     avoids spending time and money on sites                                                               		                             • Conduct community and social audit
                                                       During this site selection phase, the               		                             • Assess facilities, services, boundaries, and factions
     that have little chance of obtaining planning
                                                       preliminary internal research on the technical,
     permission or may involve foreseeable                                                                 Early Intermediate •           Disseminate initial information
                                                       social, environmental, and infrastructural
     opposition.                                                                                           Consultation       •           Raise awareness via leaflets, posters, press releases in local/
                                                       characteristics of an area should be
                                                                                                           			                            regional print, social media, information packs, and letters to
     The impact on local ecology, marine life, and     conducted. Site selection should draw on
                                                                                                           			                            community groups
     migratory bird routes should be investigated      various published sources, such as maps, local
                                                                                                           		                 •           Identify and approach key groups and local figures
     through the relevant state agency, searching      development reports, and other relevant
                                                                                                           		                 •           Prepare for a full consultation, including a virtual consultation option
     state databases, performing a literature          secondary sources.
                                                                                                           		                 •           Conduct project feasibility
     search, and conducting an initial field survey.
                                                       Initial community consultation involves
     Engaging relevant consultants during the                                                              Advanced Intermediate •        Provide a full consultation via press releases, a series of
                                                       discussions with officers of the local planning
     site selection and feasibility stages should                                                          Consultation		                 presentations, frequently asked questions, open days that include
                                                       authority and statutory consultees to identify
                                                                                                           			                            a virtual option, and a local base to respond to queries,
                                                       and agree potential issues to be addressed
                                                                                                           		                    •        Define majority views regarding location, size, and power output
                                                       and consider approaching other consultees,
                                                                                                           		                    •        Identify main concerns by maintaining a contact book, database
                                                       such as those suggested by the local
                                                                                                           			                            of residents and their concerns, and communications matrix
                                                       planning authority. The level of consultation,
                                                                                                           			                            (always adhering to Data Protection Regulations)
                                                       at this speculative stage, is kept high and
                                                                                                           		                    •        Disseminate further information and responses regarding
                                                       restricted to the planning authority. It would
                                                                                                           			                            these concerns
                                                       be inappropriate for developers to begin a
                                                                                                           		                    •        Clarify what constitutes non-statutory and statutory consultation phases
                                                       process of local public consultation, which
                                                                                                           		                    •        Develop a community committee and identify roles
                                                       may cause unnecessary concern or excitement
                                                                                                           		                    •        Prepare statutory documents for planning applications
                                                       about a proposal. To assess public sentiments
                                                                                                           		                    •        Continue contact with interested parties, community liaison
                                                       regarding the project, conducting public
                                                                                                           			                            committees, and key personnel
                                                       opinion surveys is recommended early in
                                                       the project and on a period basis through           Advanced Consultation •        Disseminate plans to the community via traditional media, social
                                                       the development of the offshore wind farm           			                            media, and virtual channels; social media and virtual channels proved
                                                       operation. These polls will assist in identifying   			                            important during the Covid-19 pandemic and they are likely to remain
                                                       appropriate strategies to engage and inform         			                            prominent in communication campaigns
                                                       local stakeholder groups. The consultation          		                    •        Continued contact with interested parties, community liaison
                                                       activities, according to the project                			                            committees, and key personnel
                                                       development phases, are itemised in Table 9.        		                    •        Disseminate status and results of planning application
                                                                                                           		                    •        Develop strategy for appeal or public inquiry

                                                                                                                                    Table 9: Consultation Activities According to the Project Development Phases
26                                                                                                                                                                                                                   27
Community Benefit Schemes

     The global offshore wind industry is at a           In designing a new community benefit              Another project funded a part-time business             As there are many challenges in delivering
     critical stage in its development. The industry’s   scheme, the developer should examine              and marketing manager, a new workshop with              community benefits from offshore projects,
     focus is on ensuring the deployment of              offshore wind farm schemes already in             equipment, and promotional materials. The               there is a prerequisite for transparency in
     offshore renewable energy projects and the          operation. In addition, the developer should      award helped support the business to create a           all discussions between local stakeholders
     creation of a strong, diverse supply chain,         review schemes designed for other types of        range of products, establish a customer base            and the project promoter. Flexibility is a key
     which will deliver sustainable benefits through     infrastructure projects, such as landfill and     quickly, and employ people locally.                     component of community benefits. There
     the creation of jobs and inward investment.         waste management, sports stadia, urban                                                                    is no single approach and design which is
                                                                                                           Other examples of project contributions
     Complementary to the delivery of supply             development, oil and gas offshore platforms,                                                              suitable for every project. Community benefit
                                                                                                           within community benefit schemes are:2
     chain benefits, developers are encouraged to        onshore pipelines and processing facilities,                                                              schemes should be tailored to the needs of
     consider a community benefit package.               power plants, and overhead high-voltage           • Water sports facilities                               the local context and characteristics of the site
                                                         electricity transmission lines.                                                                           and project.
     The challenges in delivering community                                                                • Apprenticeship schemes
     benefits from offshore projects require             Community benefit schemes are now a feature                                                               The scale of a community benefit fund
                                                                                                           • Renovations to a sailing club’s boathouse
     heightened transparency regarding the               of international infrastructure development. In                                                           depends on the project variables and should
     discussions and governance of distributive          the context of wind farm projects, developers     • Developing a coastal walkway                          be discussed openly with the community.
     justice. Developers should consult widely           provide funds to communities living in close                                                              Communities should understand that projects
                                                                                                           • Creating slipways and moorings
     and discuss openly what is achievable from          proximity to their project and local benefits                                                             may be financially limited and should not
     an early stage. The host can be any location        can be in the form of new community facilities    • Sea rescue boats and equipment                        expect transferal of fund arrangements from
     geographically linked to a renewable energy         or environmental enhancement. An important        • Support for coastal area voluntary rescue             one project to another.
     development, and those living in the area.          feature of community benefit schemes is that        teams                                                 Table 10 suggests possible starting points in
     In this context, there is no set formula to         they are viewed and administered as distinct
                                                                                                           • University bursary schemes                            discussing a fund.
     identify a host community, although, self-          from traditional economic benefits (e.g., local
     identification and collaborative discussion         supply chain, employment), though, there are      • Local nature, conservation, and heritage
     may help. Developers should not have a              complementary synergies.                            enhancements
     blanket policy, which is rolled out on all
                                                         One UK fund prioritised the following criteria    • Promoting and safeguarding jobs in
     projects. Scheme or package is often used
                                                         within their community benefit schemes:             tourism
     to describe community benefit provision.
     There is no single delivery mechanism which         • Small and medium size coastal                   The community benefits described
     can, or should, be employed with every                communities with a population of 60,000         and discussed in this document are
     offshore wind farm. A successful scheme or            or less, which are facing economic              not compensation for any perceived
     package is designed on a case-by-case basis           challenges                                      negative impacts. Community benefit
     and has several components. For example, a                                                            provisions should not be confused with any
     community benefit scheme may include funds          • Promote sustainable economic growth
                                                           and jobs through economic diversification       compensatory payments or provisions to
     to assist coastal communities to experience                                                           specific stakeholder groups. Where developers
     regeneration and economic growth through              activities in coastal communities that
                                                           enable the growth of local businesses           consider it appropriate to provide individual
     projects that directly or indirectly create                                                           compensation for a development, this
     sustainable jobs and safeguard existing jobs.       • Complement strategic regeneration               arrangement should be agreed between
                                                           initiatives within coastal communities          the relevant parties and is separate from any
                                                                                                           community benefit proposals.

                                                                                                               See London Array and Beatrice Offshore Wind Farms
                                                                                                               for examples of community benefit schemes.
28                                                                                                                                                                                                                     29
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