Step I: White Paper Application

Page created by Terrance Stone
Step I: White Paper Application

                                Application Guidelines

1. The application should be submitted electronically per requirements via the web site
   of any of the NIAID Genomic Sequencing Centers for Infectious Diseases. Include all
   attachments, if any, to the application.
2. There are no submission deadlines; white papers can be submitted at anytime.
3. GSC personnel at any of the three Centers can assist / guide you in preparing the
   white paper.
4. Investigators can expect to receive a response within 4-6 weeks after submission.
5. Upon approval of the white paper, the NIAID Project Officer will assign the project
   to a NIAID GSC to develop a management plan in conjunction with the participating

Genomic Sequencing Centers for Infectious Diseases: White Paper Form              1
White Paper Application

   Project Title: Escherichia coli as human pathogen: Uncomplicated urinary tract
infection (UTI) and UTI induced bacteremia

 Primary Investigator Contact:
    Name                Niels Frimodt-Moller
    Position            Head, Antibiotic Research
    Institution         Statens Serum Institut
    Address             Artillerivej 5, Copenhagen S
    State/Country       Denmark
    ZIP Code            DK-2300
    Telephone           +45 32 68 36 46
    Fax                 +45 32 68 32 31

 1. Executive Summary (Please limit to 500 words.)
  Provide an executive summary of the proposal.
  Escherichia coli is a major human pathogen, causing up to 80% of uncomplicated UTI and
  30% of bacteremia cases. Escherichia coli is the most prominent cause of both
  community-acquired (CA) and nosocomial (NA) bloodstream infections worldwide, and
  the associated rate of mortality due to sepsis is high (Laupland et al., 2008). In the U.S., E.
  coli related urinary tract infections kill ~7200 persons annually, and the annual mortality
  associated with E. coli bacteremia in the U.S. is around 36,000-40,000 (Russo & Johnson,

  Urinary tract infections (UTIs) are among the most common bacterial infections
  encountered in clinical practice and account for significant morbidity and high medical
  costs (Foxman, 2002). During any single year, 11% of women aged 18 and older develop
  UTI, and the lifetime risk of UTI among women is 60% (Foxman et al., 2000). Escherichia
  coli is the most predominant pathogen causing 80–90% of community-acquired UTIs and
  more than 30% of nosocomially acquired UTIs (Ferry et al., 2004; Kahlmeter, 2000;
  Bouza et al., 2001). Recurrent UTIs (RUTIs) are reported in 16–25% of women within 6
  months of an UTI episode and in 40% of women within one year of an UTI episode, and
  thus pose a major problem (Foxman, 1990; Foxman et al., 1995; Ikaheimo et al., 1996;
  Karkkainen et al., 2000). Although most common among women, UTI is also a significant
  problem among men, who can experience cystitis, pyelonephritis, acute and chronic
  prostatitis and febrile UTI (Lipsky et al., 1989; Ulleryd, 2003).

  We propose sequencing several collections of E. coli urinary and blood isolates in order to
  provide insight into:
     1) the genetic determinants associated with infection of the urinary tract both among
         women and men.
     2) the genetic determinants associated with the relapse and persistence of E. coli in
         spite of treatment for UTI.
     3) the genetic determinants associated with the dissemination to the blood.

Genomic Sequencing Centers for Infectious Diseases: White Paper Form                   2
Such knowledge could be used to predict the likelihood that patients with uncomplicated
  UTI will be at risk for persistence/relapse or spread to bloodstream as well as identify risk
  factors in the fecal E. coli of healthy people. The data produced will increase our
  understanding of the mechanisms of E. coli pathogenesis. Further, this data may be used to
  develop intervention strategies to prevent and treat infections with this pathogen.

 2. Justification
  Provide a succinct justification for the sequencing or genotyping study by describing the
  significance of the problem and providing other relevant background information.

  This section is a key evaluation criterion.

     1. State the relevance to infectious disease for the organism(s) to be studied; for
        example the public health significance, model system etc.

     2. Are there genome data for organisms in the same phylum / class / family / genus?
        What is the status of other sequencing / genotyping projects on the same organism
        including current and past projects of the NIAID GSC? Provide information on
        other characteristics (genome size, GC content, repetitive DNA, pre-existing arrays
        etc.) relevant to the proposed study. Have analyses been performed on the raw data
        already generated/published? If additional strains are proposed for a species,
        please provide a justification for additional strains?

     3. If analyses have been conducted, briefly describe utility of the new sequencing or
        genotyping information with an explanation of how the proposed study to generate
        additional data will advance diagnostics, therapeutics, epidemiology, vaccines, or
        basic knowledge such as species diversity, evolution, virulence, etc. of the proposed
        organism to be studied.

  Recurrent UTI:
  Treatment, host and pathogen characteristics are considered to have an impact on
  development and frequency of RUTI; however, many aspects are unclear or poorly
  described. Up to 77% of RUTIs are caused by E. coli identical to the primary infecting E.
  coli; however, characteristics of E. coli associated with relapse of UTI remain poorly
  defined (Ejrnaes et al., 2006; Russo et al., 1995; Skjøt-Rasmussen et al., 2011).
  Phylogenetic group B2 has been found to be associated with strains causing persistence or
  relapse of UTI (Johnson et al., 2007). A wide variety of virulence factors (VFs) have been
  associated epidemiologically or experimentally (in vivo) with uropathogenic E. coli
  (UPEC) including adhesins, iron uptake systems, toxins and protectins; however, only a
  few minor, older studies have addressed the relation between VFs and relapse of UTI in
  women (Johnson & Russo, 2005; Foxman et al., 1995; Johnson et al., 2001).

  Although the fecal and vaginal flora were thought to constitute the reservoir for RUTI-
  causing E. coli strains, this view has become increasingly challenged by the finding that E.
  coli can invade and replicate within the murine bladder forming biofilm-like intracellular
  bacterial communities (IBCs) (Anderson et al., 2003; Garofalo et al., 2007). These IBCs
Genomic Sequencing Centers for Infectious Diseases: White Paper Form                 3
dissociate and E. coli flux out and ultimately establish quiescent intracellular reservoirs
  that may represent stable reservoirs for RUTI (Mysorekar et al., 2006; Schilling et al.,
  2002). The IBC pathogenic cycle has not been studied in humans; however, recently
  exfoliated IBCs were detected in urine from women with acute uncomplicated cystitis
  which supports the presence of the IBC pathway and occurrence of an intracellular
  bacterial niche in some women with UTI (Rosen et al., 2007).

  IBC formations contain biofilm-like structures and it has been shown that E. coli causing
  persistence or relapse exhibited significantly increased biofilm formation on plastic surface
  in vivo, but the prevalence of virulence factors associated with biofilm formation (e.g.
  agn43) has not been examined in relation to E. coli causing relapse (Ejrnaes, K., A.
  Reisner, B. Lundgren, S. Ferry, T. Monsen, S. Holm, E. Zechner, and N. Frimodt-Moller,
  submitted for publication; Soto et al., 2006). Recently, heme- and siderophore-associated
  iron have been shown to play a key role in IBC development in mice; however, it is not
  known whether this observation is reflected in an association between prevalence of genes
  coding for different iron uptake systems and E. coli strains causing relapse of UTI
  (Reigstad et al., 2007).

  Male UTI:
  Many aspects on male UTI are unclear or poorly described. Knowledge of male UTI is less
  than that of female UTI even though it is estimated that one-third of all 80-year-old men
  will have had an episode of bacturia (Lipsky, 1989). It is generally believed, that all UTIs
  in men must be considered complicated since the infections results from an anatomic or
  functional anomaly, however there is little evidence to support this hypothesis. A better
  understanding of the pathogenesis of UTI in men is needed in order to identify possible
  targets for preventive and protective measures.

  Around 17-37% of invasive bacteremic E. coli infections are due to Extraintestinal
  Pathogenic E. coli (ExPEC), which often originate from an infection in the patients´
  urinary tract (Olesen et al., 1995; Russo & Johnson, 2003). ExPEC possess a wide variety
  of specialized virulence factors (VFs), however the requirements for bacterial invasion of
  the bloodstream are yet undetermined (Ron, 2006). Non-presence of virulence factors such
  as adhesins has been shown to relate to infections in patients with immune depression
  (Maslow et al., 1993). However, few studies have investigated the decisive virulence
  factors involved in UTI pathogenic E. coli strains invading the blood stream (Johnson &
  Stell, 2000; Moreno et al., 2005; Rijavec et al., 2008). In order to identify and develop new
  targets for antimicrobial agents or develop a vaccine, it is necessary to understand the
  pathogenesis and virulence of bacteremic E. coli.

  Previous work:
  The Broad Institute has recently completed sequencing of over eighty five commensal E.
  coli. A major goal of that work was to provide a commensal, non-pathogenic context in
  order to better understand the genomics of E. coli pathogenesis. Specifically, this project
  sequenced nine commensal strains from the ST95 clone, which is one of the most
  predominant UTI clones. Analysis of the proposed UTI and bacteremia isolates, in
  conjunction with those commensal isolates, will enable us to identify pathogenesis-specific
  loci. Other GSCIDs have focused on other pathogenic groups of E. coli, such as the
Genomic Sequencing Centers for Infectious Diseases: White Paper Form                   4
O157:H7 serotype. A comparison with those data will further refine our understanding of
  how genetic variation contributes to specific E. coli-related disease syndromes.

  The study has major relevance for the understanding of the virulence potential of E. coli
  isolated from healthy persons or from patients with uncomplicated UTI. These data
  ultimately could aid the prediction of the course of infection or complications, or lead to
  intervention strategies in E. coli-related disease. To our knowledge, similar studies using a
  well-designed E. coli collection from UTI and bacteremia have not been performed before,
  especially at this scale. The public health benefit from such a project concerning this
  particular pathogen has enormous potential.

3. Rationale for Strain Selection
       4. Provide the rationale behind the selection of strains and the number of strains proposed
          in the study. The focus of the program is on potential agents of bioterrorism or
          organisms responsible for emerging or re-emerging infectious diseases. Non-select
          agents or non-pathogenic organisms will be considered when they can provide insight
          into these scientific areas.

  E. coli strains were isolated from three populations:
  1) Umeå collection: Female UTI patients with uncomplicated UTI experiencing either cure (n =
  30), relapse (n = 46) or persistence of infection (n = 32)
  2) Køge collection: Male UTI patients with uncomplicated (n = 7) or recurrent UTI (n = 3) and
  female patients experiencing recurrent UTI (n = 10)
  3) Hvidovre collection: Bacteremia patients (n = 197)

  This will yield a total of 315 E. coli strains for sequencing.

  Female recurrent UTI (Umeå collection):
  The Umeå collection of female recurrent UTI E. coli strains were obtained through a study
  performed by Ferry et al., 2007, where about 1200 women with uncomplicated UTI were
  randomized to one of four groups: Three groups received mecillinam orally for 3 or 7 days,
  while the fourth group received placebo. Control visits occurred 1 week after treatment and 4
  weeks after treatment.
  The patients consisted of a cohort of women with uncomplicated urinary tract infection, who
  delivered three urine samples:
      1) at the first visit at the family doctor (general practitioner), where the diagnosis of UTI
          was confirmed,
      2) first control sample one week after the end of antibiotic treatment, and
      3) second control sample one month after the end of treatment.
  Based on PFGE typing of E. coli isolates, patients could be divided in three groups: i) cure (no
  growth in control samples); ii) relapse (no growth in the first control sample, but growth of the
  same PFGE type in the second of control samples); iii) persistence (growth in the first control
  sample of the same PFGE type). In all, 57 E. coli strains from cured patients and 88 E. coli
  strains from patients with persistence/relapse were isolated.
  Table 1 shows the distribution of E. coli strains in the mecillinam treated groups, where cure,
  persistence or relapse was discerned by PFGE-typing (100% band similarity was used as a
  criterion for identity). Overall, around 80% similarity was found for strains causing relapse or
  persistence (Ejrnaes et al., 2006). This illustrates, that most strains remaining in the urine were
Genomic Sequencing Centers for Infectious Diseases: White Paper Form                   5
the same as the originally infecting strain. It is therefore highly likely that these strains were
   surviving in a urinary tract reservoir, unreached by antibiotic treatment; experimental mouse
   UTI studies have shown that E. coli infecting the bladder are not removed by antibiotic
   treatment (Hvidberg et al., 2000). The reason for this can be biological biofilm formation or
   some other factor protecting the bacteria from antibiotic present both in urine and in blood.

   Table 1.
   E. coli distributed according to PFGE typing: “Same” means 100% similar in PFGE-profile.
   Culture Result                                                   Course of Infection            Groups
                                                                                                   n = 155

                                                                                                   400     200     200
                                                                                                   mg      mg      mg
                     st           b            nd               c                                      d       d       d
   Initial Visit    1 follow-up            2        follow-up                                 n    BID     BID     TID
                                                                                                   for 3   for 7   for 7
                                                                                                   days    days    days

   E. coli          Negative               Negative                 Cure                      37   11      13      13
   E. coli          Negative               Missing                  Cure                      0    0       0       0
   E. coli          Same E. coli           Same E. coli             Persistence               15   7       4       4
   E. coli          Same E. coli           Negative                 Persistence               5    3       1       1
   E. coli          Same E. coli           Missing                  Persistence               12   10      0       2
   E. coli          Negative               Same E. coli             Relapse                   46   17      16      13
   E. coli          Negative               New E. coli              Reinfection               14   4       5       5
   E. coli          New E. coli            New E. coli              Reinfection               2    1       0       1
   E. coli          New E. coli            Negative                 Reinfection               2    1       0       1
   E. coli          New E. coli            Missing                  Reinfection               2    2       0       0
   Total                                                                                           62      46      47

     Course of infection according to PFGE results by Ejrnaes et al. (5)
     8-10 days post inclusion
     35-49 days post inclusion
     BID, twice a day; TID, three times a day
     Same E. coli as the primary infecting E. coli at inclusion according to
   PFGE (5)
     E. Coli different from the primary infecting E. coli at inclusion according to
   PFGE (5)

   Male and female (recurrent)UTI (Køge collection):
   Between December 2005 and April 2006, consecutive urine culturing on patients with symptoms
   of UTI was performed at a primary care clinic (not associated to any hospital). E. coli isolates
   were collected from 102 patients with community-acquired UTI, and 13 of these patients (10
   women and 3 men) experienced recurrent UTI (Skjøt-Rasmussen et al., 2011). Besides the 3
   men experiencing RUTI, 7 male patients experienced uncomplicated UTI. The following
   isolates from this strain collection will be included in the study: Isolates from male
   uncomplicated (n = 7) and recurrent UTI (n = 3) and female recurrent UTI (n = 10).

  Bacteremia (Hvidovre collection):
  This strain collection consists of 197 E. coli isolates from the blood of 196 adult patients with
Genomic Sequencing Centers for Infectious Diseases: White Paper Form                  6
both bacteremia and bacturia. From one patient, two E. coli blood isolates were cultured. Isolates
  were collected from January 2003 through May 2005 from all patients older than 18 years
  admitted to four hospitals in Copenhagen. Isolates represent all consecutive episodes of E. coli
  bacteremia with bacturia, where a positive E. coli urine culture was performed +/- three days
  within the blood culture date.

      - Anderson, G. G., J. J. Palermo, J. D. Schilling, R. Roth, J. Heuser, and S. J. Hultgren. 2003. Intracellular
          bacterial biofilm-like pods in urinary tract infections. Science 301:105-107.
      - Bouza, E., R. San Juan, P. Munoz, A. Voss, and J. Kluytmans. 2001. A European perspective on nosocomial
          urinary tract infections I. Report on the microbiology workload, etiology and antimicrobial susceptibility
          (ESGNI-003 study). European Study Group on Nosocomial Infections. Clin Microbiol Infect 7: 523-531.
      - Ejrnaes, K., D. Sandvang, B. Lundgren, S. Ferry, S. Holm, T. Monsen, R. Lundholm, and N. Frimodt-Moller.
          2006. Pulsed-field gel electrophoresis typing of Escherichia coli strains from samples collected before and
          after pivmecillinam or placebo treatment of uncomplicated community-acquired urinary tract infection in
          women. J Clin Microbiol 44: 1776-1781. (Part of this study).
      - Ferry, S. A., S. E. Holm, H. Stenlund, R. Lundholm, and T. J. Monsen. 2004. The natural course of
          uncomplicated lower urinary tract infection in women illustrated by a randomized placebo controlled
          study. Scand J Infect Dis 36: 296-301.
      - Ferry, S. A., S. E. Holm, H. Stenlund, R. Lundholm, and T. J. Monsen. 2007. Clinical and bacteriological
          outcome of different doses and duration of pivmecillinam compared with placebo therapy of
          uncomplicated lower urinary tract infection in women: the LUTIW project. Scand J Prim Health Care 25:
      - Foxman, B. 1990. Recurring urinary tract infection: incidence and risk factors. Am J Public Health 80: 331-
      - Foxman, B. 2002. Epidemiology of urinary tract infections: incidence, morbidity, and economic costs. Am J
          Med 113 Suppl 1A: 5S-13S.
      - Foxman, B., R. Barlow, H. D'Arcy, B. Gillespie, and J. D. Sobel. 2000. Urinary tract infection: self-reported
          incidence and associated costs. Ann Epidemiol 10: 509-515.
      - Foxman, B., L. Zhang, P. Tallman, K. Palin, C. Rode, C. Bloch, B. Gillespie, and C. F. Marrs. 1995.
          Virulence characteristics of Escherichia coli causing first urinary tract infection predict risk of second
          infection. J Infect Dis 172: 1536-1541.
      - Garofalo, C. K., T. M. Hooton, S. M. Martin, W. E. Stamm, J. J. Palermo, J. I. Gordon, and S. J. Hultgren.
          2007. Escherichia coli from urine of female patients with urinary tract infections is competent for
          intracellular bacterial community formation. Infect Immun 75: 52-60.
      - Hvidberg, H., C. Struve, K. Krogfelt, N. Christensen, S. N. Rasmussen, and N. Frimodt-Møller. 2000.
          Development of a long term ascending urinary tract infection mouse model for antibiotic treatment studies.
          Antimicrob Agents Chemother 44: 156-163.
      - Ikaheimo, R., A. Siitonen, T. Heiskanen, U. Karkkainen, P. Kuosmanen, P. Lipponen, and P. H. Makela.
          1996. Recurrence of urinary tract infection in a primary care setting: analysis of a 1-year follow-up of 179
          women. Clin Infect Dis 22: 91-99.
      - Johnson, J. R., B. Johnston, A. Murray, M. A. Kuskowski, J. N. Maslow, and C. Johnson. 2007. Bacterial
          characteristics as predictors of posttherapy recurrent bacteriuria among children with acute uncomplicated
          cystitis caused by Escherichia coli. Pediatr Infect Dis J 26: 1151-3.
      - Johnson, J. R., T. T. O'Bryan, P. Delavari, M. Kuskowski, A. Stapleton, U. Carlino, and T. A. Russo. 2001.
          Clonal relationships and extended virulence genotypes among Escherichia coli isolates from women with a
          first or recurrent episode of cystitis. J Infect Dis 183: 1508-1517.
      - Johnson, J. R. and T. A. Russo. 2005. Molecular epidemiology of Extraintestinal pathogenic (uropathogenic)
          Escherichia coli. Int J Med Microbiol 295: 383-404.
      - Johnson, J. R. and A. L. Stell. 2000. Extended virulence genotypes of Escherichia coli strains from patients
          with urosepsis in relation to phylogeny and host compromise. J Infect Dis 181: 261-272.
      - Kahlmeter, G. 2000. The ECO.SENS Project: a prospective, multinational, multicentre epidemiological
          survey of the prevalence and antimicrobial susceptibility of urinary tract pathogens--interim report. J
          Antimicrob Chemother 46 Suppl. 1: 15-22.
      - Kahlmeter, G. 2003. An international survey of the antimicrobial susceptibility of pathogens from
          uncomplicated urinary tract infections: the ECO.SENS Project. J Antimicrob Chemother 51: 69-76.
      - Karkkainen, U. M., R. Ikaheimo, M. L. Katila, and A. Siitonen. 2000. Recurrence of urinary tract infections
Genomic Sequencing Centers for Infectious Diseases: White Paper Form                                7
in adult patients with community-acquired pyelonephritis caused by E. coli: a 1-year follow-up. Scand J
            Infect Dis 32: 495-499.
      -   Laupland, K. B., D. B. Gregson, D. L. Church, T. Ross, and J. D. D. Pitout. 2008. Incidence, risk factors and
            outcomes of Escherichia coli bloodstream infections in a large Canadian region. Clin Microbiol Infect 14:
      -   Lipsky, B. A. 1989. Urinary tract infections in men: epidemiology, pathophysiology, diagnosis, and
            treatment. Ann. Intern. Med. 110: 138–150.
      -   Maslow, J. N., M. E. Mulligan, K. S. Adams, J. C. Justis, and R. D. Arbeit. 1993. Bacterial adhesins and host
            factors: role in the development and outcome of Escherichia coli bacteremia. Clin Infect Dis 17: 89-97.
      -   Moreno, E., I. Planells, G. Prats, A. M. Planes, G. Moreno, and A. Andreu. 2005. Comparative study of
            Escherichia coli virulence determinants in strains causing urinary tract bacteremia versus strains causing
            pyelonephritis and other sources of bacteremia. Diagn Microbiol Infect Dis 53: 93-99.
      -   Mysorekar, I. U. and S. J. Hultgren. 2006. Mechanisms of uropathogenic Escherichia coli persistence and
            eradication from the urinary tract. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 103:14170-14175.
      -   Olesen, B., H. J. Kolmos, F. Orskov, I. Orskov, and A. Gottschau. 1995. Bacteraemia due to Escherichia coli
            in a Danish university hospital, 1986-1990. Scand J Infect Dis 27: 253-7.
      -   Reigstad, C. S., S. J. Hultgren, and J. I. Gordon. 2007. Functional genomic studies of uropathogenic
            Escherichia coli and host urothelial cells when intracellular bacterial communities are assembled. J Biol
            Chem 282: 21259-21267.
      -   Rijavec, M., M. Müller-Premru, B. Zakotnik, and D. Zgur-Bertok. 2008. Virulence factors and biofilm
            production among Escherichia coli strains causing bacteraemia of urinary tract origin. J Med Microbiol 57:
      -   Ron, E. Z. 2006. Host specificity of septicemic Escherichia coli: human and avian pathogens. Curr Opin
            Microbiol 9: 28-32.
      -   Rosen, D. A., T. M. Hooton, W. E. Stamm, P. A. Humphrey, and S. J. Hultgren. 2007. Detection of
            intracellular bacterial communities in human urinary tract infection. PloS Med 4: e329.
      -   Russo, T. A. and J. R. Johnson. 2003. Medical and economic impact of extraintestinal infections due to
            Escherichia coli: focus on an increasingly important endemic problem. Microbes Infect 5: 449-456.
      -   Russo, T. A., A. Stapleton, S. Wenderoth, T. M. Hooton, and W. E. Stamm. 1995. Chromosomal restriction
            fragment length polymorphism analysis of Escherichia coli strains causing recurrent urinary tract
            infections in young women. J Infect Dis 172: 440-445.
      -   Schilling, J. D., R. G. Lorenz, and S. J. Hultgren. 2002. Effect of trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole on
            recurrent bacteriuria and bacterial persistence in mice infected with uropathogenic Escherichia coli. Infect
            Immun 70: 7042-7049.
      -   Skjøt-Rasmussen, L., A. M. Hammerum, L. Jakobsen, C. H. Lester, P. Larsen, and N. Frimodt-Møller. 2011.
            Persisting clones of Escherichia coli isolates from recurrent urinary tract infection in men and women. J
            Med Microbiol 60: 550-554.
      -     Soto, S. M., A. Smithson, J. P. Horcajada, J. A. Martinez, J. P. Mensa, and J. Vila. 2006. Implication of
            biofilm formation in the persistence of urinary tract infection caused by uropathogenic Escherichia coli.
            Clin Microbiol Infect 12: 1034-1036.
      -     Ulleryd, P. 2003. Febrile urinary tract infection in men. Int J Antimicrob agents 22: S89-S93.

 4a. Approach to Data Production: Data Generation
      5. State the data and resources planned to be generated. (e.g draft genome sequences,
         finished sequence data, SNPs, DNA/protein arrays generation, clone generation

  As we wish to identify novel genetic elements that are potentially unique to certain disease
  states, persistence, and spread, we will generate draft de novo genome sequences for all
  proposed strains using the Illumina platform. Our experience in sequencing numerous E.
  coli strains suggests that a major issue is that many genes of interest, such as those
  associated with virulence and antibiotic resistance, are associated with transposable
  elements and other repetitive motifs. To overcome this problem, we will use large jumping
  library insert sizes (~5 kb) that should enable us to scaffold over the repeated elements.

Genomic Sequencing Centers for Infectious Diseases: White Paper Form                                 8
4b. Approach to Data Production: Data Analysis
      6. Briefly describe the analysis (value-add) envisioned to be performed subsequently
         by the community and the potential to develop hypotheses driven proposals given
         the datasets and resources produced by this work.

  UTI (Umeå and Køge collections):
  Umeå strains: Sequencing and comparison of strains related to cure (n = 37) vs. strains
  related to persistence (n = 32) or relapse (n = 46) may reveal genetic factors – so far
  unknown – which would be related to cure or relapse. Total sequencing of the bacterial
  genomes may reveal genes, clusters of genes such as pathogenicity islands or others that
  would differentiate relapsing strains from those found in patients, who were cured by
  mecillinam treatment. All strains were susceptible to mecillinam, so resistance towards the
  study drug was not an issue.
  Køge strains: Sequencing and comparison of strains isolated from male UTI (n = 7+3) and
  comparison with female strains (n = 10; and from Umeå, see above) may reveal genetic
  factors related to male UTI and recurrent UTI both among men and women.

  Table 2. Summary of E. coli UTI strains to be sequenced.
   E. coli strains                                   Number
   Female patients cured                             37
   Female patients with persisting E. coli           32
   Female patients with relapse                      46
   Female patients with RUTI                         10
   Male patients with RUTI                           3
   Male patients with uncomplicated UTI              7

  The detection of genes/clusters that are predictable of relapse/persistence would enable
  physicians to stratify patients prior to treatment of UTI, so that appropriate treatment could
  be directed to patients deemed at higher risk for complications. Such treatments could
  include longer duration of antibiotic treatment or choice of antibiotics, which are
  particularly effective in curing E. coli infection residing in the bladder. This stratification
  could be based on rapid SNP detection or gene presence in the primary culture, which
  again would be suggested mandatory in patients with symptoms of UTI at the primary care
  level. Currently, many general practitioners do not perform urinary culture in primary care,
  but treat the patients empirically with a broad spectrum antibiotic and await whether the
  patient is cured or returns with symptoms, where a urine culture is then first performed. A
  genomically-informed algorithm such as that suggested could prevent the widespread use
  of broad-spectrum antibiotics, currently felt to be fueling the increasing antibiotic
  resistance problem, and tailor therapy to each patient.

  Further, sequencing of the present strain collection would lead to detailed insight into the
  genome of E. coli causing UTI. As described in the Justification section, these data, when
  compared to the large commensal collection of E. coli currently sequenced by the Broad
  Institute, as well as other E. coli-related disease syndromes, will help us pinpoint the
  genetic underpinnings of both male and female UTI infection.

  Bacteremia (Hvidovre collection):
Genomic Sequencing Centers for Infectious Diseases: White Paper Form                   9
The objectives of this study are to characterize E. coli causing bacteremia as a
  complication of UTI with respect to the presence of VFs and antimicrobial resistance.
  Sequencing of these strains would be a unique opportunity to study and explore possible
  differences in the prevalence and distribution of all present bacterial genomic content such
  as virulence factor genes, antimicrobial resistance genes etc. among E. coli causing UTI
  and bacteremia. Furthermore, the E. coli strains in this collection can be compared with
  other E. coli strains – strains from healthy humans and strains causing both uncomplicated
  and complicated UTI.

  Description of genes or gene-clusters, which are peculiar for E. coli causing bacteremia,
  will have several important consequences for handling patients with UTI or bacteremia: i)
  Detection of such genes in E. coli isolated in urine from UTI will enable particular
  attention to this kind of infection, effective antibiotics to cope with the infection and
  prevention of bacteremia. ii) Knowledge of important virulence factors for invasive strains
  may lead to preventive measures such as vaccines; iii) The existence of particular E. coli
  strains causing bacteremia and originating from UTI may provide the clinicians with one
  or more tags, which can enable the detection of the focus of infection causing bacteremia, a
  prerequisite for effective treatment of bacteremia.

5. Community Support and Collaborator Roles:
      7. Provide evidence of the relevant scientific community’s size and depth of interest in
         the proposed sequencing or genotyping data for this organism or group of
         organisms. Please provide specific examples.

  In light of the novel collections described here, this proposal should be of broad interest to
  ID specialists, UTI experts, and those interested in developing diagnostics for primary

      8. List all project collaborators and their roles in the project.

  Line Skjøt-Rasmussen (Dept. for Microbiological Surveillance and Research, Statens
  Serum Institut, Copenhagen, Denmark). Line Skjøt-Rasmussen is performing the PhD-
  project regarding virulence in Extraintestinal Pathogenic Escherichia coli based on the
  Hvidovre and Køge E. coli strain collections. She will perform analysis and interpretation
  of the E. coli genomes, along with the other analyses of this project.

  Niels Frimodt-Møller (Dept. for Microbiological Surveillance and Research, Statens
  Serum Institut, Copenhagen, Denmark). Niels Frimodt-Møller is supervisor for Line
  Skjøt-Rasmussen on her PhD-project and is the major developer of this project. He will
  supervise Line during the analysis and assist with interpretation of results.

  Karen Ejrnæs (Dept. for Microbiological Surveillance and Research, Statens Serum
  Institut, Copenhagen, Denmark; Dept. of Clinical Microbiology, Hvidovre Hospital,
  Copenhagen, Denmark; Dept. of Pathology, Herlev Hospital, Copenhagen,
  Denmark). Karen Ejrnæs has performed the PhD-project “Bacterial characteristics of
  importance for recurrent urinary tract infections caused by Escherichia coli” based on the
Genomic Sequencing Centers for Infectious Diseases: White Paper Form
Umeå E. coli strain collection. Also, she collected the Hvidovre E. coli strain collection.
  She will assist with interpretation of results.

  Lotte Jakobsen (Dept. for Microbiological Surveillance and Research, Statens Serum
  Institut, Copenhagen, Denmark). Lotte Jakobsen has completed the PhD-project
  “Evaluation of the possible association between Escherichia coli from animals and meat
  with E. coli causing urinary tract infections in humans” based on the Køge E. coli strain
  collection. She will assist with interpretation of results.

  Paal Skytt Andersen (Dept. for Microbiological Surveillance and Research, Statens
  Serum Institut, Copenhagen, Denmark). Paal Skytt Andersen has experience in whole
  genome sequencing, annotation, alignment and will assist and supervise in the analysis of
  the genomes.

  Bettina Lundgren (Dept. of Clinical Microbiology, Hvidovre Hospital, Copenhagen,
  Denmark; The Centre of Diagnostic Investigations, Rigshospitalet, Copenhagen,
  Denmark). Bettina Lundgren is supervisor for Line Skjøt-Rasmussen on her PhD-project.
  She will supervise Line during the analysis and assist with interpretation of results.

  Tor Monsen and Sven Ferry (Department of Clinical Microbiology, Umeå, Sweden).
  Tor Monsen and Sven Ferry collected the Umeå strain collection of female recurrent UTI
  E. coli strains. They will assist with interpretation of results.

  Michael Feldgarden (The Broad Institute). Dr. Feldgarden has organized several large-
  scale, GSC-funded population genomics projects, including one focused on ~100 E. coli
  commensal genomes. He is also involved with the analysis of the data from these projects.

     9. List availability of other funding sources for the project.

  Funding of the project has been provided from the Danish Medical Research Council
  (grant number 22-02-0373 ct/mp), the Danish Integrated Antimicrobial Resistance
  Monitoring and Research Programme (DANMAP), and the University Hospital in
  Hvidovre, Copenhagen, Denmark.

 6. Availability & Information of Strains:

Genomic Sequencing Centers for Infectious Diseases: White Paper Form
10. Indicate availability of relevant laboratory strains and clinical isolates. Are the
          strains/isolates of interest retrospectively collected, prepared and ready to ship?
  Note: If samples are prospectively prepared the GSC can provide protocols and
  recommendation based on the Centers past experiences. The samples must however meet
  minimum quality standards as established by the Center for the optimal technology
  platform (sequencing/ genotyping) to be used in the study.

  All strains are readily available and DNAs can be prepared.

     11. Attach relevant information, if available in an excel spreadsheet for multiple
         samples: e.g.
          •   Name
          •   Identifier
          •   Material type (DNA/RNA/Strain)
          •   Genus
          •   Species
          •   Specimen / Strain
          •   Isolation source
          •   Isolated from
          •   Select agent status
          •   International permit requirement
          •   BEIR/ATCC repository accession number
          •   Other public repository location
          •   Other public repository identifier
          •   Sample provider’s name
          •   Sample provider’s contact

     12. What supporting metadata and clinical data have been collected or are planned on
         being collected that could be made available for community use?

  Available metadata are data concerning the patients’ gender and age, source of the E. coli
  isolate (urine or blood) and year of collection.

Genomic Sequencing Centers for Infectious Diseases: White Paper Form
7. Compliance Requirements:
 7a. Review NIAID’s Reagent, Data & Software Release Policy:
NIAID supports rapid data and reagent release to the scientific community for all
sequencing and genotyping projects funded by NIAID GSC. It is expected that projects
will adhere to the data and reagent release policy described in the following web sites.

Once a white paper project is approved, NIAID GSC will develop with the collaborators
a detailed data and reagent release plan to be reviewed and approved by NIAID.

Accept     Decline

 7b. Public Access to Reagents, Data, Software and Other Materials:
      13. State plans for deposit of starting materials as well as resulting reagents,
          resources, and datasets in NIAID approved repositories. Sequencing projects will
          not begin until the strain is deposited into NIAID funded BEI repository
          ( This includes web based forms are completed by
          the collaborator and received by the NIAID BEI (

  All strains current unavailable through public repositories will be deposited at BEI. All
  data produced will be published and available to the public.

7c. Research Compliance Requirements
    Upon project approval, NIAID review of relevant IRB/IACUC documentation is
    required prior to commencement of work. Please contact the GSC Principal
    Investigator(s) to ensure necessary documentation are filed for / made available for
    timely start of the project.

Investigator Signature:

Investigator Name:                                          Date:

Genomic Sequencing Centers for Infectious Diseases: White Paper Form
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