Stone Axe Studies III - An offprint from Edited by Vin Davis Mark Edmonds

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Stone Axe Studies III - An offprint from Edited by Vin Davis Mark Edmonds
An offprint from

Stone Axe Studies III

                    Edited by
                    Vin Davis
                  Mark Edmonds

                  © Oxbow Books 2011
                 ISBN 978-1-84217-421-0

Introduction               1                         Interlude 4                147

Chapter 1                 7                          Chapter 9                  149
The experienced axe. Chronology, condition           Production and diffusion of axes
and context of TRB-axes in western Norway            in the Seine valley
Knut Andreas Bergsvik and Einar Østmo                François Giligny, Françoise Bostyn,
                                                     Jérémie Couderc, Harold Lethrosne,
Chapter 2                  21                        Nicolas Le Maux, Adrienne Lo Carmine,
The Nøstvet Axe                                      Cécile Riquier
Håkon Glørstad
                                                     Chapter 10                 167
Interlude 1                37                        A time and place for the Belmont Hoard
                                                     Vin Davis and Mark Edmonds
Chapter 3                  39
The evolution of Neolithic and Chalcolithic          Interlude 5                187
woodworking tools and the intensification
of human production: axes, adzes and chisels         Chapter 11                  189
from the Southern Levant                             The prehistoric axe factory at Sanganakallu-
Ran Barkai                                           Kupgal (Bellary District), southern India
                                                     Roberto Risch, Nicole Boivin,
Chapter 4                    55                      Michael Petraglia, David Gómez-Gras,
Eclogite or jadeitite: The two colours involved in   Ravi Korisettar, Dorian Fuller
the transfer of alpine axeheads in western Europe
Pierre Pétrequin, Alison Sheridan,                   Chapter 12                 203
Serge Cassen, Michel Errera, Estelle Gauthier,       The ritual use of axes
Lutz Klassen, Nicolas le Maux, Yvan Pailler,         Lars Larsson
Anne-marie Pétrequin, Michel Rossy
                                                     Interlude 6                215
Interlude 2                83
                                                     Chapter 13                  217
Chapter 5                 85                         Primary and secondary raw material preferences
Power tools: Symbolic considerations of              in the production of Neolithic polished stone tools
stone axe production and exchange in                 in northwest Turkey
19th century south-eastern Australia                 Onur Özbek
Adam Brumm
                                                     Chapter 14                  231
Chapter 6                  99                        Stone-working traditions in the prehistoric
Social and economic organisation of stone axe        Aegean: The production and consumption
production and distribution in the western           of edge tools at Late Neolithic Makriyalos
Mediterranean                                        Christina Tsoraki
Roberto Risch
                                                     Interlude 7                245
Interlude 3                119
                                                     Chapter 15                247
Chapter 7                   121                      The Mynydd Rhiw quarry site:
The felsite quarries of North Roe, Shetland          Recent work and its implications
– An overview                                        Steve Burrow
Torben Ballin
                                                     Chapter 16                 261
Chapter 8                131                         Graig Lwyd (Group VII) assemblages from
Misty mountain hop: Prehistoric stone working        Parc Bryn Cegin, Llandygai, Gwynedd, Wales
in south-west Wales                                  – analysis and interpretation
Timothy Darvill                                      John Llewellyn Williams, Jane Kenney,
                                                     Mark Edmonds
Interlude 8                279                    Interlude 11                383

Chapter 17                   281                  Chapter 24                385
Neolithic polished stone axes and hafting         Stone axes in the Bohemian Eneolithic:
systems: Technical use and social function        Changing forms, context and social significance
at the Neolithic lakeside settlements of          Jan Turek
Chalain and Clairvaux
Yolaine Maigrot                                   Chapter 25                399
                                                  Changing contexts, changing meanings:
Chapter 18                 295                    Flint axes in Middle and Late Neolithic
A potential axe factory near Hyssington, Powys:   communities in the northern Netherlands
Survey and excavation 2007–08                     Karsten Wentink, Annelou van Gijn,
Nigel Jones and Steve Burrow                      David Fontijn

Chapter 19                 309                    Interlude 12                409
Does size matter? Stone axes from Orkney:
their style and deposition                        Chapter 26                   411
Ann Clarke                                        Old friends, new friends, a long-lost friend
                                                  and false friends: Tales from Projet JADE
Interlude 9                323                    Alison Sheridan, Yvan Pailler,
                                                  Pierre Pétrequin, Michel Errera
Chapter 20                325
Neolithic ground axe-heads and monuments          Chapter 27                 427
in Wessex                                         The Irish Stone Axe Project:
David Field                                       Reviewing progress, future prospects
                                                  Gabriel Cooney, Stephen Mandal,
Chapter 21                333                     Emmett O’Keeffe
The twentieth-century polished stone axeheads
of New Guinea: why study them?                    Interlude 13                443
Pierre Pétrequin and Anne-Marie Pétrequin,

Interlude 10               351

Chapter 22                  353
Neolithic near-identical twins:
The ambivalent relationship between
‘factory’ rock and polished stone implements
Stephen Briggs

Chapter 23                 361
Flint axes, ground stone axes and “battle axes”
of the Copper Age in the Eastern Balkans
(Romania, Bulgaria)
Florian Klimscha
Roberto Risch

Social and economic
organisation of
stone axe production
and distribution in the
western Mediterranean
Abstract        The question of social value is central to the study of stone axe
                distributions. This paper argues that a dialectical approach to the
                concept of value, seen as a consequence of the interplay between
                material constraints, social institutions and individual strategy,
                is essential for our understanding of prehistoric value systems.
                With this argument established, the paper goes on to analyse
                the social value of stone axes on the Northern margins of the
                Western Mediterranean.

                The growing number of petrographic and archaeological studies
                undertaken during the last decade or so, mean that we can to begin
                to define the spatial and temporal patterns of axe production and
                circulation from the Alps to the Sierra Nevada during the 6th to 3rd
                millennia BCE. This suggests that next to regional supply strategies,
                long distance exchange networks developed and became the target of
                political control at particular times and places. However, the economic
                importance of these exchange relations remained relatively limited,
                and did not always go hand in hand with the centralisation of power.
                Expanded exchange could just as well serve as a mechanism
                to strengthen social bonds in societies where we observe
                an increasing division of tasks in the economic sphere.

                In general, the prehistoric axe distribution patterns of the western
                Mediterranean, despite their rather uniform appearance, seem
                to be a consequence of different forms of social organisation
                and value systems.
Introduction                                          use value. Only those activities that provide use-
                                                      ful things should be considered as being of
During the last two decades a growing body of         value in a society. For Aristotle, the primary
petrographic analysis of stone axes has been          source of wealth was land, which allowed the
presented by different research projects in Italy,    development of agriculture and husbandry. His
France and Spain. The characterisation of hun-        critique of trading or crematism, as an uncon-
dreds of artefacts has provided detailed infor-       trolled and illegitimate way to increase wealth
mation about the range of rocks used by later         separated form economy proper, prevented him
prehistoric societies in different regions.           from acknowledging the importance of the pro-
Moreover, a series of spatial and temporal pat-       duction processes and of exchange in the for-
terns have been proposed in relation to the cir-      mation of social value. Only much later, Adam
culation of different raw materials from the 6th      Smith (1776) proposed that exchange value as
to the 2nd millennia BCE (Ricq-de Bouard              opposed to use value had to be related to the
1996; Orozco-Köhler 2000; Thirault 2005; Risch        human labour invested in the manufacture of a
& Martínez 2008). These results make it possi-        given object. Ricardo (1817) elaborated this the-
ble for the fist time to compare the different        ory of classical economy until the analytical
regional and inter-regional situations between        reduction of exchange value to the amount of
the Alps, the Pyrenees and the Betic range,           labour that could be measured in units of time,
which constitute the three large orogenic for-        incorporated in a given product, was achieved.
mations that characterise the northern side of        Marx (1867) insisted on the dialectical relation-
the western Mediterranean.                            ship existing between such an exchange value
   However, our understanding of the social           and the use value in capitalist economy, thereby
and economic structures behind the observed           establishing the conceptual unity between pro-
spatial and temporal patterns is still too limited.   duction and consumption. Moreover, he was
We need to move beyond the dominant “pet-             the first to fully acknowledge the importance
rographic focus” and pay greater attention to         of the means of production in economic devel-
other environmental and social dimensions of          opment (constant capital), as a factor separated
axe production, distribution and consumption.         from labour force (variable capital) but with a
   An environmental approach is necessary in          direct repercussion on the value of all products
order to achieve a better understanding of the        in a society. By the end of the 19th century, but
areas of raw material extraction as well as the       mainly in the 20th century different economists,
properties of the selected rocks. Both aspects        such as Georgescu Roegen (1971), had in a cer-
represent natural constraints to stone axe pro-       tain way reassumed an Aristotelic view of econ-
duction and require a slightly different method-      omy by insisting on the necessity of considering
ological approach than so far followed by             natural resources and their exploitation as an
previous researchers. On the other hand, the          inextricable part of the value of all goods. The
analysis of the social dimensions of axe circula-     awareness of the natural limits of economic
tion not only compares the objects and their          development draws attention to the sustain-
contexts of production and consumption, but           ability of the modern economic system, as well
judges the differences found in terms of eco-         as towards questions about the control and
nomic, ideological or political categories that       management of the resources by different social
are considered to be historically significant. The    groups at a global scale.
criteria for such comparisons and judgements              Meanwhile, the dominant academic thought
derive from a theoretical discussion that             since the end of the 19th century, known as
inevitably leads to the concept of value.             “marginalism”, has in practice abandoned the
Ultimately, the interpretation of the quantita-       search for a definition of value as something
tive data, such as the distance and volume of         different from price. The concept marginal value
circulation of materials, and the qualitative         considers only the relative differences between
information, such as shape, texture or colour of      commodities resulting from a comparion
the artefacts, will depend on the value theory        between their “scarcity” and the “unlimited
one implicitly or explicitly uses.                    necessities” of the individual (Menger 1871). As
                                                      the only objective expression of this comparison
                                                      is the actual price of commodities, the theory is
Value theory and                                      inevitably tautological and frees economic
archaeological interpretation                         analysis from considering the material as well
                                                      as historical conditions in which production
At least since Aristotle (336–323 BCE), the idea      takes place.1 Modelling market behaviour in a
of economy has been linked to the concept of          neutral and ahistorical space, where individuals

100        Stone Axe Studies III
interact under supposedly equal conditions,                 labour force, and a use value, expressing the
allows for the application of quantitative meth-            subjective as well as objective perception of the
ods that confer a “scientific touch” to the analy-          qualitative properties of all goods, underlines
sis, but reduces the possibility to consider, for           the dynamic nature of value systems and hence
example, the ecological limits, the existing dis-           their historical specificity (Lull 2002:304ff.). It
tribution of private property or unequal tech-              also explains the dialectical construction of
nological development in the world economy.                 value through the interplay between social
    The marginalist reduction of the notion of              forces and particular interests. In other words,
value to the realm of subjective desires and                it unveils, at the level of the specific object and
necessities encouraged social scientists to drive           action, the fundamental distinction as well as
the discussion on value into the field of the               unity between social production and individual
multiple ways individuals judge their relation              consumption, which perpetually organises the
with others (Simmel 1900; Appadurai 1986;                   reproductive cycle of human society (Marx
Humphrey & Hugh-Jones 1992), or to abandon                  1857–58/1973:84–111). If this cycle, and the very
the concept altogether in the conviction that it            existence of society is negated, as liberals have
is impossible to find an easy analytical defini-            claimed for a long time, it is no longer possible
tion for it. In either case, the dominant trend of          to approach the question of surplus production
“theoretical archaeology” during the last years             and social exploitation otherwise than in purely
has been to avoid as far as possible social or              subjective terms.
historical explanations concerned with the                      The main theoretical difficulty however is
material, environmental and technical con-                  that the concept exchange value of Ricardo and
straints of production and consumption, and of              Marx is only relevant in a market economy,
social reproduction in general. Even the fact               were all products have become commodities
that any power relation must be sustained by                (Gregory 1982). In order to overcome this his-
some form of economic exploitation and unjust               torical specificity but at the same time to main-
distribution of property, is eluded or deluded.             tain the notion that social objects imply an
Concepts such as prestige, status or agency, or             intentional energetic and material transforma-
the ephemeral moments of exchange are much                  tion, we have chosen the concept of production
better suited for an in-material view of individ-           value (Risch 2002:28–31). It implies that all
ual relations and thus a projection of our own              objects/subjects generated and maintained by
values onto the past. Exchange and consump-                 a community have a value resulting out of a
tion are often treated as social entities in their          production process that puts into action specific
own right, independent of the physical condi-               forces and materials. In this sense, it is not only
tions – matter and energy – which make them                 the social objects but also the actions that gen-
possible, and the social needs they serve. In               erate and maintain them that must be consid-
other words, these discussions are more con-                ered as valuables (Graeber 2001:45ff.). The
cerned about the desires and value notions of               dialectical relation between production value and
the individual actors, than about the production            use value can be expressed by the term social
and distribution of social values among society,            value, as the ever-changing synthesis between
i.e. the social relations of production. It is strik-       production and consumption processes.
ing however, that another part of archaeology,                  Another difficulty faced by any value theory
which may be seen by some as theoretically less             remains the definition of the criteria needed to
concerned, devotes considerable efforts to a                compare and judge social materiality. Such a
better understanding of technology, function                request stands in the tradition of economic the-
and the social implications of production                   ory outlined above, rather than in line with
processes (e.g. Roux & Corbetta 1989, Vidale                post-modern reflections about the value per-
1992, 2002; Petrequin & Petrequin 1993;                     ceptions of people in the past or the present.
Clemente et al. 2002; Longo & Skakun 2008).                 Its initial and principal target is to understand
    The heuristic importance of the notion of               how economic wealth is generated and distrib-
social value lies precisely in the fact that its            uted inside a society. Even today, most of this
meaning, according to Marx (1867/1962:49–98),               process remains obscure to large parts of soci-
emerges from the interplay between production               ety, a situation that can well be defined as the
and consumption, between objective material                 “economy of suspicion” (Groys 2000). This lack
conditions and personal desires, between the                of distinction between an economic analysis of
power to impose certain economic constrains                 value, on one side, and the interpretation of
and the attempts to overcome them. The dis-                 economic values, on the other, explains to a
tinction between an exchange value, determined              large extent the confusion generated by present
by the production process and most of all the               debates in anthropology and archaeology.

   Social and economic organisation of stone axe production and distribution in the western Mediterranean   101
The development of economic theory shows                  housing.). The use value of the technical
that it is probably a mistake to try to reduce any           means does not depend on their rareness
notion of value to one single economic factor,               either (e.g. a power station), but on the utility
such as labour force. Basically, it can be pro-              of the products generated by them (e.g. elec-
posed that production value depends on a series              tricity). Archaeology, like other social sci-
of natural and social constraints:                           ences, generally succumbs to a marginalist
                                                             perspective when assigning on principle a
>   Access to natural resources. As this accessibility       much higher explicative value to rare and
    can be limited naturally as well as socially,            elaborate objects, often made out of partic-
    the value of raw materials and hence of the              ular materials, than to common artefacts.
    final products certainly depends on the envi-            Implicitly a perception is projected, which
    ronmental and social conditions in which                 assumes that the former were as scarce in the
    their exploitation takes place. Situations of            past as in a modern market of antiquities and
    autonomy as opposed to dependency, of                    therefore represented expressions of “pres-
    unrestricted access as opposed to monopoly,              tige”. The explanation of the relations neces-
    or of competition versus sharing have differ-            sary in order to claim for scarcity and prestige
    ent effects on production as well as on con-             is generally overlooked.
                                                         >   The aesthetic and symbolic utility a product
>   The production process. Labour force, under-             provides. These are subjective values pro-
    stood in an energetic sense, is an abstraction           jected into things, which can provide either
    of the human implication in any economic                 social recognition or individual redemption.
    activity and at the same time the immediate              Such values are either imposed through
    physical limit all societies are faced with.             power or based on conventions inside soci-
    Therefore, the amount of labour force                    ety, and can at all moments be abolished or
    devoted to a specific production necessarily             transformed. This makes them in fact flexible
    effects the production value of the generated            and, at the same time, indispensable for the
    objects or services. Both vary according to              organisation of a society at a cognitive and
    the economic productivity achieved through               communicative level. From a material per-
    technological development, division of                   spective, such values can only be approached
    labour and the volume of manufactured                    by comparing the production value and the
    goods.                                                   actual use made out of a specific object. Thus,
                                                             for example, the meaning of a carefully man-
>   The distribution process. It embraces the                ufactured product of a material which has
    mechanisms used inside and between soci-                 circulated over a long distance, but which
    eties in order to provide its members with               shows no use wear traces, must have
    goods (direct access, reciprocity, redistribu-           exceeded the sphere of economic produc-
    tion). Not only the distances and means of               tion. Frequently, such objects become fetishes
    transportation, but also social and political            intended to generate confusion between the
    barriers will have an effect on the value of a           actual exercise of power and its representa-
    given product.                                           tion. Analytically this implies, that the aes-
                                                             thetic or symbolic contribution to value can
From the point of view of consumption, use                   only be recognised as an a posteriori result of
value can be defined at least in the following               the analysis of production and consumption
two parameters:                                              processes in a specific historic context, but
                                                             not as an explicative device in its own right.
>   The material and technical utility a product             These two dimensions of use value (mater-
    provides. This value results out of the human            ial/technical and aesthetic) would respect the
    ability to use the properties or the quality of          distinction underlined by Graeber (2001)
    a product to accomplish certain tasks or to              between objects with power to act directly
    satisfy certain needs or desires. At a social,           on persons (and things, we would add) and
    rather than individual level, the use value              objects with power to inspire actions in oth-
    becomes expressed through the relative                   ers.
    importance a product has in a specific soci-
    ety. Contrary to what marginalist thinking           In the particular case of the production and dis-
    might suggest, the most useful goods in a            tribution of axes of different raw materials,
    society are the most frequent rather than the        these multiple dimensions of social value can
    scarce or rare ones (e.g. water, food, dress,        be addressed through different analytical pro-

102         Stone Axe Studies III
>   The question of the accessibility to the rock                of secondary clast deposits. Geo-archaeolog-
    deposits requires provenience studies as well                ical studies, combining petrographic, geo-
    as a consideration of the implications of the                morphological, sedimentological and paleo-
    exploitation of different resources and envi-                technological analyses, are necessary in order
    ronments. Crucial differences exist between                  to gain a better understanding of the pro-
    primary and secondary deposits in the way                    curement strategies and the organisation of
    rocks are exploited and social access can be                 the production of stone axes in the different
    restricted.                                                  regions.

>   The dependency of society with respect to raw            >   Petrographic characterisation is frequently
    materials suitable for producing axes                        not combined with a morphological analysis
    depends on the material and technical                        of axes. This limits the possibilities to estab-
    choices available. It is particularly important              lish the relation between two parameters
    to determine the variety of rocks available in               that reveal the production value of the
    each region or territory.                                    objects, such as the size of the artefacts and
                                                                 the distance of circulation from the source.
>   Experimental and ethnographic data show
    that polishing is the most labour intensive              >   There is a general absence of functional
    part of axe production and varies according                  analyses of the cutting edges of the tools in
    to the size of the tools. In general, it can be              order to determine their symbolic or utility
    said that larger axes are more difficult to flake            value. For the purpose of this study it is
    and require more time and effort to polish.                  assumed that all axes were used for felling
    Size has therefore a similar importance as                   trees and working wood, which coincides at
    the provenience of the raw material in the                   least with the observations made on the col-
    formation of the production value.                           lections analysed in southeast and northeast
>   The extension, direction and barriers of cir-
    culation of raw materials can be recon-                  >   Finally, no study of the mechanical properties
    structed through characterisation studies of                 of different rocks employed as axes in the
    the artefacts and the geo-archaeological                     western Mediterranean has been undertaken
    identification of the areas of rock extraction.              so far. Specific tests are needed to compare
                                                                 these rocks in terms of their robustness
>   Functional analysis would be required in                     (Delgado et al. 2009).
    order to determine the utility of the axes. The
    observation of residues as well as traces due            Consequently, the following discussion of axe
    to use and maintenance allows distinguish-               production and distribution in the western
    ing between a more utilitarian or a more                 Mediterranean will necessarily centre on pro-
    symbolic charged artefacts.                              duction value through the criteria of the accessi-
                                                             bility to raw materials, the dependency from
>   The quality of the raw material, resulting from          particular sources, and the extension of the dis-
    such variables as mineral composition, tex-              tribution network in both spatial and temporal
    ture and fabric of the rocks, has a direct effect        terms. Wherever possible the dimension and
    on the functional properties and hence on                possible aesthetic utility of the axes will also be
    the use value of the artefacts.                          taken into account as a means to approach their
                                                             use value.
>   The symbolic use of the axes can be derived
    from the relation observed between distance
    of circulation of the rock types, their resist-          Petrographic information
    ance (or lack of it), their size and colour, and
    their patterns of use wear.                              One methodological difficulty when comparing
                                                             the main petrographic studies carried out in the
This analytical framework already points to sev-             western Mediterranean (Table 1), concerns the
eral deficiencies in the current research on axe             use of varied terminologies and classificatory
production and distribution.                                 criteria, partly due to different research tradi-
                                                             tions. In the case of the Iberian Peninsula, it has
>   The identification of the areas and proce-               been necessary to revise and organise the nearly
    dures of raw material extraction has received            500 available identifications into new litholog-
    insufficient attention, particularly in the case         ical groups. In publications that provide no

    Social and economic organisation of stone axe production and distribution in the western Mediterranean   103
detailed description of the mineral content and             restricted to the most deformed and metamor-
the rock structure, groupings can be based only             phosed parts of the domains of the Nevado-
on general rock classification.2 This revision of           Filabride Formation of the Betic Range.
previous groupings has identified six main lith-
ilogical groups in the Mediterranean regions of             Iberian Group 4
the Iberian Peninsula.                                      Sillimanitic gneisses and schists. These high tem-
                                                            perature metamorphic rocks are characterised
Iberian Group 1                                             by the presence of sillimanite needles. These
Micro-gabbros or meta-basites. These are basic              rocks appear occasionally in the Alpujarride
rocks (low silica content) which have frequently            Formation of the Betic Mountains, as well as in
been metamorphosed. Although the degree of                  the Central Spanish range.
metamorphism, which becomes evident in the
formation of secondary amphibole, can be vari-              Iberian Group 5
able, the rock retains its original igneous char-           Olivine basalts. These are mainly volcanic rocks
acteristics, at least in a residual form. Litho-            rich in plagioclase, clinopyroxenes and olivine.
logically, rocks in this Group include: dolerites,          Their most probable sources are the volcanic
meta-gabbros, epi-diorites, actinolitic hornfels            formations of the Campo de Calatrava (Ciudad
and ophites. They may occur as plutonic intru-              Real), although certain exposures around
sions in some coastal areas and pre-litoral                 Cartagena and Mazarón in Southeast Iberia,
mountain chains of the western Mediterranean,               should also be considered.
especially in those of Alpine formation, such as
the Betic range, the Rif and the Pyrenees.                  Iberian Group 6
                                                            Hornfels. These are rocks produced by contact
Iberian Group 2                                             metamorphism, and are normally rich in
Amphibolites. Metamorphic rocks formed                      cordierite and/or andalusite. The eastern
mainly from amphiboles and plagioclase. They                Pyrenees and the coastal and pre-litoral moun-
are transitional with regards to Group 1 rocks              tains of Catalonia contain abundant exposures
but with a higher degree of metamorphic alter-              of hornfels.
ation. Such rocks outcrop in the Betic                                                                                         Table 1.
Mountains and the Pyrenees, as well as in the               Besides these six principal lithological groups,                 Importance
west of the Iberian Peninsula.                              other rocks, such as serpentinite and metamor-            (expressed in %) of the
                                                            phosed micro-conglomerate, have been used                   principal lithological
Iberian Group 3                                             in the production of axes in Iberia, but less com-        categories used for the
Eclogites. These are unusually dense rocks. In              monly.                                                    production of polished
general terms, this group consists manly of                     Two lithological groups of stone axes and              stone axes in different
highly metamorphosed gabbros and basalts.                   adzes occur beyond the Iberian Peninsula. The             regions of the western
The mineral composition of these rocks nor-                 first group, calcitic amphibolite, consists mainly              Mediterranean
mally contains garnet and sodic pyroxene,                   of hornblende, actinolite and plagioclase, and                (N = number of
which can be associated to amphibole, quartz                outcrop on the northern side of the Pyrenees.                    petrographic
and rutile. On the Iberian Peninsula they are               The second comprises the well-known eclog-                     identifications).

Region                     Gr. 1     Gr. 2   Gr. 3     Gr. 4      Gr. 5     Gr. 6    Other     N        Bibliography
Granada                    39        29      17        5          5         0        5         41       Carrión & Gómez 1983
Almería & Murcia (coast)   67        22      3         6          1         0        1         73       Gusi & Olaria 1991; Risch 1995;
                                                                                                        Martínez & Risch 1999; García et al. 2005
Murcia (interior)          62        22      0         14         2         0        0         63       Barrera et al. 1987
Southern Levante           58        18      2         14
ites and jadeites from sources in the western               extensively from the 6th to the 3rd millennium
                           Alps and northern Apennines. Of less impor-                 BCE. Such rocks crop out in the western Alps
                           tance in terms of their limited distribution, is a          and the northern Appenines. However, they
                           group of glaucophane-rich rocks ,which were                 can also be found in the glacial and fluvial
                           mainly used around Durance and the Rhone                    deposits of Liguria, Piamonte, Val d’Aosta and
                           valley.                                                     the upper Rhone Valley (D’Amico 2005; Thirault
                              In order to allow a quantitative analysis of             2005). Moreover, in recent years, several pre-
                           the petrographic data the information has been              historic quarries have been discovered in the
                           organised into regional units, instead of single            area around Monte Viso (Pétrequin et al. 2006).
                           archaeological sites (Table 1). In this way, the            From their location between 1800 and 2450
                           sample size becomes larger and sample bias                  meter O.D., and the relatively small sizes of the
                           resulting from discard patterns, recovery                   primary outcrops and boulders, it seems clear
                           processes (ranging from systematic excavation               that the access to the outcrop of this raw mate-
                           to private collections) and different petro-                rial was highly restricted. Although the
                           graphic samplig strategies, is reduced.                     exploitation of clast deposits cannot be ruled
                                                                                       out, until a detailed analysis of the work traces
                                                                                       on the worn surfaces of the axes is carried out,
                           Spatial and temporal patterns                               the relative importance of other rock types in
                                                                                       this region, such as amphibolites or serpen-
                           In general, the available petrographic data sug-            tinites, suggests that society was dependent to
                           gests three main geographical areas along the               a large extent on the rocks obtained from these
                           northern coast of the Mediterranean basin                   high mountain quarries.
                           where axe production was dominated by a par-                   From here, eclogite and jadeite axes were
         Fig. 1:           ticular type of rock. At the margins of these               distributed in all directions, although more
 Principal supply areas    areas, some rock types seem to have a more                  often towards the west and the north, reaching
and circulation of stone   local distribution (Fig. 1).                                areas as far away as Scotland and Ireland some
  axes in the western         The most important and extensive geo-                    1600 km distant (Petrequin et al. 2002). Along
     Mediterranean.        graphical area embraces the western part of the             the Mediteranean coast these axes even
   (? = no systematic      Alps and the adjacent regions, mainly the Po                reached Catalunya. In this direction, their cir-
  petrographic studies     valley and Provence (Fig. 1). In this area, meta-           culation follows a typical fall off pattern (Fig. 2).
 available; - = absence    morphic meta-basites, such as eclogites and,                Although the main phase of production of
   of Neolithic axes).     more occasionally, jadeites were employed                   Alpine axes took place between 5200–3500 cal

                              Social and economic organisation of stone axe production and distribution in the western Mediterranean    105
Fig. 2:
                 Eclogitas / Jadeitas Alpes; R^2 = ,97                                                           Importance of the
                                                                                                              circulation of eclogite
                                                                                                              and jadeite axes in the
                                                                                                              western Mediterranean
                                                                                                                 (values according
       80                                                                                                            to Table 1).

                                                                                                                The proportion (%)
       60                                                                                                     has been calculated in
                                                                                                               relation to the totality
  %                                                                                                               of axes analysed,
                                                                                                              while the distance (km)
                                                                                                             corresponds to a straight
                                                                                                             line best fit between the
                                                                                                             probable supply areas and
       20                                                                                                     the central geographical
                                                                                                              point of the established
             0            100         200          300        400         500          600         700

BCE (Petrequin et al. 2002, 2006; Thirault 2005),        restricted in scale and they rarely represented
in the Mediterranean regions, such as the lower          more than 50% of the used stone axes used in
Rhone Valley and the Languedoc, they were still          any area. During the Middle Neolithic (c. 4600–
important until the final Neolithic or Chalco-           3300 cal BCE), when the distribution of Alpine
lithic (Ricq-de Bouard 1996:221).                        axes was at its height, the importance of such
    Eclogite and jadeite are extremely resistant         local resources decreased (Ricq-de Bouard
rocks formed by high grade metamorphism.                 1996; Thirault 2005). Generally, these rocks
Therefore, they are particularly well suited to          were not, or could not, be made into axes
the production of axes of more than 14 cm in             greater than 14 cm in length. Their low metrical
length, and require a considerable amount of             standardisation compared to axes manufac-
effort. The difficulty of the procurement of the         tured from rock of an Alpine origin (Ricq-de
raw material, the skilled preparation of the             Bouard 1996:151, 215) is often explained by the
blanks, and the intensity of the polishing               use of suitable clasts.
processes contributed to the high production                The second large geographical area is located
value of Alpine axes; their circulation network          around the Pyrenees, and is dominated by
extended throughout most of western Europe.              hornfels axes (Iberian Group 6). A combined
Although such axes were well suited for felling          petrographic and geomorphological study of
trees or working wood, this in itself does not           the Catalan hornfels has shown that only cer-
explain their occurrence in areas with raw               tain secondary deposits, most of them located
materials of similar quality. Consequently, the          along the river Segre (Inner Catalonia), were
use value of the Alpine axes may have included           exploited periodically by small communities
a high symbolic component.                               (Risch & Martínez 2008). According to the geo-
    Moving westwards from the Alpine produc-             logical and archaeological evidence, hornfels
tion sites towards the lower Rhone valley, the           was not exploited systematically on the north-
use of rocks from local sources for the produc-          ern side of the Pyrenees, probably due to the
tion of polished axes, increases (Fig. 1). These         lack of contact metamorphism and the lower
include glaucophane schist, tremolite schist and         quality of rocks suitable for tool manufacture
basalts (Lazard 1993; Ricq-de Bouard 1996;               in this area. Here, calcitic amphibolite, which
Ricq-de Bouard et al. 1998). The morphology of           provides a suitable alternative for axe produc-
some artefacts as well as the location of some           tion, is found in the stone tool record alongside
workshops strongly suggests that the raw                 honfels along the lower Rhone Valley. The dis-
materials for stone tool manufacture were                tribution curves of both raw materials are very
obtained mainly from secondary deposits along            similar, (Fig. 3).
local rivers. Their distribution was regionally             Whilst the use of hornfels seems to have

106         Stone Axe Studies III
Fig. 3:
                                              Grupo VI-España; R^2 = ,949
   Importance of the
                                              Grupo VI-Francia; R^2 = ,999                      Anfibolitas Francia; R^2 = ,99
  circulation of hornfels
 axes (Iberian Group VI)
and Ca-amphibolite from                                                                                   Grupo VI-España
the Pyrenees in southeast                                                                                 Grupo VI-Francia
France and eastern Iberia.           80
                                                                                                          Anfibolitas Francia

       The graphic
 representation follows              60
the same criteria as Fig. 2
    (values according           %
       to Table 1).


                                          0                 100                 200                300                 400                500

                              extended beyond the Pyrenees into southeast-                de Prades, where this material was collected
                              ern France, a similar pattern did not occur with            from secondary deposits, these rocks only rep-
                              the amphibolite in the opposite direction. Also,            resent 25% of the polished axes.
                              the Alpine eclogite axes, which make up 22–                    The distribution of hornfels axes, coming
                              27% of the raw materials used in the                        from the workshops of the rivers Cinca, Ter and
                              Languedoc between 4500–2200 cal BCE, rarely                 especially the Segre, seem to have reached its
                              represent more than 1% of the axes analysed                 height in Iberia between c. 3750 and 2850 cal
                              from Catalonia (Ricq-de Bouard 1996; Clop                   BCE, at the same time as it diminished in the
                              2004). This comparative lack of axes coming                 Languedoc (Risch & Martínez 2008). These axes
                              from the north does not seem to be the result               were distributed to central Spain as well as
                              of qualitative differences between the raw                  along the Spanish Levantine coast (Table 1). So
                              materials. Rather, social factors may explain               far, no petrographic studies are available, for the
                              such spatial patterns. Somehow, the commu-                  geographical area between the rivers Ebro and
                              nities in the valleys south of the Pyrenees were            Júcar in Valencia, that could provide a better
                              not only in control of the secondary deposits,              explanation for the fall-off curve of the hornfels
                              which included hornfels, but they also man-                 and the meta-basites coming from southeast
                              aged to limit the circulation of equivalent mate-           Iberia (Fig. 1). However, at a distance of over
                              rials from the north. Direct access to the                  200 km from the source, hornfels tends to rep-
                              important rock salt deposits of Cardona in                  resent less than 10% of the artefacts (Fig. 3).
                              Inner Catalonia may have resulted in the exer-              Although hornfels clasts could be manufac-
                              cise of stronger control within the exchange                tured in the Catalan workshops into axes meas-
                              network which linked to the valleys and plains              uring over 15 cm length, the few complete
                              located south of the Pyrenees (Weller & Fíguls              artefacts found in central Spain and the south-
                              2007). As a result, 90% of all the prehistoric              ern Levante usually only measure 4.5–7 cm
                              stone axes in the northeast of the Iberian                  (Barrera & Martínez 1980:75; Orozco 2002:
                              Peninsula were manufactured from hornfels                   200ff.; Rojo et al. 2005:119).
                              (Clop 2004). Alternative local raw materials,                  The third geographical area covers the whole
                              such as diorite, was of only minor importance.              of southeast Iberia (Fig. 1). In this area, more
                              Elsewhere, for example in the south of                      than 70% of all the axes were manufactured
                              Catalonia, at a distance of more than 50 km                 from metamorphosed intrusive igneous rocks
                              from the workshops of the Segre, metamorphic                (Iberian groups 1 and 2). Fine grained gabbros,
                              conglomerates from the lower Carboniferous                  dolerites, epi-diorites or amphibolites were
                              were utilised for tool making (Risch & Martínez             obtained from secondary deposits. This has
                              2008). However, even in the area of the Sierra              been shown convincingly by the study of axe

                                 Social and economic organisation of stone axe production and distribution in the western Mediterranean     107
Fig. 4:
                 Grupo I; R^2 = ,689                        Grupo II; R^2 = ,18                                  Importance of the
                                                                                                                circulation of micro-
                                                                                                              gabbro (Iberian Group I)
                                                                                                               and amphibolite axes
                                                                                   Grupo I                        (Iberian Group II)
       80                                                                                                        from the Betic area
                                                                                   Grupo II
                                                                                                                  in eastern Iberia.

       60                                                                                                            The graphic
                                                                                                               representation follows
  %                                                                                                           the same criteria as Fig. 2
                                                                                                                  (values according
                                                                                                                     to Table 1).


             0                100              200             300                400              500

morphology (Risch 1995:252–330). Many river            observed that the former seem to have a greater
deposits containing fine-grained and resistant         importance at the local level, while the latter
clasts, were probably exploited for axe making;        are more likely to be distributed over greater
some direct evidence of axe production occurs          distances (Fig. 4). Amphibolite from sources in
in form of blanks or polishing slabs recorded in       the Southeast was the dominant raw material
settlements close to the river Almanzora,              used in the area of Cuenca, which is located in
Almería (Siret & Siret 1890:30; Risch 1995:343)        the eastern part of the central Spanish plateau,
and in Ereta del Pedregal, Valencia (Orozco            and where no suitable raw materials for axe
2002:115–117). In these settlements, low scale         making was readily available (Barrera &
production took place in a household context,          Martínez Navarrete 1980). Elsewhere, in the
suggesting that many communities in south-             settlement of Ereta del Pedregal (Valencia) 20%
east Iberia seem to have had direct access to          of the complete axes have been identified as
these raw materials. So far, there is very little to   amphibolite, although a local manufacture of
suggest that large scale quarries, such as those       dolerite axes is also a feature of this site (Orozco
documented in the western Alps, or specialised         2000:115–117). Apparently, in the Southeast a
workshops along the rivers, as seen in                 twofold value system emerged in relation to the
Catalonia, existed in the Levante and the              different raw materials available. Although
Southeast of Iberia.                                   medium to fine-grained igneous rocks were
   As one approaches Sierra Nevada, the                abundant and easily accessible, the less com-
importance of eclogites increases (Iberian             mon metamorphic amphibolite was more
Group 3), which seems to correlate with the            highly valued for exchange, perhaps due to its
higher degree of metamorphism of this oro-             superior technical or aesthetic value. In terms
genic formation. West of Sierra Nevada serpen-         of chronology, the use and distribution of
tinite axes appear occasionally (e.g. Gómez in         Iberian Groups 1, 2 and 3 axes started in the
Pellicer & Acosta 1997:177f.), and a local             Neolithic, but reached its climax during the 3rd
exploitation of sillimanite schist nodules has         millennium cal BCE. At this time, around 70%
recently be reported from the Sierra de Ronda,         of the material analysed from the southern
Malaga (Aguayo et al. 2007). However, all these        Levante had come from the Southeast (Orozco
rocks are of only minor importance, and they           2002:181ff.).
rarely represent more than 20% of the axes                So far, no significant dimensional differences
found in the different sites.                          can be observed between axes based only on
   Regarding the use and distribution of micro-        the raw material used in their manufacture.. The
gabbros and amphibolites originating from the          mean length of the axes with a symmetrical
fluvial deposits of Southeastern area, it can be       cutting edge is 9.3±2.6 cm in southeast Iberia,

108         Stone Axe Studies III
Fig. 5:
    Importance of the                         Grupo IV; R^2 = ,938
 circulation of sillimanite
probably coming from the
 Central Spanish range                                                                                                   Grupo IV
   (Iberian Group IV).
       The graphic
 representation follows
the same criteria as Fig. 2          60
    (values according
        to Table 1).            %



                                          0                 100                 200                300                 400                500

                              while the asymmetrical adzes measure about                  from other materials because of their light
                              7.0±1.3 cm (Risch 1995:200f.). Although a small             colouring (white-yellowish to pale brown),
                              number of axes measure over 15 cm in length,                thinness and small size. In this case, particularly
                              these artefacts are not distributed differently             small tools, rather than large ones, were valued
                              than smaller artefacts. In general, neither the             as exchange objects. Whereas in central Spain,
                              contexts of deposition, nor the raw material                where axes of more than 7 cm in length were
                              suggests that longer axes were valued more                  produced, the western regions, adzes with a
                              highly to the south of Catalonia or towards cen-            mean length of 3.9±1.1 cm. seem to predomi-
                              tral Spain.                                                 nate. No statistically significant differences have
                                  The overall distribution pattern for small-             been observed between the material from
                              size sillimanite adzes is unlike those for other            Cuenca, the southern Levante and the
                              geographical areas or petrographic groups.                  Southeast. This could be interpreted as an indi-
                              Nodules of pure sillimanite (Iberian Group 4)               cation of a simple distribution from the produc-
                              occur in secondary deposits around Somo-                    tion areas to the distant communities (Hodder
                              sierra, in the central Spanish mountain ranges              & Lane 1982).
                              (Barrera & Navarrete 1980:76).3 These nodules,                 Given this overview, it is worth considering
                              which occur in surface deposits, seem to have               the geological and archaeological aspects of the
                              been the dominant raw material used for stone               western Mediterranean islands. The societies of
                              tool making in north-central Iberia, probably               the major islands – Sicily, Sardinia & Corsica –
                              forming another geographical area of axe pro-               manufactured axes from basalt, gabbro, amphi-
                              duction and distribution (Delibes 1975; Orozco              bolite, serpentinite, schist and other local
                              2005). The fall-off curve for sillimanite in the            igneous and metamorphic rocks (Leighton
                              western and southern parts of Iberia would be               1989; Lugliè 2000; Costa 2007; Colonna 2007).
                              consistent with such an origin in central Spain             A recent petrographic study carried out on
                              (Fig. 5). Petrographic analysis confirms that axes          Corsica reveals that at least 18 different local
                              of pure sillimanite reached at least the                    rock types were made into axes on the island
                              provinces of Alicante an Murcia, nearly 400 km              (Colonna 2007:249). This again illustrates the
                              away from the proposed source (Barrera et al.               gathering of river clasts rather than the quar-
                              1987; Orozco 2000). The distribution of these               rying of rock from primary outcrops. However,
                              axes into the Levante and the Southeast was                 all these islands also received some artefacts
                              particularly important during the Copper Age,               made from Alpine rocks. On Corsica, imported
                              c. 3000–2200 cal BCE, but ceased abruptly early             material represented around 10% of the axes
                              in the Bronze Age.                                          (idem). The smaller islands of the Tyrrenean Sea
                                  The sillimanite axes can be distinguished               were either supplied from the mainland and

                                 Social and economic organisation of stone axe production and distribution in the western Mediterranean     109
the larger islands, or used local material             strategy, high mountain quarrying must have
(Leighton 1989:142).                                   been perceived as an exceptional activity of
    The situation on the Balearic Islands is quite     a special social and political character.
different. The Balearics are formed mainly of
sedimentary rocks. Even the Palaeozoic schists       3. Apart from the Alpine rocks, hornfels and a
and basalts of the northern coast of Mallorca           variety of gabbros/amphibolites were the
and Menorca are intensely altered and do not            principal raw materials used in the
display suitable working properties for axe             production of adzes and axes. They were used
manufacture (Gómez-Gras 1993; Fornós 1998).             extensively across an area of c. 100 km
So far, only two prehistoric stone axes have            around the areas of extraction or the
been recorded, both coming from Mallorca. The           production workshops. Factors such as the
first is a small adze of unknown provenience            accessibility and variability of rock types in
and raw material; it is kept in the Museum of           the local Quaternary deposits, their different
Lluc, Mallorca (Veny 1968:367). The other is an         working properties, and social preferences
unpublished hornfels axe stored in the                  explain some of the differences in the ways
Archaeological Museum of Catalunya.4 The                in which different rock types were exploited.
hornfels must have reached the island from the          This system of dispersal would have ensured
Catalan coast, which implies a sea voyage of at         access to a highly sophisticated distribution
least 180 km. This “negative evidence” of axe           of labour and technology between the 6th
production and use on the Balearic has partic-          and the 3rd millennia BCE.
ular significance for our understanding of the
organisation of the prehistoric stone axe distri-    4. In the case of the Alpine rocks, the main
bution (see below).                                     geographical area of supply (where alpine
                                                        stone accounts for more than 50%of axes)
                                                        extends up to a radius of 200 km (Fig. 2; also
Comparing axe distribution                              Thirault 2005). Moreover, this raw material
patterns                                                circulated over greater distances than any
                                                        other rock type, reaching Catalonia in the
If we compare the different production and dis-         West or Sicily in the South.
tribution patterns of the western Mediter-
ranean, leaving aside for the moment their           5. At the fringes of these three main ‘supply
temporal dimension, a series of general trends          territories’, organised respectively around the
seem to be valid for the majority of regions and        Alpine eclogite/jadeite, the hornfels from the
lithologies:                                            Pyrenees and the Betic micro-gabbros/
                                                        amphibolites, one notes the search for local
1. Most of the raw materials used for axe               resources (Fig. 1). The use of material from
   production in the Western Mediterranean              local secondary sources was restricted to local
   were obtained from secondary deposits.               or regional needs, apparently due to the
   Small temporary workshops on river terraces          lower quality of stone tools manufactured
   and along the riverbeds, rather than large           from these rocks.
   scale extraction sites, seem to have been the
   most usual places where axe blanks were           6. About 200 km from its source – 300 km in
   flaked. The few polishing sites documented           the case of the Alpine materials – a rock type
   so far suggest that this activity was carried        rarely represents more than 20% of the
   out at a low production scale in the domestic        circulating axes (Fig. 6). Only in areas lacking
   context.                                             an adequate supply of suitable raw materials,
                                                        such as the south-eastern part of the Spanish
2. A very different form of organisation was            Meseta or the eastern Languedoc, do
   associated with the extraction of jadeite and        particular rock types occupy a dominant
   eclogite around Monte Viso in the Piedmont.          position among the used raw materials. On
   Although clasts of the same materials occur          the one hand, this suggests, that diversity of
   in fluvial deposits, the stone quarries              raw materials and, hence, of proveniences,
   discovered in the Alpine mountains suggest           was favoured above specialization on, and
   a specialised production of axe blanks               dependency for, one particular source and
   between 5200–4000 cal BCE (Petrequin et al.          circulation network. On the other hand, this
   2006). In the context of the western                 pattern points to a general difficulty to
   Mediterranean, where the exploitation of             guarantee a regular supply of rocks and axes
   river deposits was the main procurement              over large distances. Formulated differently,

110       Stone Axe Studies III
Fig. 6:
   Importance of the               100
   circulation axes of                                                                                    Grupo I
different rock types on                                                                                   Grupo II
the northern side of the
                                                                                                          Grupo III
western Mediterranean.              80
The proportions (%) are
                                                                                                          Grupo IV
calculated in relation to                                                                                 Grupo V
  the total numbers of                                                                                    Grupo VI-España
identifications available                                                                                 Grupo VI-Francia
for each region (Table 1).
                                                                                                          Anfibolitas Francia
                               %                                                                          Eclogitas / Jadeitas Alpes
      The graphic
 representation follows
   the same criteria as             40
     used in Fig. 2.


                                         0            100           200           300           400            500           600         700

                               this could mean that long-distance                            each region with periods of economic
                               distribution further than 200 km, or 300 km                   intensification and social dynamism, such as
                               in the case of Alpine materials was in most                   the Atlantic Megalithism, which attracted
                               cases, not an economic necessity but rather                   considerable quantities of Alpine material;
                               a social or political event.                                  the Catalan Fosa Culture, in the case of the
                                                                                             hornfels axes; and the Los Millares
                             7. From a chronological perspective, it can be                  phenomenon in southeast Iberia in relation
                                concluded that the territorial supply strategy               to micro-gabbro and amphibolite tools. The
                                based on the exploitation of secondary clast                 observed patterns can thus indicate very
                                deposits seems to have been followed                         different causes; they need to be interpreted
                                throughout the Neolithic and Chalcolithic.                   and explained in their respective regional and
                                However, the distribution networks of the                    temporal contexts, as discussed below.
                                different western Mediterranean rock types
                                went through cycles of expansion and
                                contraction. Starting in the northeast, the              Further implications
                                known eclogite/jadeite quarries are dated to
                                the first half of the 5th millennium cal BCE,            The general conclusions derived from the
                                while the maximum circulation of these axes              analysis of the axe and adze distributions
                                occurred between 4500–3500 cal BCE                       between northern Italy and southern Spain
                                (Pétrequin et al. 2002, 2006). The exchange              have important implications for one of the
                                of Catalan hornfels axes reached its peak in             unresolved archaeological questions in this
                                Iberia at a slightly later date (c. 3750–2850            area, which concerns the surprisingly late
                                cal BCE). Finally, the most important                    colonisation of the Balearic Islands in compar-
                                exchange network between c. 3000–2200 cal                ison to other Mediterranean islands (e.g. Vigne
                                BCE developed in central and southeast                   2000:Fig. 2). Although the possibility of “acci-
                                Iberia, when axes of micro-gabbro,                       dental visits” in earlier times cannot be ruled
                                amphibolite, sillimanite and olivine basalt              out (Lull et al. 1999:20), the available informa-
                                were widely distributed. This gradual                    tion suggests that the first stable occupation of
                                displacement of the long distance axe                    the four major Islands occurred during the sec-
                                exchange networks from the Alps towards                  ond half of the third millennium (Ramis &
                                the Betic Mountains seems to coincide in                 Alcover 2001; Lull et al. 2004; Micó 2005). The

                                Social and economic organisation of stone axe production and distribution in the western Mediterranean     111
central geographical position of Mallorca and           2008). For the first time, the smelting of these
Menorca in the western Mediterranean and,               ores could have allowed local (metal) axe pro-
hence, their relative remoteness from the main-         duction which did not depend on the supply of
land, definitely limited accessibility to the           raw materials shipped from the mainland. A
islands (Cherry 1984). However, geographical            further advantage of the use of metal in com-
factors alone cannot explain such social isola-         parison to stone in a situation of limited supply,
tion (Lull et al. 2002), especially if one takes into   is the possibility of the recycling of the former
account that Ibiza is visible from Alicante, and        through melting and forging, irrespective of the
that, under optimal conditions, Mallorca can be         provenience of the original raw material.
seen from the coastal mountain chain of                     On the other hand, it is generally accepted
Catalonia. Moreover, the Balearic Islands would         that the second half of the 3rd millennium and,
have had a high agricultural potential, given the       specially, the Bell Beaker period, was a phase
necessary means for clearing the land from its          of intense movement of social groups, materials
middle Holocene vegetation cover.                       and information in western Europe. Rather
   In the Neolithic, the absence on the islands         than unknown islands, because of their bio-
of fine grained and resistant raw materials, nec-       geographical conditions, the Balearic archipel-
essary for the production of stone axes, would          ago could have been seen during the Neolithic
have been a much more critical problem for              as remote and inhospitable islands. The
permanent occupants, than the straight-line             moment the technical possibilities and the
distance from the mainland alone. Difficulties          social organization led to an intensification of
in providing a massive supply of stone axes fur-        production and to a widening of the exchange
ther away than 200–300 km would have dis-               networks, their colonization was no longer
suaded early colonization by agricultural               delayed. It was favoured moreover by a situa-
communities, which depended on these tools              tion of social conflict and violence which
in order to clear the Mediterranean evergreen           occurred across the continent (Lull et al. 2004).
oak forests and the dense maquia dominated
by wild olive and mastic (Piqué & Noguera
2002; Pérez-Obiol & Sadori 2006). Fire alone is         Discussion
not sufficient to remove this type of hard wood.
The rarity of stone axes on the Balearic Islands        Patterns of axe production and distribution in
confirms that permanent settlement, especially          the Western Mediterranean regions raise ques-
of Mallorca and Menorca, could only develop             tions about the value of the exchanged prod-
when either exchange networks were suffi-               ucts, that is, about their significance in the social
ciently in place to provide a regular supply of         contexts in which they circulated. With the
tools, or when axes could be manufactured               exception of Alpine jadeite production during
from other materials, e.g. metal.                       the fifth millennium, the dominant form of stone
   Both conditions seem to have been fulfilled          axe production in prehistoric western Mediter-
in the western Mediterranean for the first time         ranean did not involve a marked technical special-
during the 3rd millennium BCE. The earliest             ization, nor a centralised social control. The
evidence of metallurgy close to the Balearic            production value of axes, defined in terms of the
islands occurred in the region of Cabrières             accessibility to raw materials, the dependency
(Languedoc), where an important copper pro-             from particular sources and the extension of the
duction centre developed between c. 3200–2400           distribution network, was limited by means of
cal BCE (Ambert et al. 1998, 2005). It might be         a particular economic organisation. Crucial to
no coincidence that the end of the metallurgical        this organisation was the exploitation of clasts
activities around Cabriers coincided approxi-           from local fluvial deposits and the limited
mately with the beginning of permanent occu-            importance of the circulation of these axes
pation on Mallorca, taking into account that            beyond c. 200 km from their sources. This strat-
several archaeological elements point to the            egy considerably limited the efforts required
Languedoc and northern Catalonia as the                 both by the production and distribution
probable origin of the first settlers (Lull et al.      process, and the possibilities to restrict access
2004; Micó 2005). It is also clear that these com-      to the raw materials. Moreover, communities
munities were engaged in copper production,             seem to have avoided dependency on single
as confirmed by the discovery of crucibles with         raw material sources when these occurred at
Beaker-style decoration in a rock shelter at Son        distances outside the local area, in order to have
Matge on Mallorca (Waldren 1979), and appar-            a reliable supply of stone tools. This led to the
ently mined small copper ore deposits along             notable diversification of the rock types and
the northern coast (Ramis et al. 2005; Alcover          provenances for axes from regions located more

112        Stone Axe Studies III
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