Strategic Improvement Plan 2021-2024 - Seven Hills High School 8231 - AWS

Page created by Jane Ford
Strategic Improvement Plan 2021-2024 - Seven Hills High School 8231 - AWS
Strategic Improvement Plan 2021-2024

                    Seven Hills High School 8231

Page 1 of 11               Seven Hills High School (8231) -2021-2024   Printed on: 1 April, 2021
School vision and context
       School vision statement                                                                                     School context
       At Seven Hills High School we are committed to a quality, inclusive learning culture where                  Seven Hills High School is situated on traditional Darug land in Greater Western Sydney
       all students and staff are valued, challenged and supported to maximise their personal                      with an enrolment of 376 students, including 7% Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander
       growth and learning potential.                                                                              students. Whilst primarily surrounded by multicultural residential suburbs, the community is
                                                                                                                   linked to the rapidly growing industry and infrastructure of the Greater Western Sydney
       To achieve success, our staff will utilise best educational practice and foster community                   region with burgeoning housing and industrial developments (most notably with the
       engagement whilst providing a challenging curriculum, enabling students to access a range                   Aerotropolis to the south).
       of educational opportunities. Enhanced vocational and academic pathways will be delivered
       in collaboration with key stakeholders.                                                                     Seven Hills High School is a member of the Nirimba Collegiate which includes Quakers Hill
                                                                                                                   High School, Riverstone High School and Wyndham College. In 2021, the school began
                                                                                                                   transitioning from a Year 7-10 high school to a comprehensive high school, with the addition
                                                                                                                   of Year 11. Year 12 classes will commence in 2022. As a member of the Nirimba Collegiate,
                                                                                                                   Seven Hills High School offers cross campus senior curriculum and learning opportunities
                                                                                                                   for students in both years. The school has two support classes for students with mild
                                                                                                                   intellectual disabilities.

                                                                                                                   Students and staff benefit from links with surrounding public schools. The school
                                                                                                                   collaborates with seven other high schools, as a member of the Nirimba Learning
                                                                                                                   Community, to share school programs and practices, promote quality teaching and enhance
                                                                                                                   career development. Seven Hills High School staff have a positive relationship with the
                                                                                                                   Nurringingy Local Aboriginal Education Consultative Group (AECG) which benefits staff,
                                                                                                                   students and their families.

                                                                                                                   From 2023, Seven Hills High school will be one of two schools in NSW delivering the
                                                                                                                   Vocational Schools Pilot program. Seven Hills High School will have specialist vocational
                                                                                                                   educational facilities and classes in the areas of Community and Health Services,
                                                                                                                   Construction (Electrotechnology and Plumbing) and Transport and Logistics. The three key
                                                                                                                   industry focus areas will be delivered through a combination of school implemented courses
                                                                                                                   and partnerships with TAFE NSW, industry associations and private training providers. In
                                                                                                                   addition to these core areas, students may have the opportunity to incorporate relevant
                                                                                                                   complementary Vocational Education Training (VET) courses, in areas such as business,
                                                                                                                   financial and retail services, into their studies.

                                                                                                                   The majority of the school's equity funding will be used to support initiatives employed in the
                                                                                                                   2021-2024 Strategic Improvement Plan.

                                                                                                                   The school is committed to increasing student engagement, achievement and attainment
                                                                                                                   through improving effective classroom practice. With a focus on improving the Literacy and
                                                                                                                   Numeracy outcomes for our students, we aim to develop staff through the delivery of
                                                                                                                   targeted professional learning, focusing on using data to inform practice. By collaborating
                                                                                                                   with their peers effectively and by implementing data-driven pedagogy into teaching and
                                                                                                                   learning programs, we aim to enhance the opportunity for student success.

                                                                                                                   Based on the findings of the situational analysis the school identified the need to refine our
                                                                                                                   structures to monitor school attendance so that students developed greater responsibility for
                                                                                                                   learning. The implementation of Problem Based Learning (PBL) and Social Emotional
                                                                                                                   Learning (SEL) lessons, in the Stage 4 curriculum, will assist students in developing skills
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School vision and context
       School vision statement                                School context
                                                              that focus on continuous improvement, creating works of quality and challenging their
                                                              preconceptions so that innovative ideas are explored. 'Future Focused Learning' was an
                                                              element of the professional development cycle in the 2018 - 2020 School Plan, but was not
                                                              deeply embedded in to practice. From 2021 to 2024 the school will focus on Aboriginal
                                                              Pedagogies and Inquiry Based Learning and present these themes utilising collaborative
                                                              learning techniques.

                                                              Seven Hills High School is dedicated to elevating student aspirations for career success
                                                              and in providing students with the necessary skills and capabilities that match the growing
                                                              employment needs of the region. Seven Hills High School, over the next four years, will
                                                              seek to broaden and deepen the Stage 4 to 6 curriculum and co-curricular opportunities for
                                                              its students through increased partnerships with local organisations, businesses and
                                                              industry, developed as part of the Vocational School Pilot program and independently.

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Strategic Direction 1: Student growth and attainment

       Purpose                                                      Initiatives                                                    Success criteria for this strategic direction
       Our purpose is to foster student engagement,                 Quality Teaching of Literacy                                   Literacy and Numeracy
       achievement and attainment by improving effective
       classroom practice through the delivery of targeted          Deliver whole school professional learning on accessing        All staff engage in professional learning and are confident
       professional learning, focusing on using data to inform      and analysing data from a range of sources including           in the use of data , particularly in the SCOUT platform, to
       practice. Combining effective collaboration and a focus on   NAPLAN data through the SCOUT platform and                     inform practice by identifying student progress and areas
       explicit teaching practices involving literacy and           Progressive Achievement Tests (PAT) Reading to inform          of improvement. Class profiles are updated with individual
       numeracy, we aim to enhance the opportunity for student      practice and identify areas for student growth, particularly   student information. (Wellbeing, Student Performance
       success .                                                    in the area of Reading. (What Works Best - Using data to       Measures, Data Skills and Use, Professional
                                                                    inform practice).                                              Standards).
       Improvement measures                                         Deliver whole school professional learning on                  All staff are confident in the understanding and
                                                                    Strengthening Writing and Critical Thinking using the          implementation of the Literacy skills focus of
       Target year: 2022
                                                                    ALARM process, including Pre and Post Testing and              Strengthening Writing and Critical Thinking using the
                                                                    accurate record keeping for data analysis.                     ALARM process and the Numeracy skills focus of
       Increase the proportion of students in the top 2 bands (or
                                                                                                                                   Graphing and Measurement. (Curriculum Provision,
       above) in reading to 13%.
                                                                    Engage in building capacity, confidence and consistency        Professional Standards).
       Target year: 2022                                            in teaching through implementing literacy skills into
                                                                    teaching and learning programs, assessment and                 Staff collaborate at a whole school and faculty level
       Increase the proportion of students in the top 2 bands (or   reporting across all Key Learning Areas (KLA)s.                creating engaging material demonstrating the embedding
       above) in numeracy to 11%.                                                                                                  of Literacy and Numeracy based skills into teaching and
                                                                    Continue the ongoing targeted support for students who         learning programs. Educational rounds are used to
       Target year: 2024                                            require additional assistance with Literacy through the        demonstrate evidence of the implementation.
                                                                    MultiLit program.                                              (Curriculum Provision, Assessment, Professional
       Increase the proportion of Aboriginal students attaining                                                                    Standards).
       their HSC whilst maintaining their cultural identity.        Quality Teaching of Numeracy
                                                                                                                                   Faculty level assessment of teaching and learning
       Target year: 2024                                            Deliver whole school professional learning on accessing        programs including assessment and reporting ensure
                                                                    and analysing data from a range of sources, including          relevant outcomes have been implemented. Evidence of
       Increase the % of Aboriginal students achieving top 3        NAPLAN data through the SCOUT platform and PAT                 delivery in teaching and learning registrations.
       NAPLAN bands in reading and numeracy to 20%.                 Mathematics, to inform practice and identify areas for         (Curriculum Provision, Assessment, Reporting).
                                                                    student growth, particularly in the area of Numeracy.
       Target year: 2023                                            (What Works Best - Using data to inform practice).             Testing results for students participating in the targeted
                                                                                                                                   programs indicate progress within the program or the
       Increase the % of students achieving expected growth in      Deliver whole school professional learning on the creation     successful completion of it. Analysed and communicated
       reading to 58%.                                              and interpretation of Graphs and Measurement, including        by the Learning Support Team (LST). (Wellbeing, Data
                                                                    Pre and Post Testing and accurate record keeping for           Skills and Use).
       Target year: 2023                                            data analysis.
                                                                                                                                   Aboriginal Education
       Increase the % of students achieving expected growth in      Engage in building capacity, confidence and consistency
       numeracy to 68%.                                             in teaching through implementing numeracy skills into          All staff engage in professional learning and are confident
                                                                    teaching and learning programs, assessment and                 in the use of data to inform practice, particularly in the
       Target year: 2024                                            reporting across all KLAs.                                     SCOUT platform, and with its use in identifying student
                                                                                                                                   progress and identifying areas of improvement, with a
       Increase the % of students achieving expected growth         Continue the ongoing targeted support for students who         focus on Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students.
       through the PAT Mathematics and PAT Reading                  require additional assistance with Numeracy through the        Class profiles are updated with individual student
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Strategic Direction 1: Student growth and attainment

       Improvement measures              Initiatives                                                      Success criteria for this strategic direction
       programs by 10%.                  Quicksmart program.                                              information. (Wellbeing, Student Performance
                                                                                                          Measures, Data Skills and Use, Professional
                                         Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Education                  Standards).

                                         Deliver whole school professional learning on accessing          All Personalised Learning Pathways for all Aboriginal and
                                         and analysing data from a range of sources including             Torres Strait Islanders students are communicated to the
                                         NAPLAN data through the SCOUT platform and PAT                   students, their families and whole school staff. Class
                                         Mathematics and PAT Reading to inform practice and               profiles are updated with this information. (Learning
                                         identify areas for student growth, particularly in the area of   Culture).
                                         Reading and Numeracy for Aboriginal and Torres Strait
                                         Islander students. (What Works Best - Using data to              There is an emphasis on involvement and leadership in
                                         inform practice).                                                associated programs and events discussed through the
                                                                                                          roll call with students feeling valued and connected to
                                         Create Personalised Learning Pathways for all Aboriginal         their culture. (Wellbeing).
                                         and Torres Strait Islanders students including the
                                         development of academic and personal goals with                  Our Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students are
                                         consultation and communication with their families and to        engaged with their learning and progress through the
                                         all staff.                                                       targeted programs of MultiLit and Quicksmart. (Data
                                                                                                          Skills and Use).
                                         Students attend a weekly roll call to meet with other
                                         Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students building          Strong relationships continue with Macquarie University's
                                         their sense of belonging and connectedness to their              Walanga Muru Program, exploring possibilities of further
                                         culture.                                                         engagement and expansion. (Community Engagement).

                                         Continue the ongoing targeted support for Aboriginal and         There is high engagement with the families and broader
                                         Torres Strait Islander students who require additional           community of our Aboriginal and Torres Trait Islander
                                         assistance with Literacy and Numeracy through the                students including with the Nurringingy Local AECG.
                                         MultiLit and Quicksmart programs and the ongoing                 (Community Engagement).
                                         support both in and outside the classroom from the
                                         Aboriginal School Learning Support Officer.

                                         Continue the school's partnership with Macquarie
                                                                                                          Evaluation plan for this strategic direction
                                         University with the Walanga Muru Program aiming to
                                                                                                          Questions: Do staff have a greater understanding and
                                         deepen their cultural knowledge and pride and inspire
                                                                                                          confidence in using SCOUT data to inform practice? Was
                                         them to reach their goals and encourage tertiary
                                                                                                          the professional learning that was delivered in all aspects
                                         education studies.
                                                                                                          detailed enough to provide staff with the skills necessary
                                                                                                          to improve student outcomes? What could be done
                                                                                                          better? Is the structure and timing of professional learning
                                                                                                          effective? What do staff require to make this more

                                                                                                          Data: External student performance measures (NAPLAN),
                                                                                                          internal student performance measures including the
                                                                                                          Literacy and Numeracy Progressions,

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Strategic Direction 1: Student growth and attainment

                                                                                            Evaluation plan for this strategic direction
                                                                                            teaching and learning programs, educational rounds
                                                                                            evidence, registrations, student work samples and LST
                                                                                            data on targeted program progression.

                                                                                            Analysis: Analysis will be embedded within the initiatives
                                                                                            through implementation and progress monitoring. Analyse
                                                                                            the data to determine the extent to which the purpose has
                                                                                            been achieved.

                                                                                            Implications: Where do we go from here? What changes
                                                                                            to we need to make now? Future directions and next
                                                                                            steps. What do we need to improve on? How can that

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Strategic Direction 2: Student Empowerment and Engagement

       Purpose                                                        Initiatives                                                   Success criteria for this strategic direction
       Our purpose is to empower and engage students. This will                                                                     Streamlined attendance policy and procedures ensure
       be achieved by a whole school focus on improved                Attendance                                                    clarity and consistency at each stage to support student
       attendance, the introduction of Social Emotional Learning                                                                    attendance at school. (Learning Culture, Management
       (SEL) and Problem Based Learning (PBL) lessons as well         Complete a self-assessment of current practices against       Practices and Processes)
       as the further embedding of Future Focused Learning            the School Attendance Self-Assessment Sprint.
       across all faculties. Teachers will be highly skilled in the                                                                 Social and Emotional Learning (SEL) and collaborative
       areas of Aboriginal Pedagogies, Collaborative Learning         Refine structures and procedures, analyse attendance          Problem Based Learning (PBL) are introduced as explicit
       and Inquiry Based Learning as a result of high impact          data on a regular basis and evaluate system effectiveness     lessons in the Stage 4 student timetable. (Wellbeing)
       professional development and students will be motivated        to inform future planning.
       to deliver their best and continually improve.                                                                               Staff are engaged in professional learning on Student
                                                                      Strengthen the relationship between teachers, parents         Engagement practices. (Learning and Development,
                                                                      and the community so that a cohesive network is created       Professional Standards)
       Improvement measures                                           that supports consistent and systematic processes to
                                                                      ensure student absences do not impact on learning             The school community demonstrates aspirational
       Target year: 2022
                                                                      outcomes.                                                     expectations of learning progress and achievement for all
                                                                                                                                    students, and is committed to the pursuit of excellence.
       The proportion of students attending school more than
                                                                      Promote the importance of attendance through                  (Learning Culture, Wellbeing)
       90% of the time increases by 6% or above from the
                                                                      newsletters, school website, assemblies, Year Meetings
                                                                      and documentation sent home.                                  Teaching programs include innovative and engaging
       Target year: 2022                                                                                                            strategies/activities within their units. (Learning Culture,
                                                                      Implement an attendance recognition system to celebrate       Curriculum, Differentiation, Formative Assessment)
                                                                      regular and improved attendance.
       TTFM Wellbeing data (advocacy, belonging, expectations)
       improves to be at or above the target of 63.2%                                                                               Assessment tasks are engaging, explicitly reflect grade
                                                                      Student Empowerment                                           determination and provide meaningful feedback.
                                                                                                                                    (Assessment, Data Skills and Use)
       Target year: 2024                                              Provide opportunities for students to actively connect to
                                                                      their learning through meaningful, engaging and
       Negative student incidents decrease.                           rewarding personalised learning experiences.
                                                                                                                                    Evaluation plan for this strategic direction
       Target year: 2024                                              Create scope and sequence for Social and Emotional
                                                                      Learning (SEL) and Problem Based Learning (PBL)               Questions: Has the re-structuring of attendance
                                                                      lessons with highly structured outcomes and pre and post      procedures made an improvement in attendance rates?
       Increase the number of students participating positively in                                                                  Has the introduction of SEL and PBL for Years 7 and 8
       school community programs and engaging with practices          surveys to indicate the level of student engagement and
                                                                      success.                                                      developed greater self-responsibility and encouraged
       and policies to further learning and personal growth.                                                                        students to be innovative? Are Year Meetings considered
                                                                      Implement a SEL teaching program which integrates             as valuable times to develop group cohesiveness? What
       Target year: 2024                                                                                                            impact have the focus areas of PB4L, educational rounds
                                                                      elements of evidence based practices such as: Rock and
                                                                      Water, Peer Support and Study Skills to foster resilience,    and differentiation had on increasing teacher's knowledge
       Student responses in school surveys communicate that                                                                         and ability to effectively implement teaching strategies?
       innovative and engaging strategies/activities are              build positive relationships and develop responsibility for
       incorporated into the majority of their lessons.               learning.
       Target year: 2024                                              Develop greater student self-worth and acknowledge
                                                                      personal achievements through targeted                        Attendance: Sentral data and SCOUT
       Post assessment student surveys and faculty analysis of        initiatives/activities in accordance with the Student
                                                                      Wellbeing Framework.                                          Student Empowerment: SEL and PBL Registrations,
       assessment data indicate that assessment tasks are
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Strategic Direction 2: Student Empowerment and Engagement

       Improvement measures                                      Initiatives                                                  Evaluation plan for this strategic direction
       engaging, aligned to outcomes, standards of achievement                                                                TTFM survey, Survey monkey for parent, student and
       are clearly articulated and meaningful feedback is        Provide opportunities for students to succeed and            staff perception, number of positive incidents entered on
       provided.                                                 success is celebrated in a way that is meaningful to them.   Sentral.

                                                                 Innovative Teaching Practices                                Staff Professional Learning: Differentiation: Programs,
                                                                                                                              Assessment Tasks and faculty evaluations of the task,
                                                                 Provide high impact professional learning on linking         feedback from educational rounds videos, classroom
                                                                 student engagement to assessment and ensuring                observations, program registrations and staff survey.
                                                                 outcomes reflect academic standards.
                                                                                                                              Analysis: Analysis will be embedded within the initiatives
                                                                 Embed educational rounds into school professional            through implementation and progress monitoring.
                                                                 learning so that professional dialogue, collaboration,       Annually the school will review progress towards the
                                                                 classroom observation, the modelling of effective practice   improvement measures.
                                                                 and the provision of specific and timely feedback is
                                                                 shared between staff.                                        Implications: Where do we go from here? What changes
                                                                                                                              need to take place? Future directions and next steps.
                                                                 Develop meaningful activities in faculty teams that
                                                                 challenge students as well as provide opportunities to be
                                                                 creative and innovative.

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Strategic Direction 3: Elevating Educational and Career Aspirations

       Purpose                                                      Initiatives                                                     Success criteria for this strategic direction
       Our purpose is to raise students' educational and career                                                                     General Capabilities Project
       aspirations through the provision of enhanced and more       General Capabilities Project (GCP)
       diverse curriculum and credentialing options, personalised                                                                   All Stages 5 and 6 school leavers taking with them an
       career pathway planning and community engagement.            Establish and embed a General Capabilities Project Team         evidenced and personalised general capabilities report to
       This will, in turn, increase the proportion of students      (Deputy Principal, Careers Advisor and Community                assist in transitioning into employment and/or further
       completing Year 12 or exiting with credentials that lead     Liaison Officer).                                               training.
       directly to employment and/or further training.
                                                                    Conduct student surveys related to employability skills         The metalanguage of the general capabilities and work
                                                                    (including general capabilities and careers planning) for       and enterprise skills are fluently used and understood by
       Improvement measures                                         Years 9, 10 and 11 and use data to evaluate and inform          staff and students to articulate the inherent value in
                                                                    practice.                                                       classroom learning experiences and describe student
       Target year: 2024
                                                                                                                                    growth through skills development.
                                                                    Challenge and support students to set high expectations
       All attending students in Stages 5 and 6 have assessed       for themselves in career planning interviews each term to       Seven Hills High School students are choosing to
       their employability skills and are co-creating their         collaborate, co-construct and evidence a personalised           continue into Stage 6 learning.
       personalised General Capabilities Report (GCR).              GCR.
                                                                                                                                    (Learning Culture - Transitions and continuity of
       All teachers explicitly identify the general capabilities    Apply collaborative meta-analysis to GCRs to inform             learning, High Expectations, Curriculum - Provision,
       being developed through their teaching and learning          planning for credentialling program, mentorships and the        Student Performance Measures - Student Growth)
       activities.                                                  establishment of business/industry linkages for targeted
                                                                    students.                                                       Enhanced Curriculum Pathways, VET & Additional
       Improvement in Stage 5 and 6 students valuing school
       outcomes and perceiving the importance of skills             Embed processes that engage local industry and
       development from the 2020 base line 'Tell Them From          businesses to make explicit connections between school          Parents are choosing Seven Hills High School for their
       Me' Survey data.                                             learning and career pathways.                                   child because of the VET and other credentialing
                                                                                                                                    opportunities on offer.
       Annually increase in retention rates into Stage 6 each       Implement high impact professional learning for staff on
       year compared to 2021 baseline data.                         embedding the general capabilities and work and                 Students are enrolling and succeeding in School-Based
                                                                    enterprise skills into classroom practice (explicit teaching)   Apprenticeships and Traineeships (SBATs), VET courses,
       Target year: 2024
                                                                    and programs.                                                   work placement and pre-apprenticeship training
       Annual increase in the number of courses offered and                                                                         programs.
                                                                    Enhanced Curriculum Pathways, VET & Additional
       undertaken by students in Stage 5 and 6.
                                                                    Credentialing                                                   Students in Stages 5 and 6 are gaining additional micro-
       Annual increase in the number of students studying                                                                           credentials in a range of skills sets or units of
                                                                    Challenge students to learn new skills, obtain additional       competency.
       school based Vocational Education and Training (VET)
                                                                    credentials and engage in workplace and further training
       courses, and onsite TAFE courses (as of 2023).
                                                                    experiences through the offering of a range of                  Students are stepping into further training or employment
                                                                    opportunities targeted to student stage, interest and           directly from school.
       Improved community perception of Seven Hills HS as a
                                                                    career aspirations.
       Stage 6 course and VET provider from the baseline data
       gained from the VET Pilot Program Community                                                                                  (Curriculum - Provision, Differentiation, Learning
                                                                    Create and deliver a suite of opportunities and programs        Culture - Transitions and continuity of learning & High
       Consultation Survey 2020.
                                                                    aimed at students gaining early access to workplace             expectations, Student Performance Measures)
                                                                    experiences, traineeships, Industry-Based Learning (IBL)
       Annual increase in the number of school leavers engaged
                                                                    and VET pathways.
       in further education, training or employment starting with

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Strategic Direction 3: Elevating Educational and Career Aspirations

        Improvement measures                                      Initiatives                                                    Evaluation plan for this strategic direction
        2020 base line Post School Destination data.              Embed VET course opportunities and learnings into Stage        Questions:
                                                                  5 programming.
        Annual increase in the number of students attaining                                                                      Has the Employability Skills Survey provided useful data
        additional credentials and work ready skills through an   Implement a program of micro-credentialing for Stages 5        that can be acted upon to better serve students career
        ever broadening offering of school based and extra        and 6 to develop a Digital Education Passport in an array      planning and course selection?
        curricular training opportunities.                        of Skill Sets or individual units of competency i.e. Prepare
                                                                  to work safely in the construction industry, First Aid,        Has the GCP increased student engagement and
                                                                  Prepare and serve espresso coffee, etc.                        perceptions about the future usefulness of the work they
                                                                                                                                 are doing in each class / course?
                                                                  Diversify the VET curriculum offerings to Stages 5 and 6
                                                                  (VET Business Services and Financial Services.                 Are students taking up VET courses, SBATs, IBL as part
                                                                  Compacted Business and Financial Services for suitable         of their Stage 5 and 6 pattern of study?
                                                                  candidates in Year 12).
                                                                                                                                 Are students choosing Seven Hills High School to
                                                                  Build capacity of teaching staff as identified staff engage    undertake a VET course? Has the profile of Seven Hills
                                                                  each year in professional learning to attain necessary         High School continued to improve in community
                                                                  qualifications to deliver VET courses, and to ensure a         perceptions?
                                                                  supply chain of credentialed staff.
                                                                                                                                 Are the post school destinations for Seven Hills High
                                                                  Establish a business centre teaching space within Seven        School students either further training or employment? Is
                                                                  Hills High School (to be relocated to the new build in         there a reduction in unemployment among Seven Hills
                                                                  2023).                                                         High School leavers?

                                                                  Communicate and engage the school community through            Has Seven Hills High School deepened its connections to
                                                                  a coordinated strategy that unpacks the VET Pilot              community through local industry and business links?
                                                                  Program (including the new build from 2023), the
                                                                  significance of VET learning and the VET pathways              Data:
                                                                  possible through Seven Hills High School.
                                                                                                                                 General Capabilities Project
                                                                  Challenge and engage partner primary school students
                                                                  and parents through a Promotional Program, encouraging         Teaching and Learning Programs - clearly identify general
                                                                  students in partner Primary schools to see the value in        capabilities and work & enterprise skills for Stages 5 and
                                                                  pursuing careers through VET programs at Seven Hills           6
                                                                  High School.
                                                                                                                                 Teacher observations of lesson delivery featuring general
                                                                                                                                 capabilities linkages

                                                                                                                                 'Tell them from me' survey

                                                                                                                                 Completed capabilities reports - meta analysis

                                                                                                                                 Post school destination data

                                                                                                                                 Event evaluation data - student perceptions of industry
                                                                                                                                 and employer presenters
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Strategic Direction 3: Elevating Educational and Career Aspirations

                                                                                              Evaluation plan for this strategic direction

                                                                                              VET Curriculum Pathways

                                                                                              Subject selection data

                                                                                              Retention data - Year 10-12

                                                                                              HSC data commencing from 2022

                                                                                              Program evaluation data - Community Engagement and
                                                                                              Primary Schools Promotions

                                                                                              SCOUT Data


                                                                                              Analysis will be embedded within the initiatives through
                                                                                              implementation and progress monitoring. Annually, the
                                                                                              school will review progress towards the improvement


                                                                                              Where do we go from here? What changes need to take
                                                                                              place? Future directions and next steps? What do we
                                                                                              need to improve upon? How can that happen?

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