Strategic Plan 2021 2025 - Delivering for patients through collaborative health product regulation - HPRA

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Strategic Plan 2021 2025 - Delivering for patients through collaborative health product regulation - HPRA
Strategic Plan 2021 – 2025
Delivering for patients through collaborative
health product regulation
Strategic Plan 2021 2025 - Delivering for patients through collaborative health product regulation - HPRA
    This Strategic Plan sets out our ambition for             Scientific and technological innovation has
    the next five years to deliver better outcomes            accelerated dramatically in recent years with
    for people and animals through value-driven               advances in personalised medicines, convergence of
    regulation and partnerships.                              health products with digital information, and novel
                                                              manufacturing technologies. Innovative products
    Building on our partnerships with others is a key
                                                              can greatly improve patient outcomes but may pose
    theme of this five-year strategy. The twin challenges
                                                              challenges to the current regulatory system as well as
    of Brexit and Covid-19 have demonstrated the need
                                                              create the need for appropriate supports. Working
    for, and value of, working collaboratively across
                                                              together with European and international partners,
    Europe and internationally, with the health system in
                                                              we will contribute to more timely and consistent
    Ireland, and with patients and the public. Working
                                                              approaches to regulating innovative products. We
    with national agencies, professional bodies and
                                                              will also need to develop the necessary expertise to
    patient groups can help us regulate more effectively
                                                              regulate effectively in a digitised environment.
    taking into account the needs of the health system,
    while our input into relevant parts of the system can     The Strategy has been developed in a highly
    influence the safe use of health products in clinical     collaborative way, involving all staff and the
    practice. The pandemic has also highlighted the           members of the Authority and the statutory advisory
    importance of the interconnectedness of the health        committees. A public consultation provided
    of people, animals, plants and the environment,           feedback from many stakeholders to help guide the
    known as the One Health concept.                          development of the plan. We would like to thank
                                                              all those who took the time and effort to make
    Patients are the users of medicines, devices and
                                                              submissions which have been taken into account in
    health products and our most important stakeholder
                                                              the preparation of this plan.
    group. Regulators are increasingly mindful that
    the views of the public and patients must be              Implementation will require a high level of
    incorporated into the regulatory process. While we        commitment and effort from everyone, enabled
    have taken forward specific initiatives over recent       by continuing development of our people, ways of
    years, we are committed through this plan to              working and a digital transformation programme.
    building greater engagement with patients which we        Key targets will be included in the Performance
    believe will contribute to broader-based and better-      Delivery Agreement with the Department of Health.
    informed regulatory decisions.                            Detailed activities will be planned and delivered
                                                              through the annual business planning cycle, and
    Major legislative changes will occur over the next five
                                                              implementation monitored through reporting to
    years, with the implementation of EU Regulations
                                                              senior management and the Authority.
    on clinical trials, veterinary medicines, medical
    devices and in-vitro diagnostics, and each Regulation     We look forward to working with the Authority,
    will impact significantly on the operation of the         the advisory committee members and our staff
    relevant regulatory system. For the HPRA, these           in delivering on this strategy in a time of some
    constitute major projects which require contribution      uncertainty but great potential for enhancing the
    to national legislation, extensive engagement with        value of health product regulation for people,
    all stakeholders, and development of information          animals and the healthcare system.
    resources for those affected by the legislation.
    We are living in a time in which public demand
    for information is increasing, and numerous,
    sometimes unreliable, information sources exist.
    Conflicting information and multiple channels
    of communication can undermine the critical               Ann Horan                        Lorraine Nolan
    importance of the regulatory system. We will              Chairperson                      Chief executive
    maintain a focus on increasing understanding of the
    work we do, being transparent around decision-
    making, communicating via suitable channels in a
    timely manner, and identifying and appropriately
    managing emerging risks.

2                                                                                       HPRA Strategic Plan 2021 – 2025
Strategic Plan 2021 2025 - Delivering for patients through collaborative health product regulation - HPRA
What we regulate                  How we regulate

         Human                     We inspect companies and
         medicines                 facilities which test, make
                                   or distribute health products
                                   to ensure that they comply
                                   with relevant standards and

         Medical devices
         for human use
                                   We grant licences to
                                   companies to make,
         Clinical                  distribute and market
         trials                    medicines after a review
                                   of their safety, quality and
         Blood and blood

         Human tissues
                                   We continuously monitor
         and cells
                                   medicines, medical devices
                                   and other health products,
         Human organs for          responding quickly to any
         transplantation           safety or quality concerns

                                   We produce safety and
                                   quality information to
         Cosmetics                 support the safe use of
                                   health products

         The use of animals for
         scientific purposes

HPRA Strategic Plan 2021 – 2025                                    3
Strategic Plan 2021 2025 - Delivering for patients through collaborative health product regulation - HPRA
Our mission, vision and values
Our mission

              We regulate medicines
              and devices for the benefit
              of people and animals

              Excellence in health product
Our vision

              regulation through science,
              collaboration and innovation

              Patient focused           Collaboration             Excellence
              We put the interests of   We work with others       We work to the highest
              those who use health      in partnership, respect   personal, professional
Our values

              products first            and trust                 and scientific standards

              Integrity                 Inclusion                 Innovation
              We are independent,       We believe in the power   We continually learn,
              transparent and           of diversity, where       adapt and improve
              accountable               everyone is equal

       4                                                               HPRA Strategic Plan 2021 – 2025
Strategic Plan 2021 2025 - Delivering for patients through collaborative health product regulation - HPRA
Our strategy
                                    Delivering for patients through collaborative
                                             health product regulation

                                      Goal 1                    Goal 2                    Goal 3                       Goal 4
Our goals

                                  Health system               Progressive              Communication                    Enabling
                                   partnerships                regulation             and engagement                   innovation
                                   Strengthening          Increasing our use of           Improving                Enhancing our
                                         our                proportionate and           our models of                supports for
                                   collaborations         adaptive approaches           engagement                innovation from
                                 across all areas of        for better patient          to strengthen            discovery through
                                 the health system              outcomes               public trust and             to regulatory
                                                                                         confidence                    approval

                                Address current and       Maximise the               Engage with               Promote an
                                emerging public           opportunity                stakeholders to           agile approach
                                health challenges         presented by               drive improvements        to appropriate
                                and priorities            new legislation to         in regulatory             regulation of
                                                          enhance regulation         activities                innovations
                                Enhance the role          of health products
Where our focus will be

                                of the HPRA as                                       Strengthen                Contribute to Irish
                                a partner and             Strengthen use             trust in the              research through
                                contributor within        of risk based              regulatory system         outreach and
                                the health system,        approaches to              through greater           engagement
                                to optimise safe          regulation                 transparency and
                                and effective use of                                 clarity                   Prioritise areas
                                health products           Respond to the                                       of innovation for
                                                          globalised industry        Further develop           organisational
                                Enhance national          and markets                information               development
                                systems to better                                    resources and
                                regulate animal                                      communication
                                health products and                                  platforms
                                scientific animal use

                                                                             Goal 5
What we need to do to succeed

                                                                 Great people, great processes
                                                            Developing our organisation and people to
                                                                  successfully achieve our goals

                                Develop and empower our people to achieve and succeed
                                Improve organisation effectiveness through extended and enhanced use of digital technologies
                                Create better ways of working for the organisation, its stakeholders and the environment
                                Ensure financial stability and capacity to meet the future needs of the organisation

HPRA Strategic Plan 2021 – 2025                                                                                                      5
Strategic Plan 2021 2025 - Delivering for patients through collaborative health product regulation - HPRA
Goal 1

Health system
across all areas
 of the health
Strategic Plan 2021 2025 - Delivering for patients through collaborative health product regulation - HPRA
Goal 1: Health system partnerships
Strengthening our collaborations across all areas of the health system

 Objectives            Specific actions                               Outcomes

 1.1 Address           Improve preparedness for significant           Formalised mechanisms and systems with
 current and           change, threats and crises impacting in        regulatory and health system partners
 emerging              health product regulation and availability.    provide greater responsiveness, continuity
 public health                                                        and resilience.
 challenges and
                       Collaborate with government, the health        The impact of Brexit on availability of health
 priorities            system and other stakeholders to manage        products is minimised and measures are in
                       the regulation and availability of health      place that strengthen integration with other
                       products post Brexit.                          European markets.

                       Collaborate nationally and internationally     Covid-19 diagnostics, therapeutics and
                       on the regulation and surveillance of          vaccines used in Ireland are robustly
                       medicines, medical devices, diagnostics        regulated and monitored, with up-to-date
                       and vaccines for Covid-19.                     information provided to all stakeholders.

                       Contribute to One Health initiatives           Improved understanding of wider impacts
                       including antimicrobial resistance and         of health products, and actions taken to
                       impacts of health products on the              reduce adverse effects.

 1.2 Enhance           Strengthen systems for exchange of             Better quality and diversity of data enhance
 the role of           information and reporting on health            monitoring and surveillance over the
 the HPRA as           products between health system partners,       lifecycle of a health product.
 a partner and         healthcare professionals, members of the
                       public and the HPRA.
 within the
                       Leverage collaborative efforts to promote      Engagement across stakeholders enables
 health system,
                       and support system-wide responses to           cohesive and coordinated responses to
 to optimise           important health product issues.               important health product issues.
 safe and
 effective use         Enhance understanding of how important         Approaches developed to evaluate the
 of health             regulatory action is best embedded             impact and effectiveness of significant
 products              and implemented into clinical practice         regulatory action at national level.

                       Contribute to the implementation of the        Health system developments informed and
                       Sláintecare programme for healthcare           enhanced by regulatory requirements for
                       delivery.                                      health products.

                       Support the continued development of the       Clinical researchers have access to
                       clinical research infrastructure in Ireland.   integrated supports and a streamlined
                                                                      system for clinical study approvals.

 1.3 Enhance           Embed the application of 3R principles in      Projects and clinical trials conducted in
 national              animal-based research in Ireland.              Ireland meet international best practice in
 systems to                                                           3Rs.
 better regulate
 animal health         Strengthen the pharmacovigilance system        The pharmacovigilance system is more
                       through new methods and tools for              responsive and effective, with increased
                       promotion and analysis of reports and          reporting by healthcare professionals and
 and scientific
                       dissemination of safety information to         animal owners.
 animal use            healthcare professionals and animal owners.

HPRA Strategic Plan 2021 – 2025                                                                                        7
Strategic Plan 2021 2025 - Delivering for patients through collaborative health product regulation - HPRA
Goal 2

Increasing our use
 of proportionate
   and adaptive
  approaches for
   better patient
Strategic Plan 2021 2025 - Delivering for patients through collaborative health product regulation - HPRA
Goal 2: Progressive regulation
Increasing our use of proportionate and adaptive approaches for better
patient outcomes

 Objectives            Specific actions                                Outcomes

 2.1 Maximise          Develop stakeholder partnerships to             Implementation delivers value to all
 the                   support implementation of new legislation       stakeholders, reduces regulatory burden
 opportunity           for medical devices, clinical trials and        where appropriate, while ensuring
 presented by          veterinary medicines.                           protection for the users of health products.
 new legislation
                       Promote European network approaches,            Strengthened cooperation across the
 to enhance            expertise development and mutual                EU regulatory network with measurable
 regulation            reliance among regulators in line with new      impacts.
 of health             requirements.
                       Influence the development of national           Gaps in regulatory approaches and areas
                       legislation to enhance standards and            not covered by regulation identified and
                       regulation.                                     actioned.

 2.2 Strengthen        Further develop internal capabilities to        Increased organisational competency
 use of                identify areas of risk through greater use of   in risk and risk management principles.
 risk based            intelligence sources.                           Intelligence sources identified for proactive
 approaches to                                                         management of emerging risks.
                       Adapt assessment, compliance monitoring         Risk-based strategies increase use of
                       and enforcement approaches in line with         proactive approaches, and reduce the level
                       identified risks.                               of non-compliance.

                       Enhance focus on lifecycle management in        Demonstrated use of data-driven, risk-
                       our regulatory approach.                        adaptive approaches to support regulatory
                                                                       decisions pre and post approval.

 2.3 Respond to        Promote greater use of mutual reliance          Demonstrated influence on the European
 the globalised        among global regulators.                        and international networks’ strategic
 industry and                                                          objectives on mutual reliance.
                       Drive the development of greater                Active participation and contribution in
                       international convergence and                   relevant international committees and
                       harmonisation on regulatory standards.          projects.

                       Promote greater communication of risk           Demonstrated influence on the
                       and intelligence sharing among global           establishment of infrastructure to support
                       regulators.                                     intelligence sharing among global

HPRA Strategic Plan 2021 – 2025                                                                                        9
Goal 3

and engagement
  our models of
  to strengthen
 public trust and
Goal 3: Communication and engagement
Improving our models of engagement to strengthen public trust and

 Objectives            Specific actions                               Outcomes

 3.1 Engage            Develop new engagement and                     Stakeholder analysis is regularly conducted,
 with                  communications strategies in consultation      their views are valued and taken into
 stakeholders          with stakeholders.                             account across corporate and regulatory
 to drive                                                             activities.
                       Use the voices of patients and the public to   Demonstrable proactive partnership model
 in regulatory
                       inform our regulatory and safety monitoring    based on listening, understanding and
                       programmes.                                    communicating with the public.

                       Establish a greater level of ongoing           Engagement with healthcare professionals
                       engagement with healthcare professionals       contributes to greater patient safety and
                       and their representative bodies.               optimal use of health products.

 3.2 Strengthen        Promote awareness and understanding of         Greater public profile of the agency and
 trust in the          the HPRA’s role in protecting the health of    perception of trust in health product
 regulatory            people and animals.                            regulation.
 through               Increase proactive publishing of clear,        Additional information and data sets
                       relevant and understandable information.       published, with greater transparency
                                                                      around the evaluation process.
 and clarity           Incorporate current best practices in          Improved ability to communicate in clear
                       communicating science and risk.                terms with the recipient in mind.

 3.3 Further           Develop our website as a key                   Communications with stakeholders
 develop               communication tool for interacting with        integrated into organisational processes.
 information           stakeholders and an authoritative source of    Timely website content in plain language,
 resources and         reliable regulatory information.               accessible in formats appropriate to the
                                                                      different stakeholder groups.
 platforms             Increase use of social media and other         Increased reach and diversity of content
                       communication methods including                across different audiences and channels,
                       traditional and non-media where                supporting key safety messaging.

                       Contribute to educational programmes for       A range of resources is available for
                       key target groups.                             patients, and for healthcare professionals
                                                                      and researchers at relevant points in their

HPRA Strategic Plan 2021 – 2025                                                                                      11
Goal 4

  Enhancing our
    supports for
 innovation from
discovery through
   to regulatory
Goal 4: Enabling innovation
Enhancing our supports for innovation from discovery through to
regulatory approval

 Objectives            Specific actions                                  Outcomes

 4.1 Promote an        Actively contribute to EU and international       The regulatory system is well positioned
 agile approach        horizon-scanning initiatives.                     to respond to the dynamic life sciences
 to appropriate                                                          environment.
 regulation of
                       Support regulatory science tools and              Novel therapies and technologies are
                       approaches that effectively respond to            effectively regulated while facilitating safe
                       scientific and technological innovation.          and timely access.

                       Promote cooperation and integration               Regulatory standards and guidance provide
                       between regulatory networks and                   for consistent and integrated evaluation of
                       frameworks to facilitate harmonisation and        borderline/combination products.
                       avoid duplication.

 4.2 Contribute        Work with national partners to use existing       Established mechanisms in place for
 to Irish              networks to raise awareness of regulatory         systematic outreach to relevant research
 research              supports among Irish life sciences                communities.
 through               researchers.
 outreach and          Provide advice and guidance for researchers       Regular use by researchers of regulatory
 engagement            that can be accessed throughout the               and scientific advice provided by the HPRA
                       development cycle.                                or the European regulatory system.

                       Engage with Irish researchers and                 Input from researchers informs the
                       developers to identify mechanisms and             development of new or improved
                       support initiatives that facilitate the           regulatory supports. Irish researchers
                       translation of research into clinical practice.   participate in initiatives aimed at this sector.

 4.3 Prioritise        Develop and implement a strategy that             A programme of activities for competence
 areas of              identifies key areas of innovation for            development in focus areas relevant to
 innovation for        organisational specialisation.                    patients, the research community and the
 organisational                                                          life sciences sector in Ireland.
                       Develop knowledge and skills to regulate          Capabilities contribute to and keep pace
                       in a digitised environment encompassing           with the advances in digitisation in the
                       regulatory processes, products,                   regulatory environment.
                       manufacturing, wholesaling, and healthcare

                       Engage with EU regulatory network to              Increased levels of advice provided within
                       maximise contribution of key expertise.           areas of specific expertise.

HPRA Strategic Plan 2021 – 2025                                                                                             13
Goal 5

  Great people,
 great processes
  Developing our
   and people to
successfully achieve
     our goals
Goal 5: Great people, great processes
Developing our organisation and people to successfully achieve our goals

 Objectives            Specific actions                                Outcomes

 5.1 Develop           Design and implement a new people               An organisation-wide strategy based on
 and empower           strategy.                                       developing the skills and competencies
 our people to                                                         needed to ensure a resilient, evolving
 achieve and                                                           workplace.
 succeed                                                               An enhanced employee experience and
                                                                       wellbeing at work.
                                                                       Values based, purposeful working.

                       Define key areas of expertise and future        Agreed development pathways to access
                       skills needs.                                   key skills, e.g. training programmes,
                                                                       recruitment, contract workers.

                       Enhance leadership capability to manage         A resilient organisation, flexible, responsive
                       the organisation through change and             and adaptable to meet emerging
                       growth.                                         challenges.

 5.2 Improve           Consolidate case management onto a              Streamlined operational processes
 organisation          single, optimised platform. Enhance data        and analytics. Reduced complexity of
 effectiveness         quality and decision support capabilities.      technology environment.
                       Extend digital integration with stakeholders,   Enhanced engagement with stakeholders
 extended and
                       providing integration with core applications.   and contribution to the national health
                                                                       system. Improved integration with the
 use of digital
                                                                       European regulatory network.
                       Improve performance and resilience of           Improved technology risk profile and
                       the technology infrastructure. Enhance the      enhanced operational flexibility. Reduced
                       security of the digital infrastructure.         risk of cyber intrusion or data loss.

 5.3 Create            Define the optimal organisational design to     A sustainable organisational structure
 better ways           support delivery of our remit now and into      underpinned by a robust succession plan
 of working            the future.                                     and people strategy.
 for the
                       Develop models of working that meet the         Flexible approaches to support
                       changing environment and future of work.        performance and productivity conducive to
                                                                       an adaptive model of working.
 and the               Improve cross-organisational                    Balanced resource utilisation, consistency of
 environment           methodologies for better management of          processes, and enhanced use of expertise
                       capacity and organisational performance.        across different functional areas.

                       Continue to take actions that sustain more      Government targets for public sector
                       environmentally friendly practices.             energy efficiency are met, staff encouraged
                                                                       to reduce their own energy usage and
                                                                       CO2 emissions, and goods purchased
                                                                       reflect environmental considerations where
                       Ensure ongoing compliance with the public       Equality of opportunity and treatment
                       sector equality and human rights duty.          for staff, stakeholders and those we
                                                                       communicate and interact with.

HPRA Strategic Plan 2021 – 2025                                                                                         15
Goal 5

      Objectives      Specific actions                              Outcomes

      5.4 Ensure      Update financial and fee modelling to take    Stable financial systems allowing
      financial       account of the changing environment for       management of the organisation in a
      stability and   the organisation and for regulated sectors.   steady state and with ongoing changes in
      capacity                                                      the external environment.
      to meet
      the future      Conduct a structured review of the use of     Sustainable and efficient use of resources
      needs of the    the infrastructure and utilisation plans to   including the building.
      organisation    reflect the new paradigms of working.

16                                                                                    HPRA Strategic Plan 2021 – 2025
Health Products Regulatory Authority
​Kevin O’Malley House
 Earlsfort Centre
 Earlsfort Terrace
 Dublin 2
 D02 XP77
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