Student Guide London 2018 - Frances King School of English

Page created by Clifton Dawson
Student Guide London 2018 - Frances King School of English
1. Useful maps
                            2. Studying at FK
                            3. Holidays/Problems
                            4. Other useful info
                            5. Student Charter
                            6. Things to do in London
                            7. Getting around
                            9. Useful apps
                            10. Health

Student Guide London 2018
                            11. Emergencies/Hospitals
                            12. Personal Safety
                            13. The law in the UK
Student Guide London 2018 - Frances King School of English
Welcome to Frances King
Welcome to Frances King. We hope
you enjoy your time with us. This guide
contains useful information about the
school and life in London. It answers
the questions that we are asked most
often. If you need any extra information
or help, we are always here to talk to
                                              USEFUL MAPS
Kelly Harding
Head of Administration
                                             Frances King - Kensington                                                                                     Frances King - Belgravia
                                                                                                    Cromwell Ro
                                                                                                                                                                        Hyde Park
Important Points                                                                                                                                            MAP
1. Please don’t smoke on the steps or                                                                                              Road                                                     Constitution Hill
   block the door of any of our buildings

2. Please don’t drink or eat inside                                                                           Road

   classrooms or the study centres                                                                                       uce


3. Please put your mobile on silent in
                                                                                                                           Ro a


   class and in the study centres                                     l


                                                            Cou                                                                                                                                 Palace                              alk

4. Please arrive at your class on time. If                                                                                                                                                     Gardens                             W


   you know you will be late or miss a


   class please tell Student Services and                                                                   ens

   your teacher                                                                       Har
                                                                                               to                                                                                FK @ Quest

                                                                                                                                                                              Bussiness Training
5. Please attend every day. We do not

                                                                                                                                                                                5 Grosvenor

   issue certificates for students that                                                                                                                                            Gardens

   attend less than 80%


6. Please tell us if you change your

                                                                                                                                                Arms Pub

   address, phone number, email or visa                                                       rden

                                                                                     rby G                                                                                                                          Victoria
   status.                                                                 Weth

                                                                                                                                                                                                     gh a


Student Guide London 2018 - Frances King School of English
Studying at Frances King                                                                                                             Wi-fi
                                                                                                                                         e: st   udent
                                                                                                                                     o o k for the ool for
                                                                                                                                   L            sch
                                                                                                                                          d the
                                                                                                                                  aroun tudent wifi
        Student Services                                                                                                              the s word
                                                         Study Centre
For general information including exam
courses, booking exams and attendance
                                                 A place where you can study, and prac-
please come to Student Services. If your
                                                 tise your English.
personal details change while you are
studying please tell Student Services
                                                 You can use the computers and internet               Accommodation info
                                                 for personal purposes. You also have ac-
as soon as possible.
                                                 cess to books, films and other resources.
I want to change my class or teacher                                                          For accommodation enquiries, extensions and problems please
If you want to change your level you must                                                     speak to Student Services.
speak to your teacher. If you are unhappy
with your class / teacher and don’t want to             Recycling                             If you would like to extend your stay at your current accommoda-
talk to your teacher about it, please come
to Student Services and we will arrange                                                       tion, you will need to tell the school so the Student Services Team
for you to speak to someone about this.          Please put any paper, plastic or drinks      can check if it is possible. If we confirm that you can extend, you
                                                 cans into the green topped recycling bins.   need to pay everything in advance.
I am finishing my course this week...
We will give you a Student Feedback Form                                                      Cancellations
to complete and give in to reception the                                                      If you want to cancel your accommodation, you must tell us giving
Thursday before you leave. You will receive                                                   enough time (notice period) depending on your accommodation
your certificate in your class on your last
day. If you are leaving early and need your
                                                        Teachers’ Room                        type (e.g. homestay – 1 week). Please speak to a Student Services
                                                                                              Adviser as soon as possible for more information on how to pro-
certificate please go to Student Services at                                                  ceed with your cancellation.
least 2 days before your last day.               This is on the second floor at 77 Glouces-
I want to extend my course                       ter road. Come here if you want to speak
                                                 to a teacher or Academic Manager.
Just go to Student Services and ask to
extend your course. You will get placed in
                                                 I want to change my level
class and have your student card updated.                                                             Mail / Phone
Remember you have 10% re-enrolment               Talk with your teacher, tell them why you
discount. If you are from outside the EU,        want to change.
                                                 They will discuss with Academic Manag-       You can have mail sent to the school. We can accept urgent
please check that your visa is still valid for                                                messages by phone (+44 20 7870 6533) but we cannot interrupt
study.                                           ers and suggest the best option for you!
                                                                                              classes for you to take a call.
Student Guide London 2018 - Frances King School of English
Can I take a holiday
                                                 while I am studying?
                               I am studying for                            I am studying for less
                              more than 12 weeks                                than 12 weeks

                                                                                                              12 weeks study = 2 weeks holiday
                                                                                                              24 weeks study = 4 weeks holiday
                                                      I study in an                                           30 weeks study = 6 weeks holiday
                                                       exam class                                             36 weeks study = 6 weeks holiday

                                                                              You cannot take any             40 weeks study = 8 weeks holiday
                                I study                                        holiday. If this is a
                             General English                                 problem, please go to
                                                                            Student Services office

                              Yes! Please tell              Go to Student Services to find out
                               us the week                  how much holiday you have and
                             before you want                 to organise your holiday dates.
                             to go on holiday                      (Monday to Friday,
                                                                  complete weeks only)

                             HAVE A PROBLEM?
                                                                                                       If you have a complaint
                                                                                                       1. Go to Student Services where we may
                                                                                                       be able to resolve the problem.
          About your                        Personal, medical or about
            class?                            your accommodation?                                      2. If you are not satisfied, you may ask
                                                                                                       for an appointment with the Academic
                                                                                                       Manager or the Head of Administration.
      Teacher Team                                     Student                                         3. If you are still not satisfied, we will help
         Leaders                                       Services                                        you to write down the complaint and
                                                                                                       we will give it to the Director or you can
                                                                              Ask in Student           contact him directly by email
                                                                              Services Office for
                                                                              more information
                                                                                                       4. Frances King is a member of English
                                                                              „„ our Complaints
                                                                                                       UK, the Association of Accredited
                                                                              „„ our Cancellation      English Language Services. If you are not
                                                                                 Policy                satisfied with a decision of the school you
Ainsley            Maricel                                                                             may write to the association for advice.
                                Marcella         Federica        Kelly        „„ when students
                                                                                 might be asked to     Ask in Student Services Office for contact details.
Roberts            Samson        Dias            Marchese       Harding          leave their course.
Student Guide London 2018 - Frances King School of English
Visa and Police registration                                                                Working for Frances King
  Registering with the police: On your visa it may say that you need                          At Frances King we sometimes have opportunities for stu-
  to go to the police within a number of days of arrival in the UK.                           dents to get work experience as Student Services Student
  You need to take your passport or travel document, any Home                                 Assistants or in other departments.
  Office letters or forms and a work permit if you have one.                                  To apply for a Student Assistant role you need:
  Please go to:
                                                                                                  To be a Frances King student
   Sa                                                   The Overseas Visitors Record Office       To have a minimum upper intermediate level of English
                                                        Brandon House

                                                                                                  To be staying in the UK for a minimum of 12 weeks


             ar y
                                                                                                                                                           Please bring your CV (in
                                    H ig

                                                        323 Borough High Street                   To be legally entitled to work in the UK                English) to Marcella at the


        als                                                                                       A knowledge of other Languages (as a bonus).             Student Services Office

                                                        SE1 1LH

                                                        020 7230 1208                                                                                       or send it via email to
                                                                                              You will do 3 hours work in exchange for 3 free hours of

                                                        Opening times:                        study per day.




                                                        Monday to Friday 9.00—16.00

                                      er S

                                                        Closed on Weekends

                                                                                              Further study in the UK
 Work experience                                                                              If you are looking to go to university in the UK you can
                                                                                              ask The Student Services team for help.
 To help students find paid work experience in London, Frances
 King has a partnership with a work agency - they can arrange                                      Counselling on how to apply for and study at UK
 work in hotels, catering and in sales.                                                            universities;
 It is suitable for those who want experience of working in London                                 Help with university selection
 and the opportunity to improve their English, whilst earning a basic                              University application;
 salary.                                                                                           Support: writing of personal statements and CVs.               Ask for an
 Students who are already taking a course at Frances King, come                                                                                                appointment with
 to our Student Services Office and complete the Enrolment Form                               For more information and to make an appointment go to                Kanwal
 for paid work experience.                                                                    Student Services.
 18+ years, up to 30 years and available for at least 3 months.

Ask in the office for advice if you are planning a trip outside the UK.
We can provide letters that you might need at Immigration.
Student Guide London 2018 - Frances King School of English
Students at Frances King can expect...                                                  The school expects our students...
„„   honesty and accuracy in all information and publicity about our courses and        „„   to be aware that students under 18 and should be treated appropriately
                                                                                        „„   to attend classes everyday and on time
„„   a warm friendly service from Student Services with information on a range of
                                                                                        „„   to tell the school if they have to miss any classes due to illness or other reasons
     Frances King services
                                                                                        „„   to watch the school’s induction presentation to hear about school services and
„„   to be taught by qualified, experienced, professional teachers who plan and
                                                                                             health and safety issues
     prepare appropriate lessons
                                                                                        „„   to inform the Student Services department of any change of address or contact
„„   interesting and varied classes that use appropriate and effective teaching
                                                                                        „„   to follow the school’s IT policy and to not use the school’s computers
„„   an initial placement test to ensure that they are in the right level classes and
                                                                                             inappropriately or to download inappropriate material
     later opportunities to change level as they progress
                                                                                        „„   to follow health and safety guidelines and to avoid creating dangers in the
„„   to study in clean, well-lit, comfortable classrooms
„„   to have regular opportunities to discuss their progress during progress
                                                                                        „„   to respect other people’s cultures, traditions and beliefs and to avoid behaviour
     meetings with their teacher and opportunities to meet a Tutor or Academic
                                                                                             or language that may cause offence
     Managers for advice about their course.
                                                                                        „„   to be polite and respectful when speaking to other students, our staff and
„„   a wide choice of accommodation options with clear advice
                                                                                             accommodation providers
„„   an interesting and varied Activity Programme including many free activities
                                                                                        „„   to understand that bullying or harassment will not be tolerated
„„   access to our University Placement Officer who can give advice on all aspects
     of choosing and applying to university
„„   advice on which public exams to take, when and how to register
„„   free internet access either using computers in the study centre or via wireless
„„   help 24 hours/day via our emergency phone
Student Guide London 2018 - Frances King School of English
Things to do in London
                                                                                                                                            ASK FOR OUR
                                                                                                                                            GUIDES ON:

                                               Cinemas                                        Pubs                                          „„Restaurants
                                                                                                                                              that students
The most famous markets are Camden             Cinemas in central London tend to be           You do not have to drink alchohol in a pub      recommend
Market (every day 10am-6pm) Tube:              expensive so find one in Zone 2 if you can.    but you should always have a drink of some    „„Places of
Camden Town, Petticoat Lane (Sunday to         the Prince Charles Cinema near Leicester       kind. Everyone should have a drink in front     worship
Friday 10am -2pm) Tube: Liverpool Street,      Square shows unusual older films and is        of them. When you finish you should buy
                                                                                                                                            „„Good pubs
Aldgate or Aldgate East, and Portobello        cheaper than other local cinemas. The          another or move on to another place.
                                               cinema also has some themed evenings
Market (Saturday 8am-6.30pm) Tube:
Notting Hill Gate, Ladbroke Grove. For         and sing alongs.                                                                               your own
good quality fresh food try a farmers’                                                        Supermakets/Shopping
market early on a Saturday or Sunday                                                                                                          in London
morning (See to find one).                                                     There is a wide range of supermarkets in      „„London Markets
                                               Theatre and Musicals                           the UK. Waitrose (opposite 77 Gloucester      „„Sport centres
                                               Buy half price tickets for shows on the        Road) is expensive but good quality. Also
                                               same day from the ticket office in Leicester   Wholefoods on Kensington High Street
Eating out                                     Square. Queue at the theatre for returned      sells very good quality organic food.
Best value are often Indian or Chinese.        tickets a few hours before the performance.    Sainsbury, Tesco and the Co-operative
Some do ‘all-you-can-eat’ deals. To try        You can buy tickets at any box office          are cheaper but also have good quality
English food, go to a Pub and try some         around Piccadilly Circus.                      products. Asda and Lidl are the cheapest
traditional English meals like Shepherd’s                                                     supermarkets and have the most offers. A
Pie.                                                                                          good place to get cheap electrical items is
The FK Activity Programme has regular                                                         Argos.
                                               Museums and art galleries
trips to restaurants to help you explore and
understand food from different countries.      There are over 100 museums in London
                                               and most of them are free including the
                                               British Museum, the National Gallery, the      TIPPING CULTURE
Parks                                          Natural History Museum, the Science
                                                                                              In restaurants if a ‘service charge’ has been added to the
                                               Museum and the V&A. You should
30% of London is green space for you to        also visit some of the others: try the
                                                                                              bill you don’t have to leave a tip. If service is not included
enjoy. Visit a park local to you and or for    Whitechapel Art Gallery, or for more           it is normal to leave a tip of 10-15%. Do not tip in Pubs.
more information on the Royal Parks see        contemporary art, the Design Museum            For taxi drivers give up to £1 more or tell them to ‘keep the                         and Dulwich Picture House.                     change’.
Student Guide London 2018 - Frances King School of English
Getting around
Tube                                       Santander Bikes                           Taxis
                                           These are bikes provided by London        Taxis (Black Cabs) have a yellow light
                                                                                                                               Student Oyster Card
Gloucester Road, Earls Court and
South Kensington are the nearest           for anyone to use for a small fee. You    on top - switched on when they are        An Oyster Card is a travel card
tube stations. In every station you        can pay by credit card or online. Go to   available. They can stop to pick you      which makes travelling around Lon-
can buy tickets or top up your Oyster      the TFL website for more information.     up anywhere and will always use the       don easier. You can use it on most
Card. You will have a tube map in                                                    meter. Drivers have passed a difficult    forms of public transport in London.
your Welcome Pack.                                                                   exam, called “The Knowledge”, about       If you want to take a train outside
                                           Walking                                   routes in London.                         of London (e.g. to Brighton) you will
                                                                                     There are also mini-cabs which look       need to buy a separate ticket.
Bus                                        Victoria station is about 30 minutes      like normal cars. Only get these from a
                                           walk from Gloucester Road; High           taxi rank or book by phone and if you
Buses are a cheaper and more inter-        Street Kensington 15 minutes; South       have booked one make sure the driver
esting way to travel as you see more       Kensington is about 8 minutes;            says your name to confirm the book-
of the city. A bus journey is £1.50        Knightsbridge 20 minutes; Notting Hill    ing before you get in the car.
whatever the distance. For more infor-     25 minutes; Southbank 50 minutes;         Addison Lee is a company that oper-
mation about routes visit     Piccadilly Circus 40 minutes.             ates all over London. 0207 387 88 88
uk/maps/bus                                                                          or 0844 800 6677.
                                                                                     Uber is another option, which you can
                                           Coach travel                              download as an app on your phone.
Rail travel                                This is a slow but cheap way to travel
                                           around the country.
For information on times and fares go      For information on timetables and
to This is an       fares go to
expensive way to travel but it is quick.   or visit Victoria Coach Station, 164
Booking in advance can save you            Buckingham Palace Road, SW1W 9TP.

Sightseeing bus
You can also take a bus tour of the City
for around £22-25 from just outside
Gloucester Road Tube Station.
Student Guide London 2018 - Frances King School of English
Can I get a
                           student                                                    HERE IS HOW:
                         oyster card?
                                                                                      1    go to

                                                  I am studying at Frances            2    In the section labelled Please
   I am studying at
                                                 King for at least 14 weeks,               select your Oyster card move
   Frances King for
                                                           full time                       over the pictures until you see
 less than 14 weeks
                                                                                           18+ Student Oyster Photocard
                                                                                           and click on that picture

                                                                                      3    Click on Create web account
                                                                                      4    Click on View list of all
                                                                                           available establishments

                                                                                      5    Select Frances King School of
 You cannot get a                                     you will need:                       English (Gloucester Road)
student oyster card,                                  � a credit/debit card
                                                      � a digital photo               6    Click on Apply Now button
 but you can get a
normal oyster card                                    There is a £20
                                                      charge per card                 7    Click Continue

                                                                                      8    Fill in the registration information
                                                                                           and then click on Create Account
 Top up your card                                                                     9    Follow the instructions to complete
at any tube station,              You can:                                                 the details of your course, upload
Oyster card shop or                                                                        the photo and make the payment
      online.                                                                              (£20)

                       pay as   use a ‘contactless’     buy a day/week/month/annual       It usually takes up to 2 weeks to
                       you go     UK debit card                   travelcard              receive the card. if you make a
                                                                                          mistake in your application you may
                                                                                          have to submit the application again,
                                                                                          which will take more time
Student Guide London 2018 - Frances King School of English
Useful Apps
      TRANSPORT                             OTHER APPS                                               FREE TIME IN LONDON

Citymapper                           Dark Sky                             Cakewalk London                                Museum of London Street Museum
Best London transport app, has       Cool weather app with animated       A great app to help explore some of            An app produced by the British
everything, including jetpack,       satellite map showing rainfall       London’s many cake shops. Has over             Museum. Based on GPS and numbers
catapult and teleporter                                                   300 listings and directs you there with        located on lamp posts, you can view
                                                                          google maps.                                   historical photographs of London taken
                                     WeatherMap+                                                                         from where you are standing. This is
Busmapper                            Another cool weather app, a
An app to help you work out                                                                                              pretty amazing and gives a fantastic
                                     bit geeky, with air pressure,        James Bond and Friends
which buses to get when travelling                                                                                       insight into how London looked in the
                                     windspeed etc.                       Your mission, should you choose to
around London                                                                                                            past.
                                                                          accept it... is to use this App to locate
                                                                          the real life locations where famous
Tube Exits                           WiFi Cafe Spots                      scenes from your favourite SPY/                Street Museum Londinium
Tells you which carriage to get      Cafe Spots helps you find a Cafe     THRILLER movies have been shot in              An app produced by the British Museum.
on to get out nearest the stairs /   or Restaurant with a free WiFi       London. Google mapping shows you               Based on GPSit provides a walking tour
transfer at the other end            hotspot. It lists more than 75,000   where they are and how to get there.           through London’s roman archeology.
                                     Cafes and Restaurants with free                                                     iPhone users can blow dirt away by
                                     WiFi in 115 countries around the                                                    blowing on the microphone. Amazing!
Cheap Taxis                                                               Walkin London
                                     World. The locations are stored on                                                  Sadly not on Android!
Swiss Cottage,                                                            This lists Attractions by walking distance
                                     your phone, so that you can find
Uber,                                                                     and has downloadable maps so it’s
                                     them when you are on the road
Greentomato                                                               really handy for seeing what’s nearby.         Toiletocity
                                     and do not have Internet access.
                                                                                                                         Toilet finder that lists over 1000 toilets in
                                                                          London Plaques
                                                                          An authoritative guide to nearly 2000
                                                                          plaques exploring the people and stories       SecretLondon
                                                                          behind them. Advance mapping with              This has loads of different types of places,
                                                                          offline maps and Google Street View to         secret bars, parks, oddities etc.
                                                                          make it useful whether you are in London
                                                                          or not.
                                                                                                                         London: Tube Guru Guide & Audio
                                                                                                                         With Tube Guru a journey on the
                                                                          British Film Locations                         London Underground will never be
                                                                          Based on British movies, this app shows        quite the same. This one-of-a-kind app
                                                                          you some of those memorable filming            is the perfect companion to the Tube
                                                                          locations and let’s you photograph them.       experience, digging up a treasure trove
                                                                          Great for some brilliant memories of           of indispensable facts and figures, fables
                                                                          London, particularly if you are a film buff.   and falsehood.

Health Care in the UK
                                                                                                            Dental treatment
If you are not entitled to free
medical treatment from the                                                 Can I                            There are many private dentists
National Health Services (NHS)                                                                              that charge for their services.
we recommend that you buy
                                                                          register                          For free dental treatment by
medical insurance if you have not                                          with a                           supervised dental students you
done so already. Private medical                                                                            can try
treatment is expensive.
                                                                          doctor?                           Guy’s Hospital
                                                                                                            floors 17-28, Tower Wing
                                                 I am studying in                                           Great Maze Pond
NHS treatment is free if
                                                 the UK for more                         I am studying in   London SE1 9RT
one of these is true for
                                                 than 6 months                           the UK for less    Tel: 020 7188 8006
                                                                                         than 6 months
1. You are from the European
Economic Area                           REGISTERING GUIDLINES:
2. You are studying in the UK for 6
months or more
3. Your country has a reciprocal      1 Find a doctor in your local area
health agreement with the UK.
                                      2 Contact the practice and ask to register with
                                        them. You will need: your name and address,                         If you need to see a
For more information visit or                           date of birth, id card / passport and proof of                      doctor please go to                  address                                                             one of the walk-in
                                                                                                            medicentres (more
                                      3 Once registered, you will receive an NHS                            information on the
                                        card. Keep it safe and take it with you when                        next page)
                                        you go to the doctor, dentist or hospital.
                                                                                                                                                                 MINOR INJURIES UNIT:
                                                                                                                                                                 For non-life threatening injuries.

                                                                              London                                                                             Guy’s Hospital Minor Injuries
                                                                                                                                                                 Ground Floor
                                                                                                                                                                 Tabard Annexe

                                                                                                                                                                 Great Maze Pond
                                                                                                                                                                 Postcode: SE1 9RT
                                                                                                                                                                 020 7188 3879

                                                           Green                                                                                                  NHS WALK-IN CENTRES:
In an emergency call 999. You will be asked
which service you require - say “Police”,                                                                                                                         To get free immediate treatment
“Fire” or “Ambulance” to get put through to                                                                                                                       by nurses for simple problems
the right people. If you need medical help,                                                                                                                       quickly and without an
but it isn’t a 999 emergency, you can call                                                                                                                        appointment.
111. NHS 111 will assess you, provide
advice and direct you straight away to the
local service that can help you best. It is
                                                                                                                                                                  5-7 Parsons Green
available 24 hours a day 7 days a week and                                                                                                                        London
calls are free, including from mobiles.                                                                                                                           Postcode: SW6 4UL
For more information visit                                                                                                                         020 8846 6758
NHS 111 can direct you to your nearest
medical centre.                                                                              Gloucester Road

                                                                                                                                                          South Kensington

                                                                                                                                                                 ACCIDENT AND EMERGENCY

                                                                                                                            r Rd
 The nearest hospital, injuries                                 Earls Court
                                                                                                   G   ard
                                                                                                           en   s
 unit and walk-in centre to the


                                                                                                                                                                 Open 24hrs for SERIOUS


 school are:
                                                                                                                    Old Bro

                                                                                                                                                                 illnesses or injuries ONLY.

                                                                                                                                                                 Chelsea and Westminster
                                                        West Brompton
                                                                                                                                                                 Fulham Road
If you need advice about contraception or pregnancy,

                                                                                                                                                                 Postcode: SW10 9NH
please speak to a member of Student Services or visit
                                                                                                                                                                 020 8746 8000
Personal Safety

London is generally a safe place        Your personal belongings                           Using your credit card
to be but as with a lot of big cities
there are sometimes pick-pockets        „„ Do not leave your purse, wallet or phone        Do not give your pin number to anyone. You
and thieves. We would like to              on the table in a restaurant or in a            should never be asked for it even by your
help you to avoid being a victim of        classroom during a break.                       bank, a Police Officer or a shop assistant.
these crimes. Here is some friendly     „„ Try to carry as little cash as possible.        When you are getting cash from a cash
advice to help you have a safe and                                                         point check there is no one looking over
                                        „„ Make sure your wallet, purse or phone is
worry-free time in London.                                                                 your shoulder before you start and be aware
                                           in a pocket or bag and can’t be seen by a
                                                                                           of people around you while you use the
                                           pick pocket. It is best to have a bag with
                                           a zip.
                                        „„ Try to put your purse, wallet or phone in       Most British people cover their hand while
                                           an inside pocket of your bag not in an          they enter their pin number into a machine, so
                                           easily accessible pocket on the outside of
                                                                                           don’t worry that this might appear to be rude.
                                           your bag.
                                        „„ Watch your belongings at all times and
                                           keep them close to you (on your knee).
                                        „„ Be careful of people approaching you in         Renting accommodation
                                           the street or when sitting at a restaurant,
                                           they might be trying to distract you so they    If you are planning to rent accommodation
                                           can take your phone, wallet or purse.           outside of Frances King please come and
                                                                                           ask the Student Services Office for our advice   We hope this helps you
                                        „„ If someone says they are a Police Officer                                                        feel safer in London.
                                           and wants to talk to you, you can ask to                                                         If you have any problems
                                           see their identification or you could ask to                                                     you can contact the
                                           go to the police station because you are                                                         police, call the Frances
                                           worried about giving out information.           Walking                                          King emergency phone
                                        „„ Only keep things in your bag that are                                                            number on the back of
                                           essential to you. For example, in the           Do not walk listening to music or looking at     your student card or
                                           UK you do not need to carry your                your phone as you will not notice who/what       come to the Student
                                           identification card or passport with you at     is around you.                                   Services Office.
                                           all times, so the safest place for this is at
The law in the UK

Smoking                                               Council tax
Smoking is banned in all public buildings in          This is a local tax that is charged on each prop-
                                                                                                          POLICE STATION
Britain including bars, restaurants, shops, sta-      erty. It varies in different boroughs (districts)
tions, cinemas and on all public transport. You       in London and each has its own rules for dis-       The nearest police stations to the school are:
can smoke on the street.                              counts for students.
                                                                                                          Kensington Police Station,
                                                                                                          72 Earls Court Road,
Drugs                                                 Weapons                                             London,
Britain has strict laws against the use of illegal    It is illegal to carry any weapon for defence       W8 6EQ
drugs and punishments can be very heavy.              including gas and pepper sprays. You will be        Tel: 020 7376 1212
You are strongly advised not to use illegal           arrested if the police stop you and you have a
drugs during your stay.                               knife with you.                                     Metropolitan Police Station,
                                                                                                          2 Lucan Place,
Shoplifting                                           Cycling                                             SW3 2PB
People who are caught stealing from shops will        You cannot ride a bike on a pavement and you        Tel: 020 7376 1212
probably have to go to court and pay a fine.          must have lights if you cycle at night. A helmet
                                                      is not obligatory but is strongly recommended.      If you are a victim of any crime or are
                                                                                                          charged with any crime, please tell Student
TV Licence                                                                                                Services who will offer you assistance.
                                                      Legal problems
Every house/flat that has a TV must have a TV
licence. If you rent a room or are in a flat share,   For free legal advice you can go to the Citizens    The Frances King Emergency Telephone
find out who is responsible for getting the TV        Advice Bureau (Chelsea Old Town Hall, Kings         number is 07768325391. You can also find
licence. If you answer the door when officials        Road, London, SW3 5EE 0844 8269708 or               this on the back of your Student Card.
come, you will be the one that goes to court.         020 7351 2114)
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