Students OPA Annual Conference - 142nd Annual Conference & Trade Show April 3-5, 2020 - Ohio Pharmacists Association

Page created by Roger Hogan
Students OPA Annual Conference - 142nd Annual Conference & Trade Show April 3-5, 2020 - Ohio Pharmacists Association
    OPA Annual

142nd Annual Conference & Trade
April 3-5, 2020
Greater Columbus Convention Center  400 N High St. Columbus, Ohio
Students OPA Annual Conference - 142nd Annual Conference & Trade Show April 3-5, 2020 - Ohio Pharmacists Association
Join us for a weekend filled with friends, fun, and pharmacy excellence. The OPA Annual Conference is
     returning to Columbus for the 142nd year with new opportunities to expand your pharmacy knowledge and
     practice. This three-day meeting is filled with student-focused programming, networking opportunities,
     continuing education events, and student law review. Come enhance your professional platform while
     discovering what OPA can do for you and your pharmacy future!
                     **Register now to become part of our pharmacy tradition. You’ll be glad did!**

                                   Conference Schedule
                  Registration: Friday and Saturday 7:15 am-5:00 pm, Sunday 7:15 am-12:35 pm

Friday, April 3                          Saturday, April 4                           Sunday, April 5
8:15-9:45 am                             8:15-9:45 am                                8:15-9:45 am
  Patient Driven Payment Model            Pharmacy Law Update 2020                   New Drug Update 2020
7:15-5:00 pm Registration                  Self-Care and Professional Well-Being-     Basics of 340B: The Pharmacy
  Neuroscience of Addiction
  We are Pharmers…We’ve Seen a              the Rx to Beat Burnout                      Perspective
    Thing or Two in Experiential           Heart Disease Prevention-Strategies to
  Motivational Interviewing 101             Improve Outcomes                        9:55-11:25 am
                                           Marketing Your Compounding Practice        New Drug Update 2020
9:55-11:25 am                                                                          Using Virtual Reality to
  OTC/Self-Care Challenge               9:55-11:25 am                                   Visualize Diabetes in
  Pharmacy Pearls to Prevent              Pharmacy Law Update 2020                     Appalachia
    Pharmacy Perils                        Pharmacy Ownership: Our Experiences
  Ohio Department of Medicaid             DAPA-HF, Diabetes, and Heart Failure,    11:35 am-12:35 pm
    Pharmacy Update                          Oh My!                                    The Impact of Evolution of
  A Functional Approach to Type 2         ADHD: “Focusing” on Medication               E-Cigarettes
    Diabetes                                 Management                                Community-Acquired
                                           NPX: Career Conversations                    Pneumonia in America: New
11:25 am Awards Luncheon                                                                 Guidelines
                                         11:15 am-1:30 pm Trade Show,
1:00-2:30 pm                             Residency & Fellowship Expo, and Lunch
  Pharmacy Pearls to Prevent
    Pharmacy Perils                      1:30-3:00 pm
  Ohio Research Forum                     Business Plan Competition 2020
  Medicaid MCO Pharmacist                 CBD- What Pharmacists Need to Know
    Provider Status Implementation         Overview of Bipolar Disorder
    Efforts                                  Pharmacotherapy
  Just Culture Response to Medication     How to Prepare for Provider Status        2019 Student Olympics Winners
    Error                                                                                     University of Toledo
                                         3:10-4:40 pm
2:40-4:10 pm                               Hot Topics for New Practitioners and      Thank you to our 2020 Sponsors
  Managing Complex Patients with            Beyond                                  Gold Sponsors: American Pharmacy
    Asthma in the Outpatient Setting       Patient Advocacy Through Advancements    Services Corporation, Capital
  Ohio Innovative Practice Forum            in Pharmacy Practice                    Wholesale Drug Co., Independent
  Legislative Update 2020                 Medical Marijuana and Cannabis           Pharmacy Cooperative, McKesson,
  Functional Medicine and Dietary           Overview                                Pharmacists Mutual Company
    Supplements Update                     Immunization Update 2020                 Silver Sponsors: Anda
                                           Student Law Review                       Bronze Sponsors: American
4:10-6:00 pm Trade Show & Poster                                                     Pharmacy Cooperative Inc., Cardinal
Session                                  5:00 pm New Practitioner Experience (NPX)   Health, Health Care Logistics, Rite
                                         Social & Student Olympics                   Aid Pharmacy, VMC Pharmacy
7:00 pm Dinner in the City                                                           Program & Buying Group
                                         7:00 pm Ambassador’s Reception-UNDER
                                         40 Recognition, President’s Banquet
Students OPA Annual Conference - 142nd Annual Conference & Trade Show April 3-5, 2020 - Ohio Pharmacists Association
Events of Special Interest to Students
Friday, April 3                                      Saturday, April 4                                     Sunday, April 5
9:55 am OTC/Self-Care Challenge                      8:15 am Self-Care and Professional Well-              11:35 am Clear the Air of
Learn up-to-date information about                   Being- the Rx to Beat Burnout                         E-Cigarettes
nonprescription products, along with the             In this session, you will be empowered to put         The media headlines continue to
rationale for product choices, at OPA’s              the health back into healthcare by managing           expand upon more identified cases of
14             pm Registration
   th annual “OTC/Self-Care      Challenge-          stress, fitting in fitness, nailing your nutrition,   vaping-related illnesses. This session
Battle of the Colleges!” Join us for a               and developing a plan for managing common             will focus on discussing the evolution
highly interactive, fun-filled session that          financial stressors. Come learn practical tips        of electronic nicotine delivery systems
will enhance your OTC expertise and                  to beat burnout and manage the mindset to             and evaluating its impact on
update your knowledge of common self-                excel in pharmacy.                                    adolescents and adults. The speaker
care conditions. Sponsored by Kroger.                                                                      will describe communication
                                                     9:55 am NPX: Career Conversations                     techniques that she has found most
1:00 pm Payor Roundtable: Medicaid                   Come listen to new practitioners and                  valuable when discussing the topic
MCO Pharmacist Provider Status                       pharmacy leaders from around the state                with patients.
Implementation Efforts                               discuss various career building activities to
Any pharmacist who plans to be paid for              help you take the next step in your pharmacy                           Hotels
services should attend this session. Stu             career. You will hear from pharmacists who            These preferred hotels are all in walking
Beatty, PharmD will first give an overview           have been successful in community- and                distance and offer discounted rates to our
of OPA provider status implementation                hospital-based practice settings, created side        attendees. Please use the correlating
activities to date. You will hear from               hustles, pursued residency, effectively               website and code below to access the
payors who plan to pharmacists as                    networked, and much more! Sponsored by Walmart.       rates. If reserving by phone, mention that
providers in 2020. They will discuss why                                                                   you are attending the OPA Annual
                                                     11:15 am Residency and Fellowship Expo                Conference to obtain your conference
they want to pay you, what pharmacist
                                                     The Expo is your chance to meet residents,            rates.
services are valuable to them, and how
they plan to move forward in Ohio.                   fellows, and program directors from across
                                                     the state. Come with questions and discover           Hilton Columbus Downtown- $169
                                                     what their program can offer you.                     Group Code: OPA20
2:40 pm Legislative Update 2020
                                                                                                           401 North Hight Street, Columbus, OH
This session will update you on the latest
                                                     1:30 pm Business Plan Competition 2020                614.384.8600 or 800.HILTONS
happenings in the Ohio legislature. Many
                                                     In this annual competition, students have   
changes in Medicaid, and other laws
regarding pharmacy will be discussed.                been invited to submit business plans for
                                                     buying a pharmacy or developing innovative            Hampton Inn & Suites- $164-184
Important issues in Congress will also be
                                                     pharmacy services. Three finalist teams will          Group Code: OPA20
included. Sponsored by Cleveland Clinic.
                                                     present their plans to a panel of judges to           502 North High Street, Columbus, OH
                                                     determine the 2020 winner.                            614.559.2000 or 1.800.HAMPTON
4:10 pm Poster Session
Our annual poster session will feature the
research and innovative practices of                 3:10 pm Student Law Review
                                                     This session will be a review of Ohio                 Crowne Plaza Hotel- $153
faculty, pharmacy residents, and students
                                                     pharmacy laws to help you prepare to pass             Group Code: OP2
from Ohio’s colleges of pharmacy, as well
                                                     the Ohio Board and law exam. It will also             33 E. Nationwide Blvd, Columbus, OH
as practitioners from around the state.
Sponsored by Council of Ohio Colleges of Pharmacy.   include practical test taking tips.                   614.461.4100 or 877.283.1700
Download the FREE 2020                               5:00 pm Student Olympics
                                                                                                           Drury Inn- $159-179
OPA Annual Conference                                Form a team for your school and compete for
                                                     the prestigious Pharmacy Olympics Trophy              Group Code: 2380618
App Today                                            while getting to know students from all over          88 E. Nationwide Blvd, Columbus, OH
In the App Store/Google Play, download               the state! Use this student and new                   614.221.7008 or 800.325.0720
the “Attendify App.” Open the Attendify              practitioner social to expand your network. 
app and search for the “OPA Annual                                                                         * Reservations made after 3/3 for the Hilton,
Conference 2020” event. Download the                                                                       Hampton, or Crowne Plaza, and those made after
                                                                                                           3/12 for the Drury Inn are subject to availability and
app to get the most out of your                                                                            may not be offered at the special conference rates.
Annual Conference experience.
Students OPA Annual Conference - 142nd Annual Conference & Trade Show April 3-5, 2020 - Ohio Pharmacists Association

        142nd Annual Conference and Trade Show• April 3 - 5, 2020 • Greater Columbus Convention Center • Columbus, Ohio

      Name __________________________________________ Nickname for Badge _________________________________

      Current Address ____________________________________________________________________________________

      City _____________________________________________ State ___________________ Zip______________________

      Phone (             ) ________________________________ Email ____________________________________________

      College __________________________________________________________ Expected Graduation Date ___________

                                                                        Emergency Contact ______________________________

                                                                        Emergency Phone # _____________________________

                                                                        Special Dietary Needs: ___________________________


Please indicate your registration choice:                          Member Rates                      Non-Member Rates
                                                                                                 (includes OPA membership
                                                                                                 through October 31, 2020)
                                                              By 3/19           After 3/19          By 3/19       After 3/19
 Full registration                                             $40                $50                $60            $70
(All CPE sessions, Sat. box lunch, & Student Olympics)
 Friday only                                                   $15                $20                $35                    $40
(Fri. CPE sessions, no meals)

 Friday lunch                                                  $23                                   $23
(Annual Awards Luncheon)

 Friday Dinner                                                 $37                                   $37
(Dinner in the city)

 Saturday Only                                                 $25                $35                $45                    $55
(Sat. CPE sessions, Sat. box lunch, & Student Olympics)

 Saturday Dinner                                               $38                                   $38
(President’s Banquet)

 Sunday Only                                                   $10                $15                $30                    $35
(Sun. CPE sessions)

      Students are encouraged to attend educational sessions. Student pricing is not applicable if requesting CPE credit.

 Register online at                                                         A confirmation letter will be
 OR complete form and return with payment.                                                          emailed upon receipt of
 Mail to: OPA, 2674 Federated Blvd, Columbus, Ohio 43235 Fax: 614.389.4582 Call: 614.389.3236       registration.

  Payment:                                                                          Total Remitted $_______________
  Check: Payable to Ohio Pharmacist Association

 Credit Card                                                          Electronic Funds Transfer
  Visa          MasterCard   American Express                       Checking           Savings  Business Checking
 Exp. Date ____________ Security Code _______________                 Routing Number________________________________________
 Name on Card ________________________________
 Card Number _________________________________                        Account Number________________________________________
 Billing Address________________________________
 (if different from above)                                            Name on Account_______________________________________
Students OPA Annual Conference - 142nd Annual Conference & Trade Show April 3-5, 2020 - Ohio Pharmacists Association Students OPA Annual Conference - 142nd Annual Conference & Trade Show April 3-5, 2020 - Ohio Pharmacists Association
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