Summer Holiday Programme - January 2020 Explore Nature - Moehau ...

Page created by Erik Harrington
Summer Holiday Programme - January 2020 Explore Nature - Moehau ...
  Jan u a ry 2 0 20
    Explore Nature
  Fun A c ti v it i es

                       All profit goes towards
                            conservation in the
                          Northern Coromandel
For Bookings call or txt 021 270 1178
Summer Holiday Programme - January 2020 Explore Nature - Moehau ...
Wander through regenerating forest thriving with rare and endangered
wildlife, hear kiwi call at night and have an unforgettable encounter
with nature these holidays. This programme offers you the chance to
experience and enjoy Coromandel’s natural treasures guided by local
volunteers keen to share their passion and knowledge.

The Summer Programme is organised by Moehau
Environment Group (MEG). We look forward to a fun
summer and meeting you soon. If you want to learn
more about us head to

                 What do these
                 symbols mean?
                  H    Half day                     A    Adult
                   F   Full day                     C    School children
                   E   Evening

                  LD   Bring lunch & drink

                  SD   Bring snack & drink

                 ...An easy stroll. Low level fitness.

                 ...A good walk. Average fitness required.

                 ...A big hike. Good level of fitness required.
Summer Holiday Programme - January 2020 Explore Nature - Moehau ...
are essential as some activities
have restricted numbers
or may not run without a
minimum number of people.

To book call
or text 021 270 1178

For Waikawau Bay activities,
campers can also book at the MEG camp shop.

Teach your dog to avoid Kiwi bookings are
essential via Kauaeranga Visitor Centre
Phone 07 867 9080

                            Keep kauri standing.
                  Kauri Dieback disease is a grave threat
                 to our ancient kauri forests. Always stay
                  on the track and clean your boots with
                      disinfectant before going bush.
Summer Holiday Programme - January 2020 Explore Nature - Moehau ...
' LEAF' ONLY                           UP CLOSE KIWI
FOOTPRINTS                             ENCOUNTER
 H   SD                                 H   LD

COST:     $10 per person               COST:  $55C         A    $90
When                                   When+Where:
14th January - 10am & 1pm              4th January - 9am
Colville Road, Coromandel              Tangiaro Kiwi Retreat,
                                       Port Charles
Come and explore the hidden and
secretive world happening under        A ‘once in a lifetime experience’
the leaf litter on the forest floor.   to see a wild kiwi up-close in its
                                       natural environment. Join our kiwi
Conduct a leaf litter survey with      handlers as they track and catch a
Anna and then screen print your        kiwi for its 6 month health check.
findings onto a tee-shirt, tea towel
or piece of paper with Pete  ...       These opportunities don’t come up
                                       very often. Bring your camera for
Bookings are essential and don’t       this incredible photo opportunity.
forget to bring your own tee-shirt     Numbers are very limited and this
or similar for printing                activity books up fast!

                                       Good level of fitness required as
                                       we will be scrambling off-trail in
                                       the bush. Please wear covered

                                       Not suitable for children under 7.
                                       Made possible by Tangiaro Kiwi
Summer Holiday Programme - January 2020 Explore Nature - Moehau ...
CONSERVATION                         BUILD A RAT TRAP
DOGS                                 FOR CONSERVATION
 H   SD                               H   SD

COST: gold coin donation             COST: free, koha welcome
When+Where:                          When+Where:
9th January - 10.30am                8th January - 10.00am
Driving Creek Railway Sanctuary,     Waikawau Bay Campground
                                     Join us in building rat trap boxes
Come and meet Conservation           that will be used in our Port
dog handler Greg and his two         Charles Rat Attack project.
conservation dogs Maia & Sassy
Learn what their role is in          Test your carpentry skills and feel
protecting biodiversity on the       good about helping to protect our
Coromandel.                          native birds and invertebrates
                                     from pesky rats!
Wander round the predator free
sanctuary with Greg, Maia &
Sassy and see if they can detect
any pests that shouldn’t be there.
Summer Holiday Programme - January 2020 Explore Nature - Moehau ...
 H   SD                               NOCTURNAL
COST: $10 per person                  ADVENTURE
When+Where:                            E

15th January 10:00am- 1:00pm
Driving Creek Railway Sanctuary,      COST: $5  Y $10  A

Coromandel                            When+Where:
                                      7th & 15th January - 8.45pm
Come and explore the sanctuary        Waikawau Bay DOC Camp
and see what native residents         Telephone Kiosk
you can find, maybe Pateke duck,
Fantail, Tu- i, Weta or Gecko         Encounter the exciting nocturnal
                                      world of our forests and streams.
Choose your favourite and try         Engage all your senses with this
your hand at sculpting your critter   after dark tour of nature.
in clay.
                                      Bring a torch. Children must be
A great activity for all ages.        accompanied by an adult. Numbers
Children must be accompanied by       are limited so please book to
an adult.                             reserve a spot.
Summer Holiday Programme - January 2020 Explore Nature - Moehau ...
BUILD A WETA                        STARLIGHT
HOTEL                               CINEMA
 H   SD                              E   SD

COST: $5 per person                 COST: $5 per person
When+Where:                         When+Where:
13th January - 10.00am -            3rd, 10th, 17th & 24th January -
12:00pm                             7.30pm
Driving Creek Railway Predator      Denton's Woolshed, Waikawau Bay
Free Sanctuary, Coromandel
                                    Watch a family classic on the big
Join us to make a Weta Hotel for    screen. Pack up a picnic, grab
your back yard and build an extra   something to sit on and come down
one to hang in the Drivng Creek     to the Woolshed for a magical
Railway Sanctuary.                  night of outdoor cinema.

Take the opportunity for a stroll   This unique movie experience is
through this magic place too.       always a crowd favourite. Get
                                    there in plenty of time to claim your
                                    seat on the hay-bale grandstand.
Summer Holiday Programme - January 2020 Explore Nature - Moehau ...
A �WEEDY'�                              KIWI
H   SD                                   E

COST: $5  C $10    A                    COST: $5   Y$10    A

When+Where:                             When+Where:
6th January 10:30am                     5th, 11th & 20th January -
Driving Creek Railway, Predator         7:30pm
Free Sanctuary
                                        Port Charles Fire Station
13th January 10:30am
Tangiaro Kiwi Retreat, Port Charles
                                        Explore the forest at night time in
                                        real kiwi country. Hear kiwi call and
Here’s your chance to convert           see a kiwi nest.
weeds into treasure!
                                        Learn about our national bird and
Bring along some pesky weeds and        the work Moehau Environment
spend your morning learning how         Group and local residents are doing
to turn them into paper!                to save our kiwi. Bring a torch and
                                        sturdy shoes.
Don’t forget to have a stroll
around the gorgeous Predator
Free Sanctuary while you’re there ...

                                        Driving at night? Watch out
                                        for the endangered Pateke,
                                        or Brown Teal on our roads,
                                        especially near wetlands. They
                                        don’t have much road sense!
Summer Holiday Programme - January 2020 Explore Nature - Moehau ...
                                    H   SD

KELTIC FAIR                         COST: Free!
H   SD                              19th January - 9:00am - 12.00pm
                                    Coromandel town
COST: Gold coin donation
When+Where:                         Head out along one of our
2nd January - 10.00am - 3:00pm      Coromandel Kiwi Project stoat
Keltic Fair, Coromandel town        lines and help us in our quest to
                                    exterminate wild ginger from
Come and have your photo taken in   this site. Be sure to bring good
the ‘bush’ with our very own MEG    walking shoes/boots, water
kiwi Koro.                          and appropriate clothing for the
                                    weather. If you have gardening
The perfect momento of your         gloves and a weed saw bring them
summer in Coromandel!               too.

Come and learn about what we do.    This event is for people of all
                                    ages and will go ahead unless rain
We will have rat traps, stoat       is heavy on the day. Meet in the
traps & MEG Tee-shirts - join the   town carpark at 9am sharp to
backyard trapping movement now      carpool to location.
as we head towards predator
free 2050!
Summer Holiday Programme - January 2020 Explore Nature - Moehau ...
TREASURE HUNT                        H

H   SD
                                    COST: $5  C $10    A

COST: Free!                         16th January - 11:00am
When+Where:                         Driving Creek Railway Sanctuary, ,
Anytime!                            Coromandel
Around Coromandel town
                                    Get to see and hold real live
Get out and about in nature these   geckos. Encounter the exciting
Summer holidays and hunt for        world of geckos with lizard expert
hidden Geo Cache treasure.          Doug Ashby. Hear Doug share his
                                    knowledge of gecko and talk about
If you don’t already have one,      his experience as a gecko keeper.
download a geocaching App and
get exploring.                      While in the pest-free Sanctuary,
                                    check out the family of endangered
There are 3 Coromandel Kiwi         pateke ducks and other native
caches to find, can you get them    wildlife benefiting from the
all?                                Sanctuary’s predator proof fence.

                                    Suitable for all ages. Children must
                                    be accompanied by an adult.
TEACH YOUR DOG                                BUILD YOUR
TO AVOID KIWI                                 OWN TRACKING
These sessions are run as a                   TUNNEL
partnership between the Department
of Conservation and Coromandel Kiwi           H   SD
protection groups. Help us keep kiwi
safe this summer..                            COST: $5
COST: Free!                                   When+Where:
                                              10th & 22nd January 10:30am
When+Where:                                   Driving Creek Railway Sanctuary,
8th Jan  Colville Road, Papa Aroha, start     Coromandel town
11th Jan Whenuakite, start 8:30 am            Learn about the who, how and
11th Jan Kuaotunu, start 8:30am               why of pest monitoring before
1st Feb Thames Coast, start 8:30am            making your own tracking tunnel
                                              to take home and use in your
All bookings are through the Kauaeranga       backyard.
Visitor Centre
                                              I wonder what species you may
       Phone 07 867 9080.                              ...
                                              find there ?
        Bookings essential.
                                              Take a stroll round the magical
If you spend time near the bush please
get your dog kiwi trained. Training is
                                              predator free Driving Creek
free and only takes 10 minutes.               Sanctuary while you’re there.

Dogs are the biggest threat to adult
kiwi in our area. Any dog can kill kiwi. In
fact, smaller breeds like terriers are
the most likely offenders. Kiwi have
no chance against any dog, no matter
how big or small.

If you’ve had your dogs trained, well
done! To keep kiwi safe repeating the
training once a year is recommended.
Some activities we have available in the Summer Holiday Programme
will be held in areas where there are lots of hazards and risks
that have the potential to cause harm, such as; rocks, tree roots,
steep/uneven terrain, water, using hand tools, being exposed
to the rain/sun etc. While we at MEG will take all reasonably
practicable steps to keep you safe, we require participants in the
Summer Holiday Programme to take some responsibility. Please
ensure you/and your child/ren wear suitable closed-in footwear,
apply sunscreen, wear suitable clothing and bring insect repellent
and drinking water.

We require all participants to follow any instructions provided by
our MEG team so that you can all enjoy these activities.

    All funds raised
go towards kiwi habitat
   restoration in the
 Northern Coromandel
Bookings are essential as some activities may not run without a minimum
number of people.

To book call or txt 021 270 1178. For Waikawau Bay activities, campers can
also book at the MEG camp shop.

Cancellations must be made 48hrs prior to trip departure. MEG reserves the
right to cancel trips due to bad weather, insufficient patronage, fire or other
emergencies and any other unforeseen circumstances.

MEG may decide to cancel a trip just before departure time and we apologise
for this. If a decision is made early enough details will be broadcast on our
website and social channels

Please leave a phone number if possible when you book. Full refunds will be
issued in late January if a trip is cancelled by MEG.

      For more info or to book phone or txt:
                   021 270 1178

                           DID YOU KNOW..
                   Moehau Environment Group Trappers check
                  a minimum of 1170 stoat traps and 2000 rat
                     traps monthly, has over 50 volunteers,
                     7 employees and 15 contract trappers
Moehau Environment Group is a non-profit volunteer organisation dedicated
to the protection and enhancement of the natural environment of the
Coromandel Peninsula.

Our vision is to become the largest      We now have habitat restoration
open sanctuary in New Zealand-a          projects covering over 14,000
remote coastal landscape where           hectares, primarily on private land.
people live, work and holiday;           This has allowed for the recovery
wetlands and forests regenerate;         of many endangered species in
the bird-song is deafening; and          the Northern Coromandel including
treasured species thrive.                dramatic turnarounds for banded
                                         Rail, Pateke, kiwi, fernbirds, bittern,
Formed in 2000, we currently have        kaka, and spotless crake.
over 100 members, mostly locals,
landowners and others keen to            The hard work of our volunteers
see the area once again alive with       and members has allowed for
the sounds and sights of indigenous      the successful reintroduction of
fauna.                                   the North Island robin and pateke
                                         (brown teal), with both species now
We collaborate closely with over         successfully breeding in the area.
430 landowners, other community
conservation groups, the Department      For more about us visit
of Conservation, Waikato Regional
Council, Kiwis for Kiwi, Project Kiwi,
Wider Coromandel Groups, Motutapu
Restoration Trust local schools and
Iwi to achieve landscape-scale pest
control on the Coromandel.
                                           The Coromandel is
                                  ‘real kiwi country’. Since we began
                                    stoat trapping in 2005 our kiwi
                                     population has grown by 36%.
                                         Help us keep kiwi safe.
LIKE TO SUPPORT                              A BIG THANKS TO...
OUR WORK?                                    This Summer Programme is
                                             organised by Moehau Environment
Jo in U s . . .                              Group volunteers.
By becoming a member of Moehau
Environment Group you are directly
helping to protect the unique species &
ecosystems on the Coromandel Peninsula.      For some events we work in
Members also receive our quarterly           partnership with the Department
newsletter and priority bookings on          of Conservation, Driving Creek
summer holiday programme activities.         Railway and Tangiaro Kiwi Retreat.
Subs are only $15 per person, $25 per
family or from $250 for Corporates.

Ma k e a d o nat i o n...
To make a donation go to
nz or get in touch -
we’d love to have you helping us in the
field or at an event.                        We are grateful to Print House
                                             Ltd (our print sponsor)      ...
G et in to u ch, t el l us                   Print House Ltd is committed to
a b o u t y o u rs el f                      sustainability and the protection
                                             of the environment. This booklet is
We'd love to hear from you on social media
                                             printed using Forest Stewardship                      Council certified paper.

We can’t do this without your or our
sponsors support. Please support them                  We acknowledge the donated use of
when you can and enjoy a safe and               illustrative material from ‘The Little Kiwi’s
fun summer with us and our amazing           Matariki’, written and illustrated by Nikki Slade
                                                  Robinson, published by Duck Creek Press.
volunteers who make this program
possible.                                           Nikki Slade Robinson: Illustrator/Author
                           Thank you !                         
    2    Keltic Fair, Coromandel town  ....
    3    Starlight Cinema, Waikawau Bay
    4    Up Close Kiwi Encounter, Port Charles
    5    Kiwi by Night, Port Charles
    6    A ‘Weedy’ Good Idea, Coromandel town
    7    Nocturnal Walk, Waikawau Bay
    8    Teach Your Dog to Avoid Kiwi, Papa Aroha
         Build a Rat Trap for Conservation, Waikawau Bay
     9   Conservation Dogs, Coromandel town
    10   Starlight Cinema, Waikawau Bay
         Build a Tracking Tunnel, Coromandel town
    11   Kiwi by Night, Port Charles
    13   Build a Weta Hotel, Coromandel town
         A 'Weedy' Good Idea, Port Charles
   14    ‘Leaf’ Only Footsteps, Coromandel town
   15    Nocturnal Walk, Waikawau Bay
         Clay Critters, Coromandel town

   16    Meet a Gecko, Coromandel town
   17    Starlight Cinema, Waikawau Bay
   19    Wild Ginger Bash, Coromandel town
   20    Kiwi by Night, Port Charles
   22    Build a Tracking Tunnel, Coromandel town
   24    Starlight Cinema, Waikawau Bay

                 For more info & to book phone or txt:
                         021 270 1178
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