Summer Sun' by Robert Louis Stevenson - DELHI PUBLIC SCHOOL B.S. CITY - DPS Bokaro

Page created by Bruce Byrd
Summer Sun' by Robert Louis Stevenson - DELHI PUBLIC SCHOOL B.S. CITY - DPS Bokaro
                                         DELHI PUBLIC SCHOOL
                                                B.S. CITY
                 E-CONTENT FOR THE WEEK: -5th JULY to 9thJuly 2021

                          ‘Summer Sun’ by Robert Louis Stevenson
          Robert Louis Stevenson   was
                                June to -a08
                                           Scottish essayist, poet, and author of fiction and
                                             May 2021
           travel books, best known for his works Treasure Island and Strange Case of
              Dr Jekyll and Mr. Hyde. He was a writer of originality and power who
               produced brilliant adventure stories with subtle moral overtones and
                          perceptive renderings of the human condition.

            Summer Sun
            by Robert Louis Stevenson

            Great is the sun, and wide he goes
            Through empty heaven with repose;
            And in the blue and glowing days
            More thick than rain he showers his rays.
            Though closer still the blinds we pull
            To keep the shady parlour cool,
            Yet he will find a chink or two
            To slip his golden fingers through.
            The dusty attic spider-clad
            He, through the keyhole, maketh glad;
            And through the broken edge of tiles
            Into the laddered hay-loft smiles.
            Meantime his golden face around
            He bares to all the garden ground,
            And sheds a warm and glittering look
            Among the ivy’s inmost nook.
            Above the hills, along the blue,
            Round the bright air with footing true,
            To please the child, to paint the rose,
            The gardener of the World, he goes.
Summer Sun' by Robert Louis Stevenson - DELHI PUBLIC SCHOOL B.S. CITY - DPS Bokaro
     In this poem the poet has used a literary technique called personification (the
     act of giving a human quality or characteristic to something which is not
     human), in which the poet uses words to bring an inanimate object to life. Here
     the sun is considered as one big happy human being who spreads his joy and
     energy everywhere without any discrimination             (treating a person or
     particular group of people differently). The sun is great and big as he spreads
     his rays (his energy) in the morning time when the sky is blue, the sun rays are
     shining brightly without any obstacles (something that blocks you so that
     movement) in an empty sky. The sun always finds a way to spread his light even
     in dark attics, small key holes and into the laddered hayloft. The sun also shows
     his golden face on the garden ground. The sun spreads his grace everywhere for
     the happiness of children, for the colour of flowers as he is the gardener of the

                                  Word Galaxy
1)      Repose – rest

2)      Parlour – a room to meet guests in; a sitting room

3)      Hayloft – the upper floor of a farm building used for storing hay
4)      In most nook – a deep hidden corner

5)      Chink – a crack

6)      Footing true – a steady and balanced way of walking
7)      Spider-clad – full of spiders

Summer Sun' by Robert Louis Stevenson - DELHI PUBLIC SCHOOL B.S. CITY - DPS Bokaro
‘Great is the sun, and wide goes…. showing his rays’
a. What do you think the ‘poet’ means by empty heaven?

Ans: The poet means ‘the wide sky’ as empty heaven.
b. Why are the rays described as thicker than rain?

Ans: The rays are described as thicker than rain because of the following
● The rays are described as thicker than rain as sun is permanent and rain is


● The sun rays spread everywhere while the rain falls at one place at a time.

● Sun benefits everybody whereas rain is useful only at the place where it falls

‘Yet he will find …. fingers through.’
a. What do you think the poet means by golden fingers?

Ans: The golden finger means the yellow rays of the sun.
b. Why was he being kept out?

Ans: He was being kept out to make the shady parlour cool.


1: Why does the speaker use the expression ‘wide he goes?

Ans: The speaker uses the expression ‘wide he goes’ to show that the sun
travels all around and showers its light on the Earth.
2: Why are the blinds closed? What does the Sun do when this happens?
Summer Sun' by Robert Louis Stevenson - DELHI PUBLIC SCHOOL B.S. CITY - DPS Bokaro
Ans: The blinds are closed to keep the scorching sun rays out so as to keep the
room shady and cool. However, the Sun still finds its way to enter the room
through a narrow crack or opening and fills it with light.
3: Where does the sun shed ‘a warm and glittering look’?

Ans: The sun sheds ‘a warm and glittering look’ in the darkest and coldest
corners where the ivy plant grows in the garden.
4: How does the Sun ‘please the child’?

Ans: The Sun pleases the child by painting the sky in the beautiful different
shades of red and making everything bright and sparkling.

5. What is personification? Give an example from the poem?

Ans: Personification is a poetic device. Personification is when we speak or
write about a non-living thing as it portrays human-like qualities. E.g.,’ Yet he
will find a chink or two to slip his golden fingers through.’ In these lines the
poet refers to the sun as if it was a person which has golden fingers.

                            THINK AND ANSWER
Q. Do you agree with the poet when he refers to the sun as ‘the gardener of the

world’? Justify your Answer.
Summer Sun' by Robert Louis Stevenson - DELHI PUBLIC SCHOOL B.S. CITY - DPS Bokaro
दिल्ली पब्ललक स्कूल

 बोकारो स्टील सिटी

 E content

 विषय – द ि
          िं ी

 कक्षा – 4

      पाठ - अभ्याि का कमाल

 पाठ परिचय- इस पाठ में बताया गया है कि लगाताि अभ्यास ििने से सफलता अवश्य ममलती है । यदि हम
दहम्मत न हािे औि लगाताि अभ्यास औि िोमिि ििते िहें तो िुछ भी असंभव नह ं है । लगन, परिश्रम, आिा
तथा स्वयं पि ववश्वास जिस व्यजतत िे पास ये   गुण हो तो वह किसी क्षेत्र में पीछे नह ं िह सिता । चाहे वह
मिक्षा हो,खेल-िूि हो या िला-िौिल सफलता उसिे ििम चूमेगी ।
Summer Sun' by Robert Louis Stevenson - DELHI PUBLIC SCHOOL B.S. CITY - DPS Bokaro
अभ्याि कायय

  1.)   नए िब्ि िे तहत दिए गए िब्िाथथ एि बाि मलखो ।
  2.) श्रुतलेख िे तहत दिए गए िब्िों िो तीन बाि मलखो ।
  3.)   वातय बनाओ –
           ि.) प्रिंसा              ख.) स्वागत
  4.)   िब्ि िद्
              ु ध ििो –
           ि.) प्रोतसादहत             ख.) सिवोच्च
  5.)   दिए गए प्रश्नों िे उत्ति मलखो –
           ि.) अक्षक्षता िौन- से ववषय में िमज़ोि थी? वह स्िूल से लौटने पि तयों उिास थी ?
           ख.) अक्षक्षता िो िौन - सी बात बिु लगती थी?
           ग.) किसी िो चचढाना अच्छी बात है या बुि ?अपने ववचाि मलखो ।
Summer Sun' by Robert Louis Stevenson - DELHI PUBLIC SCHOOL B.S. CITY - DPS Bokaro
                     SESSION 2021-2022
                     Subject – Maths              Class - 4
              ECONTENT FOR THE WEEK 05-07-2021 to 09-07-2021
  (To be   done in C.W. COPY )

Multiples of a number are those numbers which we get by multiplying the given number
by a natural number.

Ex – Multiples of 13 – 13,26,39,52,-------

Prope rties of Multiples

1. The first multiple of a number is the number itself.

2. Every number is a multiple of 1.

3. 0 is a multiple of every number.

4. Multiples of a number are infinite.

5. All the multiples are either equal or greater than the given numbers.

Multiples of any numbe rs are unlimited.
Summer Sun' by Robert Louis Stevenson - DELHI PUBLIC SCHOOL B.S. CITY - DPS Bokaro
Factors of a number are those numbers which can divide the given number exactly.

For example, 1, 2, 3 and 6 are factors of 6.

(i) 1 is the factor of every number.

(ii) Any number is factor of itself.

(iii) 0 has infinite factors. In fact all natural numbers are factors of zero.

(iv) 0 is not factor of any number because division by 0 is meaningless.

(v) The biggest factor of a number is that number itself.

(vi) Factors of a number are countable.

Every number has a fixed number of fa ctors.

Various types of numbers

Even Numbers

A numbe r which is exactly divisible by 2 is an even numbe r.
It has 0,2,4,6 and 8 at its units place.

Ex – 3350; 4574; 6094 etc .

Odd Numbers
A numbe r which is not exactly divisible by 2 and leaves remainder 1 is an odd
It has 1,3,5, 7 and 9 at its units place.

Ex- 3423; 467; 331 etc.

Natural numbers

All counting numbe rs are called natural numbers.

Ex- 1,2,3,4,-----------
Summer Sun' by Robert Louis Stevenson - DELHI PUBLIC SCHOOL B.S. CITY - DPS Bokaro
Whole numbers

All counting numbe rs including 0 are called whole numbers.

Ex- 0,1,2,3,4,5------------

Prime Numbers

Numbers which have only two factors namely 1 and the numbe r itself are
called prime numbers.
Ex- 2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 19, 37 etc are prime numbers.

Composite Numbers

Numbers having more than two factors are called as composite numbe rs.
Ex- 4, 6, 8, 10 etc are composite numbers.


(a) 1 is neither prime nor composite. It is a unique number.

(b) 2 is the lowest and the only even prime number.

(c) 9 is the lowest odd composite number.

(d) 4 is the smallest composite number.

Co-prime Numbers

Two numbers are said to be co-prime if they do not have a common factor
other tha n 1 or two numbers whose HCF is 1 are called co-prime numbers.

Co-prime numbers need not be prime numbers.
Ex- (i) 7 and 10 are co-prime.

(ii) 15 and 17 are co-prime.

Twin Prime Numbe rs

Twin prime numbers are the two prime numbers whose difference is 2.
(i) 3 and 5

(ii) 17 and 19

(iii) 41 and 43
Summer Sun' by Robert Louis Stevenson - DELHI PUBLIC SCHOOL B.S. CITY - DPS Bokaro
Divisibility Rules
1. Divisibility Test for 2: A number is divisible by 2 if the last digit is 0, 2, 4,
   6, or 8.
   Ex – 2038, 316 , 754, 770 etc.
2. Divisibility Test for 3: A number is divisible by 3 if the sum of all the digits
   of the given number is divisible by 3.
   Ex- 79851 is divisible by 3 as the sum of its digits,
      i.e., 7 + 9 + 8 + 5 + 1 =     30 is divisible by 3.
3. Divisibility Test for 4: A number is divisible by 4 if the number formed by
   the last two digits of given number is divisible by 4.

4. Divisibility Test for 5: The last digit is 0 or 5. Example: 415 is divisible by
   5 as the ones place is 5.

5. Divisibility Test for 6: A number is divisible by 6 if it is divisible by 2 and 3
   both.Ex- 85806 is divisible by 6 because it is divisible by 2 and sum of its
   digits,i.e., 8 + 5 + 8 + 0 + 6 = 27 which is divisible by 3.
 6. Divisibility Test for 8- A number is divisible by 8 if the number formed by
      the last three digits is divisible by 8.
      Ex- 1792,1824 ,2000 etc.

   7. Divisibility Test for 9- A number is divisible by 9 if the sum of its digits
       is divisible by 9.

     Ex- 3888 is divisible by 9 because 3 + 8 + 8 + 8 = 27 is divisible by 9.

   8. Divisibility Test for 10- A number is divisible by 10 if it has zero (0) in its
   ones place.
   Ex – 580,760,400 etc

   Do the given activity in Maths Activity Copy. You can use the Number Grid
   given in the Maths Book.
Do as directed.
1. Exercise 6(A) Q.1 in the C.W.Copy and 2,3,4,5,6
   and 7 in the book.
2. Exercise 6(B) Q.1,2,3,4 and 5 in the the book
   and Q.6 in the copy.
3. Exercise 6(c) Q.1and 5 in the C.W.copy and
   Q.2,3and 4 in the book.
4. Exercise 6(D) Q.1 in the book and Q.3 and 4 in
   the copy.
                           SECTOR V, B.S.CITY
E – CONTENT – 05/07/2021
                   /2021 to 09/07/2021,(SUBJECT – GENERAL SCIENCE)

Lesson – 4
Our Clothes

Clothes and Profession:

People in different professions also wear special uniforms to work.

  Care of Clothes:
         Q1) How can you take care of your clothes?
         a) Clothes should be washed properly and ironed.
         b) Clothes should be dried in sunlight as it kills germs.
         c) Silk and woollen clothes should be dry-cleaned and stored with
         naphthalene balls or neem leaves to keep insects away.
         d) Clothes of a baby or sick person should be rinsed in an antiseptic

          Q2) What is the difference between cotton and spandex?
          Ans) Cotton is a natural fibre. It allows heat to escape and absorb
          sweat while spandex is a synthetic fibre. It does not allow body heat
          to escape. They do not absorb sweat.

          Can we make a raincoat from cotton fabric?

                                BOKARO STEEL CITY
                  SUB- SOCIAL STUDIES ( SESSION-2021-2022)
CLASS- IV       E CONTENT FOR THE WEEK - 05.07.21 TO 09.07.21

Content of the above lesson:-
   • Panna is famous for diamond mines. Indore, Bhopal, Gwalior and Jabalpur
     are the industrial cities. The Kanha National Park and the Bandhavgarh
     National Park protect tigers. Panchmarhi, Sanchi Stupa and Khajuraho
     Temples attract many tourists.

   • The state is rich in minerals and forest products. People collect
     wood,tendu leaves, honey and lac from the forests. Bhilai has a steel plant.
     Saila is a popular folk dance.
   • Jharkhand is rich in minerals. The availability of minerals has led to the
     growth of industries in Jamshedpur, Bokaro, Ranchi and Dhanbad. Chhau
     is a popular dance.
• Hyderabad has many industries. Some of them are information
  technology (IT) , automobiles and pharmaceuticals. Most of the people
  speak Telugu. Kuchipudi is the most popular dance. The state is famous
  for bidri work.

• Coffee and spices are grown in Karnataka. Kolar has gold mines.
  Bengaluru is a major centre of the IT industry. The state is famous for
  handicraft items made of sandalwood. People speak Kannada.
  Yakshagana is a popular dance-drama.
• Large deposits of petroleum are found in the sea-bed near Mumbai.This
  region is called Mumbai High (earlier known as Bombay High).

•   Marathi is widely spoken. Ganesh Chaturthi is a popular festival. Lavani is
    a popular folk dance.

                       THE ISLANDS OF INDIA:
There are many small islands along the coast. Away from the coast ,there
  are two big island groups. These are:
  *Andaman and Nicobar Islands
  *Lakshadweep Islands

• Andaman and Nicobar Islands are in the Bay of Bengal. The Ten Degree
  Channel separates the Andaman islands from the Nicobar islands.

• The islands in this group are hilly.
• Fishing and farming are the main occupations of the people of Andaman
  and Nicobar Islands. Rice is the main crop grown here. Some people also
  make shell and wooden handicrafts.
• Most of the people speak Bangla. The beautiful beaches and the Cellular
  Jail are major tourist attractions.

• Lakshadweep is a group of islands in the Arabian Sea. These islands are
• Fishing is the main occupation of the people of Lakshadweep islands.
  Coconut is the main crop grown here. Coir extracted from coconut is an
  important industry.
• Most of the people speak Malayalam.

** Read the above content carefully and answer the following questions :-
   I.       Fill in the blanks :- (Write the complete sentence in your S.St copy)
            1. ___________ islands are located in the Bay of Bengal.
            2. Ganesh Chaturthi is a popular _________ of Maharashtra.
            3. Panna is famous for __________ mines.
            4. The ______ Degree Channel separates the Andaman islands from
                the Nicobar islands.
   II.      Questions and answers:- (Write the questions also)
            1. Why is mining an important activity in Jharkhand?
         Ans. Jharkhand is rich in minerals . The availability of minerals has led to
         the growth of industries in Jamshedpur, Bokaro, Ranchi and Dhanbad. So
         mining is an important activity in Jharkhand.
           2. What is the importance of Mumbai High?
         Ans. Large deposits of petroleum are found in the sea-bed near
         Mumbai.This region is called Mumbai High (earlier known as Bombay

     3.What are the occupations of the people in Andaman Islands?
   • Ans. Fishing and farming are the main occupations of the people of
     Andaman and Nicobar islands. Rice is the main crop grown here. Some
     people also make shell and wooden handicrafts.
                         B.S. CITY
E CONTENT FOR THE WEEK (5/7/21 TO 9/7/21)
  1. Name this river which rises from the Amarkantak Peak of
     the Mahakala Range, cover a long distance of 1,282 km
     and drain into the Gulf of Khambhat.
     Ans:- River Narmada.
  2. Which river rises from the Brahmagiri hills of Western
     Ghats near Coorg in Karnataka and covers a distance of
     800 km?
     Ans:-Kaveri River.
  3. Name the river which rises from the Western Ghats near
     Mahabaleshwar Peak and drains into the Bay of Bengal.
     Ans:- The Krishna river.
  4. Name the major tributaries of river Krishna.
     Ans:-Bhima and Tungbhadra
  5. Name the two hill ranges that meet at Amarkantak.
     Ans:- The Vindhya and the Satpura hill ranges.
  6. What is the name of new Windows operating system
     launched by Microsoft
     Ans:- ‘Windows 11’
                     ECONTENT-7 (03.07.2021)
                      TECHNICAL ACTIVITY
Microsoft Word os a word processing software.In short it is called MS
Word.It is an application program that helps us to type text documents like
letters,stories,poems,etc.It provides features for typing,editingand
formatting text documents.
Starting MS Word:
The various steps to open MS Word are:
 Click on Start button.

 Select All Programs.

 Click on Microsoft Office

 Select Microsoft Word
Contents of MS Word Window:

Creating a New Document:
 Click on the File Menu
 Click on New or Press Ctrl +N from the keyboard
 Select a Blank Document and click on create button.
   A new document appears that gives blank space to work.

Saving a document:
We can save our document on a computer in the form of a file.It helps us to use it in
 Click on the File menu
 Select Save or Save As option or press Ctrl+S from the keyboard.A Save As
    dialogbox appears.
 Select the location ,type the name of the file in the
‘File name’ box
 Click on the Save button to save the file.
1.   Click the File menu
2.   Click Open or press Ctrl+O from the keyboard.
3.   Click the file you want to open, and then click Open.
    Note:Q.1,2 and 3 to be done in the computer copy.

     1) Label the various parts of MS Word Window.
     2) Write the different steps to save a file in MS Word.
     3) Write the shortcut keys for the following:
        a. To save a document.
        b. To create a new file
      4)Create a document in MS Word, on the topic “Earth Day”
        and save it on the desktop of your computer.

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