Page created by Edna Saunders


    WELCOME FROM                                           Sunderland City Council                                  Sunderland Music, Arts and Culture (MAC) Trust               University of Sunderland

    OUR CHAIR                                              Sunderland City Council are proud to be a partner        The Music, Arts and Culture Trust was formed with            The University of Sunderland is an ambitious and
                                                           in Sunderland Culture. We have a rich history of         the ambition to be:                                          life-changing institution with 20,000 students
                                                           Culture and Heritage and together with many small                                                                     based in campuses on the North East coast, in
                                                                                                                    1. A catalyst for more cultural activity, changing
                                                           groups we are committed to developing that history                                                                    London, Hong Kong and at its global partnerships
    Dear Colleague                                                                                                     the lives of people of all ages and from all parts
                                                           for residents today. We have shipbuilding, mining,                                                                    with learning institutions in 15 countries. We offer a
                                                                                                                       of society by engaging in cultural activities as
    Thank you for taking the time to look at               glass making, railways, beautiful architecture,                                                                       professions-facing curriculum and careers-focused
                                                                                                                       participants, learners and audience members;
    the details for the role of Chief Executive at         Washington Old Hall, Sunderland Minster, St Peters                                                                    teaching across five faculties – which includes our
    Sunderland Culture.                                    Church, The Elephant Tea Rooms, Sunderland               2. A developer of cultural infrastructure as a focal         medical school as well as extensive arts and creative
                                                           Museum and Winter Gardens, Arts Centre                      point for the city’s regeneration and as places of        industries provision.
    We may be biased – but we think it’s one of            Washington and many more. The city has many                 entertainment, excitement and learning;
    the most exciting jobs on offer in the world of                                                                                                                              We have a national and international reputation
                                                           committed volunteers who give their time freely
    arts and culture right now. Our partnership is                                                                  3. A strategic leader, partnering with other key             for innovation in widening participation, world-
                                                           and we are extremely grateful for that.
    a uniquely successful collaboration between                                                                        players to deliver an exciting cultural future for the    leading research and public and private sector
    Sunderland City Council, University of                 We very much support a thriving Culture offer within        city, inspiring its citizens, attracting people to live   collaborations.
    Sunderland and the MAC Trust, and in the five          the city and having Sunderland Culture enables us           here or visit here and raising its profile as a place
                                                                                                                                                                                 Our work in culture-led regeneration has been
    years we’ve been operating, the organisation           to work with and maximise those wider links across          with great cultural assets, activity and aspirations.
                                                                                                                                                                                 recognised through our investment in National
    has delivered real benefits for the people of          the region and country to promote Sunderland as a
                                                                                                                    Sunderland Culture is delivering on all three:               Glass Centre, Northern Gallery for Contemporary
    Sunderland.                                            place of Events, Culture and Heritage.
                                                                                                                                                                                 Art and Northern Centre for Photography. As well
    We are an Arts Council England National                Within the city we have many groups who are              1. With activities such as the Tall Ships cultural           as being a founding partner of Sunderland Culture,
    Portfolio Organisation, and both the Board and         constantly working within their communities to              programme and exhibitions of the work of great            the University is the lead organisation for The
    the staff team are united in our ambition to build     record memories to keep for the future, whether             artists such as Antony Gormley and Leonardo da            Cultural Spring – an Arts Council England Creative
    on our successes. As we start to prepare our next      it be through sculpture, ceramics, painting, film,          Vinci at one level and community participation            People and Places project now in its seventh year of
    five year strategy it’s an exciting time to join us,   music or dance. These groups build confidence               projects at the other and so much in between,             working with artists and performers in community
    with The Fire Station coming on line and a whole       within our community and encourage them to learn            there has been a huge uplift in cultural activity         settings. Students also benefit from our academic
    range of arts and cultural projects across the city.   new skills and be successful. In many instances a           and participation over recent years;                      partnerships with organisations including Dance
    We want to develop our capacity and capability         qualification is part of the experience but if not, it   2. The transformation of an abandoned fire                   City, Live Theatre and the Northern Academy of
    to deliver outstanding creative and cultural           paves the way for accredited qualifications. This is        station into a thriving cultural hub and now              Music Education. Our Chancellor is the musician
    experiences for everyone, and if you are keen to       also about combatting social isolation and mental           the imminent opening of the magnificent new               Emeli Sandé.
    work with a great team and help us achieve even        health and groups in the city, both constituted or          auditorium adjoining it and neighbouring the              We were ranked in the top twenty British universities
    more, this could be the job for you.                   informal, frequently meet to knit, sew, cook, discuss       majestic Sunderland Empire is giving the city the         in the ‘University of the Year’ category of the
                                                           their feelings, and support each other. We also have        venues it needs to meet its creative and cultural
    I hope that the pack will encourage you to                                                                                                                                   Whatuni Student Choice Awards 2019, the only
                                                           groups such as asylum seekers and residents with            ambitions;
    submit an application. Read on for more details                                                                                                                              national awards voted for by students. And our
                                                           language barriers who can get support within their
    of who we are and what we do, and if you have                                                                   3. Sunderland Culture has been a tremendous                  commitment to Equality, Diversity and Inclusion
                                                           community and share their skills with others.
    questions or would like to know more please get                                                                    success since it was established and now is the           was reinforced when we were named University of
    in touch.                                              Councillor Linda Williams, Sunderland City Council’s        time to push on with a clear vision for the future,       the Year for Social Inclusion (The Times and Sunday
                                                           Cabinet Member for Vibrant City, Sunderland                 full support from its board and partners and              Times Good University Guide 2021).
    Jane Earl                                              Culture Board member                                        leadership that is ambitious, creative and focused        Graeme Thompson, Pro Vice-Chancellor External
    Board Chair                                                                                                        on delivering great culture for this great city.          Relations, University of Sunderland , Sunderland
                                                                                                                    Paul Callaghan, CBE, DL, FRSA, Chair of Sunderland           Culture Board member
                                                                                                                    Music, Arts and Culture (MAC) Trust, Sunderland
                                                                                                                    Culture Board member

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SUNDERLAND’S CULTURAL                                     soul of the city. The redevelopment of The Fire
                                                                                                      Station and the restoration of the historic Dun
                                            REGENERATION                                              Cow and The Peacock pubs by Sunderland MAC
                                                                                                      Trust, alongside the historic Empire Theatre, the
      The first phase of The Fire Station   Sunderland is a city which stands on the threshold        redevelopment of the historic Town Park next to the
                                                                                                                                                                                          Artist’s impression of the
      opened in 2017                        of change, with regeneration happening at an              Grade II listed Sunderland Minster, and a cluster of
                                                                                                                                                                                          new Riverside Sunderland
                                            unprecedented pace and scale. The second largest          independent and unique food and drink offers, have                                  development connecting to
                                            in the North East, the city’s historic industrial heart   all added to the growing excitement and energy in                                   Keel Square
                                            is being reinvented as an extraordinary place to live,    this area.
                                            a dynamic business location, and a vibrant focus for
                                                                                                      The developments in the cultural quarter connect
                                            community life – with culture firmly placed at its
                                                                                                      to the new Riverside Sunderland. Heralded as the
                                                                                                      most ambitious city centre regeneration project in
                                            More than £1.53bn of private and public money             the UK today, Riverside Sunderland is transforming
                                            will be invested in the city by 2024 - from vibrant       32-hectares on and around the former Vaux site in
                                            seafront to city centre renewal, from the spectacular     the heart of the city into a dynamic, carbon-neutral
                                                                                                                                                              International Airshow, a renowned indie music
                                            Northern Spire bridge crossing the River Wear to the      urban quarter with offices, hotels, restaurants, bars
                                                                                                                                                              scene, and a rich heritage offer which traces its
                                            International Advanced Manufacturing Park offering        and residencies - connecting nearby Keel Square,
                                                                                                                                                              history to the Anglo-Saxon church of St Peter’s,
                                            a location of national strategic significance. New        the soon-to-open City Hall and Culture House, with
                                                                                                                                                              where Saint Benedict Biscop brought the first glass
                                            hotels are attracting new visitors and new road links     The Fire Station and cultural quarter.
                                                                                                                                                              making to Britain in the 7th century, Hylton Castle,
                                            are opening up under-used business areas.
                                                                                                      A city by the sea with stunning beaches and open        the Grade 1 listed Holy Trinity Church in Sunderland’s
                                            The Fire Station is the corner stone development          countryside on its doorstep, Sunderland has a           historic East End – currently being transformed into
                                            in the transformation of the Cultural Heart of            vibrant cultural offering. Alongside the programme      a cultural venue and Washington Old Hall - ancestral
                                            Sunderland city centre; re-establishing the area’s        in Sunderland Culture’s venues, visitors come to        home to the family of George Washington, first
                                            previous importance as the Edwardian heart and            the city to experience major events like Sunderland     president of the USA.

                          PLACED AT ITS CORE
                                                                                                                                  Riverside Sunderland is                                 A cyclist stops to admire
                                                                                                                                  heralded as the most                                    Sunderland’s stunning
                                                                                                                                  ambitious city centre                                   coastline
                                                                                                                                  regeneration project in
                                                                                                                                  the UK today

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Portolan closed the Tall Ships
                                                                                Races in 2018                    ACHIEVING
                                                                                                                 OUR MISSION

                                                                                                                                              IMPROVING LIFE FOR EVERYONE IN
                                                                                                                                               SUNDERLAND THROUGH CULTURE

                                                     ABOUT SUNDERLAND                                              Improving the      Creating            Building              Improving          Growing
                                                     CULTURE                                                       city’s profile
                                                                                                                   and reputation
                                                                                                                                      amongst our
                                                                                                                                                          and aspiration
                                                                                                                                                                                health and
                                                                                                                                                                                                   our creative
                                                                                                                                      communities         in young
                                                     Sunderland Culture brings together Wearside’s most                                                   people
                                                     important cultural assets and activities, and works to
                                                     realise the ambition of a city brimming with creative
                                                     potential. We deliver the creative programme
                                                     in National Glass Centre, Northern Gallery for
                                                                                                                                                            OUR AIMS
                                                     Contemporary Art, Sunderland Museum & Winter
                                                     Gardens, Arts Centre Washington and The Fire
                                                     Station, as well as with communities across the city.         Delivering an excellent           Encouraging everyone             Securing a revitalised
                                                                                                                   and diverse arts and              to get involved                  and resilient cultural
                                                     Sunderland Culture comprises the three main
                                                                                                                   heritage programme                                                 infrastructure
                                                     funders of arts provision in the city, Sunderland City
                                                     Council, University of Sunderland and Sunderland
                                                     Music, Arts and Culture (MAC) Trust into a single,
                                                     independent, and resilient delivery model. We are
                                                                                                                                OUR ASSETS, AUDIENCES, PARTICIPANTS AND PARTNERS
                                                     a not for profit, limited company and registered
                                                     Charity in England and Wales. In 2018 we became
                                                     an Arts Council England National Portfolio                     Across our venues,               Growing existing and              Working with our
                                                     Organisation.                                                  citywide and online:             building new audiences,           partners to maximise
                                                                                                                                                     and opportunities to              resources
                                                                                                                    • National Glass Centre
                                                     Our mission is to improve life for everyone in                                                  take part:
                                                                                                                                                                                       • Sunderland City Council
                                                     Sunderland through culture. To do so, we are driving           • Northern Gallery for
                                                                                                                                                     • People who live and             • University of Sunderland
                                                                                                                      Contemporary Art
                                                     five step changes through our work: improved                                                      visit Sunderland
                                                                                                                    • Sunderland Museum                                                • MAC Trust
                                                     profile and reputation of the city; more vibrant                                                 With a particular focus
                                                     creative economy; raised outlook and aspiration of               and Winter Gardens                                               • Vibrancy Group
                                                     young people; improved health and wellbeing; and a             • Arts Centre                                                      • Creative, cultural and
                                                                                                                                                     • Artists and creative
                                                     more socially cohesive city.                                     Washington                                                         digital sector
                                                                                                                    • Fire Station                                                     • Funders
                                                                                                                                                     • Ethnically diverse
                                                                                                                    • City programme                   communities                     • Businesses
    Anti clockwise from bottom left: Pupils                                                                                                          • People with disabilities,       • Health sector
    from Columbia Grange SEN Primary School                                                                                                            autism or additional            • Education sector
    take part in Bamboozle’s residency at Arts                                                                                                         needs
    Centre Washington; Pupils from Usworth                                                                                                                                             • Voluntary and
    Colliery Primary School take part in a mass                                                                                                      • Older people                      community organisations
    participation event as part of our Great Place
    programme; Artist Padma Rao at Mackie’s
    Workshop during the Friends of the Drop In’s
    residency for National Refugee Week

    Right: Wonderlooper was created with local                                                                                                     A UNIQUE MODEL FOR
    communities and artist Di Mainstone as part                                                                                                  CULTURAL REGENERATION
    of our Great Place programme, to mark the
    opening of the Northern Spire Bridge

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OUR YEAR IN FIGURES 2019-20                                             OUR ORGANISATION                                       EQUALITY AND DIVERSITY
    (our last full operational year pre-Covid 19 pandemic)
                                                                            The Sunderland Culture team is made up of venue        Sunderland Culture recognises, celebrates and
                                                                            specific staff from Sunderland City Council and        values the diversity of our audiences, staff and
                                                                            University of Sunderland and some recruited directly   community. As an organisation receiving public
                                                                            into the organisation to work on specific projects     funds with high profile venues, we aim to act as

                                                                            (e.g. Sunderland Great Place, National Partners        an exemplar of good practice and to influence our
                                                                            Programme).                                            participants, stakeholders and local community to
                                                                                                                                   share in our values.
                                                                            Operational management of the University and City
                                                                            Council venues is embedded in the systems of those     We actively seek to promote and support the
                                                                            organisations.                                         work of artists from diverse backgrounds and to
                                                                                                                                   enable visitors from diverse and/or disadvantaged
                                                                            Sunderland Culture delivers a single programme
                                                                                                                                   backgrounds to enjoy and participate in our
                                                                            of learning opportunities, exhibitions, audience
    visitors to our venues and programmes                                                                                          work. We ensure that this commitment is

                                                                            development and communications across all of the
                                                                                                                                   demonstrated through all aspects of business
                                                                            venues under the direction of Sunderland Culture
                                                                                                                                   - our governance structure, staff recruitment
                                                                            Board and delivered via a small core team in its
                                                                                                                                   and training, creative programme, and audience
                                                                            direct employment. All other venue specific staff
                                                                                                                                   development activities.
                                                                            remain employed by their current organisation

                                                                            but under the direction of Sunderland Culture for      In June 2020, Sunderland Culture joined together
                                                                            all matters relating to the programme. Delivery of     with the North East cultural sector to denounce
                                           participants                     programme and learning activity is governed by         racism - We
                                                                            agreements between Sunderland Culture and the          stand together in solidarity with individuals and
                                                                            partner organisation.                                  organisations that are anti-racist, and we embed

                                                                                                                                   equality and tolerance in our organisation’s aims and
                                                                                                                                   day-to-day activities. Our anti-racism pledge sets out
    family participants                                                                                                            the proactive steps we are undertaking to deliver

                                                                                                                                   against this commitment.
                                               adult participants

                                       and events

    social media engagements
                                                       school visitors


    visits to our website
                                                   social media followers
                                                                                                                                                     Sunderland Culture Organisation and
                                                                                                                                                     Staff Structure

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                                                                 From high-wire spectacles across the River Wear
                                                                 attracting thousands to participatory experiences
                                                                 in care homes, Sunderland Culture’s city-wide
                                                                 programme offers an exciting range of activities and
                                                                 events for everyone to experience and benefit from.

                                                                 Our work extends into the heart of Sunderland
                                                                 communities, including schools, with children and
                                                                 young people, older people living in social isolation,
                                                                 dementia sufferers and their carers, young carers,
                                                                 people with additional needs and/or autism, and
                                                                 ethnically diverse communities. In 2021 funded
     OUR VENUES AND                                              by the Thriving Communities Fund, we will work
     PROGRAMME                                                   in collaboration with Sunderland Carers Centre,
                                                                 Groundwork North East, Equal Arts and Sunderland
                                                                 GP Alliance - through the newly established
     Sunderland Culture is firmly place-focused in its
                                                                 Sunderland Social Prescribing Partnership – on
     creative and cultural ambition. We work across
                                                                 an ambitious and ground breaking approach to
     the city with communities and local partners to
                                                                 ensuring residents can engage in community
     ensure the power of great art, culture and creativity
                                                                 activities to support their health and wellbeing.
     is harnessed for the benefit of Sunderland, its
     residents and visitors.

     In 2019 we were chosen as one of three regional
     partnerships by Arts Council Collection to present
     and curate exhibitions drawn from their Collection,
     as part of the National Partners Programme.
     Funded by the National Lottery through Arts Council
     England, the programme is enabling communities
     in the city to enjoy highlights from the largest
     collection of modern and contemporary British art in
     the world.

     This, alongside other national partnerships with
     organisations including the V&A (DesignLab Nation),
     Royal Collections Trust (Leonardo da Vinci: A Life in
     Drawing) and National Gallery (Castles: Paintings
     from the National Gallery), positions our programme
     at the very highest calibre.

     Our programme is supported by a range of funders
     including National Lottery Heritage Fund, Art Fund,
     Garfield Weston Foundation through Weston
     Culture Fund and Esmee Fairbairn Collections Fund,
     and we are a host organisation for Weston Jerwood
     Creative Bursaries.
                                                                                                                          Clockwise from left: Bare Toed Dance Company performed
                                                                                                                          a spectacular circus workshop for students with Special
                                                                                                                          Educational Needs at Columbia Grange Primary School;
                                                                                                                          Marion, age 95 from Primrose Care Home, Hetton, trying
                                                                                                                          her hand at suspended aerial hanging at an Ageing Well
                                                                                                                          Connectedness event; this interactive game was part of a
                                                                                                                          ‘sharing’ event for the Who Do You Want to Meet? Great
                                                                                                                          Place project
     Clockwise from left: Extraordinary Bodies performed What
     Am I Worth? at the Tall Ships Races; Sunderland Culture’s
     Great Place Village during Hetton Carnival; An image of
     fallen WW1 soldier 2nd Lt Hugh Carr was etched into the
     Roker sands as part of Danny Boyle’s Pages of the Sea
     commissioned through 14-18 Now

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     An iconic building situated on the banks of the
     River Wear, National Glass Centre celebrates the
     origins, growth and history of glass making in
     Sunderland. Our exhibitions programme presents
     world class contemporary artists from around the
     world working in glass and ceramics, while the
     permanent exhibitions explore the city’s rich history
     of glass making. Visitors enjoy a range of experiences
     including glass blowing, family friendly glass making
     experiences, adult classes and free daily glass
     blowing demonstrations. National Glass Centre shop
     presents a range of quality glass produced locally,                                                             NORTHERN GALLERY FOR
     including in our studio.
                                                                                                                     CONTEMPORARY ART
     We are home to around 130 students studying
     Foundation/Level 0 Art and Design, and BA                                                                       Northern Gallery for Contemporary Art has been
     (Hons) Glass and Ceramics undergraduate and                                                                     bringing art from around the world to Sunderland
     postgraduate programmes at University of                                                                        and revealing the depth of talent in the North East
     Sunderland, who enjoy access to a huge range of                                                                 for 50 years. Working closely with artists, it stages
     world class production facilities.                                                                              exhibitions and events, creates publications and
                                                                                                                     most recently, has begun to create a collection
     In 2021 we look forward to launching ‘Glass
                                                                                                                     of contemporary art for the future. Since 2017,
     Exchange’ - a series of ambitious new commissions
                                                                                                                     the gallery has been based inside National Glass
     realised by high profile contemporary visual artists,
                                                                                                                     Centre, where it has focused on new work made in
     many of whom are working in glass for the first          Clockwise from above: National Glass Centre welcomes
                                                              over 230,000 visitors each year; daily glass blowing   photography, film & video, and twenty-first
     time, exhibited at sites between Sunderland and
                                                              Demonstrations; Felieke van der Leest, Yellow Kelly,   century media. The gallery has a reputation for
     Durham from March to Sept 2022, funded through           part of No Strings: Beads in a Modern Context venue    identifying new talent locally and internationally,
     Arts Council England’s Ambition for Excellence           and online exhibition; young people taking part in a   having awarded artists with their first ever public
     programme, Art Fund and Henry Moore Foundation.          workshop as part of DesignLab Nation
                                                                                                                     exhibitions from Sean Scully in 1972 through to
                                                                                                                     Marvin Gaye Chetwynd.

                                                                                                                     In 2021 NGCA will host Antony Gormley’s Field for
                                                                                                                     the British Isles as part of our partnership with Arts
                                                                                                                     Council Collection through the National Partners
                                                                                                                     Programme, with support from Garfield Weston
                                                                                                                     Foundation. This major installation of 40,000 clay
                                                                                                                     figures by one of Britain’s best loved contemporary
                                                                                                                     artists, will be the centre piece of Sunderland
                                                                                                                     Culture’s summer re-opening programme, and will
                                                                                                                     feature an extensive wrap around programme of
                                                                                                                     participatory activity.

                                                                                                                            From top to bottom: Continuous Topography by Dan
                                                                                                                         Holdsworth; Based on a True Story: Works 1984 – 2018 by
                                                                                                                       John Kippin; Antony Gormley’s Field for the British Isles will
                                                                                                                          be presented at NGCA as part of the National Partners
                                                                                                                                                         Programme in July 2021

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     Sunderland Museum & Winter Gardens has sat at                                                                        ARTS CENTRE
     the heart of Sunderland’s cultural offer for over 170
     years. A truly civic institution, it is a key part of a
     Sunderland childhood; with grandparents bringing
     grandchildren to the Museum that they visited                                                                        Arts Centre Washington provides a year-round
     as children. With a collection dating back to 1846,                                                                  programme of theatre, music, comedy, dance, film
     Sunderland’s fascinating history is explored across                                                                  and exhibitions, as well as a range of classes and
     four floors, with spaces dedicated to shipbuilding,                                                                  courses from salsa dancing to scale model making.
     coal mining, glass making and pottery, as well as                                                                    A regular packed programme of performances
     many other aspects of the city’s past.                                                                               includes some of the very best of small-scale touring
                                                                                                                          artists, and a regular platform for emerging artists.
     Our programme of special exhibitions features both                                                                   Arts Centre Washington is a member of REACH - a
     local and national collections brought here through                                                                  strategic partnership of nine performance venues
     links with national museums, including Leonardo da                                                                   in the north east, aiming to bring some of the most
     Vinci: A Life in Drawing in 2019 – a partnership with                                                                exciting companies and artists to the region. It has
     the Royal Collections Trust, when the Museum was                                                                     an established reputation for offering an inclusive
     chosen as one of only twelve locations nationwide to                                                                 programme for children and young people, from
     host unseen works, marking the 500th anniversary                                                                     theatre performances, participatory experiences for
     of his death. In 2020 the Museum hosted Received                                                                     children with learning disabilities to take-over days
     Wisdom - the inaugural exhibition as part of the                                                                     by the young people’s collective Celebrate Different.
     National Partners Programme.                                                                                         The Centre also houses artists’ studios, a recording
                                                                                                                          studio and rehearsal rooms.
     Sunderland Museum & Winter Gardens welcomes
     over 380,000 visitors each year. In 2020 it won the       Clockwise from above: Located within the city’s                                                                    Clockwise from above: Housed in a converted barn, Arts
                                                               Mowbray Park, Sunderland Museum and Winter                                                                         Centre Washington welcomes almost 200,000 visitors
     accolade of Best Large Visitor Attraction at the North    Gardens was the first civic museum in the country                                                                  each year; Action Transport Theatre’s Adrift performed
     East Tourism Awards.                                      outside of London; Wallace the Lion remains one of the                                                             for school audiences; in 2019 Celebrate Different
                                                               venue’s favourite permanent exhibits; students take part                                                           Collective took over Arts Centre Washington; People’s
                                                               in activities around Received Wisdom, part of the NPP                                                              Pyrex was a popular exhibition celebrating the city’s
                                                               programme; young visitors to Leonardo da Vinci: A Life                                                             connection to Pyrex, presented as part of NGC’s 21st
                                                               in Drawing; the peaceful oasis of the Winter Gardens                                                               birthday programme

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                                                                                                                      Our Unlock the City programme aims to increase confidence and
                                                                                                                      facilitate a more diverse, sustainable and profitable creative sector
                                                                                                                      within Sunderland. Since 2018 the programme has supported
                                                                                                                      over 300 creative practitioners through Creative Development
                                                                                                                      Fellowships, 24 fellowships, as well as residencies and commissions.
                                                                                                                      The programme has supported artists to increase funding and
                                                                                                                      investment in Sunderland’s creative industries, delivered over 60
                                                                                                                      support sessions and workshops to more than 200 artists, and
                                                                                                                      offered one to one advice to creative businesses. Unlock the City
                                                                                                                      is delivered in partnership with Sunderland BME Network, Digital
                                                                                                                      Catapult and the North East Business Innovation Centre, as well
     THE FIRE STATION                                                                                                 as creative partners including NEPN, Sunderland Music Hub and
                                                                                                                      We Make Culture.
     The Fire Station is the most recently developed
     cultural venue in the Sunderland Culture portfolio,
     scheduled for completion by the end of 2021.
     Developed by the Sunderland MAC Trust, and
     located in the heart of Sunderland city centre,
     the venue is a key pillar of Sunderland’s cultural
     regeneration. Featuring a state-of-the-art
     auditorium designed for music, theatre and dance,
     it will have dual capacities of 450-550 seated
     or 800 standing, bringing the ability to attract a wide
     range of international and local artists to the heart     Clockwise from top left: Artist’s impression of
                                                               The Fire Station Auditorium; school children take
     of the city. The venue will also include the Parade
                                                               part in workshops at Dance City Sunderland                                                Clockwise from top right: Dancer and Choreographer Patrick Ziza brought
     Ground, a 600-capacity outdoor performance                located in The Fire Station; the Engine Room Bar                                          Dandyism to Sunderland through our Unlock programme. Dandyism is inspired by
     space with an external integrated stage.                  and Brasserie; performance for the opening of                                             the Dandies of the Congo; Museum Pieces, commissioned five short plays by local
                                                               The Fire Station in 2017; artist’s impression of the                                      writers, which was staged at Sunderland Museum & Winter Gardens; through our
     The Fire Station will programme, promote, produce,        stage area                                                                                Unlock programme, we awarded 14 Creative Development Fellowships to support
     and present around 300 events all the year round,                                                                                                   Sunderland artists in developing their practice; the Rebel Women of Sunderland
     working with a range of artists, partners and visiting                                                                                              project commissioned through Unlock celebrated inspiring women from the city
     companies on an ambitious and diverse range of
     performances. While grounded in the city and the
     extraordinary, diverse community of artists and
     audiences on the doorstep, it will aim to attract
     visitors from across the region and beyond.

                                                                                                                                                        OUR WORK DURING THE COVID-19
                                                                                                                                                        The events of 2020-21 turned our programme on its head in a way none of
                                                                                                                                                        us could have previously imagined.

                                                                                                                                                        Despite the significant challenges, we refocussed and repositioned our
                                                                                                                                                        programme to develop a new offer in an incredibly short space of time
                                                                                                                                                        which included digital exhibitions, an online and hybrid performance
                                                                                                                                                        offer, online learning and participation through activity packs, videos and
                                                                                                                                                        workshops and extensive support, bursary and commission opportunities
                                                                                                                                                        for artists and creative businesses. We will use what we’ve learned from
                                                                                                                                                        this period in our future plans.

                                                                                                                                                                Film still from The Gender Song, 2014, by Evan Ifekoya, Arts Council
                                                                                                                                                                Collection, Southbank Centre, London - part of Paint the Town in
                                                                                                                                                                Sound in Association with Field Music, as part of our National Partners
                                                                                                                                                                Programme, was initially intended to be an in venue programme in
                                                                                                                                                                2020, but the exhibition and participation programme was delivered
                                                                                                                                                                entirely online during the Covid-19 pandemic

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     JOB PURPOSE                                              2. Stakeholder Relationships                               • Represent the organisation to policy makers       Experience
                                                                                                                           and politicians
     • To provide inspirational leadership for Sunderland       • Manage and nurture relationships with the                                                                  • Evidence of successfully leading change and
       Culture, being accountable and taking                      three founding partners through development            • Work with the Head of Marketing and                 growth in a diverse, public-facing business by
       responsibility for all aspects of the organisation’s       and monitoring of SLAs, bespoke agreements               Communications to deliver a single audience         devising and delivering on strategic business
       business from long-term strategy and plans to all          and personal relationship building                       development programme across the city               plans
       aspects of day-to-day operations                         • Work closely with the strategic and operational        • Work with the staff team to deliver excellent     • A track record of developing and enabling high
     • To lead, inspire and motivate the organisation,            managers at the partners’ venues to ensure               staff engagement                                    performing teams
       guiding it securely through necessary change and           joined up activity and communications
                                                                                                                                                                             • Experience of identifying, managing and
       laying the foundations of long-term sustainability                                                              5. Equality and Diversity
                                                                • Ensure effective management and delivery of                                                                  mitigating risks whilst engaging appropriately
       and success                                                all external funding agreements, including Arts        • Ensure that the organisation has a strong           with Board Members and a wide range of
     • To support the existing strategic partnerships and         Council England                                          commitment to diversity and meets the               stakeholders
       to work in ways which improve life for everyone in                                                                  ambitions of the partnership in relation to
                                                                • Actively seek out partnerships and relationships                                                           • Experience of having led the development of
       Sunderland through culture                                                                                          inclusivity and relevance
                                                                  with social, civic, business and cultural partners                                                           strategic partnerships and delivery of projects in
     • To develop an organisation that combines                   locally, regionally and nationally                     • Actively pursue opportunities and partnerships      the arts and cultural sector
       entrepreneurial flair with awareness of                                                                             to break down barriers to accessing or
                                                                • Participate in appropriate regular partnership
       the charity’s standing as a leading cultural                                                                        participating in Sunderland Culture’s             Skills and Knowledge
                                                                  meetings with the founding partners to identify
       organisation in Sunderland                                                                                          programmes of work
                                                                  opportunities for future growth and synergies                                                              • Exceptional interpersonal skills and the ability to
     • To develop the profile of Sunderland Culture                                                                                                                            build rapport and partnerships with a variety of
                                                                                                                       6. Governance
       as a model and an exemplar for other localities        3. Finance and Fundraising                                                                                       stakeholders
       elsewhere in the country                                                                                          • Work with the Chair and the Board to ensure
                                                                • Ensure Sunderland Culture achieves positive                                                                • A skilled communicator, confident in articulating
                                                                                                                           good governance, compliance with all
                                                                  financial performance in line with its agreed                                                                Sunderland Culture’s vision in any context
                                                                                                                           statutory requirements, and support a high
                                                                  budgets through management of accurate
                                                                                                                           performing board in delivering on the mission     • Intellectually able to translate ambiguity and
     JOB DESCRIPTION                                              budgeting and financial monitoring processes
                                                                                                                           of Sunderland Culture                               uncertainty into clear messages to inspire trust
     1. Strategic and Creative Leadership, Vision and           • Effectively manage Sunderland Culture’s                                                                      and confidence and empower staff
                                                                                                                         • Ensure that the Board, Finance Committee
        Strategy                                                  finance function, including relationships with
                                                                                                                           and any other bodies are properly serviced to     • Extensive knowledge of the arts and cultural
                                                                  external accountants, advisors and auditors
                                                                                                                           ensure good governance and compliance with          sector including appreciation of curatorial
       • Work with the Board and the staff team to set
                                                                • Actively seek new funding opportunities and              statutory reporting                                 approaches
         the vision and direction for the organisation
                                                                  represent the organisation in meetings with
       • Develop and implement business plans and                                                                                                                            • Understanding and appreciation of, and a
         strategies, and run effective performance                                                                                                                             commitment to implementing steps to support,
                                                                                                                       PERSON SPECIFICATION
         management approaches to ensure that                   • Line manage the finance lead and                                                                             the Creative Case for Diversity
         strategic plans for Sunderland Culture are               Development Manager, including setting
                                                                                                                       Personal Attributes                                   • Sound knowledge of financial and business
         achieved                                                 targets for fundraising activity
                                                                                                                                                                               planning and project/ programme management
                                                                                                                       • An inspirational leader with a palpable
       • Work alongside the Creative Director to set the        • Manage the practical application of risk to
                                                                                                                         commitment to Sunderland Culture’s vision and       • Understanding of the Charity Commission
         creative vision and direction of the programme           ensure that Sunderland Culture can take
                                                                                                                         values                                                guidance and regulatory approach
         at the venues and across the city                        sensible and managed risks in delivering on
                                                                  the vision                                           • Demonstrable personal integrity, authenticity and
       • Lead, develop and inspire the staff team and                                                                    emotional intelligence with an ability to engage
         ensure good management processes and                 4. Advocacy and Communications                             constructively with a wide range of stakeholders
         procedures are in place
                                                                • Act as the public face of Sunderland Culture         • Energy, enthusiasm and an entrepreneurial
       • Work alongside other partners to ensure                  and the cultural venues of the three founding          outlook, balanced with pragmatism and the
         that there are consistent staff management               partners                                               ability and resourcefulness to ensure delivery
         practices across the organisation, in light of the                                                              across a diverse programme of work
         mixed staffing model for Sunderland Culture            • Work with Head of Marketing and
                                                                  Communications to ensure a robust media and
                                                                  communications strategy across activity and
                                                                  partner venues to maximise profile

18                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   19

     The role is offered at a salary in a range between
     £60,000 - £70,000 pa

     Full time with some evenings and weekends and some

     The role is based in National Glass Centre but
     occasional hotdesking is required at other Sunderland
     Culture venues, and some remote working possible

     25 days per year plus 8 public holiday days

     Auto enrolment in NEST scheme

     We hope that you will want to make an application.
     Please send us an up-to-date CV, together with a
     two-page letter, outlining why you want to be part of
     the Sunderland Culture team, and highlighting the
     particular skills, experience and expertise you would
     bring to the role.

     Please also complete the equal opportunities
     monitoring form here

     Applications should be sent to Amy Martin

     Deadline no later than 5pm on 16 June 2021

     First interviews - by Zoom Friday 2nd July

     Second interviews – in Sunderland Wednesday 7th July

20                                                           21
Find out more about our programme and activities

Read our 2019-20 annual review here

Read our information on the Charity Commission
website here

Sunderland Culture Limited
National Glass Centre, Liberty Way
Sunderland SR6 0GL

Registered Charity Number 1184073
Company Reg Number 10098742
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