Supramolecular organic photochemistry: Control of covalent bond formation through noncovalent supramolecular interactions and magnetic effects

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Supramolecular organic photochemistry: Control of covalent bond formation through noncovalent supramolecular interactions and magnetic effects

                                        Supramolecular organic photochemistry: Control of
                                        covalent bond formation through noncovalent
                                        supramolecular interactions and magnetic effects
                                        Nicholas J. Turro*
                                        Department of Chemistry, Columbia University, 3000 Broadway, MC 3119, New York, NY 10027

                                        Supramolecular organic photochemistry, a field concerned with the interaction of light with supramolecular assemblies of organic
                                        molecules, has been inspired by the remarkable structural and dynamic features of guest@host chemistry, particularly as exemplified by
                                        enzymes. Exemplars of supramolecular organic photochemistry from soft-matter hosts (micelles) and hard-matter hosts (porous solids)
                                        are discussed with an emphasis on how noncovalent interactions, which are at the heart of supramolecular chemistry, can be
                                        systematically exploited to control the catalytic and magnetic effects on the formation of covalent bonds from photochemically produced
                                        pairs of radicals.

                                        From Molecular to Supramolecular                    Enzymes are remarkably specific both         released and the active site becomes ca-
                                        Chemistry                                        in the selection of the guest molecules they    pable again of binding another molecular
                                                                                         bind and in the reactions they catalyze (3).    guest.
                                                                                         The high degree of catalytic selectivity of
                                        T   he concept of the organic molecule as
                                            an assembly of atoms held together by
                                        covalent bonds is a key intellectual unit in
                                                                                         enzymes results from the very specific
                                                                                         structural demands of binding of a guest to
                                                                                                                                         Host@Guest Supermolecules As
                                                                                                                                         Nanoscopic Reaction Vessels
                                        chemistry. Chemists have mastered con-           an ‘‘active site’’ of the protein framework     The active sites of enzymes, whose spatial
                                        cepts of the covalent bond and demon-            of the enzyme. The structure and action of      dimensions are of the order of a nanome-
                                                                                                                                         ter (1 nm ⫽ 10 Å), are truly nanoscopic

                                        strated their mastery through the use of         enzymes has provided chemists with both
                                        the concepts to design the synthesis of          a stimulus and an inspiration to design         reaction vessels for conducting catalytic
                                        remarkably complex organic molecules             ‘‘synthetic enzymes’’ to provide exemplars      reactions, involving the making and break-
                                        and to correlate molecular structure and         for the understanding of supramolecular         ing of covalent bonds of bound guest
                                        dynamics with the physical and chemical          structure and dynamics that display excel-      molecules. A challenge in supramolecular
                                        properties of organic compounds. In the          lent catalytic and selectivity efficiencies     catalysis of synthetic enzymes is to design
                                        same manner that molecular chemistry             for practical applications. A key supramo-      systems that selectively and efficiently cat-
                                                                                                                                         alyze covalent bond formation from in-

                                                                                                                                                                                          SPECIAL FEATURE
                                        may be considered to be the chemistry of         lecular feature of enzymes is their capacity
                                        atomic assemblies, which are held to-            for ‘‘molecular recognition’’ by which ad-      herently reactive species such as pair of
                                        gether by covalent interatomic bonds, su-        mission to, and binding with, the active        radicals through the noncovalent, inter-
                                        pramolecular organic chemistry may be            site by a particular molecular guest is         molecular interactions associated with
                                        considered to be the chemistry of molec-         extremely selective and is based on the         guest@host complexes. A range of nano-
                                        ular assemblies that are held together by        enzyme’s ability to recognize the guest’s       scopic reactors have been used (4) to
                                        noncovalent intermolecular bonds (1, 2).         size, shape, and chemical characteristics.      conduct organic photochemical reactions
                                                                                         The process of molecular recognition of         in the fluid or ‘‘soft-matter’’ phases (mi-
                                        Enzymes As Exemplars of Guest@Host               the guest from all other molecules in a         celles, microemulsions, liquid crystals, and
                                        Supermolecules                                   surrounding aqueous environment and of          polymer films) and in the solid or ‘‘hard-
                                        Perhaps the highest levels of sophistica-        transport of the guest to the active site       matter’’ phases (zeolites, silica gel, crys-
                                        tion of applications of supramolecular           involves a sequence of diffusional steps        tals, and semiconductors). We shall con-
                                        chemistry are found in living systems,           starting with the recognition of the sub-       sider one exemplar from soft matter
                                        consisting of elegant supramolecular as-         strate by the exterior of the global enzyme     (micelles) and one from hard matter
                                        semblies of organic molecules that make          supramolecular assembly, followed by            (zeolites).
                                        up the machinery whose structures and            binding of the guest to the external surface       In ordinary molecular solvents, a dis-
                                                                                         of the enzyme. The guest is then vectori-       solved molecule may be considered as a
                                        dynamics enable and support life func-
                                                                                         ally shuttled from the external surface         guest that is surrounded by a wall or as
                                        tions. An important class of life’s super-
                                                                                         through the enzyme’s internal structure         solvent molecules that form a host ‘‘cage’’
                                        molecules are guest@host complexes (the
                                                                                         until it reaches and is bound to the active     about the guest (5). Micelles and zeolites
                                        @ symbol indicates noncovalent bonding
                                                                                         site. The active site possesses a size兾shape    may be viewed as ‘‘supercages’’ that sur-
                                        between molecular species) for which a
                                                                                                                                         round the guest. A supercage influences
                                        ‘‘guest’’ molecule, whose chemistry is of        geometry and chemical functionality that
                                                                                                                                         the chemical and兾or physical properties of
                                        direct interest, is modified catalytically as    are complementary to the size兾shape of
                                                                                                                                         the guest in a qualitative and兾or quanti-
                                        the result of noncovalent binding to a           the guest and which allow specific chem-
                                                                                                                                         tative manner compared with the molec-
                                        macromolecular ‘‘host.’’ For example, en-        istry of the guest to be catalyzed by the
                                                                                                                                         ular solvent cage as a reference. The active
                                        zymes are macromolecular protein hosts           host. Once the chemistry is achieved, be-
                                                                                                                                         site of an enzyme represents the cage par
                                        that catalyze the important reactions            cause the product’s size兾shape兾chemical
                                        of noncovalently bound guest organic             characteristics are not complementary to
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                                        molecules.                                       those of the active site, the product is        *E-mail:

                                        www.pnas.org兾cgi兾doi兾10.1073兾pnas.032657999                                                PNAS 兩 April 16, 2002 兩 vol. 99 兩 no. 8 兩 4805– 4809
porous and cannot effectively constrain
                                                                                                                                                     the separation of the geminate pair.
                                                                                                                                                       The cage effect for the probability of
                                                                                                                                                     recombination of geminate radical pairs
                                                                                                                                                     produced by the photolysis of ketones in
                                                                                                                                                     micelles has been used as an exemplar to
                                                                                                                                                     demonstrate the supramolecular effects
                                                                                                                                                     on covalent bond formation (10). For the
                                                                                                                                                     same ketones as guests in micelle hosts,
                                                                                                                                                     the probability of geminate pair recombi-
                                                                                                                                                     nation can be systematically controlled
                                                                                                                                                     from a few percent up to about 100% by
                                                                                                                                                     controlling the complementary hydropho-
                                                                                                                                                     bicity of the guest geminate pair and the
                                                                                                                                                     host micelle core (Table 1).

                                                                                                                                                     Magnetic and Supramolecular Effects on
                                        Fig. 1. Schematic representation of a micelle. The black circle represents the ionic portion of the head     Covalent Bond Formation
                                        group (e.g., SO3⫺), whereas the long tail depicts the hydrophobic alkyl chain. SDS (C12) and cetyltrimeth-
                                        ylammonium bromide (C16) are typical anionic and cationic micelle-forming surfactants, respectively.         Magnetic field and magnetic isotope ef-
                                                                                                                                                     fects are commonly observed for photo-
                                                                                                                                                     chemical reactions that produce triplet
                                        excellence for controlling the chemistry of           form a stable molecule. In solution (mo-               geminate radical pairs in supercages (11,
                                        incarcerated guest molecule.                          lecular chemistry), the geminate radical               12). The intersystem crossing (ISC) step
                                                                                              pair is a highly reactive species and does             converting 3I (triplet geminate pair) to 1I
                                        Micelles As Soft-Matter Enzyme Mimics                 not require energetic activation for cova-             (singlet geminate pair) is responsible for
                                        Micelles are supramolecular assemblies                lent bond formation, which occurs very                 the common occurrence of spin effects in
                                        consisting of bipolar molecules called sur-           rapidly and efficiently. Enzymes can acti-             photoreactions in supramolecular sys-
                                        factants. Surfactants, named because of               vate bond breaking of key covalent bonds               tems. The key concept in spin chemistry is
                                        their surface active properties, typically            of the guest through the geometric dispo-              that the ISC step 3I to 1I is a magnetic
                                        consist of a relatively long hydrophobic              sition of chemical functionality that geo-             reactivity switch! The switch is based on
                                        organic chain that serves as a ‘‘tail’’ to a          metrically complements the bound guest.                spin selection rules, which forbid 3I from
                                        polar or ionic head group (Fig. 1). In                In organic supramolecular photochemis-                 directly forming singlet products, 1P,
                                        dilute aqueous solution, surfactants exist            try (8), photons absorbed by the guest                 through radical–radical combination (or
                                        as monomer (i.e., a conventional solubi-              provide the activation required to break               disproportionation) until ISC to a singlet
                                        lized molecule), but above a certain con-             covalent bonds of the guest.                           state,1 I, occurs.
                                        centration, the surfactants spontaneously                                                                       A qualitative model (11) that integrates
                                        and cooperatively organize to form a su-              The ‘‘Cage Effect’’ As a Signature of                  supramolecular chemistry and spin chem-
                                        pramolecular assembly (6) termed a ‘‘mi-              Supramolecular Systems                                 istry is shown in Fig. 2. When the time
                                        celle.’’ The micelle possesses an internal            When photolysis causes the cleavage of a               scale of the ISC step is of the order of
                                        hydrophobic core consisting of the or-                bond in a guest adsorbed in a micelle to               nanoseconds to microseconds, large spin
                                        ganic chains and an external surface con-             produce a pair of radicals (a geminate                 effects caused by applied laboratory mag-
                                        sisting of the hydrophilic polar or ionic             radical pair), there is a certain probability,         netic fields or by magnetic isotopes are
                                        head groups (Fig. 1 Right). On a time                 P, that the geminate pair will recombine in            expected theoretically and found experi-
                                        average globular micelles are roughly                 the micelle and a probability, (1 ⫺ P), that           mentally on the value of P (11, 12). Be-
                                        spherical in shape and of the order of 1–3            the partners of the pair will diffuse out of           cause the size of the supercages of micelles
                                        nm in diameter (Fig. 1 Left), which qual-             the micelle. The probability, P, that the              are of the order of 1 nm, spin effects are
                                        ifies micelles as nanoscopic reactors for             geminate pair will recombine in the mi-                commonly observed on the values of P for
                                        bound guest molecules. The micelle may                celle is termed the geminate ‘‘cage effect.’’          covalent bond formation between gemi-
                                        be viewed as a primitive model of an                  In nonviscous solvents, the cage effect of             nate triplet radical pairs in nanoscopic
                                        enzyme with the hydrophobic core as the               recombination of the geminate pair pro-                supercages. The model of Fig. 2 provides
                                        analogue of the active site. The micelle              duced from photolysis of ketones is a few              an intellectual and scientific basis for ex-
                                        core is a ‘‘soft,’’ liquid-like structure and         percent or less (9), because the walls of the          perimental variation of supramolecular
                                        differs from that of an ordinary organic              molecular solvent cage are very soft and               guest@host complexes in the search of
                                        solvent in that the guest is constrained to
                                        remain in the hydrophobic region of the               Table 1. Cage effects on secondary geminate pair recombination
                                        micelle, which provides a ‘‘supercage’’ or
                                        nanoscopic reactor space for the guest.               Ketone                      Earth’s field                   13,000 gauss                 Surfactant

                                                                                                  1                           30%                             16%                         C16
                                        Molecular and Supramolecular Organic                      2                           59%                             31%                         C16
                                        Photochemistry                                            3                           95%                             76%                         C16
                                        Let us consider a strategy in which con-                  2                           30%                             15%                         C12
                                        ventional molecular photochemistry (7) is
                                        used to cleave a covalent bond in a bound
                                        guest molecule to produce a geminate
                                        radical pair that is bound in an ‘‘active
                                        site,’’ which will control the subsequent
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                                        covalent bond formation of the pair to                See Fig. 1 for the structures of C12 and C16.

                                        4806 兩 www.pnas.org兾cgi兾doi兾10.1073兾pnas.032657999                                                                                                  Turro
Fig. 2. Model of a nanoscopic supercage and the origin of magnetic effects on covalent bond formation. The large circle represents a supramolecular
                                        host that serves as a nanoscopic supercage for a geminate pair of radicals (the small circles represent a dynamic triplet radical pair, 3I). A triplet geminate
                                        radical pair is produced by photolysis. The pair undergoes a random walk in the supercage under the constraints of the ‘‘viscosity’’ and spatial dimen-
                                        sions of the supercage. Under the influence of magnetic interactions the pair undergoes ISC to a singlet during the random walk. After reencounter,
                                        the singlet pair forms a covalent bond with a probability, P. The latter undergo relative diffusion (D ⫽ diffusion constant) from an initial site about a
                                        supercage of radius L with an average reencounter period of ␶. For a random walk, ␶ is proportional to L2兾D. For a supercage with a diameter of the order
                                        of about 1 nm (10 Å), the value of ␶ is of the order of nanoseconds to microseconds for values of D corresponding to nonviscous to moderately viscous

                                        reaction control by spin effects: (i) control         Magnetic Effects on Covalent Bond                       walk separation and reencounter of the
                                        the relative diffusional motion (D) of the            Formation in Supramolecular Systems                     geminate pair) in relationships between
                                        pair, which will depend on the size, shape,                                                                   the magnitude of the cage effect and the
                                        and chemical structure of the partners of             Fig. 3 provides a schematic integration of
                                                                                              the photochemistry (formation of the                    size and ‘‘viscosity’’ of the supercage
                                        the guest pair; (ii) control the size (L),
                                                                                              geminate triplet pair), the spin dynamics               microreactor.
                                        shape, and chemical structure of the host

                                                                                                                                                                                                              SPECIAL FEATURE
                                        supercage; and (iii) control the magnetic             (triplet to singlet intersystem crossing of                The application of an external magnetic
                                        parameters (hyperfine coupling, applied               the geminate pair), chemical dynamics                   field strongly (10) reduces the probability
                                        fields, g-factors, etc.) influencing the rate         (covalent bond formation of the geminate                of cage recombination of geminate pairs
                                        of ISC of the pair. Generally, other pro-             pair), and diffusional dynamics (random                 in micellar supercages (Table 1). This
                                        cesses (e.g., escape from the supercage,
                                        spin-independent chemical reactions, etc.)
                                        compete with the ISC step. Because the
                                        ISC step is controlled through magnetic
                                        effects and product formation selectivity
                                        depends on the competition between ISC
                                        and spin independent reactions, magnetic
                                        effects can operate on the 3I to 1I process
                                        to exert a control on eventual covalent
                                        bond formation selectivity from 3I.
                                           A second important supramolecular
                                        aspect of the model is the intermolecular
                                        radical–radical interactions of electron
                                        exchange that plays an important role in
                                        determining the magnitude of the ob-
                                        served spin effects (11). Thus, the com-
                                        bination of weak noncovalent supramo-
                                        lecular interactions between the radicals
                                        of a pair and weak exchange and mag-
                                        netic interactions between the electron
                                                                                              Fig. 3. Representation of the hyperdynamics involved in the recombination reaction of a triplet
                                        spins of the pair can control the reaction            geminate radical pair. The arrows moving along the singlet and triplet energy surface indicate the motion
                                        pathways of radical–radical reactions to              of the representative point of the nuclei of the radical pair. The spin dynamics is represented by the vector
                                        selectively make strong covalent bonds in             notation 1. The diffusional dynamics is represented below the surfaces as in Fig. 2. The boundary for a
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                                        supercages.                                           hypothetical supercage is shown. The shaded circles represent geminate radicals.

                                        Turro                                                                                                        PNAS 兩 April 16, 2002 兩 vol. 99 兩 no. 8 兩 4807
effect results from the strong coupling of
                                        an external magnetic field with the elec-
                                        tron spins that inhibits the electron spins
                                        from undergoing ISC. This action slows
                                        down the rate of singlet formation and
                                        allows the radicals to escape more effi-
                                        ciently out of the supercage, reducing the
                                        probability of the cage effect (Figs. 2 and
                                        3). The presence of a 13C at the carbonyl
                                        position of the acyl radical of the primary
                                        pair leads to significant magnetic isotope
                                        effects on the cage reactions of the pri-
                                        mary geminate radical pair (12). This ef-
                                        fect occurs because the presence of 13C (a
                                        magnetic isotope) at the carbonyl carbon
                                        of the radical pair accelerates the rate of          Fig. 4.   Schematic of the external surface (Left) and the supercage (Right) of an FAU zeolite.
                                        ISC of the primary pair relative to 12C (a
                                        nonmagnetic isotope that occurs in 99%
                                        natural abundance), thereby speeding up          zeolite. In these cases, the enzyme may be           accomplish the required substrate trans-
                                        the rate of ISC to the singlet pair and          viewed as suppressing a high inherent                formation selectively, efficiently, and cat-
                                        causing more efficient covalent bond for-        molecular reactivity of a species by direct-         alytically. Zeolites mimic these properties
                                        mation and a higher cage effect.                 ing alternative reactions of a guest toward          of enzymes to a certain measure.
                                                                                         a specific pathway, which is not possible in
                                        Zeolites As Hosts for Supramolecular             homogeneous solution conditions because              Negative Catalysis As a Mechanism for
                                        Organic Photochemistry                           the alternative reaction is too slow to              Selective Covalent Bond Formation in
                                        Zeolites are crystalline porous solids pos-      compete with other available, very fast,             Supramolecular Systems
                                        sessing an ‘‘open’’ or porous internal sur-      reactions.                                           In some cases, enzymes achieve selectivity
                                        face whose framework is constructed from            Although zeolites are robust porous sol-          by transforming substrates into unstable
                                        SiO4 and AlO4 tetrahedra connected               ids and a form of hard matter, they possess          and reactive intermediates that would nor-
                                        through oxygen bridges (13). The open            a number of structural similarities to               mally undergo rapid and nonselective re-
                                        framework structure starts with pores on         ‘‘soft-matter’’ enzymes (16). To the extent          actions in homogeneous media. Enzy-
                                        the external surface that determine the          that these similarities are valid, the chem-         matic selectivity in these cases is provided
                                        guest molecules which can diffuse into the       ist is inspired to combine the attractive            by a sort of negative catalysis (17), if we
                                        interconnected channels of the internal          features of the robust, chemically inert             define catalysis in terms of the action of a
                                        surface. The dimensions of the pores and         framework of an inorganic structure, a               host in promoting a chemical transforma-
                                        channels are of the order of 3–10 Å, the         zeolite crystal, with the spectacular selec-         tion without being consumed and do not
                                        size of small organic molecules such as          tivity and activity of enzymes. Nature de-           demand that a catalyzed reaction be char-
                                        benzene (molecular cross section about 5         mands high selectivity and catalytic con-            acterized by a faster rate than some ref-
                                        Å). In some cases, the channels of the           ditions to carry out life’s chemistry and            erence uncatalyzed reaction. Negative ca-
                                        internal surface form intersections that         does so with enzymes through the use of a            talysis slows down some reactions of a
                                        are roughly spherical and are considerably       very special supramolecular host struc-              reactive intermediate that would occur in
                                        larger than the channels. For example (14,       ture, the protein ‘‘framework’’ of an en-            homogeneous solution and thereby allows
                                        15), the diameter of the roughly cylindrical     zyme. The protein framework provides (i)             the reactive intermediate to undergo re-
                                        pores and channels of zeolites possessing        the ‘‘walls’’ of the active site and protects        actions that are too slow to be observed
                                        the MFI topology (silicalite and ZSM-5)          it from undesirable side reactions; (ii) the         under ‘‘molecular’’ conditions. Reaction
                                        are about 5 Å, but the diameter of the           binding sites on the external surface,               selectivity is achieved by using supramo-
                                        roughly spherical intersections is about 9       which are ‘‘portals’’ for selective binding,         lecular effects to hinder certain rapid,
                                        Å. The intersections are the likely ‘‘active     and the ‘‘channels’’ on the internal surface         indiscriminate molecular reactions and
                                        sites’’ for reactions in zeolites, because       through which the substrate molecules are            leaving other target reactions to occur ‘‘by
                                        they offer the greatest degree of void           ‘‘sieved’’ on their vectorial excursion to           default.’’ A number of enzymatic reac-
                                        space for reacting molecules to interact.        the active site; (iii) the sterically demand-        tions involve carbon-centered free radi-
                                        Thus, although zeolites as solids are for-
                                                                                         ing ‘‘void’’ space at the active site for            cals, which are reactive intermediates that
                                        mally ‘‘hard matter,’’ their internal void
                                                                                         adsorption of the substrate; (iv) and the            tend to react by radical–radical reactions
                                        space is ‘‘soft.’’ As a result, zeolites can
                                                                                         chemical ‘‘tools’’ within the active site to         nonselectively and at diffusion-controlled
                                        serve as hosts for guest molecules. In the
                                        case of the FAU family of zeolites (Fig. 4),
                                        the pores on the external surface are about
                                        8 Å in diameter and the internal super-
                                        cages are about 13 Å in diameter.

                                        Zeolites As Hard-Matter Enzyme Mimics
                                        Many of the selective reactions catalyzed
                                        by zeolites can be viewed as reactions that
                                        are nonselective under ‘‘molecular’’ con-
                                        ditions (homogeneous solvents) but which
                                        have become selective as the result of the
                                        size兾shape兾chemical effects imposed on
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                                        the guest@host complex by the protein                                                          Scheme 1.

                                        4808 兩 www.pnas.org兾cgi兾doi兾10.1073兾pnas.032657999                                                                                                 Turro
isotope effects. For example (21), photol-
                                                                                                                                                           ysis of 13C carbonyl carbon-enriched
                                                                                                                                                           dibenzylketone (DBK) yields 4 as the ma-
                                                                                                                                                           jor product, whereas photolysis of 12C
                                                                                            Scheme 2.                                                      carbonyl carbon (natural abundance)
                                                                                                                                                           DBK yields 5 as the major product (Eqs.
                                                                                                                                                           4 and 5, Schemes 2 and 3). These magnetic
                                        rates in ordinary solvents (17). An impli-                 framework. Examples of the effect of cat-               isotope effects are explained, as in the
                                        cation of these examples of negative ca-                   ion on the photochemistry of dibenzyl-                  case for the cage effect discussed above, as
                                        talysis is that the highly reactive radicals               ketone (DBK) (1) are given in equations                 being the result of faster ISC of the triplet
                                        are ‘‘stabilized’’ and protected from reac-                1–3 of ref. 20 for the DBK@zeolite com-                 to the singlet for the 13C-enriched gemi-
                                        tion as the result of their guest relationship             plexes, where the zeolite is a faujasite                nate pair, which allows covalent bond for-
                                        in the active site. Negative catalysis is also             possessing internal supercages whose di-                mation to occur faster in competition with
                                        a property displayed by zeolite hosts for                  ameters are about 13 Å (Fig. 4). This                   relative rotational motion of the pair.
                                        guests that undergo covalent bond forma-                   family of zeolites possesses cations in the
                                        tion by geminate radical combination.                      supercage to balance the negative charges               Conclusion
                                                                                                   in the framework. For an appreciation of                The enzymatic catalysis of covalent bonds
                                        Supramolecular and Magnetic Control of                     the size of the void space of the supercage,            between carbon atoms is a critical step in
                                        Covalent Bond Formation Between Guest                      up to 6 benzene molecules can fit snugly in             many essential life processes catalyzed by
                                        Geminate Radical Pairs in Zeolite Hosts                    the supercage.                                          enzymes. The principles of supramolecu-
                                        The supercages of the internal surface of                     With Li⫹ as the cation, the major                    lar chemistry allow the design of simple
                                        zeolites provide nanoscopic reactors that                  product, 1, results from decarbonylation                models of enzymes that can mimic their
                                        control covalent bond formation of gem-                    followed by coupling of benzyl radicals                 catalytic action. Two examples, micelles
                                        inate radical pairs produced by photolysis                 (Eq. 1, Scheme 1); with Na⫹ as the                      and zeolites, can serve as enzyme mimics
                                        of guest molecules adsorbed in the zeolite                 cation, the major product is the isomeric               for controlling, in catalytic fashion, the
                                        host (18, 19). In contrast to the soft and                 rearranged ketone, 2 (Eq. 2); with K⫹ as                selectivity of formation of covalent bonds
                                        flexible walls of micellar supercages, the                 the cation, the major product is the iso-               between geminate radical pairs generated
                                        walls of zeolite supercages are hard and                   meric ketone, 3 (Eq. 3). The structures of              by photolysis of ketone as ketone@micelle
                                        inflexible. Thus, the steric effects resulting             the products are controlled by the free                 or ketone@zeolite supermolecules. A
                                        from the interactions of a geminate radical                volume available in the supercage con-                  model of supercages whose dimensions
                                        pair adsorbed in a zeolite supercage can be                taining the guest ketone and the photo-                 are of the order of 1 nm reveals the
                                                                                                                                                           possibility of significant magnetic effects

                                        severe. These steric interactions are re-                  chemically generated geminate radical
                                        sponsible for the size兾shape selectivity of                pair and the competing rates of covalent                on the formation of covalent bonds be-
                                        reactions that occur in zeolites. The steric               bond formation and rotation of the gem-                 tween geminate pairs in supercages. Such
                                        interactions experienced by a guest in a                   inate radical pair.                                     effects are readily observed and very sig-
                                        zeolite supercage can be modified by the                      As in the case of micelles, product for-             nificant in determining the probability
                                        adsorption of a co-guest or by variation of                mation from photolysis of ketones bound                 and selectivity of covalent bond formation
                                        the cations that are associated with the                   as guests in zeolite hosts is strongly influ-           between geminate radical pairs bound to

                                                                                                                                                                                                                   SPECIAL FEATURE
                                        negative aluminate anions of the zeolite                   enced by magnetic field and magnetic
                                                                                                                                                           I thank the members of my research group, past
                                                                                                                                                           and present, and many collaborators for partici-
                                                                                                                                                           pating in the development of the ideas and ex-
                                                                                                                                                           periments that form the basis of this Perspective.
                                                                                                                                                           I also thank the National Science Foundation and
                                                                                                                                                           Department of Energy for financial support
                                                                                            Scheme 3.                                                      through the Environmental Molecular Science
                                                                                                                                                           Institute program at Columbia University.

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                                        Turro                                                                                                              PNAS 兩 April 16, 2002 兩 vol. 99 兩 no. 8 兩 4809
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