About the Survey
     Total N=2,750 Latino eligible voters
             N=2,540 registered
             N=210 eligible, not registered
             Margin of error +/- 1.9%
     Oversamples
             N=300 per: Arizona, California, Colorado, Georgia, Nevada, Pennsylvania, Texas (+/- 5.7%)
             N=400 Florida (+/- 4.9%)

     Field Dates: July 20 - August 1, 2022

     English or Spanish, according to preference

     Mixed mode: 75% online, 25% live telephone interviews
July 20-Aug 1, 2022 N=300 (+/-5.7%)
Key Findings
1. Inflation, crime and gun violence, and jobs and the economy are top priorities, and there is
strong support for policies to address them:
•    Invest in working families including housing/rental assistance, health insurance assistance, and
     investing in education to help students catch up after academic losses incurred during the pandemic.
•    Universal background checks and mental health investments to curb crime and gun violence

2. Immigration reform that includes a path to citizenship continues to receive very strong
support, including executive action if Congress does not act.

3. Abortion has become more salient, and 80% of Latino voters in Arizona believe it should
remain legal, no matter their own personal beliefs on the issue.

4. The majority of Latino voters in Arizona believe the country is on the wrong track (62%), and
66% say they are 100% certain they will vote in November.

July 20-Aug 1, 2022 N=300 (+/-5.7%)
What are the most important issues that elected officials should address?
(Rank up to three. Sorted highest to lowest)

                 Inflation / rising cost of living                                           49
                           Crime / gun violence                                         34
                         Jobs and the economy                                      27
                                         Abortion                             24
     Lack of affordable housing / high rents                                 23
                     Corruption in government                           18
       Climate change and the environment                               18
                                       Health care                 16
                 Discrimination / racial justice              14
                         Coronavirus pandemic                 14
            Education / public school quality             13
                 Social security and Medicare            12
                                 Border Security         11
                            Immigration reforms      9

 July 20-Aug 1, 2022 N=300 (+/-5.7%)
Which party would be best at addressing [issue respondent cited as top concern/priority]?

           Democrats better on issue   Republicans better on issue        Both would be good on issue        Neither good on issue        Don’t know

            Arizona                                                  41                        22                       19            10        7

                 Men                                                  44                                25                 15             10    6

            Women                                               38                      19                            23             11         8

          18-39 yrs                                           37                          22                         21              11         9

             40+ yrs                                                       47                           22                   17            10 4

July 20-Aug 1, 2022 N=300 (+/-5.7%)
What did you have in mind when you said inflation and the rising cost of living are
important issues elected officials should address? (all that apply)

                   Food and basic living
                expenses have gone up a lot                                           90

                       Gas prices are too high                                    88

    Medication, doctor visits, and other
   health related expenses have gone up                         51

            School supplies and clothes for
            kids have gotten too expensive                 35

                 Running my small business
                 has become too expensive             11

                                 Something else   3

July 20-Aug 1, 2022 N=300 (+/-5.7%)
What did you have in mind when you said crime and gun violence are important issues
elected officials should address? (all that apply)

                Guns are too easy to access                               70

    Elected officials need to find a way to
       put an end to school shootings                                57

            We need community safety and
               mental health programs                           52

             Domestic violence is not taken
             seriously by law enforcement                  45

                 Crime has gone up in my
                neighborhood or community             36

                                 Something else   1

July 20-Aug 1, 2022 N=300 (+/-5.7%)
What did you have in mind when you said jobs and the economy are important issues
elected officials should address? (all that apply)

    Job does not pay enough and/or have
    to take second job to make ends meet                              68

   Worried about layoffs or getting hours
                    cut                                          39

       Have to pick up extra shifts/hours
                    because                                 30
     there are not enough workers/people

      Have to work with hostile customers
        or feel threatened in workplace           14

      Job does not allow work from home           13

                                 Something else        18

July 20-Aug 1, 2022 N=300 (+/-5.7%)
Do you agree or disagree with the following statements? (% agree reported)
                                                                                          Strongly agree        Somewhat agree

           Government has an important role to play in making                                                                    Total Agree
                                                                                                      57                32
             sure that there is equal access to opportunity.                                                                         89

                                 Government should make sure that                                                                 Total Agree
                                                                                                           73              20
                                  everyone can afford health care.                                                                    88

   Latinos/Hispanics would get further in the United States if                                                         Total Agree
                                                                                               48                 32
    they did not face barriers like discrimination and racism.                                                             81

                 It is a big problem if some people are extremely                                                      Total Agree
                                                                                          43                     37
                       wealthy and others are extremely poor.                                                              80

              If racial and ethnic minorities don’t do well in life,                      Total Agree
                                                                            21       16
                  they have no one to blame but themselves.                                   37

             Religious leaders should tell their members which                   Total Agree
                                                                       13    9
                    candidates and policies to support.                              22

July 20-Aug 1, 2022 N=300 (+/-5.7%)
Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? No matter what my personal beliefs
about abortion are, I think it is wrong to make abortion illegal and take that choice away from
everyone else. (% agree reported)
                                                    Strongly agree              Somewhat agree

                 Arizona                                                            65                    15        Total Agree 80

                     Men                                                  60                                   22     Total Agree 83

                 Women                                                                   69           9     Total Agree 78

               18-39 yrs                                                                      71               11    Total Agree 82

                 40+ yrs                                             56                              22     Total Agree 78

                Catholic                                                       62                         18    Total Agree 80

         Conservative                                48                                       24   Total Agree 71

              Moderate                                                    60                           19       Total Agree 80

July 20-Aug 1, 2022 N=300 (+/-5.7%)
Generally speaking, do you think things in the United States are going in the right
direction, or off on the wrong track?
                                                                                          Going in the right direction    Off on the wrong track

                                           69         69                                                    69

                        53                                                               53                                55
                   37                                                               38                                          38

                                      23         22                                                    22

  Arizona           Men               Women     18-39 yrs   40+ yrs   No Degree   4yr Degree         USBorn              PR+FBorn           Democrat

July 20-Aug 1, 2022 N=300 (+/-5.7%)
Do you consider yourself, or identify as: (all that apply, percent yes reported)

                          Hispanic                                                        74
                     Latino/Latina                                                   47
                   Working class                                                32
                     Middle class                                          26
                          Minority                                    20
                             White                               18
               A Person of Color                                 17
                            Brown                           16
              Working poor/poor                             15
                             Latinx                    12
    Under-represented minority                     7
      Indian or Native American                    6
                       Indigenous              4
                           BIPOC           2
                      Upper class      1
                     Afro-Latino/a     1

 July 20-Aug 1, 2022 N=300 (+/-5.7%)
Which policies do you think would be the best solutions to make schools in your
community safer for students and teachers? (all that apply)

                 53                            52



        Secure entry and              Mental health programs   Gun reforms like     Arming teachers in   None of these/
        school ID checks                 and counseling      universal background      grades K-12       Something else

July 20-Aug 1, 2022 N=300 (+/-5.7%)
Do you support or oppose the federal government taking action to address
the following? (% support reported)
                                                                Strongly support   Somewhat support

      Funding for catch-up programs for K-12 students,
                                                                                                            Total Support
        including tutoring, summer and after school                        59                          33

                        Expanding access, availability, and                                            Total Support
                                                                         58                       30
                        affordability of child-care and pre-K                                                88

                                                                                                   Total Support
     Increasing college grants for low-income students                        61             24

                                                                                                  Total Support
                                      Canceling student debt                  61            22

July 20-Aug 1, 2022 N=300 (+/-5.7%)
Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? (percent agree reported)

President Biden should not use the situation at the
southern border as an excuse to do nothing to
protect undocumented immigrants who have lived
      worked   Biden should not use the situation at the southern
               in the US for many years. Presidents
     border as an excuse to do nothing to protect undocumented                              Somewhat       Total
are  expected    tohave
                               many   issues                            Strongly agree
  immigrants  who                 worked  in theatUS
                                                        many years.                           agree        Agree
                                                                              43                            77
time,          areimmigration.
       including   expected to deal with many issues at the same                               34
                                      time, includi

If Congress does not pass a comprehensive
immigration reform law, the Biden Administration
must use its executive authority to protect
    If Congress doesimmigrants,    like Dreamers,
                      not pass a comprehensive    immigration reform
                                                                                            Somewhat   Total
   law, the Bidenand
farmworkers,       Administration
                       essentialmust    use its
                                   workers      executive
                                              who   have authority
                                                          lived to         Strongly agree
                                                                                              agree    Agree
    protect undocumented immigrants, like Dreamers, farmworkers,                 51
in and
    America    for a long time.
         essential workers who have lived in America for a long time.
                                                                                               20       71

July 20-Aug 1, 2022 N=300 (+/-5.7%)
Who, if anyone, do you think is most responsible for doing something about
climate change?

                     Industries / Corporations                      37

                                 The government                25

                                Individual people             24

                                        Don’t know        8

                                      None of these   6

July 20-Aug 1, 2022 N=300 (+/-5.7%)
In making decisions about which candidates to support in an election, how important is it to
you that a candidate has the following traits or background? (total extremely and important reported)

                              Willing to work with both parties, and
                                 compromise to get things done

      Experience working with different racial and ethnic groups                                      86

                         Government or elected office experience                                 80

                                              Business experience                                80

        Supported/endorsed by Latino community organizations                                74

         Is supported or endorsed by unions, or organized labor                        66

    Supported/endorsed by law enforcement/police department                        64
                              Supported/endorsed by Chamber
                           of Commerce and business community                     61

                                                   Speaks Spanish            55

                                                 Is Hispanic/Latino     48

July 20-Aug 1, 2022 N=300 (+/-5.7%)
When deciding who to vote for in an election, which of the following would be a "deal breaker" for you, meaning
you just could NOT support the candidate if you knew this fact about them. It would be a deal-breaker for me, I
could not support a candidate who:

  Supported by hate groups and White supremacists/nationalists                                                      59

   Participated in or supported January 6th riot at the US Capitol                                        51

      Supports a complete ban on abortions, without exceptions                                       47

                  Opposes immigration reform/path to legal status                             41
                    Supports allowing elementary school teachers
                            to carry guns in classrooms                                     40

                                       Opposes raising minimum wage                      38

                                            Supports defunding police                    38
               Supports laws to take away guns from anyone that
                     a federal court decides is dangerous                         26   Overall, 85% of Latino voters in
                                                                                       Arizona say it is personally
 Supports legal abortion in any circumstance, with no restrictions                26   important to them (62% very
                                                                                       important) for elected officials and
                                                                                       other leaders to speak out against
          Supports raising taxes on corporations and the wealthy             23
                                                                                       White nationalism and White
                                                       None of these    10
 July 20-Aug 1, 2022 N=300 (+/-5.7%)
Generally speaking, which party do you believe shares your values, or is closer to your
personal beliefs/values when it comes to your views on:
                                                 Democrats         Republicans             Both         Neither                 Don’t know
Equality and treating all people with
                                                                         55                  14                   14                 12    4

                             Immigration                                53                        20                       17        5     5

                       Public education                            50                 14                              22         7         8

                              Democracy                            49                  16                        17             10         8

   Health care and health insurance                           46                       20                         19       5              11

                                Socialism                    44               14                        20        5                       16

 Protecting the right to vote and our
                                                             43                  17                    16                  13             10

                  The American Dream                37                        23                            20             9              11

Small business or entrepreneurship                  37                         24                 12                  14                  14

                               Capitalism   30                          23                                  28             7              12

July 20-Aug 1, 2022 N=300 (+/-5.7%)
How well do you think the following words describe the [Democratic/Republican]
Party? (percent describes well reported)
                                                 Democratic Party           Republican Party

            59                                                                                                                   60
                                           54                                                        54
                                                40                                                           41
                                      36                                                                          35        34

Fights hard for thier      Reasonable      Effective                Too extreme                Ineffective   Weak       Turns Americans
  side/their voters                                                                                                    against each other

July 20-Aug 1, 2022 N=300 (+/-5.7%)
Thinking about the election coming up in November of this year, which party do you
think would do a better job handling each of the following issues:

                            Democrats        Republicans         Both                   Neither

          Access to quality child-care                          51            18          17      15

                     College affordability                  48          12         18             21

        Safety of school communities
                                                           47                20         16        18
              from gun violence

               Mental health of children
                                                           46           15              22        17
                      and youth

July 20-Aug 1, 2022 N=300 (+/-5.7%)
Do you approve or disapprove of the way President Joe Biden is handling his job as
President of the United States?
                                           Approve                        Don’t know enough to say              Disapprove

          Arizona                                    54                                       4                    42

              Men                                     56                                          3                   41

          Women                                  51                                       5                       43

        18-39 yrs                             47                                     7                           46

          40+ yrs                                          63                                         1                   37

       Democrat                                                      78                                               2             20

  Not Democrat                        27                   7                                               67

  Conservative                              44                                       13                            43

        Moderate                                 51                                                   24                       25

           Liberal                                              70                                                        22             9

July 20-Aug 1, 2022 N=300 (+/-5.7%)
As you may know, there will be an election later this year for offices such as US
Congress, and many state and local offices. How likely are you to vote in the
November 2022 election?
                                      100% certain will vote   Probably will   50-50, it depends              Probably will not         100% certain will not vote

             Arizona                                                                                     66                        17                 11 3 3

                 Men                                                                                     66                        18                   11 3 2

             Women                                                                                       66                       17                 11 2       4

           18-39 yrs                                                                                63                       15                    15     3 4

             40+ yrs                                                                                            70                              21         6 21
In the 2022 election for U.S. House of Representatives here in your district in Arizona,
do you plan to vote for the:
                                      The Democratic candidate    Undecided           The Republican candidate

               Arizona                                                     53                     22                   19

                    Men                                                52                    21                             24

                Women                                                       54                         24             15

              18-39 yrs                                               51                        24                    18

                40+ yrs                                                         56                 20                       21

           English HH                                            48                        23                         22

          Spanish HH                                                             57                     22                 17

        Conservative                                     35        15                                                            49

             Moderate                                            48                                              37             13

                 Liberal                                                                                     84            11 3

July 20-Aug 1, 2022 N=300 (+/-5.7%)
In the past 12 months have you been contacted—by phone, ads in your mail, text,
email, or in-person-- by any of the following people or organizations encouraging
you to vote, or register to vote? (all that apply)

                                 Democrats                         32

                               Republicans        19

                         Friends or family        19

            Non-partisan organizations       15

              Have not been contacted                                          42

July 20-Aug 1, 2022 N=300 (+/-5.7%)
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