Sustainable Water Management Plan - 2018-2023 November 2021 - City of ...

Page created by Daniel Jones
Sustainable Water Management Plan - 2018-2023 November 2021 - City of ...
Sustainable Water
Management Plan
November 2021
Sustainable Water Management Plan - 2018-2023 November 2021 - City of ...
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    Introduction                          4
    Water issues in the City of Kwinana    6
    Corporate water use                   8
    Community education and engagement    11
    Progress to date                      11
    Water management goals                12
    Implementation plan                   13
    Water management actions
    within other plans                    16
    Monitoring and review                 22
    References                            23
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    Introduction                                                                                      STRATEGIC CONTEXT

                                                                                                      The City of Kwinana Strategic Community Plan 2021-2031 was developed in consultation with
                                                                                                      the community and this is the overarching document that guides the City of Kwinana’s priorities.
    BACKGROUND                                        PURPOSE                                         Outcomes and objectives directly relevant to the Sustainable Water Management Plan are as
    Water is an essential resource for human          The City of Kwinana (the City) recognises
    and other life, yet our water resources and       its responsibility to lead and support our      Our Outcomes                                 Our Strategic Objectives
    systems are under increasing pressure from        community to manage water in a way that         1. A naturally beautiful environment that is 1.2 Maintain and enhance our beautiful,
    population growth and climate change. These       considers the future. The City will continue        enhanced and protected                       natural environment through sustainable
    dual pressures are reducing water availability,   to demonstrate and further improve our                                                           protection and conservation
    increasing flood risk and degrading wetland,      good corporate water practice. The City         3. Infrastructure and services that are      3.1 Develop quality, affordable infrastructure
    also known as blue-green, environments.           will also provide education and tools to our        affordable and contribute to health and      and service designed to improve the
                                                      residents, community groups and businesses          wellbeing                                    health and wellbeing of our community
    Local governments exist to serve the local        to assist them to better understand their
    community, and have a responsibility to           relationship with water and improve their                                                    3.3 Maintain infrastructure, playgrounds,
    manage water systems to meet these                own water efficiency. This will help to build                                                    parks and reserves to a high standard
    challenges in an environmentally responsible      our community’s resilience to future impacts                                                     through sustainable asset maintenance
    way while at the same time, enhancing             on water availability and other water-related                                                    and renewal
    the liveability and resilience of their area.     issues. This Sustainable Water Management
    This approach has been encapsulated in            Plan 2018-2023 (the Plan) describes how the
    the term “Water Sensitive Cities” (CRC for                                                        Other City strategic documents that relate to    Waterwise Councils Program
                                                      City will achieve this.                         this Plan:
    Water Sensitive Cities, 2018). This concept
    encompasses water management in all parts                                                         •   Climate Change Plan 2021-2026                The City participates in the Waterwise
    of the water cycle as they are closely related                                                                                                     Council Program administered by the Water
    and interconnected. A Water Sensitive City                                                        •   Irrigation Development Guidelines 2019       Corporation and the Department of Water
    considers the following:                                                                          •   Landscape Development Guidelines 2020        and Environmental Regulation. This program
                                                                                                                                                       is aligned with the Water Sensitive Cities
    •   Stormwater quality treatment;                                                                 •   Policy – Street Trees and Verge Treatments   approach and Councils must report on each of
    •   Reducing scheme and groundwater use;                                                          •   Local Planning Policy No. 1 – Landscape      the seven goals.
    •   Reuse of alternative water sources such as                                                        Feature and Tree Retention
                                                                                                                                                       The City has participated in this program for
        wastewater;                                                                                   •   Local Planning Policy No. 2 – Streetscapes   the past 10 years, and has been endorsed
    •   Protection of waterway health;                                                                •   Policy – Green Building – New and            as a Gold Waterwise Council for the past
                                                                                                          Renovated Council Buildings 2018             four years. Re-endorsement in the program
    •   Reducing urban heat; and                                                                                                                       requires councils to develop and maintain
    •   Mitigating flood risk.                                                                        •   Groundwater Operating Strategy 2019          infrastructure and practices that ensure water
                                                                                                      •   Environmental Education Strategy 2019-       is utilised efficiently, and that water existing
                                                                                                          2024                                         throughout the landscape is considered
                                                                                                                                                       holistically and sustainably. The City submitted
                                                                                                      •   Policy – Public Open Space
                                                                                                                                                       a new Waterwise Council Action Plan in 2021
                                                                                                      •   Integrated Mosquito and Midge                that set a series of actions that will be reported
                                                                                                          Management Plan                              against annually for the next five years. The
                                                                                                                                                       criteria for the Waterwise Council program
                                                                                                      •   Waste Plan 2021-2025
                                                                                                                                                       have been incorporated into this plan, either
                                                                                                      •   Waste Education Plan 2021-2025               explicitly or within other actions.
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    Waterwise Perth Action Plan                         water catchments. Due to the reduction             A number of wetlands exist throughout the        Water Sensitive Urban Design in new
                                                        in annual rainfall, alongside an increase          City of Kwinana, some of which are City-         developments is informed by Better Urban
    The Government of Western Australia released        in average temperatures over time that             managed, however there are also wetlands         Water Management (WAPC and Department
    its Waterwise Perth Action Plan in 2019. This       increased evaporation rates, dams now only         situated on Crown land and private properties.   of Planning and Infrastructure 2008).
    Plan set out a vision to work towards Perth         supply 15% of Perth’s scheme water, with           Wetlands are important ecological assets that    This document provides guidance on the
    becoming a Waterwise City by 2030. Targets          the largest source now being from rainfall         require conservation and protection; they        implementation of State Planning Policy 2.9
    set by the Waterwise Perth Action Plan that are     independent desalination using sea water           also function as biological filters, treating    Water Resources (Government of WA, 2006). It
    relevant to the City of Kwinana’s operations        (Water Corporation, 2020). Unfortunately,          stormwater and attenuating floods. Due to        is also supported by Liveable Neighbourhoods
    and community are:                                  desalination is a very energy-intensive and        their high importance, wetlands are protected    under Objective 6 – Ensure that water is
                                                        costly method for sourcing water. These high       under the Environmental Protection Act 1986      protected and managed to maximise efficiency
    •   An average residential water use of 110kL/      energy requirements contribute to greenhouse       (WA), which prohibits the clearing or damage     by incorporation of urban water management
        capita. For comparison, Perth’s current         emissions unless they come from renewable          of vegetation in and around them. The City       techniques into the urban design (Department
        average is 126kL/capita, while the City of      sources, further impacting climate change and      actively manages and rehabilitates wetlands      of Planning, 2015).
        Kwinana residents used 76.61kL/capita in        subsequent water availability challenges.          on its own land to enhance their ecological
        2020-2021                                                                                          health and function.
                                                        The availability of groundwater is declining                                                        LITTER
    •   10% less groundwater is to be used across       due to a combination of lower recharge rates       Wetlands, waterways and other natural areas
        the region by 2030 than 2019 levels.            from decreasing rainfall plus an increasing        can be negatively impacted by weeds, litter,     In the development of this Plan, litter was
    •   100% of irrigated POS is audited and            demand to utilise this resource, driven by         illegally dumped materials, unauthorised         identified as a priority water issue. Illegal
        adopting waterwise management practices.        rapid population growth. Many aquifers have        access, feral or domestic animals, pollutants    dumping, litter from building sites and general
                                                        now reached their licensed abstraction limits      or nutrients carried by stormwater or            public place litter can all make their way into
    Through the City’s continuing involvement in                                                                                                            reserves and wetlands and eventually into
                                                        in certain areas and many new subdivisions         groundwater, and sediment.
    the Waterwise Councils Program, the above                                                                                                               local waterways and the ocean. Plastic litter
                                                        are refused a new groundwater allocation by
    targets will be addressed.                                                                             The above impacts can cause a range of           in particular never biodegrades, and when
                                                        the Department of Water and Environmental
                                                        Regulation (Department of Water, 2009).            problems, for example;                           washed into waterways animals commonly
                                                                                                                                                            mistake it for food or become entangled
    Water issues in the                                 This reduction in both scheme and
                                                        groundwater availability means we will no
                                                                                                           •   Sediment, litter and other dumped
                                                                                                               materials can smother vegetation,            (Australian Marine Conservation Society,
                                                                                                                                                            2018). The City has the opportunity to address
                                                                                                               introduce toxic pollutants and block
    City of Kwinana                                     longer be able to enjoy the easy access to
                                                        cheap water for our pools, parks and gardens           stormwater infrastructure.                   illegal dumping and building site management
                                                                                                                                                            through local laws and compliance as well as
                                                        that had been taken for granted in the past.       •   Excess nutrients can build up in water       adapting stormwater infrastructure to collect
    When considering the best course of action, it      We must adapt and innovate if we are to                bodies causing algal blooms (Department      litter.
    is important to assess what the major water         maintain our community facilities to a level the       of Water 2004).
    issues and priorities for the City are. These are   community expects.
    described below.
                                                        This is particularly relevant to the irrigation
                                                        of the City’s parks and gardens which rely on      URBAN STORMWATER MANAGEMENT
    WATER AVAILABILITY                                  groundwater for irrigation. The City also owns
                                                        a large number of buildings and facilities that
                                                                                                           The City has an opportunity to prevent
    Australia’s climate is on average 1.4+/- 0.24oC     use scheme water including the Recquatic and
                                                                                                           the transport of pollutants, nutrients and
    warmer now than when national temperature           Kwinana Adventure Park. There are continued
                                                                                                           sediment by installing treatment measures in
    records first began in 1910. In the southwest       opportunities to reduce water use in these
                                                                                                           our existing stormwater infrastructure and by
    of Australia, annual rainfall has declined by       facilities through retrofits and improvements
                                                                                                           implementing Water Sensitive Urban Design
    approximately 16% since 1970, with the largest      to leak detection.
                                                                                                           in our new developments. This approach
    reduction in rainfall of 20% occurring between
                                                                                                           uses urban planning and design to attenuate
    May and July (Bureau of Meteorology, 2020).
                                                        WATER ACROSS THE LANDSCAPE                         stormwater high in the landscape, stopping it
    Under all projected climate change scenarios,
                                                                                                           from picking up pollutants and reaching our
    these trends will continue, and will worsen
                                                        The City of Kwinana is situated within the Peel-   waterways (Melbourne Water, 2018).
    over time (CSIRO, 2020).
                                                        Harvey Catchment, through which the Peel
                                                                                                           This can be achieved by reducing the amount
    Major adaptations to climate change                 Main Drain passes and eventually terminates
                                                                                                           of piped stormwater infrastructure and
    have already had to be made in the                  at the Peel-Harvey estuary, an important
                                                                                                           infiltrating and treating rain higher in the
    Perth metropolitan area by the scheme               natural environment that experiences many
                                                                                                           catchment with swales, raingardens, rainwater
    water supplier, Water Corporation. Water            water quality issues. Particular care should
                                                                                                           tanks, gross pollutant traps, street trees and
    Corporation has had to diversify its water          be taken with development in this area to
                                                                                                           sediment ponds. It also involves restoring
    sources due to changes in rainfall over time.       minimise nutrient export in accordance with
                                                                                                           wetland habitats to improve their ability to
    During the 1980s, 65% of Perth’s water              State Planning Policy 2.1 Peel Harvey Coastal
                                                                                                           filter stormwater.
    came from storage dams linked to surface            Plain Catchment (WAPC, 2003).
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    Corporate water use                                                                                  Figure B: Top 10 scheme water consuming sites
                                                                                                                                                Top 10 scheme water using sites 2020-2021 (kL)

    The City’s corporate water use data is presented below. This data allows the City to track its                                                   Recquatic Centre
    water usage performance and help identify priority areas for action.
                                                                                                                                  Banksia Gardens - Retirement village

    SCHEME WATER                                                                                                                 Callistemon Court - Retirement village
                                                                                                                                                    Operations Depot
    Figure A: Scheme water use water use
                      Scheme                                                                                 Darius Wells Library and Resource Centre

                      40,000                                                                                                           Kwinana Adventure Playground
                                                                                                                                                       Sloan's Cottage
                                                                                                                                                    Thomas Kelly Oval
                      30,000                                                                                                                     Administation Centre
     Water use (kL)

                      25,000                                                                                                                             Chisham Oval
                                                                                                                                                                          0         2,000        4,000      6,000      8,000     10,000
                                                                                                                                                                                               Scheme water use (kL)

                                                                                                         Figure B above shows the top 10 consuming sites during 2020-2021. These sites represent 87%
                       5,000                                                                             of the City’s total scheme water use for that year. Water use will be monitored closely for these
                                                                                                         accounts, and they will be prioritised for any water efficiency upgrade works.
                               2016-2017   2017-2018   2018-2019 2019-2020 2020-2021
                                                   Financial year

                                                                                                         Figure C: Groundwater usage compared to licence allocation
    Figure A indicates the City’s total scheme water consumption over the past five years. During this
    time consumption has varied from around 33,000kL to 40,000kL per annum. Water use varies
    naturally due to weather conditions, user behaviour and leaks.
                                                                                                                                                  Actual groundwater usage compared to licensed allocation
    In 2016-2017 the Kwinana Recquatic re-opened following a refurbishment and the Kwinana
    Adventure Park opened for the first time, which includes a Splash Pad. An anticipated increase in                             150,0000
    consumption occurred the following year as the Adventure Park only opened part way through
    the 2016-2017 financial year. Water efficiency measures were implemented with the majority
    taking effect in 2015-2016 and 2016-2017. The cost of water has also increased over this time,                                120,0000
    from $1.33 to $2.65 per kilolitre, with the City currently spending approximately $90,000 on

                                                                                                          Volume of water (kL)
    scheme water each year.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Usage total

                                                                                                                                   60,0000                                                                              Allocation total


                                                                                                                                               2016-2017    2017-2018         2018-2019     2019-2020    2020-2021

                                                                                                                                                                              Financial year
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     Figure C displays the City’s actual groundwater
     usage compared to the City’s licensed
                                                         The groundwater efficiency measures that
                                                         have been implemented to-date include:             Community                                              Switched on Businesses, Competitions
                                                                                                                                                                   such as the Young Reinventor of the Year

                                                                                                            education and
     allocation amount for the past 5 years. There                                                                                                                 program as well as other grant funded
     is an increasing trend in total usage during        •   Centralised irrigation control, which allows                                                          projects.
     this time, however, the City has remained               for detailed water budgeting based on
     well within its licensed allocation. Over time,
     as the City’s residential population grows and
                                                             the quality of turf or garden required and
                                                             seasonal conditions, enables centralised       engagement                                         •   Participation in Clean Up Australia Day and
                                                                                                                                                                   various other litter clean up days each year,
                                                             deactivation of systems in response to                                                                which aim, in part, to reduce the amount of
     more houses are built, the City acquires more
                                                             heavy rains, and also reduces water use        The City can also play a role in educating the         litter that ends up in wetlands, waterways
     public open space to manage and irrigate. This
                                                             during infield testing and repairs due         community about water conservation and                 and the ocean.
     is reflected in the increases over time to the
     licensed allocation amount. In addition, over           to mobile activation and de-activation         quality issues by delivering education and         The City’s Environmental Education Strategy
     the past few years, the City has also taken on          capability. 88% of the City’s bores are now    engagement programs. Existing initiatives          2019-2024 was developed by the City in
     the management of more sports playing fields.           centrally controlled.                          include:                                           2018 and incorporates broad sustainability,
     These turf surfaces require significantly more      •   Updated the City of Kwinana Irrigation                                                            environmental and water education aspects. It
                                                                                                            •   Living Green Program - This program
     water to maintain at the high levels of amenity         Development Guidelines in 2019 to guide                                                           is currently under its mid-cycle review.
                                                                                                                includes environmental, sustainability and
     required, compared to turf areas utilised for           new developments to ensure irrigation              waste initiatives and is held between May
     passive recreation.                                     systems that are handed over to the City           and July each year. Living Green provides
     Extensive groundwater efficiency works
                                                             are water efficient and compatible with the
                                                             City’s systems.
                                                                                                                our community with opportunities to
                                                                                                                get involved in local planting days to
                                                                                                                                                               Progress to date
     had been undertaken as part of the City’s
     Groundwater Strategy (previous version 2014-        •   Replacement of poorly performing                   help revegetate natural area reserves
                                                                                                                                                               In 2018 the City of Kwinana adopted its second
     2019, updated version released in 2019). The            irrigation systems at Calista Oval, the            and encourages residents to plant their
                                                                                                                                                               Sustainable Water Management Plan (City of
     majority of this work had been completed by             Administration Centre, Rhodes Park and             own local native waterwise gardens by
                                                                                                                                                               Kwinana, 2018) to outline how the City would
     the commencement of this Plan revision in               Apex Park. The efficiency performance              offering subsidised local native seedlings
                                                                                                                                                               move towards becoming a Water Sensitive
     2021, and as predicted at the time, the rate of         of the remainder of the City’s in-field            through the City’s popular Seedling Subsidy
                                                                                                                                                               City. The Plan underwent a mid-cycle review
     improvement in water efficiency has slowed              irrigation infrastructure is considered            Scheme. Planting endemic species in home
                                                                                                                                                               in 2021, resulting in this document. Details on
     down since then. Any further improvement                appropriate and, therefore, no notable             gardens drastically reduces the need for
                                                                                                                                                               the review methodology are outlined in the
     in groundwater and irrigation-related water             water efficiency improvements are                  irrigation, as these plants don’t usually
                                                                                                                                                               Monitoring and Review section.
     efficiency is largely reliant on further advances       anticipated to be achieved through further         require ongoing watering once they are
     in technology and best practice.                        system replacements in the foreseeable             established. In 2021, Living Green was         The 2021 mid-cycle review found that actions
                                                             future.                                            launched with a screening of the ‘2040’        achieved to date from the original Sustainable
                                                                                                                film, showcasing inspiring, currently          Water Management Plan 2018-2023 include:
                                                                                                                available solutions to mitigate against
                                                                                                                climate change and its associated impacts      •   Gold Waterwise Council endorsement
                                                                                                                on water availability. Local environmental         retained
                                                                                                                community groups also attended to talk to      •   Awarded Gold Waterwise Aquatic Centre
                                                                                                                attendees about the great work they do,            endorsement
                                                                                                                and encourage community participation.
                                                                                                                                                               •   Updated the City’s Irrigation Development
                                                                                                            •   Living Smart Sustainable Living Courses            Guidelines (2019)
                                                                                                                – a seven-week sustainable living course
                                                                                                                                                               •   Continued to update old bore controller
                                                                                                                for residents has been delivered annually
                                                                                                                                                                   systems to an SDS compatible centralised
                                                                                                                for the past 6 years. This course includes
                                                                                                                                                                   control system
                                                                                                                sessions on home water efficiency and
                                                                                                                water efficient gardening.                     •   Gross pollutant trapping drainage nets
                                                                                                                                                                   (litter socks) were successfully trialled
                                                                                                            •   Switch Your Thinking – The City subscribes
                                                                                                                                                                   to collect and prevent litter and organic
                                                                                                                to the Switch Your Thinking Program, a
                                                                                                                                                                   debris from entering sensitive natural
                                                                                                                regional organisation of Councils that
                                                                                                                                                                   environments. The City now has a total
                                                                                                                delivers sustainability programs to the
                                                                                                                                                                   of five drainage nets installed and
                                                                                                                public. As part of this the City receives
                                                                                                                public education workshops, access to the
                                                                                                                Rewards for Residents and Rewards for          •   Continued to participate in Clean Up
                                                                                                                Businesses program featuring discounts on          Australia Day and other litter clean up
                                                                                                                sustainability-related products and services       events at City natural area reserves and
                                                                                                                that assist the community to improve their         beaches
                                                                                                                energy and water efficiency, recognition
                                                                                                                programs like Switched on Schools and
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     •   Continued to run an annual seven-week
         sustainable behaviour change course for      Water                                                SCHEME WATER                                        COMMUNITY WATER MANAGEMENT GOALS

                                                      management goals
         residents                                                                                         Target: To maintain scheme water use                •   Improve our community’s awareness and
     •   Continued to participate in the Switch                                                            within 5% of 2016-2017 levels until 2023                understanding of water, encouraging them
         Your Thinking environmental education                                                                                                                     to value it both at home and across the
         program, running workshops on                The City set an intention to work towards            The City used 10.8% less scheme water in                landscape
         sustainable living for our community         becoming a Water Sensitive City in its original      2020-2021 compared with the 2016-2017               •   Encourage and support our community to
                                                      Sustainable Water Management Plan 2013-              baseline year. However, a new community                 improve home and local business water
     •   Continued to install, maintain and monitor
                                                      2018. Since then, the City has made significant      sporting pavilion is due to open in the next            efficiency
         water meter data loggers on top water
                                                      progress in this area, and will continue to work     two years and will therefore increase scheme
         using sites                                                                                                                                           •   Maintain residential water use below the
                                                      towards its water management vision:                 water use and require further improvements
     •   Maintenance procedures for water                                                                                                                          Waterwise Perth Action Plan’s target of
                                                                                                           to water efficiencies to achieve the goal.
         sensitive design features are well                                                                                                                        110kL/capita until 2023
                                                           Water everywhere is appreciated as
         developed and scheduled maintenance                                                               In addition, the City will further improve
                                                           an essential and finite resource that
         undertaken at a regular frequency to                                                              our water use data collection, tracking and
                                                           brings value to us all, and is utilised
         ensure their continued function and                                                               analysis. This will enable more accurate
                                                             in ways that ensure its continued

         The establishment and continued use
                                                           availability and quality in the future.
                                                                                                           monitoring, target setting, streamline response
                                                                                                           actions and better inform planning decisions.       Implementation plan
         of the Verge Permit system. These            A Water Sensitive City considers the many
                                                                                                           GROUNDWATER                                         The implementation of actions and priorities
         enforceable permits are issued to            objectives a local government has for public
                                                                                                                                                               may vary as circumstances and technologies
         builders for worksites. They require the     open space and infrastructure. In particular,
                                                                                                           Target: Maintain groundwater use                    change, and in response to availability of
         containment of construction waste and        providing beautiful and useable public areas
                                                                                                           efficiency at 2016-2017 levels until 2023           funding opportunities. This 2021 update to
         sediment on site, preventing impacts on      and supporting local biodiversity. The City of
                                                                                                                                                               the implementation plan includes actions
         roadways and stormwater systems.             Kwinana also acknowledges its role as a source
                                                                                                                                                               required to maintain the City’s Waterwise
                                                      of reliable information and education for our        The City has improved its water budgeting over      Council endorsement, with each action
                                                      community. The journey toward becoming a             several years as well as transferring irrigation    identified as new, existing or updated relative
                                                      water sensitive city can be framed through the       systems to a centralised control system. This       to the original 2018 Plan. In order to ensure
                                                      following seven goals:                               work will be completed over the coming years,       a concise, focused and clear implementation
                                                                                                           and the rate of improvement in the efficiency       plan, the action list has been shortened
                                                      •   Ensure good water sensitive governance,
                                                                                                           of the City’s groundwater use is therefore likely   compared to the original Plan for the following
                                                      •   Increase community capital,                      to plateau. The City will continue to take over     reasons:
                                                      •   Improve productivity and resource                management of a large number of irrigated
                                                          efficiency,                                      parks in residential subdivisions. Combined         •   Actions that have been completed have
                                                                                                           with continued climate change impacts, the              been removed
                                                      •   Improve ecological health,                       City will face challenges in not increasing         •   Actions that are duplicates from other City
                                                      •   Ensure quality urban space,                      irrigation over the ever-drier and hotter               strategic and operational plans have been
                                                                                                           summer months in order to retain amenity                removed and, instead, listed in the water
                                                      •   Achieve equity of essential services, and        and avoid vegetation loss.                              management actions within other plans
                                                      •   Promote adaptive infrastructure. (CRC for                                                                section
                                                          Water Sensitive Cities, 2018).
                                                                                                                                                               •   One action was removed as it was no
                                                      Of the above goals, only ‘improve productivity                                                               longer applicable
                                                      and resource efficiency’ can have quantitative
                                                      targets applied. Although their performance
                                                      is not quantifiable in the same way, the other
                                                      goals are addressed through actions set within
                                                      the Implementation Plan section.
                                                      The following corporate water use targets
                                                      were set by representatives from the City’s
                                                      Engineering, Environment, Assets, Recquatic
                                                      and Parks Teams. These targets are believed
                                                      to be achievable, based on the actions set by
                                                      the Plan. It should be noted that these targets
                                                      are intended to be aspirational and there will
                                                      be no penalties if the City fails to achieve them.
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                               Action                                                                                                Existing/
     Action Water Sensitive    (Actions marked with an asterisk* are Waterwise Council                     Responsible position/     Updated     Timeframe for
     Number City goal area     Program mandatory set actions)                                              team                      Action      completion      Budget         Measure of success
                               Develop and maintain a database and scheduled process to track
                               water use patterns for City water meters utilising installed data logger
             Productivity                                                                                                                                                       Database developed and in
        1                      network plus ongoing water billing data for meters without data             Sustainability Officer    New         2021-2022       Staff time
             & Resource                                                                                                                                                         use.
                               loggers. This system will establish water use patterns and identify
                               water use anomalies.
                               Develop a standard response procedure to action necessary repairs or                                                                             Standard water use anomaly
        2                      maintenance triggered by anomalies in the water use database (above         Sustainability Officer    New         2021-2022       Staff time     response procedure
             & Resource
                               action).                                                                                                                                         developed and in use.
                               Develop and implement a system to make it easier for the community          Sustainability                                        Staff time,
                               to report a fault (such as leaking taps) to the City. This may utilise QR   Officer, Information                                  service
             Productivity                                                                                                                                                       System developed and
        3                      codes to provide an easy to access reporting channel with an input          Technology, Marketing     New         Annually        provider
             & Resource                                                                                                                                                         successfully in use.
                               form to submit maintenance requests. This will improve response             & Communications,                                     costs (if
                               times for maintenance work.                                                 Facilities Maintenance                                applicable)
                                                                                                           Sustainability                                                       Improved identification of
             Improve           Development of a surface water quality monitoring regime at sites                                                                 Operating
        4                                                                                                  Officer, Coordinator      New         2021-2022                      water quality issues and
             ecological health where health may be affected by disease vector-capable mosquitoes.                                                                budget
                                                                                                           Environment & Waste                                                  hotspots.
             Improve                                                                                                                                                            Reduction in water use. This
                               Continue to install and maintain data loggers on priority high water
             productivity                                                                                                                                        $9,000/year    will be dependent on the
        5                      using Council water meters for leak detection purposes. Develop data        Sustainability Officer    Updated     Ongoing
             & resource                                                                                                                                          (in budget)    number and magnitude of
                               logger asset maintenance plan.
             efficiency                                                                                                                                                         leaks.
                               Promote and support waterwise verges and gardens, encouraging
                               people to remove lawn and plant a waterwise and low nutrient
                               requirement garden instead. This includes:                                                                                        $4000/year
             Improve           • Providing subsidised local native plant seedlings through the annual
             productivity                                                                                  Sustainability Officer,                               (seedling      Number of residents
        6                        Seedling Subsidy Scheme.                                                                            Updated     Ongoing         subsidy
             & resource                                                                                    Bush Care Officer                                                    engaging in these initiatives.
             efficiency        • Redeveloping and promoting the City’s waterwise and local native                                                                scheme in
                                 gardening brochure(s).                                                                                                          budget)
                               • Running events providing advice explaining how to plant a
                                 Waterwise verge while meeting the City’s verge requirements.
                                                                                                                                                                                Water management work and
             Increase          Develop and implement an annual communications plan that                    Sustainability
                                                                                                                                                                                achievements communicated
        7    community         promotes the City’s work and achievements in water management               Officer, Marketing &      Updated     Annual          Staff time
                                                                                                                                                                                to our community at least
             capital           with our community and stakeholders.                                        Communications
                                                                                                                                                                                twice a year.
                               Continue to add remaining groundwater bores to the centralised
             productivity                                                                                                                                        In annual      All bores are attached to
        8                      irrigation controller and, where deemed beneficial, install Variable        Parks                     Existing    Annually
             & resource                                                                                                                                          Parks Budget   centralised controller.
                               Frequency Drive at time of asset replacement.
                               Continue to encourage developers to implement Water Sensitive
             Improve                                                                                       Engineering Services /                                               All new developments include
        9                      Urban Design in new developments including pipeless design in areas                                   Existing    Ongoing         Staff time
             ecological health                                                                             Planning Services                                                    Water Sensitive Urban Design
                               with multiple water issues in the Peel Harvey Catchment area.
                                                                                                           Water Management
             Good water        Continue to use a cross-functional water management team to
                                                                                                           team (team listed in                                                 Participation and input from
       10    sensitive         consider Council initiatives related to the progression towards a water                               Existing    Ongoing         Staff time
                                                                                                           Waterwise Council                                                    staff in team.
             governance        sensitive city. *
                                                                                                           Action Plan 2021)
             productivity      Encourage local developers to participate in the Waterwise                                                                                       All new developments are
       11                                                                                                  Planning Services         Existing    Annually        Staff time
             & resource        Development Program. *                                                                                                                           Waterwise developments
Sustainable Water Management Plan - 2018-2023 November 2021 - City of ...
16                                                                                                    17

     Water management actions
     within other plans
     There are numerous actions related to water management that have been set in other City of
     Kwinana strategic and operational plans. To avoid duplication of planning and reporting, these
     actions have not been included in the Implementation Plan section of the Sustainable Water
     Management Plan.
     While the below actions sit within other plans, they all contribute toward responsible and
     integrated water management by the City and these actions will be implemented and reported
     against within each Plan’s reporting and review cycle.
Sustainable Water Management Plan - 2018-2023 November 2021 - City of ...
18                                                                                                                                                                                                             19
                                                                                                                                           Timeframe for
     City Plan/Strategy    Action                                                                      Responsible position/ team          completion         Budget           Measure of success
                                                                                                                                                                               Gold Waterwise Council
                                                                                                                                           Gold - annually,
                           Retain Gold Waterwise Council endorsement to promote corporate                                                                                      endorsement maintained.
                                                                                                       Sustainability Officer              Platinum 2025-     Staff time
                           water efficiency. Aim to achieve Platinum Waterwise Council status                                                                                  Platinum endorsement
                                                                                                                                                              Staff time       Recquatic Gold Waterwise
                                                                                                                                           Gold - annually,
                           Attain and retain Gold Waterwise Aquatic Centre re-endorsement. Aim         Recquatic Centre Operations                            plus any         Aquatic Centre endorsement
                                                                                                                                           Platinum 2025-
                           to achieve Platinum endorsement                                             Supervisor                                             proposed         maintained and Platinum
                                                                                                                                                              capital works    endorsement achieved.
                                                                                                                                                                               Community workshops
                           Continue to utilise the Switch Your Thinking program: run three
                                                                                                                                                              $5,000/year      delivered annually, promotion
                           community workshops per annum and promote the Rewards for                   Sustainability Officer              Ongoing
                                                                                                                                                              (in budget)      of Rewards for Residents
                           Residents scheme
                           Continue to deliver an annual seven-week sustainable living course          Sustainability Officer              Annually                            Course delivered annually
                                                                                                                                                              (in budget)
                           Identify and collate environmental, sustainability and waste education      Sustainability Officer, Bush                                            Environment, sustainability
                           resources, tools and services into an integrated package that the City      Care Officer, Waste Education                                           and waste education package
                           can offer to schools, local businesses, community groups and sporting       Officer, Coastal and Marine         Ongoing            Staff time       developed. Relevant groups
                           groups. This will form a component of the review and update of the          Program Manager, Marketing                                              have been offered these
                           Environmental Education Strategy                                            and Communications                                                      resources
     Climate Change Plan                                                                               Coordinator Parks, Technical
     2021-2026                                                                                                                                                Staff time       All parks are hydrozoned
                                                                                                       Officer Parks Operations,
                           Investigate further opportunities to hydrozone parks and/or replace                                             Ongoing, 2025-     plus any         where possible and plants are
                                                                                                       Technical Officer Public Open
                           traditional plants with waterwise/endemic species                                                               2026               proposed         Waterwise and/or appropriate
                                                                                                       Space Infrastructure Assets,
                                                                                                                                                              retrofit works   for their location
                                                                                                       Landscape Architects
                                                                                                       Coordinator Engineering                                              WSUD is considered at
                           Investigate opportunities for expanding Water Sensitive Urban Design
                                                                                                       Design, Manager Asset                                  Asset renewal the time of asset renewal/
                           (WSUD) components throughout the City’s stormwater drainage                                                     2024-2025
                                                                                                       Management, Coordinator                                budget        replacement for drainage
                           infrastructure at time of asset renewal
                                                                                                       Infrastructure Operations                                            assets
                           Update the Green Building Policy to be able to accommodate regular                                                                               Green Building Policy updated
                                                                                                       Sustainability Officer, Technical
                           improvements in available technologies and efficiency levels. This may                                                                           to accommodate regular
                                                                                                       Officer Building Infrastructure
                           involve the development of a related set of guidelines referring to                                             2023-2024          Staff time    improvements in available
                                                                                                       Assets, Manager Asset
                           technologies and efficiency standards available at the time of planning                                                                          technologies and efficiency
                                                                                                       Management Services
                           new building projects or renovations                                                                                                             levels
                                                                                                                                                                            Sustainability related
                                                                                                                                                                            development provisions
                           Investigate opportunities to encourage applicants to include                                                                                     identified and considered for
                                                                                                       Sustainability Officer, Planning
                           sustainability related initiatives in their developments via the planning                                       2022-2023          Staff time    inclusion in Structure Planning,
                           approvals process                                                                                                                                subdivision design, Local
                                                                                                                                                                            Development Plans and/or
                                                                                                                                                                            Development Applications
20                                                                                                                                                                                                         21
                                                                                                                                          Timeframe for
     City Plan/Strategy        Action                                                                    Responsible position/ team       completion      Budget         Measure of success
                                                                                                         Senior Environmental Planner,
     Climate Change Plan       Develop a Sea Level Rise Policy incorporating the projections completed                                                                   Sea Level Rise Policy adopted
                                                                                                         Coastal and Marine Program       2022-2023       Staff time
     2021-2026                 as part of the Cockburn Sound Coastal Alliance project                                                                                    by Council
                                                                                                                                                                         City managed wetland habitats
     Natural Areas                                                                                                                                        Staff time and
                               Continue to protect and restore City managed wetland habitats through                                                                     maintained and restoration
     Management Plan 2021-                                                                               Natural Areas team               Ongoing         Natural Areas
                               weed control and planting with appropriate endemic species                                                                                works have been undertaken
     2024                                                                                                                                                 budget
     Environmental Education   Continue to participate in Clean Up Australia Day and other litter        Bush Care Officer, Coastal and                                  Natural areas and beach clean
                                                                                                                                          Annually        Staff time
     Strategy 2019-2024        reduction initiatives                                                     Marine Program Manager                                          ups held annually
                                                                                                                                                                         Litter and Illegal Dumping
                               Develop a Litter and Illegal Dumping Strategy                             Waste Management Officer         2022-2023       Staff time
                                                                                                                                                                         Strategy adopted by Council
                                                                                                                                                                         Education and support
                                                                                                                                                                         provided to local residents and
     Waste Plan 2021-2025      Support the State-wide phase out of plastics                              Waste Education Officer          2022-2023       Staff time     businesses to enable them to
                                                                                                                                                                         adapt to the single-use plastic
                               Deliver education events aimed at reducing plastic waste which is a                                                                       Waste education events
                                                                                                         Waste Education Officer          Ongoing         Staff time
                               large proportion of the City’s litter                                                                                                     delivered annually
22                                                                                                                                                                                              23
     Monitoring and review                                                                               References
     There are a variety of actions specified within   •   Benchmarking other local government           City of Kwinana, 2021, Strategic Community Plan 2021-2031 and Corporate Business
     the implementation plan, each assigned to             approaches                                    Plan 2021-2025
     specific positions or teams. The progress
                                                       •   Reviewing the original Plan’s actions to      Bureau of Meteorology & CSIRO, 2020, State of the Climate 2020, Commonwealth of
     of each action will be reviewed annually
                                                           determine status and relevance, and           Australia, Canberra, Australia
     against its relevant measure of success and
                                                           amending original actions to better fit the
     considered in the context of priorities of the                                                      CSIRO, Climate Change in Australia Projections for Australia’s NRM regions: Regional
                                                           City’s current situation and operational
     organisation and community at the time.                                                             Climate Change Explorer.
                                                           needs as required
     Ongoing reviews will ensure the plan stays        •   Developing new actions to continue to         Government of Western Australia, 2019, Waterwise Perth Action Plan, Government of
     up to date with changes in policy and new             improve our strategic and operational         Western Australia, Perth, Australia
     technology. This process will help to review          approach to water management
     priority areas, monitor progress towards goals                                                      Environmental Protection Act 1986 (WA)
     and assess the effectiveness of implemented       •   Various updates to the Plan document
                                                           to ensure currency and consistency with       Water Corporation. How Perth’s water sources have changed over time, Retrieved
     actions. It will also assist in the preparation
                                                           other Plans                                   December 2020.
     of annual reports, budgets and the City’s
     Corporate Business Plan.                          A full review and update of the Plan will         City of Kwinana, 2021, Climate Change Plan 2021-2026
                                                       be undertaken leading into its planned
     As intended, this Plan has undergone a                                                              City of Kwinana, 2014, Natural Areas Management Plan 2014-2024
                                                       replacement in 2023.
     planned mid-cycle review, in 2021. The
     purpose of the review was to ensure that the      The City will continue to monitor for any         City of Kwinana, 2018, Environmental Education Strategy 2019-2024
     Plan remains relevant and aligned with the        changes in government regulations or
                                                                                                         City of Kwinana, 2021, Waste Education Plan 2021-2025
     City’s priorities. The review process included    standards that apply to the management of
     the following:                                    water and respond accordingly.                    City of Kwinana Waste Plan 2021-2025
     •   Reviewing the City’s recent water data                                                          Australian Marine Conservation Society, 2018, Ocean Plastic Pollution
     •   Reviewing and updating water                                                                    City of Kwinana, 2019, Irrigation Development Guidelines
         management goals and targets
                                                                                                         City’s Groundwater Operating Strategy by Groundwater Consulting Services
                                                                                                         CRC for Water Sensitive Cities, 2018, What is a Water Sensitive City?
                                                                                                         Department for Planning and Infrastructure, 2008, Better Urban Water Management
                                                                                                         Department of Planning, 2015, Draft 2015 Liveable Neighbourhoods,
                                                                                                         Department of Water, 2004, Stormwater Management Manual for Western Australia,
                                                                                                         Department of Water, Perth, Western Australia.
                                                                                                         Department of Water 2009, Perth-Peel Regional Water Plan 2010–2030 Responding to
                                                                                                         our drying climate, Department of Water, Perth, Western Australia.
                                                                                                         Department of Water, 2018, Rainwater
                                                                                                         Melbourne Water, 2018, Introduction to WSUD
                                                                                                         Water Corporation, 2018, Historical streamflow
                                                                                                         Water Corporation, 2018, Waterwise Council Program
                                                                                                         Western Australian Planning Commission, 2003, Statement of Planning Policy No. 2.1
                                                                                                         The Peel Harvey Coastal Plain Catchment
                                                                                                         City of Kwinana Mosquito and Midge Management Plan
Cnr Gilmore Ave and Sulphur Rd,
Kwinana WA 6167
PO Box 21, Kwinana WA 6966
Hours Mon-Fri 8am-5pm
(Cashier hours 8am-4pm)
Telephone 08 9439 0200
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