Taxation and investment in Poland Reach, relevance and reliability - Deloitte

Taxation and investment in Poland Reach, relevance and reliability - Deloitte
Taxation and investment in Poland
Reach, relevance and reliability
Taxation and investment in Poland Reach, relevance and reliability - Deloitte
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1. Investment climate				4                                          4. Taxation of companies			                    16
1.1 Business environment 			                                   4    4.1 Overview 					16
1.2 Currency 					5                                                 4.2 Taxation of non-residents 			              16
1.3 Banking and financing 			                                  5    4.3 Taxable income				17
1.4 Foreign investment 				                                    5    4.4 Deductions 					17
1.5 Tax incentives 				                                        5    4.5 Exchange differences 			                   18
1.6 Exchange controls 				                                     5    4.6 Tax incentives				                         18
                                                                    4.7 Controlled Foreign Corporation (CFC)       18
2. Setting up a business			                                    6    4.8 Rate 					                                 19
2.1 Principal forms of business entities 		                    6    4.9 Corporate reorganizations 			              19
2.2 Regulation of business 			                                 8    4.10 General Anti-avoidance Rules (GAAR)       19
2.3 Accounting, filing and auditing requirements 9                  4.11 Special anti-avoidance rule (SAAR)		      19
2.4 Practices limiting competition		                           9    4.12 Dedicated anti-optimization regulations   19
2.5 Practices unfairly using a contractual                          4.13 The white list & split payment – CIT
    advantage					11                                                     consequences				                          20
                                                                    4.14 Counteraction of payment backlogs		       20
3. Tax system					12                                                4.15 Taxation of limited partnerships		        20
3.1 Principal taxes 				                                       12
3.2 Basic legislation 				                                     12   5. Related party transactions			               21
3.3 Administration 				12                                           5.1 Transfer pricing				21
3.4 Double taxation relief 			                                 14
3.5 Mandatory reporting of tax-planning schemes                     6. Taxation of individuals			                  24
    (Mandatory Disclosure Rules – MDR)		      15
                                                                    6.1 Residence 					25
3.6 Hybrid structures				15
                                                                    6.2 Taxable income 				                        25
                                                                    6.3 Deductions and reliefs 			                 25
                                                                    6.4 Personal income tax rates 			              25
                                                                    6.5 Statutory costs 				                       26
                                                                    6.6 Social insurance contributions 		          26
                                                                    6.7 Inheritance and gift tax 			               27
                                                                    6.8 Net worth/wealth tax 			                   27

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7. Personal income tax charged on foreign              10. Value added tax				                                        36
   individuals					28
                                                       10.1 General 					36
7.1 General tax rules 				                        28
                                                       10.2 Taxable supply 				                                       36
7.2 Tax residency 				                            29
                                                       10.3 Rate 					36
7.3 Legal basis for the right to work in Poland   29
                                                       10.4 Registration 				36
                                                       10.5 VAT grouping 				                                         37
8. Withholding taxes				31
                                                       10.6 Compliance 				37
8.1 New rules regarding mechanism
                                                       10.7 Obligatory split payment mechanism                        39
    of collecting WHT				31
                                                       10.8 Application to non-residents 		                           40
8.2 Beneficial owner clause			                    31
                                                       10.9 VAT treatment of vouchers 			                             40
8.3 Dividends 					                               32
                                                       10.10 White list of taxpayers			                               40
8.4 Interest 					                                32
                                                       10.11 Online cash registers			                                 41
8.5 Royalties and service fees 			                32
                                                       10.12 Quick fixes (changes regarding settlement
8.6 Certificates of residence 			                 32
                                                             of cross-border transactions of goods)    41
                                                       10.13 SLIM VAT – package of changes
9. Assessment, payment and appeals                33         to the Polish VAT Act			                                 42
9.1 Tax year 					                                33   10.14 E-commerce package			                                    42
9.2 Returns 					                                 33
9.3 Payment of tax 				                           34   11. RET						44
9.4 Tax strategy					                             34
9.5 Appeals 					                                 34   12. Other Taxes				                                            46
9.6 Tax audits 					                              34   12.1 Capital tax 					46
9.7 Penalties and interest 			                    35   12.2 Transfer tax 				                                         46
                                                       12.3 Tax on buildings subject to rent / lease                  46
                                                       12.4 Exit tax					46
                                                       12.5 Stamp duty 				                                           47
                                                       12.6 Miscellaneous taxes 			                                   47
                                                       12.7. Jednolity Plik Kontrolny (Single Control File) 48

                                                       13. Office locations				                                       50

                                                       14. Contacts					51
Taxation and investment in Poland Reach, relevance and reliability - Deloitte
Taxation and investment in Poland 2021 | Reach, relevance and reliability

1. Investment climate
1.1 Business environment
Poland is a parliamentary democracy with                Quick facts
a bicameral legislature. Legislative power is
                                                        Capital                   Warsaw
vested in a bicameral Parliament, composed
of the Sejm (lower house) and the Senate                Population                38 434 000
(upper house); executive power is vested in
                                                        Language                  Polish
the President and the Council of Ministers,
while judicial power is vested in courts                Currency                  Polish zloty (PLN)
and tribunals. Poland is a member of the
European Union (EU), the European Economic              Time                      GMT +1
Area (EEA), the World Trade Organization and
                                                        Membership                EU, EEA, OECD, WTO
the Organization for Economic Co-operation
and Development (OECD). As an EU member
state, Poland is required to comply with
all EU directives and regulations. Poland’s
main imports are machinery and transport
equipment, manufactured goods (particularly            The privatization of small- and medium-sized state-
consumer electronics), chemicals and mineral
fuels. The major trading partners include EU
                                                       owned enterprises and a liberal law on establishing
countries, China, Turkey as well as Russia             new firms have encouraged development of the private
and Ukraine. Poland has pursued a policy
of economic liberalization. The privatization
                                                       business sector.
of small- and medium-sized state-owned
enterprises and a liberal law on establishing
new firms have encouraged development of
the private business sector.

Taxation and investment in Poland Reach, relevance and reliability - Deloitte
Taxation and investment in Poland 2021 | Reach, relevance and reliability

1.2 Currency                                      maintain their own bank account(s). Permits          Also, investors that create or develop
The national currency is the Polish zloty         are required for certain types of business           acquired IPs under performed R&D actives
(PLN). Poland expects to become a member          activities such as for example: mining               and commercialize them, as of January 1st,
of the European Monetary Union in or after        operations, defense related industries, fuel or      2019 may benefit from the reduced CIT rate
2020 and possibly will adopt the euro as its      energy operations, security services involving       of 5% applied for the income generated from
currency on that date. The date of accession      individual property, casino business, airing         such IPs (so called IP Box).
to the Monetary Union is yet to be decided        radio and television channels and aviation
due to economic uncertainty.                      services.                                            Customs bonded warehouses are storage
                                                                                                       facilities for goods that are not subject to
1.3 Banking and financing                         1.5 Tax incentives                                   either customs duty or the rules that apply
The banking system in Poland comprises            Various activities, ranging from environmental       to imported/ exported products during the
the central bank called the National Bank of      protection projects to development of                storage period. A bonded warehouse can
Poland (the central bank or NBP), as well as      human resources, can be supported by                 be open to the general public or private
commercial, retail, foreign and investment        EU and national funds. Consequently, it is           entities provided that certain requirements
banks. Banking activities are supervised by       possible for business operations in various          are met. Duty-free zones are separate parts
the Polish Financial Supervision Authority.       sectors of the economy to receive EU and             of the EU Customs Zones in which goods
The NBP is the exclusive issuing institution      / or national financing even from several            are treated by the customs authorities as
of the Polish zloty and it has the exclusive      different programs or funds. The level of            if they remained outside the zone. Both
right to set and implement the monetary           co-financing varies, depending on the type of        Community and non- Community goods may
policy. Commercial banks dominate the             business activity, the level of permitted public     enter the zones. Several duty-free zones have
industry, holding around 95% of all the           aid and size of entity applying for support.         been established in Poland and are situated
banking sector assets (with co-operative                                                               primarily on the main communication routes
banks holding the rest). In addition to banks,    Starting from September 2018 new                     (e.g. airports and border crossings). Duty-
other important financial institutions are        programme supporting entrepreneurs that              free goods are only available to travelers
insurance companies, pension funds, mutual        carry out new investment projects (covering          departing to non-EU countries.
funds, venture capital funds and leasing          both the manufacturing business as well
companies. Foreign financial companies,           as modern services for the business) was             1.6 Exchange controls
primarily insurers, play an important role in     implemented replacing Special Economic               Polish foreign exchange rules are
these sectors.                                    Zones programme. All entrepreneurs                   harmonized with EU legal standards, and
                                                  (domestic and foreign) can receive decision          there are no limits on capital flows between
1.4 Foreign investment                            on support in a form of exemption from               Poland, the EEA and OECD member
Poland’s market size and membership in the        income tax - similarly as in case of Special         countries. There are no exchange controls
OECD and the EU have made it attractive           Economic Zones - but regardless of the               on inward or outward investment. The
to foreign investors. Business operations         location of the investment project within the        Polish zloty (PLN) is fully convertible and
are regulated in particular by the Code of        territory of Poland.                                 may be used for settlement of international
Commercial Companies, the Entrepreneurs’                                                               transactions. Nevertheless, entities
Law and the Act on the Rules of Participation     As of October 2019, under updated                    transferring the zloty and foreign currencies
of Foreign Entrepreneurs and Other Foreign        “Supporting investment of significant                to and from Poland must submit detailed
Entities in the Business Transactions on the      importance for the Polish economy in                 quarterly reports of their transactions for
Territory of the Republic of Poland. These        2011 – 2030” (Polish Government Grant)               statistical purposes. The NBP monitors flows,
laws cover most forms of economic activity        cash support will granted for investment in          but the Council of Ministers sets thresholds
and have enhanced the attractiveness of the       production sector and creating new jobs in           and reporting procedures. The Ministry of
Polish market by reducing some of the legal       service sector. The grant amount may be              Finance supervises all foreign exchange
obstacles facing foreign investors. Foreign       increased if training is offered to employees.       activities, and banks must submit information
investors may be defined as corporations          Grants are also available for companies              about customer accounts at the Ministry’s
with head offices registered abroad,              investing in R&D infrastructure and / or             request.
business associations established by foreign      carrying out R&D project or implementing
individuals or companies operating under          the results of R&D activities. R&D related
the laws of a foreign country and individuals     operational costs can be also eligible for R&D
domiciled abroad. Except for a few minor          tax deduction allowing to deduct additional
restrictions, foreign investors enjoy the same    100% of costs from tax base.
treatment as domestic entities and may apply
for permits to engage in restricted activities
if they are permanent residents originating
from countries applying the reciprocity rule
to Polish companies. All legal entities have to

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Taxation and investment in Poland 2021 | Reach, relevance and reliability

2. Setting up
a business
2.1 Principal forms of business entities               allowed by the law, but they are primarily       Capital: The minimum capital required to
The following types of companies operate               used as special purpose vehicles, holding        establish a limited liability company is PLN
in Poland: a joint-stock company (spółka               companies and as national operating              5,000 to be paid up before the registration.
akcyjna – SA), a limited liability company             companies controlled by international            Contributions to a limited liability company
(spółka z ograniczoną odpowiedzialnością –             corporations. It has a separate legal            may be made in cash or in kind.
sp. z o.o.), a limited joint-stock partnership, a      personality from its shareholders, which
registered partnership, a limited partnership          means that when acting through its               Legal reserve: There are no legal reserve
and a professional partnership. In addition,           governing bodies, it can acquire rights and      requirements for a limited liability company.
new company type - a simple joint-stock                incur liabilities on its own behalf.
company (prosta spółka akcyjna – PSA) will                                                              Shares: Shares are registered and may be
be incorporated to the Polish law on 1 March           The sp. z o.o. has a capital, which is created   common or preferred. The minimum share
2021. Creation of a European company (SE) is           from shareholders’ contributions, but            value is PLN 50. The shares do not constitute
allowed in Poland. An individual can also carry        shareholders of the sp. z o.o. are generally     securities.
on business as a sole proprietor. Limited              not responsible for the liabilities of the
liability companies, registered partnerships           company. The management of the sp z o.o.         Management: The main corporate bodies
and limited partnerships (in the future also           is less formal than that of the SA, so it is a   of the sp. z o.o. are the shareholders’ meeting
simple joint-stock company) may be formed              somewhat more popular form of conducting         and the management board. There are no
and registered online by using templates               business.                                        residence requirements for the management
of partnership/ company agreements or                                                                   board members of the sp. z o. o., however
traditionally.                                         Formation                                        a work permit may be required from a
                                                       Founders: There are no restrictions on           foreigner. The term of office for management
Forms of entities                                      the number, nationality or residence of          board members is generally defined as one
Limited liability company (sp. z o.o.)                 shareholders; however, a limited liability       year, but can be easily modified or revoked
The sp. z o.o. is the basic legal form of              company may not be formed solely by              altogether in the company’s articles of
a company in Poland. Limited liability                 another single shareholder of a limited          association.
companies may be used for any purpose                  liability company (or its foreign equivalent).

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Taxation and investment in Poland 2021 | Reach, relevance and reliability

Supervision: The rights of control are vested         Joint-stock company (SA)                             Management: The corporate bodies of a
in each shareholder of the sp. z o.o. and may         The SA also has a personality separate from          joint-stock company are the shareholders’
be limited only when a supervisory board              its shareholders, which means that when              meeting, the management board and the
or an audit committee is established. If the          acting through its governing bodies, it can          supervisory board. Management of the SA is
share capital exceeds PLN 500,000 and there           acquire rights and incur liabilities on its own      vested in a management board. There are no
are more than 25 shareholders, the company            behalf.                                              residence requirements for the management
has to have a supervisory board composed                                                                   board members of the SA, however, in case
of at least three persons.                            The SA has a capital created by shareholder          of foreigners a work permit may be required.
                                                      contributions. As in the case of a limited           However, in the financial sector, in particular
Meetings and votes: An absolute majority is           liability company, the shareholders of the           in case of Polish registered banks, at least
generally sufficient to pass most resolutions,        SA are generally not responsible for the             two members of the management board,
but articles of association can regulate this         company’s liabilities. Management is more            including the chairman, must have working
issue otherwise; a 2/3 or 3/4 majority is             formal than in the case of the sp. z o.o. This       knowledge of the Polish language. Members
required for major changes.                           type of company is frequently used where             of the management board may be appointed
                                                      this form is required by law (e.g. banks,            for a term of office of up to five years.
Costs of incorporation: Legal costs for               insurance companies) or where the company
establishing a company (including notary              is planning floatation on capital markets.           Supervisory: The SA has to have a
charges, stamp duty and court costs) depend,                                                               supervisory board consisting of at least three
inter alia, on the level of capital.                  Formation                                            members (five in listed companies), each
                                                      Founders: A joint-stock company must                 appointed for a term of up to five years. The
Registration: A limited liability company             be founded by at least one individual or             supervisory board exercises permanent
acquires legal personality as a result                legal person who must sign the articles of           supervision over all areas of the activities of
of its registration in the National Court             association. The SA may not be formed solely         the SA.
Register. However, it comes into existence            by a single shareholder constituting a limited
as a company in organization (and is able             liability company or its foreign equivalent.         Meetings and votes: An absolute majority is
of contracting) at the time its articles of           There are no residence or nationality                generally sufficient to approve most actions,
association are signed.                               requirements.                                        but articles of association can regulate this
                                                                                                           issue otherwise; a 75% majority or other
Online registration: A limited liability              Capital: The minimum initial capital for a           majority is required for major changes.
company may be formed and registered                  joint-stock company is PLN 100,000. The
online by using a template of the articles            shares subscribed for in-kind contributions          Costs of incorporation: Legal costs for
of association. The main advantage of                 have to be paid in full not later than before        establishing a company (including notary
this solution is that the registration takes          the end of one year of registration of               charges, stamp duty and court costs) depend,
significantly less time (usually a few days).         the company. The shares subscribed for               inter alia, on the level of capital.
On the other hand, the founders have less             cash contributions shall be paid prior to
flexibility with regard to shaping the articles of    registration of the company to the extent of         Registration: The SA comes into existence
association and all of the contributions have         at least one fourth of their nominal value.          as a company in organization when all of its
to be made in cash.                                                                                        shares are subscribed for. As in case of sp.
                                                      Legal reserve: The SA is required to set up          z o.o., it obtains legal personality when it is
Online activities: If the limited liability           a legal reserve (supplementary capital) equal        entered into the National Court Register.
company has been registered online, certain           to 8% of annual net profits, until the reserve
activities of a limited liability company (like for   reaches one-third of the share capital.
instance amending the company’s articles of
association) may be carried out online, which         Shares: Shares may be registered or beared,
saves time and costs.                                 common or preferred. Nondividend shares
                                                      are not permitted. The minimum share value
                                                      is PLN 0.01. Shares constitute securities and
                                                      may be issued to the public. From 1 March
                                                      2021, all shares in SA must be registered
                                                      digitally and cannot be issued in the form of a
                                                      paper document.

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Taxation and investment in Poland 2021 | Reach, relevance and reliability

Branch of a foreign company
A foreign company may opt to set up a
branch in Poland. Foreign investors from
the EU, member states of EFTA parties to
EEA agreement as well as other foreign
companies from outside the EEA which may
enjoy freedom of economic activity on the
basis of agreements concluded with the
EU or EU member states are authorized to
conduct business activities under the same
rules that apply to Polish enterprises. A
branch is a part of a foreign company that
does not have its own legal personality, but
conducts business in Poland. A branch may
only conduct activities within the scope of
business activities of the foreign investor.
A branch is allowed to generate income. It
has to be registered in the National Court
Register under the name of the investor and
the name has to include the phrase “branch
in Poland”.

Foreign investors also may establish                   to the merger has subsidiaries, distribution     within ninety business days. However, the
a representative office in Poland. A                   networks or permanent sales practices in         Commission can decide to refer the merger
representative office may only carry out               Poland. Certain mergers and acquisitions at      to the competition authority of the respective
promotional and advertising activities.                the level of the European Community are          member state to determine whether the
Representative offices may not generate                subject to EU merger control. As a rule, the     effect of the merger will primarily be in such
income on their own behalf. A representative           European Commission has exclusive powers         member state. That decision counts as
office is registered in the Register of                to review such transactions. Under its Merger    official notification of the government of the
the Representative Offices of Foreign                  Control Regulation, the EU has jurisdiction      member state.
Entrepreneurs kept by the Ministry of                  over mergers where the combined aggregate
Economy.                                               worldwide turnover of all the undertakings       Companies whose merger would not
                                                       concerned exceeds EUR 5 billion and the          normally fall within the jurisdiction of the
2.2 Regulation of business                             aggregate EU-wide turnover of each of at         European Commission can request a
                                                       least two of the undertakings exceeds EUR        Commission review if they are otherwise
Mergers and acquisitions                               250 million, unless each of the undertakings     obliged to notify three or more member
The Act on Competition and Consumer                    concerned achieves more than two-thirds          states. The Commission proceeds as a
Protection empowers the Office for the                 of its aggregate EU-wide turnover in a single    “one-stop shop” only if none of the relevant
Protection of Competition and Consumers                member state; and where the aggregate            member states objects within 15 business
(UOKiK) to block a merger that would lead              global turnover of the companies concerned       days.
to creation or strengthening of a dominant             exceeds EUR 2.5 billion for all businesses
position on the market. The UOKiK also                 involved, aggregate global turnover in each
imposes reporting requirements for                     of at least three member states exceeds
acquisitions of existing entities. Parties to a        EUR 100 million, aggregate turnover in
proposed merger have to notify the UOKiK               each of these three member states of at
whether their combined turnover for the                least two undertakings exceeds EUR 25
previous year exceeded either EUR 1 billion            million and aggregate EU-wide turnover
worldwide or EUR 50 million in Poland. There           of each of at least two of the undertakings
are exceptions, such as for example when               exceeds EUR 100 million, unless each of the
the transaction is within the same capital or          undertakings concerned achieves more than
financial group and when the concentration             two-thirds of its aggregate EU-wide turnover
results from bankruptcy proceedings or                 within one member state. The European
taking over local business with an annual              Commission has twenty five business days
turnover not exceeding EUR 10 million. All             after a merger is reported to approve the
international companies have to notify the             transaction or open a procedure. If it decides
UOKiK of a proposed merger if any party                to open a procedure, it has to issue a ruling

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Taxation and investment in Poland 2021 | Reach, relevance and reliability

2.3 Accounting, filing and auditing                the following three conditions were met in            Evaluation in the context of the
requirements                                       the preceding financial year:                         abovementioned provisions also covers
The Polish accounting standards generally do                                                             behavior undertaken unilaterally by
                                                   • Average annual employment (calculated
not differ significantly from the international                                                          significant market participants, which may
                                                     as a full-time equivalent) of at least 50
standards in respect of assets and liabilities                                                           potentially affect other participants (for
presentation and methods of valuation. All                                                               example forcing sales at understated prices
companies listed on the regulated markets          • Total net annual turnover and financial             or refusal to cooperate).
of any European Economic Area country                income from the sale of goods and
must prepare their consolidated financial            services and financial transactions of at           The abovementioned behaviors, if they
statements in accordance with IFRS. All              least PLN equivalent of EUR 5 million;              violate the Act on competition and consumer
accounting documentation, records and                                                                    protection, expose not only the entrepreneur
                                                   • Total balance sheet assets as at the end
reports must be prepared in Polish language                                                              himself, but also persons managing the
                                                     of the accounting year of at least PLN
and Polish currency. Companies must apply                                                                company at the maximum penalty risk (in
                                                     equivalent of EUR 2.5 million.
the accounting principles specified in the                                                               the case of an entrepreneur) of 10% of
Accounting Act to ensure the true and fair                                                               turnover generated in the year preceding the
                                                   Together with the annual financial
presentation of their economic and financial                                                             penalty imposition. In addition, cooperation
                                                   statements, the management must prepare
position, as well as their financial results.                                                            in tenders, if it exceeds the scope allowed by
                                                   a report on the company’s activities, which
                                                                                                         the Act, may result in (obligatory) exclusion
                                                   contains in particular of information on
Activities (including business transactions)                                                             from subsequent public procurement
                                                   major events that are material to the
must be entered into the accounting records                                                              procedures.
                                                   company’s activities, the company’s expected
and disclosed in the financial statements
                                                   development and major achievements in
according to the nature of the business.                                                                 From the point of view of compliance of
                                                   the area of R&D, as well as the company’s
                                                                                                         the entrepreneur’s activities with the law,
                                                   present financial condition and projections.
The annual financial statements should be                                                                as well as to protect his financial interests,
prepared no later than within 3 months from                                                              it is important to assess his business in the
                                                   All companies must prepare annual financial
the balance sheet date and approved by the                                                               context of the provisions of the Act.
                                                   statements in XML file, sign it electronically
shareholders at the Annual General Meeting
                                                   and submit below documents to the National
within 6 months.                                                                                         In addition, having regard to the authority
                                                   Court Register within 15 days from the
                                                                                                         frequently used by the President of the Office
The scope of information disclosed in the                                                                of Competition and Consumer Protection to
financial statements is determined in the          • annual financial statement,                         conduct searches of entrepreneurs, the level
annexes of the Accounting Act (depending                                                                 of intervention of this tool in business activity
                                                   • report on the company’s activities,
on the type and size of the entity). In general,                                                         and high financial penalties for failure to
accurate annual financial statements should        • resolution of financial statement approval          cooperate with representatives of the Office
be prepared in electronic form and consist of        and profit distribution/loss coverage,              of Competition and Consumer Protection
a balance sheet, a profit and loss account, as                                                           within their framework, both entrepreneurs
                                                   • auditor’s report (if applicable)
well as supplementary information including                                                              and its representatives and employees,
introduction and explanations. Companies                                                                 appropriate preparation of the organization
                                                   2.4 Practices limiting competition
audited in a given year must also present a                                                              and its members in this respect may lead
                                                   Any cooperation with other entrepreneurs,
cash flow statement as well as a statement of                                                            to the reduction of risks resulting from both
                                                   both competitors (including e.g. within
changes in the company’s equity. However,                                                                the wrong action of the entrepreneur in the
                                                   industry associations, created purchasing
it is worth mentioning that both micro and                                                               search and the possible allegation of applying
                                                   groups, cooperation in tenders), as well as
small entities have the right to use some                                                                competition-restricting practices.
                                                   suppliers (including those undertaken as
simplifications for preparation of the financial
                                                   part of ongoing cooperation) and recipients
statements, therefore, they may opt limit the
                                                   of products or services (e.g. the distribution
scope of presented information.
                                                   network created by the entrepreneur) is
                                                   subject to evaluation in the context of the
Financial statements of certain entities,
                                                   provisions of the Act on competition and
including joint-stock companies, IFRS financial
                                                   consumer protection. For this evaluation,
statements, banks, insurers, investments
                                                   it is irrelevant whether this cooperation is
and pension funds, must be audited. Other
                                                   undertaken within existing formal structures
companies must be audited if at least two of
                                                   or informally.

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Taxation and investment in Poland 2021 | Reach, relevance and reliability

Agreements restricting competition                     in the tender can potentially be considered       The dominant entity is, for example, an
The Act on competition and consumer                    prohibited cooperation in the context of the      entrepreneur who is the only one possessing
protection authorizes the President of                 above-mentioned act.                              the right or resource necessary to conduct
the Office of Competition and Consumer                                                                   a specific activity on the market (e.g. has a
Protection to evaluate cooperation                     Non-formal cooperation may also be                telecommunications network, a patent or
undertaken by entrepreneurs. It is prohibited          considered illegal by the President of the        proprietary property right). Those interested
in the light of this law to cooperate with the         Office of Competition and Consumer                in gaining access to this kind of resource
purpose or effect of elimination, restriction          Protection, including information exchange,       or right are on the one hand forced to
or distortion in other way of the competition          including one-sided information sharing –         cooperate with such an entrepreneur (they
on a relevant market, if the effects occur or          where confidential (sensitive) information is     are not able to buy from another supplier) on
may occur on the territory of the Republic of          disclosed by only one entrepreneur.               the conditions imposed by him.
                                                       Due to the violation of the statutory             At the same time, it is not forbidden to have
Potentially, the President of the Office of            prohibition, anti-competitive cooperation         a dominant position, but to abuse it, which
Competition and Consumer Protection is                 of the entrepreneur may result in a penalty       should be identified as an action that would
entitled to evaluate not only the cooperation          of up to 10% of the turnover realized in the      not be possible under market competition.
undertaken by entrepreneurs operating in               year preceding the year in which the decision     An abuse of a dominant position can be, for
Poland, but also the one that is implemented           was issued. The Act on competition and            example, a refusal to sell or a sale/purchase
outside its borders, causing (potentially)             consumer protection also provides for liability   at excessively high or excessively low prices.
effects in Poland.                                     for violation of its provisions of the persons    Both the dominant position and its abuse
The subject of interest of the President of            managing the entrepreneur. The President          may refer to entrepreneurs operating on
the Office of Competition and Consumer                 of the Office of Competition and Consumer         supply (where the dominant sells), and
Protection covers all forms of cooperation             Protection may impose penalties of up to          demand (where it purchases) the market
of entrepreneurs – undertaken both in the              PLN 2 million on these persons.                   side.
vertical relationship, e.g. when cooperating
entrepreneurs are in the supplier-customer             In addition, it should be noted in the context    Entrepreneur’s behavior classified as an
relationship, horizontal, in the case of which         of possible cooperation in tenders that           abuse of a dominant position is punishable
market competitors cooperate with each                 recognition of this type of cooperation as        by a penalty of up to 10% of turnover realized
other, as well as mixed cooperation.                   violating statutory prohibitions might result     in the year preceding the year of the decision.
                                                       in exclusion of the entrepreneur from
As far as vertical and mixed cooperation of            subsequent procurement procedures within
entrepreneurs is concerned, especially the             three years of its adoption.
                                                                                                         The Act on competition
President of the Office of Competition and
Consumer Protection undertakes activities              Abuse of dominant position                        and consumer protection
whose subject is the assessment of operating           In the light of the provisions of the
                                                                                                         authorizes the President of
distribution systems, including those based            abovementioned Act, it is also forbidden to
on franchise agreements. These systems                 abuse the dominant market position of the         the Office of Competition
are often based in particular on agreements            entrepreneur. The President of the Office of
                                                                                                         and Consumer Protection
made within their framework in the range               Competition and Consumer Protection also
of applied prices (resale prices) and areas            performs an assessment in this regard.            to evaluate cooperation
of operation (division of the market or
                                                                                                         undertaken by
customers) of involved entrepreneurs.                  Domination position is understood by the
                                                       Act as the position of an undertaking that        entrepreneurs.
In the case of horizontal cooperation, in              enables it to prevent effective competition
addition to the above-mentioned issues                 being maintained in a relevant market by
related to prices used in the market or area           giving it the power to act to an appreciable
of activity, attention should also be paid             extent independently of its competitors,
to possible cooperation of competitors                 customers and consumers; it is assumed that
(also potential) within the so-called tender           an undertaking has dominant position where
proceedings. The practice of the Office of             its market share in a relevant market exceeds
Competition and Consumer Protection                    40 per cent.
indicates that a situation where an
entrepreneur deciding to participate in the
tender decides to prepare a subcontract
(partial) for another bidder or in agreement
with a competitor decides not to participate

Taxation and investment in Poland 2021 | Reach, relevance and reliability

Search by the President of the Office of
Competition and Consumer Protection
In the context of the aforementioned powers
of the President of the Office of Competition
and Consumer Protection to assess the
activities and behavior of entrepreneurs,
one should pay attention to the authority
of the Office to undertake a search of
entrepreneurs. As part of the search, the
employees of the Office of Competition
and Consumer Protection not only look
for material evidence, but also receive
explanations from both the entrepreneur
and its employees, and search the IT systems
and obtain evidence in electronic form.

Improper cooperation of the entrepreneur
in the course of the search by the President
of the Office of Competition and Consumer
Protection is punishable with a fine of up
to EUR 50 million. Persons representing
the company and its employees are also
threatened with the penalty. In this case, the   The President of the Office of Competition
                                                                                                       Improper cooperation
maximum penalty is equivalent to 50 times        and Consumer Protection acting in public
the average remuneration, i.e. at the level of   interest is entitled to intervene in cases            of the entrepreneur in
over PLN 250,000. It should be emphasized        of practices unfairly using a contractual
                                                                                                       the course of the search
that for the abovementioned penalties,           advantage taken by buyers of agricultural or
it is irrelevant whether any irregularities      food products or suppliers of these products,         by the President of the
ultimately influenced the course and             if this use causes or may cause effects on
                                                                                                       Office of Competition and
“success” of the search.                         the territory of the Republic of Poland.
                                                 Therefore, potentially, in the case of purchase       Consumer Protection is
2.5 Practices unfairly using                     / sale of agricultural or food products from
                                                                                                       punishable with a fine of
a contractual advantage                          a weaker (economically) / smaller market
If an entrepreneur, including a processing       participant, the entrepreneur is exposed to           up to EUR 50 million.
plant or a retailer purchases agricultural       the accusation of using prohibited practices.
or food products or disposes them by
contracting with a smaller (economically         The Act does not provide the definition
weaker) entrepreneur, potentially exposes        of a practice unfairly using a contractual
himself to a charge of using the contractual     advantage, nor a closed catalog of such. As
advantage and, as a consequence, a financial     a result, the risk of a potential intervention
penalty of up to 3% of turnover achieved in      by the President of the Office of Competition
the year preceding the year of imposition.       and Consumer Protection in a situation
                                                 where the contractor of a stronger supplier/
From the perspective of an entrepreneur          recipient requests to exercise his rights, citing
operating in the agriculture & food sector,      the dishonesty of the contractor’s actions,
and taking into account the severity of          should be classified as high.
penalties sanctioned by entrepreneurs, it is
extremely important to assess, in the context    Due to the use of practices unfairly using
of the Act on Counteracting Unfair Use of        contractual advantage, entrepreneurs face
Contractual Advantage in Agricultural or Food    a fine of up to 3% of turnover achieved by
Product Trade, the conditions according to       the entrepreneur in the year preceding the
which that entrepreneur cooperates with its      imposition of the penalty.
smaller suppliers or customers.

Taxation and investment in Poland 2021 | Reach, relevance and reliability

3. Tax system
3.1 Principal taxes                                    The Tax Ordinance is the most general tax          3.3 Administration
The main taxes in Poland are:                          legislation which defines:
                                                                                                          Tax authorities
• Corporate Income Tax;                                • general taxation rules;
                                                                                                          As of 1 March 2017, the National Fiscal
• Personal Income Tax;                                 • tax liabilities of third parties;                Administration (Krajowa Administracja
                                                                                                          Skarbowa or KAS) was introduced. The KAS
• Tax on civil law transactions (transfer tax);        • tax information;
                                                                                                          is a specialized government administration
• Value Added Tax;                                     • tax proceedings;                                 engaged primarily with tasks related to
                                                                                                          obtaining revenues from taxes, duties, fees,
• Stamp duty;                                          • structure of the tax administration and
                                                                                                          and non-tax budget receivables.
• Real Estate Tax;                                     • fiscal confidentiality.                          As a result, the existing structures of the
                                                                                                          tax administration, customs service and
• Excise duty.
                                                       Other relevant legislation includes the            fiscal audit have been reformed by the
                                                       Corporate Income Tax Act, Personal Income          establishment of a completely new structure
There is no excess profits tax or alternative
                                                       Tax Act, Value Added Tax Act, Civil Law            – the National Fiscal Administration (KAS),
minimum tax.
                                                       Transactions Tax Act (for capital duties and       headed by the Head of the KAS supervised
                                                       transfer tax), Local Taxes Act (i.a. real estate   by Minster of Finance. The bodies of the KAS
In general, foreign companies and individuals
                                                       tax).                                              include also: the Director of the National Tax
pay the same taxes as Polish legal entities
                                                                                                          Information, directors of tax administration
and individuals (except where a tax treaty
                                                       The parliament passes tax legislation with a       chambers, heads of customs and fiscal
provides otherwise).
                                                       simple majority of votes.                          offices, and heads of tax offices.

3.2 Basic legislation
                                                                                                          As of 1 March 2017 taxes in Poland are
All taxes in Poland are imposed by the
                                                                                                          administered by:
government in Taxation Acts, which set the
rules for imposing taxes, their rates and                                                                 • Heads of tax offices: Supervise the
duties, as well as taxpayer responsibilities.                                                               collection of taxes and enforce debts in
The Minister of Finance may be authorized                                                                   their territories; conduct tax control; issue
by an Act to decree regulations. All legislation                                                            individual administrative decisions in tax
is published in official publications (i.e. the                                                             cases.
Journal of Laws and the Official Journal of the
Republic of Poland).

Taxation and investment in Poland 2021 | Reach, relevance and reliability

• Heads of customs and fiscal offices:              Rulings                                             The value of the fee due to the Chief of
  Carry out customs-fiscal control of tax           Two types of tax rulings are available in           Competent Authority amounts to 1% of the
  settlements; establish and determine              Poland: general and individual. General             transaction value (in a period to be covered
  levies and place goods under customs              rulings aim to ensure that application of the       by APA) and ranges between:
  procedures.                                       tax law by tax authorities is uniform; general      • in the case unilateral agreements:
• Directors of tax administration chambers:         rulings may be applied by all taxpayers
                                                    and are issued by the Minister of Finance.            – related to domestic entities, the
  Supervise heads of tax offices and heads
                                                    Individual rulings are issued upon a written            payment amounts to not less than PLN
  of customs and fiscal offices; as a rule,
                                                    request by the Director of the National Tax             5,000 and not more than PLN 50,000,
  are empowered to review administrative
  decisions of tax offices and specific             Information. Application of an individual             – related to foreign entities, the payment
  decisions of heads of customs and fiscal          ruling may not be detrimental to the                    amounts to not less than PLN 20,000
  offices.                                          applicant. To obtain a ruling, the taxpayer has         and not more than PLN 100,000.
                                                    to submit a written request presenting the
• Director of the National Tax Information:         actual facts or planned events, the question        • in the case of bilateral and multilateral
  Issues individual interpretations;                and its own opinion on the issue. The ruling          agreements, the payments amounts to
  harmonizes tax and customs information.           remains valid until changed by tax authorities        not less than PLN 50,000 and not more
                                                    (possible only in specific situations; the            than PLN 200,000.
• Head of the National Fiscal Administration:
  Responsible for the supervision of the            change comes into effect starting from the
                                                    specified settlement period, e.g. next year for     A taxpayer applying for APA is required to
  fiscal administration; carries out specific
                                                    CIT) or when the underlying provision of law        justify the selected transfer pricing method,
  tax procedures, i.a. related to general anti-
                                                    is changed rendering the ruling irrelevant.         prepare a description and explain the
  avoidance rule.
                                                    Tax ruling, however, does not protect from          application of the selected method, indicate
• Minister of Finance: Responsible for the          GAAR clause.                                        the circumstances that could affect the
  Polish budget policy; issues general tax                                                              correctness of the pricing methodology,
  rulings (i.e. rulings issued to all taxpayers).   Advance pricing agreements                          prepare documentation used as a basis
                                                    Poland has had an advance pricing                   for setting the level of transactional prices,
Taxpayers may appeal to the directors of tax        agreement (APAs) regime in place since              indicate the related parties included in a
administration chambers against decisions of        2006, which allows taxpayers to verify the          given transaction and propose the period for
the heads of tax offices or specific decisions      correctness of the pricing methodology              which the APA should be binding.
of heads of customs and fiscal offices. Please      applied in domestic and foreign related
note, that an appeal against the specific           party transactions and ascertains the up-           Moreover, the limitation of tax deductibility of
decisions of a head of customs and fiscal           front acceptance of the transfer pricing            intercompany intangible charges, presented
office (i.e. concluding the tax proceedings         methodology by the tax administration.              in details in section 4.4. Limitation of
conducted by this authority) are generally          Unilateral, bilateral and multilateral              expenses related to intangible services, does
considered by the authority issuing a decision      agreements are possible.                            not apply to the costs of intangible services
and not a director of tax administration                                                                during the period covered by APA decision
chamber. An appeal against a final decision         Before submitting an application for an APA,        (which can start when APA application is
of the second instance may be directed to           the taxpayer may request the Ministry of            filed), as well as the tax year in which the APA
the Regional Administrative Court. Taxpayers        Finance to advise whether an APA would be           application is submitted.
are also entitled to resort to the Supreme          useful, determine the scope of information to
Administrative Court to review decisions of         be submitted, the procedure and probable
the Regional Administrative Courts.                 date of conclusion of an APA, its expected
                                                    conditions and duration.
In certain situations, the newly created
National Fiscal Administration is also              The application has to be submitted by a
responsible for investigating, preventing,          Polish entity and the application fee (which
detecting and prosecuting given crimes,             depends on the value of the transaction) has
i.e. document fraud, intellectual fraud,            to be paid within 7 days of the date when the
using document with false information and           application is submitted. An APA is valid up to
intellectual fraud, deceit, organized crime and     5 years, after which time can be renewed (in
participation in an organized criminal group.       a simplified procedure).

Taxation and investment in Poland 2021 | Reach, relevance and reliability

3.4 Double taxation relief
                                                       Treaty Network of Poland
Unilateral relief                                      Albania                    Iran          Qatar
Different methods of double taxation
avoidance are potentially available,                   Algeria                    Ireland       Romania
depending on the particular tax treaty                 Armenia                    Isle of Man   Russia
concluded with Poland (generally based on
exemption / credit methods principles).                Australia                  Israel        Saudi Arabia

                                                       Austria                    Italy         Serbia
Tax treaties
                                                       Azerbaijan                 Japan         Singapore
Poland has entered into number of double
taxation treaties (90). Many of those treaties         Bangladesh                 Jersey        Slovakia
reduce the withholding tax rates applied
                                                       Belarus                    Jordan        Slovenia
to dividend, interest and royalties paid by
Polish companies to non-residents. If the EU           Belgium                    Kazakhstan    South Africa
Parent-Subsidiary Directive / EU Interest and
                                                       Bosnia-Herzegovina         Kuwait        South Korea
Royalties Directive applies, as a rule no tax is
withheld on dividends, interest and royalties,         Bulgaria                   Kyrgyzstan    Spain
                                                       Canada                     Latvia        Sri Lanka

Ratification of the MLI Convention                     Chile                      Lebanon       Sweden
On January 23, 2018 Poland submitted to the
                                                       China                      Lithuania     Switzerland
OECD a document confirming the ratification
of the Multilateral Instrument to Modify Tax           Croatia                    Luxembourg    Syria
Treaties (MLI Convention) to implement BEPS
                                                       Cyprus                     Macedonia     Indonesia
(Base Erosion and Profit Shifting) provisions
aimed at counteracting aggressive tax                  Czech Republic             Malaysia      Taiwan
planning on international scale. This started
                                                       Denmark                    Malta         Tajikistan
the process of amendments to regulations of
double tax treaties signed between Poland              Egypt                      Mexico        Thailand
and certain countries. The MLI came fully into
                                                       Estonia                    Moldova       Tunisia
force on January 1, 2019 affecting DTT from
different jurisdictions gradually.                     Ethiopia                   Mongolia      Turkey

                                                       Finland                    Montenegro    Ukraine

                                                       France                     Morocco       United Arab Emirates

                                                       Georgia                    Netherlands   United Kingdom

                                                       Germany                    New Zealand   United States

                                                       Greece                     Nigeria       Uruguay

                                                       Guernsey                   Norway        Uzbekistan

                                                       Hungary                    Pakistan      Vietnam

                                                       Iceland                    Philippines   Zambia

                                                       India                      Portugal      Zimbabwe

                                                       Indonesia                  Qatar

Taxation and investment in Poland 2021 | Reach, relevance and reliability

3.5 Mandatory reporting of tax-                  implementation of the arrangement), and in            The key assumption of anti-hybrid measures
planning schemes (Mandatory                      specific situations the auxiliary (understood         is to counteract situations exploiting different
Disclosure Rules – MDR)                          as person who supports the implementation             tax treatment of the entity or transaction
As of January 2019, Poland introduced            of the arrangement) and the beneficiary               occurring under various tax regimes. Based
extensive Mandatory Reporting regulations        (the person to whom the arrangement is                on the regulations, taxpayers as a rule will not
(MDR) assuming the obligation to report          made available). Reporting is performed               be entitled to deduct a payment, expense or
to the Head of the National Treasury             electronically. Failure to comply with                loss from the tax base, if a payment results in:
Administration (KAS) the so-called “Tax          reporting obligations entails substantial fines
                                                                                                       (i) double deduction – double deduction
schemes”. The assumption is that the             (liability under the provisions of the Fiscal
                                                                                                           is perceived as a recognition of the same
regulations constitute an implementation         Penal Code).
                                                                                                           payment as tax deductible in more than
of the Council Directive (EU) 2018/822 -
                                                                                                           one jurisdiction without corresponding
nevertheless, in practice, the obligations       3.6 Hybrid structures
                                                                                                           dual inclusion of that payment in
imposed are much more far reaching               In May 2020 Poland has adopted regulations
                                                                                                           respective income (revenues) in those
than those resulting from EU regulations.        implementing EU ATAD 2 directive as regards
The Directive applies only to cross-border       discrepancies in qualifications of hybrid
schemes, while Polish obligation regards also    structures. In this respect, new provisions           (ii) deduction without inclusion –
reporting of national schemes. Disclosure        introduced into the Polish CIT Act aimed at                deduction without inclusion is considered
obligations work retroactively to some extent.   counteracting hybrid mismatches. The most                  e.g. as recognizing a given payment as
MDR covers activities (including the ones        important change for the taxpayer is need to               deductible without the corresponding
that are only planned), in which at least one    change the approach towards the charges                    inclusion of that payment in income
participant is a taxpayer, which have or may     from the related parties. Unlike before,                   (revenues) of the payment recipient.
have an impact on tax liability, and which at    the possibility to treat such charges as tax-
the same time meet additional criteria – in      deductible costs will also be affected by the
practice rules of identification of activities   manner in which the entities recognize charges.
covered by MDR are not fully clear yet.          Polish taxpayers have to verify how the related
Mandatory disclosure obligation basically        parties / contracting parties treat such charges.
burdens the intermediary (understood as          If no verification is performed, in practice the
each person which develops, offers, makes        taxpayer may lose the right to recognize the
available, implements or manages the             charge as the tax-deductible cost.
Taxation and investment in Poland 2021 | Reach, relevance and reliability

4. Taxation
of companies
Main taxes applicable to companies operating in Poland

Corporate income tax                 19% (standard rate) and
                                     9% (preferential rate)

Withholding tax

Dividends                            19%
Interest                             20%
Royalties                            20%

Branch profits tax                   -

Net worth tax                        -

Value added tax                      23% (standard rate)

Transfer tax                         0.5-2% (standard rates)

4.1 Overview                                           In general, a calendar year is deemed to be       4.2 Taxation of non-residents
Pursuant to the Polish tax law, companies              a tax year. However, a taxpayer may change        Non-residents are in principle subject to CIT
having their registered seat or place of               its tax year by notifying the appropriate tax     in Poland only with respect to its taxable
management in Poland are subject to                    office and indicating a different period as a     income earned within the territory of Poland,
corporate income tax (“CIT”) on their                  tax year.                                         in particular within the following sources of
worldwide income (tax residents). Income                                                                 revenues:, i.a.:
derived by residents from sources abroad               As a result of its accession to the EU, Poland
                                                                                                         • any business activity, including via a
is generally subject to CIT under the same             has implemented the Parent Subsidiary
                                                                                                           Permanent Establishment, carried
rules as income earned from Polish sources,            Directive (PSD), merger directive and the
                                                                                                           on the territory of Poland. The profit/
unless a tax treaty provides otherwise.                Interest Royalty Directive (IRD).
                                                                                                           income (taking into account related costs)
                                                                                                           attributable to the PE would be subject
The amount of income (loss) is determined              Provided that certain requirements are met,
                                                                                                           to 19% of the CIT in Poland with the
on the basis of accounting books, with                 a group of companies may establish a “tax
                                                                                                           application of the general taxation rules,
adjustments made according to tax law.                 capital group” which is treated as a single CIT
                                                                                                           as in the case of Polish-based taxpayers;

Taxation and investment in Poland 2021 | Reach, relevance and reliability

• real estate located in Poland or income        • incomes on securities,                              costs concerning usage of passenger cars
  gained on the sale of this real estate;                                                              and related expenses).
                                                 • from the exchange of a virtual currency for
• income earned on the sale of shares in the       legal tender, goods, services or property
                                                                                                       Salaries and wages
  Polish company holding mainly real estate        rights other than a virtual currency or
                                                                                                       In general, expenses incurred by the
  assets (which should be regarded as a sale       from the settlement of other liabilities with
                                                                                                       company for employee salaries and wages
  of real estate and is taxed in Poland – the      a virtual currency.
                                                                                                       are tax-deductible, provided the general
  so called real estate clause);
                                                                                                       conditions for tax deductions are met.
                                                 Business gains
• income earned on securities;
                                                 All other revenues that are not included
                                                                                                       Limited deductibility of debt finance
• payments from Polish tax residents;            in the catalog of capital gains should be
                                                 categorized as other operating revenues
• income earned on unrealized gains.                                                                   The CIT Act provides limited possibility to
                                                 (business gains) and taxed separately.
                                                                                                       include debt finance costs, from related and
4.3 Taxable income                                                                                     non-related entities, in tax expenses; the limit
Taxable income comprises all revenue                                                                   has been set at the 30% of an indicator close
                                                 Dividends received by a company being
earned in a tax year (with some exceptions)                                                            to EBITDA. The limit concerns any kind of
                                                 a Polish resident from another Polish
decreased by tax-deductible expenses.                                                                  debt finance costs (e.g. interest, commission,
                                                 company or an EU/EEA company may be
As from 2018, for the purpose of taxation,                                                             fees, bonuses, interest part of the lease
                                                 exempted from taxation if certain holding
company’s revenues are divided into two                                                                instalment).
                                                 and participation requirements are satisfied
sources of income, so called “baskets”:
                                                 (e.g. the recipient has held at least 10% of
                                                                                                       The above limit does not apply to the debt
• capital gains (please see the details below)   the shares in the payer company for at least
                                                                                                       finance costs in a part not exceeding the
  and                                            two years). The above rule may also apply to
                                                                                                       amount of PLN 3m in a fiscal year. It is
                                                 dividends from a Swiss company provided
• other incomes (which includes business/                                                              generally possible to deduct debt finance
                                                 that the requirement of holding 25% of
  trading incomes).                                                                                    costs that have not been deducted in the
                                                 shares is met.
                                                                                                       given fiscal year, in the fiscal years to follow
Therefore, an appropriate allocation of costs                                                          (as part of the defined limit).
                                                 Dividends received from a non-EU/EEA/ Swiss
to baskets is required.
                                                 company are aggregated with other taxable
                                                                                                       Notional Interest Deduction
                                                 income and are subject to the corporate
The crucial consequence of such division is                                                            As of 2019 Poland introduced an incentive to
                                                 income tax rate of 19%. Double taxation
that losses generated within one source of                                                             leave capital for development in companies
                                                 treaties provide possible methods of avoiding
income cannot be compensated with profits                                                              by increasing the tax attractiveness of
                                                 double taxation.
from another source. For example, the tax                                                              own financing. To some extent there is a
loss generated on operational activity cannot                                                          possibility to increase the costs of obtaining
                                                 Potential tax related to dividends received
be compensated by profits from capital gains                                                           revenues by the hypothetical equivalent of
                                                 by a Polish company from an entity resident
like dividends or revenues derived from IP                                                             debt financing costs - despite the fact that
                                                 in a non-EU member state with which
rights and vice versa.                                                                                 these costs were not actually incurred by
                                                 Poland has concluded a tax treaty may be
                                                                                                       the taxpayer (so-called notional interest
                                                 credited against the corporate income tax
Capital gains                                                                                          deduction).
                                                 liability under certain conditions, in particular
Capital gains, taxed as a separate source of
                                                 provided that the Polish company has held at
income, include in particular:                                                                         Limitation of expenses related to
                                                 least a 75% stake in the payer company for at
                                                                                                       intangible services.
• typical capital gains like: dividends,         least two years before/after the distribution.
                                                                                                       The possibility to include in tax costs the
  income created as a result of mergers,
                                                                                                       expenditures on services purchased from
  de-mergers, etc.                               4.4 Deductions
                                                                                                       related entities (directly or indirectly) is
                                                 In general, expenses incurred by a taxpayer
• in-kind contributions to companies;                                                                  restricted for the following types:
                                                 for the purpose of generating, preserving and
• sale of receivables previously purchased       protecting taxable revenues are deductible,           • consulting services, market research,
  by the taxpayer;                               e.g. employee remuneration, cost of goods/              marketing services, management and
                                                 services, net operating losses, paid interest           controlling, data processing, insurances,
• sale of shares in companies;
                                                 (subject to limitation on deductibility of              guarantees and sureties etc.,
• sale of share in partnerships to various       debt finance costs), depreciation. Specified
                                                                                                       • any royalty fees or payments for using or
  property rights and securities,                categories of expenses are not tax deductible
                                                                                                         being entitled to use intangible assets, like
                                                 (e.g. penalties, accrued interest, so called
• incomes derived from intellectual                                                                      licences, know-how, trademarks,
                                                 representation costs, dividends paid, etc.) or
  property rights, etc,
                                                 are tax deductible only to some extent (e.g.

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