TAYLOR HOUSE | 2018 HANDBOOK - King's College

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TAYLOR HOUSE | 2018 HANDBOOK - King's College
HANDBOOK   | 2018
TAYLOR HOUSE | 2018 HANDBOOK - King's College
TAYLOR HOUSE | 2018 HANDBOOK - King's College
VISION, AIMS AND VALUES …………..………..………………..……..… 4

STAFF LEADERSHIP …………..………..………..……….……………….. 5

HISTORY OF TAYLOR HOUSE …………..………..……….…….…….… 6-7

TAYLOR SHIELD AND MOTTO …………..………..……….…….………… 8

UNIFORM …………..………..……….…….……………….……..…. 9-10

EXTRACURRICULAR ACTIVITIES ………..………………….……..…. 11-14

CHAPEL ………..………………….……………………………….. ..15-16


COLLEGE HAKA …………..………..………..……..……………..…….. 21

HOUSE ROUTINE AND DUTIES ………….………………………..… 22-23

HOUSE RULES …………..………..……….…….………………….. 24-25

DISCIPLINE …………..………..……….…….………………….….. 26-27

TIPS FROM THE YEAR 13S ……….……………….…………………. 28-30

ANTI-HARASSMENT POLICY ……….……….…………………….…. 31-33

FURTHER INFORMATION ………..………………………………….. 34-35

GLOSSARY …………………………………………………………… 36-37

IMPORTANT CONTACTS …………………………………..………… 38-39
                                     PAGE # 3
TAYLOR HOUSE | 2018 HANDBOOK - King's College
                GRAHAM BRUCE, HEADMASTER 1896

                              KEY VALUES
            • Generosity of Spirit   • Respect
            • Gratitude              • Spirituality
            • Moral Courage          • Honesty
            • Pursuit of Learning    • Tolerance

                                                      PAGE # 4
TAYLOR HOUSE | 2018 HANDBOOK - King's College
Housemaster                        g.adams@kingscollege.school.nz
Mrs Gina Adams                     021 301 908
Maternity leave - Term 1

Acting Housemaster                 a.smith@kingscollege.school.nz
Ms Alexandra Smith                 027 598 6136

Associate Housemaster              j.chester@kingscollge.school.nz
Ms Jessie Chester
Art Department

Acting Associate Housemaster       s.currie@kingscollege.school.nz
Ms Sarah Currie
English Department

Mrs Anita McLaren                  a.mclaren@kingscollege.school.nz
Sports Department

Ms Mallory Bish                    m.bish@kingscollege.school.nz
PE Department

Mrs Tracey Butchers                t.butchers@kingscollege.school.nz
Careers Department

Mrs Udi Delport                    u.delport@kingscollege.school.nz
Biology Department

Mrs Sharon Lofroth                 s.lofroth@kingscollege.school.nz
HOD Business Department

Ms Melyssa Banham                  m.Banham@kingscollege.school.nz
English Department

                  PAG E # 5
TAYLOR HOUSE | 2018 HANDBOOK - King's College

Taylor House is named        and religious                 Middlemore. Numbers
after a former               connections and also its      of both day girls and
Headmaster of King’s         similarity in the colour      boarders grew until in
College, Mr John Taylor.     palette to Middlemore         2004, when Middlemore
Under Mr. Taylor’s           Lodge’s maroon, in            was so full that House
leadership the number        recognition of the            meetings could no
of girls at King’s grew to   origins of girls at King’s.   longer be held there!
around 125 upon his                                        In late 2005,
retirement in 2002. Mr.      When girls first came to      Headmaster Mr. Roy
Taylor was a strong          King’s College in 1980        Kelly decided that the
supporter of females at      they were made                time had come to split
King’s College and           members of the boys’          Middlemore into two
encouraged the               Houses. Then in 1984          Houses so that the
successful alignment of      Middlemore Lodge was          separate pastoral needs
girls with boy Houses.       founded under the             of day and boarding
                             leadership of                 students could be better
The Taylor House colour      Housemaster Mr. Philip        catered for. The original
is a deep purple. This       Bird, and all girls           premise was to remain
was chosen for its regal     transferred to                the boarding House for

                 PAG E # 6
TAYLOR HOUSE | 2018 HANDBOOK - King's College

girls at King’s            the decision to alter     2016, and give our
(Middlemore), while a      and extend what was       House and
new House was to be        the Middlemore            Middlemore House the
established for the day    boarding tutor’s living   opportunity to expand
girls – Taylor. The        quarters. In Term 2 of    in number too.
location for the new       2015, Taylor moved up
House was seen as          the drive to its new
crucial as everyone        larger and more central
agreed it was vital for    location beside the
girls, as a minority       Chapel. The move was
group in the school, to    to accommodate our
be in close proximity to   expanding numbers
one another. The           with Year 11 girls
Headmaster then made       joining the school in

              PAG E # 7
TAYLOR HOUSE | 2018 HANDBOOK - King's College

These elements have been taken                        The fleur-de-lis is a symbol of purity
from the Middlemore shield which                        and stylised representation of the
reflects our origins.                                                        compass points.
The Tudor Rose is a symbol of                            The ermine is a symbol of dignity
England and provides a connection                            and the fur is associated with
to our Anglican faith.                                                               royalty.

Mana Wahine by Dion Hitchens is a statue at the main entrance to Taylor House, that was a
gift from John and Sarah Taylor in 2006, to commemorate the opening of Taylor House, in the
same year.
The name of the statue roughly translates to ‘powerful woman.’

                                                                  PAGE # 8
TAYLOR HOUSE | 2018 HANDBOOK - King's College
                 Summer                                   Winter
 Long camel-coloured skirt, or camel      Grey skirt, white blouse (same as the
 shorts, a white blouse and black belt.   summer shirt but with long sleeves),
 Regulation black sandals are to be       black belt, black opaque tights and
 worn. Some suggested styles of           maroon jersey. Footwear to be worn
 sandal are listed below. Sandals with    is a black lace up shoe -
 thin straps, roman sandals or slave-     see the suggested styles below:
 style sandals are not permitted.         plain, black, leather lace-ups. Loafers
 Summer Formals are as described          may be worn by years 12 and 13
 above however the skirt must be          students. Please note knee-high
 worn - not the shorts. The summer        stocking are not allowed. For winter
 formal uniform is worn every             formals, the long grey skirt must be
 Wednesday and on the first and last      worn with a white collard shirt, school
 days of the summer terms.                tie, black belt, black opaque tights
                                          and black leather lace-up shoes. The
              SANDALS                     blazer must be worn in Assembly,
 Popular Choices:
                                          Chapel, as well as to and from school,
 Windsor Smith ($90-$120)
                                          when wearing formals. The winter
 Number One Shoes ($40)
                                          formal uniform is to be worn on
 Hannahs ($75)
                                          Wednesdays during the winter term,
                                          as well as on the first and last day of
                                          the term. The maroon school jersey
                                          can be worn with formals or casuals
                                          at any time. Only Year 13s may wear
                                          their formals with only the jersey and
                                          no blazer.

Popular Choices:
Keds ($100)
Converse ($100)
Pulp ($80)
Isabella Anselmi (Loafers) ($200)

                                                           PAGE # 9
TAYLOR HOUSE | 2018 HANDBOOK - King's College
                Sports                                      Hair
Purple Taylor polo shirt or your boy      Hair must be tied back with black or
house polo shirt, plain black shorts of   brown hair ties only unless it is
an appropriate length (no stripes or      shorter than collar length. Plain black
logos), college tracksuit.                pins are to be used when necessary,
Plain black swimming togs are to be       no hair may be hanging over the face
worn for swimming sports and in PE        or as we say in Taylor - no wispy bits!
when necessary (no stripes or             A thin ribbon may be worn if desired,
colours). A black sports bra may be       white for summer, black for winter.
worn with togs if desired.


                                                          PAGE # 10
We provide our students           Year 13 students have the       her time at the College, and
with the opportunity to test      option of participating in      when she leaves our gates
their talents, try their hand     activities however the          too.
at new activities and be          majority elect to participate
involved in many aspects of       actively.                       Girls will participate in their
the College. Student                                              chosen activity as well as
involvement in                    Sportsmanship, the art of       have the opportunity to
extracurricular activities is     competing strongly but          compete against
vital in terms of helping         fairly, is taught in the        Middlemore House in our
girls to broaden their            sporting arena. Taylor girls    inter-House competition.
horizon, make the most of         will learn about                They also have the
their time at the college         competition, teamwork,          opportunity to represent
and also helps them to            discipline, initiative and      their boy House in their
meet new friends and have         how to win and lose             competition and in school
some fun.                         graciously. Participating in    competitions too, such as;
                                  sport at King’s, will help      Athletics, Cross Country,
Year 11 students are              your daughter to keep           Orienteering and
expected to do at least two       physically fit but will also    Swimming Sports.
activities.                       help her to develop key
                                  aspects of character-
Year 12 students have to          building that will stand her
take at least one activity.       in good stead both during

                    PAG E # 1 1
The following sports are on offer at King’s College:

Archery                                        Hockey
Athletics                                      Netball
Badminton                               Orienteering
Basketball                                     Rowing
Clay Target Shooting                            Sailing
Cricket                                          Skiing
Cross Country                                  Squash
Cycling                                    Swimming
Equestrian                                       Tennis
Football                                         Touch
Golf                                       Water Polo

PAG E # 1 2
 Like sport, taking part in a cultural activity can help girls to deal with both success and
failure, as well as develop key skills of: discipline, leadership, resilience and socialisation.

              The following cultural activities are on offer at King’s College:

 Big Band                                                                      Orchestra
 Chamber Groups                                                 Rock and Jazz Bands
 Chess                                                                   Round Square
 Choirs                                                             Senior Production
 Concert Band                                                     Speech and Drama
 Costumes & Makeup                                          Stage Challenge (2019)
 Debating                                                                  Theatre Club
 Duke of Ed                                                              Theatre Sports
 Environmental society                                                     Toastmasters
 Glee Club                                                                 Writing Club
 Media Club                                                          Young Enterprise
 Model UN                                                                     Water Polo

                 PAG E # 1 3
At the heart of our school is The Chapel. At King’s College we believe that Christianity begins
through service to others. The participation in various outreach projects, as part of a student’s
service to the wider community helps girls to put their faith into action. Each week students
volunteer their own time to participate in projects such as: Reading in Schools (compulsory at
Years 12 and 13), Refugee Centre Visits, IHC, Retirement Home visits, Kidz First, Cats in Need
Trust, Woman’s Refuge Centre, Mangere East primary Lunchtime Programme and Middlemore
Hospital Reception.

                                 Girls can sign up to volunteer for such worthy programmes
                                 through our House Sacristan or by contacting Mrs Rosemary
                                 Carrington: r.carrington@kingscollege.school.nz

                   PAG E # 1 4
“    The chapel is a vital and
                                          rewarding aspect of King’s

All students attend chapel twice a           LORD’S PRAYER
week. In addition, each term there will      Our Father
be a Sunday chapel service for Taylor        Which art in heaven
House. Student attendance at these           Hallowed be thy name
events is compulsory and parents,            Thy Kingdom come
families and friends are warmly invited      Thy will be done on earth as it is in
to attend with the girl. School uniform      heaven
is worn for Sunday chapel services. At       Give us today our daily bread
chapel, both the Lord’s Prayer and the       And forgive us our trespasses as we
Grace are said. Please take some time        forgive those who trespass against us
to learn the words.                          Lead us not into temptation
                                             But deliver us from evil
                                             For thine is the kingdom, the power,
                                             and the Glory For ever and ever Amen

                                                                 PAGE #1 5
“   The chapel is a vital and
                                         rewarding aspect of King’s

THE GRACE                                   THE SCHOOL SONG
The Grace of our Lord Jesus Christ the      O floreat semper Collegium Regis
love of God                                 Et semper iam magnum maius emicet
and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit be    Quae mater benigna, omni amore
with you all, evermore                      digna
Amen                                        Viri ut re fiamus docet
                                            VIRTUS POLLET
The School Song is also vital to know as
it is sung at important school events, as   PRONOUNCIATION
well as at beginning and end of term        Oh floor-e-it semp-er co-lay-ge-um ray-
assemblies/services.                        gis
                                            Et sem-pa yum mag-num my-orse em-i-
                                            Kwy ma-ter be-nig-na om-nee a-more-
                                            ay dig-na
                                            Wiri a riffy ah moss doket
                                            Wirtos pollet

                                                               PAGE #1 6
AWARD                     Purpose :

              SYSTEM                     To recognise a student’s all round ability.

              SCHOOL                     Concept :

                                         Half crest (for students with 3 or more Colour
                                         Badges) to be sewn onto the blazer pocket.
                                         Full crest (for students with 3 or more Colour
All of the following forms of student
                                         Ties) to be sewn onto the blazer pocket. This
     recognition are awarded at the
                                         would be a relatively exclusive award but would
discretion of the school and are not
                                         not be limited to any year level.
   to be seen as being obtained by
                                                          Colours Badge
                                         (equivalent of Half colours)

                                         Purpose :
                                         Given in the fields of Academia, Sport, Culture,
                                         Community Service and Service (to school) to
                                         recognise a students’ ability and commitment in
                                         a particular field at the highest level over a
                                         significant period of time.

                                         Concept :
                                         An embodied badge that is sewn on the Blazer
                                         with the name of the field on it. Badge can be
                                         awarded to the student immediately after the
                                         criteria is met. The award is not presented at
                                         assembly. Would most likely be given to a year
                                         11, 12 or 13 student but not restricted to just

                  PAG E # 1 7
AWARD                                 Colours Tie
                                         (equivalent of Full Colours)

              SYSTEM                     Purpose :
              SCHOOL                     Given in the fields of Academia,

                                         Sport, Culture, Community
                                         Service and Service to
                                         recognise a level above that of
All of the following forms of student
     recognition are awarded at the      the Colours Badge for a
                                         student's ability and
discretion of the school and are not
                                         commitment in a particular area
   to be seen as being obtained by
                                         at the highest level over a
                                         significant period of time.

                                         Concept :
                                         A separately designed tie for
                                         each of the fields Academia,
                                         Sport, Culture and Service. The
                                         tie is to be presented at
                                         assembly. Would most likely be
                                         given to a year 12 or 13 student
                                         but not restricted to just seniors.

                  PAG E # 1 8
• Being a member of an Auckland or NZ

                TAYLOR                         representative team

                HOUSE                        • Winning an Auckland or NZ competition at the

                                               highest level

                                             • Winning the inter-House debating competition
                                              (against boy Houses)
House Colours are awarded to Taylor
    girls who have demonstrated an
                                             • Winning Small House and, or Big House Music
exceptional achievement to a certain
                                               competitions (against all Houses)
      level, in their field. These areas
   include academic, cultural, sport,
                                             • Lead roles in cultural activities such as Senior
  service to the House and the wider
                                               Drama and Glee
   community. In each case, a Taylor
House pin is awarded during House
                                             • Head librarian

                                             • Member of the Scholars Common Room

                                             • Year 11 – 6 ‘A’ Effort Grades; Year 12/13 4 ‘A’
                                               Effort Grades in Term Orders

                                             • Top in Taylor Years 11, 12 and 13 in Term
                                               Orders (both CIE and NCEA) - must not have
                                              any C grades or lower in Term Orders

                                             • 3 or more A grades in CIE exams for AS

                    PAG E # 1 9
TAYLOR                       • 4 or more A grades in CIE exams for IGCSE

                HOUSE                        • Endorsed overall with Excellence in NCEA

              COLOURS                        • Champion of Athletics/Swimming

                                             • Top 5 places in Cross Country

House Colours are awarded to Taylor
                                             • Part of 2 premier level sports teams in one year
    girls who have demonstrated an
                                               (or equivalent) NB/ only teams that play in the
exceptional achievement to a certain
                                              Premier Level or the 2nd Tier of competition for
      level, in their field. These areas
                                              a sport will be eligible for Full Colours and
   include academic, cultural, sport,
                                              meet our criteria for House Colours too.
  service to the House and the wider
   community. In each case, a Taylor
                                             • Service to College cultural activity two years in
House pin is awarded during House
                                               a row (Glee, backstage, orchestra, makeup (3
                                              or more productions) etc.

                                             • Service to the Chapel’s outreach programme
                                               by regularly participating in 2 or more
                                              community service activities or the completion
                                              10 hours of service at Year 11, or 20 hours in
                                              Years 12 and 13 - excluding Reading in

                    PAG E # 2 0
KING’S                    Ko tenei he wero ki a kotou ma, Tuturu
                                          whakamaua kia tina! Tina!

               COLLEGE                    Huii e!
                 HAKA                     Taiki e!
                                          Hii aue, Hi!

The College Haka is an integral part
                                          Tiare maiho, ko te timatanga, o to matou
    of life at King’s. Written by Kingi
                                          wharekura Rangatira!
   Snelgar in 2004, it talks about the
power, the awe, the prestige and the
                                          A te Rangatiratanga
 sacredness of this famous school. It
                                          Haere mai koe, Uru mai koe
  begins by acknowledging Charles
                                          Uru mai koe ki roto i to matou wharekura
Major, the first Headmaster of King’s
     College here on this site of the
                                          Kingi Kareti, Kingi Kareti
     school, and is then followed by
                                          Puta ake ko te ihi te wehi
 words of welcome to all those who
                                          Ko te mana, ko te tapu
    wish to enter onto the hallowed
                                          He totara nui, He whakaruruhau
         grounds of King’s. Finally, it
                                          Tau mai, Tau mai
  concludes with words of unity and
                                          Tau mai e te kura wananga
               respect to all people.
                                          Kingi Kareti, Kingi Kareti

                                          He aha te mea nui o te ao?

                                          Ko te tangata, Ko te tangata
                                          Tutangata pumau, Tutangata pumau
                                          No nga hau e wha Hii!

                                          There is a link to a video displaying the actions
                                          that are performed with the words for both the
                                          girls and the boys, shown by four previous King’s


                 PAG E # 2 1
                                                         House Pin Code

                                          A pin code is required to enter the front door of
                                          Taylor. This is to ensure that the house remains
                                          locked throughout the day. All girls are aware of

             AND                          the pin code, however the code is subject to
                                          change throughout the year. After certain times,

                                          even with correct use of the pin code, the house
                                          will not be able to be opened. This includes after
                                          11pm on weekdays and after 10pm on
                                          weekends. Please be aware of this as other
                                          arrangements for the collection of your
        House Routine                     belongings may need to be organised.

    There will be set fixtures for you                    Signing In
 each morning ranging from: House
meetings, Chapel, and in Term 2 boy       When you arrive at school, before 8:10am,
  House meetings. Such fixtures and       you are required to sign your name on the
 the timing of them will be decided       sign in sheet at the house. Failure to sign in
     early on at the start of the year.   results in an instant booking.
   NB: Attendance is compulsory at
  these events and Sunday Fatigues
     will be given for any deliberate

                   PAG E # 2 2
HOUSE                                                Duties

          ROUTINE                          All Taylor girls have duties to perform within the
                                           House. These are to be completed by girls at

                                           lunchtime and after school. The roster is on the
                                           notice board along with the duties checklist. A
                                           prefect will be present to sign off once the

           DUTIES                          duties are complete. If they are not completed
                                           properly/forgotten, bookings (a form of
                                           punishment) will be given out. The girls on duty
                                           are not expected to clean up after you! Once
                                           done with your dishes please rinse them and put
    Unavoidable Absence
                                           them in the dishwasher. The kitchen is to be
                                           enjoyed by everyone, however please clean up
   It is the student’s responsibility to
                                           after yours.
get their parent or guardian to email
     the Housemaster the same day
          (before 8am if possible) or
Attendance Office if they are sick or
               have an appointment.

                    PAG E # 2 3
                                           For all new girls, there is a Grace Period
                                           until the beginning of Week 3. No bookings
                                           will be given out during this time so new

                RULES                      girls have time to adjust to the rules.
                                           However after the Monday of Week 3,
                                           ignorance is no excuse.
                                           In the unlikely event of a repeated breaking
The House Staff and Prefects want to
                                           of House Rules, the Housemaster will
    provide an environment that will
                                           interview you, a letter will be sent to your
  encourage and enable each girl to
                                           parents informing them of your
 perform to the best of her ability in
                                           noncompliance and a more effective
    as many fields as possible. Taylor
                                           punishment followed through.
         House should be a mutually
 respectful and co- operative, caring
                                           Areas that are out of bounds :
         The following information is
                                           I. Any area outside the school gates.
       intended as a set of important
                                           II. House Staff Offices (unless a Staff
  guidelines that will ensure the best
                                              Member gives permission)
          environment for everyone.
                                           III. Any other House during the School day
        Any deliberate breach of the
                                              unless permission is granted by its
  following House rules will result in
                                              Housemaster or a Mentor
 either a booking or a fatigue being
issued to the offender by a Prefect or
                                           Attendance is compulsory at House
 House Staff. You must read carefully
                                           meetings, Chapel services, and House
    and obey fully all the rules listed
                                           practices, as directed by the Prefects and/
                                           or Housemaster. Checks are taken at these

                    PAG E # 2 4
               If you are ill during school time you must go to
               the College’s Medical Centre. You’ll need a note
               from a teacher or Housemaster to go and you
               must stay there until discharged by the nurse. No
               girl may leave school sick and go home without
               having visited and registered with the school
               nurse. Unauthorised leave incurs severe

               You must sign your own name on the sign-in
               sheet by 8:10am each school day. This is your
               responsibility and is very important as it
               indicates that you have arrived safely.

               If you know before-hand that you are going to
               be late for school, then you must inform the
               Housemaster (as soon as possible) or
               Attendance Office.

               You may not leave the College grounds during
               school time, unless you have permission from
               the Housemaster.

 PAG E # 2 5
DISCIPLINE                              FATIGUES
                                           Some offences incur
                                                                      incurred within a week
                                                                      an automatic School
                                                                      Sunday is issued and, if
                                           an instant fatigue, such
                                           as missing a               five School Sundays
      For girls there are four levels of
                                           compulsory event.          are accumulated over
      disciplinary measure: bookings
                                           Fatigues take place on     the year then an
       (exclusive to girls), detentions,                              automatic suspension
                                           Fridays and the
  school/ house fatigues, and school                                  may ensue.
                                           Fatigue list will be
                     Sunday fatigues.
                                           published by Thursday
                                           lunchtime. Fatigues        SCHOOL
                                           will finish at 5 pm and    DETENTIONS
A booking may be given by a House
                                           will involve general       Detentions are
Prefect or Mentor and is recorded in
                                           house maintenance          completely separate to
“the booking book”. Three bookings         and possibly a run. The    the other system. This
     lead to a house fat (fatigue). All    House Prefect on duty      is given by subject
   bookings are wiped at the end of
                                           takes Fatigues that        teacher. Detentions are
  each term for a fresh start the next.
                                           week. All Fatigues will    completely separate to
 Each girl starts every term with zero
                                           be entered in the          the other system. This
    bookings. They can be given for        Fatigue Book.              is given by subject
   things such as lateness to a house
                                                                      teachers for poor
         meeting with no acceptable
                                           SCHOOL SUNDAY              academic work or for
explanation, or any incorrect uniform
                                           FATIGUES                   incomplete prep. This
 such as wrong coloured hair ties or
                                           The Deputy                 will require a student
        bras, or for wearing makeup.
                                           Headmaster and             to do one hour of
                                           Housemasters will give     written work after
                                           out a School Sunday        school on Tuesday or
                                           for gross breaches of      Wednesday from
                                           the school rules and if    3:30pm to 4:30pm.
                                           three are collected in a
                                           term then an automatic
                                           3 day suspension may
                                           be incurred. In
                                           addition, if four
                                           detentions are

                    PAG E # 2 6
DISCIPLINE                                APPEAL PROCESS
                                            If you believe that you have been unfairly
                                            disciplined, you may Appeal using the following
                                            1. Write a letter to the Prefect/Staff member
                                 NOTE :
                                               who has allegedly disciplined you unfairly,
 Anyone who is down for a Fatigue
                                               outlining why you believe you have been
 and fails to turn up is automatically
                                               treated unfairly and ask if you may have the
          given a School Detention.            punishment withdrawn.
Anyone who accumulates 3 or more
 Fatigues in a week is automatically
                                            2. The Housemaster will meet with you and the
            given a Sunday Fatigue.
                                               Prefect/Staff member who gave the
    Three bookings lead to a house
                                               punishment. She will discuss it with you both
                                 Fatigue.      and confirm the outcome.
                                            3. The final decision will always aim to be fair
                                               and reasonable. The Housemaster is always
                                               available to discuss any punishment, but it is
                                               important to discuss it in a polite manner with
                                               the Prefect/Staff member concerned first.
                                            With any punishment given, either accept and
                                            respect it or Appeal it. Move on from your
                                            mistakes and you will be respected.

                   PAG E # 2 7
“   Tips from the Year 13s

LOCKERS                                     BOY HOUSE
At Taylor House there is a locker with      Each girl is attached to a boy House for
your name on it, which is yours for the     sporting events such as swimming
year. There are also lockers up at          sports and athletics. Enthusiastic
school, which are located in the room       involvement in your boy house is
next to the entrance to the lecture         essential, to avoid their housemasters
theatre. These are also available for use   and the boys from being disappointed.
during the day to lighten the overload      The boys will support you hugely if you
of texts books that you may have. You       try your best, because they take their
may be able to change books from            inter-house competitions very seriously
Taylor during lunchtime but won’t have      and are very competitive. Make sure
time during morning tea.                    you give 100% effort.

USE OF PHONES AND IPODS                     JUST ASK
Make sure you don’t use your phone up       Please remember to ask any of us if you
at school or on the driveway as you will    are unsure about anything, we are
get a detention if you are seen with it     happy to help!
outside of the house. You can use your
device at the Tuck shop and in and
around the House.

                                                               PAGE #2 8
“ Tips from the Year 13s

MENTORS:                                   KITCHEN TIPS:
Each girl is assigned a student mentor     You are more than welcome to use the
at the beginning of the year. She is       toaster and the toasted sandwich
going to be a very valuable source of      maker at lunch, however in previous
information so make sure you call on       years there has been problems with
her when you have any questions.           bread and cheese burning and setting
                                           off the fire alarm. The smoke alarm is
INVOLVEMENT:                               very sensitive so please make sure you
It is great to get involved with co-       watch the toast at all times when it is
curricular activities however be aware     cooking, it is very costly and a hassle if
of over committing yourself.               these go off. The microwave and fridge
                                           are also for your use, however cover
                                           your meals in the microwave and name
                                           your food in the fridge to avoid it
You are welcome to come back to the
                                           becoming “communal”!
House at morning tea and at lunchtime
to relax, eat and make lunch in the
kitchen.                                   LATENESS:
                                           Is not tolerated by teachers or prefects,
                                           therefore make sure you get to class
                                           and leave Taylor on time. It can be very
                                           embarrassing being made to run by the
                                           prefects up the drive.
                                                               PAGE #2 9
“  Tips from the Year 13s

VISITING BOYS’ HOUSES:                        CHAPEL:
If you would like to visit a boy’s day        Attend each service and get to school
house, you must gain permission from          for sign in a little earlier those days, to
the teacher on duty if you would like to      walk up the drive and be on time. Learn
enter. However you are not allowed to         the lords prayer and grace as soon as
enter any boarding houses.                    you can and make sure you don’t sit on
                                              the kneelers in the pews, place them on
HOUSE MEETINGS:                               your knees during the service and
These happen twice a week and                 kneel on them for the prayer.
especially at the beginning of the year,
there can be a huge overload of               NOTICEBOARDS:
information given to you. Pay attention!      It is very important you check all
It can turn out badly for you if you miss     noticeboards before and after school
vital information. In the winter terms no     each day to make sure no messages are
scarves are to be worn in house               missed. The main whiteboard is in the
meetings and it is always important to        quad up at school attached to the side
pay full respect to the speaker by not        of the art block, however you must
talking, fiddling, drinking etc.              check the house noticeboards and
                                              sports noticeboards also.

                                                                   PAGE #3 0

Our College community will not                 which is perceived by the recipient to
tolerate the oppression of one member          be embarrassing, offensive, demeaning
by another. Everyone has the right to          or compromising.
feel safe from any form of harassment          Harassment of any kind is unwanted
(physical, verbal, emotional and sexual)       and unwelcome.
The rights of the students to learn, and
for the teachers to teach respected by         STOPPING HARASSMENT IS
all. All members take responsibility for       IMPORTANT
their own behaviour. Every member of           Harassment affects a person’s well
the School Community should                    being, self confidence, work and
contribute to the well-being of all other      relationships with others. It is totally
members.                                       against the College’s ethos, and may
                                               also be against the law. We believe all
WHAT IS HARASSMENT?                            members of the School community
If a particular behaviour embarrasses,         have equal right:
upsets or hurts another person, then it        1. To be treated fairly by fellow
can be classified as harassment.                  students and staff.
Harassment can include physical,               2. To feel safe and secure.
verbal, emotional and sexual.                  3. To learn, and grow towards their full
Physical: e.g. Pushing, hitting, spitting,        potential.
damaging the property of others.               4. To feel valued, accepted, and cared
Verbal: e.g. Repeated ‘put-downs’                 for as unique individuals.
name calling, ridiculing, swearing, racist     5. To have their own property (and
comments.                                         therefore we will respect and protect
Emotional: e.g. Threatening, spreading            the property of others).
rumours, ostracism, making rude or
threatening signs.
Sexual: e.g. Sexual behaviour which is
deliberate, uninvited, unwelcome and

                                                                   PAGE # 31

If you are guilty of harassment, stop now!
If you witness harassment you can do something about it and thereby protect
Change your friendship group if it becomes involved in harassment.
Report harassment, so that both the bullies and victims can receive help.
If you are being harassed, you can take action.

The aim of the following procedure is to stop harassment by helping you to re-
solve the situation with the harasser. It is best if the harassment can be stopped by
working it out, through discussion, repentance, forgiveness and acceptable to
restore positive relations.

You may choose to do nothing. However, harassment could continue.
Approach the person who is harassing you and request that the offending
behaviour stops.

Discuss the situation with a friend, parent, brother, sister or anyone with whom you
feel comfortable. Refer the situation to any one of the contact people listed below:
Chaplains, Housemasters, Tutors, Teachers, Matrons, Prefects, Sacristans, Counsellor

                                                               PAGE # 32

You may simply wish to discuss the situation with one of the contact people listed
above. If you wish, they will help you consider the appropriate action.
You may approach the person who is harassing you with one of these people.
They will approach the harasser on your behalf. It may be useful to keep a written
record of the incidents that occur and give a copy to the contact person. This will
help you both clarify the issue and explain to the harasser that his/her behaviour is

Confidentiality must be respected at all times unless you say otherwise.
You may stop or start at any point in the grievance procedure. It all cases the person
dealing with the complaint will not take any action without your permission.
Students may involve parents at any stage.

The College views harassment as a serious matter and offenders will ultimately be
dealt with under the College discipline policy. However, the primary aim of any
intervention will be to restore positive relationships, and to heal hurt and to
establish a renewed understanding of our life together in a Christian community.
The college will treat very seriously any case of retaliation against a person for
reporting harassment.

                                                                PAGE # 33
BOY HOUSE                   MENTOR/MENTEES               any troubles. As the year
                                                         progresses and the new
ASSOCIATION                 At King’s every new girl
                            is allocated to a Year 13    girls settle in, mentor/
In order for girls to
                            girl as their mentee.        mentee meetings
compete in school sports
                            They will meet regularly     continue to monitor how
and other inter house
                            to discuss how the new       the mentees are finding
competition King’s has a
                            girl is getting on and any   life at King’s.
system where girls are
allocated to a boys         problems they may be
house in addition to        having. This student-
Taylor. This system         student relationship
makes sports more           allows girls to air issues
competitive and helps       they may feel
integrate new girls into    uncomfortable talking to
the college faster. Each    a teacher about, as well
boy House has an            as helping to make inter-
assigned girl co-           year group friendships.
ordinator who organises     The older girls
the girls into their boy    remember all too well
houses. Go to these girls   what those first few
for any questions           weeks at King’s are like,
regarding your boy          and are always willing to
house.                      help their mentees with

              PAG E # 3 4
MENTOR TIME                 there are sniffer dog       the year, with Year 13
Mentor Periods are          checks on cars, personal    priority for Student
group meetings held         lockers, and around         carpark A, however
twice a week in which       Houses. Sometimes you       spaces in carpark B are
Taylor groups of girls in   are given warning,          often given to Year 11s
Years 11 to 13 meet with    sometimes these are         and 12s also.
their Teacher Mentor.       random surprise checks.
Mentees are placed in       It is good to be aware
the same mentor group       that consequences are
as their student mentor,    severe for anyone found
and they can use this       with illicit substances.
time to ask them or their
Tutor any questions.        DRIVING
                            For girls who have cars
DRUG/ALCOHOL                and licenses, driving to
                            school may seem like a
                            feasible option.
King’s has a zero-
                            However, King’s has only
tolerance policy towards
                            limited parking
drug/alcohol possession
                            available, and this is
and use on College
                            allocated at the start of
grounds. As of 2012

              PAG E # 3 5

Ahuroa                      The College Venture Camp near Puhoi.

Daily                       Whenever a student is under performing academically, the
                            house tutor may place them on a ‘Daily’, which must be
                            presented to each subject teacher, each day for at least a
                            week. The subject teacher will make a brief comment on
                            behaviour and effort. The Housemaster or Tutor on duty in
                            the House must sign off the Daily at 3.20pm at Taylor.

Number ones                 Formal uniform. Worn for every assembly and on special

Prep                        Every student is required to record their prep for each night
                            in their prep book. Prep must average about 1.5-2 hours a
                            night, which is 20 to 30 mins per subject.

              PAG E # 3 6

School Prefect                 A Blue Jersey is the top echelon of the perfect body. A Gold
                               Badge is the second rank of the perfect body.

Performance List               Each term, students are given effort grades by their class
                               teachers. If a student gains three D Grades (indicating that
                               behaviour or work standard is of concern), she will be
                               placed on the Performance List. If there is no improvement
                               by the next order, she will move up a level and will meet
                               with the Senior Dean (with her parents). The next level is a
                               meeting with, student, parents and Headmaster.

Academic Excellence            A commendation given by a subject for excellent work.

                 PAG E # 3 7
Mr Simon Lamb                     s.lamb@kingscollege.school.nz

Deputy Headmaster - Pastoral      j.payne2@kingscollege.school.nz
Mr John Payne                     09 276 0627

Deputy Head - Curriculum          p.coombe@kingscollege.school.nz
Mr Philip Coombe                  09 276 0685

Deputy Head - Achievement         g.smith@kingscollege.school.nz
Mr Geoff Smith                    09 270 7886

Deputy Head - Pedagogy            m.irving@kingscollege.school.nz
Ms Melissa Irving                 09 951 9868

Head of Culture                   b.white@kingscollege.school.nz
Ms Bridget White                  09 951 9760

Head of E-Learning                d.parr@kingscollege.school.nz
Mr David Parr                     021 0258 5004

Head of Sport                     j.potts@kingscollege.school.nz
Mr Jim Potts                      09 276 0625

Head of Support for Learning      d.ward@kingscollege.school.nz
Mr David Ward                     09 276 0699 extn. 891

                    PAG E # 3 8
Careers Director                 w.carey@kingscollege.school.nz
Mrs Wendy Carey                  09 276 0603

Chaplain                         w.watson@kingscollege.school.nz
Rev Warren Watson                09 276 0614

Head of Counselling              k.thompson-counsellor@kingscollege.school.nz
Mrs Karen Thompson               027 431 2512 | 09 951 9793

Whakaroa Cottage
Medical Centre                   09 276 0624

Charge Nurse                     s.hardy@kingscollege.school.nz
                                 027 466 7744 | 09 276 0624

                   PAG E # 3 9
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