Telegraph Hill Festival Programme - 30 March-14 April 2019

Page created by Marion Mclaughlin
Telegraph Hill Festival Programme - 30 March-14 April 2019

    Telegraph Hill
          30 March–14 April 2019
Telegraph Hill Festival Programme - 30 March-14 April 2019
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                                                                                   Telegraph Hill Festival: Celebrating
    To book tickets go to
                                                                                   the arts, and building and
                                                                                   sustaining a strong community.
    You don’t need to print your ticket, just have the QR code ready on your
    phone or make a note of the name in which the booking was made.
                                                                                   Now in its 25th year, Telegraph Hill
    Concession prices are in brackets. Concessions are under 18s, full time        Festival shows what working together as
    students and people in receipt of state benefits. Some ‘free’ events           volunteers and building on past Festivals
    may need reservations. We almost always have tickets on the door,              can achieve. Over four weekends and 16
    and there are usually returns at events that have sold out. Bring cash for     days, and more than 140 events and
    returns, and smaller events or those not taking place at our core venues       whole-day ‘mini-festivals’, there’s so
    of St Catherine’s Church, Telegraph Hill Centre and Hill Station.              much to explore and enjoy.

    What to expect                                                                 In addition to the community musical,
                                                                                   we have classical concerts, bands,
      Suitable for children and families                                           comedy, theatre, murder mystery, visual
      Food served at this event                                                    art and open studios, and wellbeing
      Wheelchair accessible                                                        workshops and talks. We’re also
                                                                                   celebrating the outdoors, with a folk
                                                                                   festival in a forest, children’s secret
                                                                                   nature trail, and a downloadable
                                                                                   podcast for an immersive walk through
    Access                                                                         the park. Our 25th anniversary ‘Park
    St Catherine’s Church has an                          Share the Love           Spectacular’ will see Telegraph Hill
    induction loop hearing aid system.                                             Lower Park pulse with light, music,
                                                                @thfest            installations and more. Join us on
    Toilets for disabled guests are                           #THFestival          13 April to celebrate the past, present
    available at the Telegraph Hill Centre.                                        and future of the Festival. Experience       Now it’s over to you. Come along,
    Disabled tickets allow additional                     Find out more:           the park like it’s never been seen before.   support your Festival, but most of all
    free entry for one carer to events.                                                   have fun!
    Events with      are fully accessible                                          We have also expanded our food
    to people in wheelchairs.                                                      offering this year to bring you delicious    Huge thanks to our wonderful core
                                                                                   dishes from fantastic local suppliers and    partners, St Catherine’s Church and
    For a large–print version of this                                              are continuing our efforts to leave no       Telegraph Hill Centre for putting up
    brochure or for any queries please                                             trace, looking at viable alternatives to     with upheaval, hosting rehearsals and
    email or call                                             plastic cups and food containers.            the bulk of our events, and ceaselessly
    our access line on 07428 291 066                                               Can you help us? Will you bring your         supporting the whole Festival. Thanks
                                                                                   own refillable cups to help reduce           too to Goldsmiths for the graphic
                                                                                   waste? Can you take away empty               design of this programme and for
                                                                                   bottles for recycling in your                events in the programme from staff and
                                                                                   recycling bin?                               students there.
Telegraph Hill Festival Programme - 30 March-14 April 2019
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Telegraph Hill Centre                                                                               Little Shop of Horrors
                                                                                                Book & Lyrics by                              Music by
                                                                                                   HOWARD                                      ALAN
                                                                                                   ASHMAN                                     MENKEN
                                             This year the Centre has been                                      Based on the film by Roger Corman
                                             renovated and redecorated in time                                    Screenplay by Charles Griffith
                                             for the Festival. So visitors will notice
                                                                                                            Originally produced by the WPA Theatre
                                             a new coat of paint, comfy chairs, a
                                                                                                                (Kyle Renick, Producing Director)
                                             redesigned Cloister Garden and a new
                                             community space – Studio 3 Hub.                             Originally produced at the Orpheum Theatre,
                                                                                                    New York City by the WPA Theatre, David Geffen, Cameron
                                             This Festival offers something for                            Mackintosh and the Shubert Organization
                                             everyone from health and well–being,
                                             to music, art, drama and beyond. There
                                             will be tears and laughter, but most of
                                             all it’s a time to celebrate the greatest
                                             foundation of all – community.              Synopsis                                 Saturday 23 March
                                             The Telegraph Hill Centre, which is         A kitsch cult classic re–imagined        St Catherine’s Church
                                             funded by St Catherine’s, its rentals       in 80s LA (Skid Row). Our hero,          £7 (£2)
                                             and local fundraising, welcomes over        flower shop assistant Seymour,           Public dress rehearsal. Babies
                                             1,000 people each week to classes,          finds a “strange and interesting”        and toddlers are free at this
                                             events and individual therapy sessions.     plant transforming his fortunes          performance but pushchairs must
                                                                                         overnight. But a Faustian pact           be left in the side chapel.
                                             We are sure the Festival will spark         with an insatiable plant craving         7pm–8.30pm
                                             ideas and new possibilities so please       world domination spells trouble.         St Catherine’s Church
      Each year the Telegraph Hill Centre    come and talk to us and see how we                                                   £9 (£4) No children under five
      and St Catherine’s church open         can help them flower. We look forward       Just how much is Seymour prepared
      their doors to the Telegraph Hill      to welcoming you not just during the        to sacrifice for this newfound
                                                                                                                                  Sunday 24 March
      Festival. Like everyone else we look   festival but throughout the coming year.    fame and to win the heart of
      forward to this annual gathering                                                   sweet, but troubled, Audrey?
                                                                                                                                  St Catherine’s Church
      of local creativity and talent.                                                                     £9 (£4) No children under five
                                                                                         Full of deliciously dark
                                                                                         humour with an irrepressible             7pm–8.30pm

        Telegraph Hill Centre & St. Catherine’s
                                                                                         Motown-inspired score – it’s a           St Catherine’s Church
                                                                                         monstrously magical show!                £9 (£4) No children under five

        proud to host the   Telegraph Hill Festival                                                                               No flash photography please.
Telegraph Hill Festival Programme - 30 March-14 April 2019
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Looking ahead   Nunfest                                     Telegraph Hill Soapbox Derby
                Saturday 20 April, 1pm–Late                 Monday 6 May 12pm–6pm
                                                            Telegraph Hill Lower Park
                A free one-day community music
                festival for Nunhead SE15.                  Part funded by the Telegraph Hill festival,
                Help make it happen – please                we are delighted to announce the derby
                donate to our crowdfunder at                is running again! Build a cart and race it
                   or come along to watch the thrills.
                                                            If you wish to enter a cart please go to
                New Cross & Deptford                        com. The deadline for entries is
                                                            30 April 2019.
                Free Film Festival
                Friday 26 April – Sunday 5 May              Telegraph Hill Open Gardens                   RumBQ
                Various venues
                                                            18–19 May                                     Sunday 26 May
                The New Cross and Deptford Free                                                           Telegraph Hill (location TBC)
                Film Festival returns for its 8th year of   A weekend of Open Gardens around
                screenings in unusual local venues.         Telegraph Hill! Be inspired by local          Lionbeat and Unit 137 bring back the
                Expect bike–powered Mexican wrestlers       gardens of all sizes and styles. Visit        RumBQ! Expect a reinvigorated format as
                in Telegraph Hill upper park, May the       the Plant Fair to buy high quality            sound system culture meets live music;
                fourth Star Wars in Deptford, cartoons,     plants and chat with plant experts.           for the community, and drawn from the
                documentaries and much more.                                                              community.
                                                                                                          Brockley Max
                The Big Green Day                           10am–2pm Open Gardens
                                                                                                          31 May–8 June
                Saturday 4 May 2019, 12–3pm                 1pm–4pm Plant Fairs Roadshow at the           Locations across Brockley, Ladywell,
                Telegraph Hill Lower Park                           Telegraph Hill Centre                 Crofton Park and Honor Oak.

                A fun-packed afternoon in the               2pm–4pm Gardening workshop for                Community arts festival celebrating
                park based around reducing our                      children at the Telegraph             local talent. If you’d like to perform,
                carbon footprint, and reducing,                     Hill Centre                           volunteer or be kept up with the festival’s
                recycling and reusing. There will                                                         news, sign up to the mailing list
                be games, stalls and food galore!           Sunday                              –us

                                                            2pm–6pm Open Gardens
                                                                                                          St Catherine’s Barn Dance
                                                            More info on the Festival website soon!
                                                                                                          It’s back sometime this summer
                                                            If you live in Telegraph Hill and want to
                                                            know more about showing your garden,          Come and dance with family, friends
                                                            please contact Louise Shepherd at             and neighbours to the Plow’d Garlic
                                                                  Crusties and a professional caller.
                                                            by Monday 15 April.
Telegraph Hill Festival Programme - 30 March-14 April 2019
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             Branching Out Mural                           Adventure Play – for                        “Friendship Quilt” Exhibition
Throughout   Collaboratively mapped memories,              children aged 7+                            2 to 4 April (check website for times)
             places and belonging on the Hill on a                                                     New Cross Learning, SE14 5AS (next
                                                           Term time, Monday to Friday 3.30pm to
             painted mural three metres long.                                                          to Iceland)
                                                           7.30pm, Saturday 12 noon – 5pm. Easter
             Come and experience the Branching Out
                                                           Holidays 5–18 April Monday–Friday           Lewisham Pensioners Forum have
             (art class for 55+) exhibition in the Foyer
                                                           10.30am– 6.30pm.                            brought together people young and old
             of the Telegraph Hill Centre.
                                                           Somerville Adventure Playground,            to create a fabulous wall-hanging
                                                           260 Queens Road, SE14 5JN                   celebrating the culture and diversity of
              Nature Trail Hunt
                                                           Lots of activities including sports,        the Borough. Now being exhibited to
              Telegraph Hill Lower and Upper Parks                                                     engage and inspire - plans are afoot to
                                                           cooking, arts and crafts, as well as
              Join the Secret Adventurers’ Club on a       adventure play – have a go on the           make a companion piece and anyone
              super, secret nature trail. Can you find     bouncy platform built on springs or         can contribute with an A4
              all the answers and work out all the         clamber across the climbing nets.           landscape panel.
              clues without being spotted? This
              family–friendly trail will take you around   Parents and carers can pop in to register
              some of the parks and outdoor spaces         children Monday to Friday after 3.30pm
              around Telegraph Hill and surrounding        and from 12 noon on Saturdays.
              area. You should allow approximately
              one and a half hours to complete the                                                      Our Patch:Work in Sound
              whole trail, which is better suited to
              children over 5. Families with younger
                                                           Youth Club for children                      Telegraph Hill Lower and Upper Parks
              children can take part in a smaller          aged 11+                                     Enjoy a walk in the park guided by
              nature trail with things to spot in the                                                   our podcast – a patchwork of stories
              Upper and Lower Parks.                       Thursday, Friday and Saturday,
                                                                                                        narrated by local residents.
                                                           6pm to 9pm
              Trail sheets can be printed off the                                                       Download podcast from Soundcloud.
                                                           Somerville Adventure Playground,
              website or collected from the                                                             com – search OurPatchWork or visit
                                                           260 Queens Road, SE14 5JN
              Telegraph Hill Centre on 30 March and                                           –
              6 April.                                     Sports, games, cooking, music                401211058
                                                           workshops and much more.

             Spring Chicks
                                                           Open Art Show
             Monday to Friday 9.15am–12.30pm and
             Saturday 9.30am–11.30am                       The Hill Station
             Telegraph Hill Playclub, Lower Park           This year the Open Art Show will present
             Come and experience friendly, free,           small–scale works (drawings, paintings,
             six–days–a–week drop–in provision for         photos etc.) by local artists in the Hill
             under–5s and their carers. During the         Station.
             Festival we will have spring–themed
                                                           To take part, please contact John
             craft activities, sensory and active play
                                                           Knepler ( by
             and singing at 11.00am.every day. On
                                                           Wednesday 20 March for further details.
             Thursday 11 April we will have our
             brilliant annual Egg Hunt in the Park.
             Bring your bunnies! Refreshments
             available. Drop in any time.
Telegraph Hill Festival Programme - 30 March-14 April 2019
8             Friday 29 March                         Saturday 30 March                                                Saturday 30 March                                      9

    Edmund Waller Orchestra and Alumni       Cake Competition                             Baby Bounce!                             Making Sense of the World: a Day
    7pm (doors open 6.15pm) to 8pm           10am to 4pm                                  11am to 12 noon                          of Creative Workshops
    St Catherine’s Church                    Telegraph Hill Centre, Lounge                New Cross Learning, SE14 6AS (next to    12 noon to 5pm
    £5 (£3)                                  Free to enter the competition; £1 for        Iceland)                                 Goldsmiths
    Be enthralled, stirred and amazed by     adults and 50p for children to taste and     Free                                     Free
    the fabulous Edmund Waller Orchestra,    judge                                        All welcome at this regular weekly       Explore a day of creative theatre
    supported by its talented alumni and a   Bake a cake, large or small, fancy or        session where under–5s enjoy rhymes,     workshops at Goldsmiths University.
    tango band. Bar and snacks available.    plain, decorated if you wish, and then       songs and stories. Come and enjoy        Bring the family – or don’t! Learn
                                             let the public of Telegraph Hill judge the   yourself with baby in tow!               new skills, make friends, think about
                                             results! Categories: Teatime Favourites,                                              our world and help us make sense
                                             Decorated, Cakes Made by Kids.                                                        of it all. Powered by Goldsmiths MA
                                             Entry forms available on the day, from the                                            Theatre Students. See Goldsmiths
                                             website or email         Code Club                                website “events” pages for details
                                             Bring your entry between 10am and            11am to 12 noon                          and directions.
                                             12 noon, judging 1pm to 3pm,                 New Cross Learning, SE14 6AS (next to
                                             prize–giving 4pm.                            Iceland)
     There’s so much to see and do                                                        Free
     at the Telegraph Hill Festival.                                                                                              Knitting Club
                                                                                          Learn to code or improve your skills.
     See our ‘top picks’                                                                  Regular weekly session for children     1.30pm to 3pm
     highlighted each day.                   Secret Nature Treasure Trail                 aged 8–12.                              New Cross Learning, SE14 6AS (next to
                                             10am to 4pm                                                                          Iceland)
                                             Free                                                                                 Free
                                             Collect your trail sheet from the                                                    Knitting for all the family. We can all
                                             Telegraph Hill Centre, then go on            The Thinkery (Children’s)               make squares, beanies aren’t difficult
                                             a super, secret nature trail. Once           12 noon to 1pm                          and there are cute toys too. Come to
                                             you’ve completed your trail, return to       Telegraph Hill Centre, Narthex          learn, share and improve your skills.
                                             the Telegraph Hill Centre and collect        £2
                                             your treasure!                               Come and join our “Thinkery”, a
                                             See page 6 for details.                      thinking party where we will explore
                                                                                                                                  South Circular presents...
                                                                                          strange questions using stories,
                                                                                                                                  New Cross Rocks
                                                                                          drawing and our imagination. For
                                                                                          children 6–12 years. Juice and grapes   1.30pm to 1.30am
                                             Shamelessly Healthy Circle                   provided.                               The Montague Arms, 289 Queen’s Road,
                                             10.30am to 11.30am                                                                   SE15 2PA
                                             Be Bright (above the Hill Station)                                                   Free
                                             Free                                                                                 A day of exciting new local rock bands
                                             Claim back your physical and mental                                                  and established acts including the
                                             health and thrive as you face everyday                                               mighty South Circular themselves, plus
                                             life challenges, while also keeping track                                            a DJ. Join our festival opening party and
                                             of your dreams! Today’s topics: fighting                                             dance ‘til late!
                                             cravings, switching behavioiur. Book on
                                    or email
Telegraph Hill Festival Programme - 30 March-14 April 2019
10                                 Saturday 30 March                                                                         Sunday 31 March                                          11

     Afro-Beat/Hip Hop Dance Workout            HAYA Actors Showcase 2019                   Twitter, Live!                                 Salon to Stage – Art Song, Arias and
     2.30pm to 3.30pm                           7pm to 9pm                                  7am to 8am                                     Gershwin
     Telegraph Hill Centre, Narthex             St Catherine’s Church                       Meet in St Catherine’s Churchyard              7.30pm (doors open 7pm) to 9pm
     Free                                       £5 suggested donation                       Free                                           St Catherine’s Church
     SpringsFitness810 are a fun and            The Hunt Academy for Young Actors           Spring is sprung, the grass is riz,            £6 (£4)
     energetic dance and fitness duo,           presents its annual actors showcase.        I wonder where them birdies is?                On its way to Edinburgh, join an
     providing you with an amazing full–        An evening of our best–loved comedic        Well, the birdies is in the Park and we are    eclectic journey from Mozart to
     body workout with great music and          and dramatic scenes from theatre, film      going out to listen for them.                  musical theatre, performed by local
     nice vibes. Book through https://          and TV performed by the incredible                                                         pianist and mezzo–soprano, Adrian or just   young talent at HAYA.                       Mothering Sunday Service                       Sims and Miriam Sharrad.
     turn up. For adults and young people                                                   10am to 11.30am
     aged 14+.                                                                              St Catherine’s Church
     Mindfulness and Meditation                 Have I Got Nudes For You                                                                  Van Gogh in Therapy – with
                                                                                            Come and celebrate mothers and all
                                                7.30pm to 9.30pm                                                                          Motherhood and Dragons
     5.30pm to 6.30pm                                                                       who care for us! Special groups for
     Telegraph Hill Centre, Lounge              Telegraph Hill Centre, Lounge               children as the adults enjoy music,           8pm to 9.30pm
     Free                                       £5 (£3) Free for teenagers                  worship and some time to reflect.             The Hill Station
     Enjoy experiencing and learning            A timely round–up of recent topical                                                       £4 (£2)
     relaxation techniques, understanding       news stories and events, enacted in                                                       A two–handed play about Van Gogh and
     what mindfulness and meditation            multi–model tableaux for you to draw or                                                   his therapist, plus Poetry Please with a
     means, as you learn to breathe deeply      even join in modelling!                     Big Book Sale		                               bar. To have a favourite piece read – not
     and explore the restful and rejuvenating                                               12 noon to 4pm                                necessarily on these themes – email
     state of being, in an environment with                                                 New Cross Learning, SE14 6AS (next to or get in
     aromatherapy scent and relaxing                                                        Iceland)                                      touch through the Centre.
     sounds. No need to book, just turn up.     Hungarian Folk Music Night                  Find some bargains among the everyday
                                                7.30pm to 11pm                              beach–reads, fascinating non–fiction
                                                The Rosemary Hungarian Restaurant,          and fabulous “vintage” books. Plus tea
                                                178 New Cross Road, SE14 5AA                and home–made cake, all raising funds
                                                An evening with a band playing              for your local community library.
                                                Hungarian folk music. An opportunity
                                                to learn Hungarian folk dances (csardas,
                                                palotas). Restaurant is open as normal, à
                                                la carte and menu on offer.                 The Thinkery (Adults)
                                                                                            5pm to 6.30pm
                                                                                            The Hill Station
                                                 “A Glimpse of Gingham” – a Tribute         Free
                                                 to John Denver                             Come and join our “Thinkery”, a thinking
                                                                                            party where we will explore why things
                                                 8pm to 9pm                                 are and what exists. For adults or young
                                                 The Telegraph, Dennett’s Road,             people over 14 years.
                                                 SE14 5LW
                                                 £6 (£4)
                                                 Time Out and Funny Women awards
                                                 nominee Celia Byrne revisits her
                                                 youth and pays tribute to her musical
                                                 hero. Rocky Mountain High on
                                                 Telegraph Hill!
Telegraph Hill Festival Programme - 30 March-14 April 2019
12                                     Monday 1 April                                                                      Tuesday 2 April                                       13

     Diddi Dance		                                Comedy Night		                         Pilates – End Back Pain and Improve           Classics on the Hill
     10am to 10.45am                              8.30pm (doors open 8pm) to 10.30pm     Well-being			                                 7.30pm (doors open 6.45pm) to
     Telegraph Hill Centre, Lounge                Telegraph Hill Centre,Narthex          9.20am to 10.25am                             10.30pm
     Free                                         £12 (£7)                               Telegraph Hill Centre, Narthex                St Catherine’s Church
     Come and try out funky pre–school            Six of the finest and freshest local   Free                                          £10 (£5)
     dance classes for boys and girls.            comedy acts storm the stage for        Do you want to end back pain and              One of the most popular events in
                                                  the Festival’s 25th Anniversary.       improve core strength, posture and            the Festival. International classical
                                                  You will laugh.                        well-being? Pilates can help so come          musicians living locally get together
                                                                                         and try it. Booking essential to confirm a    to play for you. Stripped back and
     Bubbles and Slime		                                                                 place, email         beautiful – pure sound, pure pleasure!
     3.45pm to 5.15pm                                                                                                                  Come early food available.
     Besson Street Community Garden,             The Long Letter                         Baby Bounce
     Besson Street, SE14 5AS                     8.30pm to 11pm                          11am to 12 noon
     An opportunity to make giant bubbles        The Hill Station                        New Cross Learning, SE14 6AS (next to
     you can stand inside and slime you just     £5 (£3)                                                                              Telegraph Community Choir Concert
     won’t be able to put down. Have fun         A performed reading of a new play       Free                                         8pm to 9pm
     and learn the science behind these          written and devised by the Telegraph    See Saturday 30 March at 11am.               The Telegraph, Dennett’s Road,
     activities and take home your own slime.    Hill Players. Actress Mary Ann Hunn                                                  SE14 5LW
     For children 8 to 12 years old. Places      seeks reconciliation with her son,                                                   Free
     are limited, so please book in advance      the statesman and Prime Minister                                                     Lovely tunes and harmonies sung by the
     at Click on the           George Canning.                         Cultures on the Catwalk –                    Telegraph Community Choir, in their
     Eventbrite button on the right–hand side                                            Fashion Show		                               popular contribution to the Festival.
     of the home page.                                                                   7pm to 9pm                                   Shanties, folk, pop, world songs to make
                                                                                         The Rosemary Hungarian Restaurant, 178       you tingle, cry and laugh.
                                                                                         New Cross Road, SE14 5AA
     That’s Brilliant! Creativity Down
                                                                                         A Festival first: a fashion show
     the Pub
                                                                                         of different designers with a
     8pm to 9pm                                                                          multi–cultural twist.
     The Telegraph, Dennett’s Road,
     SE14 5LW
     Can anyone be creative? Will creativity                                             Film Screening of The Boat That
     make me happy? Come join a                                                          Rocked (2009)
     Goldsmiths teaching fellow and get a                                                7pm to 9pm
     taste of creativity research while taking                                           The Hill Station
     part in a creativity pub quiz.                                                      Free
                                                                                         Fictional comedy inspired by the pirate
                                                                                         radio of the 1960s. Join JOY – Just Older
                                                                                         Youth – at this monthly film club aimed
                                                                                         at older people. Refreshments available
                                                                                         at the interval.
Telegraph Hill Festival Programme - 30 March-14 April 2019
14                                    Wednesday 3 April                                                                       Wednesday 3 April                                  15

     Men’s Shed		                                   The World’s first Wikiqual Centre at        Shakespeare Workshop with Sylvestra      The Hasty Nymphs
     9.30am to 1.30pm                               Thrive Together 		                          7pm to 9pm                               8pm to 9.15pm
     Somerville Adventure Playground,               5pm to 6.30pm                               Meet by the Telegraph Hill Playclub at   The Rosemary Hungarian Restaurant,
     260 Queens Road, SE14 5JN                      Be Bright (above the Hill Station)          6.45pm                                   178 New Cross Road, SE14 5AA
     Free                                           Free                                        £5 (£3)                                  Free
     Put your practical skills to use, learn new    An exciting new way to learn with           Interactive workshop beginning           Join the Hasty Nymphs, a local
     techniques and make friends. Enjoy our         educators, without the price tag of         to understand how Shakespeare’s          parlour choir, plus talented friends.
     well-equipped workshop, bringing your          universities. Come along to discover        language can work to move an             We sing what cheers our hearts – let
     own project or working with others.            more about the topics you can study,        audience. No previous acting             us cheer yours too.
                                                    how you structure your learning and         experience necessary – ability to read
     Building Friends @ Somerville                  who helps you achieve your outcomes.        English required.
     12 noon to 3pm
     Somerville Adventure Playground, 260                                                       Girl in Suitcase
     Queen’s Road, SE14 5JN                                                                     7.30pm to 9pm
                                                    Earthing, Circling – with
     Free                                                                                       The Telegraph, Dennett’s Road,
                                                    (the Horrors session)
     Cookery, games, gardening and craft.                                                       SE14 5LW
     Have a healthy lunch and chat with             6pm to 7.30pm                               £8 (£5)
     friendly faces.                                Telegraph Hill Centre, Lounge               Performance art theatre where audience
     Adults of all ages welcome.                    Free                                        have a chance to draw and otherwise
                                                    Exploring circling, earthing ourselves      get involved in the action. A tale of
                                                    in present potential, checking in on our    ancestors, migrations and uprisings.
                                                    gurgling “horrors” and letting it all go.
     Senior (55+) Stretch, Move and                                                             Shamelessly Healthy Circle
                                                                                                7.30pm to 8.30pm
     12.15pm to 1.15pm                                                                          Be Bright (above the Hill Station)
                                                    Iyengar Yoga Class
     Telegraph Hill Centre, Narthex                                                             Free
     Free                                           6.45pm to 8.15pm                            See Saturday 30 March at 10.30am.
     A fun senior aerobics class that has been      Telegraph Hill Centre, Narthex              Today’s topics: set your priorities,
     running for nearly ten years. Improve          Free                                        reduce your stress. Book on http://
     your posture and all–round well–being.         Challenging, non–competitive, friendly or email
     Just drop in, first session totally free, or   class, not suitable for beginners.
     phone Gus on 07766 005 139 to find             Bookings preferred (see website entry for
     out more.                                      email link) but you can just come along.

     Children’s Film Club
     4pm to 5.30pm
     New Cross Learning, SE14 6AS (next to
     Iceland)                                                Share the Love
     Come and enjoy regular screenings for
     children. Families only, children need to
     be accompanied.                                   If you’re going to a great event,
                                                          tweet about it, and become
                                                        a Festival follower – @THFest
                                                           or find us on Facebook –
Telegraph Hill Festival Programme - 30 March-14 April 2019
16                                    Thursday 4 April                                                                        Thursday 4 April                                       17

     Boppin’ Bunnies Music Classes              Film screening of High Society (1956)         Ukulele Taster Workshop (A) for Adults      Girl World: a Madcap Comedy
     9.30am to 11.30am                          2pm to 4.30pm                                 6.45pm to 7.45pm                            Two performances:
     Telegraph Hill Centre, Lounge              Telegraph Hill Centre, Narthex                Telegraph Hill Centre, Craft Room           7pm to 8pm and 9pm to 10pm
     Free                                       Free                                          (entrance from St Catherine’s Drive)        The Telegraph, Dennett’s Road,
     Award–winning Boppin’ Bunnies is an        1956 American romantic musical                Free                                        SE14 5LW
     interactive half–hour music class for      comedy starring Bing Crosby, Grace            Do you have a ukulele that is gathering     £6 (£4)
     0 – 5 years led by one of our brilliant    Kelly and Frank Sinatra. Free screening       dust? Did you never get around to           Heartfelt and hilarious coming–of–
     musicians performing live on their         for older citizens with complimentary         learning how to play? Pick up the basics    age comedy. Hill musical veterans
     instrument for the children in each        hot drinks, sandwiches and cakes.             at this workshop. Ukuleles available to     Camille and Franklin Dawson bring
     session! See Festival website entry                                                      borrow if required.                         their original Edinburgh Fringe
     for details of time slots and please                                                                                                 5–star hit musical home at last!
     pre–book as spaces are limited!                                                                                                      “Has its audiences splitting at the
     Email:            Ballet and Street Dance                                                                   seams” A Younger Theatre.
                                                Taster Sessions		                             Sex and Drugs in Victorian Britain
                                                3.30pm to 5.10pm                              7pm to 8pm                                 That’s Brilliant! Creativity Down
                                                Telegraph Hill Centre, Lounge                 The Hill Station                           the Pub
                                                Free                                          £5 (£3)                                    8pm to 9pm
                                                Ballet and street dance for                   Vanessa Tait, author of The Looking        The Montague Arms, 289 Queen’s Road,
                                                enthusiastic children. Enjoy fun–filled       Glass House and The Pharmacist’s Wife,     SE15 2PA
                                                classes in a friendly atmosphere.             takes a look at women and drugs in         Free
                                                Booking essential; see Festival website       Victorian Britain in this surprising and   See Monday 1 April at 8pm.
                                                entry for details and link.                   informative talk.
       Branching Out – Festival Special                                                                                                  Play “Over the Rainbow”
       10am to 2pm – then stay on for                                                         Argentine Tango		                          Chord–melody Style on Ukulele
       the film                                                                               7pm to 11pm                                8pm to 9pm
                                                Code Club
                                                                                              St Catherine’s Church                      Telegraph Hill Centre, Craft Room
       Branching Out is a busy, bustling        3.45pm to 4.45pm                              £10 (£5)                                   (entrance from St Catherine’s Drive)
       weekly gathering for those aged          New Cross Learning, SE14 6AS (next            Argentine tango class for complete         Free
       over 55 – but it is also a haven for     to Iceland)                                   beginners, followed by social dancing:     Learn how to play chords and melody
       those who want gentle conversation       Free                                          discover the beautiful, improvised,        at the same time in this famous song.
       and company.                             See Saturday 30 March at 11am.                close–embrace Argentine tango as it is     Suitable for those who have been playing
       It is a chance to make friends, join                                                   danced in Buenos Aires.                    for at least one year and want a taste of
       an art class, do tai chi, join monthly                                                                                            finger–style playing.
       book and crochet clubs, play boules                                                    Crisis, Comfort and Celebration:
                                                Conversation Club		                           non–religious community services
       and board games or come along on
                                                5.30pm to 7pm                                 7.30pm to 9.30pm
       group outings.
                                                New Cross Learning, SE14 6AS (next            New Cross Learning, SE14 6AS (next         Showcase Gig (1)
       There is always tea, coffee and          to Iceland)                                   to Iceland)                                8pm to 10.30pm
       biscuits, and a hot lunch is             Free                                          Free                                       The Telegraph, Dennett’s Road,
       available too.                           Want to improve your spoken English?          Would you like to know more about          SE14 5LW
                                                Come to this weekly club to chat, build       Humanist ceremonies (e.g. weddings         Free
       A friendly weekly meeting group          up vocabulary and improve fluency
       aimed at older people – but everyone                                                   and funerals), pastoral care in            From catchy folk/punk to mutant blues,
                                                and listening skills in a friendly informal   hospitals, education work and more?        via majestic multiculturalism – three
       is welcome.                              setting.                                      Talk/discussion with Teddy Prout of        very different sets to amuse, amaze and
                                                                                              Humanists UK.                              entertain you.
18                                   Friday 5 April                                                                         Saturday 6 April                                    19

     Baby Tots Group                            Sonic Imperfections at the                 Wine & Cheese Pairing Event
     11am to 2.30pm                             Telegraph Hill Festival                    10am to 3pm
     Telegraph Hill Centre, Narthex             7.45pm (doors open 7pm) to 10.45pm         Telegraph Hill Market, Lower Park
     Free                                       St Catherine’s Church                      Free
     Our playgroup is for parents and carers    £8 (£5)                                    Come and try some superb wines,            Consultation, Commemoration
     or childminders to come meet and play.     Sonic Imperfections brings us              beers and ciders and complement            and Celebration
     So come along and find friendships,        four cutting–edge acts from                them with some very interesting and        12 noon to 4.30pm
     have a cuppa and chat while your           the field of experimental music.           lovely combinations of foods specially     Telegraph Hill Centre, Lounge
     babies play.                               Come early, food available                 selected by each stallholder.              Public consultation led by
                                                                                                                                      Goldsmiths on developing a
                                                                                                                                      permanent public artwork to
     Ukulele Taster Workshop (B) for Adults    Thidius Pulp Presents                        Open Studios                              commemorate the 1977 “Battle of
     6.45pm to 7.45pm                          Doors open 7.30pm. Live music ends           For times see map insert
     Telegraph Hill Centre, Craft Room         12 midnight                                  Free                                      Sales of Raymond Thatcher’s book
     (entrance through Centre and Narthex)     Ivy House, 40 Stuart Road, Nunhead,          Local artists open up their studios       (see Monday 8 April at 6.30pm) with
     Free                                      SE15 3BE                                     and homes for special exhibitions         a running loop slide–show of historic
     See Thursday 4 April at 6.45pm.           £5 on the door                               – more than half the names on the         images of the area.
                                               Taking over the Ivy House for one night      list new this year. Many items will be
                                                                                                                                      Lewisham Pensioners Forum with
                                               only, Thidius Pulp presents a fresh night    for sale, so this is a chance to buy
                                                                                                                                      their display of the new “Friendship
                                               of live music and DJs from SE London’s       original artwork at affordable prices.
     Festival Games Night		                                                                                                           Quilt” wall–hanging celebrating the
                                               finest local talents.                        See Festival website and map insert.
     7pm to 11pm                                                                                                                      culture and history of the Borough.
     The Hill Station                          Play “Misty” Chord–melody Style on           Craft Fair		                              The Telegraph Hill Society with the
     Free                                      Ukulele		                                                                              current consultation on the New
                                                                                            11am to 4.30pm
     Play boardgames, card games and                                                                                                  Cross Framework, (including the
                                               8pm to 9pm                                   Telegraph Hill Centre and
     other table–top games with your family,                                                                                          New Cross Gate Station/Sainsbury’s
                                               Telegraph Hill Centre, Craft Room            St Catherine’s Church
     friends and neighbours. Discover                                                                                                 site) and eliciting ideas for a
                                               (entrance through Centre and Narthex)        Free
     hidden gems and modern classics,                                                                                                 “Lewisham–Wide Heritage Strategy”.
                                               Free                                         The annual craft fair returns with lots
     or bring along a favourite to share.
                                               Learn how to play chords and melody at       of talented local designers. This is a    Come by, find out more and have
     Beginners welcome.
                                               the same time in this song made famous       great chance for you to browse some       your say. We all want to hear from you!
                                               by Errol Garner. Suitable for those who      lovely original hand–made items.
                                               have been playing for at least a year and
     A Drinking Guide to Telegraph Hill        want a taste of finger–style playing.
     by Deserter
                                                                                           Secret Nature Treasure Trail
     7.30pm to 10pm
                                                                                           11am to 4pm
     waterintobeer, Unit 2, Mantle Court,
     SE4 2EW
                                                                                           Collect your trail sheet from the
                                                                                           Telegraph Hill Centre, then go on a
     Join the guys behind infamous local
                                                                                           super, secret nature trail. Once you’ve
     blog, Deserter, as they premiere a new
                                                                                           completed your trail, return to the
     piece about the drinking establishments
                                                                                           Telegraph Hill Centre and collect your
     of Telegraph Hill, alongside some
                                                                                           treasure! See page 6 for details.
     favourite readings from their book
     Today South London, Tomorrow South
     London. Tickets can be purchased from:
20                                    Saturday 6 April                                                                        Sunday 7 April                                         21

     New Cross Art Wall Launch                  The Long Letter                              Festival Sunday                             Draw that Plant – Drop–in Workshop
     1pm to 5pm                                 7.30pm to 10pm                               10am to 11.30am                             2pm to 4pm
     Somerville Adventure Playground,           The Telegraph, Dennett’s Road,               St Catherine’s Church                       Telegraph Hill Centre, Craft Room
     260 Queen’s Road, SE14 5JN                 SE14 5LW                                     Free                                        (entrance from St Catherine’s Drive)
     Food, music and workshops, plus a          £5 (£3)                                      Come and join us for this all–age,          Free
     chance to meet some of the artists         See Monday 1 April at 8.30pm.                interactive, joyful, contemplative, holy    Botanical illustration for all ages,
     who, collaborating with schools and                                                     mash up around worship, well–being          drawing from observation. Materials
     community groups, have created a            Murder Me Too – Interactive                 and community. We’ll be using silence,      provided, but do also bring your own.
     collection of work representing New         Murder Mystery                              craft, song and prayer to connect to the    Children to be accompanied.
     Cross – past, present and future.           8pm to 9.30pm                               divine, with ourselves and with each
                                                 Meet in the Telegraph Hill Centre Foyer     other. All welcome – believers, doubters,
                                                 £15 (£10)                                   seekers and cynics. Let’s find some holy
                                                                                             head space together.                        Inner Light Meditation and
      Caribbean Creole Cultural Dance            6th May, 1913 – St Catherine’s Church
      5.30pm to 6.45pm                           burns down, seemingly torched by
                                                 suffragettes. And, at home nearby,                                                      2pm to 4pm
      Telegraph Hill Centre, Narthex
                                                 psychoanalyst Dr Gladstone’s day is                                                     Telegraph Hill Centre, Studio 3 Hub
      Free                                                                                    Open Studios
                                                 going from bad to worse…                                                                £5 (£3)
      Learn a traditional Caribbean                                                           For times see map insert                   Find your Inner Light through guided
      dance, brought to you by Deanna            Watch events leading up to a murder          See Saturday 6 April.                      meditation and sound. Join a small and
      of Nzinga Dance. Aimed at adults           in this intimate, site–specific,
                                                                                                                                         intimate group and enjoy relaxation and
      aged 40+. Women should ideally             interactive, promenade performance,         Telegraph Hill Walk
                                                                                                                                         self–discovery in a really special space.
      wear a long, full skirt for the class      then interrogate the suspects…              2pm to 4pm                                  Please bring blanket, yoga mat and
      and men should bring a neck scarf.                                                     Meet in St Catherine’s Churchyard, Free     some water.
                                                Punk Rock Karaoke – Just Like Seven          A walk around Telegraph Hill and New
     BRÅK                                       8pm to 11pm (venue open until 2.00am)        Cross Gate, looking at the architecture     Owen Teale in Conversation – with
     An Evening of Improvised Music             The Five Bells, 155 New Cross Road,          and history, with Malcolm Bacchus of        Musical Interludes
     6.30pm to 10pm                             SE14 5DJ                                     the Telegraph Hill Society.                 5.30pm to 6.30pm
     waterintobeer, Unit 2, Mantle Court,       £7                                                                                       The Hill Station
     SE4 2EW                                    Second year at the Bells and fourth year     An Introduction to Bees and                 £5 (£3)
     £5                                         at the Festival, My Midlife Crisis provide   Beekeeping for Families                     Owen Teale in conversation with
     A regular happening at waterintobeer       the soundtrack to the blank generation.      2pm to 3.30pm                               Freddie Baveystock – an intimate and
     where local improvisers pair with          YOU SING – We Play! Song list published      Besson Street Community Garden,             entertaining session of conversation,
     musicians from around the country to       upfront on Punk Rock Karaoke Facebook        Besson Street, SE14 5AS                     music and, if you’re lucky, Game of
     create spontaneous compositions. Not       page. JOIN NOW!!                             Expect an interactive experience,           Thrones gossip.
     to be missed! Book via                                                   learning about honey bees, their
     BRAK16                                                                                  role in our eco–system and how to           The Long Letter
                                                                                             encourage them. A chance to handle          7.30pm to 10pm
     Leaves from Literary Lewisham                                                           live bees, taste honey and make a           The Telegraph, Dennett’s Road,
     7.30pm to 9.30pm                                                                        beeswax candle – all materials provided.    SE14 5LW
     Lounge                                                                                  Places are limited, so please book in       £5 (£3)
     £4 (£2)                                                                                 advance at Click on       See Monday 1 April at 8.30pm.
     A surprising number of authors, diarists                                                the Eventbrite button.
     and poets have lived here between the                                                                                               Murder Me Too – Interactive Murder
     1600s and now. Find out more about                                                                                                  Mystery
     them in this illustrated talk by Malcolm                                                                                            8pm to 9.30pm
     Bacchus of the Telegraph Hill Society.                                                                                              Meet in the Telegraph Hill Centre Foyer
                                                                                                                                         £15 (£10)
                                                                                                                                         See Saturday 6 April at 8pm.
22                                     Monday 8 April                                                                       Tuesday 9 April                                      23

     Bubbles and Slime                           Murder Me Too – Interactive               “Mend It with Mo” Children’s Special        Murder Me Too – Interactive
     2pm to 3.30pm                               Murder Mystery                            11am to 1pm                                 Murder Mystery
     Besson Street Community Garden,             8pm to 9.30pm                             Telegraph Hill Centre, Narthex              7pm to 8.30pm and 9pm to 10.30pm
     Besson Street, SE14 5AS                     Meet in the Telegraph Hill Centre Foyer   Free                                        Meet in the Telegraph Hill Centre Foyer
     See Monday 1 April at 3.45pm. Places        £15 (£10)                                 Bring your broken items and watch Mo        £15 (£10)
     are limited, so please book in advance      See Saturday 6 April at 8pm.              work his repair magic (and maybe learn      See Saturday 6 April at 8pm.
     at Click on the                                                     a bit yourself). School holiday special –
     Eventbrite button on the right–hand side     London African Gospel Choir              your toys can live again!
     of the home page.                            8pm (doors open 7.30pm) to 9.30pm                                                    Tai Chi Sword and Spear
                                                  St Catherine’s Church                                                                7pm to 8pm
                                                  £5 (£3)                                                                              Telegraph Hill Centre, Narthex
                                                  A spectacular evening of soulful         Leaf Art – Creating Unique Art with
     Ballet and Street Dance                                                               Clay and Leaves
                                                  vocals and African gospel featuring                                                  Combat or dance? Come and see
     Taster Sessions                                                                       1.30pm to 3.30pm
                                                  the London African Gospel Choir                                                      a demonstration of these beautiful
     3.30pm to 5.10pm                             in the beautiful surroundings of St      Besson Street Community Garden,             “forms” and be guided through some
     Telegraph Hill Centre, Narthex               Catherine’s Church.                      Besson Street, SE14 5AS                     “bare hand” moves.
     Free                                                                                  Free
     See Thursday 4 April at 3.30pm.                                                       Create your own unique leaf art using
                                                                                           clay and découpage. This workshop
                                                                                           produces fabulous results that make a        Breathe
                                                                                           delightful gift or a beautiful keepsake.     8pm to 8.45pm
     From the Domesday Book to                                                             For childen 8 to 12 years old. Places        St Catherine’s Church
     Doodlebugs		                                                                          are limited, so please book in advance       Free
     6.30pm to 8pm                                                                         at Click on the            Stillness, mindfulness, and
     The Hill Station                                                                      Eventbrite button on the right–hand side     contemplation in a sacred
     Free                                                                                  of the home page.                            space – for everyone. Forty–five
     Talk to Raymond Thatcher, author of a                                                                                              minutes of music, silence, and
     history of New Cross, newly published                                                                                              a short meditative reflection.
     by the Telegraph Hill Society. Come and                                                                                            No need to book, just turn up.
     chat over a glass of wine - there’s much                                              Body Balance Day of Holistic Therapies
     about the area to surprise and interest                                               2pm to 7pm
     you.                                                                                  The Rosemary Hungarian Restaurant,
                                                                                           178 New Cross Road, SE14 5AA                Jazz Jam
     Kettlebells Class (Level 1)                                                           £5                                          8pm to 10pm
     6.55pm to 7.45pm                                                                      A wide range of therapies that support      The Hill Station
     Telegraph Hill Centre, Lounge                                                         health and well–being, and 30–minute        Free
     Free                                                                                  treatments. Two trials are included in      Bring your own instruments and join
     Strength and Tone class with cast iron                                                ticket price, others can be booked at a     in, improvising music. Some basic
     weights (kettlebells). Booking essential;                                             discount. Book via     percussion will also be provided and
     see Festival website entry for more                                                   body–balance–holistic–festival–lond         vocal improvisation encouraged!
     details and link.
24                                Wednesday 10 April                                                                     Thursday 11 April                                        25

     Men’s Shed                               Festival Open Mic                          Easter Egg Hunt!                            Sandbell Class
     9.30am to 1.30pm                         7.30pm to 10.30pm                          10am to 12 noon                             6.55pm to 7.30pm
     Somerville Adventure Playground, 260     The Telegraph, Dennett’s Road,             Telegraph Hill Playclub, Lower Park         Telegraph Hill Centre, Lounge
     Queen’s Road, SE14 5JN                   SE14 5LW                                   £2 entry per family and £2 to join          Free
     Free                                     Free                                       the hunt!                                   Strength and Tone class with sandbells,
     See Wednesday 3 April at 9.30am.         Come to The Telegraph for an eclectic      Come into the Playclub, make a basket       great for core strength and overall
                                              evening of music, spoken word and          and follow the bunny’s pawprints to find    fitness. Booking essential, see Festival
     Building Friends @ Somerville            performance. Beer songs, sing–alongs,      the eggs hidden in the park! Bouncy         website entry for more details and link.
     12 noon to 3pm                           folk songs, pop songs, originals, poetry   castle, stories, songs, jolly jar lottery
                                                                                                                                     Murder Me Too – Interactive Murder
     Somerville Adventure Playground,         and pie.                                   and more!
     260 Queen’s Road, SE14 5JN
                                                                                                                                     7pm to 8.30pm and 9pm to 10.30pm
                                                                                                                                     Meet in the Telegraph Hill Centre Foyer
     See Wednesday 3 April at 12 noon.
                                              Quiz Night                                 An Introduction to Bees and                 £15 (£10)
                                              8.30pm (doors open 7.45 pm) to             Beekeeping for Families                     See Saturday 6 April at 8pm.
                                              10.30pm                                    2pm to 3.30pm                               Showcase Gig (2)
     Leaf Art – Creating Unique Art with      Telegraph Hill Centre, Narthex             Besson Street Community Garden,
                                                                                                                                     8pm to 10.30pm
     Clay and Leaves                          £6 (£4)                                    Besson Street, SE14 5AS
                                                                                                                                     The Telegraph, Dennett’s Road,
     1.30pm to 3.30pm                         Come and enjoy a right good quiz –         Free
                                                                                                                                     SE14 5LW
     Besson Street Community Garden,          with questions, answers, arguments,        See Sunday 7 April at 2pm.
     Besson Street, SE14 5AS                  chocolates and the chance to eat a hot
                                                                                                                                     Two fun, lively acts: Nunhead Folk Circle
     See Tuesday 9 April at 1.30pm.           cross bun in under 10 seconds.
                                                                                                                                     handing out percussion for the audience
                                              Come early, food available.
                                                                                         Tea Dance                                   to play along with their catchy tunes
                                                                                                                                     and The Commie Faggots, whose satire
                                                                                         2pm to 5pm                                  makes you laugh – and then think.
      Concert by Candlelight:                                                            St Catherine’s Church
      So Sweet a Touch                                                                   £3 (pay on the door)                        Learn to Play Melodies on the Ukulele
      7pm (doors open 6.30pm) to 8pm                                                     An afternoon of music and dancing.          8pm to 9pm
      St Catherine’s Church                                                              Sandwiches, tea and home–made cakes         Telegraph Hill Centre, Craft Room
      £8 (£5)                                                                            will be available. Come and enjoy!          (entrance from St Catherine’s Drive)
      In a meditative and intimate concert,                                                                                          Free
      Daniel Thomson (Tenor) and Toby                                                                                                Bored with just strumming? Expand
      Carr (Lute) explore the moving                                                                                                 your technique by learning how to play
                                                                                         Mastering Basic Strumming on Ukulele        melodies on your ukulele. For those
      melancholy and the sweet sounds
      of late 16th and early 17th century                                                6.45pm to 7.45pm                            who can play the ukulele a bit. We will be
      English repertoire. Come early and                                                 Telegraph Hill Centre, Craft Room           using ukulele tab score.
      get a drink in our Tudor alehouse in                                               (entrance from St Catherine’s Drive)
      the Side Chapel.                                                                   Free
                                                                                         Learn the secret of strumming patterns       Westdal and Hayward Need Work
                                                                                         and how to choose what pattern to
                                                                                         use where. For those who can play a          8.30pm (doors open 8pm) to 10pm
                                                                                         bit but need help with their strumming       Telegraph Hill Centre, Narthex
                                                                                         technique.                                   £10 (£6)
                                                                                                                                      Westdal and Hayward are back with
                                                                                                                                      their new show, a not–so–subtle
                                                                                                                                      mix of music, comedy and barely
                                                                                                                                      contained exasperation.
26                                     Friday 12 April                                                                    Saturday 13 April                                    27

     Baby Tots Group                              The Sound of La La                     Room with a View		                             Telegraph Hill Festival 2019 –
     11am to 2.30pm                               8pm to 11.30pm                         11am to 6pm                                    25th Anniversary Spectacular
     Telegraph Hill Centre, Narthex               Telegraph Hill Centre, Narthex         St Catherine’s Churchyard
                                                                                                                                        8.30pm to 10.30pm (last entry 10pm)
     Free                                         £12 (£8)                               Free (but donation for tea and art activity)
                                                                                                                                        Telegraph Hill Lower Park and Kitto
     See Friday 5 April at 11.30am.               La La Piano Bar proudly brings a       Drop by the caravan for a cuppa and
                                                                                                                                        Road. Entry from the Erlanger/
                                                  fresh version of its New York–style    experience “Room with a View” – an
                                                                                                                                        Arbuthnot north–western gate.
                                                  piano bar event back to Telegraph      immersive installation that plays on
                                                  Hill for a special Festival 25th       attitudes towards migration in post–
     Murder Me Too – Interactive Murder           Anniversary edition. Hosted by         referendum Britain. Workshops on the           Join us as darkness falls to see the
     Mystery                                      David Roper from 4 Poofs and a         hour and half hour.                            park illuminated and transformed.
     7pm to 8.30pm                                Piano and the voluptuous Lady La La.                                                  Follow a magical trail of music,
     Meet in the Telegraph Hill Centre Foyer      Book early to avoid disappointment     Orísun: Spring                                 performance, art, film, poetry and
     £15 (£8)                                     and be prepared to sing all night!     2.30pm to 3.30pm and 7pm to 8pm                sensory installations celebrating
     See Saturday 6 April at 8pm.                 Food available. Young people over 12   hARTslane Studios, 17 Hart’s Lane,             the past, present and future of the
                                                  can come with an adult.                SE14 5UP                                       Telegraph Hill Festival.
     Synth Jam                                                                           £10 (£8)
                                                                                                                                        Ensure entry by booking a timed
     8pm to 11pm                                                                         Identity. Depression. Sexuality.
                                                                                                                                        ticket otherwise just turn up but
     The Hill Station                                                                    Childlessness. Joy. Pain. Spring II is
                                                                                                                                        be prepared to wait. Please wear
     Free                                                                                an anthology of monologues centred
                                                                                                                                        sturdy shoes and warm clothing.
     Synth Jam!!! Grab your modular, drum                                                around “Spring” in all its incarnations.
                                                                                                                                        Not suitable for people with
     machine or synth, plug in and jam in an                                             Set in a converted motorbike garage
                                                                                                                                        limited mobility.
     evening dedicated to live improvised                                                with a raw, architectural quality, we will
     electronic music.                                                                   take you on an immersive emotional
                                                                                         journey. A theatre experience
     Books Quiz                                                                          like no other. Book direct https://
     8pm to 9.30pm
                                                                                         tickets–56523699908. Some tickets
     The Telegraph, Dennett’s Road,
                                                                                         may be available on the door.
     SE14 5LW
     £3 (£2)
                                                                                         Acoustic Anarchy
     A wide–ranging, books quiz on anything
     from Dan Brown to Graham Greene,                                                    7pm to 10pm
     Mr Darcy to Mrs Tiggy–Winkle.                                                       waterintobeer, Unit 2, Mantle Court,
     Come in a team of three to six, or join up                                          SE4 2EW
     with others on the evening.                                                         Free
                                                                                         A monthly acoustic music night at
                                                                                         waterintobeer, bringing together folk,
                                                                                         punk and alternative musicians from
                                                                                         around the country.
28                                  Saturday 13 April                                                                Sunday 14 April                                    29

                                                                                     Palm Sunday Service		                     Orísun: Spring
     Joytribe Wellbeing Festival                                                     10am to 11.30am                           2.30pm to 3.30pm and 7pm to 8pm
                                                                                     St Catherine’s Church                     hARTslane Studios, 17 Harts Lane,
     12 noon to 5pm                          12pm                                    Free                                      SE14 5UP
     St Catherine’s Church and               Opening Circle in Narthex               Palm Sunday Service, which includes       £10 (£8)
     Telegraph Hill Centre                                                           a lively procession through the Lower     See Saturday 13 April at 2.30pm.
     Dance, Laugh, Release, Play,                                                    Park, followed by the service in church
                                             Conscious Clubbing at St Catherine’s
     Family Fun!!                                                                    – with dramatised readings and special    Street Trees for Living
                                                                                     groups for children.                      AGM with guest
     Workshops and free/discounted                                                                                             speaker
     taster sessions in Hula Hooping,
                                             Workshops and Taster Sessions                                                     3.00pm to 5.30pm
     Aromatherapy, Yoga, Pilates,
     Healing, Nutrition, Massage,                                                                                              Telegraph Hill Centre,
                                             4.55pm                                   Free Woodland Folk Music Festival
     Feldenkrais Awareness Movement,                                                                                           Narthex
                                             Closing Circle in Narthex                12pm to 4pm                              Free
     TRE Trauma Release, Counselling,
                                                                                      Brockley Nature Reserve, Vesta Road,     Learn about this precious community
     Psychotherapy, Personal Training,       Full programme information at            SE4 2NG                                  resource and what you can do to help
     and more!                                               Free                                     green our streets. With guest talks
     Dance like you have never danced                                                 Four local folk bands playing live,      and Q&A from a leading landscape
                                             Food served from the canteen from the
     before… Really...? Yes, bring                                                    plus woodland den-building and           architect and the Foresty Commission’s
                                             Hill Station new vegan menu.
     your family along for Conscious                                                  hula-hooping in Brockley’s own           London Manager.
     Clubbing at St Catherine’s, and         Please bring cash for food, workshops    beautiful nature reserve. Come and
     dance like no–one is watching in        and taster sessions.                     listen, dance, and have a wander
     a safe and caring environment,                                                   around the reserve.
     followed by an epic mindfulness                                                                                            Festival Jazz Night
     sound bath. Find out what people                                                                                           8pm to 11pm
     are talking about!                                                                                                         Telegraph Hill Centre, Narthex
                                                                                     Inner Light
                                                                                                                                £8 (£6)
                                                                                     2pm to 4pm                                 Now bigger and better in the Narthex,
                                                                                     Telegraph Hill Centre, Studio 3 Hub        Jazz Night provides its usual rousing
                                                                                     £5 (£3)                                    end to the Festival, with local
                                                                                     See Sunday 7 April at 2pm. Please bring    musicians and singers performing
                                                                                     blanket, yoga mat and some water.          an eclectic programme of jazz
                                                                                                                                standards and original compositions.
                                                                                                                                Food available.
30                                                                                                                                                            31

 Closing notes                                       Festival Food                                               We are delighted to be one of the
                                                                                                                 sponsors of the Telegraph Hill Festival.

                                                     The Festival is pleased to announce that we                 Goldsmiths was established to provide
                                                     have teamed up with some wonderful local                    educational opportunities for the people
                                                     food suppliers to provide food at many of                   of South East London, and remains
                                                     our events.                                                 deeply embedded in our local area.

                                                                                                                 By harnessing global knowledge,
                                                                 Hill Bakery
                                                                 Purveyor of excellent artisan
                                                                                                                 economic and social capital, we work for
                                                                 breads, farm-made cheeses,                      the best interests of our communities
                                                                 exceptional wines and a whole                   and the local economy.
                                                                 host of other lovely things to
                                                                 eat and drink
                                                                                                                 Goldsmiths shares the Festival’s creative
                                                                                                                 and imaginative ethos, and I trust that
                                                                 Masala Wala                                     our fruitful and enduring partnership will
                                                                 Award-winning Pakistani home                    continue in the years to come.
                                                                 cooking from a family-run
                                                                 restaurant in Brockley Cross                    Patrick Loughrey

                                                                 Peppeckish                                      Warden
                                                                 Italian home cooking served                     Goldsmiths, University of London
                                                                 every Wednesday and Saturday
                                                                 at the Hill Station Cafe

                                                                 Flock & Herd
     Acknowledgements                                            Award winning free range meat,
     The Festival is organised by the Festival                   poultry and charcuterie, and
     Group, which is open to everyone.                           home of London’s Best Sausage
     This year the core group consists of India
     Lovett, Sanjit Chudha, Tamsin Bacchus, Gill
     Holmes, Mark Martynski, Peter Challis, Rima
     Bray, Sharon Shamir and Sarah Willerton.
     Thanks to all of the local venues who work      Festival Bars
     with us to accommodate so many events
                                                     The Festival is pleased to promote the
     and put up with having their own
                                                     products of local micro-breweries
     activities disrupted.
                                                     alongside more standard fare.
     Huge respect and gratitude to all the
                                                     Treat yourselves to something special at our
     members of the community who have
                                                     festival bars and food stalls. These are
     stepped up to put on events for this Festival
                                                     staffed by volunteers using basic
     and to all the volunteers who make the
                                                     equipment - bear with us if you consider
     Festival possible: the organisers and
                                                     service to be slower than the ideal.
     performers, bar staff, box office and
                                                     We accept card at most of our bars.
     stewards, programme distributors,
     prop-makers and technicians.                    The Temporary Event Notice has been given
                                                     by Mark Martynski and he is personally
     Photographs: Colin Tonks, Electric Pedals
                                                     liable for any breach, as are Stephen
     and event managers and other volunteers
                                                     Carrick-Davies and Jacqui Shimidzu, in
     including Sophie Stanes, Jay Alix,
                                                     whose joint names the Hill Station is
     John Chase and Martin Vickers.
                                                     licensed. Please note and respect
     Design by Communications, Goldsmiths.           licensing restrictions.
32                                       Venues                                                                                                                       33

     A		St Catherine’s Church and              G		The Montague Arms
        Telegraph Hill Centre                     289 Queen’s Road, SE15 2PA
        Pepys Road, SE14 5TY
                                               H		Besson Street Community Garden
     B		The Hill Station                          81 Besson Street, SE14 5AE
     		and BeBright
        Kitto Road, SE14 5TN                   I		The Five Bells
                                                  155 New Cross Road, SE14 5DJ
     C		The Ivy House
        40 Stuart Rd, SE15 3BE                 J		hARTslane Studios
                                               		17 Hart’s Lane, SE14 5UP
     D		The Telegraph Hill Playclub
        Erlanger Road, SE14 5TJ                K		New Cross Learning
                                               		283–285 New Cross Road, SE14 6AS
     E		The Telegraph at The Earl Of Derby
        Dennett’s Road, SE14 5LW               L   Brockley Nature Reserve
                                                   Vesta Road, SE4 2NG
     F		Somerville Youth and Play
        Provision                              M waterintobeer
     		260 Queen’s Road, SE14 5JN                209–211 Mantle Road, SE4 2EW

      Entrance for the Telegraph Hill Festival 2019 25th Anniversary Spectacular event
       Lower Park north-west gate, corner of Erlanger and Arbuthnot Roads, SE14 5LS

                 We’re really grateful to all the venues for the space
                  and support they give the Festival. Thank you!
                                                                                         Curzon Goldsmiths is an independent, one-screen cinema screening
                                                                                         everything from commercial blockbusters to independent gems and are
                                                                                         open to everyone.
                                                                                         We are based in the Richard Hoggart Building on the Goldsmiths campus,

                                                                                         Our ticket prices range from £5 to £11. Student discounts and a variety of
                                                                                         other concessions are available.
                                                                                         Win tickets to Curzon Goldsmiths every month. For more information like us
                                                                                         on Facebook!

For up-to-date information:

Join the Telegraph Hill Festival
Facebook Group and Twitter
feeds for regular updates:

The Festival simply provides an umbrella
for event organisers. Responsibility for
event content, promotion and emphasis      We apologise if we have
remains with individual organisers.        disregarded a “No Junk Mail”
The programme is prepared in good          request - but this local Festival is
faith by the Festival Group. Some events   only once a year and we would not
may change or be cancelled due to          want anyone to miss out.
circumstances outside our control.                     – Telegraph Hill Festival
This programme is correct at the time
of printing.
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