The Birmingham MBA - Guiding you through business since 1902

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The Birmingham MBA - Guiding you through business since 1902
The Birmingham MBA

Guiding you
  through business since 1902
Birmingham Business School
The Birmingham MBA - Guiding you through business since 1902
Welcome                             3

Programmes                          4

  MBA International Business        4

  MBA Global Banking and Finance    5

  MBA Strategy and Procurement
  Management (full-time)            6

  MBA Executive                     7

  MBA Strategy and Procurement
  Management (part-time)            8

  MBA Public Service                9

  Overseas MBA programmes          10

  Graduate Diploma in
  Business Administration          11

What are the MBA
24 and 21 month routes?            13

Projects                           14

How to Apply and Entry Criteria    15

Fees and Living Costs              16

Scholarships                       17

Shaping Your Future                18

The Business School’s
Advisory Board                     19

Alumni and
Distinguished Leaders              20

Our Campus and City                22
The Birmingham MBA - Guiding you through business since 1902

                                                                                   The Birmingham MBA      3

    Our mission at Birmingham Business School is to be a research-
    led, multi-disciplinary, international business school developing
    a new generation of global business leaders and entrepreneurs.
    We are committed to making a difference: by enabling our
    graduates to add value throughout their careers; by providing
    superior business intelligence to our partners; and by focusing
    our research on the key challenges that face our economy and
    our society.

    Through our standards of teaching and care          modified specialist programmes, delivered
    for our students, we have continued to hold a       in a variety of flexible formats to match your
    place at the forefront of business education        lifestyle and choice of study.
    since 1902. Today, it is our dedication to
    guiding our students in the pursuit of their        Our dedication to guiding your career through
    career ambitions that has helped us maintain        the challenges of modern business has led to
    our reputation as a prestigious and world-          increased investment in our career services and
    leading business school.                            corporate relations programme. This will further
                                                        enhance the excellent career prospects of our
    The Birmingham MBA is internationally-              graduates, with additional opportunities for
    acclaimed; consistently ranked in global            project work and internships with leading
    ranking tables and accredited by leading            global businesses. In addition, our continued
    bodies, AMBA and EQUIS. For this reason,            commitment in providing an exceptional
    international business and global markets are       standard of education has seen the approval
    at the heart of the Birmingham MBA. Our             of a £10 million investment into a dedicated
    expert faculty, comprising leading academics        Business School Postgraduate Teaching
    and practitioners, will provide you with specific   Centre.
    business skills to expand your knowledge in
    specialist disciplines, including: Global Banking   We know that innovation and globalisation
    and Finance, Strategy and Procurement,              will continue to reshape global business in
    and International Business.                         the future. To this end our goal is to provide
                                                        an education that will inspire and equip our
    We have an enviable Advisory Board that             graduates to navigate the ever-changing
    we work closely with, an excellent level of         and evolving landscape of global business.
    engagement with regional and international
    businesses and strong links with policy makers      I look forward to welcoming you to our
    involved with economic growth and business.         business school.

    We have designed the Birmingham MBA                 Professor Simon Collinson
    to offer a suite of high quality and uniquely       Dean, Birmingham Business School
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4   The Birmingham MBA

      MBA International Business

      Choosing our MBA in International Business will develop your ability
      to perform at the highest level in global business. We will place you on
      four distinctive and challenging enterprise projects, where you will work closely
      with businesses in the UK and worldwide to improve your global awareness.

      Our approach on the programme is to constantly apply theory to practice –
      so you will be able to immediately apply your learning in the real world and
      make a lasting impact on your industry.

      Why study MBA International Business?              Programme Content                           Semester 2
      Expand your understanding of international         Students take twelve modules and submit     Compulsory modules
      business – develop strategic and management        a 10,000 word project. The modules shown    TWO further compulsory
      skills by exploring business theory and practice   below are for the full-time MBA programme   modules:
                                                         in International Business.                  n Global Business Development
      International management challenge –                                                           n Developing Leadership Practice
      your global placement accelerates your             Modules
      understanding of international business            Semester 1                                  Choose FOUR optional modules
      by giving you management responsibilities          Compulsory modules                          from the list below:
      in a competitive and unfamiliar market             n Strategic Analysis of Business            n Global Marketing Leadership
                                                         n Human Resource Management                 n Ethical Finance and Sustainability
      Access the latest research – as a research-        n Marketing Concepts and Practice           n The International Business Experience
      led business school, we give our students          n Finance for Managers                      n	Implementing Strategy and
      access to the latest trends, data and              n Accounting for managers                      Managing Change
      knowledge across global business                   n Managing Operations and projects          n International Co-operative Strategy
                                                                                                     n Business Communications
      A life-time of career coaching – from the                                                      n The Effective Director
      moment you join us you will have a mentor and                                                  n Ethics in Global Business
      career coach available to guide you through                                                    n	International Banking Regulation
      the many opportunities open to you in                                                             and Supervision
      international business                                                                         n International Business Finance
                                                                                                     n	Capitalism, Business Cycles and
      Accredited business school – we are                                                               Financial Crises
      accredited by (AMBA) the Association of
      MBAs and (EQUIS) European Quality                                                              Please note all modules are subject to change.
      Improvement System
The Birmingham MBA - Guiding you through business since 1902
The Birmingham MBA   5

MBA Global Banking
and Finance
The Global Banking and Finance MBA is designed for professionals who
aspire to a career in global banking and finance. It will guide you through
management and technical skills, and develop you into a broadly knowledgeable
professional, capable of performing at the top of the international banking and
finance industry.

Why study Global Banking and Finance               Programme Content                                Semester 1
at Birmingham?                                     This MBA programme has been specifically         Compulsory modules
Skills to further your career in banking           designed for graduates who aspire to develop     n Strategic Analysis of Business
and finance – develop a comprehensive              careers in global banking and finance. The       n Human Resource Management
understanding of technical and management          programme aims to improve management and         n Marketing Concepts and Practice
skills to become a well-rounded expert in          technical skills by focusing on key areas such   n Finance for Managers
international banking and finance                  as international banking, banking and finance    n Accounting for Managers
                                                   regulation and supervision, risk and asset and   n Managing Operations
Access the latest research – as a research-        liability management, strategic management of       and Projects
led business school, we give our students          financial institutions, financial markets, and
access to the latest trends, data and              private equity and venture capital finance.      Semester 2
knowledge within the global banking                                                                 Compulsory modules
and finance industry                               Many of our graduates are working at senior      n International Banking Regulation
                                                   positions in banks and financial institutions,      and Supervision
A life-time of career coaching – from the          and in the investment industry worldwide. The    n Developing Leadership Practice
moment you join us you will have a mentor and      programme is delivered by University faculty
career coach available to guide you through        and industry practitioners to cater to the       Choose TWO further
your career in international banking and finance   current and future needs of global financial     compulsory modules:
                                                   services industry. MBA (GBF) attracts highly     n Capitalism, Business Cycles
Accredited business school – we are                qualified and experienced students from a           and Financial Crises
accredited by (AMBA) the Association of            variety of cultures and nationalities and is     n Entrepreneurial Finance
MBAs and (EQUIS) European Quality                  highly rated by students wanting to specialise   n Ethical Finance and Sustainability
Improvement System                                 in banking and finance.
                                                                                                    Choose TWO optional modules
                                                   The programme includes core modules              from the list below:
                                                   and optional modules. Apart from the taught      n Global Marketing Leadership
                                                   element of the programme, students have          n The International Business Experience
                                                   the opportunity to attend talks delivered by     n Implementing Strategy and
                                                   practising managers and senior executives           Managing Change
                                                   from some of the world’s leading banks           n International Co-operative Strategy
                                                   and finance houses. Students will have           n Business Communications
                                                   opportunities to interact, discuss their         n The Effective Director
                                                   career-related issues and gain valuable          n Ethics in Global Business
                                                   insights into the working of these               n Global Business Development
                                                   prestigious institutions.                        n International Business Finance

                                                                                                    Please note all modules are subject to change.
The Birmingham MBA - Guiding you through business since 1902
6   The Birmingham MBA

      MBA Strategy and Procurement
      Management (full-time)
      Gain the expertise to be a successful procurement manager anywhere in
      the world. The MBA in Strategy and Procurement Management includes
      professionally oriented modules designed for managers with procurement
      responsibilities across a range of sectors and industries.

      You will develop your general management knowledge and skills and
      gain access to leading-edge thinking and research in procurement and
      supply management.

      Why study Strategy and Procurement               The programme offers a range of specialist           Modules
      Management at Birmingham?                        professionally oriented modules designed             Semester 1
      Become a well-rounded procurement                for managers with procurement responsibilities       Compulsory modules
      manager – develop general management             across a range of sectors and industries.            n Strategic Analysis of Business
      knowledge and skills alongside a thorough        It provides an opportunity for those involved        n Human Resource Management
      understanding of strategy and procurement        in procurement to develop their general              n Marketing Concepts and Practice
                                                       management knowledge and skills, and                 n Finance for Managers
      Access the latest research – as a research-      to gain access to leading-edge thinking              n Accounting for Managers
      led business school, we give our students        and research in procurement and supply               n Managing Operations and Projects
      access to the latest trends, data and            management. Those teaching the specialist
      knowledge within the global banking              components of this programme have had                Semester 2
      and finance industry                             substantial practical and consultancy experience     Compulsory modules
                                                       of the modern procurement function in a range        n Global Business Development
      A life-time of career coaching – from            of manufacturing, service and public                 n Developing Leadership Practice
      the moment you join us you will have a           sector organisations.                                n	Strategic Purchasing and Supply
      mentor and career coach available to guide                                                               Chain Management
      you through your career in procurement           The full-time programme is completed in 15           n Strategic Purchasing and Supply
                                                       months. In the first semester (September to             Chain Management (Part 2)
      Accredited business school – we are              December) you complete seven compulsory
      accredited by (AMBA) the Association of          taught modules alongside students on our other       Choose TWO optional modules from
      MBAs and (EQUIS) European Quality                full-time MBA programmes. These cover the core       the list below:
      Improvement System                               management disciplines. In the second semester       n Global Marketing Leadership
                                                       (January to April) you take two further compulsory   n Ethical Finance and Sustainability
      Birmingham city – study in the heart of          modules, including the same specialist               n The International Business Experience
      British industry and an exciting, metropolitan   procurement and supply module taught                 n	Implementing Strategy and Managing
      city, just an hour away from London              on the part-time programme, and choose                  Change
                                                       one elective.                                        n International Co-operative Strategy
      Programme Content                                                                                     n Business Communications
      The MBA (SPM) is accredited by the UK’s          When the taught modules have been completed,         n The Effective Director
      Chartered Institute of Purchasing and Supply     you spend three months working on a 12,000           n Ethics in Global Business
      (CIPS), and graduates who fulfil the relevant    word dissertation, which allows you to relate        n	International Banking Regulation
      work experience requirements of CIPS are         the concepts and analytical frameworks taught           and Supervision
      also awarded full membership of the Institute    during the programme to practical management         n International Business Finance
      (MCIPS).                                         problems typically drawn from the domain             n Entrepreneurial Finance
                                                       of procurement and supply management.
                                                                                                            Please note all modules are subject to change.
The Birmingham MBA - Guiding you through business since 1902
The Birmingham MBA    7

MBA Executive

The Executive MBA programme is targeted at experienced managers across
a range of industries and sectors who want to boost their career prospects
and enhance their thinking about management practice. Each taught module
is delivered in an intensive six day block spread over two consecutive long
weekends – Friday to Sunday. Modules are offered at four points during
the academic year – October, January, April and July.

Programme Content                            Modules                                      Students choose their three remaining modules
This programme is targeted at experienced    It comprises eight taught modules and        from a list of electives including:
managers in employment across a range of     a 12,000 word research-based dissertation.   n Operations Management
industries and sectors who want to boost     Five of the taught modules, covering         n Strategic Purchasing and Supply Chain
their career prospects and enhance their     the core management disciplines,                Management part 1 and part 2
thinking about management practice. The      are compulsory.                              n Leading Strategy and Change
part-time delivery mode is designed to be                                                 n	Corporate Public Relations and
as flexible as possible to meet the needs    These are:                                      Event Management
 of busy professionals juggling work         n Perspectives on Strategic Management
and other commitments with study.            n International Business Environment         Other elective options from the full-time
The programme can be completed               n Strategic Marketing                        MBA programme are also available. As well
in a minimum of two and a half years         n Human Resource Management                  as the five core and three elective modules,
and a maximum of six.                        n Financial Management                       students will also participate in a Dissertation
                                                                                          Skills Workshop.
The programme will equip graduates
to move into more senior management                                                       Please note all modules are subject to change.
positions either in their own organisation
or elsewhere.
The Birmingham MBA - Guiding you through business since 1902
8   The Birmingham MBA

      MBA Strategy and Procurement
      Management (part-time)
      The MBA in Strategy and Procurement Management includes professionally
      oriented modules designed for managers with procurement responsibilities
      across a range of sectors and industries. You will develop your general
      management knowledge and skills and gain access to leading-edge thinking
      and research in procurement and supply management.

      Programme Content                               Part-time mode                                    Modules
      The MBA (SPM) is accredited by the UK’s         The part-time programme can be completed          The programme comprises taught modules and
      Chartered Institute of Purchasing and Supply    in a minimum of two and half years and a          a 12,000 word research-based dissertation.
      (CIPS), and graduates who fulfil the relevant   maximum of six, and is designed to be as
      work experience requirements of CIPS are        flexible as possible to meet the needs of         n Perspectives on Strategic Management
      also awarded full membership of the Institute   busy professionals juggling career and            n International Business Environment
      (MCIPS).                                        other commitments with study. You                 n Strategic Marketing
                                                      complete eight compulsory taught modules,         n Operations Management
      The programme offers a range of specialist      six covering the core management disciplines      n Human Resource Management
      professionally oriented modules designed for    and two with a specific focus on procurement      n	Strategic Purchasing and Supply Chain
      managers with procurement responsibilities      and supply management issues.                        Management part 1 and part 2
      across a range of sectors and industries. It                                                      n Financial Management
      provides an opportunity for those involved      Each taught module is delivered in an intensive
      in procurement to develop their general         six day block spread over two consecutive long    As well as these modules, students will also
      management knowledge and skills, and            weekends – Friday to Sunday. This minimises       participate in a Dissertation Skills Workshop.
      to gain access to leading-edge thinking         disruption to your workplace commitments.
      and research in procurement and supply          Modules are offered at four points during the     Please note all modules are subject to change.
      management. Those teaching the specialist       academic year – October, January, April and
      components of this programme have had           July. The main entry point is in October, but
      substantial practical and consultancy           entry is also possible at other times during
      experience of the modern procurement            the year when a module is being delivered.
      function in a range of manufacturing,           When the taught modules have been
       service and public sector organisations.       completed, a 12,000 word dissertation
                                                      is submitted to fulfil the requirements for
                                                      the award of the degree. The subject of
                                                      the dissertation can be related to your
                                                      work environment or to an area of interest
                                                      to your employer, which may encourage
                                                      them to support you with time for study
                                                      or financial assistance.
The Birmingham MBA - Guiding you through business since 1902
The Birmingham MBA   9

MBA Public Service

The MBA Public Service is a structured personal and professional development
programme designed for current and future leaders working across the public,
voluntary, third and commercial sectors. It is primarily targeted at middle
to senior managers working in the UK across a range of public sector
organisations such as the NHS; local and central government; the police;
probation and the prison service. With its blend of generic management and
specialist public service modules, however, the programme is also designed
for a wider market of individuals in private and third sector jobs, in particular
those involved in the delivery of contracted out public services.

Programme Content                                  The programme is primarily targeted at middle        Modules
The programme comprises eight taught               to senior managers working in UK public sector       The programme comprises taught
modules and a research based dissertation,         organisations such as the NHS, local and             modules and a 12,000 word research-
providing a blend of the fundamental               central government, the police and the prison        based dissertation.
management disciplines with issues of              service. With its blend of generic management
particular relevance to public service delivery.   and specialist public service modules, however,      n Perspectives on Strategic Management
Five core management modules, covering             the programme is also designed for a wider           n Strategic Marketing
strategy, marketing, HRM, finance, and             market of individuals in private and third sector    n Human Resource Management
international business, are drawn from the         jobs, in particular those involved in the delivery   n Financial Management
Business School’s UK Executive MBA and             of contracted out public services.                   n International Business Environment
three specialist public sector management                                                               n Public Management and Leadership
modules, covering governance, leadership                                                                n Strategic Commissioning
and service commissioning, are drawn from                                                               n Public Management and Governance
Masters programmes delivered by the Institute
of Local Government Studies (INLOGOV) in                                                                As well as these modules, students will also
the School of Government and Society.                                                                   participate in a Dissertation Skills Workshop.

                                                                                                        Please note all modules are subject to change.
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10   The Birmingham MBA

       Overseas MBA programmes

       The Birmingham MBA                                    Modules                                             Modules
       in Singapore                                          Compulsory Core                                     Please see the core modules listed below:
       Overview                                              n	Strategic Management I (Strategic Analysis of    n Strategic Management I (Strategic Analysis
       We are proud to have been running this                   International Business)                             of International Business)
       programme continuously in Singapore                   n Strategic Marketing                               n Strategic Marketing
       for eighteen years. We use fundamentally              n Human Resource Management                         n Human Resource Management
       the same syllabus as the corresponding                n Financial Management                              n Financial Management
       Birmingham programme and the same team                n The International Business Environment            n The International Business Environment
       of University of Birmingham academic staff.
       We are also aware of the need for some                Electives in Singapore                              Electives in Hong Kong
       customisation and use more Asian cases                Choose THREE from the list below:                   Choose THREE from the list below:
       and institutional material than in the                n Operations Management                             n Operations Management
       home programme.                                       n Directing Strategy                                n Directing Strategy
                                                             n Project Management                                n Project Management
       Programme Content                                     n Advanced Leadership                               n Advanced Leadership
       Five modules are compulsory and you choose            n Implementing Strategy and Managing Change        n Implementing Strategy and
       three electives (these are currently under review).                                                          Managing Change
       More are available, of course, if you wish to study   Session Timetable
       part of your programme in the UK and you will         n Monday 19.00pn: 3 hour examination of
       find the full list of electives listed on the UK         previous module if applicable Thursday           The Birmingham MBA
       Executive course page.                                n Friday 19.00pm–22.00pm                           in Guangzhou
                                                             n Saturday 14.00pm–20.00pm                          This programme is to be delivered as part of a
       The modules are taught over a ten-day period,         n Sunday 10.00am–18.00pm                            collaborative provision arrangement with Jinan
       two weekends and six evenings, to enable study        n Monday, Tuesday, Thursday,                       University, Guangzhou, China. This represents a
       to be combined with work commitments.                    Friday 19.00pm–22.00pm                           flying faculty arrangement, with the award
       Modules are designed to ensure that you are           n Saturday 14.00pm–20.00pm                           of a University of Birmingham degree. The
       exposed to both the operational and the strategic     n Sunday 10.00am–18.00pm                           programme is totally taught abroad and will
       aspects of management disciplines through the                                                             be delivered in English.
       use of innovative and creative teaching methods.
       These include action learning / research, formal      The Birmingham MBA                                  The programme will operate on the same
       and live case studies and computer simulation to      in Hong Kong                                        admissions basis as the MBA programme
       complement conventional lectures and seminars.        Overview                                            currently running in Singapore.
       Up to eight hours of videoconferencing are            This programme will open in January 2014
       scheduled between the teaching blocks                 working with the Open University (Hong Kong).       The course will be taught over weekday
       to enable you to contact staff live and the                                                               evenings and weekends, mirroring the MBA
       Virtual Learning Environment is available for         Programme Content                                   programme currently running in Singapore.
       off-line communication.                               Five modules are compulsory and you
                                                             choose three electives.                             Modules
       A feature of the programme is the possible                                                                Please see the core modules listed below
       interaction between the coursework and your           The modules are taught over weekday                 (electives to be announced):
       workplace. We can and do tailor assignments           evenings and weekends.                              n	Strategic Management I (Strategic Analysis
       to be relevant to you and your employer.                                                                     of International Business)
                                                             Modules are designed to ensure that you are         n Strategic Marketing
       The intensive modules are given five times each       exposed to both the operational and the strategic   n Human Resource Management
       year and run in pairs. One of the pair is always      aspects of management disciplines through the       n Financial Management
       suitable for new students, so there are five          use of innovative and creative teaching methods.    n The International Business Environment
       possible entry points in a year. The delivery         These include action learning / research, formal
       schedule is shown below.                              and live case studies and computer simulation to    Please note all modules are subject to change.
                                                             complement conventional lectures and seminars.

                                                             A feature of the programme is the possible
                                                             interaction between the coursework and your
                                                             workplace. We can and do tailor assignments
                                                             to be relevant to you and your employer.
The Birmingham MBA   11

Graduate Diploma in
Business Administration
This programme provides a thorough grounding in functional issues in
management and is a qualification in its own right. It also empowers those
who seek to gain entry to our MSc and MBA programmes. The student group
consists of those studying the GDBA as a standalone qualification, as well
as those undertaking both the first year of the MBA 24/21 month programmes,
and the first year of the MSc 24 month programmes.

Key features of the Graduate Diploma in        Programme Content                                Modules
Business Administration (GDBA) include:        We employ many teaching and assessment           Semester 1
n	A flexible Diploma route to MBA and         methods on this programme that reflect the       n Financial Accounting
   MSc programmes                              standards required by our MBA and MSc            n Quantitative Management Techniques
n	An essential and recognised qualification   programmes. For international students,          n Global Business Environment
   in business                                 we offer continuing English language             n Cases in the Global Business Environment
n	Students take 12 modules over one           support to enhance your learning experience.     n Operations Management
   academic year                               Students on this programme have gained           n	Strategic Purchasing and Supply
n	English language support is provided        employment in both private and public sector        Management
   throughout the programme                    organisations, and it has launched many
n	Students experience a wide range            successful careers. It offers opportunities      Semester 2
   of teaching and learning methods            for higher study to those candidates whose       n Managerial Accounting
n	The GDBA enhances employment                experience, qualifications or language ability   n Marketing Concepts
   opportunities for participants              may be insufficient for direct entry to our      n Cases in Marketing
                                               Masters programmes.                              n Business Policy and Entrepreneurship
                                                                                                n Organisational Behaviour
                                                                                                n Financial Analysis for Managers

                                                                                                Please note all modules are subject to change.
12   The Birmingham MBA
The Birmingham MBA         13

What are the MBA
24 and 21 month routes?
What is the MBA 24 month programme?                What is the Graduate Diploma in Business        What are the advantages of the 24/21
This programme consists of the first year on the   Administration (GDBA)?                          month programme?
Graduate Diploma in Business Administration        You can find out all about this programme       n	The entry criteria for the MBA 24 and 21
(GDBA), followed by the second year on either      by visiting the course page in this brochure,      month programmes are slightly lower than
the MBA International Business 12 month            or on our website:        those for the MBA 12 month programmes,
pathway, or the MBA Global Banking and                                                                so should you not meet the MBA 12 month
Finance 12 month pathway (depending                As a student on the MBA 24 or 21 month             requirement, you are welcome to consider
upon your eligibility).                            programme, what do I need to do in order to        this option as an alternative which offers you
                                                   progress onto the MBA in the second year?          an additional year to prepare for MBA study
As a student on this programme you are required    As a student on these programmes you are        n	If English is not your first language, the MBA
to pass all twelve modules of the GDBA with        required to pass all modules of the GDBA           24 and 21 month programmes provide you
an average score of 60% to progress onto           with an average score of 60% to progress           with an additional year (the GDBA year)
the appropriate MBA 12 month pathway.              onto the appropriate MBA 12 month pathway.         to develop your spoken and written
                                                                                                      English skills
What is the MBA 21 month programme?                As a registered student on the MBA 24 or 21     n	Should you be unfamiliar with the British
For appropriately qualified students (good         month programmes, you are not separately           higher education system, or have been out of
Finance/Economics background) there is the         certificated for your GDBA, and the marks you      education for some time, the MBA 24 and
option to join the GDBA programme in its second    achieve on the GDBA do not count towards           21 month programmes offer you more time
semester, which starts in January. As a student    your MBA.                                          to acclimatise to an academic environment
on this programme you are required to pass all                                                     n	If you have the financial support to bring your
six modules in the second semester of the GDBA                                                        family to the UK from overseas, the MBA 24
with an average score of 60% to progress onto                                                         and 21 month programmes may be more
the appropriate MBA 12 month pathway.                                                                 suitable in allowing you and your family more
                                                                                                      time to settle
                                                                                                   n	Although your performance on the GDBA
                                                                                                      does not ultimately contribute to your MBA
                                                                                                      grade, the first year of the MBA 24 and 21
                                                                                                      month programmes gives you the opportunity
                                                                                                      to develop academic abilities in many of the
                                                                                                      areas which will be covered in greater depth
                                                                                                      on the MBA
                                                                                                   n	Due to the structure of the MBA 24 and 21
                                                                                                      month programmes, you would complete the
                                                                                                      first year by June, which would allow you the
                                                                                                      opportunity to apply for an internship with a
                                                                                                      UK-based company prior to the start of the
                                                                                                      second year (September). Should you wish
                                                                                                      to take advantage of such an opportunity,
                                                                                                      our Careers Service will be happy to
                                                                                                      support you
14   The Birmingham MBA


       Our full time MBA programme is focused on           The four major projects integral to the Birmingham MBA
       strategic international business. As such there
       are four distinctive and challenging enterprise
                                                           programme provide our full time MBA students with four
       projects working closely with businesses in         distinct opportunities to gain practical experience whilst
       the UK and worldwide. This includes our             studying towards the MBA qualification.
       International Business Experience module and
       The International Management Challenge. Our
       approach on the programme is to constantly          Project 1 – Incubator Project                     Project 3 – Global Mindset
       apply theory to practice in order to develop        The first project, the Incubator project is       The International Business Experience is an
       your career as an international business leader.    compulsory and is embedded within the             elective module in semester two. It allows
                                                           Developing Leadership Practice module. Here       students the opportunity to undertake a group
       Each project is designed around the                 students work in consultancy teams to support     based consultancy project in another country.
       consultancy process and requires you to             a start-up business based in our incubator        Currently, this runs with our partners in the
       respond to a real company’s brief to provide        space. Work is focused on a specified brief       Central European University in Hungary.
       meaningful and insightful recommendations.          and student teams have the full support of
       Projects are designed to help you develop           academics as facilitators and mentors.            Project 4 – The Management Challenge
       more independently whilst responding to                                                               At this point in the learning journey, students
       increasingly complex demands. This culminates       Project 2 – International Strategy                will have had a lot of practice at undertaking
       in the Management Challenge which requires          This is a compulsory project which sits within    live company consultancy projects and will
       you to work as the sole consultant on a             the Global Business Development module. The       have completed the Deloitte Consultancy
       company-based project with one of our               same consultancy team methodology is used         Training programme. This final optional
       external partners.                                  as in Project 1, but with this project students   challenge allows students to tackle an
                                                           are set an internationalisation objective by      individual consultancy project with a company
       Consultancy Training                                two companies.                                    based either in the UK or overseas.
       At Birmingham we provide you with
       consultancy training from our partners Deloitte
       ensuring that you are well prepared for the
       Management Challenge. The training provided
       by this leading consultancy and professional
       services firm will also give you the professional
       skills and insights required when moving back
       into the job market.
The Birmingham MBA       15

How to Apply and Entry Criteria

Your application should include:                    MBA Global Banking and Finance                       MBA Executive (Singapore)
n	Evidence of your academic/professional           (12 months, Full-time)                               MBA Guangzhou
  qualifications                                    n A good Honours degree (or equivalent),             MBA Hong Kong
n	Evidence of minimum period of work                  or equivalent professional qualification          n A good Honours degree (or equivalent),
   experience – the submission of your resume/      n Three years finance-related work experience           or equivalent professional qualification
   CV is compulsory                                    (including 12 months at management level)         n Five years work experience
n	One academic reference (if unobtainable,         n IELTS 7.0 (with no less than 6.5 in any band);    n IELTS 6.5 (with no less than 6.0 in any band);
   two work related references will suffice)           TOEFL IBT 95 (with no less than 22 in any            TOEFL IBT 88 (21 in Reading, 20 in Listening,
n One work related reference                           band); Pearson Academic Test of English 67           22 in Speaking and 21 in Writing); Pearson
n	Any English proficiency evidence to support         (in all four skills)                                 Academic Test of English 59 (in all four skills
   your application (please note we accept
   IELTS, TOEFL, and Pearson tests)                 MBA Strategy and Procurement                         MBA Public Service (Part-time)
n	Personal Statement; drawing attention to         Management (Full-time)                               n A good Honours degree (or equivalent),
   specific aspects of your experience and          n A good Honours degree (or equivalent); an             or equivalent professional qualification
   explaining why you think now is the right           equivalent professional qualification (CIPS       n Three to five years work experience
   time for you to take an MBA. Tell us what           Graduate Diploma) will also be considered         n IELTS 6.5 (with no less than 6.0 in any band);
   you believe you will bring to an MBA and         n A minimum of three years full-time work               TOEFL IBT 88 (21 in Reading, 20 in Listening,
   describe how you see the MBA fitting into           experience in purchasing and supply                  22 in Speaking and 21 in Writing); Pearson
   your future career plans. All applicants are        management                                           Academic Test of English 59 (in all four skills)
   considered in detail on an individual basis      n IELTS 7.0 (with no less than 6.5 in any band);
   and a Personal Statement gives you the              TOEFL IBT 95 (with no less than 22 in any         MBA (21 month route, Full-time)
   opportunity to tell us why you think we             band); Pearson Academic Test of English 67        n A good Honours degree, demonstrated
   should offer you a place on the programme.          (in all four skills)                                numeracy, and adequate preparation in
                                                                                                           Economics and Accounting
Closing Dates                                       MBA Strategy and Procurement                         n A minimum of three years full time work
There is no closing date for applications           Management (Part-time)                                 experience
You will need to complete the following steps:      n A good Honours degree (or equivalent); an          n IELTS 6.5 (with no less than 6.0 in any band);
1.	Choose a username and password to create          equivalent professional qualification (CIPS          TOEFL IBT 88 (21 in Reading, 20 in Listening,
    a login account on the ‘Apply to Birmingham’      Graduate Diploma) will also be considered            22 in Speaking and 21 in Writing); Pearson
    website.                                        n A minimum of three years full-time work              Academic Test of English 59 (in all four skills)
2.	Login to the Apply to Birmingham website          experience in purchasing and supply
    pages using these account details.                management                                         MBA (24 month route, Full-time)
3. Select the ‘Apply’ tab and complete the         n IELTS 6.5 (with no less than 6.0 in any band);     n A good Honours degree (or equivalent),
    application form.                                 TOEFL IBT 88 (21 in Reading, 20 in Listening,         or equivalent professional qualification
                                                      22 in Speaking and 21 in Writing); Pearson         n A minimum of three years full time work
                                                      Academic Test of English 59 (in all four skills)      experience
Entry Criteria                                                                                           n IELTS 6.0 (with no less than 5.5 in any band);
MBA International Business                          MBA Executive (UK)                                      TOEFL IBT 82 (19 in Reading, 19 in Listening,
(12 months, Full-time)                              n A good Honours degree (or equivalent),                21 in Speaking and 19 in Writing); Pearson
n A good Honours degree (or equivalent),              or equivalent professional qualification              Academic Test of English 51 (in all four skills)
   or equivalent professional qualification         n Five years work experience
n Five years post-graduation work experience        n IELTS 6.5 (with no less than 6.0 in any band);     Graduate Diploma in
   with evidence of management (three years           TOEFL IBT 88 (21 in Reading, 20 in Listening,      Business Administration
   exceptional work experience with evidence          22 in Speaking and 21 in Writing); Pearson         n A degree (or equivalent qualification) from a
   of management will also be considered)             Academic Test of English 59 (in all four skills)      recognised university
n IELTS 7.0 (with no less than 6.5 in any band);                                                        n Post-graduation work experience is desirable
   TOEFL IBT 95 (with no less than 22 in any                                                                but not mandatory
   band); Pearson Academic Test of English 67                                                            n IELTS 6.0 (with no less than 5.5 in any band);
   (in all four skills)                                                                                     TOEFL IBT 82 (19 in Reading, 19 in Listening,
                                                                                                            21 in Speaking and 19 in Writing); Pearson
                                                                                                            Academic Test of English 51 (in all four skills)

                                                                                                         Please note all entry criteria are subject to change.
16   The Birmingham MBA

       Fees and Living Costs

       Since taking an MBA is one of the most important decisions you will ever make, we want you to
       be completely aware of your financial commitment before becoming a student on a Birmingham
       MBA programme.

       Please note the below stated fees refer to 2014–15 entry
       (unless otherwise stated) and are subject to change.

        MBA Fees table
        Programmes                                                                Year One                                    Year Two
                                                                                                                              (those students continuing from Year One,
                                                                                                                              having commenced their studies during
                                                                                                                              the 2014–15 academic year)

        MBA 12 month full-time                                        Home/EU     £20,790
        Including: n
                    International Business
                   n Global Banking and Finance                       Overseas    £20,790
                   n Strategy and Procurement Management

        Part-time MBA                                                 Home/EU     £19,800 across the entire programme
        Including: n
                    Executive                                                    (£2,190 per taught module)*
                   n Public Service
                   n Strategy and Procurement Management
                                                                      Overseas    £19,800 across the entire programme
                                                                                  (£2,190 per taught module)*

        MBA 21 month route                                            Home/EU     £3,090                                      £20,790
        Including: n
                    International Business
                   n Global Banking and Finance                       Overseas    £6,282.50                                   £20,790

        MBA 24 month route                                            Home/EU     £6,180                                      £20,790
        Including: n
                    International Business
                   n Global Banking and Finance
                                                                      Overseas    £12,565                                     £20,790

        Graduate Diploma in Business Administration                   Home/EU     £20,790
                                                                      Overseas    £20,790
        Global MBA                                                    Home/EU     £27,600 SGD exc. GST
        n Singapore
                                                                      Overseas    £27,600 SGD exc. GST
        MBA Guangzhou                                                 Home/EU     CNY175,200
                                                                      Overseas    CNY175,200
        MBA Hong Kong                                                 Home/EU     TBC
                                                                      Overseas    TBC
                                                     *Please note these are 2013–14 fees for part-time students, commencing their studies during the 2013–14 academic year

       Living Costs                                        Accommodation                                            The University of Birmingham understands the
       Costs of living vary throughout the UK. Students    The accommodation section of the University              importance of securing suitable accommodation
       living in Birmingham enjoy lower costs than many    of Birmingham website includes information on            when you are getting used to an unfamiliar
       other cities in the UK, but the actual amount you   accommodation services for postgraduates                 environment and meeting new people. This
       will spend will depend upon your lifestyle. We      which is useful for planning your living costs           is why we guarantee a place in University
       can only give you an approximate indication of      during your time studying your MBA. Here you             accommodation to all EU / international students
       how much you will need.                             can find out about the services available for            who are new to Birmingham (provided that you
                                                           finding accommodation that is suitable for you           meet the criteria detailed in our International
       You can find out about how much the University      as well as a list of average rents in the local          Guarantee Scheme):
       of Birmingham estimates that the cost of living     area:           
       for a single student is by visiting the Money       accommodation/pg-accommodation.aspx                      accommodation/guarantee.aspx#int
       Advice and Support pages of the Student
       Support area, which includes a table of living
The Birmingham MBA       17


The University offers a range of MBA scholarships to support
students in financial need. If you would like to find out more
about these scholarships, please contact

Please note the information below is based           Enterprise and Innovation Scholarship                Global Banking and Finance
upon the 2013–14 scholarship provision,              n	The scholarship holder will be a Home/EU          MBA Scholarship
and is subject to change. For up-to-date                student in financial need as determined by        n	The scholarship holder will be in financial
scholarship information please visit the                the University                                       need as determined by the University
website.                    n	The scholarship holder will be able to            n	The scholarship holder will have demonstrable
                                                        demonstrate business enterprise through              experience of working in banking or finance
African MBA Scholarship                                 innovation in their prior background and/or          with an international dimension to managing
n	The scholarship holder will be in financial          have clear plans to use their MBA to enable          or delivering these services. They will also
  need as determined by the University                  them to do so                                        have a clear view as to how the MBA in Global
n	The scholarship holder will be from the           n	The scholarship will be allocated on the basis       Banking and Finance will further their career
  continent of Africa                                   of academic ability, relevant experience and         in this area
n	The scholarship will be allocated on the basis       clarity of future plans as determined by the      n	The scholarship will be allocated on the basis
   of intellectual excellence and evidence of a         selection committee                                  of academic ability, relevant experience and
   commitment to the economic development            n	The Enterprise and Innovation Scholarship            clarity of future plans as determined by the
   of Africa                                            will be awarded up to £10,000, to be used            selection committee
n	The African MBA Scholarship is a full fees           towards the Birmingham MBA tuition fee            n	The Global Banking and Finance MBA
   scholarship, part funded by a private donor                                                               Scholarship will be awarded up to £10,000,
   with a commitment to Africa and part by           International Business Scholarship                      to be used towards the Birmingham MBA
   the University                                    n	The scholarship holder will be in financial          tuition fee
                                                       need as determined by the University
Women’s Scholarships                                 n	The scholarship holder will have demonstrable     Rosgen Family Scholarship
n	The female scholarship holder will be in             experience of undertaking business                n	The scholarship holder will be in financial
   financial need as determined by the University       internationally, with evidence of having            need as determined by the University
n	The scholarship will be allocated on the basis       undertaken managerial roles in at least two       n	The scholarship holder will be from Central/
   of intellectual ability, evidence of a personal      non-native countries. They will also have clear     South America
   and professional desire to advance women in          plans of how they intend to use their MBA to      n	The scholarship will be allocated on the basis
   business and evidence of personal hardship           further develop their engagement with                of intellectual excellence and evidence of a
   or marginalisation as determined by the              business in different countries                      commitment to the economic development
   selection committee                               n	The scholarship will be allocated on the basis       of Central/South America
n	There are up to six Women’s Scholarships             of academic ability, relevant experience and      n	The Rosgen Family Scholarship is £5,000,
   available, worth on average £5,000, but up to        clarity of future plans as determined by the         to be used towards fees or living costs at
   a maximum of £10,000 in exceptional cases,           selection committee                                  the recipient’s discretion
   to be used towards the Birmingham MBA             n	The International Business Scholarship will be
   tuition fee                                          awarded up to £10,000, to be used towards
                                                        the Birmingham MBA tuition fee
18   The Birmingham MBA

       Shaping Your Future
       From the very start of your MBA you receive           Throughout the programme you will have the           Employer engagement
       bespoke advice from our employment specialists.       opportunity to be involved in group and individual   Whilst on your MBA you will have the opportunity
                                                             activities; all aimed at helping you to develop      to engage with top international companies. This
       Through one-to-one coaching, our industry             the skills and techniques which lead to highly       year our MBA students participated in a range of
       experienced advisers work with you to distil          successful employment outcomes.                      activities with employers including BP, GE, IBM,
       your experience and clarify your aspirations.                                                              Unilever, Deloitte and HSBC.

      Your employment activity schedule

                Examples of group                                  Examples of individual                               Examples of anticipated
                    activities                                          activities                                           outcomes

        n Introduction to Careers                             n Discuss career and company                         n Met with a careers coach to
            and online profile briefing                           aspirations                                          clarify your career aspirations
        n   Careers in Investment                             n   Draft and publish MBA profile                        and employers of choice
            Banking presentation                                  –D uring the first semester, you will have      n   Talked informally with alumni
        n   Careers in Consultancy                                  the opportunity to produce and publish             and potential employers
            networking event                                        an online profile which can be viewed          n   Completed an MBA profile
        n   Distinguished leaders alumni                            by employers and other recruitment                 for online publication
            seminar series                                          professionals.                                 n   Developed your CV and
        n   Job seeking strategies workshop                   n   Apply for Management Challenge                       LinkedIn profile
        n   Employer presentations                                summer project                                   n   Attended a range of career workshops
        n   Live job search session                           n   Review CV                                        n   Formed Sector Interests Groups
        n   Interview skills workshop                         n   Skills coaching                                      – We encourage our MBA students
        n   Mock Assessment Centre                                –A Skills Development Consultant is                    to form student-led Sector Interest
            All of our MBA students have the opportunity           available to support you in developing                Groups. In these groups, you will work
             to attend an interactive Mock Assessment               personal skills such as team working,                 with colleagues with similar career
             Centre. The day includes a range of exercises          leadership, presentations and                         aspirations in order to share ideas,
             which are designed to reflect those typically          interpersonal skills.                                 experiences and resources. Our Sector
             used by employers in assessment centres          n   Advice on networking                                    Interest Groups also organise activities
             such as case studies, group exercises            n   Job application support                                 relevant to their areas of interest.
             and interviews. As well as developing their      n   Video recorded interview practice                       In previous years, this has included
             presentation, communication and interview        n   Progress reviews                                        attendance at business conferences,
             skills, students also receive peer and tutor                                                                 company visits, alumni networking
             feedback on their performance and have the                                                                   events and guest speakers from
             chance to network with employers. We are                                                                     industry.
             fortunate to have long-standing relationships                                                         n   Engaged with employers
             with a number of companies who support            ‘There is an extremely supportive and
             this event including Capgemini, Unilever,         positive environment for postgraduate
             Royal Mail, IBM and Deloitte.                     students at the Business School; the
                                                               careers service offered much welcomed
                                                               advice and the academics, as well as the
                                                               administration team, were ready to help
         ‘The Mock Assessment Centre provides an               me achieve my goals. I had a strong
         excellent experience for the students. The            interest in banking and wanted to move
         exercises that they go through are exactly in         into the banking sector, I was able to work
         line with the approach that Unilever takes            alongside academics specialising in this
         so it provides a realistic and challenging            field, which was a wonderful opportunity
         environment for students to hone their skills.        for me.’
         The calibre of the students is always high
         at Birmingham, and it is a pleasure for               Andrew Dale,
         Unilever to be able to support this event.’           Director HSBC
                                                               (MBA Global Banking and Finance 2010)
         Joe Comiskey,
         eCommerce Innovation and
         Strategy Manager at Unilever
The Birmingham MBA     19

The Business School’s
Advisory Board
One of the real strengths of Birmingham              CEO of Metro Rail Melbourne, senior vice            The Board opens doors to a range of companies
Business School is its outstanding Advisory          presidents of multi-national firms such as          and networks for the Business School and its
Board, noted by the Financial Times for its          Kate Lovett – Vice President of BP Shipping,        members often support students individually in
gender diversity and international reach.            renowned entrepreneurs such as Lord Karan           their research projects, company placements
                                                     Bilimoria – Chairman and Founder of the             and professional development.
Our Advisory Board’s purpose is to:                  Cobra Beer Partnership, and policy makers
n	Advise on Birmingham Business                     such as Gisela Stuart MP, Supriya Banerji –
  School’s strategic objectives                      Deputy Director General of the Confederation
n	Seek to enhance the Business School’s             of Indian Industry, and Anji Hunter – former
  links with the corporate world                     Director of Government Relations. This
                                                     cross-section of influential business experts
The Board is chaired by Lord Digby Jones             allows the Business School to remain at the
of Birmingham Kt, and consists of high-level         cutting edge of what businesses are looking
executives of exceptional stature from around        for both in terms of our taught output
                                                                                                          A meeting of the Advisory Board
the globe. Members range from international          and research.
chief executives such as Andrew Lezala –

Members under the spotlight
Jane Lodge and Marc Stone are two board members and alumni of the University
of Birmingham, who have worked collaboratively to support and enhance the student
experience on the MBA programme.

                                                       ‘I have been fortunate to have a number of leadership roles
Jane Lodge                                             throughout my career. I was partner in charge of the
Non Executive Director Costain                         Deloitte’s Midlands audit practice, partner in charge of UK
Group plc, DCC plc and Devro plc                       Audit Learning in Deloitte, Deloitte’s Practice Senior Partner
                                                       for the Midlands, and Deloitte’s UK Manufacturing Industry leader, overseeing the strategy of
Jane brings an almost unprecedented wealth             how the business went to market with the industry. I was also the first woman on the Board
of experience at the very highest level having         of Partners. I appreciate the confidence others showed in me and this is what drives me to
been a partner in Deloitte from 1986 to 2011,          help others achieve their potential. That is why I enjoy working with the MBA students at
where she led teams auditing major global              Birmingham. Over the last three years I’ve had the privilege of running the Birmingham
businesses such as Jaguar Land Rover.                  MBA Deloitte Consultancy Challenge, a week-long training programme designed to enhance
She now has a portfolio of non-executive               the skills of MBA students looking to develop their skills in consultancy. I particularly enjoy
directorships and chairs their Audit Committees.       the interaction between the students who all bring their own professional experience to
                                                       the discussion.’

Marc Stone
Director – Stone Consulting Ltd                        ‘I remember how it was to be a graduate at the Business School with only a vague idea of
                                                       what I wanted to do and a mere inkling of how to achieve it. At the forefront of my mind,
Marc, by trade, has enjoyed a distinguished            however, I was always passionate about inspiring people and instilling belief in them that
career as Finance and Programmes Director              anything can be achieved, and having enthused teams to move heaven and earth during my
within a wide range of global blue chip firms          career I now work with businesses to prove that they can. “If only I
across a number of sectors before setting up           knew then, what I know now” is my mantra with students and is the
Stone Consulting, where he works with clients          reason why I now engage with the University on a professional level
to deliver acquisitions, transformational business     to help develop students’ potential. It goes far beyond text books
change and turnaround initiatives.                     and models. Be it coaching students in consultancy during their
                                                       company projects, conversations around the water cooler,
                                                       mentoring, or helping them with their networks, I get great
                                                       satisfaction in helping students unlock their leadership potential
                                                       and taking that step up in developing themselves individually
                                                       as future leaders and executives.’
20   The Birmingham MBA

       Alumni and
       Distinguished Leaders
       MBA students have the opportunity to gain an        Alumni                                             experience of all that the Business School,
       insight into how high profile business leaders                                                         University and the city of Birmingham have
       made it to the top and discover what makes a        The Birmingham Business School Alumni Team         to offer.
       great leader through our Distinguished Leaders      are dedicated to providing an outstanding Alumni
       Series. The series has been a great success, with   Relations function for the MBA Programme.          The opportunities on offer include:
       students finding speakers such as David Gill –      The team deliver bespoke events, tailored          n	the inspiring MBA Distinguished
       who was Chief Executive of Manchester United        communications and a variety of volunteer            Leaders’ Series
       at the time of his visit – and Mike Coupe,          opportunities, which encourage graduates           n	Student mentoring with alumni
       Commercial Director of Sainsbury’s, invaluable      from across the University to directly support       business leaders
       and inspiring. Outstanding students also have       our MBA student’s experience, career               n	Developing and supporting students
       the opportunity to be part of a more intimate       progression and the programmes curriculum            to become MBA Alumni Ambassadors
       round-table discussion with the distinguished       development. Our Alumni Ambassadors Scheme         n	Facilitating expert alumni speakers to
       leaders, to ask individual questions and explore    enables you to connect directly with our dynamic     provide students with real-world projects,
       their career and the theme of leadership in         graduates all over the world who have first-hand     advice and career opportunities
       more detail.

                                                             Alumni Ambassador profile 2013
         ‘The Distinguished Leaders speaker series
         was fantastic. It was a great opportunity           ‘I was awarded the African MBA Scholarship
         to hear from senior business executives             Award 2011–12 from the Business School
         about their journey, the dilemmas they face         and it came at the right time in my life given
         in their roles as leaders and their views           that it not only bridged a financial gap into
         on how we, as MBA students, can                     achieving a long time dream of pursuing a
         develop our careers.’                               higher learning, but also exposed me to an
                                                             excellent university where international
         Khilna Morjaria                                     experience is a day to day learning. The
         MBA International Business, 2013                    Birmingham MBA Global Banking and
                                                             Finance programme has enhanced my                ‘I had a fantastic time at Birmingham
                                                             understanding of global finance and the          Business School. I really enjoyed the visits
                                                             macro perspective of how to understand and       from Alumni and other leaders from the
                                                             respond to the challenges facing the finance     finance sector. They were very interesting
                                                             industry today.                                  and inspiring. Also, the team building trip
                                                                                                              to Coniston Water really boosted my
                                                             ‘The international experience and learning       confidence and allowed me to make
                                                             environment enhanced my confidence , the         some great friends.
                                                             programme also moulded me into a confident
                                                             leader and an effective Manager. I am given      ‘I found the MBA course structure suited my
                                                             great respect within my company, from my         career map and aided my progression in the
                                                             colleagues and also from my family and the       financial industry.’
                                                             wider community. I have become a role
                                                             model for aspiring girls and women in            Maureen Kawngwanya
                                                             Malawi which is a real honour.                   Birmingham MBA Global Banking and Finance
The Birmingham MBA     21

‘There is a very positive and open attitude to teaching at the Business School. The MBA
team and the academics invested a real interest in their students; their friendly attitude
made me feel welcome and, for someone who was new to the country, this made my
transition to the UK very easy. One of my favourite memories was the residential trip to
the Lake District, England’s largest national park. After spending a number of days with
my peers, the academics and members of the MBA team and participating in a variety
of team building activities, I truly bonded with my peers.’

In recommending the UoB to potential international students considering joining the MBA
programme, Rahayu says: ‘Work hard, be open-minded and have a positive attitude. You
must be adaptable and learn to both listen and respect other people’s opinions. You will
meet a range of people in the working world and will need to learn how to manage them;
the MBA is a wonderful place to start.’

Rahayu Permatasari,
Project Manager, Cameron (MBA International Business 2011)

                                                     ‘I was a procurement professional with        ‘The assistance of the career service
                                                     15 years of experience in Telecoms, IT        in reviewing my CV was great. I really
                                                     Outsourcing and Marketing Services. I held    understood the structure of CV building,
                                                     Senior Manager and Director positions in      and it was helpful for me in terms of
                                                     multi-national companies in China.            understanding my strengths and
                                                                                                   weaknesses. I found mock interviews
                                                     ‘The Birmingham MBA has enabled               engaging and useful as well; they gave me
                                                     me to improve my critical thinking and        insight and understanding about how to
                                                     management skills from professional           act and respond in interview situations.’
                                                     learning and leadership modules in a
                                                     highly diverse cultural setting. The MBA      Elshad Rzayev,
                                                     challenged me from both a personal and        Graduated 2011–2012 from the MBA
                                                     professional perspective; as a man in his     Strategy and Procurement Management
                                                     late 30s who has been away from school        (Full time)
                                                     and an intense learning environment for
                                                     over 15 years. But I quickly overcame
                                                     these challenges because I valued my
                                                     time at Birmingham as a fantastic learning
                                                     opportunity and a rewarding life experience
                                                     towards a brighter career future. The
                                                     experience has given me much resolve
                                                     and momentum to meet new challenges.’

                                                     David Duan Xiaoming
                                                     MBA Strategy and Procurement
                                                     Management 2012–13
                                                     Current position – Procurement Manager,
                                                     Huawei (ICT Solutions Provider)               ‘The Business School and Careers in
                                                                                                   Business have strong contacts in the
                                                                                                   business world and used these to help me
                                                                                                   obtain jobs by connecting me with external
                                                                                                   employers. This made me feel as though
                                                                                                   Birmingham Business School cared for my
                                                                                                   future and even though it has been nearly
                                                                                                   three years since I graduated, I am still
                                                                                                   being supported by the careers team.’

                                                                                                   Adam Clowes,
                                                                                                   Sector Manager, Royal Mail
                                                                                                   (MBA International Business 2010)
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