The Bishop's Appeal is underway. Thank you to those who have contributed!

The Bishop's Appeal is underway. Thank you to those who have contributed!
The Bishop’s Appeal is underway.
     Thank you to those who have contributed!
          NEXT WEEKEND
           MARCH 14TH
                                                                                             Monday, March 8
                                                                        Book Club via Zoom-10:00 am
                                                                                            Tuesday, March 9
                                                                        Mass followed by Eucharistic Adoration-8:00 am-EH
                                                                        Pray the Rosary-12:00 pm–BH
                                                                                          Wednesday, March 10
                                                                        Mass-8:00 am-SB-Followed by Confessions
                                                                        Faith Formation Grades 3, 4, 5-4:00-5:00 pm-via Zoom
                                                                        Faith Formation-Grades 1, 6, 7-5:30-6:30 pm-via Zoom
                                                                        Faith Formation-Grades 8 & 9, 7:00-8:00 pm-via Zoom
                                                                                           Thursday, March 11
                                                                        Mass-8:00 am-JP
                                                                        Men’s Bible Reflection-9:00 am-SB
                                                                                             Friday, March 12
                                                                        Mass-8:00 am-BH Followed by Confessions
                                                                        Confession in the Parking Lot-9:00-10:00 am-BH
                                                                        Station of the Cross-12:00 noon-BH
                                                                                      Saturday-Sunday, March 13-14
                                                                        Power of One Food Collection this weekend at all Masses

                    Bishop’s Appeal
        Stella Maris Parish Assessment                $55,604
        Received to date from 91 parishioners         $29,505
        Total needed to meet assessment               $26,099

                  For Online Giving to our parish, please go to and click on
                                “Giving to the Parish Electronically” on the front page.
                                                  Stella Maris Mission Statement
                Stella Maris Catholic Parish prayerfully unites people in the love of Jesus guided by our patron, Mary.
                                                  Stella Maris Vision Statement
We invite all to journey as disciples. By sharing the Gospel, responding to Jesus' love and the gifts God has given us, we welcome all to
                                                    grow in faith and in our parish life.

Website:                                                            Third Sunday of Lent-March 7, 2021
2| Welcome
           to Stella Mass  Via
                     Maris in   TV or
                              Baileys  RadioEgg Harbor, Fish Creek,Stella
                                      Harbor,                       Jacksonport, Sister Bay & Washington Island
                                                                          Maris Lenten Journey 2021
Sunday Mass is available diocesan-wide via broadcast television on        Temple worship was at an end in last week’s study. Have you
ABC affiliate WBAY at 5:30 am Sunday morning and on CW14 at               made any changes in how you worship? This week we will learn
8:00 am on Sunday and Bishop Ricken at 10:30 am on WFRV                   about vaccinations--- and not the Covid vaccine.
Channel 5 on Sundays.                                                     Have you joined the Lenten Journey yet? Everyone is invited to a
Radio Mass is available on Relevant Radio, 1050 AM at 9 am.               special Lenten Journey from the comfort of your own home. By
Daily Mass is livestreamed Monday through Friday from the cam-            simply clicking the link found on the Parish web site, each week
pus of Relevant Radio here in Green Bay. You can access the Mass          you can do a short study of the six Sunday Gospel’s during Lent.
at the Relevant Radio app, or at this link     Why not call or meet with a friend and do the study together.
Also available on your computer, is a full list of daily events with                            Bishop’s Appeal
direct links to Masses, rosary and daily reflections compiled by The         Bishop’s Appeal Helps Those Who Grieve
Compass, The Official Newspaper of the Green Bay Diocese at                         The loss of a loved one is an experience that                          many of us can understand. For grieving families
                Steps Taken Before Masses                                        throughout our Diocese, Catholic Charities is a
· Temperatures will be taken. Anyone with a temperature of                       guiding light. Perhaps a person or family is deal-
    100 degrees or higher will not be permitted to attend Mass                   ing with the loss of a son or daughter, or maybe a
    and be asked to return home and take care of themselves.                     mother or father. In many tragic situations, it is
                                                                                 difficult to begin the grieving process without help.
· Mask wearing will be required. Please bring one with you. This is where you can make a difference.
· Hand sanitizing is required. We will provide hand sanitiz-        By giving to the Bishop’s Appeal, you help Catholic Charities
    er.                                                         do the compassionate work of Jesus. Through your generosity, its
· Seating will be 6 feet apart. Families may sit together.      counselors are able to reach out and help people to cope with loss
· Ushers will seat you and release you.                         when they do not know where else to turn. Please consider giving
                                                                to the Bishop’s Appeal.
**Please arrive early to move through entry procedures.**           To make a gift to the Bishop’s Appeal contact your parish, visit
Once we reach social distance capacity, you will be referred to the Bishop’s Appeal website at
attend a later Mass if available.                               give, or call Tammy toll-free at (877) 500-3580 ext. 8123.

                     Faith Formation                                            Christian Service & Responsibility
This weekend we celebrate the third Sunday of Lent. As we contin-         “Keep in mind that even those who are not our blood relatives,
ue our Lenten journey, we need to take stock of what this Lent has        even if they are poor, are still our brethren.”—“St Teresa of Cal-
meant to us so far. Has our prayer brought us closer to God, has          cutta: Missionary, Mother, Mystic
our sacrifice made us more aware of the needs of others and has our
alms giving helped those in need? Maybe we feel this season is a          DID YOU KNOW? Door County Rental Assistance Program
gift to slow down, become more aware through prayer of God’s              helps to keep struggling county residents from eviction. The Door
love and our calling to love others. Or maybe, you just need to get       County Emergency Response Fund has partnered with Lakeshore
kick started to live this beautiful season in a way that brings us to a   CAP to offer an expanded Rental Assistance Program during the
joyous Easter Sunday. Or maybe, like many of us you are some-             pandemic and resulting recession. You might be eligible for assis-
where in between. Jesus is patient. Jesus is waiting. There are still     tance if all the following criteria apply to you: • Lease an apart-
four weeks to keep those good intentions and restart our Lenten           ment, duplex, or single-family home in Door County as your sole
commitments.                                                              residence • Experienced a substantial reduction in your income due
Please join our parish on a Lenten journey to read, reflect and act       to the COVID-19 health crisis and resulting economic recession •
on the Sunday Gospel. Do this alone, with family or with a friend         Virtually exhausted your savings and are now unable to meet your
or two. You can take this journey from the comfort of your own            financial obligations. To apply, visit
home. Go to our website, and scroll    or call (920) 682-3737 and re-
down to the link that invites you the Stella Maris Lenten Journey         quest that an application be mailed to you.
2021. In this way our entire parish can take this journey together
even when we remain at home.                                              WHERE DO YOUR DONATIONS GO ? $500 was donated to
On March 8, the Stella Maris Book Club will be meeting to discuss         JAK’s Place, a drop-in mental health resource center for those
The Problem of Pain. Author, C. S. Lewis examines a universally           whose lives are disrupted by mental illness and brain disorders.
applicable question within the human condition: “If God is good           Phone # is (920) 818-0525.
and all-powerful, why does he allow his creatures to suffer pain?”        We Are HOPE, Inc. helps Door County residents with their heat
With his signature wealth of compassion and insight, C.S. Lewis           and electric costs, they assist job seekers with job searches, work
offers answers to these crucial questions and shares his hope and         readiness, job skill building and employment retention and they
wisdom to help heal a world hungering for a true understanding of         partner with employers to obtain and maintain a well-trained and
human nature. For more information, please contact Jerry Krebs at         qualified workforce. Our gift of $500 helped We Are HOPE, Inc to                                                        provide help and hope to many local residents in need of a helping
The Adult Faith Formation Team is looking for a few new members           hand.
to help plan for future programs, talks and events that offer re-         Our $500 gift was used toward the meals and snacks served to Door
sources and events to help all of us grow as disciples. If you might      County children in need last summer.
be interested in joining us or have some ideas for future events, or
maybe just want to know what all of this entails, please email Sha-       DONATIONS ALWAYS APPRECIATED Place a check in the
ron Brabson at or Jan Liss at jan-                collection basket. noting “for CSR” in the memo. Or to give elec-                                                           tronically, go to the website to make a separate donation to “CSR.”
                                                Lent Blessings!
Third Sunday of Lent–March 7, 2021 3|

                                                                                            Parish Life & Upcoming Events
BOOK CLUB-Our March meeting will be: March 8 at 10 am via                                                                    to have enrolled for the upcoming weekend before 10 am Wednes-
Zoom. Jerry will lead the discussion of “The Problem of Pain” by                                                             day through the Door County YMCA website or phone (920) 743-
C.S. Lewis. Contact to join the discussion.                                                             4949. Pick up for the requested meals is 3:00-5:00 pm on Friday
MORNING PRAYER on Monday’s at Fish Creek is temporarily                                                                      afternoons. Pick up in Sturgeon Bay is at the Lansing Avenue
cancelled. More info to come in an upcoming bulletin.                                                                        Center and in Fish Creek, it is at the Northern Door Program Cen-
MARCH FOOD ITEM being collected is canned fruit.for the
CARE 24/7 Food Pantry , a ministry of Stella Maris. Donations                                                                                          WHAT IS WORLD YOUTH DAY
can be left at any of our sites and at the pantry. Thank you.                                                                                          (WYD)? WYD is a worldwide encounter
                                                                                                                                                       with the Pope celebrated about every three
STATIONS OF THE CROSS will be offered on Friday’s during                                                                                               years in a different country. The next
lent at our Baileys Harbor site at 12 Noon. There will be no soup                                                                                      World Youth Day, WYD 2023, will be in
offered this year due to the Covid-19 restrictions. Dates are:
March 12, 19 and 26.                                                                                                                                   August in Lisbon, Portugal. WYD is open
                                                                                                                                                       to young people who want to take part in a
RESPECT LIFE-[The Gospel of Life] is therefore meant to be a                                                                                           festive encounter centered on Jesus Christ
precise and vigorous reaffirmation of the value of human life and                                                            together with their peers. This event is an opportunity to personal-
its inviolability and at the same time a pressing appeal addressed to                                                        ly experience the universality of the Catholic Church. The theme
each and every person, in the name of God: respect, protect, love
                                                                                                                             for WYD-2023 is “Mary rose and left in haste” from the Gospel of
and serve life, every human life! Only in this direction will you
find justice, development, true freedom, peace and happi-                                                                    Luke’s description of how Mary went quickly to her cousin Eliza-
ness!” (The Gospel of Life 5)                                                                                                beth’s upon hearing from the angel that Elizabeth was expecting a
                                                                                                                             baby. The logo for 2023 features the colors of the Portuguese flag
TAX AIDE FOR 2020 RETURNS: This no-cost tax preparation                                                                      and elements of the country’s spiritual culture. A cross dominates
service offered though sponsorship by AARP and the IRS is again                                                              the logo, a road runs over it “where the Holy Spirit rises”. An invi-
being offered but with significant changes in method due to
                                                                                                                             tation to young people not to stand idly by but to be active in the
COVID restrictions. For more information, taxpayers who have
previously had their 2018 and/or 2019 taxes prepared through this                                                            Catholic faith. The image is an invitation to “be the protagonists of
program may contact Shirley Raasch at (920) 839-2157.                                                                        the construction of a more just and fraternal world”. The Rosary
                                                                                                                             represents spirituality and the devotion of the Portuguese people to
THE DOOR COUNTY YMCA-Anyone interested in receiving                                                                          Our Lady of Fatima. At WYD-2023 young people are encouraged
food from the Share Our Strength Weekend Meals program needs                                                                 to become active and to build a better world for tomorrow.

                                                                                                                    Dining Section
                                                                                                  SHOP THE STELLA MARIS DINING GUIDE
                                                      LAKESHORE RIB & STEAK HOUSE
                                 Bailey’s Harbor, WI 54202 • 920-839-2361
                                                                                                                                                       RESTAURANT                                     Great Food & Refreshment
                                                                                                                                            Open 7am-2pm Daily for Breakfast & Lunch
                                   Solarium Dining Room Overlooking Lake Michigan
                                      JOE & TINA KWATERSKI, PROPRIETORS                                                                      – TRY OUR FAMOUS WAFFLES –                            8 N. Madison Ave., Sturgeon Bay
                                   JERRY & MINDY KWATERSKI, PROPRIETORS                                                                     2445 S. Bay Shore Dr., Sister Bay • 854-7997                      743-9923
                                                                                    Full Service                  Open Daily 8 a.m.                   INSTITUTE SALOON
                                                                                                                                                   4599 Hwy 57 • (920) 743-1919
                                                                                    CATERING                      Downtown Egg Harbor         Tues. & Sunday: 30¢ Wings • Friday Night: Fish Fry
                                                                                                                                             Saturday & Sunday Night: Broasted Chicken Dinner
                                 & catering 920.868.3355                                                          920-868-2120                          Thursday Night: $1.25 Tacos.
                                                                                                                                                             Home Made Pizzas
                                                                                                                                                                                                            5 Shops • Food Daily • 11 AM
                                                                                                                                                                                                        Homemade Soup & Chili • Carry-Outs      bakery • cakes • desserts • appetizers • entrees
                                     full bar & wait staff • event planning
                                                                                  • HALL FOR PARTIES AND WEDDINGS •                 Open Year Round • 868-3441 • Fish Creek, Hwy. 42

                                                                                    OPEN DAILY                                                                                                     Joe Jo’s Pizza and Gelato
                                                                                                                                                                                                              Open Daily at 11:00am (Closed Wed.)
                                                                    Breakfast, Lunch & Dinner
                                                                                                                                                                                                              10420 Water St. (Hwy.42) • Ephraim, WI 54234
                                                                                                                                                               PIZZA • GELATO • SORBETTO • SANDWICHES • SALADS

                                                                                           6332 Hwy 57
                                                                                         Door County’s                                                                                                    Bowling - Restaurant
                                                                                        Only Beachfront
 Jacksonport • 920-823-2081                                                               Coffee Shop
Open Breakfast, Lunch & Dinner                                                                                                                                                                  

			                                                            For ad info. call 1-800-950-9952 •		                                     Stella Maris, Egg Harbor, WI                                             B 4C 01-0721
HAMMERSMITH TV                                  A pple C reek R esort                                                                                                            SCHARTNER’S
                                                             Hotel & Suites                                Hide Side Corner Store                                                  FARM MARKET
   & ELECTRONICS                                      Indoor Pool, Whirlpools, Fireplaces,
       LG HD Television Displays
           DIRECTV Systems                        Shops, Peninsula State Park, Hike, Bike, Golf,          Hide Side Boutique                                                 Fresh Fruits & Vegetables In Season
    Over 50 Years serving Door County               Wineries, Theatres, Galleries- Fish Creek                                                                                         920-743-8617
       854-2614 Sister Bay                         800-569-0059 •                                    Downtown Fish Creek                                4 miles south of Egg Harbor on Hwy. 42

                                                                Rusty Rabbit                                                                                                       FOREST                                        CARLSON ERICKSON
                                                                                                                                                                                CONSTRUCTION                                       BUILDERS, INC.
                                                                   Shop                                                                                                           CO., INC.                                     Sister Bay • 920-854-2162
  1250 N 14th Ave, Sturgeon Bay                       Gifts, Garden, Home Decor                                                                                                                                                      GENERAL CONTRACTORS
                                                                                                                                                                                Farm • Commerical • Residential
          920-743-8896                                       10326 Hwy 42                                                                                                     (920) 609-4477 • 1-800-242-8085                  CUSTOM HOME BUILDING & REMODELING                                 Ephraim • 854-2702                                                                                                                    CRAIG E. COURSIN, owner

Huehns Funeral Home, Inc.
 Door County Crematory LLC                         Donny’s Glidden Lodge
  Todd, Erik, Brock & Amanda Huehns                Open Year Round 920-746-9460
            Greg Casperson                                                                                Sister Bay • 320 Country Walk Lane
                                                     4670 Glidden Dr., Sturgeon Bay
  1414 Michigan St., Sturgeon Bay, WI                                                                     Sun 7:30 - 5:00
920-743-5635                                Weekdays 7:30 - 8:00                       854-2391               Fish Creek • Sister Bay • Sturgeon Bay

DOOR COUNTY CARPET ONE ®                                                                                  Rocky Ridge Storage                                                CedarDoor Wealth Management
                                                                                                           County E just west of Peninsula Center                            Wells Fargo Advisors Financial Network, LLC
Carpet • Laminate • Vinyl • Hardwood • Ceramic                                                                                                                                    Carrie Schilz • Peter Kobin
                                                                  920-823-2259                                      -Bailey’s Harbor-
           920-823-2137                                                                                                                                                             Senior Financial Advisors
   6124 Hwy. 57 • Jacksonport, WI
                                                  Committed to planting a tree for every tree that
                                                  we cut down due to the devastating effects of
                                                                                                                Units/Boats/Vehicles/RVs                                      Sturgeon Bay • (920) 743-9590
   Hours: 8:30-4:30 Mon-Fri • 9:30-12:00 Sat                the Emerald Ash Borer.                        920-421-1032                        Parish Members      Member FINRA/SIPC

 HYLINE ORCHARD                                                                                                           • 1 & 2 Bedroom Suites with Kitchens,
                                                                                                                             Whirlpools and Fireplaces                              Pack and Ship PLUS                                         Maas
            Farm Market                                                Estate planning is all we do!                      • In the Center of Egg Harbor                       • Shipping & Freight • Packing Materials         Floral & Greenhouses
Pick your own cherries/apples in season.            Estate planning - the greatest gift you can give                         (walking distance to shops and restaurants)   • Office Supplies • Printing/Scanning Services
     Honey Cider Jam Maple Syrup                  your loved ones. It all starts with a conversation...                                                                                                                                  920.743.6518
                                                                                                          7888 Church St. • Indoor and Outdoor Pools                         746-9596         623 N. 8th Avenue
         Home Made Products                       218 N 14th Ave.                       920-743-9117      Egg Harbor, WI • Whirlpool • Sauna • Fitness Room                                                                  3026 County Rd. S. • Sturgeon Bay
   8240 State Hwy 42, Fish Creek                  Sturgeon Bay, WI          (920) 868-9900 • Children’s Indoor and Outdoor Playgrounds            UPS • FedEx • SpeedDee Delivery • USPS       www.maasfloral&

                            Complete Excavating
                                                   Countrywide Construction & Design, LLC
                                                       “Creating Quality Homes and
                                                                                                                                        24 Hr. Service                                                                       Door County Limousine
                             Service Since 1999           Lasting Relationships”                               850 S. Lansing - Sturgeon Bay                                                                                  Car or Limo Service Available
    Sewer, Water, Septic Systems & more                             Plumbing & Heating                                                                                                                     920-559-3799
     1451 Clay Banks Rd, Sturgeon Bay                                                                                                                                                                                                                      “Getting There
                                                     Kevin J. Guilette            (920) 856-6982          MP #232312
                                                                                                                     746-9200 CR #15855                                                                                                                    is Half the Fun!”

                                                  Leif Lautenbach, SARKIS REALTY
                                                     Broker Associate • 920.493.8845
                                                   Promising Good Old Fashion Customer Service.
                                                                                                          QUICK, RELIABLE SERVICE SINCE 1960
 STURGEON BAY OFFICE 920.743.6505                                                                          920-839-2148 •
NORTHERN DOOR BRANCH 920.854.2616                   5051 Horseshoe Bay Rd, Egg Harbor, WI 54209                 3279 Cty. Rd. F • Fish Creek MP222303

     The Carpet Shop
 Carpet, wood, laminate, tile, vinyl & blinds                                                                                                                                      HEARTHSIDE
           Roger Miller, Owner                                                                                                                                              Assisted Living Home For The Elderly                    Residential Care • Sturgeon Bay, WI
   5455 County I • Downtown Carlsville
                                                                                                                                                        920-854-7225                          Serving The Needs Of The Elderly Population Since 1991
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Kris Kennedy-Dart, Administrator
              920-743-7188                                                                                                                                                          Sister Bay, WI 54234                                    (920) 743-9289

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Franke Masonry llc
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         custom stonework
                                                            Contact Jeff Tkachuk to place an ad today!                                                                                                                                        Andy Franke
                                                                                                                                                                               6329 Highway 42, Egg Harbor, WI 54209
                                                  or (800) 950-9952 x2513                                                                                  920-746-9770
                                                                                                                                                                                                                               p.o. box 224 • baileys harbor, wi 54202
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      office: # (920) 839-2058
                                                                                                                                                                                                        cell: # (920) 493-1805

                                                                                     Sister Bay                                                                                 Creations Hair Designs
                                                                                   (920) 854-2842                                                                          Haircuts • Perms • Color • Barbering
                                                                                                                                                                               Lower Level • Country Walk Shops
        Dumpster Service                              Carpet • Tile & Stone • Wood Floors                                                                                               Sister Bay, WI
                                                   Vinyl & Laminate • Custom Drapes & Blinds                 743-6718 or 493-1314                                                 KATIE VOIGHT, Owner/Stylist
       920.746.9300                                 Shower Doors • Professional Installations                                            (920) 854-9866 • Walk-Ins Welcome

                                                                                                                                                                               D & K FIRE, SAFETY                                          Welsing’s Foodland
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              Full Grocery Selection,
                                                                                                                                                                                AND INSPECTIONS                                               Fresh Meats & Sausage
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               4436 Whitefish Bay Rd
                                                                                                                       (920) 493-7043                                           Dave Uecker • 920-493-8992                                          Sturgeon Bay
                                                                                                                                              7195 W Center Road, Forestville              VENISON PROCESSING 743-4651

                                                                                                                         Schram Monuments
                                                                                                                                  3785 Egg Harbor Rd                          Please Support Our
                                                                                                                                   Sturgeon Bay, WI
                                                                                                                                                                                                                             “We guarantee workmanship for 3 years!”
     Phone (920) 854-4818                                                                                              Since
                                                                                                                                 Phone: 920 743 3254                           Business Partners                                Office: 920-839-9787 • Cell: 920-493-1127                                                                              Bill & Carolyn Lehman, Proprietors                                                                        

                                                                                                                                     At your door,
                                                                                                                                  when you need us!
                                                                                                                                  Heating & Cooling,
                                                                                                                                                                                   CUSTOM                                         HABERLI
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                                                                                                                                   HotSpring® Spa                               call (920) 495-9166
                                                                                                                                                       Owner Mark Polster
                                                                                                                                                                                                                               Lawn Service • Snow Removal
                                                                                                             Sturgeon Bay • Sister Bay • Luxemburg                         4378 Grasshopper Ln. • Sturgeon Bay, WI                         743-7781
                                                                                                                                                                                       “The Professionals”


                                                                                                           Staudenmaier Chiropractic
                                                                                                             Wellness Center S.C.
                                                                                                                        Dr. Luke Staudenmaier
                                                                                                                           920-743-7255                                                                                          7537 Hwy 57 • Baileys Harbor, WI 54202
                                                                                                               30 N. 18th Ave. • Sturgeon Bay                                                                                                 920-839-2211

			                                                             For ad info. call 1-800-950-9952 •		                                                                   Stella Maris, Egg Harbor, WI                                         A 4C 01-0721
5| Third Sunday of Lent-March 7, 2021

        Worship & Music Column                                           Liturgies of the Week
                                                          Saturday, March 6-Third Sunday of Lent
             From the Diocese:                            Baileys Harbor-7:30 am-TF     †John Joseph Moran
                                                          Washington Island-10:30 am-TF Stella Maris Parish
                                                          Fish Creek-4:00 pm-TF         †Dick Brisch
              Monday, March 8                             Sunday, March 7-Third Sunday of Lent
                                                          Baileys Harbor-8:00 am-TF     †Loretta Brauer
               6:30 - 8:00 PM                             Sister Bay-10:30 am-TF        †Arlene & Jack Champeau
                                                          Monday, March 8               No Services
                                                          Tuesday, March 9
Dear Friends in Christ,                                   Egg Harbor 8:00 am-TF         †Paul Muckerman
                                                          Wednesday, March 10
                                                          Sister Bay 8:00 am-TF         †Mary Ellen Martin
Last October, we joined over 500 participants from        Thursday, March 11
all across the diocese and around the country for "A      Jacksonport-8:00 am-TF        †Marie & Carl Orthober
Night of Hope," a virtual retreat with Bishop Rick-       Friday, March 12
en. The evening was a prayerful experience of the         Baileys Harbor 8:00 am-TF     †Deceased Members of the
comfort, hope and love of Jesus Christ.                                                 Heck Family
                                                          Saturday, March 13-Fourth Sunday of Lent
                                                          Washington Island-10:30 am-TF Stella Maris Parish
Psalm 34:18 reassures us, “The Lord is near to the        Fish Creek-4:00 pm-TF         †Lori Harrison
brokenhearted.” We all need a reason to hope and          Sunday, March 14-Fourth Sunday of Lent
to be reminded that Jesus is the ultimate reason for      Baileys Harbor-8:00 am-TF     †Brad Alberts
hope.                                                     Sister Bay-10:30 am-TF        †open
                                                                             TF=Fr. Thomas Farrell
As we enter more deeply into this Lenten season, we
are reminded to seek that light in the darkness and to
keep our eyes fixed on Jesus. Lent is a beautiful
time to turn our gaze toward the hope of the Resur-                         Andrew Nocker-Sister Bay
rection and to allow ourselves to be loved by God.

On Monday, March 8, from 6:30 to 8:00 pm, all
are invited to participate in another virtual evening
retreat called "Pause, Praise & Prayer" with Bishop                      Readings of the Week
David L. Ricken.
                                                         Sunday:      Ex 20:1-17 or 20:1-3, 7-8, 12-17/Ps 19:8,
The retreat will provide a moment to pause from all                   9, 10, 11 [Jn 6:68c]/1 Cor 1:22-25/
the busyness of the world, to praise our God in song                  Jn 2:13-25 or Ex 17:3-7/Ps 95:1-2, 6-7, 8-9
with one of our local parishes and to pray along with                 [8]/Rom 5:1-2, 5-8/Jn 4:5-42 or 4:5-15,
                                                                      19b-26, 39a, 40-42
several religious orders throughout the diocese who
                                                         Monday:      2 Kgs 5:1-15ab/Ps 42:2, 3; 43:3, 4 [cf
will be interceding on our behalf.
                                                                      42:3]/Lk 4:24-30
                                                         Tuesday:     Dn 3:25, 34-43/Ps 25:4-5ab, 6 and 7bc, 8-9
Bishop Ricken reminds us that “God’s healing mer-                     [6a]/Mt 18:21-35
cy and light is open to us if we approach him with       Wednesday: Dt 4:1, 5-9/Ps 147:12-13, 15-16, 19-20]/Mt
an open heart. He wants to love us, to free us and to                 5:17-19
give us hope.” Wherever you are on your journey          Thursday: Jer 7:23-28/Ps 95:1-2, 6-7, 8-9 [8]/Lk
of faith, all are welcome.                                            11:14-23
                                                         Friday:      Hos 14:2-10/Ps 81:6c-8a, 8bc-9, 10-11ab,
To register, please go to                        14 and 17 [cf. 11 and 9a]/Mk 12:28-34
                                                         Saturday:    Hos 6:1-6/Ps 51:3-4, 18-19, 20-21ab [cf.
                                                                      Hos 6:6]/Lk 18:9-14
                                                         Next Sunday: 2 Chr 36:14-16, 19-23/Ps 137:1-2, 3, 4-5, 6
                                                                      [6ab]/Eph 2:4-10/Jn 3:14-21 or 1 Sm
                                                                      16:1b, 6-7, 10-13a/Ps 23:1-3a, 3b-4m 5, 6
                                                                      [1]/Eph 5:8-14/Jn 9:1-41 or 9:1, 6-9,
                                                                      13-17, 34-38
Third Sunday of Lent-March 7, 2021 6|

Pastor Thomas J. Farrell                                            Parish Membership            day’s after 8:00 am Mass or by
Via text @ (920) 217-8155                                     Stella Maris Parish is delighted   appointment by texting (920)
                                                              when new people want to join       217-8155.
Egg Harbor Office (920) 868-3241                              our parish and gladly wel-
PO Box 49, 7710 State Hwy 42,                                 comes them into our faith com-     Sacrament of Matrimony
Egg Harbor, WI 54209                                          munity. Contact the parish of-   A faith-filled wedding is a joy-
E-mail:                            fice.                            ful time for the couple and the
Fax (920) 868-1481                                                                             parish. Our parish wants to
Web site:                                    Infant Baptism          have all weddings here be the
Office hours: (Mon-Fri) 8:00-12:00 & 12:30-4:30               The baptism of new babies and best possible. The couple must
                                                              young children revitalizes our meet with the pastor before a
Pastoral Associate Becky Nash                                 faith community. Please con- date can be reserved. Please (920) 421-3332                         tact the parish office to make   contact the parish office at
                                                              arrangements for baptism.        least 12 months in advance to
Director of Worship and Music-Katrina Welborn                                                  begin preparation.                                                 Adult Initiation
Business Manager-Deacon Tony Abts                             The Catholic Church is always          Ministry to the Sick                                          enriched whenever any adult      Everyone needs extra compas-
                                                              chooses to be Catholic. Adults sion and care when his or her
Bookkeeper/LoSEC (Local Safe Environment Coordinator)         wishing to be baptized, or bap- health is not at its best. As a
Jim Slomski                                tized adults wishing to be con- parish, we try to meet that
                                                              firmed, the RCIA program is      need. Communal anointing
Receptionist/Secretary/Bulletin Editor                        available.                       Masses take place twice yearly,
Lorie Orthober                                                      with individual anointing done
Normal Bulletin Deadline for Articles - Tuesday, 9am                    Reconciliation         when requested. Parishioners
Faith Formation Coordinator-Linda Cummer                      God’s great mercy is some-       in the hospital, nursing home (920) 421-2195                          thing to be celebrated. Ritually or other institution are encour-
                                                              we Catholics experience God’s aged to notify the office to
Maintenance Coordinator-Jim Charles                           unconditional love in the sacra- arrange for visits or commun-
(920) 493-4089                                                ment of reconciliation. Our      ion.
                                                              pastor is available on Wednes-
Wedding Coordinator-Pat Gureski                                               Stella Maris Parish “Star of the Sea” Endowment
                                                                 For a perpetual Catholic presence in northern Door County
Secretary Trustee-Michelle Piatek                                                Forms of Giving
Treasurer Trustee-Garey Bies                                   There are many options when you are considering making a                                           gift to this endowment fund. The parish will accept money,
Pastoral Council Chair-Sharon Brabson                          appreciated stock, retirement account distributions, donor-                                        directed gifts through a community fund, or estate distribu-
                                                               tions. More information about making a gift may be found on
Finance Council Chair-Chuck Germain                            the parish website or by speaking with one of the Endowment                                         committee members.
                                                               Thank you for your support of this important Parish effort!
Worship-Administrative Coordinator-Washington Island-
(920) 847-2289
                                                                Offertory Contributions–Feb. 27-28 2021
                                                                                           Actual            Budget
                                                                       Envelopes           $ 4,299.00        $ 4,000.00
                                                                       ACH                 $                 $
                                                                       WeShare             $ 965.00          $ 600.00
                                                                       Offertory           $ 493.00          $ 1,500.00
                                                                Totals                     $ 5,757.00        $ 6,100.00

Please cut out this coupon and present it next time                    2020/21     Actual YTD             $400,181.00
                                                                       2020/21     Budget YTD             $399,200.00
you Patronize One of our Advertisers.                                  2019/20     Actual YTD             $456,466.00
                                                                              Total Attendance last week-193
                      Thank You
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