The future for Afghanistan under the Taliban - THE MIDDLE EAST, BETTER EXPLAINED - Arab News

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The future for
under the Taliban

The future for Afghanistan
under the Taliban

                      Ali Ahmad Jalali is the former interior minister of Afghanistan                  Mark C. Donfried is director
                      and a Distinguished Professor at the Near East South Asia Center                 of the Academy for Cultural
                      for Strategic Studies of the National Defense University                         Diplomacy in Berlin

              he return of the Taliban to                   such as measles and polio.
              power in Afghanistan brings                    “Education and social services are on the
              monumental changes in the                     brink of collapse and millions of children —
              context of regional security.                 especially girls — are out of school. Over half
              While the country faces deep-                 of all Afghans also face extreme hunger as the
ening economic and humanitarian crises,                     country experiences its worst drought in two
outsiders are concerned about whether                       decades, pushing nine million people closer
the Taliban government is able, and will-                   to famine.”
ing, to avert instability and the renascent                  Guterres warned of an imminent danger
threat of terrorism in the region.                          that the country could “go into a free fall” and    The Taliban
                                                            lose “30 percent of its gross domestic product     can either try
Six months after the Taliban’s takeover of                  within the year.” As the Afghan economy              to gain the
Kabul, “Afghanistan is hanging by a thread,”                declines at great speed, the human rights
Antonio Guterres, the secretary-general of                  situation is quickly worsening, with women
                                                                                                                    of the
the UN, said during a meeting of the Security               and girls “once again shut off outside offices
Council on Jan. 26, 2022.                                   and classrooms, and years of steady progress
 “Afghans are now in the grips of a brutal                  lost in the blink of an eye.”
winter, many huddling in makeshift                                                                             or continue to
tents under plastic sheets,” he continued.                  DOMESTIC AND REGIONAL                              rule alone but
“Ambulances and hospital power generators                   IMPLICATIONS                                        risk falling
are running dry because of skyrocketing                     In Afghanistan, the Taliban takeover has             into a deep
fuel prices, while civilians are suffering from             been marked by periods of relative calm               economic
COVID-19 alongside preventable diseases                     punctuated by spectacular terror attacks,               crisis.
mostly claimed by an assertive Islamic State       A Taliban delegation              which defines their strategic behavior
                                                   is visiting Oslo
Khorasan Province. The breakdown of state          for meetings
                                                                                     domestically as well as in their relationship
institutions and the lack of the Taliban’s         with Norwegian                    with the outside world.
                                                   officials and
capacity to govern has created a deepening         Afghan civil society               Although the Taliban has shown some
economic and humanitarian crisis.                  representatives                   symbolic changes3 in its behavior, the shifts
                                                   focused on the
  According to a recent United Nations             humanitarian                      are disproportionate to the changes that
Development Program report, 97 percent of          situation in                      had taken place during the past two decades
                                                   Afghanistan and
the country’s population of 38 million is at       human rights. AFP                 in Afghanistan4. Months after their return
risk of sinking into poverty, while about 23                                         to power the Taliban is yet to deliver on its
million people are in desperate need of food1.                                       rhetoric to form an inclusive government,
The country is faced with human insecurity                                           respect human rights and reign in
and threats to sustainable peace. Daily,                                             extremist groups5.
thousands of people are leaving the country                                           The Taliban’s interim government is
or planning to leave2.                                                               exclusively composed of ethnic Pashtun
  Regionally, the Taliban victory has not only                                       Taliban officials6 7, dominated by loyal
emboldened violent extremist groups in                                               Pakistani extremist Haqani network leaders.
the region but also invigorated the Islamist                                         The more independent Taliban elements,
agenda across diverse sociopolitical contexts.                                       and those who spearheaded the peace
Continued instability and loss of foreign aid                                        negotiations, are marginalized. Yet the Taliban
could promote an illegal economy and illicit                                         claims that the current cabinet meets the
drug trade, and drive refugees across the        THE MIDDLE EAST, BETTER EXPLAINED   requirements of an inclusive government8.
region. The level of such regional fallout is                                         During the past several months, at half a
linked to the Taliban’s ideological vision,                                          dozen international gatherings, neighboring
Afghanistan’s                       states plus the US, Russia and China have           organizations15. The Taliban seeks
government and
the United Nations
                                    called on the Taliban to work with other            international recognition not only to ease
launched a 404-million              groups to build an inclusive government             sanctions and receive financial assistance,
dollar appeal on July 9
to help feed 4.5 million            that respects the rights of all Afghans, and        but also to help its domestic legitimacy and
vulnerable Afghans.                 to give equal rights to women and girls for         consolidation of power16.
                                    participation in all levels of society9 10.           The front-line nations, in other words
                                      Other international demands include               Afghanistan’s near and regional neighbors,
                                    that the Taliban upholds international              have displayed greater urgency in engaging
                                    legal obligations, including the universally        the Taliban than other international
                                    accepted principles of international law and        stakeholders, for obvious reasons:
                                    human rights, and protects the security and         The presence of regional terrorist
                                    legitimate rights of foreign nationals and          groups in Afghanistan that might target
                                    institutions in Afghanistan.                        neighboring countries plus regional trade
                                      The question is whether the Taliban               and economic ties.
                                    government is able and willing to respond to          The World Bank said that “Afghanistan’s
                                    these demands and prevent jihadist groups           biggest economic challenge is finding
                                    from using Afghan territory to launch attacks       sustainable sources of growth.” To date,
                                    in the region and beyond.                           the World Bank has committed more than
                                      There are certain constraints that influence      $5.3 billion for development projects in the
                                    the Taliban’s ability to address emerging           country; however, all funding is now frozen17.
                                    issues such as ideological commitments, deep          If the Taliban continues to lead Afghanistan
                                    ties with global jihadists, the pressing need to    into further international isolation, the
                                    control many actual and potential opposition        country is likely to face depreciation of its
                                    forces, and placating its ideologically inspired    currency, inflation, and shortages of critical
                                    base, in addition to internal ideological,          household goods, including food and fuel
                                    political and regional differences11.               (about 80 percent of electricity, between 20
                                      Taliban fighters come from various parts          and 40 percent of wheat, and nearly all fuel
                                    of the country, each beholden to their              oil is imported). According the World Bank:
                                    immediate commanders, allowing ISIS-K12             “Ten million Afghans are vulnerable to falling
                                    to stage attacks easily. If these constraints       into poverty, living with incomes between
                                    continue to influence Taliban behavior, it will     one and 1.5 times the poverty line (about
                                    be hard to stabilize the country and prevent        $0.94 per person per day).18”
                                    violent extremist groups from extending their         During a UN Security Council meeting on
                                    activities across the border. So far, the Taliban   Jan. 26, 2022, China’s representative called
                                    government has failed to contain ISIS-K13.          for an “end to all unilateral sanctions,” which
                                    Public discontent might create additional           he said have “frozen $9 billion and severely
                                    resistance groups or reinforce existing ones.       hindered Afghanistan’s access to financing.”
                                    There are unconfirmed reports that some             He urged the international community to
                                    former government soldiers, who found               explore further options to inject liquidity.
                                    themselves unemployed overnight when the              Iran, Pakistan, Russia and countries in
                                    Taliban seized power, and other aggrieved           Central Asia have called for the world to
                                    groups are being recruited by ISIS-K. This          engage with the Taliban19 and unfreeze
                                    reminds us of the consequences of the de-           Afghan funds in US and other international
                                    Baathification of the Iraqi army in 2003.           institutions to help Afghanistan overcome
                                                                                        a pending disaster and instability. Pakistan
                                    THE INTERNATIONAL                                   persistently insists that engagement with the
                                    RESPONSE                                            Taliban government would help to promote
                                    No country, including its all-seasons patron        peace, sustainable economic development
                                    Pakistan, has recognized the Taliban                and constrain the space for terrorist outfits
                                    government, pending signs of responsible            in the country 20. International recognition
                                    behavior in its domestic politics and foreign       and the lifting of sanctions, they argue, can
                                    relations14. However, international donors          encourage the Taliban to moderate.
THE MIDDLE EAST, BETTER EXPLAINED   are delivering emergency aid to the desperate         The question is whether withholding
                                    Afghan population through UN agencies and           official recognition and aid should be used
                                    other humanitarian and nongovernmental              as leverage to force change, or a gradual
behavioral shift should be sought through            What the international community should          A man shovels snow
                                                                                                      from a pathway in
recognition and engagement with the Taliban         do is maintain foreign humanitarian aid           Kabul on January 2,
government. Using leverage will help only,          and increase the amounts in specific areas        2020. AFP

as US Special Representative for Afghanistan        to support the Afghan population. It should
Thomas West put it, if the international            set up a fundraising campaign to help
community “speak with one voice and act             nongovernmental organizations, who need
with common purpose 21.” Otherwise, the             resources to provide sufficient aid and
Taliban might seek to separate different            carry out existing and new projects. In the
stake holders.                                      future, the international community could
                                                    send teams to rural regions to inspect the
THE FUTURE FOR                                      improvements that have been made and
AFGHANISTAN                                         report back on them.
As things stand, the Taliban is isolated from
the international community, the majority           THE NEED TO REVIVE THE
of the members of its cabinet have specific         BROKEN PEACE PROCESS
sanctions imposed on them, no international         The complexities of the situation
recognition exists and all foreign aid has          in Afghanistan require that a new,
been cut. The Taliban therefore has two             internationally supported peace process be
main strategies to choose between to                launched to achieve reconciliation among the
move forward: It can either try to gain the         Afghans and encourage a stable government
acceptance of the international community or        that can withstand the current economic
continue to rule alone but risk falling into a      crisis and gain domestic legitimacy. The
deep economic crisis.                               process should also aim to contain violent
  There is therefore an opportunity for the         extremist groups through the establishment
international community to convince the             of a regional support mechanism for peace
Taliban that even if intentions and motives         and stability in Afghanistan.
are different, its best option in any scenario is     During the US and NATO presence in
to be a responsible government and choose           Afghanistan, international forces took the
the first option. The Taliban must create           lead in counterterrorism operations, with
an inclusive government representative              regional actors in a supporting role. In the
of all parts of Afghanistan and all Afghan          aftermath of the US withdrawal, these roles
communities, and ensure all groups are              might have to reverse — the region leading
included in policy decisions. It must protect       while the US supports. This means that
and uphold women’s rights and human rights.         regional powers, including Pakistan, China,
It must take action against terrorist groups        Iran, Russia, and the Gulf States, would
only with the support of the local population.      have to do the heavy lifting to ensure that
  If the Taliban rejects this and chooses the       Afghanistan does not regress into a global
second option, Afghanistan will surely fall         militant sanctuary, destabilizing the region as
into a deep economic crisis that will spiral        well as itself.
the country into a humanitarian disaster              Moreover, the international community
affecting millions of people, including one         must come to an agreement that will lead to
million children, the prime minister of             concrete negotiations. The recent meeting
Norway, Jonas Gahr Støre, told reporters on         between Western diplomats and Taliban
Jan. 26, 2022, ahead of the 8,954th meeting         delegations in Oslo in late January 2022
of the UN Security Council on the situation in      marked the beginning of a new chapter
Afghanistan 22.                                     and the start of a meaningful dialogue for
  Without any significant action from the           the Taliban to understand the needs of the
international community, the situation in           international community 23.
Afghanistan might deteriorate, the terrorist          International gatherings must continue to
attacks that followed the takeover by the           be organized in response to the evolution of
Taliban will not end, boundaries will be            the situation in Afghanistan, and to ensure
crossed, malnutrition will increase, the            that the Taliban is still making efforts to
economic crisis will affect the purchasing          maintain a supportive government for the          THE MIDDLE EAST, BETTER EXPLAINED

capabilities of Afghan people, and human            development, prosperity and safety of the
rights will not be respected.                       Afghan people.
1. United Nations Development Programme.      
(UNDP, 2021). Economic Instability and                  taliban-isk-rivalry
Uncertainty in Afghanistan after August 15
: A Rapid Appraisal.               13. Jadoon, A., Sayed, A., & Willis, C. Mines, A
org/content/afghanistan/en/home/library/                (CTC Sentinel, 2022). The Islamic State Threat in
knowledge-products/UNDP-report.html                     Taliban Afghanistan: Tracing the Resurgence of
                                                        Islamic State Khorasan
2. Latifi, A.M. (Al Jazeera, 2021). Afghans desperate
to leave country remain stuck at Kabul Airport.         14. Saul, B. (ICCT, 2021). “recognition” and the               Taliban’s International Legal Status. https://icct.
afghans-desperate-to-leave-country-remain-              nl/publication/recognition-talibans-international-
stuck-at-airport 8                                      legal-status/

3. Ruttig, T. (CT Sentinel, 2021). Have the Taliban     15. Menon, S. (BBC News, 2021). Afghanistan: What
Changed?. P. 1-15.                                      humanitarian aid is getting in? BBC News. https://
4. Ahmad Seir, R.F. (AP News, 2021). Taliban
vow to respect women, despite history of                16. Sahrasad, H., Chaidar, A., Bayhaki, I., Tabrani,
oppression.                 D., Mulky, M. A., & Ridwan, M. (Budapest
afghanistan-taliban-kabul-1d4b052ccef113adc8dc          International Research and Critics Institute, 2021).
94f965ff23c7                                            Taliban in Afghanistan, Present and Future: In
                                                        Search of an Inclusive, Peaceful, Welfare and
5. Human Rights Watch. (Human Rights                    Sovereign Nation State?
Watch, 2022). Afghanistan: Taliban takeover
worsens rights crisis.             17. The World Bank (The World Bank, 2021).
news/2022/01/13/afghanistan-taliban-takeover-           Afghanistan Country Report. https://www.
6. BBC News. (BBC News, 2021). Hardliners get
key posts in new Taliban government. https://           18. Ibid.
                                                        19. Roth, A., Ellis-Petersen, H., & Ni, V. (The
7.Gannon, K. (AP News, 2021). Taliban form all-         Guardian, 2021). China, Pakistan and Russia
male Afghan government of Old Guard members.            set to increase Afghanistan influence. https://
afghanistan-arrests-islamabad-d50b1b490d27d32           china-russia-pakistan-expect-increase-influence-
eb20cc11b77c12c87                                       afghanistan

8. Sajid, I. (Anadolu Agency, 2021). Taliban have       20. Constable, P., & Khan, H.N. (The Washington
all-inclusive government in Afghanistan, claims         Post, 2021). Pakistan calls for engagement
acting foreign minister.            with Taliban as West highlights concerns of
tr/en/asia-pacific/taliban-have-all-inclusive-          abuse.
government-in-afghanistan-claims-acting-foreign-        world/asia_pacific/pakistan-afghanistan-
minister/2419061                                        taliban/2021/09/17/399a0492-1709-11ec-a019-
                                                        cb193b28aa73_story.html /
9. Deutsche Welle. (Deutsche Welle, 2021). US,
Germany call for inclusive Taliban government.          21. ANI NEWS (ANI News, 2021). US envoy              discusses shared interests in Afghanistan with
inclusive-taliban-government/av-59128138                Russian diplomats in Moscow. https://www.
10. Tanzeem, A. (Voice of America, 2021).               shared-interests-in-afghanistan-with-russian-
Russia, China, Pakistan push Taliban toward             diplomats-in-moscow20211116103049/
russia-china-pakistan-push-taliban-toward-               22. Youtube (United Nations, 2022) Prime
inclusivity/6240971.html                                Minister of Norway, H.E. Mr. Jonas Gahr
                                                        Støre, addressing reporters at the Security
11. Sahrasad, H., Chaidar, A., Bayhaki, I., Tabrani,    Council Stakeout ahead of the 8954th meeting
D., Mulky, M. A., & Ridwan, M. (Budapest                of the UN Security Council on the situation
International Research and Critics Institute, 2021).    in Afghanistan.
Taliban in Afghanistan, Present and Future: In          watch?v=kokPwQdDRl4
Search of an Inclusive, Peaceful, Welfare and
Sovereign Nation State?                                 23. MENAFN. (MENAFN, 2022). West finding
                                                        ways to work with the Taliban. West finding            THE MIDDLE EAST, BETTER EXPLAINED
12. Mines, A., Jadoon, A & Willis, C. (The              ways to work with the Taliban. https://menafn.
Interpreter, 2021). The evolving Taliban-               com/1103606012/West-finding-ways-to-work-
ISK rivalry. The Interpreter. https://www.              with-the-Taliban&source=28
Ahmad Seir, R.F. (AP News, 2021). Taliban     MENAFN. (MENAFN, 2022). West finding
vow to respect women, despite history of      ways to work with the Taliban. West finding
oppression.       ways to work with the Taliban. https://
8dc94f965ff23c7                               ways-to-work-with-the-Taliban&source=28

ANI NEWS (ANI News, 2021). US envoy           Menon, S. (BBC News, 2021). Afghanistan:
discusses shared interests in Afghanistan     What humanitarian aid is getting in? BBC
with Russian diplomats in Moscow. https://    News.               asia-59518628
afghanistan-with-russian-diplomats-in-        Mines, A., Jadoon, A & Willis, C. (The
moscow20211116103049/                         Interpreter, 2021). The evolving Taliban-
                                              ISK rivalry. The Interpreter. https://www.
BBC News. (BBC News, 2021). Hardliners
get key posts in new Taliban government.      taliban-isk-rivalry
asia-58479750                                 Roth, A., Ellis-Petersen, H., & Ni, V. (The
                                              Guardian, 2021). China, Pakistan and Russia
Constable, P., & Khan, H.N. (The              set to increase Afghanistan influence. https://
Washington Post, 2021). Pakistan calls
for engagement with Taliban as West           china-russia-pakistan-expect-increase-
highlights concerns of abuse. https://        influence-afghanistan
asia_pacific/pakistan-afghanistan-            Ruttig, T. (CT Sentinel, 2021). Have the
taliban/2021/09/17/399a0492-1709-11ec-a019-   Taliban Changed?. P. 1-15.
cb193b28aa73_story.html                       Human Rights Watch. (Human Rights
                                              Watch, 2022). Afghanistan: Taliban takeover
Deutsche Welle. (Deutsche Welle, 2021).       worsens rights crisis. https://www.hrw.
US, Germany call for inclusive Taliban        org/news/2022/01/13/afghanistan-taliban-
government.            takeover-worsens-rights-crisis
government/av-59128138                        Sahrasad, H., Chaidar, A., Bayhaki, I.,
                                              Tabrani, D., Mulky, M. A., & Ridwan, M.
Gannon, K. (AP News, 2021). Taliban form      (Budapest International Research and Critics
all-male Afghan government of Old Guard       Institute, 2021). Taliban in Afghanistan,
members.          Present and Future: In Search of an Inclusive,
middle-east-pakistan-afghanistan-arrests-     Peaceful, Welfare and Sovereign Nation
islamabad-d50b1b490d27d32eb20cc11b77c1        State?
                                              Sajid, I. (Anadolu Agency, 2021). Taliban
Jadoon, A., Sayed, A., & Willis, C. Mines,    have all-inclusive government in
A (CTC Sentinel, 2022). The Islamic State     Afghanistan, claims acting foreign minister.
Threat in Taliban Afghanistan: Tracing the
Resurgence of Islamic State Khorasan.         taliban-have-all-inclusive-government-
Latifi, A.M. (Al Jazeera, 2021). Afghans      minister/2419061
desperate to leave country remain
stuck at Kabul Airport. https://www.          Saul, B. (ICCT, 2021). “recognition” and the         Taliban’s International Legal Status. https://    THE MIDDLE EAST, BETTER EXPLAINED

at-airport                                    international-legal-status/
Tanzeem, A. (Voice of America, 2021).         Instability and Uncertainty in Afghanistan
Russia, China, Pakistan push Taliban toward   after August 15 : A Rapid Appraisal. https://
russia-china-pakistan-push-taliban-toward-    home/library/knowledge-products/UNDP-
inclusivity/6240971.html                      report.html

The World Bank (The World Bank, 2021).        Youtube (United Nations, 2022) Prime
Afghanistan Country Report. https://www.      Minister of Norway, H.E. Mr. Jonas Gahr         Støre, addressing reporters at the Security
overview#1                                    Council Stakeout ahead of the 8954th
                                              meeting of the UN Security Council on
United Nations Development                    the situation in Afghanistan. https://www.
Programme. (UNDP, 2021). Economic   

                                                                                              THE MIDDLE EAST, BETTER EXPLAINED
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