The Innovative Marketing Strategies of MTN Cameroon

American Journal of Operations Management and Information Systems
2021; 6(2): 16-20
doi: 10.11648/j.ajomis.20210602.11
ISSN: 2578-8302 (Print); ISSN: 2578-8310 (Online)

The Innovative Marketing Strategies of MTN Cameroon
Francis Mbah Takwi, Atingwa Corlence, Vivian Neba Akosso, Bejanga Sharon, Kiven Cynthia
Faculty of Business Management and Sustainability, Information and Communication Technology University USA, Yaounde, Cameroon

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To cite this article:
Francis Mbah Takwi, Atingwa Corlence, Vivian Neba Akosso, Bejanga Sharon, Kiven Cynthia. The Innovative Marketing Strategies of MTN
Cameroon. American Journal of Operations Management and Information Systems. Vol. 6, No. 2, 2021, pp. 16-20.
doi: 10.11648/j.ajomis.20210602.11

Received: September 29, 2020; Accepted: October 19, 2020; Published: June 3, 2021

Abstract: A successful marketing strategy must tell an organization where there will want to be on a long term basis that is
why is is often said that marketing strategy is a continuous process. Marketing strategy is seen as the business logic in which a
firm can achieve its performance in the business organization there is no activity where the marketer must not therefore make a
right decision about the four marketing mis strategies which is the price the product place or distribution and the promotion.
This strategies must be done to ensure that a product performs it objectives in the market. Mobile cellular networks have
revolutionized the communication sector to the extent that mobile phones have become the most preferred method of
communication across the globe. MTN Cameroon was the second mobile telephone company established in year 2000. It is a
private institution and it enjoyed its existence without a major competitor till the Emergence of it competitors Orange and
Nextel. However MTN have been involved is very serious market strategies outsmarting one another in the process. The
difference in their market strategies could better explain such margins. This assertion would better be justified through an in-
depth research on the marketing strategies of MTN Cameroon and the impact they have had on their company. MTN great
market share and potential and equally its productivity in business all through this long period of time and comparative
advantage over time and maintenance of this position as telecommunications leader can logically be attributed to the mind
blowing marketing strategies that this company uses, its marketing strategy and equally the advertisement secures the market
shares and hence one can logically conclude say from the analysis of our case study- MTN Cameroon that good marketing
strategies and equally positive good practices ensures the performance of the company and hence success both in the short and
long run alongside a greater market share and comparative advantage over all other.
Keywords: Marketing Mix, Strategic Marketing, Business Innovation, MTN

                                                                    networks in Cameroon, mobile phones have become the most
1. Introduction                                                     preferred method of communication by the majority of
   This article elaborates the product, pricing, advertising &      Cameroonians. This is because of easy accessibility and
distribution strategies and other strategies like grow of new       convenience making the transfer of information very quick.
services, improve customer service, performance through             MTN was the second mobile company to come to Cameroon
marketing intelligence, aggressive brand visibility, free           and started its operations in the year 2000. The coming of
bundles and MTN services. All this strategies are used by           Orange      and    Nextel    networks      has   cause    the
MTN and hence their organizational performance. [2]                 telecommunications to involve in a tense competition to the
   Research in telecommunication sector in Cameroon is              extent that MTN has overtaken in terms of market share. [3]
probably long overdue as telecommunication is now the hub              It should also be pointed out that the market war between
for the economic development of the country. It is one of the       the telecommunication companies has been fought mainly
most important factors that drive trade and economy in              along their marketing strategies. As such their growth,
general. The Invention of mobile phones has been a                  success or failure can best be explained in terms of their
milestone in the telecommunication industry. Since the              marketing strategies. Johnson observes that marketing is
introduction of CAMTEL, MTN, ORANGE AND NEXTEL                      accountable for the present and responsible for the future
17                         Francis Mbah Takwi et al.: The Innovative Marketing Strategies of MTN Cameroon

growth and success of an organization [6]. This is why this         has imposed itself as the leader of the electronic
study concentrates much on the marketing strategies of MTN          communications market in Cameroon because of it products
CAMEROON mobile company to ascertain how they have                  and services and also recorded an exponential increase of
contributed to their performance over the years [12].               26.25% in its customer base, with nearly 2 million new
   Strategic marketing management: is a method through              subscribers gained in fiscal year 2019. With 10.1 million
which an organisation differentiates itself from its                subscribers and 49.5% market share as of 31 December 2019,
competition by focusing on its strengths to provide better          MTN is the undisputed leader in the Electronic
service and value to its customers. In a nutshell, the goal of      Communications sector in Cameroon. This solid performance
strategic marketing is to make the most of an organization’s        is the result of the customer-oriented strategy implemented
positive differentiation over its competition through the           by the company with major investments in network
consumers’. Organizational performance comprises the                expansion and quality improvement. The company has also
actual output or results of an organization as measured             placed special emphasis on the development of its mobile
against its intended outputs (or goals and objectives). [8]         money business which is today not only the most available
                                                                    and secure mobile wallet in Cameroon. Commenting on the
1.1. Problem Statement                                              publication of the annual results, Hendrik Kasteel, Chief
   Mobile cellular networks have revolutionized the                 Executive Officer of MTN Cameroon said: “Thanks to the
communication sector to the extent that mobile phones have          confidence of our clients and extraordinary commitment of
become the most preferred method of communication across            all our teams, we have been able to achieve a very good
the globe. MTN Cameroon was the second mobile telephone             performance in a difficult environment. With 10 million
company established in year 2000. [4] It is a private               subscribers and improved positive performance quarter after
institution and it enjoyed its existence without a major            quarter since the end of 2018, MTN Cameroon is now well
competitor till the Emergence of it competitors Orange and          positioned to enter a new phase of growth. In 2020, as we
Nextel. However MTN have been involved is very serious              celebrate 20 years of presence in Cameroon, the company is
market strategies outsmarting one another in the process. The       committed to bring more value to its customers so that they
difference in their market strategies could better explain such     are more satisfied and prouder to be part of the largest
margins. This assertion would better be justified through an        community in Cameroon. Equally, we plan on continuing to
in-depth research on the marketing strategies of MTN                invest in order to drive Cameroon’s digital agenda. [13]
Cameroon and the impact they have had on their company.
                                                                    2. Methodology
1.2. Objectives of the Study
                                                                      Research methodology is a systematic means to solve a
   The aim of this research is to assess the role of marketing     problem or give an answer to a question. It is essential for the
strategies on the performance of MTN Cameroon through a            researcher to design a methodology for the problem chosen.
comparative study of the business strategies of the company.       It is science of studying how research is to be carried out.
It is believed that the growth and success of every company        Mainly research methodology describes how data are
depends on their marketing strategies.                             collected, what tools are used for this purpose and from
   The specific objectives of the research were:                   whom the data are collected. Thus, this section contains
   To understand the marketing strategies of MTN Cameroon          research design, data collection, sample selection and
   To assess customers‟ response to the implementation of          procedure for data analysis. [1]
marketing strategies.                                                 The designed used for this research is an approach of
   To assess the impact of marketing strategies on the             quantitative method. The design is based on following the
performance of MTN Cameroon                                        techniques of quantitative method. A structured question survey
1.3. Research Questions                                            method is applied in this study. Quantitative research refers to
                                                                   the systematic empirical investigation of social phenomena via
     The following were the research questions for the study:      statistical, mathematical or numerical data or computational
     1. What are main strategies used by MTN                       techniques. In layman's terms, this means that the quantitative
     2. How have the subscribers responded to different            researcher asks a specific, narrow question and collects a sample
        marketing strategies employed by MTN                       of numerical data from participants to answer the question. The
     3. What has been the impact of the marketing strategies on    researcher analyzes the data with the help of statistics. [7]
        the overall performance of MTM                                Quantitative research is often contrasted with qualitative
     4. What is their marketing intelligence strategies            research, which is the examination, analysis and
                                                                   interpretation of observations for the purpose of discovering
1.4. Strategic Evolution of MTN                                    underlying meanings and patterns of relationships, including
  MTN Cameroon (MTN) is a subsidiary of the MTN Group              classifications of types of phenomena and entities, in a
created on 15 February 2000, following the acquisition by          manner that does not involve mathematical models.
MTN International of the first mobile operator in Cameroon,           Among different alternative categories of research, survey
CAMTEL Mobile. In 20 years of activity, MTN Cameroon               method with unstructured interviews was applied in this
American Journal of Operations Management and Information Systems 2021; 6(2): 16-20                        18

study which was quite difficult in getting due to the COVID-         and even hosting events usually with huge grand prizes that
19 pandemic which is spreading daily. This is the interview          attracted new subscribers. MTN is also very good with
guide was use to probe into the marketing strategies of MTN          distribution strategies. It was able to cover a wide population
Cameroon. [9]                                                        than it rivals Nextel orange and even CAMTEL [12]
   This research is conducted based on Yaoundé Capital City             Significantly, marketing strategies are very essential for the
of Cameroon. Information of the study was collected from             growth and success of any company. This is more applicable to
random mobile users of Yaoundé municipality. The                     telecommunication industry which is usually marked by tense
population of the research is the entire people of Yaoundé           competition as network providers fight for subscribers. The
(Center Region) of Cameroon, to be more narrowly the                 aim of this study was to determine the role of marketing
people of Yaoundé 1 who are the user of MTN service. The             strategies in the performance of an organization using a
researcher has chosen random MTN clients for the research.           comparative study of MTN strategic marketing is a method
People from diverse age groups, occupation, gender, religion         through which an organisation differentiates itself from its
etc. that implies having diverse demographics and                    competition by focusing on its strengths to provide better
psychographic characteristics uses mobile communication for          service and value to its customers [11]. By and large, the goal
various communicative purpose. To conduct the survey                 of strategic marketing is to make the most of an organization’s
among population consists of mobile phone users, a sample            positive differentiation over its competition through the
of 110 users had been taken out.                                     consumers’ perspective. to achieve a great performance MTN
   The research conducted on the sample of 110 respondents           used the following marketing strategies. [2]
from the cities of Yaoundé. As this study chose to apply factor         Competitive tariffs and affordable prepaid bundles (mtn go
analysis, and 44 questions (14 for obtaining basic information       pan, MTN internet bundles, WhatsApp bundle, bundle sms,
about the mobile users and 30 questions for surveying their          blackberry offers, voice bundles)
opinions) of the questionnaire had been subjected to this analysis      A connection -focused distribution methodology
Taking acknowledge of the possibility of facing strict corporate        Continued development of electronic vouchers distribution
secrecy the questionnaire will not apply to the mobile operator      system
company but to mobile phone users only.                                 Aggressive brand visibility
   Measurement is often regarded as being only a means by               Improvement of customer services
which observations are expressed numerically in order to                Innovative technology and product development
investigate causal relations or associations. In order to make          Stimulate of usage through consumer and trade promotions
an effective quantitative research, the sample of 110                   Quality and product innovation to gain first mover advantage
respondents is being chosen. The sample was made on the                 Introduction of new pricing solutions such as bundles
basis of using various telecommunication operators’                     Performance Through Marketing Intelligence
connection. The sample mainly collected from Yaoundé. The               The goal of marketing intelligence is to understand what
respondent chose as random where discrimination in term of           happens outside the organization in order to increase
age, gender, race or ethnicity is completely avoided. Asking         competitiveness. Collecting all this intelligence can help in
questions and getting answer is a much harder task than it           decision making it also involves the business environment in
may seem at first The interview etiquette consists of                which the company fits and anything that can improve its
questions regarding the conditions of marketing myopia and           performance that includes products and services, competitors
how it is connected with Cameroon’s telecom industry                 customers and market segments. MTN Cameroon do
especially with MTN.                                                 marketing intelligence by sending agents to study the market
                                                                     this help them to know the products and services the
3. Key Findings                                                      customers needs and also how customers react to their
                                                                     services it also help them have a good knowledge about their
3.1. Marketing Strategies of MTN Cameroon                            current and potential customers. With marketing intelligence
                                                                     MTN also study his competitors and there are able to identify
   Marketing strategies as already observed, play a crucial          product differentiation and also acting fast in case of market
role in the overall performance of MTN Cameroon. A                   changes and also learning from the mistakes of their
remarkable impact is on the growth of the networks. Sound            competitors. there also identify what is missing in the market
marketing strategies have led MTN Cameroon to become the             and that the customer needs it that is why MTN come up with
market leader in terms of market share despite being second          new bundles to be able to satisfy their customers the
mobile company to start its operations in Cameroon after             knowledge of marketing intelligence has help the
CAMTEL [12]                                                          organization to identify points that can better explore the
   MTN’S success is attributed to its product strategies,            performance of the company [4].
promotional strategies and distribution strategies. MTN has             Marketing intelligence also enables sales by providing the
demonstrated that it is an innovative company by being the           business team with information content and tools to well
first to introduce MTN mobile money and services and the             more efficiently which improves performance.
company benefited a lot from first mover advantage. MTN is
also known for carrying out aggressive promotions advertising        3.1.1. Grow Sales of New Service
19                        Francis Mbah Takwi et al.: The Innovative Marketing Strategies of MTN Cameroon

   MTN is known for its advertising strategies so when there       Software and Enterprise Mobility. MTN also have made the
introduce a new product there do a good advertising by             customers use the Mobile Money, so that they can make
sending messages to customers about the product and its            allow the customers to shop online using this method. The
benefit. There also offer the service free to customers so that    company has tied up with various key players to get this
it will help them have a good knowledge about the product          services to the customers. MTN also have a lot of other
this helps to attract customers and potential customers to         services like the games, music, lifestyle services, etc. which
consume the product or service and as a result increase            is available in the MTN Play.
productivity [8].
                                                                  3.2.2. Distribution Strategies
3.1.2. Improve Customers Service                                     MTN has made its product available all through the countries
   MTN has improve on it customers service by giving them         of Africa and Middle East. We find that MTN makes sure that
ways to provide feedback by making phone calls and sending        the products are available to the customers readily irrespectively
messages to customers giving them contacts to call in case        of the places where they are. They form a reliable source and
there have difficulty. By creating means of feedback makes it     sufficient channels of distribution. They have an unaffected
easier for them to improve on customers needs. There also         source of services, so that they make their customers happy. This
ensure clear communications to customers by communicating         is a way of keeping the customers happy. MTN have the
to customers in both English and French and see to it that        recharge cards easily available to the people and also the same
there solve customers problems. there also send birthday          case with the other products of the company. The company
messages to their customers comedy, bible verses free             believes that the happy customers are the secret to the success of
airtime, free sms, free data. this improve in their customers     the company. MTN makes sure, that they provide a supply of
service leads to productivity. [3]                                continuous network to each and every customers it has. MTN
                                                                  also has an indirect chain of distribution since it products passed
3.2. Marketing Mix Strategies                                     through many channels before reaching the final consumer and
   The marketing strategies of MTN have been critical in the      there also send their products directly to the final consumer so
success of these company. MTN has a viable product                he uses both directions and indirect distribution channel MTN
strategies, aggressive promotions distribution strategies and     uses uses an intensive distribution by ensuring that he covers
pricing strategy. The marketing strategies of MTN IS              much of the market as it can. MTN has a upper hand in
concentrated on stimulating usage through sales promotion         distribution especially since it had better financial position than
and product innovation to gain first mover advantage, MTN         Other telecommunications in Cameroon. the selling of low cost
devised a multifaceted approach to marketing. Among others,       phones, free internet bundles, free airtime and free sms which
MTN concentrated on providing competitive tariffs,                are crucial in market penetration. Customers are satisfied with
connection based distribution, improved quality, customer         MTN distribution which gives them a lot of benefits. MTN
retention and customer services, and aggressive brand             shares a great deal in distribution channels since most
visibility among others. Some of the remarkable differences       distributors stock mostly MTN products and therefore increases
in marketing strategies and customer perception about the         productivity.
MTN are highlighted below.                                         3.2.3. Promotion Strategies and Advertising
3.2.1. Product Strategies                                             The promotional and advertising strategy in the MTN
   MTN has demonstrated to be more innovative than other           marketing strategy is as follows:
telecommunication companies in Cameroon since it is always            MTN has been promoting itself in a heavy way. They
the first to bring new products on the market. MTN has done        mainly use the posters. The areas of Africa are covered with
very well in product development strategy such as the              the hoardings. MTN have extensively marketed their brand.
innovation of products like…                                       The company makes sure that the people are aware of their
   1. MTN gift                                                     services. They are also promoting themselves through the
   2. Entertainment                                                word of mouth. They make the customers satisfied, that in
   3. Me2U transfer                                                turn makes the promotion indirectly. They also sponsor the
   4. Mobile money                                                 most popular game in the country, i.e. football. MTN make
   5. Biome                                                        sure the talents are nurtured properly. They sponsor the MTN
   6. MTN YAMO                                                     Joyous Celebration. This is a great way to promote them
   7. MTN prolongations                                            among the people. They are getting to know about the brand.
   8. MTN mobile                                                   In the cycling event they also have a good no of sponsorship
   9. MTN wanda                                                    encouraging the people to take up cycling as a part of fitness.
   10. MTN wanda net                                               These various activities are good enough for the promotion
   MTN have also introduced products like MTN Roam Like            of the company among the people. MTN Also has a very
Home, which allows the customer to use the services without        competitive advertising programs mainly on radios and
any kind of extra roaming cost. The business services also         television. There also print t shirt caps books pen and give to
has a lot of aspects like MTN Cloud, Infrastructure, Network,      their customers on promotion. MTN also uses the social
                                                                   media platform to do his promotions by posting videos on
American Journal of Operations Management and Information Systems 2021; 6(2): 16-20                           20

YouTube Facebook which makes its usage more fun. In                  4. Conclusion
addition to this MTN sponsors events like host artists and
football for customers experience which is both inbound to              From the a-for mentioned analyses and operations, bearing in
provide attendees with quality informations and valuable             mind MTN great market share and potential and equally its
content and also outbound in order to make the attendees buy         productivity in business all through this long period of time and
their products. [4]                                                  comparative advantage over time and maintenance of this
   Sale promotions are still very important in                       position as telecommunications leader can logically be attributed
telecommunication business. many subscribers enter                   to the mind blowing marketing strategies that this company uses,
promotional competitions. MTN also participate in sales              its marketing strategy and equally the advertisement secures the
promotions which encourages customers to buy more during             market shares and hence one can logically conclude say from
this promotions and hence more profit. MTN customers are             the analysis of our case study- MTN Cameroon that good
satisfied with sales promotion which increases consumption           marketing strategies and equally positive good practices ensures
of MTN products and lead to their productivity.                      the performance of the company and hence success both in the
                                                                     short and long run along side a greater market share and
3.2.4. Mtn Pricing Strategies                                        comparative advantage over all other.
   MTN has adopted a varying pricing structure in diverse
packages to satisfy the customers. The company not only looks
into the fact that they need to satisfy the customer, which is       References
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The company gives gifts to the customers and the employees
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Hence, this concludes the marketing mix of MTN.
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