The Leadership Styles of Nelson Mandela as a Pattern for African Leaders

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Covenant University Journal of Politics & Internationall Affairs. Vol. 8 No. 1, June 2020
                ISSN: p. 2354-3558 e. 2354-3493 DOI: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

                         Open Access Journal Available Online

     The Leadership Styles of Nelson Mandela as a
             Pattern for African Leaders

                         Dimas Garba & Dr. Isaac I. Akuva

  Department of Political Science, Federal University Dutsin-ma, Katsina State- Nigeria &,

                       Received: 16.05.2020 Accepted: 18.06.2020
                             Date of Publication: June, 2020

      Abstract: The paper discusses the leadership style of Nelson Mandela as a
      model for African leaders in a bid to addressing the challenge of leadership
      crisis in African. While secondary data was used to support the arguments in
      the paper, content analysis was used to analyze the data. The findings of the
      paper show that, Nelson Mandela was a selfless humanist anti-apartheid
      revolutionist who stood for equality, justice, peace and freedom. It was also
      found that Mandela was not power amok like other African leaders,
      Mandela’s insistence not to be in office for more than four years as the
      President of South Africa, his determination, spirit of forgiveness and
      willingness for reconciliation, were discovered to be responsible for
      Mandela’s exceptional leadership style in Africa. In the conclusion it is
      argued that the leadership style of Mandela was undoubted responsible for
      him being a leader par excellence in Africa. It is recommended that African
      leaders should be willing to immolate the leadership style of Mandela in
      order to resolve the leadership crises in Africa. If the African Union does not
      rise fast to promote the leadership style of Nelson Mandela among African
      leader, the continent will continue to experience the crisis of leadership that
      produces underdevelopment.
      Key Words: Leadership Style, Nelson Mandela, Leadership Model, African

Introduction                                            struggled for the freedom, justice and
Mandela was born in Mvezo on 18                         equality of South Africans from white
July 1918 and died on 5 December                        domination under the apartheid
2013. During his lifetime, he                           system. In the cause of the struggle,
Dimas Garba & Dr. Isaac I. Akuva                                     CUJPIA (2020) 8(1) 49-64
he displayed a rare leadership style,              manipulate the desperate poor, and
which are not only revered in Africa               those put in place to manage
alone but in the entire global                     institution of the state. These
community. The objective of the                    consequently undermine African’s
paper is to discuss some of the                    potentials for development.
prominent leadership styles of Nelson              The significance of the study is that,
Mandela, both as a revolutionary                   by exposing Mandela’s lifestyles, the
leader and as the President of South               present and future African political
Africa; as a model for leadership in               leaders may have reasons to learn to
Africa. These are very crucial for                 adopt and correct the ills of political
overcoming undue craving for                       leadership that has bedevilled the
political power, bad leadership and                continent since her independence
poor development on the continent of               from colonialism, especially the
Africa.                                            problem of seat-tight leadership.
This study contributes to the extant               The following parts of the paper
literature on leadership challenge in              discuss the conceptual definitions,
contemporary African. by arguing that              theoretical framework, the historical
African leaders, particularly the                  background of Nelson Mandela, his
contemporary ones crave for political              lifestyles and the lessons for the
power insatiably and are ever willing              contemporary        African   Leaders.
to remain in authority power                       Following these, it will provide
perpetually as if there are no others              relevant recommendations towards
fellow citizens who are capable of                 improving African leadership.
leadership. It argues that, in the quest           Theoretical framework
for attaining or retaining the political           There are numerous theories that are
power, many African leaders have                   often used to analyse leadership,
sought to alter or bastardize the laws             including       political   leadership,
of the state such as the constitution or           prominent among which are the great
electoral laws that brought them into              man theory, trait theory, behavioural
power; or by causing divisions among               theory, contingency theory, situational
the people, as well as social and                  theory     etc.    (Bolden,   Gosling,
political tensions and instabilities.              Marturano and Dennison 2003;
Such leaders care more about their                 Nanjundeswaraswamy and Swammy
personal interest, which is self-                  2014). In this paper however, the
enrichment rather that promoting the               Leadership Style Theory is chosen
interest of the general population,                because it is considered more
which was why they were elected as                 appropriate in explaining Nelson
leaders. The quest for power has made              Mandela leadership style as a model
some leaders to become very corrupt                for African leaders.
as they immerse much wealth for                    The Leadership Style Theory, also
themselves and use same to buy in                  referred to as behavioural theory
their ways or retain political power               opposes Trait theory of leadership,
positions. They use of wealth to                   which assumes that leaders are born
Dimas Garba & Dr. Isaac I. Akuva                                      CUJPIA (2020) 8(1) 49-64
rather than made, and that leaders are             democratic leadership styles. Laissez
more likely to be effective when they              faire leadership style is a style in
possess certain traits (qualities) which           which leaders encourage their subjects
are inherited rather than acquired. The            to participate in decision-making and
Style theory argues that, it is not what           leadership process but without close
qualities leaders inherit but what they            supervision (Foster 2002; Robbins
do (i.e. their behaviours) that                    and Decenzo 2004; Woods, 2010;
determines whether they are good and               Nanjundeswaraswamy and Swammy
effective at leading or not.                       2014).
The theory is a product of different               Most African leaders, even though
studies conducted in Ohio State                    democracies tend to display tendency
University, Michigan University and                for autocratic leadership instead of
the Blake and Mouton Managerial                    these democratic leadership styles
Grid (Foster 2002; Woods, 2010). The               because of their attitudes of craving
proponents of the theory hold that                 for political power and unwillingness
leadership qualities can be acquired               to relinquish it as at when due, lack of
through learning and observation, and              tolerance for opposition, public
not necessarily inherited at birth.                opinion, disregard for the interest of
There are three main leadership styles             their subjects among others. These
identified by this theory, which are:              leaders reflect less democratic style;
Autocratic Style/ Authoritarian Style              talk less of laisses fairs style. On the
of Leadership; Democratic Style or                 contrary      however,        Mandela’s
participatory Style of Leadership; and             leadership combines the democratic
Laisses faire Style or Delegative Style            style, laissez faire styles except for
of Leadership. Autocratic leadership               autocratic style. He also demonstrated
style is the style by which leaders are            the mastery of situational and
too conscious of their power and                   contingent leadership style. Mandela
position. Autocratic leaders have less             has demonstrated capacity to place the
regards for the opinion of their                   interest of his people above his
subjects. They take most of the                    personal interest in the fight against
decisions without consulting their                 apartheid and has encouraged
subjects and demonstrate less                      collective leadership through his
tolerance for opposition and they have             philosophy of leading from behind by
suppressive tendency. Democratic                   giving his followers the chance to
leadership style is the style by which             participate in the leadership process.
leaders put the interest of their                  Thus, he was also able to promote
followers above personal interest.                 trust, confidence and commitment of
This style of leadership also                      his population.
encourages participation of subjects in            Why Nelson Mandela’s Leadership
decision-making and the leading                    Styles Should serve as a Model for
process. Choi (2007) identified                    Africa Leaders
Sacrifice,     Courage,      symbolism,            The leadership styles of Nelson
Participation, and Vision as good                  Mandela which was manifest in
Dimas Garba & Dr. Isaac I. Akuva                                      CUJPIA (2020) 8(1) 49-64
Selflessness          Vision         and           The leadership styles Mandela has left
Determination,       Politics    without           behind are great legacies that can
bitterness:       Forgiveness         and          serve as a model for other African
reconciliation, Participation: Leading             leaders to apply. It is hoped that when
from Behind, Symbolism and                         they apply these leadership styles,
Willingness to Quit Political Power at             there will be better leadership in the
the Right Time; are highly considered              continent and good governance, peace
in this paper as model for African                 and stability will improve greatly.
leaders because these styles are                   3. Brief Biography of Nelson
compatible with democratic practices,              Mandela
good governance and political                      Both in his lifetime and after his
stability, which most African leaders              death, Mandela has been recognized
lack or fail to portray.                           and described in different ways as a
Most contemporary African leaders                  man of good virtues and high repute.
are democratic but lot of them have                He was an African Nationalist
resorted to insatiable craving for                 (Lodge,        2006),      anti-apartheid
power, and unwillingness to hand                   revolutionary, Socialist (Smith, 2010),
over political power as at when due,               Liberal African Nationalist-decolonial
disregard for the good of followers,               humanist (Ndlovu-Gatshen, 2014),
which have resulted to poor                        Freedom Fighter, the father of the
governance, lack of transparency,                  nation, Icon of democracy and social
corruption,      political    instability,         justice, advocate of social justice, a
insecurity, among others. As a result,             politician, a lawyer, a peace lover, the
Africa has witnessed and still having              architect of modern South Africa, the
some of the oldest and longest serving             first democratically elected black
presidents or Heads of State, some of              South       African      President,     a
which have stayed in office for as                 philanthropist and a hero not only to
long as 14 - 44 years and have been                the black race but to the world at
seeking re-elections which is unlike               large. Mandela won hundreds of
the philosophy of Mandela. For                     prices globally, key among which was
example, President Paul Biya of                    the Nobel Peace Prize (BBC News,
Cameroon (44 years), Teodoro                       2013).
Obiang Nguema of Equatorial Guinea                 Nelson Mandela was born in 18
(40 years), Dennis Sassou-Nguesso of               January 1918 in Mvezo, Umtata in
Republic of Congo (35 years), Yoweri               present day South Africa. He was a
Museveni of Uganda (33 years), Idriss              descendent of the Thembu Royal
Derby of Chad (29 years), Paul                     family because Ngubengcuka, his
Kagame of Rwanda (28 years), Isaias                great-grand father was the King of
Afewerki of Eritrea (27 years), Ismail             Thembu. His father, Gadla Henry
Omar Guelleh of Djibouti (20 years)                Mphakanyiswa Mandela (1880-1928),
Hage Geingob of Namibia (19 Years)                 served as a local Chief and a
and Faure Gnassingbe of Togo (14                   councillor to the King of Thembu
years), (Nyanchama 2020).                          from 1915 to 1926. Gadla had four
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wives, the third of which was                      complete his degree programme.
Mandela’s mother. He also had                      After, Mandela enrolled again for a
thirteen children, nine out of which               BA degree at the University of South
were females and the other four were               Africa, which he completed in 1943.
male, which include Mandela.                       He went further to study law at the
Mandela was nine years old when his                University of Witwatersrand. There,
father died, and he was taken to the               Mandela faced racial discrimination
royal family by his to mother, where               being that he was the only black
he was raised at his early childhood               African student in the school. In
under the guardianship of regent chief             August 1943, he also participated in a
Jongintaba Dalindyebo. There he got                successful boycott in protest for of
exposed to the Thembu customs and                  hike in bus fare, for which the
strength of black leadership that                  students     demanded        reduction.
shaped his thinking and struggle,                  Thereafter, Mandela worked as a
after. The names Rolihlahla and                    lawyer in Johannesburg before
Madiba, also known as Mandela’s                    engaging in anti-colonial movement
names, were Xhosa names. The                       (Mandela, 1994; Meredith, 2010;
former means troublemaker while the                Sampson, 2011; Smith, 2010).
latter is a mere can name (Boehmer,                Mandela died at Johannesburg,
2008; Mandela, 1944; Meredith,                     Gauteng South Africa on 5 December
2010; Sampson, 2011; Smith, 2010).                 2013, at the age of 95, as a result of a
Nelson Mandela had three wives,                    prolonged respiratory infection. His
namely Evelyn, Winnie and Graça                    death received official announcement
(Meredith, 2010; Smith, 2010;                      of South African President, Jacob
Sampson, 2011).                                    Zuma in the National TV where he
Mandela was enrolled into Baptist                  said, ‘Our nation has lost its greatest
Methodist school in 1933 by his                    son’ (BBC News, 2013).
mother. The school was mostly                      Factors that shaped the Leadership
attended by student from Thembu. It                Styles of Nelson Mandela
was in that school that Mandela got                As philosophies are shaped by
the English name Nelson, from his                  specific circumstances of the time
teacher. In 1937, he also attended the             they evolve. The leadership styles of
Methodist College at Forte Beautfort,              Nelson Mandela were shaped by
Healdton.     Later,     he    attended            several factors and circumstances,
University of Forte Hare, for a BA                 some of which include; his early
degree but towards the end of the first            upbringing, colonialism/ Apartheid in
year, he was suspended along other                 South Africa, political struggle, prison
students for participating in a boycott            experience, ethics and morality, the
organized      by      the     Students            influence     of     some      political
Representative Council (SRC) in                    philosophers like of Gandhi and
protest hike poor quality of food                  Nehru, Lembede, Moses, Marxist
served to the student. Mandela left                Socialism,    Communism,         among
without completing returning to                    others.
Dimas Garba & Dr. Isaac I. Akuva                                     CUJPIA (2020) 8(1) 49-64
a. Early Upbringing                                massive oppression and sharp
Although, Mandela did not spend                    inequality from the white population
much time with his father as a result              and in all social, political and
of his early death, according to                   economics spheres of life. The
Mandela, he inherited from his father,             apartheid system was abolished when
his ‘proud rebelliousness’ and                     a new democratic government under
‘stubborn sense of fairness’ (Mandela,             President F. W. de Klerk assumed
1994, p.20). He also learnt much                   power in 1991 (Mandela, 1994;
about the strength of African                      Meredith, 2010; Sampson, 2011;
leadership in his early stay at the royal          Smith, 2010).
family at Thembu.                                  Some prominent examples of the
b. Colonialism/ Apartheid in South                 apartheid laws include the Population
Africa:\                                           Registration Act of 1950- this Act
Apartheid was a system of minority                 classified South Africans population
white domination over the majority                 according to biological races i.e.
black in South Africa, characterized               white, coloured, Asian or mixed
by     racial    discrimination       and          colour. Under this Act, South Africa
segregation in favour of the white                 population were registered based on
coloured population against the black              their racial identities. Another one is
coloured population South Africans.                the Separate development policy i.e.
Apartheid      started      with      the          the ‘Promotion of Bantu Self-
introduction of a Land Act in 1913,                Government Act of 1959) introduced
some years after South African                     by Dr. Hendrick Verwoerd, the then
independence. The Act restricted                   South Africa Prime Minister. With
black Africans access to certain land              this policy, blacks Africans were
areas and confined them to specific                forcefully relocated to separate
reserved (Feinberg, 1993; Beinart,                 settlements known as Bantu Homes
2014). However, the apartheid system               (Balwin,      1978;      Encyclopaedia
was institutionalized by the African               Britannica, 2020).
National Party-led government (also                Prominent examples of sharp
known as the all-white government)                 inequalities suffered by the black
which came into power in Republic of               South Africans included prohibition
South Africa in 1948. During its                   of the blacks from the utility of same
campaign, the party used the slogan                social facilities such that public
‘Apartheid’         which          meant           schools, toilets, residential areas, as
separateness. The party meant to                   they were categorized along white
create separation between the white                versus black zones; marriages were
and the black. Upon coming to power,               prohibited between the black and
the government made some legislation               white, among others.
that gave the apartheid system, not
only a political basis but also a legal            Marxist          Socialism         and
                                                   Communism:            Mandela      was
backing. Under apartheid, the black
                                                   influenced by Marxist Socialist
South African population suffered
                                                   philosophy i.e. scientific socialism
Dimas Garba & Dr. Isaac I. Akuva                                      CUJPIA (2020) 8(1) 49-64
and communism. In his revolutionary                his exposure to Communist support
movement,        he     went      against          for national liberation wars etc.
capitalism, private ownership of land.             Theses exposures influenced Mandela
Instead, he advocated for the                      to change his mind and embrace the
established a complete classless                   Philosophy of Karl Marx (Mandela,
society. However, at different                     1994; Lodge, 2006; Meredith, 2010;
instances, he denied being a                       The Economist, 2013). On this
communist (The Economist, 2013),                   development, Mandela confessed that
including during his trial for treason,            he ‘found (himself) drown into the
in his interaction with the media and              (idea) of classless society, which to
in his autobiography (Ellis, 2016).                (his) mind was a similar to traditional
Initially, Mandela was more inclined               African culture where life was shared
to an Africanist anti-colonialism and              and communal’ (Mandela, 1994,
anti-apartheid approach, as against a              p.172).
united front or multi-racial approach,             d. Political Struggle against
a position held by his ANC associate,              Colonialism and Apartheid:
Lembede with whom they co-founded                  Mandela started participating in anti-
the ANC Youth League. In March                     colonial and African nationalist
1950, Africans, Communists activists               politics when he worked as a layer in
and Indians organized a multi-racial               Johannesburg. There he became a
convention titled ‘Defend Free Speech              member of the African National
Convention’ in which they called for a             Congress (ANC) in 1943 whose name
May Day General Strike to protest                  was Anton Lembede. Lembede was
racial discrimination under the                    an     anti-colonialist   and      anti-
apartheid system. However, Mandela                 imperialist, who influenced Mandela
kept away from the strike because he               profoundly. Together, they co-
was not comfortable with the multi-                founded the ANC Youth League
racial or joint front approach. The                (ANCYL) in 1944. Lembede became
strike resulted to the arrests of several          the President while Mandela served as
participants as well as the formulation            an executive committee member.
of the Suppression of Communist Act                Later, Mandela became the President
1950 by the apartheid government. In               of the Transvaal branch of the ANC in
December 1951, Mandela opposed the                 1951 (Mandela, 1944; Meredith 2010;
multi-racial approach at the ANC                   Sampson, 2011).
National Conference, but the majority              In 1948, when the white-only
voted against his stance (Mandela,                 government introduced the apartheid
1944; Smith, 2010; Sampson, 2011).                 system, Mandela and ANC resolved
Mandela’s position begun to change                 to fight the government until they
when he became exposed to the ideas                overthrew it and end the racial
of Karl Marx, Vladimir Lenin, Moa                  discrimination. Influenced by the
Zedong, among others through much                  ideas of Mahma Ghandi of India,
readings; coupled with the influence               Mandela embraced the idea of non-
of his friends like Moses Kotane, and              violent resistance. The ANC, the
Dimas Garba & Dr. Isaac I. Akuva                                        CUJPIA (2020) 8(1) 49-64
Communist Groups and the Indians                   for racial civil war in South Africa
organized     a   joint    non-violent             which prompted his release by the
resistance campaign against apartheid.             F.W. de Klerk-led government.
Madela mobilized about 10,000                      Mandela gained back his freedom
people on 22 June 1952, but he was                 from the prison in 1990. Klerk went
arrested (Madela, 1994, p.183-188;                 into negotiations with Mandela on the
Lodge, 2006, p.52-53). Due to the                  need to end apartheid, the outcome of
arrest, the number of participants                 which was the agreement to hold a
increased from 20,000 to 100,000. In               multiracial general election in 1994.
response, the government introduce                 Mandela contested in the election and
the Public Safety Act of 1953 to allow             won with decisive victory. He became
for the application of Marshal Law.                the first black South African President
Also, the government banned the                    of South Africa in 1994 and served
Transvaal ANC President from                       until 1999. As President, Mandela
appearing in public, as a result                   focused on reconciling between racial
Mandela was elected as the next                    groups, leading to the formation of the
president to replace him (Mandela,                 Truth         and        Reconciliation
1944; Meredith, 2010; Sampson,                     Commission, headed by Desmond
2011).                                             Tutu. He also became committed to
Mandela joined the South African                   fighting racial segregation and social
Communist Party, though secretly and               injustice in all forms; combating
engineered a sabotage campaign to                  poverty, land reforms, improving
bring down apartheid. For that                     health care services, among others
purpose, he co-founded the militant                (Mandela, 1994; Sampson, 2011).
organization called Unkhonto we                    Nelson Mandela’s Leadership
Sizwe (The Spear of the Nation in                  Styles as a Pattern for African
1961). The group was created as part               leaders
of the effort to change strategy                   Mandela has left good legacies of
because a peaceful approach was no                 good leadership styles which African
longer effective in influencing                    leaders can learn from to correct the
government action to end the racial                ills of bad leadership on the continent.
discrimination.                                    A statement by the former Cuban
In 1962, Mandela was arrested and                  former President, Fidel Castro, lays
tried in Rivonian for conspiracy to                credence to this assertion where he
overthrow the state. The international             says that;
community condemned his trial and                      If one wanted an example of an
called for his release, including the                  absolute upright man, that man,
World Peace Council, the United                        that example would be Mandela.
                                                       If one wanted an example of an
Nations, among others. He was
                                                       unshakable firm, courageous,
sentenced to life imprisonment, and                    heroic, calm, intelligent, and
he was detained in prison for 27 years.                capable man, that man and that
His prolonged detention created an                     example would be Mandela. I
atmosphere of serious tension and fear                 did not just reach this conclusion
Dimas Garba & Dr. Isaac I. Akuva                                        CUJPIA (2020) 8(1) 49-64
   after having met him in person ...              Blair, the former British Primes
   I have though this for many                     minister said that Mandela had:
   years. I identify him as one of                     a very clear vision before he left
   the most extra-ordinary symbols                     prison that his mission was to unite
   of this era (Boehmer, 2008, p.2).                   his country and not simply to
To start with, it is pertinent to note                 dismiss apartheid. And that
that, there is no single written single                political skill that he had is what
book that contains all the lifestyles of               people don’t get about him. He
Mandela per se. However, this paper                    was a masterful politician (BBC
                                                       News, 2013).
made a great effort by reading through
                                                   However, his visionary leadership
the insightful writings of Mandela, his
                                                   style, Mandela distinguished himself
various speeches, attitude and
                                                   among African leaders through
responses to the circumstances he
                                                   selfless services and sacrifice for his
found himself in the cause of his
                                                   own people. In in his Nobel Award
political struggles against colonialism
                                                   Ceremony Speech, he wrote that:
and racial domination under the
                                                       we devote what remains of our
apartheid system in South Africa. In                   lives to the use of our country’s
this paper, we considered the                          unique and painful experience to
following leadership styles of Nelson                  demonstrate in practice that the
Mandela as good models other                           normal condition for human
African leaders can learn from i.e.                    existence is democracy, justice,
Selflessness         Vision         and                peace, non-racism, non-sexism,
Determination,      Politics    without                prosperity for everyone, a healthy
bitterness:       Forgiveness       and                environment and equality and
Reconciliation, Participation: Leading                 solidarity among the people (Ali-
                                                       Dinar, 1993).
from Behind, Symbolism and
                                                   From the above quotation, it is clear
Willingness to Quit Political Power at
                                                   that Mandela had a clear vision for his
the Right Time.
                                                   struggle      which    shaped       his
a. Selflessness Vision and                         determination and commitment. More
Determination                                      so, he was never interested in
Mandela believes in uncompromising                 achieving personal gains or taking
vision for the liberation of Black                 credit for his actions but consistent
South       African     from      racial           focused on accomplishing the greater
discrimination      under     apartheid            vision he had for his people. Even
regime. In the words of Prof. Anders               when      situations    offer     such
Hallengren of the Department of                    opportunities, he did not compromise
History of Literature and History of               his vision for South Africa for any
Ideas at University of Stockholm,                  personal benefit. For example, when
‘Mandela forged a vision of humanity               he was charged in Rivonia in Pretoria
that encompasses all peoples and that              Supreme Court, for conspiracy and
sets the hallmark for the rest of the              sabotage to overthrow the South
world’ (Hallengren (1999). Also,                   African      apartheid    government,
while describing Mandela, Tony                     Mandela said he was prepared to die
Dimas Garba & Dr. Isaac I. Akuva                                     CUJPIA (2020) 8(1) 49-64
if that would eliminate discrimination             questioned the kind of freedom he
against the black Africans (Meredith,              was to be given. He asked, ‘what
2010; Sampson, 2011). He stated that               freedom am I being offered while the
that                                               organization of the people [ANC]
     During my lifetime, I have                    remains banned? Only free men can
     dedicated myself to the struggle              negotiate a prisoner cannot enter into
     of the African people. I have                 contract’ (Lodge, 2006, p.157). Later,
     fought against white domination,              Mandela and other ANC prisoners
     and I have fought against black
                                                   were offered release from prison and
     domination. I have cherished the
     idea of a democratic and free                 legal recognition for the existence of
     society in which all persons live             the ANC, on the condition that they
     together in harmony and with                  must not insist on majority rule, break
     equal opportunities. It is an ideal           away from communist party, and
     in which I hope to live for and to            denounce violence. Yet, Mandela
     achieve. But, if needs be, it is an           maintained his already known
     ideal for which I am prepared to              position and only guaranteed that they
     die (Brink, 1998; Nelson                      can only renounce violence if the
     Mandela, Foundation 2018).                    government renounces same against
Mandela did not allow his                          the black South Africans (Lodge,
Ngubengcuka          royal       family            2006).
membership status to drop his fight
against discrimination against the                 Mandela maintained determination
black Africans.                                    and resoluteness in the pursuit of his
While in prison, Mandela was elected               vision but was dynamic in his
as the prisoner’s representative and he            approach and strategy. For example,
used that position to fight for the                he strongly believed in democracy
improvement of the welfare of black                and majority rule. He respected the
African prisoners. As a result of his              idea of collective action and equality
efforts, by 1967, the prisoners had                of people, justice and justice
their conditions improved, and were                irrespective of racial differences.
allowed to wear long trousers,                     However, to make leadership
participate in games and have better               effective, he also believes that there
quality food to eat (Meredith, 2010;               are times when a leader needs to take
Sampson, 2011). Mandela was earlier                decisive decision or action even
granted permission to wear long                    without having to consult with
trousers, but he refused to accept the             followers in order to achieve a desired
preferential treatment because the                 objective for the general good
other prisoners were not extended                  (Suttner, 2007). During his anti-
same privileges (The Economist,                    colonial struggle and after, Mandela
2013).                                             changed strategies from non-violent
                                                   resistance to violent resistance,
Again, while still in prison, Mandela              negotiation,     reconciliation     and
was offered a condition for release                forgiveness.
from the prison in 1985, he declined
to accept the conditions and
Dimas Garba & Dr. Isaac I. Akuva                                      CUJPIA (2020) 8(1) 49-64
The Economist (2013) explains that                 could be fostered in society. Hence,
Mandela’s switch of strategy to                    leaders must learn to forgive each
guerrilla struggle was not motivated               other in order to achieve a common
by any selfish desire to take power by             goal. After his release from the prison,
force or to instigate needless violence.           and upon becoming the president,
At first, he was more favourable with              Mandela demonstrated this rare
sabotage to avoid direct attack on                 attitude. Although, he was oppressed,
people and casualties but reluctantly              injured and humiliated but after the 27
did so because it was apparent that the            years of imprisonment, he sought for
extent of repression by the                        reconciliation     rather   than     the
government would not guarantee                     retaliation of the ill treatment
successful change if matched with                  perpetrated by apartheid against his
peaceful struggle. It states that:                 black fellows or himself. He met with
   When he came to accept the                      his former oppressors, offered his
   principle of armed struggle, his                personal forgiveness, and reconciled
   strategy was not to seize power                 with them, instead of taking
   by force but rather to make the                 vengeance. According to Mandela,
   government      negotiate.   And                ‘Courageous people do not fear
   when, in turn the government                    forgiveness, for the sake of peace’
   eventually yielded, Mr. Mandela
                                                   (Meredith, 2010, p.523-524). Mandela
   showed neither bitterness nor
   vindictiveness,      but        an              maintained that lack of forgiveness
   astonishing      capacity      for              beclouds the mind and blocks vision
   forgiveness and conciliation (The               for leaders. While responding to a
   Economist, 2013).                               media interview in 2007, he was
Eventually, Mandela opted to                       asked how he was able to keep hatred
negotiation with the apartheid                     in check. Mandela responded by
government. This strategy, with the                saying the ‘Hatred beclouds the mind
help of some other factors helped                  and it gets in the way of strategy.
greatly in bringing an end to the                  Leaders cannot afford to hate’. On
apartheid regime in South Africa.                  this note, even the immediate past
Therefore,     depending    on     the             white president of South Africa,
circumstance that avails itself,                   President, and FW de Klerk described
leadership should be dynamic as long               Mandela as a ‘Unifier’ and a person
as the strategy adopted will help in               with ‘remarkable lack of bitterness’
attaining the general good, and not                (BBC, 2013). After Mandela created
selfish ambitions.                                 the     Truth     and     Reconciliation
b. Forgiveness and reconciliation                  Commission, he says that the
Mandela understood that in politics,               commission ‘had helped us move
conflicts must occur but democratic                away from the past, to concentrate on
politics should be without bitterness.             the present and the future (Meredith,
However, he demonstrated that                      2010, p.563; Sampson, 2011, p.532).
through         forgiveness       and              Mandela set up the Truth and
reconciliation, peace and progress                 Reconciliation       Commission       to
Dimas Garba & Dr. Isaac I. Akuva                                         CUJPIA (2020) 8(1) 49-64
investigate the address human rights                   leadership (Lizza, 2011; CNN
violation that occurred under the                      2008).
apartheid system. If this has helped to            The notion of leading from behind
keep South Africa together, learning               should not however be misunderstood
from Mandela can help contemporary                 as unwillingness to lead or shying
African leaders in creating and                    away from responsibility by Mandela
preserving peace in contemporary                   but imply at least two important facts
among their people. Learning from                  that    can     potentially      improve
Mandla, Koffi Anan the Chairman of                 leadership in Africa. Firstly, it implies
Elders group left a strong message at              collective leadership whereby the
the death of Mandela for African                   leader gives stake or opportunity for
leaders, where he says that:                       others i.e. the nimble, otherwise the
   While I mourn the loss of Africa’s              smartest people to take the lead as the
   most      distinguished     leaders,            leader provides the direction to
   Madiba’s legacy beckons us to                   follow. The nimble may be smart and
   follow his example to strive for                able people, who can help in carrying
   human rights, reconciliation and                out the vision of the leader. By so
   justice for all (BBC, 2013).c.                  doing, the nimble can make their own
c. Participation: Leading from                     contributions      in     moving       of
Behind                                             government in the desired directions.
Mandela demonstrates that leadership               Secondly, it implies tutorship. This
is like shepherding. He believes that              goes to say that, by leading from
leaders should act like shepherds who              behind, the younger generation can be
selects the smartest flocks and put                tested with the task of leading.
them in the front to take the lead,                d. Symbolism
while the sheered stays behind flocks.             Mandela demonstrated that a leader
Through this style, leaders encourage              should a symbol of what he wants the
participation of followers and team                society to achieve. Mandela stood for
work, which is a vital practice in                 equality and justice for all.
democratic leadership. A leader,                   Throughout Mandela’s struggles
Mandela says:                                      against apartheid and leadership of
   ...stays behind the flock letting the           South Africa, he demonstrated that for
   most nimble go out ahead,
                                                   fighting against both black and white
   whereupon the others follow, not
   realizing that all along that they              domination.
   are being directed from behind’                 In an interview with Ophra Winfrey in
   (Eckert and Rweyongoza, 2015,                   2001, Nelson Mandala says that:
   p.2).                                               If there is any significant role that I
Mandela further says that, as a leader:                played, it was that of being a
   It is better to lead from behind and                vessel through which the struggle
   to put others in front, especially                  was presented to the nation and to
   when you celebrate victory when                     the world. The struggle had to
   nice things occur. You take the                     have a symbol for it to be
   front line when there is danger.                    effective. The great men and
   The people will appreciate your                     women of the struggle chose that I
Dimas Garba & Dr. Isaac I. Akuva                                       CUJPIA (2020) 8(1) 49-64
   be that symbol. If this was a good              would definitely have individuals that
   thing, praise must go back to those             can provide credible leadership
   who made the choice (Boehmer,                   behind them, due to the experiences
   2008, p.173).                                   and wisdom they have unto their
e. Willingness to Quit Political                   successors.
Power at the Right Time                            Finally, the end of Mandela was good,
Mandela left a powerful legacy that                cherished and highly celebrated in
leaders must not seek to perpetuate                Africa and the world at large. He was
themselves in power. When his five-                among world leaders who had a sense
year tenure finished in 1999, he quit              of true fulfilment (The Economist,
the stage for others to carry on from              2013) supports this claim as follows:
where he stopped. Despite call from                      Mr. Mandela lived long enough
his fellow people to re-contest and                      to see his work through. That
lead them, Mandela declined.                             gave him his great achievement
In his political struggle, Nelson                        and his story a happy ending.
                                                         And the modern world loves a
believes that leadership is a
                                                         happy hero even more than a
responsibility that cannot be finished                   tragic one (The Economist,
at once. In the long walk to Freedom,                    2013).
where       Mandela      wrote      an
autobiography of himself, he says                  Conclusion and Recommendations
                                                   The paper discusses the leadership
     I have walked that long road to               styles of Nelson Mandela as a model
     freedom. I have tried not to                  for African leaders. Africa has been
     falter; I have made missteps                  going through numerous leadership
     along the way. But I have                     challenges which have persisted and
     discovered the secret that after              there is no credible model that can
     dimpling a great hill, one only               guide the leaders to provide better
     finds that there are many more                leadership for the political stability
     hills to climb. I have taken a                and development of the continent. In
     moment here to rest, to steal a               this paper, we felt that the leadership
     view of the glorious vista that
                                                   style exemplified by the prominent
     surrounds me, to look back on
     the distance I have come. But I               African leader, Nelson Mandela is
     can only rest for a moment, for               lying in waste, and should be revisited
     with        freedom       come                and recommend to African leaders to
     responsibilities, and I dare                  improve leadership on the continent.
     linger, for my long walk is not               Mandela’s leadership styles referred
     yet ended (Boehmer, 2008,                     to in this paper were largely drawn
                                                   from his actions and attitudes
However, Mandela’s style suggests
                                                   displayed in the cause of his struggle
that there may not actually be
                                                   against colonialism and apartheid
unfillable leadership vacuum. This is
                                                   regime in South Africa and while as
because, when leaders put others (i.e.
                                                   the President of the Republic of South
the younger generation in the front
                                                   Africa. Prominent among them are:
line) as they lead from behind, they
Dimas Garba & Dr. Isaac I. Akuva                                      CUJPIA (2020) 8(1) 49-64
selfless vision, leadership from                       2. African leaders should always
behind, forgiveness and reconciliation                    endeavour to train others while
willingness to quit political power as                    in office and prepare them for
at when due, among others are                             future leadership role. Once
recommended as imperatives for good                       they do that, they can always
political leadership, stability, peace,                   lead from behind with the
and development in Africa.                                wealth of their experience and
The      paper    demonstrated      that                  wisdom like Mandela did in
Mandela’s lifestyles have incredibly                      South Africa.
guided him to achieve the vision he                    3. African leaders should lead
had for the freedom of the black race                     with vision, determination and
against oppression in South Africa                        selflessness. They should quit
and to lay a good foundation for                          putting their personal interest
selfless leadership. Although, his                        above that of their fellow
struggle mainly centres on the                            citizens.    Nelson    Mandela
freedom of the black South Africans,                      sacrifices his liberty for the
the lifestyles of Nelson Mandela are                      freedom of South Africans, and
exemplary model for contemporary                          with determination, he earned
African leaders to learn and follow if                    that freedom he desired for
the continent must do away with the                       South African. By applying this
problem of bad leadership and make                        kind of leadership styles,
progress. The paper therefore                             African leaders can overcome
recommends as follows:                                    most      of    the    problems
                                                          bedevilling the continent.
    1. African      leaders      should
                                                       4. African Union (AU) should
       endeavour to quit public office
                                                          immortalize Nelson Mandela
       once they have exhausted their
                                                          with an annual leadership
       tenures, as constitutionally
                                                          summit for African leaders as
       stipulated. Once they do that,
                                                          an avenue to expose them to the
       they will not only allow the
                                                          leadership virtue of Mandela.
       political process of their
                                                       5. The AU should come up with
       respective countries to go
                                                          an award scheme in different
       undistorted, stable, peaceful
                                                          aspects of leadership to be
       and progressive, but they will
                                                          given to deserving African
       also earn good repute from their
                                                          leaders       during       annual
       citizens and Africans like
                                                          leadership summit on Nelson
       Nelson Mandela who until his
       deal, was highly revered even

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